VOL. XVI. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY AT 1920. SIX PAGES. NO. 169: MANY EXPECTED FOR PICNIC AT COLERAIN BEACH Modern Woodmen of Am erica lo Play Hoot to Tliouftanda at All-Day Event Set for Thursday MUSIC AND BASEBALL cHinbeth City Boys'1 Band to Give Concert*; Local IVine and Colerain Clash ,in Afternoon f Thouaanda from >11 KortheaalJ ?ta Carolina are expected 10 gath-] er lit Colerain. beach resort on the i waatorn ahore ot Chowan River, I tor festivities Incident to the in-| nual picnic of the Modern Wood men of America, an all-day event Tfcarsday. The speaker of the oc- 1 gHon wilt be M. L. Tremaln, of, Winflton-Saleni, State deputy of the order. Colerain has one of the beat I equipped bathing beaches in this part of the State, and water (.ports : will constitute one of the prlnci-: pal diversions of the day. The' Elisabeth City Boys' Band. 60 strong, will be on hand to provide festive airs for the occasion, and! In the afternoon, Elisabeth City anil Colerain will clash In a base- j tell game which possibly may de- j clde the winner of the second half Of the Carolina League season. Paring the day. there will be mu gtc by a selected male quartet. 4* abundance of barbecue and , other eatables will be served to; the crowd at a nominal price, the ' proceeds to go to charity. Colerain Is the favorite pic nicking spot in Northeastern Car olina, annually being the seen of c number of occasions of the kind. At the Masonic picnic then* last year, It Is estimated that 6,000 to 7,000 people were present. Many raaldents of Elisabeth City, Hert ford and Edenton, with others from Norfolk, Portamouth and elsewhere In Tidewater Virginia, are expected to attand the Mod ern Wood vent Thursday.; the general publto having been In- ' vlted without regard to member ship In the fraternity. Colerain Is about 12 miles north of Edenton, and is resched a ferry from the Chowsn County ire. Special ferry service will maintained, to assure the pic kers arriving promptly at the fdiort throughout the day. TO INVESTIGATE THE CLOSING SMALL BANKS Atlanta, July 20.? A grand Jury In- Fulton superior court today was called upon by Judge G. H. Howard to ascertain the cause of closing of "so many" small banks }n Georgia and to learn why "fall ure of the Bankera Trust Company , has affected so many banks." with this Instruction Judge Howard in his charge to jury add- ( fd "If you find that anyone has violated the law of state and caused or contributed to this un- 1 fortunate result you know your I duty and 1 apprehend you will < C^rlessly perform It." MQVHKRM CLtB MKMRKItN 'AMD CHILDREN ON OtTINd Jtfpmber* of the Mothers Club and rthelr children are asked to m?Otsat the Community House. Fleetwood street, at I: SO Wednes 4ml, afternoon, to go on a picnic toBartlett's Beach. The outing is llnittod to club members and (h^l^chlldren, It la announced. ?carrihh party to WIT WKBTKRN CAROLINA n Ifts trlpa from Eastern to West era North Carolina art something ? On Monday a big bus from ersonvllle arrived In Ells* City to take a party or 20 i the State to visit one of the beautiful sections In the Blue RfVfce. Laurel Park Estates, situ ated three motor minutes from Hettdersonvllle. The arrangements for the trip w*re made by Mrs. J. O. Fearing, and those going were: Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Fearing, J. B. Leigh, T. O. Skinner. Mrs. Louis Sellg, John Perry. B. O. Mercer, Misses Dora 1 gad Lottie Blanchard, R. S. Prlt- , chard. Mrs. F. L. Oarrett, M. L. Davis, and Mre. J. P. Whedbee. all of Elisabeth City; Miss Fior ina Corbell of Sunburn Cspt. J. A. Harris of Winter Park. Flori da; Mrs. A. B. Blanchsrd and Miss I.lllle Barrow of Hertford; Miss Clara Cooper of Baltimore; Claude Halate&d and Mrs. R. It. Brown of Norfolk. Ft'NKRAL CALEB HF.AHS Moyock. Jaly If. ? FVHeral ser vice# for Caleb Bears, who died st his home here Sunday morning, were conducted at Moyock Baptist Church yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. S. G. Iwann. pastor, officiating. The choir aang. The Old Ragged Cross, and God Will Take Care of You. Interment was tin the family cemetery near Pallboarars were: W. T. W. H. Creeftmor*. Brace Lee. Lea. R. ? Flske. S. D. Poy aer. and Floyd Cotter. There were maav floral offerings. "Twos A Gruesome Picture Met Deputy Sheriff's Eyes As Day Began To Dawn And Back of Bloody Murder Is Pathetic Story of W if e So Afraid of Husband That She If as Trying to Make Escape Before Tragedy Occurred Shawboro. July 20. ? A young1 I girl dead on the roadnid?. her head I In a wheel rut filled with her own' .blood and her feet on the edge of another pool of blood where her sweetheart had lain, a shot gun wound an big as a man's flat In (he back of his neck ? that was the gruesome picture that met the eyes of Deputy Sheriff Will Flora as he stood In front of the home of George Waterfleld on Knolls I Island Just as day began to break l Wednesday morning. July 14. I Ten hours earlier George Wa- ( terfleld had viewed the same aper- 1 tacle. At that time beside the i body of Bertha Ansell, the girl, i [had lain William Tatem, feigning ! death. Falling to the ground In' the first place with a flesh wound | where a load from Waterfleld's gun had grazed his left shoulder. Tatem had started to rise when a second load caught him back of the neck. After that he rose no I more until George Waterfleld was out of sight. | The ahootlng was witnessed by ; I Waterfleld's wife, who stood at the time on U?e porch of their ? home with her baby In her arms, j Following the shooting. Waterfleld walked to the porch and kissed ; j the baby. | "Willie ain't dead yet," he said, "but he's going to die," and with that Waterfleld. the automatic ahot gun with which a few mo ments before he had done such deadly execution in hand, stalked past his two victims, going up thei road. He was hardly out of sight when he met Fred Wllklns. aj neighbor. Ijooklng For Another "Fred," said Waterfleld, "I've done murder. I've plied up two In ; the road back yondmr and I'm look ing for another J These are high lights in thfe story of the double shooting on i ! Knotts Island Tuesday of last' week as told by members of the! sheriff's posse who participated In' a search of Knotts Island and the adjacent watera for George Water-! field, now a fugitive from Justice charged with murder. No trace of. | Waterfleld has been found since bloodhounds trailed him to the ? 1 boat landing where his skiff was ' i missing. Many on Knotts Island ; believe that he steered that skiff j Into one of the Innumerable guts ; or creeks that make a network of the Knotts Island marshes, and blew his brains out. A report of a gun was heard on the island that night shortly after Waterfleld was seen for the last time. Others, however, take no stock 1 in the suicide theory and believe | that Waterfleld la either still in hiding In marshes the channels of . I wheh are as familiar to him as are the streets of Elisabeth City to the | iboy who has spent all his life here, i [or else escaped to the Virginia j mainland and will not be appre hended unless he returns to the 'Island or else atrays Into some of his old haunts around Norfolk 'and Is recognised. A hunter by j trade and a skilled marksman. ?Waterfleld has so terrorised Knotts Islsnd that there Is doubt 1 whether a posse could be organ ized to arrest him without some outside leadership if he should be seen there. Wife Fearfully Afraid The wife, whom he Is quoted as saying three hours after the crime j that he would give a million do!-; lara to see with their baby and | klaa goodbye, la with her people In Norfolk. Apparently nobody Is 'more afraid of her husband than lis she. Hidden within the home of 'Cornelius Jones when her hus band, standing in the Jones yard. ' made the foregoing statement, she ' kept out of sight while Jones, fear ing every moment that the baby in 'hiding in the house might cry out 'and betray Its presence, talked I soothingly to Waterfleld. telling | him that Mrs. Waterfleld and her ' baby were not In the Jones home , 'and walking with him the while |out of hearing of the house. In | the distance down the road the two shook hsnds In farewell, and then jit was that Waterfleld expressed I his determination never to be tak-| 'en alive. Mrs. Waterfleld did not I return to her home until she was accompanied to It by Rherlff Flora , and other members of his posse. ! When she did return to It she went out Into the woods at some dls !t?*ice frdm the house and came I back with a suitcase. In which' j were packed clothing for herself 'and her baby. For weeka. she ex plained to the sheriff, she had lived In mortal terror of her hus band, who had threatened to kill her, and had sought to escape from the home. The immediate provocation up on which Waterfleld fired the shots that killed Mlas Bertha An sell and twice wounded Willie Ta tem, wltnessee for the defense will doubt lees contend. If Water field la ever brought to trUI. waa a definite threat from Tatem that (Continued on page 4) "PANDORA" GIVEN ONLY AT NIGHT Malinpe Production of Elaborate Show Canoellril By Batu-hall Board Tlii' play. "Pandora in I.llac . Time.-" to be given In the now high school auditorium here Friday by the Puritan Club, of Norfolk, for the benefit of the Elizabeth City Baseball Association, will be pre sented only In a night perform ance beginning at 8:30 o'clock. It was announced today, the matinee showing previously arranged for J having boen cancelled. Cancellation of the afternoon | show was derided upon on account I of the baseball game to be played I between Elizabeth City and Kden-| ton here Friday afternoon. In con nection with which a number of special stunts are planned. It was feared that the show might con flict with the ball game, or vice versa. "Pandora In Lilac Tlmp" will be given by a cast said to number 1160 persons. It Is declared to be one of tho most elaborate produc tions of the kind ever given In this part of the country, and Is awalt |ed with high anticipation by Eliz abeth City theatergoers. PUBI.IC. AND PRESS EXCLUDED AT TRIAL StatesvlUe. July 20. ? The pub lic and news reporters were ex cluded when the church trial of Rev. Asheley Chappell of Aahevllle of the Methodlat Episcopal Church, south, western conference of North Carolina. In explaining the executive ses sion of the court. Doctor F. J. Pret tyman, chairman of the hearing, declared that In closing the doors to the public, the court was follow- ! Ing the custom and rule of thu , church in such matters. StatesvlUe, July 20.? Dr. Ash I ley Chappel. pastor of Central Methodist Episcopal Church. I South, of Asherllle, went on trial hero today before an ecclesiastical court of 13 members, charged with gross Immorality growing out of a police raid while the pastor wan attending the general church con ference at Memphis. TAX CAHBH TRIED Charged with failure to list their taxes, James Whedbee and j K. Basnight. both colored, were required to pay tbe taxes and costa after a hearing in recorder's court Tuesday morning. Hunters Slay Bear And Capture Cubs After Battle Indignant nvnr repeated depre dations on their young pigs, fatten Ing for fall slaughter. ami on their fields of "roasting ear" corn, two [veteran Pasquotank County bean j hunters went out Tuesday morning at sunrise, and exacted toll of Bruin In a reprisal whi?-h netted them a mother hear, slain In a : treetop, and her two young cubs, captured alive after a fierce strug gle. The hear hunters wore Caleb ' Ives and Raymond Prltchard, Mr 'Ing iu the Providence community, about throe miles from this city. With their pack of bear hounds, they fared forth bright and early, making thdi way Into ih>> fast nesses o I the old Terr> Farm, now a part oi the Foreman Stock Farms, on the southerly rim of the Great Dismal Swamp, j It wasn't long before the dogs i took the trail of Bruin. After miles of pursuit, a .she bear and her two cubs were overtaken. Un able to outdistance their pursuers, .the three hears had climbed trees and were snarling angrily down ! at the harking hounds when the two hunters arrived. Quick!) sizing up the situation, the hunters shot the old bear to | death, and she dropped to the ground. They then centered their 'attention upon the cubs, finally 'succeeding in shaking them out of 'the two trees which they had jelimbed. The little fellows gave hunters and dogs a merry battl* before they flnaly were subdued. Loading the trophies of thelf ? hunt Into a liorsecart, Messrs. Ivei and Prltchard made their way to i the home of Miles Brlte. on Ihi | Stale Highway from this city lo I Hertford, and there they skinned the dead hear. The word spread .quickly, and in an hour or so 'nearly a hundred people had gath lered at the Brl?e home to view the bears. The hunters later cut up the hear, and distributed the meat among neighbors, giving several a Ibear paw apiece to nail up on thalr posts .48 harbingers nf rnftA leek. The three members of the Bruin family upon whom the foregoing ill luck descended are of the spe-1 cles known as "hog bears" from their predilection for young and tender swine. The old bear Is said to have been one of the largest 'killed In this section In recent1 J years. The two cubs are of about I | the size of average pups at the age Jof four or five months. < This Is the season of the year] In which farmers living close to| the fathomless depths of the (.real | Dismal Swamp are troubled most by the visitations of bears. The1 unwelcome visitors are especially! fond of honey, and have an annoy- , ing way of wrecking bee hlvon un- ] ceremoniously to obtain It. Young j , pigs fare badly also, and tender! 'corn Juit beginning to harden on [the cob comes In for esperlal con- 1 slderat Ion from Bruin. The two boar hunters say they, I are going out again with their! I bounds In the next few dayB. ELIZABETH CITY BEHIND OTHERS IN MILK LAWS TtM'iltYHHic Miniiri|?;ilit i?*> ill State of Popula tion uiul Over Eiilorre Standard Ordinance SMAIJJttt r.ITIES ALSO Five To* ii* of In ,'J.. , "iHHI IVopIr iii ll;tlifa\ 1 County AIhiic Have \dop ted lt<?giilalory Measure KUzabeth Clly Ih conspicuously ; missing from a ll:;( of 21 ciIh-h ?? .North Carolina having a popula tion of ft, 000 01 more. which )iiiv<' adopted the standard milk regula lion ordinance recommended bl ithe State Hoard of Health, arcoid itig to a chart recently published. In its essentials, tin* ordinance provides for regular Inspections of all dairies supplying milk to the rity, the inspections to In- con dueled by the city In-allli officer; periodic teats of tin- milk offend for sale; announeeniciit through itho presn at least once each ;;i\ months of the graden ol all milk and cream supplies of tin nidi vldual dairies; and varioiit; :.lritig cut HHiiiiai> regulations govern Ing the dairies. No dair> would 1 he allowed to sell milk except oil (the basis of an unrevoked permit from the city health ofticer. I The milk chart recently pub ! lidhed shows lurtbi-i that niiie ] North Carolina towns with a pup illation of 3,000 to fi.OOO also hav 'adopted the standard milk ordi 'nance as a means of safeguarding '?the health of their citizenship.; | Five towns ol 2. .100 t?:i.000 pop ulation In Halifax County alom i have adopted the ordinance. Among the cities in l liff*" part ol ;the Stat*' In which the- ordinance In In effect nre Washington, f in-envllle. New Hern. Wcldon and Scotland Neck. That In New Hern I also applicH to Craven Couni> as a whole; and the same is true ol Durham and Salisbury. Dr. Zenas Fearing, city health officer, has taken n keen lntere.it In a recent campaign here with a view to adoption of the ordinance j by the City Council. At present, I thin city's milk supply is not sys tematically regulated or inspect ed; and it Is only by the ti*erc> of Providence that Elizabeth City has i been spared a serious epidemic 'front contaminated milk, accord ling to Dr. Fearing. I Dr. H. K. Miller, director of the I bureau of sanitary engineering of I the Rtate Hoard of Health, liar , offered his assistance In correct ing the present situation here with regard to the handling of jmllk, and Ih expected to pay 11 vii.it , ? here In the next few weeks. NO VERDICT REACHED IN THE FKEEMAN CASK Charlotte, July 20. -The Jury I had been out 20 hours at 11:30 I o'clock this morning and no vcr diet wras yet In sight in the case of Mrs. Nellie Freeman, youthful, slayer of her hugband. Mnquwif Aged 16 Faces Lon<{ ft ay In Jail Here IN . -anw, nt|> lU n |f win, hllI1 ? |ll(lkH ^ mm! ,7" K,u""'" ???? '???>. ??i >. "Iti-.| riui.iiii it, jfll] |M, wl|( "? trlnl it, Su}t,<rjor ..ur: ?u ,!,,rr """???'"?oakli.K aI?, '* r?l?'tV.-? h.,V,. .In,. I i<it. Mill,,- lh.. I h , '? . hii-r m V 1. sl;" ,ur,l"'r ???? ? Irl-I | V. "1' f-r mm, ii. ?r?K|'o.l lv,. f.,ur ah owunl I., (i,,, i,.,. , : ? > ???In """ .li.'vZuu'h""1 ? V'"'" S' '",v """ navn, ?; vZZii'z?"* ??' -??;v .''"'.r, ,'ri;r """ ?i'?n i.i. . . ? , "" 'l?r C?ur,. *111 li. t'mii iii ,| | ,.,| . a r??, ";;,,,,,jr ?" tur .?",l"?r|,,s a?|,?r,-i,lly |ll r I'-nrtliiK lb, I,. ,TCr-,. "???'? - I'Ksni v ro couv <.'IIAIM EK CKAM-'OItU ,1. . .J*!* J* "" '""llrallon ,,f tranforrt ? ill K? ?? 14 ?? IN; rlwr*,,. j Radio Program Stirs Pride And Longing For Home In Former Elizabeth Citians Lawn Party Brings In Tidy Amount For Baseball Hi'lwron $t?5 and $?>" raised for the benefit ?f the Ell* a !???! Ii clt> ba*?ball Irani Monday ii iKlit ni n lawn parly on the courthouse green. In which the Hoys' Hand regaled the crowd In , a concert . ill roc tod liy Leslie Wal dorf. ami refreshments wore served. The affair coiil the base liall association nothing. ?lnc?> ev erything wan donated. A Rood sized crowd attended. For Iho lawn party, the ladles of tho city nave 21 cakes. which were auctioned off diirlnx tho evening. Local merchant* contributed free ly, iho Winckn Icc i"ro?ni Com pany giving ten gallons of ice i r?*am. with the understanding that ton more w?oild be forth coming, if needed. Various others contributed the essential Iiik letilH for 3t? gallons of Iciuotiade. The Elizabeth I'lty Coca Cola Hot 1 1 1 in r Works cave six crates of Co ' c? I'olu. and W. II. Woatlierly & Co . douatod f I" worth of candles. Tile rourthoiise grounds were brluhtly lighted for the occasion, (ienrRo W. Ilallance having dono the wiring free of rhirite. Trait u le Crank. one of this city's moat ordent baseball fans, put In most of the day preparing for the occa hioh by making lemonade and at t ending to various other details. With the presentation of "I'an , dora In Lilac Time" by a company ? of 1 50 from Norfolk ached n led for Friday night, also for the benefit of the haMchall association, the | baseball directors are hopeful that la slightly embaraaslnR deficit will have been wiped out by the end of the week, and that Elzabeth ICIly may ro Into the champlon ! keel, financially. ATTORNEY GENERAL OK | TENNESSEE IS DEAD | Nashville, July 20. ? Frank M. Thompson, aged 6t?. attorney gen eral of Ten n ounce since September 17. 1913 died tills mornliiR follow lug a recent severe heart attack. Kttri'RLICAN MKKTIWi IIKItK TVU'IIHDAY MtlHT Pasquotank Republicans will . bold a lively get-together session at tho courthouse hero Thursday night at X o'clock, when J. C. Meek Ins. of Raleigh. secretary of the State Republican, Executive Committee, will pay a' visit bore, to become acquainted with fellow members of the parly In the city and County, and to assist In fur ther details of organisation In an ticipation of the fall campaign. All Republicans have been invited to attend the session In the court house. I Only ('.oinplaint of Lak? < it \ Man In Tlial J. C. H. KhrinphauH (iol Through 1 1 it* Speech Too Quickly PROGRAM WAS GOOD Mr. and Mr*. A. C. Twiford Congratulate Home Town and Section and Especial ly Chamber of Commerce From 'way down In Sovttl | Clin* comes the following wOrd of congratulation on the radio pro mam by the all-star Elisabeth City, Hertford and Edenton cast last Thursday night over Station WHVA, at Richmond: l^ake City. 8. 0. July 16th. 191#. Editor Dally Advance. i Elizabeth City, N. C. Dear sir; . ?/ jj A few days ago Mr. J. C. Perry, my wife's father, sont us a cbnjr ' ol The Dally Advance In wblfchat& had murkud the account of Mm preparation belnn made by the Elizabeth City Chamber of <$>!? : nterce to broadcast to the iroffift the progress and wonderful poeet ' hilltics of Northeastern North Car* ollna, and especially EllsaMffcfc ' | City, over .Station WHVA, Klafc* I mond, Virginia. We had our radio batteries u> good condition, and even polished the cabinet for the occasion, and were ready before : the hour act waiting to hear the i voices of home folk. After listening to such a One rendition, and realising what It , must have cost, not only In dol* lars and cents, but In time and I energy In arranging so efficiently lovory detail of this program,*.! | could not resist writing to coa?ra* Itulate the people of Elisabeth City and surrounding territory la being so fortunate aa to have a I body of wide awake, talented, pub i lie spirltod and progreaslve ettt faene like thons p? lelpatlnf j the auccoss of this advertising eon* i ture; and a live, progressiva Chamber or Commerce to back 'them. And when any people of an> section of the country loin to gether as did Hertford and Ed euton with Elisabeth City It Is a i good sign that great things will bo accomplished through the leader ship of Its progressive ciilsens. t jam reminded here or this state I meat by Herbert Spencer: "The .man who devotee his energy whol ly to private affalra, refusiag to lake a part in public affairs, plum ; Ing himself on his wisdom In mlndr ing his own business, Is blind to the fact that his own business Is made possible by the prosperity of all." And how true Is that atatOf ment. It would be difficult for me to decide which selection on the enf ! tire program wan the best. Th% program was good, and made good only by the perfect tendering In a masterful wsy of each seleotte*, ' thereby lending color to and blend jlng with the entirety to the auo? cesaful conclusion of this great e( i fort which must Inevitably retoH credit on the civic pride of fcMC j beth City, Hertford snd Edeaton {and the people of Northeastern North Carolina as a who4e, -I would be unpatriotic If 1 did toftt consider the performance of homo folk superior to others, but la commenting here I do so on- the mArlt of their performance iM without prejudloe. The only complaint I have la with J. C. B. He covered the sab* J?*et in his address too quickly, ft , rather It seemed so, for I am one of his admlrera (perhaps without bis knowledge) and had hoped to indulgo In his eloquence for a loager period. I do not have time at thle writ* ing to mention each selection, hut I will say by the time "Just a lit tle Blue (For Youi " was rendered wo were beginning to loa| foe home. Your "Barber Shop Qutr* let," Waldorf's Orchestrs, Mrs.' J. W. Foreman. Dr. and Mra. Mor ton and ths entire troupe would do Justice to New York City, ' ' Mrs. Twlford Joins me la con gratulating you. Slncerly. A. C. TWIFORD. SMOKE MCA UK IN <AF* A smoke scare at the WhltO House Cafe, on East Coloaalift av enue, erstwhile known as the Bow ery. brought out the fire depart ment on the double quick Monday night at about 1 1 . 4B o clock. , The firemen found (hat a stove pipe la the restaurant kitchen had becoin^, Jammed too tightly Inalde the due with the result thst the smoha. was bscklng out Into the klteheft. The trouble was corrected, with out damage. ?<JTTO> MAKKKT New York. July siu. Cotton- fa t ii res opened today at the folHa* f Ing levels: October 17.lt, Dee*** ber 17 10. January 17.11, Mart* 17.32, Maf 17 60 New York. July St.? Spat- Oft* ton closed steady, middling II. BO, an advance of 10 points. Futeree. closing hid: October 17. ft, Deo* ember 17.17. January 17.4#, May THINGS LOOK BAD FOR HER It was Bunny Moore's vanity case that was used to make up the face of the beautiful Myra Heath. Myra had never used cosmetics in all her life, but when she was found murdered she was weirdly beautified with rouge and lip-stick. Also, there was this circumstance ? There was a scene in the Heath home the night of the murder because of Bunny's friendship with Myra's husband If you want to know what Mutiny's fate will be, be sure to get The Daily Advance, Thursday, July 22, and start "The Vanity Case" It's by Carolyn Wells, "The Mistress of Mystery" RUNNY MOORE

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