BODY OF WATERFIELD FOUND Lying In Boat Where He SoughttoMakeEscapej From Sheriff and Posse Coroner's Jury Impanelled to go ^ to the Spot Where Body Found * and Make Investigation of Cause of Fugitive's Death The body of (Jeorge Waterficld, alleged sell' confessed slayer of Herlha Ausell, 17-year-old Knolls Island girl, was found in his own .boat near a little island in Black Hay on the north end of Knolls Island at 1 1 o'clock this morning, ac cording to a long distance telephone message from Currituck ( Courthouse received by The Daily Advance shortly after 12 o'clock this afternoon. ? 1 Indications were, according! to reports reaching Currituck Courthouse, that Waterfield had been dead for some time) but apparently not more than: a few days. He has been | missing three weeks. A coroner's Jury is now boine : impanelled to go to the spot wlien-1 the body wan found and hold all luquest over it with a view lo a*- ' Certaining the cause of Water- j Weld's death. The bod), reports i froui Currituck nay, ha* not b.*eii i touched or examined In auy way since lis discovery and it is not known whether the Investigation of the coroner will show that Wat - : erfleld came to death by violence, by hi* own hand or otherwise, or , whether death wan the result of natural The discovery of the body, It is said, rani'' about purely as the re- I suit of accident. Joe Lltchlleld of | Knotts Inland, employe of one of I the Currituck shooting clubs, was ep?a^ed In some work In his boat I ?a the marshes this morning and I feeing the boat adrift investigated Vnd found Waterfield 's body. Discovery of the body of Water- ? field Tuesday afternoon brought to j an end a search for him that be gan in the gray dawn of Wednea- ' day, July 14, when a sheriff's' posse came upon the body of Iler- i tha Atisell, her head almost afloat I in a pool ?>i blood In a wheel rut . of the road in front of Water field's home and her feet at the | edge ol another pool where lb hours earlier had lain her sweet heart, Willie Tatem, the blood ' pouring from a wound as big as 1 a man s fist in the bark of his , neck. Tatem was later removed ? to a hospital and recovered. Tatem and Mfss Ausell, accord- ! lug to reports of the shootlim cur rent on Knotts island, went to the Waterfield home shortly before 7 o'clock on Tuesday evening. July 1 13, to remonstrate wit li Water field about certain reports of a damaging nature to the character of the Ansel I girl, in which lur name was linked with Tatein's to the discredit of both. 1'pbraidini; Waterfield about spreading then, reports about a girl of good char acter and motherless, Tatem is i said to have threatened to let day light through Waterfield II his slanderous remarks about the girl were repeated. As Tatem made the foregoing | threat, It is said, Waterfield ' reached in the corner of the fence of his yard, in which he was stand ing at the time, and brought forth the automatic shot gun which he used as a duck hunter. Shooting L down Miss Ausell lirst, he then shot down Tatem, the lead grai ing t he young man's shoulder. Then as Tatem started to rise Wa terfield shot again, the wound this time taking effect in the back of Tatem's heck. After that Tatem rose no more until Waterfield was out of sight. Waterfield had stalked by the bodies of his victims as they layi In the road no less than four timea before he disappeared that night. A crack shot :ind armed to '.lie teeth, he made his Ketaway , vithout opposition, none daring to , oolest him. lit. pm i vi TO it ? i I it i FROM I'KRtflDKftCY 1097 Raleigh. Aug. Dr. W. L. Po int will retire from the presi j dairy of Wake Forest College n?t June, he announced yester da/. His resignation Is taken as ntttning that he believes he has hf?n completely vindicated In his j figit over the leaching of evolu- j tloi at the college. He had often , ?t.tlpd that h* would not resign "nnier fire." Ills retirement eorarv therefore, he declares, "on | tke pole consideration of my age jjnd no other." Dr. I'oteat will he || October. thing wrong with the L'nlt ed .State* is the Atlantic Ocean litat aa wide aa tha PaclAc. It *11 COOLIDGE BEGINS! FOURTH YEAR OF HIS PRESIDENCY \\ lial It Huh lacked in Srn-i nation It IIuh Made Dp in Proxuic, Practical Lilian-, ?*ial Achievement HE ALLOWS LATITUDE j lly DA VI II I.AU KKNCt: < C.uir'iiol. by Th* Washington, Auk. 3. ? Calvin i Coolidge starts mh week hisj fourth year a.s President of the' United States. The outstanding ! i acter folic of iil.M a Over Prospect of Indictment, Member* Ap parently Determined to romplete Project A trip of Inspection through tin* eastern part of Mm* State 1* In be taktn by the Hoard oi County Co iti mission pi s next week. with a view to determining upon the type of cuui tlnm.'f to in* elected here. At ilu- regular niffuut: ??i i tit* board ytsit-idaj, a luotu.n wu? passed constituting all tin mem bers, oi such pail ol thrni as would go. a commit tee ol investi gation. Tbi- commissioners plan to leave j Tuesday in autoniobih a, and ex pect to (,*' tl> Wilson. i{:tlel?h and other points, perhaps traveling a> fai as Kayettevillu before return- ' ing home. The expenditure of! close* to a quarter or a million ; dollars on a new courthouse here i is contemplated, and the Commisl Bioners lake the stand that iheyj should familiarize themselves with what other counties have done along the same line, before arbi trarily deciding upon the design 1 of the new structure. Definite steps toward the build- j lug of a new courthouse here wer taken last March, when Judge Henry A. Grady, in Superior Court, i supplemented a recommendation' by the grand Jury that a new courthouse be l?uili. with a letter strongly calling the al.teutitm ot the commissioners to tiieii legal obligation to be guided b\ the grand jury's suggestions in that and other matters. I'neasy over the prospect of in dictment in the event they failed i to act on the recommendation, the j commissioners promptly went to work, first threHhlng out the ques tion of a site. W. T. Love. Sr.,! chairman of the board, expressed himself as strongly in favor of lo cating the new Structure on the Oveiman property, a Mix acre tract several blocks from I lie present courthouse site, on the grounds that it was better suited to the purpose, and that the present courthouse property could In- sold 1 for enough to buy the Overman tract and apply a substantial amount on the new courthouse as well. This suggestion finally was voted down, the commissioner!! de ciding to rebuild on the present location. In view of large recent Cuunly expenditure,! for roads and other purposes, and by reason ol much larger city outlays for various im provements, a growing sentiment is manifesting Itself in both city and County, against too hasty action in authorizing a large ap propriation for a new courthouse. I Thero are many who freely ex- 1 presn the opinion that the County should wait a few years, ami "catch it* breath," before under taking any further large projects. 1 There is a strong feeling, too, that if l he commissioners rendered a full report, setting forth that th^y had made a thorough inves tigation, and had decided It was inadvisable to put up a new court house at present, that report would be accepted by Court and Karnd Jury as evidence that they had done their duty In th<* matter, and no steps would be taken to prosecute them. Having gone so far as to em ploy architects who have submit ted tentative designs for the new courthouse, however, the commis sioners are evidencing a dispoHl- 1 tion to cairy the project through to completion, though individual 1 members of the board express themselves as flatly opposed, per sonally, to undertaking it at the present time. FIVE STATES IIOI.II PKIMAIUES TODAY Kansas City, Aug. St.- A hare ? of campaign oratory on prohibi tion, Ku Klux Klan, World Court, farm relief, and varied sectional Issues lifted today over four West ern and one Southern state as vol em Invaded primary election poll ing places to select Congressional and state office nominees. Elec tions are in Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas. Montana and VlrKinia. t.t i-iiN nre l*;r?K hekl in J.ill >tl f'arlinvllli' III h? si r<-kull of i lie ? f ? "linrlc* Si* tti propriHor of a ???ft ?li Ink |i.trlor ?hi-r?' t l?i'\ hi w.iiiii I'liilllpn tl?fn in1n.Hn tiling ilie that killed him. uy. *htlo iv*.i M? -Wnl oIrUu I* in Id u." tt iitKliriul t\ It n<>"A ug.i ni-it hi i iltuin Mike Smith Going To Polo Grounds Mike Smith, South Norfolk slugger J|?(| OUtlieldi'l , who xurii'd in (he Carolina la-agti during Hi*' season just rliwil, hit ting w ? 1 1 above .iltm ami leadiiu | IiIh t? am males :ii hal, is ache duled for a tryoul .it tin Polo f llhtt William ami Marry full* ?:& I baseball nine last spring. h lit in?S I l.fiVN, was brought to tin* atli'ii itlon of Mauauer Met; raw. of the {(Hants. by Trail Pearl nr.. <>l lliiiij icily, a former league haseh.'ill J player ami Mill n close follower of flit* Kanic. McCruw arranged several wi t'kw ago for this: prom IsliiK .VOillig out llr hh r to Intel' him in rinifi'n net1 imiiifdint- ly af- ' iter tilt' hast -hail reamm < luiu ii j ' bore. [ Willi thi* wnron over, t In- matt* 'agt-ment of the ICIir.ahMh City Past-ball Association is )iet.a inning |a complete check up of aiwtiN ami | liabilities. It Is obvious already i i that the hitler exceed Hit- fornn-r , h> a substantial mini just le?wr much, tin* baseball illrerhirK prom- 1 | lae tu announce in a day oi two. i when I hey havo Mulshed going 'over tile accounts. Mike Smith had attractive ef-j I fern this week from two majtir J league scouts, one. rt*|irfneiiiiiiu ; 1 Detroit ami tin* other llio New i i York Yanki-en. Having promised, ' however, to see MrCiaw fir. 'if, he declined hotli. I SKVEItE KAK l i AKK SHAKES CITY TOKYO Tokyo, Aug. An unusually 1 nevere earthquake shook the ril.v j 'at i?:2& yesterday evening. The | populace was? badly frightem d ami ? every one Indoors ran Into streets. TIiiik far no damage has heen rt- J ported. The quake seems to have af fected Tokyo district principally. ' 'Several bridges were damaged and j i there were mime rouii landslide*. , Communications also were Inter-! I rupted. ? (:ooliim;e einjoyin<; ANNIVEKSAKY TODAY Paul Smith'*. New York. An*. r?. Calvin Coolldge toda> began I his fourth year as President of tlio Culled State*. ' Tho anniversary found him en Joying his long vacation at Whit Pine Camp In a quiet manner. HVD I'll ll'l in i: i \i mi Ito | II \\ l\?. t OS II Ml I II I I I) [ S vd Chaplin has passed tie fui- j prenie patience test, and another 1 virtue may he credited to him. In tiie women's wardrobe. of ; the Warnei llrothera* Weal Coast ! studios. Syd stootl for long bilious I hours In'Ihk fitted for the ? ft mm- 1 , ine apparel In wear* in "Oh! | What a Nurse!" which Is sle wing t at the Alkrania Thealer tod.x and I tomorrow. The procedure w.?s especially (lifficult. as MtHs Mar I Krtret Whistler, who Is responsible j for the "creailons" Sytl w< ,u * in thla picture, declares, ht-cau* lit 'ling m man fOf Women '| Hoi more difficult for lioth He liit- r and the flttxl I The occasion for the feminine ' disguise in this picture In lii< role ! of a you iif newspapet reporter who lit called upon f ?? take the ! place temporarily of the editoi of [?'Advice to the IsiVelorti | Svtl Chaplin's. outstanding ' screen succes* before "Oh! U bat it NlfBl!" w*r? "Charley b Aunt and "Th? Man on th? Bo*." adv.j Move To Increase Bean Kate Blocked An I'Himntitl k:ivIiik uf $ 1 .r?o, ouu annually to slilpiMr. of. s??> li'-ans in this tt arnirilliiK to S. C. Srull, >if ili?| lit in of liiork >*????! I, loi'al mm mission nu-irliunt Tin* rarrifin had a>k"il iluit tin* ? ? I ? ? ? Ix.Kllp l|l illlll ? |t?ll| llkn and one- half linn's, and a similar iua.-< h< a ?l to row ! |H*aM. Tin* |ii'<->u*i:i rat?- is. I' lili a hilr h< I ll'oiil ll?*r> ? In chat latiooKU. IViiih-s.s) i', iiiin of tin i | ? i iiM'l|ia 1 iMrciviiir. points Tnr lot .il ; In -aits, and nnd?:f t It ?? pru|ios< d in- ? icreuw, il would haw h.-onnn- ii2 'a ; i ci-nl I'it.ui ilin on tln> IumIk of ?4 of Si'fh lary Joh, of tli" I'lianihri* ? ? 1 I Couiiiicri'i-. to aloud tin* Atlanta iii-.iiiim. * I'iioii his i ? I urn. .Mi. Joh report uiad?'. 'i'lio piodiin* 1 1 1 ? - 1 1 who s< nf lilin an li it; li iu tlo-ii ihjIm'h of lln? work lie did ai i In In-ariii;:. KII.I.S IliiHSKI I AS Ol TICKItS AITKOACII ('inritiiiall, Aim. ',1. A hIiikIc hnlh'l h ft in a ] i i s i o I wliirh niitli iiirilli-x claim was usi-d in ilir mid n I;: li I k i I lin i*. of (itlii Min. l!i, and Munih* Klni: Milz.i*r. :;u, (win- a 'divorcer. ludav i nd? d t lit* life of Kayniond lltit-'M, 2fi. furnu'r of ri?*afi fYlfcit}, Ohio, just iik I m ? was abou i iii hi' urn-sled for Hm doit- * hie iiiurdi-i*. I lions, a suitor fur lh> affcrlioiis nT Mrs. Milxxi'ti shut himself1 i throne It tin* Itfflil as Sheriff t'ross wi il nf Clermont County and Mai shiil It. l-alwaid of iYllrity ap pruached Ills tionse. I'ON/.I IIKMUINi; IS i?osn?oNi.n \ n\v i Houston, Ti'X.. Ant,. 1 1 *a r Inj: on Mm- habeas cor |iiih applica tion of Charier. I'onil, wanlid hv , I In state ul Ma .s-achiiHt Its to artve a m'Vcn lo n i iii" your h tin an a "common and noloiioiis thief" was, ! post |ioiM*d until lunmrrow morn , In;: when rail# d iu district Court 1 hero loda> . Following (Jovi-rnor IVrtiiKon'M 'order lot I'ouzi'n i vli'Milillon yes | Irrda> attorney*. loi the lioxinn "Alianer wizard " pleaded that I hoy wanted I i n**- in which lo n viv llii'ii |il a lis. Classified Ads Are Telling Today: ?" that a <|?-lii htful vacation lrl|> in llt-ndi-i -onvllle, In W' stern Noith Carolina I-, lo h*' had. flu^'iflrulifiii 1. ??thai price* an* Manheil on kid pump*. ('la* miration 27. ' -that homo pi- wim:. ladim' 'and ihildnn'ii |d;iln ami fanrv clot hw, In ilnti* hv an fclitfthi-th ('lly woman Claar. Iflcation 25. TARDY JUSTICE IS EXEMPLIFIED IN HALL-MILLS CASE I "in- War ll|,| Tingi-ilt Again It,. infill in Light I all. Vlti'iilinn to Ann-ri < "i I rcal MhIkmU or ( ici mi: Has l.i'd to t|?. | ill I llirilpi (it Mm, I,. I II I)ity. ? llanging a > i-ai" ? s,,iall \\ <>lla|,.a. Hi I!"iiii i:t i . ?| |, to lto N''* Y""-- Tli. i. 'Ik- ????II Mills nut ,i|.-i imi* at Ni-w Hriiii''Wl,'k. \,.w j,.r. nti.-r f.iur Itmif * r , |l>( . riiltod .il l I'lil i,.ii , llth ll'-m III jui.ll,.,. liar.Mt l? i|?. wllii.,1 'J. ' . ,l-'? ? an, I pnnl ,li.-.l in raiacliiiiil. si mi ,i..i,.,ii,,,| "ll'. ly ?r puui hiii'-iu. .-II ( ||?. I'ii nl-. Iim. 'in i, ?,.v,.rt. ir? kit..wi, as ,h>. l?? ,|..|err,.iilH .Will,,, nit, v.T.v |.r.,,l,.,,l in ,|,? | , ??dates. In raiiton. Oli in, wl.. r.- lit. n k Mi-lli-tl u;m ?M.s:iNsiu;iici| :i lit 1 1?> llMll IW-.i week i aio ill.- |>( IM-rn ?-urrl?-.| i|,e alm oin, .-in. nt ' lun an -under world" mnrdor \:iM\ U:is ?i Im?ui to Im- tried in Hi. i H-al eouri*. Visit i,,K report..?. drous of soeiiij; how Siirli rase* ro|idll< l?M) ill tli,< Iiim ii Whirl, ' W:,H Mnli-avorliiK io r Ion ii ?1?. w..ih to n>nf| |t . ?(!!??* and learned lo their unia/i-meni thai ill.- r ?a? llv.. v..;, r.t .->1111 III. v wall., |. |?r il,. 1,1,1 In-Kin. II, ,| liwteu.l ?f i ||e | Hal nere rani - 1 1n- amiouiit-.>inent that *" 4,,?** 'w Uoxl |i.i||fit mil it houim i J *?n? iii rlic fall. 'Hi,- i.f ih,. iv|i,,rit i'ii r.'iiurki'il fir.- y.-ars l?. "'"I1 H- ,.f .haling willl r,rs. 1 1,.-.,,. ||,,|e ? lull..- ,-.,r a miIiiII.mi ..I Hi,. M.-l fiiiiir'"" ?"y '""" In lb.< ,-lljr ?r Washll.KInn r, ,i ml, riii,,,.,,. in,,, I,,,,, ? 1H |rill(, , , 'I, "li.l-il.-r si-v.-n y.-ir ?|(| I, ail I..-. I, lrti',1 |?.r?r,. j, |H ?"?I"-. 1,1k las,. Il;,, I tlraCK.-il , "K urn mill l?. hail Ian imkhi'il in jail All, r tu-vri, , .."mm. I', all/,-, | I utility i.f iryiiiK I., r, ,.?uv\r | A "I- I nam ! win. Iiail ,|ii.,|. Ollu-rn has I,:"y lr : v-"" --...ii ,?,i ?? """'r ,,f rr?.? ???! ; ""li'a'l.." s? ||?. ia?. a.ilnsi III'- ' Il mi. mil ii I, ml l? |,|. , I r , ? i,|,. ., | IIII, I II, Was,.|i his llh. rlv It "a- "Illy I ... plain ih?ri. Ita.l III.,.,, II" illitll, ,. Il, his r,,,.. If Klli|,v , "I- KH?T?III,.|1I iharK..,l II,. ,.s 1 ? ???. Vil-I I..II II I, |m, ..T.!. ."'-''''"Vi-ars ?r his III,. In ?? "" l '""'"'?I'll Jail, nlai.illh: will, in lh>' ?liilli.. ,,r "KriMMtnm** l?T. hfil lill-li im ||?. ,|?ln,. ?r ,, rnpilol. Oddly t-iiougli, howi'vr. ||n< ' hiiiam.ii, i hrlvt'd in j..u aiM, ?i'l"i,.il frniii raihfr pnnv sh-k l' |i-fltnon. l?i? w.? "I I his r.., "Uiil/.i! |?. ?p|?,.,( ltl )lls M]f) hailnlH. Tli.. a ?r III,- - jail Itlril," |i*tw,. Till, ii'-w iinllniiul nimmlulan | r," lh" si 11,1 y ?r Iil'iiilc] Iiy irnlioo liavimui, a^Hlntarit Sit-' T' tar y of War and fovt,.r?.d by nil liar, I \\ ashlinrn < lill,| Hilly. Is flnitfni! II ta ir KiiiiM what hi'W II,),. r,-i| hy i|?. "??allli ?f inn I ..r in I al ha n,l. Tilt iiiiil.-rliil l? liiinl-hi-.l l.v ihp r.i|, I l.ll, r.., Iirrliiir rrlini-, in 1 1 |Miru "rihf ,'uiiiiiry. TIiiti. is pi,. ?lr J-rlnii- i" If *i ml i.Mi. inn ,|?. r.,pi,| ly iii.Miiiiiin ,|?, |(> ||t| Ain.'il. .,,, pu iippi,r..?i|v niilk,.H h", i "n " r7"'",v ? i mm-'- Iliffli ull, II ??| IlliP'tsslhli. Kiillnr.. ii, punish tiianili, nut ii'-v.-rt l,.;li".s, a, ,|?. ,|f Aiu.'i'ii'.i marhin. ry t,f Jusll. t n MIS I'll ... tilt. Illi . AVI, ry s|?K?? |? lilrjiKo of a "mitrd'T a day a lit !*!!'? ?' """ " i lly Inn :? .imlli.ii ?|,.,w. .1 ?1 mtinliT, l? fi?. ??? .? ftiiiKii? miirdcror gfiir to th?* 'hair Km ill w.,?,|nr I hat tl?. kiiuiii"". I?i|,?rl. ,t ,,r I. mm I wiih nonrlt.iiiinre. iJJ, I""4'4"'!' tlmrnfof.. thai tln> ftavlNnii ('oiiiihIhhIiiii will turn it ? ' tii< " f ? i? t,. . anil riuunillnlllo Iiki ,|. "'"Ir r" ,r,l? "liall ht. I?ihthhr>d to tho world nrriov MWfKlcr NVw Vork, Mi,- ?; ?po, loll <-|iMi>d HtiMd v . middling )'?? | , a decline of |?oinu futiii. cloHinn hid Or i i i e,H. Dec 17 r.'. iJdi17 f>' M,rch mhv Council Names Committee To Investigate Spending Of City's Money of Late 4 MYSTERY STILL SHROUDS DEATH OF W. II. E1.I.1S I II I- I || ?? V liiv?-li(jalioii l? inl? ti> Su?|ii < ion 1(1 I ?<> W ,l" |>;i?)'il ill Irticlv i r.w vrn-:M? n m ism \o fur Mm? I it. v l-l'i'i w' r' a I ? v l.v Sl. iH. ? annuo mi.l i. ??nr.ajwl . in. Hi.- uiysi.i> uniiiin.i-i'- M" liillin- ??? W "Ilium H. I.H' n,HI" ai.-naiiau ami r??rni? i ?? .? l.l- l'"iinl> , Win*.' ??????* wa.s found' l^in" ,,x ,""1 ' ii. .1 old \V. ? K \ HI.- lat. S.".!. .> in: hi. iM-aruii indication* Hi '? Ii-. liail '??" "v* 1 , IhmIv ilrjcv i! i" 11 n,\ IiIkIiWMV- . Sit.' i ill <*a i-mlno stal.'il 1 "'a* 1 1 1 ;*I I lUllll.l .|l|.?lil.lllMt l? II" W.-.-kKVlll. ..lion I'l"'"1 , . |,|. .V?' II"' HM.U'ilMI ?l'"'' ? ' j ' ll.-v. d I ? > havi* nrnirii'il Arriinliin: lo Mich .-vi.l -in - as j i In. smtHm-iii** httv.- Ih-.ii ? >?!? to ^uiii.-t. r.i-'Wii and uiiwmi i^u ol" i ' >V "Villi' travellUK nnilliwai'dlv | tow a Ml I lil* city. ami did m.i ( mill I . \ ilia! . mail, . Wk'.niiuw-iu^i rair or inu'k tliat lf- b?.li?Y"d l?i liu v.* ?-nd?'d F.IIHV lil.- - nth luii ii.-.-n iriiv.'liiiK noiilhwai ?li> toward <*ld W.-i'kHvilli'. initial H.-r*lr.'H for I. II v..r.-. conducted In tlif* K.|il*ro|.. l c im i.ry lull (way l?.l w?-?.*?i ?'??! :,,"l N. v. \V?'??K?villo yi Ht.Tila;. morn- , I lit- at 10 o'clock l?> lli?' l?'v I T. I'llipp:-. IMHlor of 111 ra ?!'!?? tank M.tlio.lisi Circuit. c?nl.\ a small ^roup of cl..*?- ri latlv. M ami ( r. Hiilrnlr- of tl? WVi-kHvlll*- s-nloii , attcudi-d. llan o's Prospects To Live Brighten l'roi.|?o?rlR riro luiMlili'iiln" liu- r?rovi'i> i'l" William II- l?aicot wln? Wiia Injured critically wlo-ti tin- truck In- wan driving was niu (lil.i l.s a Norfolk Southern yard f'liKiio- at a cromdnr. th?- out skirt* of llila rlly I'rlday ni.irniiu Word i.nlv^l l?y llano' Kin ml pa nn l h. Mi. ami Mth. W I. Ow.-iim. on W"Ki (MiiiH'l.i Mr**i't,| oarlv foilay wan in llial. ill tlioiiuli In- hail Hp.-nt a htul nii lil, tin- att? i ti ilorlnr l? H tliat .-v | ?-r> Imliraioii was in lii* favor . II* i wan i.|.ort?-il mi III to Im- hi a H?-ml | conMrloiin Klab'. ItarroH *kiill wan fiariur.-.l in I wo nlar. H ami In- wimlalmil otlu r I ii JiirloK in Hu* a<*: i-tmlno until loo lati' to avolil .in ncriili'iii riJ'IIM I'l.WMXi PU NK' 'III. IIoiiu* I h'limnfct ration Clul.' Urc ??!;? lining to liuvr a. plrnir at .liiliti A. t'artwrlulit'H l?n?rli. Hon!. on.-, W'-i'ksvlll. . on AiigiiHt I::. L,ike Suzanne jixtnm- Itfrn h n hit .in itlmoxt jwr ???! doul.l.- ii, Ik,., j I >?* v . 1 1 Th. l?. ' " tt'h jriff mIih "??'?nlly Jirrlv<< ? ? 1 1 1 ??< I at Suggestion of i'ily Manager I Vrehee MAVIS RACKS MOVE Coiineiliitan INamed in Con iHTlion with <*rafl Chnrg I rges I borough lnv??> ligation of Situation A step to investigate recent eharges of graft in connec (ion willi the spending of city ?. funds, ami particularly with .reference to tin- charges and c o u 11 t ? r-charges revolving altout the purchase of gravel for stiwt work here, was taken liy I lie City Council last night in the ap|>ointment of a citizens' commiteee of throe to investigate all expendiJ tures made during City Man ager Fereljee's administra . t ion . i Tin- members uf I tic* committee, an xa |?|* aliout | lie gravel con iraci. ami I would 1 1 k ?? for soma number* ol tin' l?oard to inako a motion that litis contract be In v?-MtlKnt?-d by a cnmmltee of dla i n t ?'!'? 'Ht nl ritlz?-ii appointed by IIh? Mayor. I would ako ask that they In v?MtU*ai? all other contracts and all |iiiitIiukc? made by hid since I linvti been cii> manager. tslunedj M. W. FKKKBfcE. Iii connection with the motion, /j Ciiiinriliiiuii 1>m via reminded bfa i fellow members on III*- hoaid tb^t 1 In' hail bi-? n iii4*n t loin U in Ctty i Manai-cr l-Vrciii'i. \ ;ifinlavit a I leg- i nit-, an attempt on tin- part of If. 1 II. Culpepper, of this city, to net undue iiiflin nee in placing thb ra- ] o lit contract III) I'.I.UUU lo 40,000 ton ui j-ravii I'll ?i I re? t surfacing, ^ ll? aid ii< f? lt In- had been platfH in ;iii improper li^ht before tM , public, a ml thai he winhed tha iii.itl'i' probed thoroughly. I pon the reqilfMt ol M. W. **y >ii. dilryiuan living on Ehrtaffr * haiiH hi net. I he Council voted lo iiivii. in II K. Miller, of tha Slat. Hoard of Health, lo visit tha cit> .it Mime f ii | ii t e date and In- , v '*> i u.i t ? milk coridiilom: here with a yew lo recommending practlenl vi (?dilations rnardlnt, ii* >uulta- H Hon. In prescntim the request, Mr. i Sawyer stated he wart seeking J protection for dairymen here who wen- observing strict santtjfflfi ineaHiireH in handling their prow] net. II win hoped that l?i Miller might p. able lo come In the next month oi ?i\ week a. I nhyiK'ieuie condition* on Fleet* wooil ? Meet, in tiie vicinity of tha Kliza belli ? ily lliedcry Mills, were broiifhi to tin attention of ,tb^ board by I ?r /. nan Fearing, city health officer. hi. Fearing do clnrid tlnn was one serious ease ??f typhoid fevi i on tlie strati at pr*i? lit, and that there bad beea NerioiiH epidemics of It in paat yearn, which In traced partly to di.ilm to ma Item. Handlini'. varloiH minor runtfat inatti-iK in reroid time, the Coun '"II ad jour ii I'd nhoitly after I ? '?lock, having diHpo>? d of evary^ ihlnt on Ili? calendar. l'*rhapo Hi.- hot weal In i soniethltiK to ilo witli the ?mi) a Minulhi than ordinarily. HtMvM I III IU II ro API) si Aim S(H(H>|, i?mhm ] Salem Itapilsi Church, of which Uev .1 M Kvereit |H paotor, la lil.inillllK III bilild Iff nddltloaal Sunday School roonm and to f#> model i lie church Tha coat la to fie fi;.nno The work ,? |0 r>a omplelt'd in November and to ba '?> ill' i tin- cbMte of the reTltal"^ '?TV ires now in progrea*. Tho 1 Ii II tiding conimittca. K.IMi.i Cop !?? r i in 1 1 It . Wllev CoppersMlla* ' lob n lii'iwn. Helli Scott and WaF er llerry. have been authorised to co ahead with gelling the material eady and bagln building as i6on is practicable ?