f CIRCTLATION MONDAY 3,001 Copies THK H BATiitt Thiindmhowcrs this afternoon or t?nl*;ht. Cooler tnnlght. We4 nesdii)' fair. Cooler on coaat. VOL. XVI. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY. NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 15, 192G. SIX I'ACKS. NO. 141 , PROMINENT WOMAN AUTO VICTIM Mrs. Charles G. Blades Dies of Injuries After Aecident On Main St. ? Headed toward Postoffice, Ap parently Became Panic Strick w en and'Ran Directly into Path of Approaching Car " ? u Knocked down and run ov-j er by an automobile as she was crossing Main street yes terday afternoon about 5 o'clock, Mrs. Charles G. Blades, of this city, member j of a highly prominent Dela ware family, died this morn log at 7 o'clock at the Elixa-j beth City Hospital as the re sult of her injuries. According to witnesses. Mrs. | Blades undertook to cross the . street from the C. H. Robinson! corner, going In the direction of the postoffice. Prank Wilson, lltlng on West Church street, was headed westwsrdly down Main 4tleet In hla car.' Reaching the middle of the street and observ ing the approaching automobile.1 Mrs. Blsdes stopped momentsrlly. and then suddenly ran directly in to Its psth, apparently having be eotne panic stricken. A front wheel of the automo bile passed over the upper part of Mrs. Blades' body, fracturing n collar bone and cpuslng other In terns/ injuries. Witnesses declared Mr. Wilson was driving slowly, and expressed the opinion that the accident wax unavoidable. IT Mr Blades was hi New York on A. business trib, and efforts by his ^KJther. Dr. L. 8. Blades, te in form him of the accident had been unavailing up to a late hour last night. Mr. and Mrs. Blades moved to this city from Laurel, Delaware, several months ago. Mr. Wilson is In charge of the shoe department of T. T. Turner ft Company, and had left the store accompanied by Mr. Turner and Roland Sawyer, ta attend the baseball game. They were driving Hi>wn Main street at a speed esti mated at not more than ten miles an hour, when Mrs. Blsdes under took to cross. ' When she reached the middle of the street she paused, according to Mr. Sawyer, and then ran In front oT the car. heading diagonally away from It, and so close st hand that Mr. Wllpon was unable to stop. She thretr out her hand as though to ward off the car as It overtook her. and apparently stumbled. The left front wheel of the automobile passed over her body, but Mr. Wilson succeeded In atopplng It before the rear wheel bad gone over her also. The oc cupants of the car dragged her from beneath It. Mrs. Blades was still conscious, and when asked what doctor she wanted, said merely. "Feaflng." Mr. Sawyer quickly ran baA to ward the Carolina Bank Btnldlng In quest of a physician, and met Dr. C. B. Williams, who hurried to the scene of the acatdent. Meanwhile, Mra. Blades' neph ew. Evans Blades, hdA come up. he accompanied the other ^Mimbers of the party in Mr. Wll PKin's automobile to the hospital rVffch the Injured womaf, Several other physicians were arfMpohtd A Sedative wss sdmlnWtBfcd ? to east her suffering. *n Mr. Wilson was prostrated aa a result of the accident today at his home on West Mala street. He Is about 40 yssrs old, sad Is s native of Woodvllle. Perquimans County, having been s son of the Inte J. C. Wilson, known generally aa "John Kltt" Wilson He has been living In Elisabeth City for several years. Mf. Blades waa met by hla neph ew Evans Blades, upon his afriral In Norfolk on ths Washlntton boat this mornlhg, aud then re ceived first word of the sccldent to his wife, earlier sfforts to get In touch with him bav|ng been frult lees. He hurried oat to Elisabeth City with his nephew. The community was stunned to day when the news of Mrs. Blades' death kad apread..and on every hand were heard 'expreesloil* of sympathy, both for the Blades and WlUoa families Additional gloom was catt over the situation by the fact that Mr. Blades' nteee. Mies Margaret Foreman. Is to be mar ried Saturday to Marlon C. Love, of this city, and It was felt that tragedy would Inevitably put Waap *r upon the ceremony. IPmMo her kuehsnd. Mra. Etaiee Is survived by a sister, Mrs. J. C. Rodney, ef New Bern; two brothers, WUI Meore. of New Bern, snd Dr Ernest Moore of Cleans Up V hen Mm Haicrl Bonner (1r*n? i vu? naimd U H eommlaaloncr at . 'ort Tow son. OKI*., lo aucceed her^I luibond, ahe nqtlflrd murln|i Iwr ?rM ?o dnya n ome? has lived up to her word, too. CHOWAN W. M. U. TO , MEET ON THURSDAY The Chowan W. M. U. Associa tion will meet at the First Bap-; tist Church of this city Thursday evening at R o'clock and contlnned In session through Friday after noon. Prominent Baptist workers of the association are on the pro gram. and addresses by Dr. J. R. Baunders. returned missionary from China, will be a special foa ture. The Friday morning session will begin at ten o'clock and din ner will be served at the church at noon, the afternoon session be ginning at 1 : 30. COMPLAINT IS FILED ON FREIGHT RATES Washington. June 15. ? A Joint complaint against freight rate* on i cotton need products and relative I commodities between producing i points in the southwest snd desti ! nations throughout the United !8tates was filed today with the In terstate Commerce Commission by i the Texss and Oklahoma Cotton ^eed Crushers Association. More than 500 railroads were named si I defendants. Gftd Thousand** For Alienated Affection* New York. June 15. ? Mrs. Elsl? ilinman Dula was awarded $100, 000 damages today by the Jury [which had heard her 1250.000 'alienation of affections suit against her mother-in-law. Mrs. [Josephine C. Dula, widow of Ro bert D. Dula. former rice presl Ident of the American Tobacco .Company. CJIVK PLAY TONIGHT The play. "All a Mistake." will bff given tonight at R o'clock at the Weeksvllle High School by the I boys and girls of the Senior B. Y. I P. U. of Berea Church. The [public la cordially Invited. Palm Beaoh. Fla: two nieces. Mrs. | Harold C. Foreman, of Rllsabeth , City, and Mrs. James Brayshaw, l of Farnhurst. Del ; and four neph ews. Carroll. John. Kirk and Charles Rodney, all of New Bern i The body was forwarded I through the country by automo I blip this afternoon to Norfolk, ac companied by Charles O. Blades 'and his brother. Dr. L. A. Blades. | to leave via the N. Y. P A N. Rall iroad tonight for Laurel. Delaware. | ft will be placed In the Methodist I Church at Lavrel to await the ar rival of other members of the fam | lly from this city. New Hern and ] elsewhere.- for funeral services probably Thursday. Burial will be In the family plot in Blshop vllle. Md. All festivities for the week In connection with the Love- Fora men wedding have been railed off ANDY JOHNSON REMEMBERED IN RALEIGH TODAY! Hundred and Two Years I A*o lie Kan Away and j Wan Branded an Fugitive; Later Returned President! OLD HOUSE STANDS And the Shear* He Used in t the Tailor's Shop Are J Now Preserved in the; Hall of History Sir Walter Hole!, RaleJuh. Juno; 16. ? Otre hundred and two yearn j ago tonight, a chubby, tow-head ed. freckled .ad of sixteen slipped out of Raleigh. under cQver of I darkness. In company of his broth jer snd two other companions, all In their teens and went to Laurens. South Carolina. That boy was Andrew Johnson, afterwards sue- 1 cessor to Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States, during what Is termed the "Recon struction Period." He returned | two years later, only to accompany I his motheT and her second hus- J band, his stop-father, to Tennos- 1 see. The family located at Green ville. where Andrew's Journey up- | ward began. When Andrew Johnson. legally j bound out as an apprentice, to James J. Belby, ran away from Ra leigh, June 16. 1824, a price of 910 was placed on his head. In j other words, he was branded in an ( advertisement appearing In the i old Raleigh Star and Gssette of June 16, 1824, as a fugitive from j justice ? one who had played slacker in a moral and legal obll- ! gallon. There is no record, how ever, that anybody ever claimed the reward, as it appears that when he returned to Raleigh two years later, to accompany his fam ily to Tennessee, he did It of his own freo will and accord. nut the next time Johnson vis ited the elty of his birth in 1887. ilt wis aa President of the United 'States. Picture the scene ? throngs cheering the President ? "the President Is In town! ? the same fellow who as a tow-headed, freckled youth, aklpped out by night. I One of Andrew's three compan ions on the night he left Raleigh as a boy. was his brother, Wll Ham. described by Selby, when he advertised for them, as having j"dsrk complexion, hair, eyes and 'hsblts." The names of the other I I wo are nowhere prominently men tioned. They were "Just two ap 1 prentices," hound out under the j old system that went the way of negro slavery, free and unlimited rolnsge of liquor and other things (thst used to be tolerated. '< Relby. the tailor, to whom An drew Johnson was bound, wanted his brother. William, as well an , Andrew, but the wording of the advertisement, as It may be seen In the North Carolina hall of his tory, would Indicate that he val ued Andrew's services more, for he declared he would pay f 10 to anyone who would deliver them both to him, or "for the return of Andrew Johnson." The tailor, in his "ad.M de scribed how these lads were dressed. They wore, he said, light blue homespun, home-made coats snd new hats, with the name of the maker In the crowas. Now. Andrew Johnson #as not an Ingrate. that Is, he did not lack fills! affection. Although his father. Jacob Johnson, died In 1912. he erected a monument to hltn In 1887, while he was Presi dent snd evidently at the first op . portunlty to do so. The monument Is a simple granite affair, iocated In the west side of the old Raleigh Cemetery, and engraved on It Is the fact that Jacob Johnson's death was due to a disease which resulted from his successful ef forts to save a friend's life. Andrew Johnson's father was no piker. In the first place, he f*d been s soldier In the Revolutionary War snd hsd helped the colonies w|n their Independence; and the man whose life he saved was the publisher of the Raleigh Star, who Is quoted by Captain 8. A. Ashe, historian, as having said this: "Although for many years Jacob Johnson had occupied but an hum hie station, he was visited (In his last Illness I by the principal In habltsnts of the elty, by all of whom he was esteemed for his honesty, sobriety. Industry, and his humane, friendly disposition Among all by whom he was known and esteemed none lament ex cept perhaps his own relatives, more than the publisher of his pa per. for he owes his life on a par tlculsr occasion to tne kindness and humanity of Johnson.* That was wrlttaa In till, and In 1887 President Johnson hsd the eauss of his father's death ea grsved oa graalte. Andrew Johnson's aiother. prior to her fnarrlage to his father ta fCfnttliiu^d Ps f e 4 1 He Jumps High Lois White. I)eltll? (he apalla It that way blmnelO ia only a Junior In rchool and hna never ha^ any coach 'nir In hi* event, lie will compete In he National A. A. L*. gnir.fi at Philadelphia during the aumnKi-. Fondness For Eels Brings About Discovery By CHARLR8 I*. HTKWAHT m?i. IM, w TIM Washington. June HL~.? As * ' boy In Denmark. Johannes 1 Schmltte. now Dr. Srhroltte. was very fond of eela ? not as pels but , as food. , He was so fond of thom that he resolved to devote hla life to' a atudy of the eel family. In the course of his Investigations he 'found the answer to a pu*^|e which scientists have been rack*! ; Ing their brains over since man caught his first eel. and we know they were a popular dish as far back as the days of ancient Rome. He found the place where eeh are born and where they die. If they escape helng caught and eat Aanybody who Imagines that this didn't rank as an Important discovery from a scientific stand point knows prociouH little about ? science. Eels had bocn one of the mys teries of the sgen to scientists. The mystery was ? Why did thefe aeem to be no In fant eels? All the eels ever caught, until Dr. Schmltte went fltflilng for them, were pretty well grown up. It didn't staM to reason tbey were I born that way. ? ? ? Well. Dr. Schmltte fished for 'baby eela until he ca?ght som*v He caught a lot. He found their nursery. In fact. It's at the bottom of the Sar gasso Sea. Bo Dr. Schmltte was made an honorary member of the National Academy of 8clenc Confesses Murdering Indians Ernrtt Burkhart. nephew of B. K. Hal?, Ougf cnttla King, ha? confo*iu> bombing the home of W. E. Smith, wealthy Osage Indian, killing limit i and hla wlfa. He did It, ho aaya, at the Instigation of Hale, who la undu Indictment for murder. Two vlewa of Burkhart aro aliown above; be)o*f U ahown the wreckage of the Smith homa. CITY BONDS SELL AT BIG PREMIUMS Ishim* for Walrr Plant, Slrrrl unci Oilier l*nr|K>H r.H Bring 9952,132.69 The* sale of KIICHbeth City 'a re contly authorised 1035,000 bond Issue for various municipal Im prove meni m waa effected Monday afternoon at a calbd meeting of . t ho City Council. The bond* i brought l9SS.ri2.69, this amount .Including a premium of $17, 1 132.60. Thojr arc to hear 5 per cent interest, and were sold at 101.8. The purchaser waa A. T. H?-ll A Company, of Toledo, Ohio. In all eight bidders were repre sented at the naif. the lowrat fig tires being f f? T4 7 , 8 f, K The motley from the Hale of the bnnda will be iim-d In the erection of h new water filtration plant bore. In the construction of additional paved streets. Htid In continuing the ex tension of weter and sewer pipe lines. In progress hero for many ' months. , In the absence of Mayor Mc Cain*, who Ik out of the city on business, I'. C. Cohoon, chairman of the Council, pr?>sldfd at the meeting. At th" Invitation of the Council, representatives of the three local banks were present to sdvlne In the negotiations, Ihoae unending being W. O. Caliber, vice president of the First A Citi zens National Itsnk; CI. R. Little, vice president and cashier of the Carolina Uanklng A Trout Com pany. and W. W. Wood ley, Jr., as sistant cashier of the Savings Hank & Trust Company. NINTH CABINET OF BRIAN!) HAS ENDED 1'arls. June 15.? Aristide n rl - anil's ninth csblnet ha* ended. The minister's resignation was placed In the hands of President l)ou mergue nt 7 o'clock this evening. A communique was Isaueri stating that the cabinet was unanimous In Its decision. The ministers decld ed It wss l?est to give the presi dent full liberty of action. Paris. June 1 5. ? The chamber of deputies by 809 to IIS today se ceded to Premier Brland's re quest for postponement ot debate on interpellation* regarding the flnanciul situation and finance minister Peret's resignation Pari*. June 15. fisoul Pere t resigned today as French minister of finance. The cabinet will me?t this evening to consider th?- situs tlon. PRAYINi; FOR RAIN TO SAVE THE CROPS Charlotte. June lf> Chester. Month Carolina, and ftaatonla. North Carolina, citizens continued today to hold prayer services for rain to save the crops Msny persons fast'd In the Routh Carolina city yesterday hut hsd lost none of their faith be cause showers had not fallen Oaa tonla citlaens are praying each m?rnln* at miM M?rv|?e. STROKE AT HALL GAME IS FATAL Suffering mii H|M?plr?*llr Mmkf Ml lb** hMMflNtll kaiii? Iwrr ymtenUiy aflrrnoon, J. M. Phrlpn, of Rtlrnltm, nhtiiil IW jtjin olfl. ?|(r<| In h t iiljihl Mt 7 ??Min k Mt tin* KlliabHh I 'If y llonpltMl. Mr. 1'hclp* whn |lvrn fln?t hI?I trmtmrnt nt flu* Iwww* IimII |wn-k by l>r. W. A. Prtw, Mini wmn tJikon liurrliilly to tin* lioMpIt mJ when lw fMllfMl to ml Ijr. Mr. I'Im*I|?m wiin m niillvc* of lU'rtlc County, nn<> depart meutallsed. Thrf*4 in the beginners' department wla attend classes from 9 to 11:1$ o'clock each morning. and tho** I* the primary and Junior depart* ments will he on class from 9 o'clock to noon. The work Wilt Include Bible stories, habit and character stories, music, BIM4 memory work, and hand work. There will be supervised play al so, and at least three outlnga dur inu the month, according to Dr. James H. Thayer. paiUor of Black well Memorial Church, who Witt bf principal of the school as a whole, . and Hiiperlntendenl of the department. Knrolluent for the schooHvrtM be conducted at the church aanex Friday afternoon from 4 to i o'clock. When attending the flrat day's classes, all children In the primary and jiinlor department* have been aakod to bring scissor*, a drinking cup. a Bible and e hps of crayons. Mrs. J. H. Thayer, wife of tM pastor, will be In charge of the primary department. She will he assisted by Mrs. Noah Bright. Mrs. John Paul Sawyer. Mra. 0. I?. (la Hop. Mrs. It. H. Prltchard and a group of young girls. The beginners' departmeat will he conducted by a group of young feminine church workers. Includ ing Misses Helen Bright, ' Rath Jones. Catherine Davla and Mary Owen*. Miss Marlon WllllatJirf will be one of several story toll er* in the Junior department. Mm. K. F. Aydletf. Sr., wilt serve as general secretary of th* school. She will be assisted hjr Misses Kvelyn Rogers, Evelyn Prltchard. Kva Senon and Clartao Bunch. Mrs. Cecil Bell will help In the hand work In all depart* A mente, and the staff of pianists will Include Mrs. Noah Bright and Misses Lillian Wilkin*. Katherlao Davis and Helen Wilklns. The rirst dally vacation Bible school here was conducted *t Dlackwell Memorial Church last summer, under the dlrsctloo of I?r Thayer, running for a period of three weks only. Though 'dtle of about 500 schools of the kind la the Southern' Baptist CnnveaUom It waa accorded highly compllaran tar y mention In the church fraV I (cation*. This yoar the school wll run for a stand term of fonr weeks, snd will be standardised thoroughly In other respecta. ac cording to Dr. Thayer. The average attendance daily at last year's >rhoo| wss 111. Dr. Thayer states, explaining that the value of the Instruction and reere a t Ion afforded was shown so con clusively thst there waa *n Insls tent demand that a similar school be conducted this summer The enrollment included children from f a m 1 1 ? representing practically every denomination In the city. ? THOSE WHO RET ON OVERMAN MAY BEGIN COLLECT Itelelgh, June III* Now that ele