VOL. XVI. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NOUTII CAROLINA, Htll>AY KVI'NINC, JI'LY 30. SIX PACKS. NO. 178. BODY FOUND NEAR LONELY BRIDGE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ;ji * * * * *;!;* * * * .-J?* * * . Probably Fatal Accident at Rai Iroad Crossing Drowning of Engineer In Harrington Creek { Shrouded In Mystery Body of Lee Harris, of Hertford, Recov ered from Water of Harrington Creek After Disappearance from Home of Host on Southern Avenue i in' ixxiy 01 i-iv Mams, aliout -1 r> years old, employed until recently as an engineer at the plant ol" the Knstern Cot ton Oil Company, in Hertford, was recovered shortly after noon Friday from the waters of Harrington Creek, at the Southern avenue bridge, in this city. .Many elements ol mys tery surround the tragedy. Mr. Harris had conic here Thursday from Hertford to seek work in this city during tho summer shutdown in ac tivities at the oil null. He spent the night at the home of David Simpson, on South ern avenue, about half a mile from the point where his body was found. Members of the Simpson family stated they retired for the night at about 10 o'clock, but Mr. Simpson declared that Mr. Harris got up about 1 o'cloik saying he was going out on the porch to enjoy a chew of tobacco. a When members of the Simpson I tkmlly arose Friday morning, Mr. Jfarrls failed to appear. They ^nade a search of I he premise* without result. and upon Inquiring in t It** neighborhood were in formed that Nancy Matthews, col ored, living on Dawson street, near Harrington Creek. had heard "groans from the direction of (lie bridge late in the night. Fire Chief Jerome Flora was notified of the occurrence, and be gan dragging the waters near the cre^k bridge shortly before noon. In less than 30 minutes, the grap pling hooks caught iu the clothing of a drowned man, and the body was dragged out. It was Identi fied by Jim Caddy, saw filer at the Kramer mill, on Southern ave nue. Mr. Caddy formerly was em ployed with Mr. Harris in the oil mill at Hertford, and said he was positive of the identlflcaton. Pending n coroner's Investiga tion, the supposition of Mr. Simp son and members of bin family was that Mr. Ilurrifl bad been taken 111, mid had walked down to the bridge. The structure Is partially torn up while workmen are instating a sewer line under it. and the assumption is that Mr. Harris, being unfamiliar with it. might have stumbled overboard, or else, while ill, might have fal len into the creek and been unable to save himself. Mr. Simpson stated he was apparently all right when he went to bed. Mr. Harris bad been employed by the Eastern Cotton Oil Com , pany in Hertford fur .iIh.im mm ktttonths. Before then, he bad Rserved as night engineer at the Thunlelpal light anil power plant In Hertford, ills wife died about a year and a half ago. and ho leaves no children. He had he roine acquainted with Mr, Simp son during a recent revival at the I'earl Street Assembly here. The body was found Just under the edge of the bridge, and on the east side of It. When dragged momentarily to the surface, it was identified by Mr Caddy, and then was fastened to a small dock, while still In the water, to await the arrival of Dr. I. Fearing, cor orner. George Koch, a member of Ihe fire department, was using the drag wlieu the body was re covered. Tending a coroner's examina tion. wild speculation was current over the possibility that the man might have been knocked In the head and robbed, and his body tlirown overboard, at the lonely f|mt where the brldice Is situated. Mr. Harris Is described as hav ing been a temperate and intense ly religious Individual. Mr Simpson and hi* family be come alarmed for Mr. Harris' syelv when, upon entering bis Jpdrooni. they discovered that he left practically all of bis j ?^thlng there, and his suit cane. Vrlhe event that he had suddenly decided to leave, they figured he Lwouid have taken his belongings. FALLS FROM ROOF SERIOUSLY HURTj B?'ii Sphmoiih ill (Critical! | i Condition Following Ac- j, cidcnt I -iilf Thursday 1 Ills loft arm fracl ured, his spinel1 'crushed. and his legs partially ! paralyzed by the blow given hlB jsplne. Hen Sessoms Ik in a critical'. | condition today due to a fall from!' the second Htory of the home of i ? William Dawson, West Church ' efore four o'clock: j Thursday eveiriig. j Mr. SoMMoniN was puttiiii; the tin 1 j around the bottom of the chimney'' I at the time of the accident and it 1 | is not Known in just what maimer ?' | he lost his balance and fell. ! As soon as the accident occurred I he was rushed to Or. Howard]' ! Comb's office where Dr. C. H. Wil-j1 I I la nis and Dr. Combs attended ' I him. I1 j Mr. Sessoms was afterwards'1 moved to his home on Hell street]1 where he has been living since I f moving to this city. Mr. Hessoms I | was formerly of Klnslon and I moved to this city shortly after!: j Christmas, lie Is employed by K. j .1 . Cohoon & Co. [ Mr. ttossoms became worse this!: afternoon, and was taken to Nor-;' folk on the :i o'clock train for t 1 hospital treatment. n WORST HUKKICANK I' IN BAHAMAS HISTORY j Nassau, July 30. ? With New Privldence Inland. In the Baham as, ravaged by wind and wave and ? with more than ir?0 persons miss- , lug. the llahanta Islands remained i virtually isolated front communl- ! cation with the outside world to- i | day while anxious residents took j J further count of the toll of de struction from the worst hurricane!, in the recorded history of the Isl- I ( j anils. The majority of those mlsnlng r are believed to have been drowned ' with the sponge flshint; fleet which !' -has not been seen since it set sail ' three days before the W<*st Indian j' ! hurricane struck the islands Mon- j 1 .day nii;ht. WOMKN %ltK H F N T F.N i *KD IN KMXmOKIt'H (tMRT Three women accused of Immor-j 'allty were sentenced In recorder's" court Friday morning, in connoc- 1 ;tion with alleged gay goings-on for 'several nights past at the home of Mrs. Lizzie McFarland. on North Klllott street. Mrs. McFarland. who In under sentence of a year in jail, imposed In Superior Court, was given 9 days In Jail, with the privilege of suspension provided she left the County Immediately. Tho other two women were giv en 3 days each, sentence to be siis- i j pended upon payment of tho court costs If they, loo. would promptly depart. It was Indicated 1 that all three had decided to uc- ' Icept the Invitation to leave. TO FURNISH NAMES OF < OM 'HIIU ITOIIS Chicago, July 30. ? Allen F. Moore, campaign manager for Frank T. Smith, aucceaaful candi date In the Illinois Senatorial pri mary. derided today to furnish the Senate campaign fund rommlt tee tin* namel of all contributor* to the Smith polltlr.il fund. Moore told the committee th?> only obligation lmpo*?-d upon hitn l?y Smith in the campaign wna that "I wax not to obligate him In any way." !!?? anld he kn?-w nothing of the report that Smith manager* had offered Charlea Hoendry of F.aat St. Lou la. preftl dent of the llltnoU Foreign Votera League. $6,000 for the support of that organltation FEREBEE DENIES1 COUNTER CHARGE BY ACCUSED MAN Had No I'art in Attempt to Drive Kargaiu Willi Nor folk (travel Salesman, liily Manager Say* MOKE DISCI.OSIKKS I ionsidorabh1 Other Infor matioii to In* lortlieom itif* Soon, ll?? Drrlairs; AiHwprs Morgan Also Flat denial uf au accusation by L. H. Culpepper, of thin illy, thai lit* had hud a part In an .iHetupl to drive a bargaiu with W II. Freeman, NotfolK kiuv< I sale luan. in connection with the recent let ting of contract by the city for 000 to 4?.0?U tons of gravel to he used in street work, was made by City Mauager Miles W. Fereln-e today. Mr. Culpepper, lu admitting that he had written a letter to Mi Freeman requeuing a l!?-eeiit commission per ton on gravel to t>e sold the city, embodying an as sertion that five cents of the com mission wan tu go to Mr. Ferehee. claimed yesterday that he had made that propositiou at the city manager'** Instance. "I never heard of any letter be ing written to Mr. Freeman by Mr. Culpepper until Guy Hastings, of Hastings Brothers, and It. T. j Hooker, of Hitter & Hooker, told' me about It on Tuesday of this week," Mr. Ferehee declared. "Ah rood as I rould spare the lime. I went to Norfolk and asked Mr. Freeman about It. He told me all about the letter and added; rotislderable other information that will come out later. "1 realized before I undertook , to expose this condition that I would he subjected to various kinds of untrue and defamatory charges. Exposing graft in this city Is no easy job, but it is the duty of every city manager to keep it out of his admlulstrutiou, and 1 a m giving all the people notice that I intend to keep It out of mine. "With reference to Mr. Culpep per's charge that I went to him and asked that he see how much we could get out of the gravel ileal, that is absolutely untrue. I must say that I would havn had lo have been in a very liberal frame of mind to have proposed, not on ly to split a profit with him, but ulsn to have reserved only one fourth for myself, when It would have been for safer for me to have dealt directly with Mr. Freeman find kept all the profit for myself. "Also. I would like to know how Mr. Culpepper's brother, George, and his partner, W. L. Jones, fig ured In It.' ' With reference lo Councilman Morgan's contention that Powell's Creek gravel cotild have been pur-l rhased and delivered at points of utilization for 92.10 a ton. In- 1 *?ead of $2.25, the price paid by. the City Council, Mr. Ferehee ex- ' plained that Mr. Freeman offered lo deliver It here at $1.60 per Ion. using Hay badges, with very; leep holds, rendering unloading1 expensive. The best hid available for un loading from these barges, he said, was -15 cents per ton. leaving only ? 10 cents per ton difference in the I prices as an allowance for hauling Mr. Ferehee declared he was prac tically certain the haullnc would *o*t more than that. Adding the possibility of demurrage and de lays, he expressed the opinion that he cost of the grave) on that l?asls might be much more. Under the contract entered Into, t>y the Council, the contractors, i Kilter # Hooker, assume nil re sponsibility for delivery of the ma-j lerlal, and agree to place It on the ilreets, when and where needed in! (instruction work at a minimum pate of 1,200 tons a week, reliev ing the city of all risk and uncer tainty. REMOVAL KMBAKM) ARMS CONSIDEHKDj Washington. July 30 Hetnoval >f the embargo which forbid" shipment of arms Into Mexico Is inder consideration here and . ('resident Coolldge will be a*k ><'vra | Cranfnrd. funiM'i rlmiu k;ih:- lionrft rharuiMl uiih iiiiirt|?-r uf two m#? Khi rohvirt1-. w;?s i* it t ? il Int. Tlitirmla>. Tin- Jtir> Man ?>??! 4 (? niiiiiiti'X. Mussolini Is Called Youngest And Strongest By JOHN (il .NTIIKIt I Ihf Atfranr*) llome, J illy :i ?i . - 1'reinlor Mil* jwdinl watt 4't year* ??)?! Thunulay. I III ilie word* of roiiiraiilatory Hal-; | ian newspaper* "tin* youngest an! 'well a* i hi* Hi ron Rest of Rurnpeau * ruler*." i I'nfortimatcly. dismal now* I grwli-il i h<> I>iirc oil hiit hlrlliil:i.v| morning. Ills daughter. Kild-i. | was seriously ill ot diptherla at t Iih , Utile town of Forll. where hIu* haul been vacation In*. Mii.t*olnl left ! I It 1 1 mi' ami hurried lo Forll while i I symputliet lr |irf . , lartii'-r livini: in Mt H.-rmoii litis county. is. rli'hl with ih?* Im-hi of '??in Mr liumly has ju**t return. -d from ? li?* .illllilul farmer's institute at Stale <'nt|pf*f. Italeii.il. |?rnn*lly hviniv i in. a $1 4 Itrck as a tent Imuiiial t?? hi; |irow?'KH iii . ralllUK swiii'- al tin -a I: im?*. inn* of ? In- fnuiuris ? * f i)m< ??mi v *?nT ton w.ih a linK railing cmilest. ( in which Wi-rt* ?. 7 ??tilianl:- I ruin \a . riiiiiN parts of ih?* Slate. am mm, ? lwnt Mr llu ti?l > . uf l'a-i|iMtank. It an flimlnat urn ??vi-iii. ami; i In* l*Mx?|?n?laiik Con illy farmer1 was anions III** h?>st ten 1 1 ?? took ?liir?| prize wIm ii ? In* 'Vh'iwiliiwn" ? aim'. A Im >11 1 IM farmer* from tlli-? ? ??Hilly at It1 ti it ml tlii* convent I nt. , Titty wer#* headed hy W. Fall*, j roil m i j farm ?|i iiioiiHiiai1oi< nsi-nt., Th#? convention dinted Thursday SLIGO ROAD TO BEOPENJULY31 \ihI Itworil (Irnnil K\|?tI <*(1 for Turriliirk l'lr:isnrik Day An address |?y lt*'|?r?*s?-iit .-ii iv?? Lindsay c. Warren. ? ? f the Kirst North Carolina I ?|hi r . boat ra tes. music ami a bir. dinner of the nort fur w h left Currituck County famed, are promised I hoy who attend the niiiiual observau of "Pleasure Day" ai Point llarlior. I lie lower lip of Curriturk. tomor row. For several years. "Pleasure liny" has been observed al Point llarhor and from year to year at tendance has liiereuwd until it is numbered in ilintisniids. With Lindsay Warren as spenker :? tcl with a paved road from Milan belli City to Currituck Court house uearliig completion it Is expected 1 )i;i I with Kdiiil \veat|i"r the mini her att* tiding Saturday will ap proarh fi.UOU and preparations are being made to take care of fully tli:it many, according to IC. L. flriKK*. of I'olnt Harbor, chairman of tin* eiitertalnmeiil coinmitli'e. SpcakiiiK will begin at 11 o'clock, after wlilrli illuner. for which a nominal charge Is made, will he nerved. Kiilerlainment and amusement features of I he day's program will take place In the afternoon. With the paved road from Sligo to Currituck Courthouse opened to traffic, I'olnt Harbor is within an easy two hours' drive of Kllr. a lie Hi City, and the crowd nttciid itiK front here Is expected to he un usually large. SKKKS to AC^tllKK Itu. Hll ll KAIt.llOAII Washington. July 11(1 The New Voi k Central applied to llie I n I ?*r Hlato Comiiierei CommiNsdou today for authority to acquire control by a Jl!i-year leape of the Cleve land, Cincinnati. Chicago and St. l^iitis, known as the |1Ik Four Itallroad. Saturday Last Call for "7 7 icy Never K new "Prize Inntter* Must lie in Early to ( alrh ill Mailt?Toili Sim hmny Serial "* Thvy Art rr Knen'* Start* Monday? Prizn II inner Today I 'J Yvurn (lid Today'* prizewinner: "When he kixnod her in t If po talo patch. 'llir> NVvrr K in ? I lie potatoes had eyr?." TIiIh w?h r.tilifiiiltcd by Will lain I. lVrr>, Itouti- On?*, k>-, 12 yearn olil. lan't it good? Pity It couldn't have !>???? n on hand for I'ot.iio Day. Ilfri' aro aomc oilier* thai are too good to ?ven If they con M n I all win prlzi-a: "TIm-v wondered why hi* malrl monial life Han no unhaiipv. lull Ttiej Xever Kin-** It WflM h'cauxi Labor Day hail married I hi- Hay of Rem." "They noid him a quart of II quor hill The> X+\ri Kim ? hi Wjm a prohibition agent." "Thi-y eloped at midnight bul Tfiej N"ev#r Horn that her old man put the ladder up to the window "Thty graduated from High Hell oof. (lilt The> \e\rr linen I In* y ahonldn't ehew : * vi in dnriiiK ela**." j llere'a one fli;it alnmM won ili?? prize yraterday. l??i t Ml* Marlon j KUkc'n had Jiihi not in i '? j when it fame In; "l(r> won fli*t prl /.?? in On* Chat'lealon eonhnl lint I1?e> Ni*% 'ec Kih'h he wa* a victim ??f Ml. 'VII un Danrc." There aro many more, anil i many koimI on''? 'I In "Tin y N? v ??r Knew" editor ha? tiled in *<*|ect a different Mjrl<' one mtli day. Now there I* Jnat one morn day i left. Saturday'* prlxe winner, milftt he in The Advance office l?y j 8:30 Malnrilay morning, in order j to Kel In lli'- early edition. Try to think of one entirely] different from any thai have h? en printed And hurry. Tlii If Ihe, laat call. On Monday Tom Hfnift' dellght-t fully humoroUH aerial ber>im>< It; la entitled "They Never Knew " I B* sure to raad the flrtt chapMr. | NKK1) NO'I FK AH THAI AMERICA HE HKASONABLE Slali'Hini'ii I ii di'r?laii(l ! !i;il VN ar I I ?i Aisri'i inmh < ;iii l??' Iir* vis??il II' NiTissirj Mir i ikk rm.vn \nl Kiinlin*: on \n> Snr rrrilin^ (oiifiirs*. Hut (!;in Kr Ur\ immI. Kcilii?'t>\\ iii i.\\\ iti:.\? t: 4Ci'|i|( Il.'h. l?r Thf Paul Smith* N V . July :tu. Kurope lu-v.-r fear thai a recon ddet at ion <>f i h?* war debt M-tlli U|e||tS Will lti> IVlUKed llV tll>' I lilted States it Ill?- ihm es.-dlv for it* vision uf term* should develop at a .result of the f.illurc of ? many t uii dcrslood by Kuropean Mlutr*iueii ami is ii lit li;i I y the ha-?is fur .ill i In* ruin revised Ii v the alm |il> - pro.e** of majority vole of both iKHhis of tin* American Con gress. l alike a treaty wliich re unite* a two ihird* vol.- ami wlil> Ii r in ii . a Miililmrii inlunriiy of min i Ii i rift to block a treaty or t li?? amendment of irs t 1111W. the di-ni agreement i are really not inter national agreement ?? in (In* MHlisf of treaties a n?l convention*. Tin* peculiar till feronce between i In* way i In* debt agreements w-re apprnvi il li> t'oimri'i-i: ami tin- lat iliriiiion of the peace treaties lor Instance is pertinent to lh?- dUru* mIiiii. for It rcvt'ula the flexibility thai Kit rope can depend upon in - stead uf .1 formal -safeguard rla uxr. I*'.ir III** debt auri i'iin iiIh an* In corporated in acts of l'mii:riN4 and an- not binding on any Murrrcditig Cmigre** whirli in turn ran hy a majority voir revise, riilur*, nr even cancel I ho ?|i*l?t agreement s in. i?l hy predecssora. ill luinaliv Hi.' mallei came with lu tlii- jurlaUirt ion of Congress be muse authority was given iiiuIit tlii* constitution to raise moiii-y fur war purpose*. Vast sum* were borrowed from tlii* American two |il?- ami IioihI" i ii.-n in Ho ir stead. Wlten Ii came to- getting repay nii-iii from Kuropean debtor* It was a mutter fur Cong res* tu liaiiili*'. A i'i mi m Union wan cre aleil hy art of ('iiiiRri-M giving llie President the power lo a |i|>iiint represent at Ivea from holh House* ami making Ihe KtHfelarlcn of Stale, Treasury ami Commerce (?aril member* of it. The commission in not an exe cutive hotly ami Is responsible In emigres* ami not to tin- President. When |i h agreement* were ron rlnileil these Were embodied ill hills till reduced in bulb houses ii* amendment* to the original law which hail scf forth tin- ti-rini hy which the (lolit k whli Kuropean countries rolllil lie funded. Thus a majority vole was all that wan needed to amend the law and permit the commission to tie ce|it the term- offered hy the sev eral debtor countries. If these term* Khould prove liurdenaome or iin|MiNHild?' of fulfilment a hill in I reduced in ('oiiKrei| tiy the I'm-joiIi nl Could rhim^i the ? m if" net I lenient. Kuropean debtors are hound hy formal rat Ifleailnn of their itKr?e tiieuts made with the United Stale* and It wan ?tlpulatcd In cv cry rime that parliami-nts should ratify tin* uiider*taiidinit* In oili er word* the d? lit ai'.reements have aH tin* force tit a treaty when considered from the point uf view of hlmiiiiK Kuropean government* to pay. hut t Ii ? y do not have treaty Hliwilnn liii<|ei coital H III loaal law on this side itS the Atlanir. To amend or repeal a treaty Is a <1 iff i u It ta k It ha|ip im flttlf In American history. Ii !?? seldom that any political parly < an com mand a two third vol* in hotli Iioimck i. lid the opportiuiHIea for the minority to make a political Is Kite out of a treaty controversy are aliundani. Mut with an an of CotixreMN it la often po*?lhle, for a political party to put through a repeal or ameiiduienl wilhoitt. Kvery one of the ilehi rommlaahm t went throuarh Conirre** hy over whelming Vote*. All tlii* means that ihe aaplami tion Riven In private eofivarMtlon hy negotiator* of the debt aire i Continued on paga 4) Driver Critically Hurt When Yard Engine Hits Oil Truck at Crossing William II. 15am), 2N Years Old, Appar ently Failed I ? Observe Approaching Kngine, Despite Mowing of Whistle and Frantic Yells of Warning . William II. !*;? rr?i. JS years old, employed as a substitute ?lri \ I?y i ho Standard Oil Company lino, was probably I'atall.v hurt early today vvhon a Norfolk Southern yard en jri ???? crashed into ih. 1 1 nek he was driving as ho undertook to cross the track at the intersection <>1 Skinners avenue and Ander on stuet. Mr. llano's skull was crushed, and hia rij'hl le;? was lacerated liadly. Attending physicians held out liltle ho|M' for his roeovery. Poincare's Decision i 01 Postponement Disappoints ll> I'M I. si wr MOW Itl-'.lt ir??t>i?i>i. V"""' . I?;i i i- j 1 1 1 v I'.ditn-ai and llliiiiin.il .11.1. nr. ill-. I Ht l'r? an i? r I'olncarn** d.ci n>n ??nil! autumn |.r.*?:. nta lion "I ??oii.i.IM.' l.lni'H lor ..iitlM! tkralloii aud iinhiibtJtw 1 tii. n. II l*? f?*ar.*d that im*anwhllr I tin- franr may fall ai'.alrt. I hit?- ii|? 1 sHtlnu all ralrulalioHH. | sir Arthur Sail- r. ? rommm* iii.it of 11m* ?'f Nation*. wli(? Is I luuoiiislily familim wit" tin- financial r.rornirt of \iiftrta. a ry and <5. rinuiiV. ' ? dial Trail *an ululdll*.- i-asmr Ilia li IIh'jw* imiiiiiI ri?'M In-can ?? ln*r i iin. ii' V Is I? hr ill*iirt::m?/? .roimmh' Ritual i?n I j-i rout'., and i sli<* lia-i Hiifficj. Hi ' "Id li* covrr a in w Ihsim- of purrmiry. I? ordor lo ? If ? < stalilllxall'iu. Sir A rl Ijlii r said, a plan luiwl In* form.. I round. !?? In all point* and applh'd BlmullaiH'oiiidv: liuldH. U will lir.ak down. Th. IiikIk' I nurd In* halancd and nlali Hi/iit I ff.clod al tin* ?*?>??? ????? I hi. -nt. or ilm* IIm- iMtdli. l will almw a In r il-fldl. At th- hijiimj Han. lli?* discount must !??? rat t.i allrarl raiillul Tin- l?aiik of Ihhih* iitiiHl In* lnd?*|M*nd?*nt of P" nil Ira I ronl ml Tim >;ov?ihunni must niroid. d . \ro|d ??iial. I"'t not ,?.rmsarilv dictatorial pow. i <. and miiHt i:lv?* the Impr.t Ion that It n.i? nd h to hold firm ?" l?",,,? d.nint. diffirultl. Finally. thjr* iiiuhV Ih* ford in hank errdlt". Mr Arthur niw rU'd. NKW YOHK TAkKS I KM) I IIOM IIAAS WmhIiIiiiiioii. July :'ilt A|' ilioiu'.li allow i n K a dirline ??f near t> oiiilit million dollar* from lit; urt'M for 11m- Hann I" rlod last >? al'. N.w York with ?l!?D.f.l0.??? ?" export h r.caln.d Ha Lad from TMxaa'ln valw of out: .oim nnr - IrliamllKi' ahlpui.nl durniK tin .mart of 1 tlir rmnun rc- in* part hi on I announrrd today. Ti export* derllind i?eai ly ; 1 1 2 1 .?Kl(*,000 to a total oi *>?*?? H7:?.00n for Hi- iinarl. r. dm* H?o f lv io d?neaa?*d *hlpm. Hi *= of rot ton and low. r price* for llml com I mod it t ? Total export* lor Ih iipmrtcr w. re valued al fl.09*? ifoft.utio. . 1 ' Noil h (Carolina rank?d fourth th. South Willi ? IK. I *?.??? an r?iii|Mir.il Willi ?l.i.U?l.''?? "" mrr.-din;. i|uarl''r. I *?? ?r?l l'i 0i? with $r,2.Utiti.0l>U ?**|M?rta. IMKS. IIAI.I. UtAKKS I lltS I IIKFKNSK MOM'. Hfilit. l v III. . N I ? ?""> y IH. Kim.- I??r?ii?i || II' an offorl to m ml lo*r to III** ???' trie chair for niiirdor of ln*r rh r Ky ma u liuahand and hi* alh u-d ?w?>. th. art. Mi I ranrc? llall mad. h?r Aral u?or. lo At hi bark today. ?lk,.n I > t ? ii *o* attorn?*VH mad. niM't> Ml loo r..r I..-. Ml..." .ml I'" hearth'.*, will I"' I" Id lat?* thin af t.-rnooii. ( (rrrov MAKKfrr N. W Vork. July Collnn fn inr.'H I"1'" 1,1 "5? '"L1"-* i..k !?'?. i ;JTi W?V .Ian. 1 7 . K fi . March is. 1 1, w^y IK in. ? , N.-W Vork. J nljr 1" ' ? > * dfclin" of point*. ? "V" , rlonlllK 1.11 '*< 1 k i^IV M.y Jin 17.72. March !.??. May 18.07. At l ho point wlu're (lie ac cident occurred, Skinners av pa r:i llols the railroad track. Willi ? roadway on each side of lli<- railroad right of way. The yard engine, ac cording to members of the crew, was kicking toward the passenger station in a west wardl.V direction. Mr. Ilarco turned out of a small side st reel , and was headed where lie was to cross. His view wits olistrncted partial ly by ii large umbrella tree in the yard of a colored family near the crossing. Tin- llijiir.it mull'* ?*?" trailurid In Iitui-?. III K. n.trl. k. mid a ainatl qu?a , . , v ..f |l>" lira In aillialance w" loitl. Hi K'-lnlrirk Mati.it th?? ?? lia.t ''"V|? r,.,.?v. r Ill- wil l I?k?" Hl: *15: ...,n I |i.m|iIIii1. ii"; 3 '"''?2 I mill Krtdni nil'- 111 h?2 III aavtnu til" nr.. ii> an npiratton in it luiH|?llal llu rr. - Mr Lin r ('<> ivnalwd rnnwclQIM^ i nt-a. durlnK tie ?' '52 H ? ill "'I I"' 1 ' ?'"!? *2 Willi I I'li'l """? """i tin vi k in wit I'll III' "" ?* ?? ' |,l HllllllM Hi"'!'- *?'????' mill. I.ut-i. drinni'd .1, . ,1. illlll ??? "It". Ilil. aH'-moon at 2: '.10 o cloc*- . I |; S j ti?l?'i'5;i conductor uboira II,.' . III. . Willi I"' ?"'> ivi-il Ml l?ai*o with hin Iruck. ami tne ,vi,imi. ..mi >? I- '"Jf ?,..,i.il I1n criwxlnu. tn-pt ?>?. apparently illimnacImM ? tlio witrniiiK- Win " y MjW J ri'ii vli w ii h III' viliil'l''* Mr * * ??ml r l? IVrr? II. Unman, who won on tli' I"" * InmlMmrf of Jhj ? IIKIM'. Junip'tl t,i avoid beliif < - 1- 1 1 vt 1 1 ?l?'.ith. Tin r? a I ??' nM' ,11^31 rr.i-li'il I II" ,,"rh' ii,.' In I tel. i.n-rt iirulnt! " htl rlliiv 11 "vi r ,'11" n" ? alMInu Hi- trunk M r, ' ptt.'lii-il "ill "n ' "tdi nuxt ' 11 '-r t* ^ 'i ii V " r. ? . i rl.iMv lulu II" limn" t B'"2, wlm niim a "???" ii" j"''1;''"1 .??: ..in,-, il Hi II I. Ki'iiilrlck an? l?r. Howard J ' J""- "EE li d. mill. iirrtvlliK lll ? ' ? I. a. dr.H.1.1 lil" I 1,1 V .|u I "d I" had mum rhaiwe to ri-rcivi-r. . Mi Hnrro llvn on ? furin near lhl. jiHH-.lon Of tin- N-wland H s.iuth Mill" riiHild. lu upper Pm, tank I n ?" ?'?? ? *"? iin.l four Htnnll children. H Conductor Hand?* and ( and rrunli"d "i ii" "?"? - "'3 " '"I "" ' ,, ""3 iilHiorltn ??' ' " ja* a imlid ?? i id Pal? a, tii?llinnii\ In H" M. , IJ, ,ti" I ,v ";V ' f? ' , M, Bared ,? ,,?1)r. .ml llilt Mr Bar" wan drtilil* lil? ,""'k ainlniil I"" '!"? ?li Ml S 1 1 " WM w 'tVTwr"?B Ihi \ ?rd ? nKlto- ,,iat Mr. BiBWI , ?.,V|. had nta ?>'??>?*? I ii'in* """-as: d II" Iiiri^. ^ Norma wmn mi;; ?? ?gj.'l'Jll ,h(. standard oil Companya branch iiart. 1 (Coniln?%d on PM? 4)