CANTON IS NOT THE WICKEDEST IN THE NATION Many Other Small Cities Like II, und All of Them Are More or Less Like IlJ Very Prohahly BLOW WELL AIMED j With Civic Governnienl Contaminated, Under-! world Struck at Second Agency Orderly Society ROIIKKT T. SMAl.l. I ICwrfilKl. ins. ? ,???> .Canton, Ohio, July 2i Canton la Dot the wickedest illy In Ameri ca. It Is bill a way station. fir [kim albly what railroad men would call a division point on a national highway ot crime. If the recently organized Na tional Commission for the Study ! and Prevention of Crime would Quit its headquarters in New York j and come to Canton It would get i some really valuable Information It would get a first hand view of crime in the rough. It would find itseir at an outpost or a cross road i of criminality. It would learn that the study of crime will not he sat isfactory If centered only In cities like New York. Chicago. 1'hlladel-. phla and San Francisco. Canton ' which has sent a red glare into ! the national skies these last few i days, ha* proved that vice and crime have their bony-handed clutches on the smaller cities and ! even the villages, and only th most sweeping arousal of public sentiment ever will be able to break the sinister hold. And worst of all. crime here in } Canton has struck at the very agency of public sentiment. Crime has boldly attempted to intimidate the Nation s press; has said that he who would turn the complacent .. ?f.jUl|tlr? against the vice ring must pay for his temerity with his life, his all. It has been well said In connec tion with the slaying of Don Mel Jett. the Canton editor, that the | nm agency of 'an orderly society ; Is government. The second agen- i ey. or possibly a corollary agency. ,hG newspaper, for without the ' newspaper to guard and guide pub- i 11c opinion, government would be deprived of Its greatest. Its essen support. That L why the ?Bewtpapeie Of the country regard V"1' Canton case as one calling for the focusing of a public opinion which will not be satisfied until J the -underworld" has been shown 1 that It can neither control nor si- 1 lence an agency which supports government and stands between 1 fhe people and anarchy. The "underworld" must be made to understand that where th?' foflce sleep, the press Is awake ?nd alert :Vhat where courts com fromlse with crime, the press tands as warden for the even hand of justice. Crime Well Organized Canton is evidence that crime in America Is a sort of chain store affair. It is indeed a vicious cir- ' cle. Canton is not an isolated ul-i cer. Crime hero Is hut the out ' ?ropplng of an infected hlood ! ?treani poisoning the life or the nation Crime today Is a hlghly ?r*Mifcd affair. It Is unfortu-i aatelr . bet ter organized lhan the police system, or rather its system or co-operation functions on a bet ter scale. Communities sud com missions are too prone to regard crime as local. It Is far from that. The vice rlVig In Canton links up Cl??.l?.,?hrtrv-In"". Akr""' In Cleveland. Yotingstown. Pittsburg. and from these neighboring cities on out through the length and, breadth of the nation. The ped- \ dler of dope in Canton In a broth- ! er dnd ally of the peddler In San Francisco or Los Angeles. They belong to a criminal fraternity. ! ?TJLUar<1 "nd Dro,'?ct oth There are certain recognized ?as for criminals. Canton Is of them. The ' yegg" who I puns a "deal" in Cleveland can Come here and be covered up. The Ikulktng hired assasln who shoots Jo death a public-spirited editor '1 ^snton "nds refuge In any one of hair a dozen cities which can ! be quickly reached In the "high : powered car," always Ihe agency' of escape In a criminal outrage. Police departments everywhere are cognisant of the rising tide of crime. In. virtually every Ameri can city today pleas are being made for a larger and better paid police fpree. New York recently added something like J.000 cops Pittsburgh has been demanding at Ita.t 600 more hluecoats. i Washington but recently con vinced Congreas of the need of sev ersl hundred additional men y Cantou perhaps has been more eom placement than some other com i unit lea. That Is what stirred Mellett to action. That la what qadc him prefer charges against the chief of police and have him aespcnried. only to see him re gored through political Influence. The chief of police in turn sued Metletfa paper, the Caaton News, snaviiliv In the news league by '?^Ser Governor Coi of Dayton libel. l ight with Polloe | 'ha height of fh? quarrel he FINAL BASEBALL PENNANT BATTLE TO OPEN MONDAY Elizabeth C.ily and Hert ford to right It (hit nil Ba sin ?>l Beat lour Out of Seven (iaino PLAY MAINLY IIKKK da*hc* nil Local Diamniid Sclirdulcd fnr Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday; Ketiiainder Uncertain The f Irnt three kuiuoii of the Car olina League post season chum ploiiship series between Hertford, winner of the first half. an?l Kit/. abeth City, which captured the aecoud half, cloning this week, will lie played in Kllzabeih City on Monday. Tuesday ami Wednesday, it was announced today. In stead of playing a post sea son series of five games, as had been decided upon originally, it Is announced that the two nines' will fight it out on the basis of the best four out of seven games. Present Indications are that Thurs day's game will be played In Hert ford, and the subsequent game* in this city. The games here will begin it & o'clock. The decision to play virtually all the games here was prompted by the fact that Hertford fans ap parently attend games In this city better thau at home. It is understood that Kderiton's baseball team will be disbanded ilt once, but that Coleraln will con tinue to play, probably with Ahos kle and other clubs on the other side uf the Chowan Itivcr. In pre* paratiou for the series beginning here Monday. Hertford has taken over Kdenton's star pitcher. John son. confident that with him in the line-up. they can win the cup. Elizabeth City, too, is reported to be carrying on negotiations for one or more pitchers, though mem bers of the basoball associations were reticent on the Huhjoct today. Reports Interstate Rates Are Unjust Washington, July 24. ? On com plaint of the State Corporation Commission of Virginia. Paul O. Carter. Interstate Commerce Com mission examiner, has tentatively found to be unjust the mileage class rati-a and classifications rat ings on traffic from certain points in Virginia to destination.", in North Carolina. In his report which the com mission must pass upon tin- exam iner declared that the present ar-| rangement resulted In undue pref erence to shippers in North Caro lina. A new sCale of Interstate mile age class rates and classification rattnga was recommended. Reas onable ratings suggested on Inter state traffic were those contained In the current southern classifica tion recently ordered by the com mission. Carolinian Injured In Holland Accident Concord. N. C.. July 24. ? H. Wayne Blanks, director of the j Concord Young Men's Christian ( Association European Tours, whs seriously injured in an accident In | | Amsterdam, Holland. Friday, ac- , ! cording to h from Mrs. I Ida ilk*. No detail* were given. More than a dozen North Caro- | Una cities arc represented in the personnel of Blank s party. twecn Mellett and the Canton po- ' lice, Mellett Is murdered. The chlof . of police comes out with the stale- { ment that Mellett wanted to he j the "political dlcator" of Canton. , The police, accuned by Mellett of collusion with the "underword"! were not friendly to the editor. Perhaps that In why both county and state authorities have taken further Investigation of the shock ing crime out of the hands of tho | police. Today a separate and dls-; tlnct "headquarters" was set up \ for the outside Investigators work-j Ing undar direction of the county, prosecutor, stirred to action by the ; indignation of ths leading clt liens of the community. Almost every train Into ('anion brings itome new j "under cover" operative. Including special agents of the government 1 at Washington. It Is small wonder Canton ha* railed for oil ? side help. The po- , lice blotters here show there have been 48 murders In the city In the last five years, which Is going j rather strong for a community of 100.000 souls, even In a nation brimming over with crime. Thir teen murders have been convicted hut not sent to the electric chair. In approximately half of the cases ( no arrests were made. Two mur ders preceded the Mellett case tills, month. Canton has become all too accustomed to tha ring of the shot from tha dark. Judith Prefers Elizabeth City Miss Judith Mllburn returned to ?lisah< Hi City toda> after H|n ndiiiv tfotnr time In A?hi'ville with rclilivi'v. Sin- c\|iir'ii to make ICIizaheth City her permanent homo now ami to become a prominent member of the flrin of which her liaddy is the h- ail anil her Mother is First Aid. That knowing smile she wean1. le-liiK In terpreted says, "Oh. Asheville is all riuht. I suppose, hut I much prefer Kllzah* th City. As for the Neighbor* and Their Wives, they <1 id not and still do not worry me. I know all the tine that every thing was coming out all right. After all, wasn't I the real r? a sou that everything did come out all right?" Police Seek Negro After Attack On Young Woman Police are continuing a quiet In vestigation In quest of an unl-, dentified negro charged with hav ing attackod Mrs. Peter Brlnuon. living on Third street, I hit; city. Wednesday night at ahout 10, o'clock, as aho was on her way 1 home from a neighborhood at ore with her two year old baliy In her ( arms. Mrs. Rrlnson Htates that she h:td nearly reached hnme, when she heard footsteps close behind her. j and suddenly two hand? were placed about her nerk. an though to choke her. Turning about, she discerned her ascallant. a negro. , She screamed to the top of her voice and he released her, and fled. Police, notified promptly, ar fested a young negro who had been seen to leave the store Im - , mediately behind Mrs. Hrlnson. and carried him before her for Identification. Shu failed to rec ognize him as her assailant, and ho was freed. The officers are now on the trail of other suspects, and hope for an early arrest. Mrs. Ilrlnxon. who Is about 22 years old. was terrlflied beyond measure by the attack. From Cal to Al! Her# la the plk* (hat PTMMnt Coolld** cauffht and gave to Gov ernor A I Smith of New York for hraakfaat. Rut Governor Alia ao tickled ha aajra ha will have It moanted Instead. and put In a muaaum. Miss Luna Moon To Be Honor Guest Country Club Rumor Ih busy wi{h report* concerning coming event* at the ' fount ry Club Vacation Party Tuesday night. hut committed , members insist that the best has not been told. While (he touch of mystery adds piquancy to the interest and anticipation, no se cret. however. Is made of tht fact .that it 1^ to be a summer-time af , fair. ; It haH been suggested that guests wear sporl -clothes, or any 'cool and comfortable garb de sired. as this manner of costume ? will be entirely in Keeping with the entertainment afforded. Some ticket buyers have even hinted that they may decide to appear iti hatblhg Hiilts. ro it would be well ; for the life guards to be at their ! posts early In the evening. | Miss I'lina Moon, possibly the I most popular summer-time gue?t 'ever entertained In this city, has promised to be on hand and en liven things in her usual bright .way. So well liked Ik this lady that her habit of casting reflec tions Is not only forgiven her. hut even highly udmired by all. ROBERT SCOTT NOW SAYS HE FIRED SHOT Chicago. July 24. ? The cele brated case of Itobert and Nussell Scott, convicted murderers, which bas spectacularly suiged Its way through the courts here for many months, came Into public attention again today with tin- statement by Itobert to the Herald and ainlner that lie fired the shot that slew Joseph Mauer, drug clerk. Itobert recently wan sentenced to life imprisonment when Im pleaded guilty to the murder but denied on the stand that he flrcd the fatal shot. In a statement to the papers he declared* "I lied to nave my nei?k." Kussell Is now awaiting death on the gallows In October. AMERICAN STARS ITALIAN SCENES RESULT IS ART Thi* U I In* ArraiifsriiirtiL \\ hereby Italian lilm In* JOHN (il VIIIKK (Ch|I>|NI, l?A. k) Ike At.tDKl lloiur, J ia I > 'J I \rr;iiii:>-iiii-atn arc said to l>t> iiriidiut; whereby a hm Amrrli'Hii lilm mm pnny will , ? ??oficmtp Willi a Hew Italian or ganization for lli? prmlurlion i?f i )iii' lures in Italy, unIiik American i ?iar> liul Italian l>a?-k RroundH. la j bre phivlna wllh a Kiln. hut THEY NEVER KNKW that It wrk loaded. Or They w?*r?' aolng 0f?> tnilra an hour, hut THEY NEVER KNKW a ape??d cop wan aft?-r then. That'* th* Idea. Juat think of tomr altuallon In which In noranc* I* bllaa and write It In 20 worda or Inw, The ahort*r the better. Each day The Ad\ance will give a dollar to the beat 'I HEY NEVER KNEW aentene* printed. Com#' on, wlae crackers! Nil down now and write your "They Nevar Know" linn. Mall It to the THKY NEVER KNEW EDITOR of The Advance and wateh Monday h edition for the harvcat of laugha. "Pandora" Up To Expectations, Proving Musical Treat Ol Year, 13ut Heat Kept The Crowd Away The in ti sum I ( roa t "-I liM: year nwlxnl a t iun thai was not calculated l?? eiiihu*e lusi tiiulii hi III*' |'l< >*11 t .? I It'll nt III! Iivlll U|? tia, "I'iUMlorn in Lilac Time," I ? > a i ;t! I i?l Noi foll, r'iti-cis ami iLiih cis * r? . " I'amhua" *1* lmlit< (I t li< hanil I ii I ol KIiuiIn-IIi City l??ll*.s who lira v?m! the li?*ai i<> attend it. Ami. a* a matter ot lart, it w.?s mil tin cnutfmiaMx hut in the hclinol ami itoilutu A I :? i i*l> liberal intimate placed iln- crowd ai or ju>t u him t a t < hi i ih ii.s many n|Mftalor? a* iM-iiiiruivm. i lifliud Cunaril. hi Kplnntln-us. tin urulptor, uiui Ktlna Fox. in the ruh* ul I'andmu. ihuionsir.iHd llial lln-> Wi'lr leal aitiMH, rVli iii | hi* lace ??f a r?c?-pttuii Hint must lia%< U'?*ak>'iM ?l hn* lli* m Hi u Illsptiat i"l< Which I., till' Mill I III artistry. Mr. Cunard has a lyrie ti'iiur vott--' o[ remarkable claiii> ami l?> a >i t > . ami Mi** l ??\. a dia malic mi|>i.iii?, hit mitliiii^ I * ? hi* desired in iln- way ol. un ?-ll i-t*l i\ *? i <*ml it ion ul licr part. Tin' ilnnriTH, bu; ami lit 1 1?*. wi ii- a revelation iiuuiIm r. amazinr.]> w? II. i\? h without al lowance fur lier I' Uih r years. lining I rum In re to Seattle. ROAD OFFICIALS WILL MEET HERE IVrMtlciH and Sren lary of I iouhlal 1 1 i p 1 1 w ; in HimIn to Allrii-rc mi tin* early future. It |h announced by Secretary Joli, o( the Chamber of Commerce. The session will Jjo ! held with a view to arranging for proper publicity fur the road. Frank Miller, of Jailysonvillc, Florida, president of t |j ?- a*s?'cia lion. and Fred Waul, of III iiiih i wick, (ieorgia, iccri lury, are e\ 1 ported to , attend the conference nure. along with, many repr? sen tativcH of cities In the coastal area o| North Carolina and Virginia. The South Atlantic Coastal 1 1 i k h wa > has taken on a new In tereHt for motorist* I progress recently made in con - : strurtion of the Chowan UridK<-'. in ' Fdenton, spanning I he most .m ar I > insuperable harrier to the d< - velopmcnt ol the highway in ihia part ol the South, and through announcement that contract (or. the approached to the hndgo have! . been let. These approaches extend four! miles from Eiuperor, on the Clio- j wan County aide of the bridge, in to Kdenton; and from Eden | House, on the Bertie County | Kliore, weittwardly xome I f, milea j to Windsor. Ill each instance, they link with hardsurfaced high- 1 ways permitting ready travel j through the Slate under all wea ther conditions. The date for the conference here I lia.-t not been net. It |>rohabiy will be held in August 01 Septein- j ber, according to Mr. Job. Green Suspended As Dry Official Washington, July 24. Nod M. Oreen, San Francisco prohibition administrator, who rays publicly 1 that lie has been giving "parlies" with confiscated Ihjum. was sun* I pended from office today by Act- ; ing Secretary Winston of the Treasury. His Honprnfdon will remain ef fective pending Investigation into formal ehargen of misconduct by Oreen now being conducted by the i district attorney at San Francisco. A report on fireen's nH ANY MTItOKtt Fort denning. ?!?? Ihn'k a> la t at: Clikii." two ?\v?? kr. Ii< in . vwlit-l*' l?ul in Dlu.ilii'1 li * *i I \ . tin y say. th? v have ?>oii accorilcil an ?nt lui.- last ic > ?* i-i'|i| ion. p'innim alt* litllliK Hi. : Imiw in kaiiKiH Oil), lor In Htanci'. M.iiiv of ili>' iii'ikI op "I'M I U" iiiiiiiIh'Im i?i Hie |m:<( I wi ill y * <*ii is W' ir i iit l ii ?|i-?l 111 **|'aii?l uooti. paillcti larly in Midi iiuiiiIm-ii as llic Ioiik |Mi|iular Kircfly Dane*-. Tin* company of "I'aiolora, " aln-ut l nn t.ii-?Mi;;, jniirn< y* <1 li?-i #* ^ ?-??in Noifilk v I* nlay afl-i noon, airivini: in limo in ?:i%c wv" tal ?-nt< rtaiiiini*. specially iimiilct.- hy llii- yoiiiir.mohH<-M. aiol r? iiiMo il home afl?-r the c ls,*s-;?* ?.l III*' t-liow. \VI?II?* here. iii< mix rs o| . Ill*1 pailv ? \pl?liifi| tin- 1 1 p-*: ? ? o| the I'm Mail ('III h in ?(??v? |iipii> : antit Iciii talent which ha;- pi <11110, ;unl in i.ivin^ mi >'h tnh'iit >111 opportun ity Jui rec?i-;riitintl. Tl??-> ? xj?? ? r tin hope 1 liar Clixalidli ' ii\ p?*n pl<- wtpiihl hiter avail llnni ? Ivh of tlo* chalicc In develop ll?' i i' Iniilillliu tip?*mi ic star:. i!h mt-il in 111 of ili< Norfolk cl'ili. Elopes : After arilnn in romances on th* i slags and In I hp movie*. Ruth I Courtney. IS, of Cedar I'apidii, In.. iliMiilfil (o Kit ? little romance in J real life So nh( sloped to Iowa ' I City and nnHTlcd Merl? Hummer, musician and childhood iwwUieiut. lllllt'l' AS VENTILATOR FALLS ON HIS HEAD Samuel llelanga. of thla rity, employed traveling aaleaman for a Richmond. VlrKlnia, concern, whh painfully hut not Hcrlously rut arrosi the head Krlday on I ho afternoon northbound Norfolk Southern passenger train from Ra I' lull lo Norfolk, when a ventila tor fell upon him. evidently hav ing Mhaken loose from Its fasten* infix. The accident occurred short - y before the train reached tlreen villu. and he wax given first aid i treatment there, continuing on the train to this city. 'I' pon IiIh arrival here, Mr. Ilo i)i nga was met at the train hy Dr. II. D. Walker, physician for the railroad company, and his Injury war. dressed attain. .Several pieces of Klaus were removed from the wound.. He was reported re covering rapidly Saturday. IIEMOCKATS I'l.AIN TO MARK TAHiy ISSUE Washington, July 24. Deter mination of Iv-mocratlc. leaders to .center attention on Kepuhlican tariff policies again was evidenced today hy a slai? ne-nt from lo ad <|iiart?r* of the Democratic Na tional Coinmitec saying thai "fnremoflt anions the issues of ItSf is the tariff. ' "Any fetl mid lasting farm re 1 1* f must com** largely through tarlfl reform." the statern"nt con tinued. Tarifl modification hills I ii I rod need dining the last session of (,'onuri nx w? re deelsr' d to have been smothered hy "White House orders." The statement also men tioned tlii' Pennsylvania Republt can campaign disclosure* and d?> wlared that all nominees for Hen at or this year should say before hand whether they would vole to ?'?at William S. Vare. AT THK M'KRAMA TOf>\V "Thunder," the marvel dog. In 1 bin latest and what Is claimed to b?- lil? greatest picture. "Ills Mas ter'f Voire, ?? |H the feature IttfM tlon at the Aikiama Theater to day. An unusually fine cast of favorite film players enact the leading rol"s with Mary Carr. the famous mother of the screen, ! fieorte Hackatborne and Marjorlc Daw at the hsftd of the list. BIG NEW DAIRY IS SLATED FOR ELIZABETH CITY INi-w Yorkt-r ( oinpleting Ni'fSoliiitions for I'urm of Niarly :tr. Harkwel. goea to attend the Southern Pediatric Cllnlr Mra. Markw-ll and daugh ter Mi*s Annie Sarah, will visit Adhevllle and other polnta of In terest while away They expaat to return about Auguat I.