C. E. Thompson Declines To Serve As Member Of Council Graft Probers Attorney Vimrd us (iliuir man Hold* Committer lla? I iiMifTirirnt 1'owrr to Make Investigation OUTLINES REASONS BnI) Unulilc to I'ui W it ?e??e? Under Oiilli or to; Coni|H*l I lirm lo \|i|M'ur { or Produce Kvidenre ^Holding that such a com mittee would have 110 power | to accomplish anything worth I while, C. Kveretl Thompson,' attorney, whom Mayor Mc Cabe appointed chairman of a special investigating com mittee to look into charges of j graft in connection with thel recent letting of a gravel con tract here, gave positive as- \ surancc Thursday that he would not serve on the com- 1 mittec. la outlining ills reasons. Mr. Thompson explained that tin- cotn-1 mittee, which was appointed at the regular meeting ol the City Council Monday night in response to a request from City Manager ' I M. W. Fcrebee. lacked authority i L to BiiDinuMi witnesses, put tiiem I Under oath, or' to compel them to' I appear, testify, or product evi ? done , in Mich a state of affairs.! ? he held that nothing could be ac MfiOmplished by It. Ji k "Of course, we could call Mr. #erebce before us, and he would aecuto Mr. Culpeppfr of graft." Mr. Thompson commented, "and we could have Mr. Culpepper ap pear and accuse Mr. Fen-bee ??f graft. Or we could bring them be fore us together, and have a free- 1 for-all light. But we wouldn't, eally get anywnere with the In- 1 CHtigation." Incidentally, Mr. Thompson ex-: ressed doubt whether the maypr t the Council had a right to up- j f point such a committee. The "Mr. ?JCllpepper" to whom he referred Wjw Luther 1J. Culpepper, whom ^Cfy Manager Ferebee, in a sworn r affidavit published a week ago, ac- : cused MAllKKT He* York. Aug. &. ? Cotton tu-: tttre^ opened today at the follow- j lag levels: Oct. 17.22. Dae. 17. 13. Jag 17.17, March 17.37, May IT. tO. t HMk York, Aug 5. ? Spot cot kojfjrclo ? '< steady, middling 18.75 >qg*dv?n * of 5 point" Future*, hid : Oct 17.28, Dec 17.21, Murch 17.44, May( At Canton Tills is Jiikv Sarklxh. ouc of i li?* jiu imIhms of "J ii hi lm" Cruwl?*y'h und' i wurM kuiik iit Canloji. Ohio. |<|U uutliorilk's in th iMfurch for ili?- imirU<-r<-r.s ??? Don jMclh-lt, publisher. Councilman Cohoon Voices Faith In City Manager ??in tin- y>n? \"T. H. rv.d nil !!??' ??"Unril. I I'?*' m-ver been thrown in contact with a city ma nutter or other city offi cial in whom I iduc-d n?or?> eon" than ill City Manayet Mii?s W. Fcrcbee," decland I*. C. hoon. tjenior im'nibiT of the pn ?.m Council, yesterday. in cut.. metitiim upon recent chant? nf craft in city adn>lnlntrati*u ctru? ?. ?1 belicv?- Mi. ivp hru is ttbbo lut.ly honest." Mr. Cohoon eon tinned. "I have seen contract ?t ler coplract that I"' has made. 1 a in convinced tliat In ever) ??" stance. he ha, put forth every el tnrt to safeguard I he beat Inti r , ,!> ut llie city. I reBitrd hluv as heitlK as capable. ertielent al d trustworthy as any city malum *%h;VJ <;? XT"?'l'd tn^ rrsl I,v oilerim; him some Inducement, and lhai ?hey found they could not. Willi reference to the charges against liini, * that when the 1 11 v? HtlBation in made, ho will he found absolutely Innocent. HH "Durlnx Mr. 1 ' " city manager. I have watched him wh< n he didn't Know it. er have seen ttiiylhlnK to can so tlij least suspicion thut he was any thluK hut entirely honest. As chairman of the Council, and through his lone ""vlce on the board. Mr. Cohoon lias been thrown In clone touch with eveiy city inanaKer that haa scrv here since the city manager form ?f yovernnient was adopted about years a>:o. He Is uns lnted ln his praise ..f the manner In which \l, Keiebe. has performed the duties incident lo the position. Colored Defendant Is I*t Off Lightly tcnd'inR rr;r.t ??? ant and ihe colored driver of an he waKt.n probably were equally ?t fault in a lltllo Htrcel alien a t ion which ended without ?4cr,oUH harm havlnn been done lo any tine Krnest Pendleton, co lured was found not Kullty of a t sault at the close of a hearing In recorder's court Thursday mo n '"'pcndlctoll was fined ? "J"1'"' and coats on a charge of hnvln* failed lo procure a city N*?*?*. drive an automobile, and was i d' reeled by Ihe court o " a license before a (tain Pll"11"* flivver through the streets of city. A chame of havlnk operated an automobile while under the l?e fluence Ol liquor was dropped when it appeared thai police had no evidence lo substantiate It. When his case was called for trial Wednesday. Pendleton re (itiesled through counsel that b Ranted a Jury Irl.l. Trl.l l? tlce Sawyer dissuaded him. 1 ho ever, declaring that he had oh served Pendleton closely a short lime sfler his arrest, and was con vinced that he was sober. tiikkk nioiiSANU die WHEN DYKES Bl K!*T Hankow. China. An*. 8 -RI"r Yang Tre has added another dls mat chapter to the history of or iental floods. Approximately J. non persons are dead today In it deluge which followed the bunt ing of dykes. FEW UNDERSTAND PERSONALITY OF THE PRESIDENT llo Horn Not Think ?>"< ljoud and 'IIiom* ' l>*> Sf<" Him Clflrn Still l> Washington. Allfc.. 5? AIII....IBI. lite country has hud ? 1? "????? rear* In which to got acquainted with t'jl vla Coolldge, few lh"*V.. * have ?n him close UP will c?n cello that they II II licr.Htaml hi* IH" aerutuhle pcrisiilinllly It it Is mi K K >'"""1 ? ti'r Inst a lice, that Mr Coolldge Is unennimnni I-Htlvi'. there art- dozens of callers Willi have spent a halt hour or l??rv with him who can lestliy Unit hi' has monopolised the con versation. If It l? coitt' tided that K rnlil anil sccluslvo. then may lt |?. r. i iirn. 'l I ha l mini !?? onle haw liiin Invli'd I" break bread with Mr. Coolldge than with any President possibly since the days of William Howard Tatt. Mr. Cool Id go has not shut him self III. lie has had many people along with him nil Ills wcek-euils nil the "Mayflower" and he keeps a eunstallt round of invllallous go Iuk tor breakfast, lunchcon.jind dinner at the White House. More members of the Senate and House, ft is sei?le the Mailer Powells Point. Ail--. ?'? I* .I?i* 1 ?| ?*?* tsioii ??ti a plan '?? consolidate H;ir!?in;-i. l'-iw< lb. I'ulnl and Jar sciioel* and 1?? locate tin' consolidated school a I l*oW. Ila ' I'oinl, i i :.|i' el' il In I" l I'HCil d al a iii' ? i in;: b' lWi'iM Mi:* Malld NiuImii v. l>?lM.% Su. ei HUeiidcllt , of ?Kducatiou. and |?.? 1 1 .?.? ? of the 1 ihni1 m'IumiIx, to I"' lu'l'l :,t Pow ell* I'oinl school liii il?? i ii -i Satui ?la> ??f On- w. i-k. A r..tl?? r heat oil disi'UHiti hi appears- t:> be in ? prospcci. '1 here i.-? coiishb raM" s?nii-i incut a^aiii.-t tin |?i ?! cutiuul iil.? i i"i> . |?ai l n-il I .i ??!.? a" llai hlliger. *i:ll i.i flppO: il ?-??! ? .??"? Il e ,pre* sion la*t Morula y al t '?? fi-iirl lioii.n win -il A. J. Hal ll* > . tl. t Sav >' i ami I orcias 1'iuiiK. all "i Harbiugci . wi.nl lufnt' in- ? -tins; oi tin* school hoard ami wl forth tin* ground.-. ?*t their opposition oi 1 1|<> proposed consolidation. I lu'M'* speakers expressed ih. o|?mioii that tlu* schools a.s tin ?> arc arc satisfactory to tlu- people and thai no change is d? sirrd or nwd- , i-d. "i'he> euiphatditcd tlu* hard-] ships thai tlu- consolidation would put upon small children living at a distance iroin anv oi tlu* roads covered hy tlu- hums of tlu- pro posed consolidated school. Those i little children, tlu-y declared,! would sutler particularly in cold weather. Ill answer to the arguments of the Harbinger deh-uatioii. Miss Newbury j'Xplalind that a consol idated school such as she pro-, j posed would make it posalhh to serve the patroub with a, smaller) number ol teachers and at tliei I samp time would kive the children many more advantages than they 'could be accorded at the schools | 1 of which limy have been goliiK to. The same money, she pointed out. 'that it would take to buy cheap equipment for the three existing , schools would more than provide, j the best equipment tor one school. | ; Again In a consolidated school, four teachers would bo adequate I ito take care of all the children in 1 the proposed district, wlu-reas all present seven teachers are re quired. These four teachers, sin ! pointed out, would naturally be i better equipped and prepared for , ! their profession than are thorn j mow serving the people of the pro-, 'posed district. | In answer to the argument that there was much danger in carry- j inK children to school In buses on j account of possible accident. Mls.?| Newbury replied that the statis tics of the Slate of North Carolina do not record a single death r? - 1 suiting from any accident to a school bus. while reports did show that a number of children had been killed while walking to school. i There is a current report In til1' section affected by the proposed consolidation that In casn the plan for consolidation goes through, as It probably will desplle *he opposl tion to it. the buildings 'hat hv v< heretofore been occupied b> tin while children will be given to the negroes. This plan, for ncntlnicnt lal reasons, does not set so well with numbers who cannot forget I the hard work that they and J M. Newbern. then superintendent of schools for Currituck County. did In bulldlna these schools 1.. years a?o. Some go so far as to say that they would prefer to see the property destroyed than con | verted to such uses. Virginian Coming To Highway Event Assurance that Virginia will, send a large deletion to the ap proaching meelln* of tho Atlantic Coastal Highway Association here has been received from John A. leaner, of Norfolk, president "f the Tidewater Automobile Asso ciation. Mr. Issuer gave assur ance also, in a letter lo the Cham ber of Commerce, that the delega tion would brliiK a speaker pre pared to represent the Old Domin ion at th'? session. The meeting Is lo he held sonu time In August or September, th" date to he derided upon definitely later. The president and secre tary of the association are MP'"' ed to st tend, together with repr? sentatlves from cities along th" routs of the highway through North Carolina and Virginia. While mainly to be concerned with proper marking and advert i In* of that part of the South A? Untie Coastal Highway which passes throtiKh the two States, i: Is anticipated that the meetltiK will he devoted also to a discus slon of plans for further improv i Ing the highway, and to other problem* m connection with |t. r ( Little Peter and ? the Countess! Cnunte*:< MillU-t m Kou' i.s Salm vmi l|uou:-iru< ii'ii It ? a j.Iim touraplicr mia|? In r with In r m. Utile* ivi.r, at la i. Tl??y w- f at Si'tit h miii p toil, l,nfiu Island. Chubby vmuiksii i. . u? Have Council men a Right To Sell Wares To City? II ell knoHii local iilnrnvy lipids \tiuli Itrifihl . /). l{ay Kramer ami C.ohoon Have Ovvrxtvpprd Section -I.VUL it) ( .misnliilateil Statutes Tllo illtere.stiim (|ll>'stio|i whHli-* rr members of tin City have a i it lit In ?i< I willi lli?* city, in view of tlif restrictions laid (town ill S'Tlion 4.5HH. ol I III1 Con solidated Smiul. s of North Caro- j jluia, Ik raised. Ho- ha of a survey of II* v rilv'.** hooks I Iliads by a representative of Tlu: Daily Advance yesterday u 1 1? r noon. Ttiat survey was made from I the check s I ii lis showinv disburse^ iiK-iiis made by City Auditor John H. Snowden. under aulhohiy from the Council, over the period from April I lo July ">i. II showed i (hat linns in which lhr< ? ni> in !?? r.J ?of lln- Council an- iuti rested had Consistently sold supplies lit (he city during f lu? t period. i Section I ;;HH of lln- I'onsolidat - . rd Statutes Ik captioned: "Uirec-i tor of Public Trust Contracting for 1 1 i h Own Urncftt." It. tiroviili'x: "If any person. appointed or | I elected a commissioner or din c- i tor to discharge any trust j wherein the State or any conn- ? ty, city or town may !?? ? in any i manner interested, shall h? - conic an u nderlak'T, 01 make ! 1 any contract for his own bene- | lit. under such authority, or In- . In any manner concerned or in terested In making sucii con tract. or In the profits thereof, either privately or iipi niy. sing- I ly or jointly with another. ho I shall lie guilty of a mistb mean- | or." This statute Is taken lo m?an: i hat no ineuiher of tin* City C'uin- ' ell or other governing body of a '? municipality has a rluhl lo do business with the city, no matter how straight- and uhovchonrd those business dealings may lie. In view of the foregoing sta tute, It is Interesting to note that the Coast Oil Company, or which Councilmaii Noah Itrlth Is maii age. ; K. J. Cohoon A- Cotiipaii\, In which Councilman K. J, Cohoon Is a partner, and the electrical linn of Councilman l>. Itay Kramer havo done considerable ho'-lucs* with tho city in the period be t wci'i: April I and July 31. In1 that connect Ion, howcvei, there Is not the slightest suggestion ol ' "Kraft" er of any sort of irregu larity oil. or than thai p? rhaps the three ccuncilmen named have unthinkingly overstepped their, l'ON/,1 IS KKFUSKII WRIT HABEAS COHIH'S Mount on, Tex. An*. 5. ? District Judge Charles Ashe today refused the application of Charles Ponri of ItoKton for a writ of habeas cor pus. Ponzl wa* ordered turned over to Man*achliftctt* authorities. Pond's attorney, hojvever, Rave notice of an appeal to the court of criminal appeals which Is to meet in Austin next October. Ponzl facHM a seven to nine year term In Mas?a<-husctts f?r fraud. Tho effort of the appeal if prose ciited will bo to toccp Ponr.l in Ifouston until the hirher court renders decision. In the face of ihe appeal MassNchiiNettH aUthorl Mes are powerless lo remove him to that state. KNIGHTS COM Mm S VOII IF. A PROIFST, Philadelphia. Aug. ft.- - K n itch f h r?f Colombo* in annual convention ? oday unanimously adopted a f'stement protein* nffaln?t the policy of president Calles in the #li*lon? situation in Mexico. : I kills a.- meiiilier.s of i Ik ? city :*.ov ? rninu body. The following <1 i: lnifM' im'iilM by City Auditor Snuwdrti are noted from tin- ,cln oli si ulis: ' April ?i. K. J. Colioou AL Coiii liuny, $ls.7'J for huIo hiii>|)IU'k; Coast Oil Coiupau). same date, $1 7X, milatt'd St. Auto 1U22H; K. J. Cohnori & Company. same (iiit*'. supplies. cents; Coast oil ('timpani, $2l3.0i?. ?l.i r ? -?] May li; K. J. Cnlinoil A: Co||i|iany. SflUn date, $7(1. :>2: l>, l!a> Kramer, name ?!:? I ??. $x.'JO; Coast Oil Com pany, May :jt, K. J. Co liomi A- Cninpatix. it'in> of $?i7 .?0 - ami of Ham*- tint* I), li. Kramer .items of $4.2X ami $.ri.4iit .sunn . One well known attorney here, who rti iim-sts that hi* mum- be withheld, holds positively t hut they have nor. lu rouiii'Clinii with Section ?C.KK, quoted ahovr, tin- first ca>u riled as huvilik he? ii appealed to tin* State Supreme Court, and which waf: deelded a mi I m l I lie de fendant, William*, luvolv d a New In ru alderman who a I so wiim an official in a Unlit and pow< r idaiit there, from whlcli the clly pur chas< d current.. Williams was lined, ami was required to tive up his seat on lh? hoard of ald< r in?n. While the general "housecloiifi lilU" is going on h"re, 11 has been suggested that. the matter 'if Council men dealing with the city might come iii for some invention lion, too. In connection with the three Counrilimii named above, there has not been the Bll^htevt hUjCges t i?>ii of collusion or other Irregu larity. except that they may have M< pp? d somewhat out of hound* lu the traiiNaclioiiH cilMl. It Ik anticipated that Ihe math r will h X'ine into, and that it will lie de termined, d? llnitely and Dually, whether those Counciiim n wi-r t wijjiin their rightH in the matter. 1 100 Years Atfo Transportation Mt 1"* lull' s an liour wan ?* in :? i v? I. Today 60 and 70 mil** nn hour at' tin- usuai I ' ll'iriK. And an Hlr piano can rariy you 2'.0 mll'V in mi hour. Theft a n? w na firr adverli^ni' n' w?? lead by a f? h hundred Today it i< >?ad by i housand*. Head the Cl"*>fiid Ada for lute rent turf fiofit FAIR DIRECTORS PROMISE BETTER ENTERTAINMENT District K\|M??itimi. lo In* I Iclil Ilrrc Ortolwr ."> lo *). llM'lloivi*. K\|MM*tr, ltruailr?t*h \|i|ual lo I'ar inri> lo OflVr l'<\liil?il* W illi more money available llli.i V<'.? r than in pi rliaps a decade. t li?* ?lit ' nf tin* tJnater Albemarle lH-lrj. I Fair, lo lie told here Or- ! tob?*r *i In !?. il|< lusive. are prolll iiclnc a l?|y;er ami liHIei ? \pn:i lion !?( I lie Ni'iiiim's resources. ami iimre il iverxlfii'il eiiierlalium'iil . ' lliali ever lias lieen ?lv?n hero hc fi)ria, In lli.it conned ion. || Ik all Mnitlieeil that the usual arrange- , ineiit of special c|:ay?? lias lieeii dla ? ar?|e<|. e\ee|>| Children's Hay,] wlli'll a special |ar<*Kri? 111 will hi!! given for the youngsters. The <11 |i<-lol's hope to make the fall' ho atiractive thai those who u 1 1 ?*iid rli>' first i|;i\ will Keep oil coming right through the week. Willi each ?lay olfcriug e?|iial entertain iii?-ul . Tin* ? fir.* i lialliMiu a?n"i ir lulls ? i i n here in M-vn.lL yen r >s will !??? given as a spii ial attraction each' day of lli? fit ir. with parachut* leap* ami attendant thrills tin the doting day there will In- ail automobile ran-, in which all res- ; lilelltK of tin- tell eolllltleH ill I lie Albemarle district will h- priv ileged to enter. Active co-operation in arrang ing for i hi' fair arcad.v in heiug given hy ih>' varloiiM county agents in the district. For Instance, I.. ' \V. Anderson, agent in IVruul mans County, has broadcast an | appeal to tlie people of his eounty 1 to prepare 1 xhililts for it ami for ? other like expositions, including 1 I lie antiiial Stale Fair at Italeifth. The management. of the fair here Is writing to promitieiil In dividual* throughout the dls Irlet. urging thai they take nil ac tive part in making the event a , complete success. Incidentally. ' th?' lair premium list is in the hands of th?* printer, ami should In* ready for distribution in about ten days. An exceptionally, wide range of prizes for winning ex hibits of farm, garden, livestock, dairying and home products is as sured. In recent years the fair associa tion has been handicapped by a st' adily Increasing accumulation of debts, hut in t lie past two years, these have been reduced In -I lift vanishing point, through careful management and strict economy, llence it is that this year the di rectors feel inclined lo "splurge" somewhat, and give the public a bigger and better district fair than they have ever undertaken before. Jazz Has Invaded Peace And Quiet Of Nags Head Nags lleadl Aug. G. ? For per haps the first time since people have been using Nags Head as a ;summcr resort the loud notes of ja/x and syncopal Ion of an honest : to goodness orchestra have awak ened the echoes of the sandhill* In pealing out the tunes for the dan ces Tuesday and Wednesday nights at the pavilion. Tuesday night was the first time an orchestra had played for a square dance here and the pep and snap of I he munlc wan evident In the dancing of the couples 011 the floor and In the various comments, of approval of the performance. On a still, calm night the music : can he heard a good distance. Many couples were on the floor both nights the orchestra has played and it is evident that peo- , pie will continue to com* as long as the musicians keep up their record. The orchestra consists of five pieces as follows: piano. Mrs. Ar thur I 'ad gel I ; drums. Ilraxton Da won: saxophone, Hugh Hawyer; han jo. Miss Louise Wood; cornet, Tom m le William*. This combina tion has drawn a larger crowd to the round dances than any pre vious attraction this summer. MIX ANI> "TOW" HIIOWN IN NF.W ll.\ III NO AtTH "Tony Huns Wild." Fox Flltnw latest Tom Mix production featur ing Tom Mix. Tony, the Wonder Horse, and Jasfjltcllno Logan Is showing at the Alkrama Theater today. j "We are really very fortunate; In having nuch a program for those who are holding complimen tary tickets given them hy certain merchants with purchases," say* 1 Manager Hhejhy Hnrges*. "This in. Hire fl*es Mix and his wonder ' horse, Tony, an opportunity to ap- 1 p' nr in new feats of strength and ' skill and to provide ihrllls that, are I new even for Mix and Tony." t FIRST SWEETS SHIPPED FROM HERE TO ROSTON Thirly-Fivr It a r r ?? I ? Go I'rom Julian Nrwlieru'# I arm ill I .auilli'M and Brinn a llarrel C.\HU)AOS I HIDXY Crop !? IjiIi- Hii* Year but Sra*on Ili-piii ninn in Kariioi ami Thou?and? Itarri'U W ill In- Shipped The first sweet potatoes shipped from Kllza bet h City this y?r brought $*T5 per barrel. This was a shipment of 35 barrels from ^ 1 1|<* ( '.nmli'ii County farm of Ju lian Nrwli.ri?. local commlssloa man. Tlicy were .shipped to Bos "??'|che f 1 11 a 1 1 1 \ of these potatoes was really poor. Mr. Newbern .via hi. "The yield would have been heller If liny hail stayed In the ground a little longer." It Is possible though hardly probable- that a ear or two of sweets will lea v.- hero on Friday or Saturday of this week, commls Hlon men hay. A few car ship ments lire expected to more next week but movements will hardly begin in earnest before the 16th. The erop Is lale Ibis year. The acreage Is considered larger than list year wllh the yield hardly as good. The si a ml generally Is said to be poor though the additional acreage Is expected to bring the volume of shipments about up to a normal crop. The average yield this year la {estimated at from forty to fifty barrels per acre. Quotations this morning are from $6.50 to $8.75 per barrel wllh prospects for pri ces considered fair for tho first 15 days of shipping. The average coat of marketing sweets Is estimated at from $3.50 to $1.00 pUr barrel. Figuring on la normal volume of shipments for this year probably 500 cam or ' about 100.000 barrels will leavs Kli/.ahcth City during the sesson. The drouth has not hurt the .crop to speak of except to delay It in the opinion of commission men. The last shipments of Irliih po tatoes will probably leavo thl> week. When the market w?*nt all I to smash Just before heavy ship ments ceased, commission men be gan to hold them wllh the hope ? that belter prices might develop, j Their action whs wise and the 'market has Jumped slightly, quo tations ranging from $3.00 to $l.oo in Northern markets this morning. Hot weather, howover, ! has necessitated regradlng in many .Instances. Quite a number of fsr ' liters made good profit* on Irish potatoes tills year, but a consider able number who were lale In 'marketing their crop lost money. Many who planted peas and pota toes are said to have about brok en even the profit on Hpuds Just about overlapping the loss on peas. Now In the wake of peas and Irish potatoes comes the sweet potato and the fall peas. Prospects *ra regarded as fslr for sweets. Fall peas usually bring good prices, the main problem being to harvest I hem beforo the first frost . I'roduce farming Is Indeed un certain. Hut with Irish and Sweet potatoes, snap beans and May peas to take chances on before he sells his cotton and corn tho Al bemarle farmer certainly has ths advantage over tin- farmers of oth er sect Ions who slake their all on the price of one or two crops. JOSEPH K. imm;ije DIBS IN NEW YORK Raleigh. A lit. 5. Colonel Jot cph K. I'ogue. for years secretary or I be North Carolina .State Fair and at prominent cltlsen of the Stat? . died early today In Roose velt Hospital at New York. Word to this effect was ro ceived by relatives here this / morning. Colom I I'ogue bad been In New York for treatment about a month. He was suffering from a complication of troubles. He I* survived by his widow, formerly Miss Henrietta Kramer of Raleigh, and one son. Joseph E. I'ogue, Jr. ii M s TO DMATN MOIfl SIXTH CIXNIR HOYBL Philadelphia. Aug. 6. ? A man who hail registered as j llrown of Host on. Massachusetts, which name Is believed by pollc# j to have been fictitious.