PLANNING SAVE' FRANCE WITHOUT! A 1 D FOREIGNERS Premier Would Auk No (redit of Foreign Banks and Washington Debt Agreement be Rejected CAPITAL LEVY Consolidation of Floating Debt, and No Inflation | Under Any Circumstance j Whatever, U Present Idea c v Herriot cabinet EXPECTED RESIGN Hirto, July 21. ? Hctui-ofTicUl Aufwy import* tmyn the Herrk* cabinet will resign kn MdklH) After (he rmdliiK of the minLotrrkJ (krUuvtion In fkrlhunent this evening wtth a waiting a vote of the By PAUL SCOTT MOWKKR tcmnm. IIM. ft* m? Mtixt) Paris, July 21. ? Edouard Her rlot'a plan as premier la to save France solely by Interior resources, without foreign aid. No credits! ?Would be asked of Foreign bunks. | The London debt agreement would )fropose a settlement with the United States by arbitration pre ferably before the international Cburt. s There would be a capital levy 1ft France perhaps under some oth er name. for example, "special contribution of wealth." If nec essary there would be enforced consolidation of the floating debt and even conversion to a lower In terest rate of the entire national , debt. There would be no luflatlon nnder any circumstances whatev er. Politically, his aim la "TO fornnr atrictly left government based on ? radicals and the left center, ' socialist ahd communist sup Thus, far there ia no ques- 1 of including Raymond l'oln- . in the combination. M. Her- \ expresses a atrong determina te succeed. The writer's Im pression is that he will succeed In farming a ministry and having a aiftall majority. This however, de pends on whether and to what ex tant the left center consents to collaborate with him. Among those mentioned for the Usance ministry are Mm De Mem ale, Palnleve, Dumesnll and Bon net. Among the other llerrlot ministers probably will be Mm IJa tadier, Chautemps, Renoult, Dura four. Quellle, Oiafferi, Hesse. I>a rlac. Thoumyre Colrat and Ducos. v After the government has been formed the real difficulties will begin. The first are political. It ia uncertain how long a majority thus formed can be maintained. Second comes the exchange sit uation. The franc fell violently to day at the mere prospect of anoth- I ?r government. Most of the peo of France still are confusedly j Ignorant regarding the real mean- 1 tog of the fall of the franc. There ?re no aigna yet of a popular panic bjjt if the fall continues Its present apeed. a panic with grave politi cal consequences Is not impossl ble. , The third factor la the treasury sltuhtlon. The Treaaury In again dry. The government has Insuf flclent funds for current expenses. It ia even rumored that new Infla tion will be necesaary within a week. Heavy obligations must be met. ! both In France and abroad during ?and August. Under these dr-i stance^ It Is easy to say there be no more Inflation but It | Iff Icult to any how It will be avoided. The fourth factor is the capital j levy Itself, Thia form of raising money is known to be unpopular ! ?nd Inherently complicated The enty concrete scheme proposed to ' this end Is that of the socialists. | According to thia scheme, all ex- i latin g bank notes would be re- ! quired to be stamped before a cer- 1 fain date and at the time of their Staftiplng the atate would collect ! ten. per cent of their value from the holders. Wdrkers receiving leae than f If (een hundred franca a year would | he ssempted to the amount of twu month's wagee, but there would he no p|her exceptlona. Ten per cent jrould be collected on all other farm* of wealth. Btocka and hondn Would be required to be stamped JfortKSge hanks would be created far. the payment of the levy on real eeta'" and ownera would be ac i corded ten years In which to pay off these special mortgages. Considering the rigor of all 1 these difficulties, the writer he 1 leves M Herrlot'a success Is like ly to be only temporary. He may ; he succeeded by a govern lA kneed either on National nn Mnr concentration of the right ( ahd center Mr?. R. T. Venters la vleittng ] I. A. N. Waters near Waefcing C. Author of "The Vanity Case" Carolyn Wells has boon eng aK?>d In literary work Hure 1!I00 and has turned out an astounding number of successful stories. Shu has achieved a world-wide rcputa Hon uh a writer of romance, hu mor. and mystery. And now her supreme succeHH, "Tlu- Vanity Cane," will appear In The Dail> Advance, beginning tomoirow (let primed for the Htart and read the first installment. T?iii drift away the Dog-Day Doldrums. BITTEN BY CAT MBS. PRICE MAY TAKE TREATMENT Mrs. J. A. Prlrr, 1(H) Mrldrn street, wan bitten by a rat on her left ankle Tuesdsy evening about nix o'rlo<4 when going up her back door steps and It la feared that the cat wm mad. .H was a tramp eat with tnre* khlnw fh?t came to Mr*. Price's home last spring a ad Mrs. Price had fed. Tldn rat wan badly bitten by ? dog three weeks ago and Iiad never got ten well. Just an Mrs. Price wan going up her door steps yesterday the cat slesed her ankle and burled four teeth In IJh* flesh refusing to let go, un til site beat It off with a chint pan. A colored man panning with a hoe went to Mrs. Prloe'n an nlstanre and killed the rat. Itn head Itan been sent to Kalelgh for analysis and Mm. Prlre In suffering from the nenroun shock snd a |utlnful ankle. If It wan found that the rat was mad nho will take the Pasteur treatment. Mrs. Price's hunband, Kmiicn J. A. Price, IMntrict Coast tiuard Miperlntendent, who wsn on an tnnpertJfm trip of down wund statkrn* when the arrl dent occurred, wan apprised of the accklent by telephone nnd Is expected home Thumdny. GIVEN DAY IN JAII, ON LARCENY CHARGE I Charged with temporary lar ceny of an automobile. Charlie i Alexander, of thin city, about 20 j j yearn old, wan sentenced to 24 1 I hour* in Jail and was required to , | pay the court costs after a hearing i before Trial Justice Sawyer In re corder's court Wednesday morn ing The evidence was that he j borrowed an automobile from C. j D. Ferrell without the letter's ron I sent, and took a trip to Norfolk with It. later returning home. A. R. CJreene, charged with op erating as a peddler without the I required license, was ordered to | procure the license and pay the , court conta. Testimony In the rase was In effect that Greene had been going through the coun try. trading disinfectants for farm produce of various kinds I As the outcome of a fight at the Norfolk Southern passenger I station Tuesday night, in which pop bottles figured us heavy art 11 lery, Willie Johnson and Haymonil Gregory, both colored, werp fined j SB and coats each on a charge of affray. It appeared that Mltlltr I was hurt much in the combat. HOl'THKRN RAILWAY RI'N'M KXII'KMION 1X1 ANHKVIIM The Southern Railway announce that their annual Western North Carolina Recursion to Ashevllle and other Mountain resorts will be operated on Saturday, August T. Kxtremely low rate* are being named with a limit of sixteen days, long enough to take care of the i average summer vacation. Tickets are good on all regular trains and honored In Pullman cars. This is one of the most popular ( (excursion* out of this section dur- , Ing the summer and each year ( Iqalte a number of people take ad-, of tke Sky." JUNIORS MEET AT WEEKSVILLE Sfini- Annual District S?*k HiouK at High School To morrow; Expect Many | The aemi-annuai district meet- . i inr nf.llm IuiiIok flnUr of Uiuted American Mechaulca will be held I .tomorrow In an all-day aesiiion at ; Weeknvllle High School, about I eight mllen south of thin city, with ! 'a business suasion In the morning, a picnic lunch at noon, and a pub- j 11c meeting In the afternoon. I ! Honor guests will Include M. W. | Llncko. of NaHhvllle. N. C.. State ' | Councillor of the order, and B. H. j Pate, of Cary, State representative | to the National Council. For the convenience of those 'who lack meaiiH of transportation, ' buses will leave this city from in front of the Kramer building to-' ! morrow morning at 9:30 o'clock. | The bunlnenn session will begin at 1 ' 10: 0 o'clock. Delegate* and visitors from all j 1 parts of the Twenty-fourth din trlct, Jr. O. |T. A. M., which coin- j prises the northeastern part of the. .State, arft expected to atteud the' j meeting. It In expected that many ! will bring their famlllen. 'COHEN INTIMATES HE COULD TEI J. A LOT New York. July 21.- C.eorge I Cohen of Chicago, arrested today an a nunpect In a 176,000 jewelry i robbery here on Monday, admitted : to the police that he ban knowl edge of crime condltlonn In Chlca go that would be beneficial to the district attorney there. "Do you mean the murder of lAnnlntant Dlntrlct Attorney Mc- j j Swlggen?" he was anekd by the police. "Well, the Chicago dlntrlct at torney will know what I mean," | wan the reply. Releane of Phlllas known ax "(leorge the Oreek" wa* ordered when counnel for the cltj of Pitts- ' burgh Informed the court In an xnwer to the question that .It did not have sufficient evidence against Phlllas on which to detain him longer. SUSPECTED SLAYEK HAS BEEN RELEASED I 1'lttnburgh, July 21. ? Ceorge , P. Chilian. New Kensington. I'enn nylvanla, coffee house proprietor, held on a suspicion* pernon charge In conneetlon with the nlaylng of Don It. M-llett, Canton publisher, wan ordered releaned by Common ! Pleas Judge Jamen H MoParlane ! at the habeas corpun hearing to day. WAREHOUSE COMPANY INTO KRCKJVEKSH1P Halelgh, July 21. ? Federal Judge I. M Meeklns today threw the Eastern North (Carolina Ware housing Corporation Into a receiv ership. ! , W. (J. Rramham of Durham wan , appointed receiver and his bond fixed at 160.000. The recHvemhlp i for the warehounlng corporation follows the appointment of re celvers for the Trl-fltate Tobacco Orowern Co-operative Murketlng Annoclatlon a tew weeks ago. The Kaatera North Carolina ; warehousing corporation waa la-, corporated at 91,200,000 and waa i, one of the subsidiary of tha To .Aisr& Jar* HOOVER BOOSTS COOLIDGE FOR j ELECTION 1928 i *ecretar\ of Coiuiuwre llas Made This Statement in Reply to Friends Who1 Seek Hoover Boom HAD KEPT S1IJ-1NT ? anted to Speak Sooner But Respected President's Wishes in the Alatter of Talking Polities H> DAVID I.AUHKVtK < Cop>riVhl. UN. k. Tkt A?ra.M? Washington. July 21- Herbert Hoover. Secretary of Commerce, las written friends recently that ' le believes Calvin Cool Id ge |8 the oglcal man to succeed himself an President of the I'uited Stales In he elect Ion of 1928. This reply has gone forth to several Inquirers who uad endeav ored to interest Mr. Hoover In the possibility of gelt inif thine* start ed In bis behalf for the next Pres idential election. Kvary man of prouilueuce and popularity lu pub lic life has politically minded friends who feel thai iwu years ahead of ail election U none to naily to start The Secretary of Commerce however, has njuelched ull -Hiese effort* and there Is no i?ne lu the Coolldge cabinet who la more loyal to the President polit ically and otherwise. It is know u that Mr. Hoover ha* long desired to make a public statement of his belief in the ne cessity of nominating and electing Mr. Coolldge but he has been em barrassed by the fact that Mr. Coolldge has preferred not to have anyone In his official family even discussing 192s because It might be mis construed as having been Inspired by him. So. Mr. Hoover has kept alleut. And the fact that he wrote several letters to friends eHpousitu; the CSolldge cause Was not disclosed u "c bul out today hrougfc some of those who had learned of the letters after they were sent. The peculiar importance of Mr Hoover's pronouncement however. Is that he Is being accused in po ll! V?*Lrc2f" ?r httV,n* an ?*y? oil the 19-8 Presidential nomination In Congress especially the Secre tary Of Commerce waa not always regarded as approviiiK or dtaap proving measures without a sug geatlon of political advantage or disadvantage. Opponents of some of Mr Hoover's policies have not omitted the opportunity to ascribe his rights against certain kinds of foreign loans as being a bid for political support for himself All this has only Irritated the Secretary of Commerce and stlm ulated him to scotch the political angle once and for all. This has now been done lu his communica tions to friends. It l? ?li) thai l>re?l<l(.nl Cool idge knows of Mr. Hoover's atti tude. Indeed that he has known it for some time, and that efforts to cause friction between the White House and Mr Hoover on the ground that Mr. Hoover was plan nlng his own political campaign have caused only amusement to those at the executive mansion who have known the truth. Mr Hoover Is In Minneapolis today making an Important speeeeh and It probably will be considered as a personal political effort but It really is Intended to strengthen the roolldge administration. Mr. Hoover Is one of Ihe young ?st men In political life and aotne day he may be considered serious 7 for the Presidential nomlna Hon. but not lu 1928, unless, of course. Mr. Coolldge should upset ? II calculations by refusing to run again. Mr. Hoover will complete next spring his tenth conaecutlve year In public life here. He Is one of the few men who came here nurlng the war and served In both Democratic and Republican ad ministrations In positions of exe rutlve responshlly He popil lar among the correspondents here who recognise his ability and If It were left to them some day to choose a president on merit and ability and not by the usual stand ards of politics they would un questionably pick him as eminent I y qualified Hut politics nowadays is all powerful and especially drganlxa talned bin ftepubllcan regularity ?lnc# ever hl? firm announremeut In ihe ?prlr>K of l?20, bul li i< unquestioned thai he mm rt. laltla a considerable xupport In .... '"mnirallr p?tr Wh?, , '"?'n* la one thlnK hni ?o far an IS28 I. concerned he It lor Calvin C'ootMc*. ?yyrr??v m mikVt New York. Jul, j|. _8po, r(?. Ion floae.i steady. middling 1? mi points advance. Futures clo. In* hid On 17.49, Dee 17 3s Ian I 7.411, Mar. 17 5?, Ma, 17 7?' New V?rlt. Jutr 211 HlK)1 Ion closed steady. mlaf IttlBK 18 50, in advance of 10 points. Futures closing bid October 17.25 Dec fcjjr 17 ?7. J***, 1T 4?. ST., 'Oh, How I Hate to Get Up ? " i Cidttn soldier* nt th* Platt?l>urfi <N*. V ) nillllary trMnlnft rump 'hi* um nivr h*v? m fat vhnm-e u( hlit-ping (ImoukIi rcvctllf, Thu bit; tin amplifier ? l?u? been tilUil up for the buiiler and 1 1 ?#? yawning c<-ut IkIow uiII Ii?v? iu snap ?>ut of a in bplle of bin. s. If. MRS. FREEMAN NOT GUILTS', SAYS JUIO I Charlotte, Jul> 21. Mrs. Nelll ? [! Ki eeman. admitted slayei of her I youthful laxi-drivei husband, wan ' found not guilt) i?> a jury in Mecklenburg Superior Court to day. The vet diet waH lizard at 10:21 o clock tlitn morning. 41 hours and ? ?i\ minutes aTter the cane wan nlv rii the Jury. There was no dem* I oust ration by the small crowd In I tl.H courtroom wh-n the announce i ni?-nt of the Jury finding was made. i The trial followed tin death of Allen Freeman on the night of May 22. Mrs. Freeman adiullled to the police at the time that she had cut her htifhand's throat when he threatened to desert her. Free man died shortly after she had (dashed his throat. The defense Introduced testimon) to tlin effect that the girl wan mentally un sound | . Asheville Pastor Is Found Not Guilty Statesvlllc. July 21. Hev Ash ley ('happell. pastor of the fash ionable centra Methodist rhurrh of Anhevllle, today stood cleared of Ihe ch a rices of Immorality pre ferred against him. ( Me was found not guilty night by an ecclesiastical Jury. UNIQUE AMUSEMENTS PROMISED AT CI.IIR The July entertainment nt the Kllxabeth City Count r> Club, originally scheduled for Friday night, has been postponed to Tip s day nl^ht to avoid conflict with "Pandora In Mine Time." to l?e prcHented at the high school here Friday night by the Puritan Club, of Norfolk, with a cast of 1f?U per sons and elaborate Mage nettings. A distinctly novel entertainment at tile club In promised, embody ing the vacation idea; and those attending are assured many of the thrills of a visll to the best known beach resorts In the count ry. There will he dancing, flsliliit'.. bathing beauties nnd seaside amuseUH nts of :? decidedly origin al sort For Instance, there will be a lilt of Atlantic City and Coney Islnud. as well as of that popular North Carolina resort NagS l|e;i.| The entire membership of the .club has been Invited to attend tho entertainment. APPOINTMENTS MAI>K KOIl W KMT POINT ? %\*APOl.lH Washington. July 21. Ilcprc sentatlve Lindsay Warren today announced the following appoint menta lo West I'oint and Aunapo lis. Fvamlnatlons will he held next March and the successful candidates will enter on July 1. 1 1 27. The Annapolis appointments art: Frank llollowell. principal. Klltaheth City Allen C Bell, first alternate. Klltahtth <ity W. W Anre. Jr . second alter nate, Plymouth The West Point appointments Herbert M Jenkins. Jr . prim-l ure: pal, Washington. Frank V. Johnston, first alter nate. flreenvllle William Radham. second alter nate, Greenville The War Department has recent ly notified Mr Warren that Dan 1*1 ft. Taylor of Bethel, appointed by htm to Weit Point tatarad the Acm&mi on July 1. VARIOUS ROUTES ON RALEIGH TRIP bounty Agfiil l-ulla parrs l<?>a?l liiinlr fur I'MniH'rH' C!oiiv?*iili?iii i "There flu- neveral roulea that fa run ra may take to thu con veil - (ton which Ih to ba In Ha Ag?-iii Fa 1 1 h ?if nli lulftf m 'information, you will llnd the ' number of routes and clHea that you may vlalt on Mm wa) to and t f rout i in* convention u* follow**: "Itouto Ar Highway No. 34. ICllxabeili City to Miu.'ur) acrona .thi' Dismal Swamp; No. ju, Sun I bury to V\'lii ton; No. -in. Wiuton ?via Murf reuaboro, Conwa), Jack 'son, WeWlon, Uoanoke Itapida, l.ittletnn, V'aughan and Macon to Warrcnton ; No. Warrenlon to jNorlina; No. r50. Norlina. llendc-i ! Hon, Kranklliitoii ami Wake For iHt. to Kalelgh. | "itoute li. Highway No. 114. ; l-Jlizuhet h Clly .lo Sun bury; No. ;to, jsuiihur). Wlnion, Ahoakic, Aulau ider; No. 1106. Aulander to Mich I Square; No. 12. Iticli Square, Scot land Neck and. Spe?-d, to Tarboro; No. !lll, Tarboro, l(ock> Mount. NaHlivllle, Spring lfupe and Wake Ili'ld to hulelgh. I "Itouto C: HiKhway No. 342. ' Kllxaheth City, Wlnt'all, Hertford , and Kdenlon to WlndHi>r; Nn 30, WIimIhoi to Wllllaiutfton; No. !i0. ! WillianiMton, Kvereit, I'ar melee. 1 ileihel. Tarboro, Korky Mount. Naahvllle, SpriiiKbopi', an<1 Wake | lb-Id, to Kaleigh. "Koutea A and II croaa the Clio ?wan River at Wiuton via the 1 bridge. Iloulo C croHMofi Chowan ; lliver at Kdeu llousi- via ferry. Itoute A rr(ffl?is Itoiinoke It'lver in '? i Weldon via bridge. l(oiiti> II croHHi'M Itoanoke lliver by bridge urn i Scotland N?-ck. Route C criimi'H Itoanoke It i v?*r at Wll | lianmton via bridge. I "The three routea Junt given are all in good condition and will , give you nil opportunity to travel ,one toule going and another In I leturnliig, If you wlali." TESTIMONY OKI-KNIIS IOKMKK CONVICT BOSS Albemarle, July 21. Testimony | was offered by J. I<. Stoker, forin ??r prison guard, today to ahow that I Carl Meadowa. negro, whom the 'state allege* died aa a reaull of I cruelly by N. C. Cranford, wan III mime time before he died and that Cranford gave him IjihI tanka. \\. II. FOItlttX IlK.tll New? bar- reached thin city of till- death of W. II Forbea of Oc i. o oke, recently of thla city Mi Forbea wa.H taken with a alrokc of paialynlM Sunday morning, died al i moat immediately. and Wax burled Sunday afternoon Mr. Forbea wan a native of Cur rltuck County and bad ap*nt ni,*t of lit* wlutera li"ie. It. w.ih a in em Iht of Hlackwell \f mortal Church of Hum clly. and wa . well known and liked by all who knew him. Hy hla a?cond wif< lie h survived by one child. Z- nla (tilth. My hla llrst wife, who *a* Ml?* /enla Armatrong ui.Tyrr lt Coun ty, he |h aurvlved by three chtl jdren: Mlaa May For be* of thl? clly, Mr*. J. M. I'rlce of Kocky I Mount, and Krvln Fm > ??f C)cra [coke. Two brothera. c /.. Forbes of Wancheae, and I. A. Forbe* of JarvlHburg; Iwo alalei . Mra. Ham F.vamt of Grand) and Mm. J. H Waloton of thla city, tbiee grand children, Mtaaen Uorofhy Mae, I Marlon, and Sarnie* Fo baa, alao aorvira hla. Shawboro Resident Run Over by Auto Driven by Girl Charles Morgan. yronilwmi res lil* tit of Sliiiwlioro. ?ustjln?J a lmoiuif of the left arm at the shoulder and possibly Internal In juries yesterday afternoon. when he was run over by 411 automobile i? it. mi uy a colored (*il'l jusl as ?" w an crossing tho Kusi Itidgt- rouu between John Barnard's slor?. and thut 01 John I'erktns. Word over long distance telephone today was thai he panned a fairly restful night, and his condition was re garded as Improved Members of th* family Mated tl?e> Int. tided to bring him to the hospital here In the uext few days for an x-ray ex amination. however. 1 Accounts from Sha whoro ?t a 1 ?? that the young woman who was driving the ear apparently lost control or it after striking Mr. Morgan, throwing the machine in to low geat and plowing across ! his body when she attempted to Hlop It. He was knocked down, and u front and read wheel of lh? automobile passed ovei him. Attei niuiilui, ovei Mi Moigan tin automobile continued on its cours.1 and smashed Info I'eikins truck, ramming it Into the rear wall 01 Itainaid':. store. The gill's name i* Myrtle Wi-e. and she is apparently about .10 year* old. and is now under J bond pending a court Investigation of the accldeiil At the time It occurred, she Is said to have been diivlug a borrowed car. accoinpa 11 led by the negru cook at the col lured road cauip In that section. 'This negro's name Is Wesley Man uel and he Is likewise under $&?? bond pending an investigation All tlie negroes Involved ar? from the ' Eastern Shore and are here in con Inection wiili construction work "ii ? the state liighwa). 1 he girl's j father and husband are boili iiiein bers of the road gang. | When l lie accident occurred, the ginl is declared to have jumped from the car. and to have run away. Her companion alighted and carried Mr. Morgan Into Bar uard'a store, and physicians were I summoned hastily tlie Injured (arm wan net later by Dr. John Sa i liha. surgeon In charge of the Eliz abeth City Hospital, and Dr. W. 1 Co well of Shawboro. Mr. Morgan's wife, who was vis iting friends In New York City. I was notified of the accident by 'telegraph yesterday and ti: now cm his way home. Group lUMigrMlulateil On Program u! WHY A The following letter of congrat ulation t?u the excellent program , given by Northeastern Carolina folk over the radio lasl Thursday [night from Station WflVA, Rich mond, under auspices of the Ellz 1 abet h City Chamber of Commerce. | has Just been received by Secre tary Job: My dear Mr. Job: Just another word of apprecia tion to you and all of your artlats from I he management of the broadcast station, the staff which wits on duly, and myself. We enjoyed having your group with us and It was a real delight to work with them. We hope that ynur city will derive a tremendous amount of worlh while publicity and value from Ibis program, and Mr. Khrlughaiis' talk was consid ered by radio listeners one of the very fines! which has been broad cast since Ibis station was opened. I had a conversation with Mr I*. Heed. Vice President of l*arus and Brother Company, the day af ter your visit here and lie told me filial it was a splendid program land that lie was more than delight ed. He expressed I he hope that sometime In the future it would 'ho our good fortune to broadcast another program from your city. We know thai It was a tremeti I dous amount of work and trouble ilo gel up such a fine program and bringing the artists here and gel ling I lie in home again, but you should feel amply repaid by the tllne manner In which your pro gram was broadcast. Please extend our appreciation to all of your group and tell each lone I hut whenever they are in Ibis [city we would be very glad to have I I hem visit the station and say ? llello." Yours very truly. Klmer O. Haelfle. Director uf Studio Activities. 1 NtNK MKN KIIJ.KI) IN GAS KXI'IjOSION Hloctoii, Ala.. July 21. Nine men were killed In a gas explo sion Nt the Dixie mine of Moffait Coal Company at Moffatt today The dead Include three white miners and six negro workers Seven of the bodies were removed soon after the explosion In Pittsburgh, m fireman got a medal for saving Ave kittens, but now some dog is liable to bite him. | Wallace Miller baa returned from visiting hta litter, Mra. W. 0. Hollowell at WlAfall. GOVERNOR WONT ARGUE WITH THE BLESSED WOMEN **l Have Nothing to Say^ Ik Soft Answfr of Mr. M6 l.eun to Accusations of Dr. Delia Dixon Carroll IS OLD FASHIONED Tho*e Wh<? Know the Got crnor Say He Simply Wouldn't Get In an Argu ment With Any Woman, Italelgh. July 21. ? "I have , nothing *?y" Thin Governor A. W. McLenu refused la enter Into any coniro 1 v?*r*y with Dr. Delia Dlxon-Cgr roll with regard to her veraoitytaa the veracity of her associates, fol lowing Dr. Dlion-Carroll'a charf* '??h that she and her asaoclatM ! frightened the Governor Into or dering the survey of Woman la ' Industry In the first place by agreeing lo ?'tell" of hli alleged | "Inault" to them If he would pro re??d with the survey. This startling revelation of the Governor's meek submission jto mandate* of the club wumen of the State, who were about to ralae ,th?* rry of "Insult, Insult" on 1Mb floor of the Fedoratlon of Wo* men's Clubs If he did not car TJ ?ut their wishes, was made by Dr. Delia Dixon-Carroll in connec* j lion with a modem expression of her dlHup point uieut that the auf \ey was not to proceed. This "mudest" slutemeiit ronslated of 'some 2,000 words or more, and !& . It she hu Id : | "We have remained quiet about this because we sent word to. the 'Governor that the Inault would i not he reported ou the floor Qt *4bn nwiioiiHon of the Fedafttoa - of Women's Clubs if the surrey was granted. Within 48 hoani the survey was granted and tbe re port of the Insult was not made to 'the fHderutlon that convene five days later." The "Insult" alleged by Dr. Dixon Carroll was that the Qov ernoi has asked a member of the i women's committee waiting on hloi If sli e was in the employ oi certain | Northern Interests. Those who know the Governor are not surprised that he should fall to dignify the charges made by Dr. Carroll with a reply, 'tad point out that Governor Mr Leah i Is of the old school Southern ge^ tlenien who would not deign to e^ .ler Into a controversy with aa? . woman, no matter what rhargo she might make reflecting on by Integrity or verarily. ? However, there are others vM) believe that as long as womn have Insisted on entering polltlca. that they should be given no more con sideration than any others, fetid that when charges of the nature 'of that made by Dr. Carroll la made that It should either b* plW en or retracted. These namrf peo ple say that anyone who know* .'Coventor McLean at all kuewe that he would not insult anf Vflf ' man and that he did not any member of the rommltreaeiafc er directly or Indirectly, with be ing an agent of any Northern lu tertsts. Neither Is he the sort {9 submit to any alleged "threeta," | by man or woman, at the espbfl0? (of being "exposed" before a cluj> . women's contention. In fact, there were othera prea ??nt at the time this committee talked to the Governor, ni)d la* stead of the Governor making any charge or allusion to "Northern Intorests" a womsn member of tbe | committee. It has been learaed> mentioned the fact that she 'bad been accused of being In tbe -pay of North {liferents, but up9Q,^kee voluntary statement that she wae not, the Governor let the matter pass. No threats of any kind VeA made, It is authoritatively learned. Despite the volcanic outliers* Dr Dixon-Carroll and a few of her followers, general approbation gad approval of the course taken by Coventor McLean In railing a bait in the survey when It hersme ap parent that It could not be made harmoniously and without preju dice. Is coming in from all a<* t Ion s of the State and even froai outside t he State For evea Mlee Mary Anderson, Director of tbe Women's Bureau, of the If 8. De partment of Labor. and undeg whose direction these ssme etub women at first desired tbe aerrey lo be made. Is In definite aad hei?rty agreement with Qoveraer McLean In that unless tbe survey could be made with the hearty co operation of all roncerned K wave better not to make it at all. It Is being freely expressed I* political circles that tbe attaefc made upon Governor MrLean by Dr Dixon-Carroll and her follow ers In strengthening his posltloa rather than threatening It. "What Price Vanity' Read It in The Vanity Caee." beglnalag Thursday.

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