Condition Of Injured Truck Driver Termed Critical At Hospital Skull Fraclurcd i? Two Plarc* ill Truck-Train ( W. H. Bare. I'n dergoca Operation LITTLE HOI'K. UKIJ) Ol 1 Further Invalidation of Scene of Accident Throws Additional Light <>n ihc l' Cause of It ? The condition of William H. Marco driver of an Oil truck, , whose skull was fractured J" places yesteruay morning ?' " ? Norfolk Soulli. ru yard ^ crashed Into III. Hock ?? was ahout to cross the ?,'r?|ad. track at the Intersection skl" | wra Avenue ami Anders"., street, ^"report, .la, critical this ".onl ine at 1? :!? u clock at M. \ | cent s Hospital. Norrolk. In a long distance tclephon* conversation with m?-n.b?-r? ot he hospital stall, it ?as learuedthat Barco had just undergone an op c ration iu the hope of saving fife but that his condition was very had. anil there was only a scant possibility that he might re "nlrco was taken to the Norfolk hospital yesterday aft.rnonn aboard the !i ? clock ;????. panied by his wife and his par i,..i K Mr and Mrs. H. ,? Uvios on Harrington Koad. this city, in tli*-" hope that - his ?>'? might be ?ia v I'd by u difficult np fcraj u? a telephone' conversation with the nurse in charge of the caae this afternoon at l:4o o clock. It was learned that Barco was showing some signs of ? .'"n""' me lit. The nurse ?u'Y\,^'lne pulso was stronger, and that tin. were other favorable Indications, but that It was still too early af ter the operation to determine anything dellntt. as to bis chances lor recovery. Further Investigation of the ac cident thrown some light 01. what at first appeared as Inexpllcabl. circumstance, surrounding it- '? casual examination of the crossing at which it occurred Indicated that the driver of a vehicle approach ' lot the point had an unobstructed 5,w of the railroad track for a XtiulderahUi distance ? certainly Cr enonuh to avoid a collision wltl? an approaching train. Skinners avenue parallels tne railroad on both sides of the track. 5t is impaved. and a tortuous whorl track on the north aide us ually U followed by vehicles. That wheel track bends sharply north ward a short distance from h crossing, and at that point . th. view of the .railroad track Is al most completely b ocked by a large umbrella tree In the yard of .colored family. Thus. It was readily possible for olio not ex pecting the approach of a train to be almost on the track befo.e h< '"a driver not anticipating dan ger. therefore, as liarco evidently was not. conceivably could be al most on the track before he ?erred the train. . ; The crew of the yard - ngln. which figured In the crash .1 ? clared they saw Barco . truck ap proaching the crossing, and shout ed anil blew the whistle to warn him. but In vain. It ?? posslhlo that the noise of the oil truck s motor might have kept Barco from noticing or paying attention to tho warnings. i The truck was struck broad side by the rear end of the yard engine, and wa? hurled over. turnliiK turtle as It came to rest a short distance from the railroad track Barco was thrown out. landing on a wheel of (the truck next to the track. Blood stains jcovered' the wheel. f The Injured man was taken to , L,| linni ?? of I I W* the scene of the accident, and was treated promptly by Dr. urd J. Combs and Dr. It. 1' Ken- . drlck. Ho remained there until 1 lust before .the arrival of the 3 t o'clock train, on which bo was i liken to Norfolk. OFF EllS STATE HOUSE FOR < J'MMINS FUNERAI. Den Molnea, Iowa. July 31. ? lT*e of thr low? State Hoiine for a public funeral for Senator A. D. Cummins wan offered trt the Sen ator's family today by (Governor John M. Ham nil II In a telegram from Yellowstone Park, Wyoming. Governor Hammlll narmd Lieuten ant <l#Vernor Kimball to repre n?-nl hlrn officially at the funeral. H? nfttor Cummins' " death oc curs d late Friday at hi* home here OOTTOP NAKKirr New York. July ft. ? Cotton fu tarm opened today at tho follow Ins levels: :Ort 17.72, Dec. 17.70. Jan 47.73. March 17.94. May 11.07. New York, July 31. ? Spot cot Hp Clotted today steady. middling a decline of 10 point*. Ku WM cloning hid: October 17 6*. IM^mher 17.(4. January 17. 70. Moreh 17. tO. M?y 11.07. i DEATH MAY BE WAS DUE DRUG .Marks of Hypodermic INrr- , die on Arms I >ro* niti^ \ i < * l i 1 1 1 Surest (Jim* A powerful druu. off<-rinu brief nepenthe to him who yields i<? H.' hut exacting a terrible price. in believed to have beei. responsible lor the death of 1?< ?' Hn rris. engi nwr formerly employed by iltw Eastern Cottun Oil Company at its Hertford plant, who wad dr. jttiicd in the still waters of Har rington Creek yesterday, sometime between midnight and daybreak. When found by Fire Chief J? - . ronif Flora and Genrue Koch, a liietiibel* of (In* fire department. Harris's body wan lying in?water so shallow that if he had stood up. J his head would hav? been abov< the surface. An ? xainiiiation by Dr. I. Fearing, city coroner. late yesterday revealed no marks ??f violence, hut disclosing a number, of .spots on both amis indicating one of several conditions prob ably t he continued use of a hypo dermic needle. Person* who viewed the body declared three of the marks were, fresh, indicating that the needle, had been used only a short tiuic before. Those who knew Mr. Har ris well declared that for several years lie had heen' addicted to the use of morphine, and tin- supposi tion is that, while temporarily un balanced by the druu, he wandered ' down Southern avenue, started ! across the precarious walkway! left In partially tearing away lb ? bridge for sewer installation, stumbled and fell into t In* water. I I)r. Fearing decideii after Ills ' | examination that the victim had , conic to his death by accidental j d rownintf. I Mr. Harris bad gone to the, I home of David Simpson, oil Soul's'-;, erl avenue, extended, Thursday to spend the night. Some lino- b> - twecn midnight and day. he left1 the Simpson home, and. so' far' as can be learned, never again _ was seen alive. A colored woman ' living near Harrington Creek '| bridge reported yesterday that slioj. had heard groans late in the night |, from that direction, and tliatjj prompted the search which re-j, suited shortly afterward in dis- t covery of Uie drowned man. f The body was taken to fieri-., ford last night for funeral ser vices probably some lint1' today., but not decided upon definitely 1 pending the arrival of a sister.!, Mr. Harris' nearest surviving rel- ( atlvcn are said to be three ?ist? r.s. , Ho was about -15 years old. and j j was a widower, his wife having died about a year and a half ago, j, after a long Illness. They left no j ( children. ii Virginia Leaguers' Impressed With City and Game I'realdcnt Ft. A. Jonea and S??c-j rvUir Atkinson, of tho Norfolk club In the Virginia l/'aeuc, wen highly Interested spectators at ' Friday'* memorablo eleven inning !( p-nnant cIhhIi here between tho 1 Kli/abeth City and Hertford hitae- J ImII nine. It Is reported alaoj that a acout for the l>Hrolt Tigers ? vuh on liatid. ami that he signed., up one of lh<> Hertford players. !| but this could not be confirmed I Saturday. In* a conversation with I'ratt i Fearing. Fliziibeth City basebalH mogul. Messrs, Jonea and Alkln-i H?n expressed themselves an moat favorably Impresm d with the showing of tho two trains, with j the bIbo of the crowd on hand for j tho line, Jtnd with th? city. They ( did not Indicate whether they con- ? templated signing up any of the player*. The two officials of the Norfolk club motored back home Friday , i night. 1 1 In Air Race 1 Captain H. E. Hnnojrwll. fn |mo?> halloon pilot, look hla daughter. Kdna. with him In th?; irata that featured the Elka ton |v?ntlon at Chicago \LBEMARLE FAIR DATES OCT. 5-9; MANY FEATURES )irrctor? Arrange for N?*h ami I'niqiir Evenh for Iliih Yrar'd Big District K\|HH?ition Here AUTO MOB ILK ItACING I oiinghtcrK of Ten Conn* lio AUo (fiven O|?|>orlun i!> to Win PrizrN in Puny Event Fir?t Day The date* foi the tinater Albe narle District Fair. held aunual y here, wen- decided upon ?h Or oIht 5 to 0. inclusive, at a niect ng of I In* dlrri'lorg of the fair as sociation at the Chamber of Com nerce Friday night, It Is an lounced, and vari(?iiH other d?? ails incident t?? the big yearly xposition Hero worked out. Two new racing features will ?e a<lded this year, a |?on> event, ?pen to boys 10 to 17 yearn olfl, ? ii d a district automobile race, in vhich all residents n( the 1 o coun les embracing the Alb? l? Fair district will he eligible to (titer, rho pony racr will he held on the tpeiung day. and Hie auteniohlle ?Vent on the closing day. A puree >1 $10 will be offered in the lor ncr, ami one <?r $100 in the lat er. No entry charge will be nade of the boy* takini: part In lie pony tace. The usual horse acing will be arranged also. The directors signed contracts or the freo attractloiiH foi the air. These are to include brll iant fireworks displays each night, ?aid to he on a tnuro elaborate icale than ever before attempted iere; a balloon ascension, with a parachute drop, and various com jdy and tightrope acts, with two feminine gymnasts. " Prospect* are excellent for at east five large scale county exhi bits this year, according to Coun ;y Agent G. W. Falls, who is as sisting in that phase of prepara tions for the fair, and probahili lies are that there will be as many as bix. Each county exhibiting Ik allowed $G0 to cover the fcxpense if Its display, and ribbons are twar<l?-d the winners. Camden bounty took first place last year. N. Howard Smith, president of [lie fair association, presided at he meeting, and agreed to make i personal survey of the fair {rounds with a view to determln ing upon any repalre, renovation ind alterations that may be need ful. J. W. Foreman, first vice president, and C. O. Robinson, neinher of the executive conuult ee, agreed to arrange for auto nohile parking facilities. Tho Albemarle District Fair 'inbraces the counties of Currl uck, Camden, Pasquotank, Per lulnians, Chowan. Gates, Tyrrell, Hyde, Dare and Washington, lis >fTi?^ers are: N. Howard Smith, ?resident; J. Wesley Foreman, Irst vice president; J. T. McCabe, lecond vice president; W. P. Duff, lecretary; A. c. James, financial ?ecretary; and It. C. Job. corpora Ion secretary. Ilesldes the officers, I he board if directors comprise* W. J. A'??fif||.y. Sr.. Taylor Crandy, C. ). fioblnson, S. H. Johnson, D. W. Morgan, O. F. Cillbert, Buxton White. C. H. Brock. C. W. Stev ens. T. T. Nelson and Vf> . Ben ioodwin. Mr. Falls announces that there *111 probably be several agrlcul ural and other demonstrations luring the fair, under the auspices >f the State Department of Agrl 'ulture, in which hoy and girl club n embers In the various counties will take part. The winner of first place in the :ounty exhibits will be awarded a landsome silver loving cup donat d by W. P. Duff, of this city. EDENTON-MACKEYS FEKRY IMPROVED Kdrnton. July 31.? Th? Kden ton-Mack'-ya ferry ha# attain In rrcaa'd I(m rapacity. frrrylng ovrr 200 automoblloa dally over Alb? - mail? Sound, connecting Highway [>0 leading from Raleigh mid oth r?r town* on the south aide of th? tound with Nuinbrra 32 and r: ? 1! I'-adlriK by way of Kdrnton. EIIxh Mh City and Norfolk on th?' north ?Id*- of the aound. A n?-w and larger frrry boat ha* bren add??d. inrn-aalng ferry raparity to 200 or more automobllca dally. Two big lutomobllo transport* maklntt in til p? daily, rlaht trlpa rach from Kdrnton and Mackeya. now glvrs Iravrlcrs Improved s??rvlcr. This f??rry waa first sponsorr?l j by thr Chamber of Tommcrrp at j Kdrnton and has atradlly Incnas- i r*d If* sorrier since organisation, meeting thr drnnind* of fast grow ina traffic cauard by th? rseellent condition of Improrrd highway* [h rough Northrastern North Car-! >llna and Virginia. PIXKI) FOR AMMAM/r Richard and John I*r#?, colorrd ind brother*, were An??d IK and ?osta ?ach In recorder's court flat irday morning on a charge of as- j *ault. In connection with an af fray In th? Prltchardtown acctlon i i frw daya ago, In which anothrr 1 >egro la aald to bar* recelrcd d?- , tdrdly th? worst of It at their] lands. Enough Eggs for Any Picnic hl? 45? pound men turtle nn.1 lis Ho wore captured by member* of ? picnic parly ??fT Pcnwicoln. F)?. 8?- 1 turtles, whlrh Incidentally are good to cat. arc plentiful In thnt vicinity thl* summer. SNAKES INSPECT GOVEROR'S CAR (JiauflVtir and Stcntarj Do Not to Dixov ?t Lrn^lli or Itrrrd I ilalpich. July ::i . - .Sunken l:? j snakes, and hi- d i?l not pause to j appraise its length or breed when lone glided i rt >iti under tlx* Gover uor'H rar win re lie was struggling to cx^act It ? I In: car not tin- Miakt j ? from tlic mini, according to A , W. Muwshaw, personal secretary, 'to Governor A. W. McLean, win spent au eventful three hours wiia the Governor's rar aiul Hugh, i t * I colored driver, in un effort to c*\-j j tract it from a mud hole in a by road near lilowiug Hock. Thu| iGovernor decided he could make j j better tirno on foot and walked to< (the camp where III* sou was ?tu>-: in K . a mile distant, reaching there j puffing and perspiring. but iioii> tlie worxe for hi? tramp up the mounlaln. Governor McLean reached Ha-' leigh at 3 o'clock Friday morning, and told the Advance corrcspon , dent that despite the 21 hour* on the roads, lh of them in almost' constant driving in which 650 : , miles were covered, he felt re fresh* d from the day's out Inc., and better than If In- had stayed in' >is oil ice ult"Oa>. Hul back to the snake story. I (loth Mi'Wsha* and Hugh were almost under the bit: car trying to' jack up the rear wheels in an ef ifort tf > gef out of the mtid hole. The Governor had left and was on his way up the mountain. All at once the two under the car had a i "funny feeling" - -then they wt* the big snake glide past from un der (he car. There was a frenzied crawling from under the car and a splatter lug of mud not hy the stiak Mcwshaw says that Hugh almost ? turned white and that neither of them looked back to see where the, snake went to. 'H)it they took pains (o see Lliat there was none ( under the car before they went back to work getting It out of the mud. Mewshaw says ho never has' cared for snakes, and likes them1 less than ever now. CONDI I ION SKSSOMS IS MUCH liMI'KOV The condition of lion Sons-' nr ?. I who was injured aerlounly Tliur | ?lay afternoon by a fall from i li roof "f t|ie homo "f W. Daw won, Wrut Church ntrw'1, wan n ! ported Saturday as nudi im proved. Mr. Hrnisomr. iu under trrniup nt 1 at Sarah l.eitli lloxpttal. Norfolk, The rnpwaKc on Ida condition ' ri ri? v?-d by Iour dbuti^o ???!?? 1 phone l?y relative* hero Saturday. ! TOWN WII.L IJM ItKMi; I'OI.ICK DKI'AR'l MKVI Warren. JJ tilo, July 31. The Warren rlty council will inert ;?t 10 o'clock toniuht and rcp?al 1 ordinance abolishing the poller <n partnn nt A BCW i>rdinnii<-> Will be .idoiiN d I< creating police do part merit. a* now. CON KHNOK M. I.KAN WIIJ. IIAVK VACATION ItalrlKh. July 3 1 <?oveyn>.r Mrf^-an accoinpnnl*>d by two ?-f j his children will leave Hther !<? night or tomorrow for ?hr?" werka" vara! Ion at l*nd Ij?K? . Mlrhlaau. Mr*. Mcl^nn will tak a vacation later but her plana at* i' not comptot*. ? SAYS CRANIORI) ISOLATE!) CASE (iovrrnor !)????* INol llr Ii?*v?* Surli (iriirllv U (niirrul in Slatr C.i Irluh. .1 ii I > ;||. ? \e\ in < ranfnrd, former convict lio-.s of Simile* I'olinl), acquitted tills ?iv!? on a iloiilili' churuc of iiinnlri. will In* fplaccii on trial ul ill*' s? |?i?-mlf?'i- i ri in hi court III Manlc> ('omit) on a < liamt- ol ii|n>ii Hriir> WiMticii, a conxiel. Till** kUIciiii'iiI wiii rnatle ov er lli? lout; iINamic telephone I?n|{i> In flic .\s.s?N-lat< ?| Piths In Solicitor hmi I'hilips al Knrkiiiuliam. Kalciub. July SSI. -tiovcrnor Mrl.'iin dr|ilori'H as "one of (ho most unfortunate resolls" in tie Crauford trial I "tlio effort niitilr l?y a few people in the Stale mill liv HOihe newspapers outside Ihe Stiit"," id rrnaii the liiiprofnltm lli. 1 1 rliiiiKi'M made liy coin id* a* (u wholesale killing w? re "not only true t>uf typical of f.-eiicrai ninilil ions |ircvailiim 1 1? rout- Imiil I lie Hlatc iiiid*'!* a system fluttered l?y tin- Slate il:t? If." Si-rliillM dam u v i' lias been <#>? ii ? ? the icputalion nf the Slat?* by efforts, i|i clm?H Mr. Mclean. Hub 1Kb. July 31. ? That lilt nation in Stanley county brought In light a.s tie* result nf tin trial A Nov In Cranford. convict Imikm.i Tor murder. and Ills ultimate a<- - 1 i|ii II tail. 1k but an isolated case, audi not general over 1 1 1 * * Slate, as some I would have It believed, was called In tn in <1 by Coventor A. \V. Mr-; Lean, in discussing the case. lit? said thai as (ioVernor be look what notion he was able to britiK Hie ease In trial and In see that JitHlico' was done, and now gince the jury liad found Cranforil not. guilty of inurdtr. as. (-barbed, after a fair tlid i in i*a r I l;t I trial, lie bad no com ment to make other than that lie. tiud doll" all he could in the mai ler. The Stale a* a whole, however, lias suffered. particularly In the Bait, where this oiih single in stance found in Stanley county has born pointed out as a general coii ilition exlstine everywbete in Ihe Stalls which b; decidedly not I he rase. 1 1 ui nit In: reiiietubered. too, t Ii;* f (he con lily and state c??n rlct systems are ??n 1 1 r<-l y separate i nd lil.'tinci, and that Clan foul ivhm a county convict bn.HH, In no cane I., (.'rati ford defend ??l. or Ihe cruel tact Ic.h which Ii" used ill working ihe convict* he rtiled over justified. There. in no lotihi but that He wax cruel and linat them, which in Ihe county otivlct system. is permit led in tome count lev. thou Kb the major-! ty of Mie rutin lie* in Ihe Stale - i II VO ball i* lied the lash rompl'le y, an it has been hani*li"d in the j ilate convict camp*. AW7I/.V. ( \ LUCKY ABOUT I t: Hi: ill 'THEY \M KM K Vf.ll 1 Th#? final prist'- for V f>?* cl?-v? r (??t "Th' y N?-v?-|- Km w" >ihk f ?? Lilian lie M' llrk . SiiMllh" In I Y'ttr i? '?!?!. tmt not unlucky. H *'fi' l? li? r luiy. winii< ? "On* ill Ink of IkmiII' K ii ii t Ttw\ Xrm Kuril tlul hli* pon< 'I hut Judge Hairy i ^?|rl 'Thlrtv flay* and cosl*'.*" TliU ? I"- ? " tin "Thff Nc?? r Know content. Sorry ih<7o nf n't mori- prlxr-*, hut tli?- ?m M Is jrrl to romr, for Torn Slum' Jolly com' ilv m<tI;iI, "Th' y N< v t Kn?-? ti' Klrm Mondnv in The Ihilly \ilvwncc. Don't intaM lh? ftr**( rhnptcr. DOUGHBOYS NOT \ SURE THEY CAN i INVADE FRANCE IHTin-o ?? I \tiirrir;ui !???? t:ion ( ioiil iniH* IVrparii lion> for Kninion Tlirrt* Ni*\l > car Jii*1 I In* Saint* W II \T MM. II I II \ITIN i II .MMHH) Vim ri? an> <h?I 0\?t ami Our Happen* In lit- lllMilt?*?l or \U rniil( ?l. IIhiiiIi M itilii ( mi I MV li* i;oi:i:i;i I. ? i ?ui> o'i> ri.'i H? III* a n. ??..*. Indiana p'di.?, hid . Jitlx ::i. While oriiccts <1 llu- Ann \. "i??n iy, roiitiliuiliK I It* -t a pr? para li"iis I'm |||. |tru|Mi ii*ii ii i? i*i nf IMIU ?|i>ilrhli<i>s in Prance IM'\I year. j kmlin^ ut. m>i. t. (,r llie soldier organization are allium;. ?i ilmihl |li. advisability' of ? t ? I M'Cllllll "IllV.l.ion" Hill''** Preiu-li *< nhow in (ovarii Hi. I ii it i ?i Slat, s undergoes a marked change during the ih-m |j month*. I- lankly ili? K' - .il?|er lo ads In llu- I. ? Li. ui an- li-arful o| what luiuht lia|>|H n in |*ti r|? ami oiler |Milh nl I* i .1 in* ? ii douch hu>?- should ??> any chance lie in Milled nr nlfroiilnl hi Pr.nrh nm il?i?-l, it vardless nl whether or not that conduct I ? presented (|||. ||l|e Pi?-nrli !??? liiiL,. The chancis aio tin dmi:;hhoya would make Hi" Herman ill real of l!?H seem |i|< ? ? imihitii; limit* | hail a diess parade. H l?y any chance tin \isitin-.: A lie l iean Veterans of I If World War shou hi bn'iiiii" in v?*l v?i| in serious difficulties in Irani.. t|u. Mtilal lull would lie niusf McriiMI*. la vjouair ries |Hilnt "ill lliat il I lie leilliiuil halt heen Met Tor (Ills au '"iii ii instead or Hi.- rail **r I!IS7, III. possibilities III tl'Ollllll wmi III. Inve li.'i ii (treat. There is a very general hope ihat .llie hoi leads ai'M'lltt llu Prenrli Will mill nil III lie- near fmiire, but the lai-t re mains Dial I lie whole h iiliji'ct or 'he ilt lit >elt li nn nt wiili Xmerlra Ik >'it t*? In* threshed mil in Hi. Preneh parliament. Tin dhtcu? hJoiik may ko over until ihM year, in which event m-wlv aroused r? - Ni'iitiiieni nl America'* position with respect lo the war loans might make itseir iiioiv maultist than miythiiiK which has incurred IhiiH far. laailern or llie |.t^|nn have hoped to prevail upmi Central I'erKhln^, .commandcr-in-chlef of I In- A. K, P., to hcc*'|i1 tin- position or commander ot tin- l<e.r.iiin lor the i ? 1 1 1 jiosi n ot the pilvrimattc, to . Prance next year. It. cent events in Prance may make the uenoral more hesitant than ev?r to accept the role of leader of the new movement across the sea. The general haw been* in Prance him "elf, however and may have a dil I. rent report to make upon the situation. l?eulon officials will In- inclined lo let general I'itsIiIiik decide not only as Mo accepting coniiuaiid of the Lei: ion hilt as to the advlsa hllily nf carrying mil l !??? well lahl plans fui Hp- reunion in Piano . j Newspapers in this section have ; taken very m rlously the recent wrttiri akri of. anil- American aeiili incut, in I'arla and also are com-| in* tiling rather freely up'm the in i direct warning from ^'resident UooUiIkc that American*: ahroad , lioillll Mil ||. loll Oj|? 1 1 1 H t 1 III M III lle ir spending among a poverty Irickeii populave. 'Ihe Indian. t pidis News. I or Instance any*: "American* In Paris have hcen ' attacked as rcpri-senlat lv> s ot He ir country. which Is . vldeiilly highly unpopular. Ilni lloy luin not heen a I tacked hy i In e*i i /-|*r> | Heiitatlveg or Hi* Prench people or novel n ne nl . N.-vcrlhch HM n must be accepted iim an uiiplcananl I I nth that Ame rica and American* ii 1 1 . to pill il lulhlly, nol liked lo Kurope, and ate inihaps IcmkI in Prance. Tin* IhcI is one that ? should Ii ? horn i.' In mind hy trnv I l< TM. especially hy the "hlimpll oiis." The cull n xe I of the I'resl '??nl. therefore, which comeH in. Hie iiHiial round' iihout and lad* r?cl way, Is wise and should In heeded." Several editorial* the hint' few dayn have heen headed "I n rle Shylock" i 'in writer koiriK mi ia: a:? lo say that soon "no Aim r 'can will Hpend his vacation mon ey ahroad. for lie won't dare to have his own corner* " Ih ei nt comments on European haired of America hy Senator Itorali. of Idaho, cliHiniiati of llie lorelxn relatioiu* commiltee, and hy Sepatur lliram Johnson, of I'allfornla. also have had th? Ir ef feet In the ranks or the American la-nlon, althoui'h the Toledo i Times way*: "It wdnld he ii serious miidalte . lo Interpret I h I -< Iivsteria an r? rfotlM the r<?al Kfcuch ncptf- j ineiit. Ilavini: In en k'*n' roiia, w '?an affoid si '? lo he p.iii- nt until I III* unpleasant pha*e w.?rs Itnell rml." l?"wlon official* h' re. who are rharued Willi making armriir monl* fur holdltiK the lf?27 con Mention In I'arla. appear to b? confident Hmf eviiythlnR will h*- 1 Nmoolhed over. They pay they have a most cordial Invitation from the French tnvernmnnt fori Ihe reunion and thrv hcllrve the | thousand* of doiiKhnoy* who ?re eountlnn upon m^klns th? trip A Second Sherlock Tlit* is Own Sinn-. the (ittiMMi ilrlirtnr, I -i ti v? t> mail in "They Never Kim ? tin none-such hy Torn Simv. wlilrlr starts in Tin- llaily Advance M??n day. Tourists Turning To Scotland And England London. July III. | .-mil Scotland # \|i? t*t to diiiM I ? i *.-?* - iHMii'filM r r<<tn I !a*? ant i l >r? iiv.i outbursts in Franco. In the coiir<ej nf the week. many Atneric-.tti lour 1st* InlundiiiK io spend t|i? lr holi-, ?lays on the roiil 1 1 j ? * 1 1 1 , ndrr reail-l Iiik I Ik* wireless report* decided to' I. mil ut i *]y in* i?i I li and Soul Im m|i- i Ion instead i?l at CIhtIhmji'k .wid I la vi ?>. Hotels In London which ex|ioci-i I'd tile usual A UK list dull mm >011 ( now ari- Imoni'd almost to ca |M? ii y . whl If ilii- lioii-l owners in Scotland arc rcul Iiik rooms In private homes in arromniodale the large* it um hers of Amur lean and Itriiisli tourists. Hallway companies report that ImokiiiKs to i In? continent. whieh in Hie last few years have Iwi'li very heavy duriiiK the hank holi days. are must tiusutlNfuriory. "While in former years ail spe cial tl'ilillS were hooked Week* III advanco," said u railway official, "this year we have cancelled a few extras and still hav?> plenty ol room in the ordinary trains." Several hundred thousand Kiik lisli people, scared hy re|mrts that they are unwelcome in France and: also hy the fact that hotels and res- ? tauraiits there have put up prices; for foreigners exceed iiik in soni' casi'H the MukIIsIi hotels, have d? ? ' cld'ed to xpi ml their usual four' days of rest in their own country.! It wan estimated that last year' KiikIIsIi tourists spent durlnK the hank holiday* $fi. 001), 00(1 to $7. 000.000 more than ?u |n r cent of which amount will he lost to ! ORPHAN CONCERT DELIGHTS CROWD Singin*: Cliihs of (?ol<M>oro lii?ttliitinn lo he al Slii loli Monday Night A liood nlzed audience enjoyed 11 concert Klvt'ii by I In- alnulng rlHMii of the Odd Fellow#' Orphan age, of- (iolilsliof o. in the high hcIiooI auditorium lie re Friday ti Itch I . despite tlit? cxc i'dlitKly hoi weather. and it roriHld' iaoli miiiii wan received In a tdlver offering taken during tin- proKiim. Tho clan* !<? 1 1 Saturday for Colnjwk, Currituck County, to \ give ronri rts at Currituck < ""II r I houne Saturday iiIkIiI and at Shi- 1 loli. Camden County, Monday itlchl. The laM?-r program will conclude their itinerary In thin imm<-dlate gectlou. Tlmae who attended tho concert lo-rc ??xprcm (I themaelvea aa de lighted MHS. HALL REMAINS IN IIOMK N' W Hrunnwlck. N. J.. July 211 After a night of Hp* dilation ??? In tin* whereabouts of M rn. Fran . . Hlen-iw Nail, reporters today told that who haul not 1? fi her lionip after returning to II from Simicr?'t County Jail from wlilrii nh< wan rcli'liHcd lant 11 li*. It * nn tin II. Mrn. Hull wan arrested Wed* nesday charged with I he murder four yearn ?ko of her huxhand, Hf?v?rnid Kdward Wh< < ler Hull pastor of N' W firiinxwick Church and Mm. Klt-aimr Mill*, a choir nlnger. will oii<-> attain a so tine th? friend ship rather than thfe hatred of th? French | ten pie and may anulM In the cutahiishaient of a new era of aood will Twenty-four ships have been chartered for the movement over -<h? nchedulrd l" t?* t >i In ffeptam her of next year. Thirty thou sand Im a minimum oatlmat*- for (he propoie d pilgrim*. Some truetisea run an huh an flft> thou e-tnd. The lealon convention in Parts would m?n million* of dol lars to the French p#npl? PISH AND CIGARS MAKE VISITORS WAX OPTIMISTIC Tliry (mi Ah ay Calking Mioul tin* Popularity of Mr. and Who (ioiild Manic Them? I OKI) A FAVORITE Motion Picture* Made with Air plain' (Manufacturer After Similar l(rque?tl Mad llerii Ornird lly l>A VII) I. \ VVKKXCK IU?|'i|kl, IWk. t| IH. ADiinci) Pa UTSnilt h'a Ni'w York, July 31. \Vliil.< th>' outside world may credit Pr?'sldcni Coolidge with the ? \ pin i liable mot i v?? or asking a ivt-ll-earned rot from government and polities, lit it to with the corps of ruriv?|Minilriiiii who hold aluioat dally debates till llit? quoatlon of what iln? President's I ruo purpose is in in v 1 1 In k callera, who, upon leaving till* eXCCIIt lv? offices, ? nit th>' most glowng reporta on his poltieal strength ami who in varlnhy predict that ho will lx i j candidate for a third term. Opinion seems to be nnaniinoua that Kdsel |*'ord w >i not invited hi<ro simply for the mountain air ami tin* comforts of White Pine Camp. Ah for Ilk-hard Washburn Child, former ambassador to Italy, there Is divided opinion. Homo advancing the view thil he spoke for the President when he said there was noihiiiK to the ob Jcctloiis raised to the third term and that tliu eountry assumed Mr. Coolidge would run again, and others venturing the suggestion that Mr. Child was expressing his iiwu personal view* without inspiration froiu the l'residont. Anyway, not a little significance attaches to the way Representa tive Sui'll. ehalriiiuu of the llouee Hulcs Conunittee, handled the question when he emergod from a brief vi?it with the President. At because Mr. Suell is a practical politician and because be knew what been Maid curlier In the day by Mr. Child considerable i weight (-an lie given to hia cau tious observation. Mr. Snell didn't want to ba quoted at all on the subject, and pressed for a reason, let it bo kliowu that it? believed It was pre mature to bo diseussing 1928 poli ties. On t ho miuds of the cor respondents he left the Impreaalon that third term, talk now was em harrasslng, that people would be gin to anulyzu everything the President did its having a political motive if 1928 were dangled too closely before their eyes, and Mr. Snell knew the President well ? nough to feel t tint tilings like that woud nover influence Mr. ? Coolldge's decisions. proof however, on the I'resldsa* Mul Hide. Mr. Ford came here to White I'lwo Camp at the invitation of i ho President and wan brought to I he excriidvi! offices for -the sols purpoxo of permitting hint to bo interviewed and ihcn photo Kraphod with the President. As i" the motion pictures of Hdest Ford. 1 1 1 1 h Is Important because not Ioiik ago Mi. Coolldge declined to Ih? photographed with (Jovernor A I Smith and he also declined the request of the protographers that hi- p?ni> with Secretary of the Nsvy Wilbur. Luat summer Mr. Coolldge exclt- ? ed the curiosity of the newspaper eor respondents by declining to be photographed with Vice I'reiKlcat Ibiwos at Hwampscott. Ho when hn docs give permission It Is con- i aldered a certain sign of f'resldsa- I tlal approval. It Ik argued that Mr. Ford's , ; vlalt was u distinct rontrlhutlon, foi in i 1 ii ? i' * ?f i i reports of |. .v? r t v in 1 1 1 ? ? en r ii b. If Mr. Ford said ? hey were soiling more Ford car; in the West than usual and in' nt loiicd oiiy oim or two states ' jim being behind their avnrags. J Thin w.i* MUpposed to glv* the sn swer to I ho erics of "wolf" from , the western farmer. For If auto- / mobiles can Im- bought in largs riuuntltles, a generally prosperous J londltlon is presumed. Mr. Ford did talk of the Presl ilenfa poilt lea I strength ss did Itlchard Washburn Child on ths succeeding day. Under the spell if I'rusidMiit lal cigars nnd the a*t iatiug Influence of i'resldsntlftl iiike caught by the I'resldentlsl rod and reel. It wan hardly to be I'Xpectcd that guests would '?merge and shake their heads du biously when the reporters asked If he was popular in the country J M large. 1 Anyway lbs exubersncs of the / Ruests on the subject of t'oolldff# |io|itlcal strength has caused Just 4 till of concern In executive quar- ' lers and th?* wise piece of practl- ^ ral polities Injected by ItepressB i i furnish ho cue for |nvlli>d guests, though, o he sure. National CommltteS- ' nan Mulvaney last year at fJWamp ?cott predicted that Mr. Coolldge ffould he the Republican candidate n l!?ax. So there la ample pree* lent. both political and social for taylng nice things about Mr Cool* dge when one has Just been ban lueted at the festive board of th* i

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