Elizabeth City Wins By Onslaught in Eleventh r SCORE IS TIED IN NINTH FRAME ~ Coming I rom Behind. Lu-I cal I Vain Stugm Treiii?*u*j duun Hull) tu Defeat Hcrl*| lord, !? lu 3 J-'Iphtlug *i'!i a desperate ?*>? ergy born c?f tin- knowkd^*- that the !>. Hippie, l ? ? i in* i manager 1 of the train, also had been , brought from -Norfolk to help ' break Hertford'* winning strenk. I.in^lli \ HiH' n to I'.irn After having played errorless ball until the ninth, and after, having faultlessly handled six chances, many of tlicni decidedly : difficult, 1-tndhy appeared to fto ? to pieces. He mado a second er- ? lor in the tenth, which nearly coat Hertford the game then ami there; and it was bin m facile in! the eleventh that put Doss again ou base and Dually turn* d the tide when, with tin* sacks full. Kiblei hit safely a Ions the third base line. Hertford got off to a fly i n start j In the ilrHt inning, Carson. lead- ? off man. waa given a fr?e pass to1 first ? the only walk Issued by j Jones in the game and Andrews | wax safe on a bidder's choice m i which Carson was retired at sec- 1 end. Carroll annexed au infield | hit. and Johnson brought in ihe| pair on a two bagger to left. Lell-? uiau misjudged the fl > . and ad vanced on It when he j hould have j been retreating a mile a minute; ; but it is problematical whether he j could have gotten it, anyway. It i was a tremendously hard hit ball. I Not an Klizabeth City hitter i reached first until I lie fourth, i Willi Hertford hitting ?n all six, I Vlakes 'Em Sail J Hurler Mull Bit iiiiiiifhMiii iau. ? gutf ^ irulrwtviikl. 1* ret ?? one wf h? luiiuffll driver* in the iuiiut He ! .-an hit a I will 3Ul? yitid? iuiiMM?ntly j Hull qualified for llie rctrni national j pen. nhuoiinji it 7S4-7 ? ? 1 iu fur low j n the eoutheiii dlvlalon. but lulled 1 to come through ui (Julumtiuo . j il"' situation began in look dea- j |H-rat**. Then. unexpectedly I enough, J oli ii son walked Kiblt-r j Hloxom wan out on a ? rounder, advancing Kibl?r to h*???iu1. and j SafTellr* brought him in on a ' smashing double to d?e|> left j Thero wa* no further ^curing in I COBB BROS. & CO. BROKERS (Hilton, Stocks, Uoodi, (irelo, t'rm i*tou?, I liberty liouda, AUc. Private WJr*?. 223 Flume Street NOHH)I.K, VA. Phonm tt8601, U4064 STANDING OF CLUBS AMKIU('A,> LKAULK 8coi*n YeMenU) Detroit. ;); Boston. 4. Chicago. 5; W ai?h In* tou. 4. Cleveland, 4; Philadelphia, 1., Si. Louis, 8; Npw York. 10. Teaiu*. Won. Lixtt Pet. Sew York ... G5 34 .r?57 ! Cleveland ... 57 44 .5?!4 Pliilude Ipliiu -.. 51 4$ .515 Detroit 52 4l? .515 Chicago 51 4y .510 Washington 48 47 .505, St. Louis 41 58 .4 14 Boat Oil 31 Ii7 .olti Schedule Today Washington at St. Louis. Boston at Cleveland. Philadelphia at Detroit. NVw York at Chicago. NATIONAL I.KAtil k' Stii^N YvMi'iiU) New York, 2; St. Louis. 5. Brooklyn, 4; Chicago. 1. Philadelphia, t?; Pitthburgli, 1. BoMon-Cinclnnati, rain. Tvttius. Woo. lx>*t Pel. Pittsburgh - 54 40 .57 4 Cincinnati ...? 58 43 .500 St. Louis 53 44 .540 Chicago ........... 50 4 7 .515 Brooklyn 50 4!> .505 New York 4 n>lul*d alrt-ad>. tin* tide was turned by scoring in llu ninth and ?*lt*v?m It while ! Hertford wan lield li^ht. Today s >uiiif Hill b? played in H?rtfoid. b*-ttloniuit al 4:30 ( o'clock and Kliialwlh fit y ha* ( ??very lioji.- of wimiiiii* and tyijix . the serif*. 'I hi* ho|n J* built inainl) around Mayo. sti-llai inoiindhuiaii of iIm* Air Station Irani, who lias won 14 aim* thl** ' s? umu?, without a xin; U* tit f? at Al present. (In fount in ili< chain pionslup event is ll?r* i- f??i H? rt fold ami two tor Klir.il>. ih t'ity. llit* pennant to r.o tti Hit* wluuei of i in* bfst tour out ol seven. I!nx score : Hertford A It. It. II. 111. K. Carson. c :i u u s n u Andrews, n .. f? 1 1 1 0 ? Carroll, ::h 5 l l '2 o ? J JohllHOU. If .... Tl t> 1 1 (I U Williams. 2li . 4 tl I 2 U Kason. cf . 4 u l :: u 0 1'ndt-rwtiod. lb 4 1 1 12 ?? 0 Lindley, *s.x . .. :t o o i o j , S. Johnson. p-U 0 u u 3 0 | Totals gi; :t ?; :t l 1 1 :t ; i:iu. t-||). All. |{. II. It>. A. K. I pATARRH of h*?d or tbrott is usually benefited by th? vapor* erf? WICKS ?__VAPP r V A po R r IT Million J arm {/? W > Good Through and Through Detail* lull itnprcnvive story of quality standards strictly maintained in Dadgr lirothi-rn (jn Auto Supply & Vulcanizing Co. I'oimleuer ? Mill and Murine Su|i|illf* Phones: Office, ;J7~; Store Itooui nn?l Shop, 12; Shl|>)anl, 1 >:t 1-XlZAItKTII riTV, N. C. DEBT The surest way to avoid a debt ? or the possibility of a debt ? is to SAVE a part of your earnings regularly, systematically. It makes little difference if each'de posit is small, so long as saving has become a habit. Dickens truly said: "If your income is sixpense above your outgo the result is HAPPINESS. But if you spend a sixpense more than your income ? the result is misery." The "Carolina Bank" encourages regular saving by paying interest on all savings accounts. Start A Savings Account Today Show your will power by continually adding to it. Take care of your pen nies and dimes and your dollars will take care of themselves. Carolina Banking & Trust Co. Hertford - ELIZABETH CITY - Columbia Question Box ion? Whvn <1 i?t I'icliiicl .?i?-Ii foi Washington? An**i*r Hi- ruueht fur IlKtou in 1)22. Qui'niioii How many hat tin a.-? CnorRfH <*jrp**ni i??r ha?l in tin Stat*** hikI what rt'-iilt*? Aimuir -Four. lie |m?uj Hal lam l.<-vinhky by a kayo in fou oiiuiIh; Ioj?! to Ja> k I n-111 |?y , kayo in four round'*: w>'ui ??? ? ?un*!* no-tl<-H*iou with Tliit. a ki'Ut in m )it? |i liibi.'.iii m<: it all tn>r Inns and \\;is kayo>-i ?v liciit* Tu tin*' v iu I .*? round*. vii'i? t . ::i* 4 i ?? * * Itlovolll, I'Ij 4 il ii J V .!?? II-. Ill I II I 1. II 'with, I'l 2 n II *, I 1'nrMon, il . 2 n n I o SclifllM. II 1 II O I o IVHllar*-. if 2 0 il 2 li ** . . T? 2 n 4 4 I.* itiuan. II 4 m: jSruli:: t.. I'.;. \..m to S.i H |.. ?| 1 1 < t r i ??i?1 u|ii immi oo 1,11 II- ? ? r i?i ?| . i; KIi/.iIm ill i:ii/. ?*H> "11 111 I ' '"*? 11 ? . jut*. . \ i: | .. ,.t, .^?uiiiu;ii ? : I >t .,i ? fiits l?,ill u'l Ji.ir , ?? j,, ( J"liu Sili'iV!;. . ;';u'i'ilir??? 1 W?M I'll* ii ???iii. oi. ||-i k> . J ? ' n ii %i?!i . Smith. ir.ii ? i ?i? >n *| i ui.m ? I.Mimuu. 1 1 1 . Ifcuii.il i?lii> >i |t:u,.t. Tun- . !?< LOW PRICES -ON GOOD? AUTOMOBILES To qnieklv of our *iork of trade* itis wv nill *ell lo lh?' fir -I romer*, t lit* fol Iok iiuTio-ed ears ut bargain print's. (iiic I *)2(i Model I lirvrolet loupe Our (!lu \nih'l louring ( hie ( llievrolel i loupe Our l4)2 1 Model ( llirvrolrl Truck Our (ilii'vruli'l llii?? l uo 1 *)2 I Model l ord (loupe** I ho i92.> Model l ord Touring* Our I92.> Model l ord Hoadnter CfTir Model l ord Truck One l*>2f? .Model l ord C.oupe L. B. PERRY MOTOR CO. THE CHEVROLET DEAI.I ItS "Never Such Power !" America's most efficient car cThe fastest selling new Six of its price r The "7W Willys Knight Six isthe most efficient automobile thl? country ever produced. It it the most up to-date. Only 7 months old. Yet today s?es are leading the entire pro cession. The most active car of its price ever built, it is the sensational new value of American motoring. With the most powerful standard motor of its size in America. The latest word in modern engineering, this new car has galloped into first place in the shortest time on record. Standard Sedan . . $ 1 '93 4-Door Sedan ? ? ? 1495 Coupe . . ? ? ? 1 595 Touring . ? ? ? . 1295 The motor of this car is an exclusive fea ture? which other manufacturers would pay millions to get. Thisfeature, the famous WUtya-Knight aleeve-valve motor , is patented. It has been repeatedly proved to be the most efficient type of automobile motor built. Better and more powerful than any other motor of its sire when new, it grows smoother, more powerful, more efficient Willi v*ci/ IIU1C. It has no valves to grind. You never lay it up for carbon-cleaning. It haa no springs to weaken. It it practically fool* proof and wear- proof. * ^ a m For This DeLuxc I ^ Knight Motored 4-Door Sedan Speed iN-twrtn 60 and 70 honest mi tea on hour. Extraordinarily long sustained high speed. Power on any hill to pais moat cars in high. Quick as a cat ? 5 lo 2) miles in 7Jj seconds. 1 Powerful four whrrl mechanical brakes, the last word in safety. 54 horsepower, long itrolre motor, rated at 20. The tax saving is only part of its economy. No Willys -Knight motor, so far as we know, has ever worn out . . . j "Inmyseveralyears experience with vari ous racing cars I have driven thern all, but never have I known such power and activ ity and even runnine ipeed in any stock car as this one has" . . . This is what an internationally famous racing man says. He pic.\?d the new "70" Willys-Knight Six for his personal car. Please examine the new "70" Willys Knight Six. It is the companion car to the famous Willys-Knight Great Six. The new Willys Finance Plan means lets money lown; smaller monthly payments; and the lowest rredit-cost. Prices f. o. h. factory and specifications lubjcct to change without notice. Willys -Knight 3reat Six prices arc: Touring. 5-Paas., $1 7 50 ? ToUf* ng, 7-I'asa., $1950; Roadster, $1850; Coupe, $2195; fedan.5 Pa*f. .$2295; Sedan. 7 Pass., $2495. Willys overland, Inc., Toledo, Ohio. neVRwiLLYS-ZL -/wknightU Spence Motor Company 211 South Road St. Phone 24 Sale Prices -on ? Men's Suits *12.50 Suit, $ 9.35 Slfi.50 Suit, $12.35 SIX/SO Suit, $13.50 *20.00 Suit, *15.00 25.00 Suit, $18.75 s'27.50 Suit, $20.65 S JO.OO Suit, $22.50 $32.50 Suit, $24.35 $35.00 Suit, $26.25 #17.50 Suit, $28.15 $10.00 Suit, $30.00 Alterations at Cost Weeks & Sawyer "B'/iitc llie /lest (lathes ( iinir I rom" Wrrk-Kinl and Sundiy Fnrm vi? Norfolk Sontlirrvi ftuilroad SKA. HON lU'JC To Hi'nttlioro nml IiiIiumI HcMtrM IViyk Km) TlrkHw sold Friday* iiiiiI Saturday;''. April 30tli to Hap Lt'iiibfr 2 ft Hi. Final l.iuui Tuonday iftiT nal<'. sun-lay Ticket* sold Sundays May I to Hept< - in fi< r 2ii, I united to data ?r calis Itmnrts Norfolk, t *11 |M' ill my, Ctu-Hapeak* RoaHi. Or. an I'ark, Virginia lli'tirii, Va.. Aquadnle, r.oaufort, larl;'i?n Sprmr.i, Moniu-ad City, "s'ar.H Il-ftd. Oriental, Norwood, vianii'n. 1 tr-iria v?>ii , N. C. Fnrtlu r Information on appll? Si*h?|||M i jih nniiil, I *ii i I :mI? Ipliia, Pa, h;\f i to si:i?i>mh|.;|{ :io, 10-444 I an- ami one-hair for the round flip via Norfolk Southern axi> < tio.vh Tlrk.ip 'old ij:iilv until S(pt?m iir ludliu' date of air. " ' 1 linal limit jr. days M li> ooi rlili* n III 1 1?* t in t her u In ii i 1*1* ?'? ki'Mlfi'? ii | heie. Trlanifio i'tiliiuc stntJmt for. I''artr?i* ltd. to Koad St. ii. f?. Si ? (i i ? Howard Mcott I'Morii' r? 7 H-J TO M B S TON KS ?jwi s. i :< >a?i st. r.lizahclh City Mar hie A'* i.rtmUv II orkn ?? T sINC.M.roV For Tire Service \ luht I "hone ? I la y Phone Iv .1. Cohoon & C^o. Exide Batteries Harrison & McCoy Ltd.