PKKLK * 1'KKLK. I'uhlUhera oC TV AmorUued Pmu. Minagfcttn I lYiuiiubcr whin Hi' it If tune: spread cattle orator used Hi' Itli ?' July fer a >-t? |?|?in' stime t' ? It* ' best office in tir < ouiitv Doe*1 crliue |?\ ? l ast week tin olc I Wwltrn WeHn*Fai-|(o out law. *vlio I tu?w beon rethireil t' Icttuiin', j paeted thm here mi' addressed our I liutMi) (tub fer ?7. Barlii-c! Sayings WashinMoiiV dope probe hIiouIU j take In the Congrenaional Hecord. I " . JBJyrn though Paddock holds V, ' j ?print I in; records lie's engaged. Hun l? d Chicago liandltH a<>t ! only 19 ,000, missing.. a cane of i booM Jl new cigar will be named | "lord," so perhaps It backfires. , Your luck may h?i bad, hut a J New Jersey couple baa ten daugh ters. Matrimony is the peak of Rick- 1 ard'i career as a light promoter. { loin* without stockings isn't "Islve enough to become ft fad. Ooi expen Maybe men don't kisa their more because rou Re Ih ex A man will blame hin son for anything except having such par ?nta. Tim i thankt Tic world Isn't going to the doga. That'a where It'a coming from. We know why the rooster crows. He'a laughing because his Wilt never can And things where aha lays them. fo start something to be fokful for next Thanksgiving. j Sonic (iotid Day A year ago. with flivver deliv ery to Camden, Snowdcn and In termediate points* a new thing, $|? Advance said: Raving aolved the problem of teeing into Pasquotank. Curri tuck and Camden counties on the day of Issue. The Advance is now wondering how it can do the suine thing in Gates and Perquimans. In Perquimans the question aeems to resolve Itself Into one of getting rural mall carrier* to wall for train one before starting out on their respective routes. This would give their patrons faster service, and would bi\ It seems to VS. for the best Interest of all con cerned. Perquimans rural route patrons are urged to give this matter their serious consideration A petition from them urging their carriers to wait for train one would, we are sure, meet a ready raaponse. In Gates County, we confeaa. the problem appears as difficult as did that in Currituck and Camden before the days of good roada and the flivver. Huggestluns along this line from our subscribers in j Oaten will be most welcome. g- .Twelve months have passed and the situation remains unchanged. It la presented again In the hope that from aome subscriber In Oateg or Perquimans or from bus inesa Interests In Elizabeth City | anxious to aee the prestige of this newspaper In Klltabcth City's j trade territory grow, may come a ,,?Mg??tlon that will bear fruit. What's In a name? Thla la loupe season and yet the Hamber of runaway marriages ' malatalng aa even keel. (caught Napping? Ark nnwli'd^'d an the rreat>*t ! iit-wiMllirrliix apwipy In the world. Th?* AitMitiiiHl I'rt-HH nev er kI*>?|w, but there is a sugges lion that It I* MiBiftimpii caught nodding In h ii editorial In Fri day'* linl.uli Tlmra: Hays th**| Tim.*: It I* not often that an A**oclat ^d Frewt dhpatrh ha* the look of having been inspired. Yet recent ly It s?nt out 200 word* Indlratlng that Oneral Motora. a Morgan, concern. wax overtaking lulled' State* steel. Klgurea Indicated that "earn ing*" of the motor company for tin* *lx month* period were in r??s* oi i hose of the older corpora tion; also that the*? earnings were much laiKer In the ca*e of motor* than in thai of steej. The whole inference was that Hernial Motor*, a young Indu*lry has ox riakeii and supplanted a* hij camei, ami therefore a* a tiifUK l?i lnve*t in. I'tilted States Steel, which in 2 & year* has turned a hall hiliion dollar* of I bono* stock into one of tlje con servative l**Ue*. * It will hi- not. d that nothing wan *ald about Motoi surplus; we ire given no line on It* expendi tures in plant, iu deterioration, in rharge* for the lepuicliase of Re unifies ?f subsidiaries. Jn all th?*e respect* I. s. Steel for (reaiH ha* het-n building li*elt up 10 a point pail, if possible, the ?fleet of financial catacly*m to af r?-ct. There was a time when steel rail* were at once the hope and ' 'lo- gamble of the counir>. The *tee| Corporation, which capital ize il rails a* a fundamental, was h'1 first billion dollai corpora llon and tlo'iefoie was look* d at iskance. hp mock* f o i u time ???ld for less than a Rong, but the ?"i pot at Ion Itself was conducted >n buslnean principles. Both | < 'lock*, common and preferred, are low stabilized at remunerative di- , rldends. The nurplus mounts. I I lie Supreno Court ban declined hat the company Is no monopoly. . *ome dny there may be a melon j 11 he cut; meanwhile, thi evident jollcy la to elect an Industrial orporatlon in all respects as ?.afe ' j is the Government. 1'uited State* Steely as Illustrate i ng this tendency, is a valuable', irecedent. Already It is where , ;ood busine** or poor need not Im- ' ? Mediately affect It h fortune. No j loubt Ceueral Motors earned . nore on the books- ? but not by ? *t??el Dook U eepiim. (toldsboro barber ahop claims I clientele of the beat looking wo- j lien in the State. With neither j tea breezes nor mountain air in i 1 Wayne County to beautify com- j ilexlons. we doubt whether t IiIb ' idvertlsing would stand up under ' he modern standarda of truth In ? idvert Islng, but If It 1s iniarepre-|| M>ntatlon it is. along a line that M tfill set up no unfavorable reac- ! ! Ion among those to whom the ad- j I rertlsemeiit is particularly ad- L ireased. 'i NOTICK OK AIIMIMNTKATION llarini qualtSad a- Ado. initiator ul ilia tatri' Ivor* a Wlnl? | briHn ili? nwllr* to all |irfwii< i "'''""I l"? ?"'ai? to itiiar for waul aud itiaka inaxtliair ?rtllrmmt. and ihosr holding ? la una lartiet III* saii? to i>rrM>ot men for mvmh Oihm Oarlrv nm.irh- fium Ilia data <4 ihl? ititihv. II II Will t* uli aitrd in tar of Owi, rvrotwy. KM JAM W IIITI.. i?i> lata. nan AteUMratav. uliil.atu ? trin.JJ Jn N. Y. Cotton ^notations. Furnished By ? COBB BBOS. A CO., Norfolk, V*. 1/)W. Cloae. . 17.66 17.69 J 17.62 17.66 17. 6H 17.72 I 17.90 17.43 | 16.03 18.07 | 18V*c 1 DON'T NtKLfeCT 'KM! If you have not "Dolled" yourself out in a comfortable Summer outfit, you should do no, at once. We sell Every thing that Men, Young Men and Boys wear, at exceeding low prices. Op<*n. High. Oct. 17.8# 17.90 IVc. 17.78 17.86 Imi. 17.86 Mar. 18.11 18.10 May 18.18 18. 25 C. A. COOKfc (Head-To-Foot Outfitters) Husband Wife vcrtCMit ?,ic *'eJ V I My hatband Ultu to ttw btb; ind nti him w Id* ftwak* Ju?t ?rhon h* ?h?uld ?o to sloop. ? m. A. (THAT DOM TOUH HVBBAJ9D D&t , MAY STRIKE SNAG UN PROSECUTION Wpmen ? Wimp***** Will .Not WihIi to Appear in llourt AfcaitiHl Carroll Sir Walter Hotel. Raleigh. July 31 The State may strike u snag lu the prosecution of Its rase wt*k lug to close the Highland hospital in AkIicvUIv, operated by Dr. K S. Carroll. us the rmult ?>f the cancellation of his lkeuse to prac the In the State following the pre ferring of charge* of gross Im morality against him before the State liourd of Medical Kxa miners recently. This snag consists in whether or not the judge of the Wake Superior Court, when the case comes to trial, will permit the introduction of the record of the proce* dings before the Slate Hourd of Medical Kxamluers, or whether the court will Insist that the wit nesses that testified then will have to appear as witnesses. If the court permits the intro ductions of the record of the se cret hearing before the medical board, well and good for the State and the Department of Public Welfare, which has caused the suit to be brought. But if the court lusists that these sume wit nesses must appear in person at the trial that appeared before the medical board In secret session, it will be another matter. And It is evident that Dr. Carroll's de fense attorneys will do all In their power to obtain such a ruling from the court. Although the office of the At torney CJeneral here is silent on the queHtion and declined to dis cuss any phase of It. it is known that the State will have a far more difficult time in getting the ten or twelve women who testified at the secret hearing before the medical board to come to Raleigh to testi fy iu open court as to the alleged immoral relations of Dr. Carroll with his patients than before. The heariug before the State Medical Board was secret, the testimony was given to a small group of pro-, fessional men, accustomed to talk ing with patients concerning mat ters of an Intimate nature, and the names of the witnesses were carefully guarded, so that they would not be made public. And under these conditions, a number of former patleuts were persuaded to testify who otherwise probably would not have done so. YOUTHS AWAITING WORD OF SOLICITOR Jacksonville, Jul> 31. ? Solicit or Powers left for his home .at Ktaston tills afternoon after re fusing bond to the youths. , Jacksonville, Jul> 31. ? Five | youths, held in Onslow Count v j J?ll here In connection with the | death of Ellis Hollis, 17-year-old farm lad of Holly Ridge, this county, whose body was found In New River Monda), are awaiting the decision this afternoon from Solicitor Powers as to allowing bond. Hollis and his companions left , home together but the latter claim they separated and heard nothing from him until his mutilated body wa? found In the river by Dr. J. H. Rawllngs, Lynchburg. Virginia, physician, who was Ashing in the stream. NORFOLK MAKKKTS J Alt VIS ft FKNTHKMM Reported by BPKNCK-HOIJiOWKIih CM>. Live White Chickens 30 Young Chickens Hen* -.30-32 Roosters 1 x Turkeys 35 Hogs, small 12-1.1 Milk Calves ...10 Yearlings 7- ? Eggs, 28c KOBBKKS AT MOYCMX <;et hi t mttuc kkh Moyork. July 31. Suiaxhiiije the kIumh of th?- front window of the ('retkmori' Brother* Store her* lu*t night robber* got only one pair ??f shoe*. one pair of ot ? raK and ilir?-?. whirls. An old puir i if number eight -Iioch were l?*lt in I he ~ *u ore The money drawers were Iffi open !u?t night, hilt had ony a few penili??M in them and the?e ih?* burglars left undl* turbid. * I Tlie pout office to no adjoining J room lu the natue tiorv wan al?u ! broken into from a window on th? ' aide. the N4-r?Hu being ripped op- | en. The robber* pried open I be mou y order drawer and the Mauip drawer and sot in cant) from the -tamp drawer. The Mtamp* *m tioi niolerited. Tl:e Pom Ufflce Depart meat has be. ii uotified and off ic lain are ex perted to arrive today to invetti Kate the robbery. -and the Worst is Tel to Gomo \ * * \ 1 a I i ?a?? ps? ca.. KVKHKTT IIUJF BY CONDI) 5AV, MiST&R, A PIPE IN A PUBUC EATIN& PLACE 13 EXTREME CV offensvv/e to a MANY PERSONS ? or IVWICH I I wt|AT ARt AM ONE r t \t>U GOING TO 3)0 UT IT ? 3k. J But You Cannot Atak' It Diink OUT OUR WAY By WILLIAMS FRECKIJCS AND HIS FRIENDS Ottear Want* Hih Uy BLOSSeI ?E MADE SOwE 1 EMLAC86MENTS FOR *E one e AW 7UEV < VNOZ SWELL -LIFE J _ SlIE TOO.' ru. 60 aisur down AAi' SEE SOWiE OP 7fc' PITcBtBS I TOOK AT 7U' 100 VESTS ODAV OIWI i BE NICE TMAT r WAY.' DOES A life SIZE if - &NLABg6?,?mT cosr vjtoy MOCH, . /WSTEB? -S OA , AlOT Mtcy. T VL po IT SiERV QEASOMABLE Fee YiX) ? VJOUAT WOULD NBU *NANT ? -?n?-| EMV.AES~S? ITS A SMA.PSM0T I TOOK. OP A el&pmant.. . 7HAT?OOLDBE Alice ? 1 GOT LOTS OF PlTCMERS IM /*y KODAK | I'D LIKE: TO 1 I MAME BlSaEO.' f VHWrt'TU* SENS* in<5KOOT1M6 T*e BANKROLL ON A owe DAY I SH??W>rF? X.T TKIS \?AS Lt*t< Tuneral, I'd SLIP The J JUSTICE A COO PLC BOCKS ) , and H*ve it ove r wiTvy-" / SuRt- that's all tvou't> ae able . >*_TO A*TORD'. r Vflwr Muxes You *. 'WINK ?vSoT vi*ll- "Wat's Xeu'S WFArR

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