ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, SATl'UDAY KYKMNC. A I t'.l'ST 7. 1 GREAT BRITAIN'S FINEST AIRSHIP IS ALMOST OONF. C raft Capable of Tarrxin^ 1(H) l'a!?>rii|;rrfi and (!rcn of 36 Men Take* Air Kurly in 1**27 FLIES TO AUSTRALIA Ah Soon us Ship l*a**es . Trial Teal* Will 1m* I'm mi / London - to - Bombay ? to Sidney Itontc ? ||y rONST.WTIVi: llltOWN < ( o*>r iflti !. I ||> Idr Adr.'i rl London. Auk. 7. m Adying midsummer diversion do mi. was given Friday afiernooti nl the broad greensward of the Anna R. Lewis Home, at Nixoiiton, Friday afternoon by Matoaca Council 10, of the Degree of Poca hontas. feminine branch of the Improved Order of Red Men. To borrow a phrase often used by anutenr chroniclers of events, a good time was had by all. Melievlng in the doctrine of pre paredness, the ladies of the coun cil took along a goodly aupply of fleli. and thus were not dependent upon the vagaries of Little River anN TO \ IIUilMA ^ WB .M Rrothers, of Great JBrl'flK, \ i rgln la. a native of Mr.fcarilb this County, returned tnis featnrdiy after a week-end at to i ? tiveg snd friends lo Jetty sod County Look it (he Smiles! Lail> Nancy A-ior': li ? ? m ? ! Tin- iiTCitn-s^iMr iiM-mlM-r of t llrit Ish I'ii rliai)i> i>i |?? ??.??! \vtiii Ii??r r?*n v.Im-ii tli?*y land* <1 in i'.o.simi for a Imliiiay in N ?nr.vV h;ilkvr land. Tlic c*1ail?ftr?-i> *ar? . uj? I- i David. 15 ? l?lt i . ami i'liy Ilia* ,17; low?-r, Michael, 10 tlrlit. and Joiiii Jurol>, 7. Who Wants Frills, Anyway? ??cre aren't any frills on thin family cam van. but It rover? the ground id fvcrjbixly'M happv ? and what more can you auk? The picture *hown >w Fred Moore and Ills lamlly arc motoring from Lawrcnceburg, Tenn.; to_Tolcdo, O. Back in Khaki Col. Tlo-odnre Itoojo v? |t, for III"' Aral time slnct I In- World War. again ilons I !?*? khaki and In *lt:nla of flu- 2Mb Ills old rai ment. Photo nliow?. hi m" arriving at PlatUburR f"i a l&>da f train* iny period. MISSING M\ II INKS HAVK HKKN HUM) Toledo. Aug. 7. Ollvr C.I UIIk.h, Hitrd IX. ?jf Wat'Tville, Ohio, ; a ti?l I'ii it I \V. M or rail, of llriilui'' 1 port. Connecticut, pilvato In (Ik* iniled State* Marlnv Corpa aiul Haled an missini; xlnre the explo alon which destroyed the I Tnit?d State* Naval Ammunition I >? pot at Ukt Denmark, N dw J< i ? %. are al the home of Wis"'* parent* war WaUjrv.llc. . FmDi ni'-n ap|i'Hr?rl to oe *h?*!l shocked. Tin y have been wander InK In a da*?d condition alnce the ! day of the explosion, HIImk'h par* ! ents aa Id. cov. ujstin m> I.KAIIS Mi'AI.ISTKII Na*hvll|c, Auk. 7. With t?u t 200 widely scattered preclncta In the state yet to be heard from, (Jovcrnor Austin I'i'ay In leading HHI Mr A lifter. Itlto trcMQfCf, hy ! 4.497 vote* In unofficial returns |for the Tenn'-nace gubernatorial i nomination In Thursday's ntata primary. Wide Notice Taken Of Radio Program Elizabeth City, Hertford and Kdcnton vocaliata anil others who broudcnsi a program from Sla I fon WIIVA, In Richmond, on the night of July 15, have been ten dered a cordial Invitation to give a similar program from the hroud i'hhi Hig station of the Atlanta Journal, report* Secretary Jolt, of the Chamber of Commerce, who, has just returned from a trip to t h?* Ueorgia city, iu the course of wlihli he atti-tid?d a freight rate hearing before a member of Die jilt' relate Commerce Commission. Atlanta folk were exceedingly complimentary about the program given by the Northeastern Caro lina artists according to Mr. Job and those In charge of the Journal broadcasting station there ex pressed a strong wish to have them give a like program there. I Incidentally Mr. Job states that he > has received congratulations from persons living in nine states as a result of tin Itlcbmond trip. The states ar< Massachusetts, Itliodc Island, bMIik1, Nem York. Pennsyl vania. Virginia, South Carolina and Florida. WOMAN KILLED WHEN AUTO IS HIT BY TRAIN Statesville. Aug. 7 ? Onfe woman j was killed almost instantly and [four others. woiiw-n occupants of an automobile, were seriously in jured near here today when struck 1 by a westbound Southern Kail way freight train. Mrs. II. (i. Teeter of Morganton. a?ed '? 0 . was fatally Injured. Her daughter, Miss Pearl Teeter, who was driviiu: tie- car. Miss lK?roth> lllnnant and Miss Ixiulse Manning, both of Raleigh, and Miss Mary Neal Ward of Clhsonvillc, were In jured. The acrid' lit occurred shortly nfler II o'clock, two miles w?-si of here. The automobile In which the women wen- riding stopped on the crossing tracks anil the engin eer was unable |f> atop. The party ? was enroutc to Salisbury. The in jjured are In a local hospital, but 'the extent of their injuries has not been learned. Jt'XIOKM TO MKKT j All Juniors are requested to meet at the Junior Order Hall .Sunday afternoon at 3; .1ft n clock 'to attend the funeral of ti4. (Jot don. Ml EET POT I TOES IIKOn.llT III ELVE IK H.I. II{S TOD IV (iron, try. Aug. 7. ? \ ^hl|? HfMil III >wift fn?ui ?ien* |im|;i> hi-onght sij a b.ir> rcl ?m I In* Northern market. Hie |NiialiK's lit'luiu;rii (?? l-rank Nliaw ami w-ie -lii|>|*-?l liiiiiigli .1. II. Ilosttood ,y Stiu. MINISTER URGES HIGH IDEAIJSM 1 lir Krv. I*. S. I.ovr Trllfc Ivin.iiiiuttH ul l);m;;rr ol | i\r?lc?*liii? Civic Duly All app'-al I'M a lKi.li I idealism in carrying .mi t ; ? j cil. ixciiship was voicd |.|,| r,j?|,| by the Hi v. I*. S. L'iixi. |M?i.,r 4?r (Ho Hrol \I. Hl.Mlisl t.-lui.. |,. u,|. ilri ss li-iiin- i in* Kiwani- Club, In Which If IV lllillded ||,. ??(..(, m, n,. bi rs llisil their oruamzaiii.n was worth Kill. (.? ihi-iiM. h. ? i?r t(> lh?? or* in m ii ni | v if lb. v |,i ?}? <1 i0 Hri cept tin- ri's|M>iisiliiiir> uj cliizciiJ ship. "Tin* civic club she; you and up- an uitd<-r>taiidin ~ .?f ? aeh uih ?T wliicii wi win] li| :ini -.-??i i>r|i> r Mr. !. m . "TIm* kIi at ni:ts> i.i i-it,/. ns do not i hiu k in ii'i'm v ?f Individual responsibility in ihi-ir civic and national III. . h |h ?? indication of a terrific WMakiirra. tmr politi cal Independence ami civic right eousness art' to Im* a>yiiii'd by a ki?i ii im. rest which Is ih?i now " t all ' fi.r a mhIHk occasionally ? ? sacrifice which we should make readily. I ' Tin- man in politics |irof. .s. ion Hlly |h a threat. He conns to iliink of himself, ii ? ? t h servant, but as a lord or the penphu He feels that he is infilled lo impose his wishes on tin oiiiiiiiiuit v. lor Ills own gain. It is such a' man that the danger in democracy lion. l:nies? properly maintained our democracy tinea hois to swing to .one of two cMreiueK that of com munism and anarchy, or thai of a ! dictatorship, it js up m us. as I citizens and as members of ihls f civic club, to guard against ? ith' r ! extreme. "We should face honestly as nien Hie challenge nf commiiniiy life. To get the meat hearl of the American people dedicated to a great mission is a hard job. and nearly Impossible; bin we must : awaken all lo a sense of llielr civie | responsibility. Otherwise, our in dependence is in danger. If (through this club, we can lift the people into a higher idealism, we will have done much for the coin I munity.*' Mr. Love was the speaker of the I occasion at the luncheon of the ! Kiwanis Club last night at the | Southern Hotel. Waldorfs' Or chestra provided excellent music for the occasion and. despite the hoi weather, the Ititieheon was thoroughly worth while. Harry CJ. ! Kramer, vice piosident, presided in the absence of President J. Ken yon Wilson. STEWAItT NAMKD TO SUCCKKI) CUMMINS j Dpi Moines, la.. Auk. 7. ? Davis W. Stewart. Sioux Cily attorney, today Was appointed by Covcrnor Ha m m ill a? United Slate* Senator to nerve until the November gen eral election in place of the late Senator A. H. Cummins. Stewart was named by the slate Republican convention yesterday as nominee in I lie November elec tion lor the term of Senator Cum mins which expires in March. 11927. The appointment was nee Jessary because Cointreau r?c??n venes before .Stewart could hi cci tlfled after Hie November election. GAKOUNA PEACHES MOVING TO M.\I ? ti j'i- ?? ?-< 1 1 ! mat'-, "Noah." jiim ilit-r |?< ?i =_? n i r ? . i h" ??*!.? i iJ an<; i < ?* l.im i-? ph'foH In full k>'? |?TS 4-1 ?ll Id i li ! ?? . I ; ? . ON PROGRAM AT SOYBEAN MEET jl'rof. i]. It. William-. Sialic (iollrpr, ami I*'. I1. La* tlumi of Bt'Hiavrn Italeixh. Auk. 7. Tin- Am?*rl ; l'I | II. ?? ii i| ;il Hi'ol I h and Cleveland ou AukuM 12,. Prominent a in one the North1 Carolinians on lilt* **.? in of this liM'fllnK will lie I'rofes-or Wil-, liam* and F. I'. Latliam. of IS?*I - haven. Professor \Vi]liiim> i-> a 'pioneer. , in .soyhi'an work, nfdriiilx at Slate ('oI1(>ki< say. lie did research ami extension work with ilio crop years ago. with a view to catisiiiK it to become more p? ?i?n l.? r over . Nort li Carolina. - Ami it i*? tahl that it wa> la r poly rlnc to his i I forln that llin aoyhean was a? mio lime credited an helnjt North Car olina's fifth great crop. Mr lailham. likewise. is all i \ perlenced soybean v row*ar. hav ing conducted a II II III Ik* r of I ??> t for thi- f 'nil ? <1 States |h'|iarlin?'iii | of Agriculture. TIm* soy he. m Jia an Important iiIiiim on hi* farm near ll'dhaveit. Mr. Latham I-.: vice-president of Die organization. I'rofi-iwor William.-* will ?j?euk ??*i llo* crushing of soybeans from fl>* si si nrl |*ot hi of tlo farm' r ami tic manufacturer. Crushing ??f soy beans hy cotton oil mills wa- f i r promoted in this State hy him ami his associates of the department of agronomy a number of years ago, |t was siihl toilav sit the e ?| li-KP. A large number of soybean grower .4 from North Carolina and the nation are expeen-d in ntt'-n'l theNe meetings In Hit IHiii ronn iry next week. "Giants" Lose (lame To "Tiger" Guests 1 Whit* and < olored folk-i alike were rega led at a kanie Im iw*-en thi? "Norfolk "TIkits and the Kli /. aheth t'H y "(Until'" on the dia mond hen . whi- h Um v i. itors to >h hy the KOtn- what lop: bled ni'?rr of f? to I yesterday afteriio-m. Tie game *as arrant:' d I ?r Mm !?? im Ii? of Ike Kli/aheth < *11 > Ua l imit A ? Kor- tut ion. si n <1 a Miiiiil en in ,e|oiArcd. which will tie appli* d on. Ihe deficit Incurred I y the i?*1 '.hoot- which h" hurled aero** th? plate. flelng endu"d with a acn ? '?f the re*pon- ihdity of ImmIn to th'-'r Blicsta, the IJi/abdh City " i.i ? ? i . ?i- Nun '.i r.ii..i.it.4 i n1liv>* tif uln-lhi-r tii> rnni Is I'l.tiiN <1 for mmmI. l??r cm* i??r i ii rn iiiK iiii* I ? 'i* ii i-xi prim; Is I III* Altl'll/./i Villi'*!* . Ui'i-ordillK to I'. Ii. Kiltie. H*?i*t.llll ]?| .i ill Im'immI ?;r inr the Niirih Carolina KnjhtI lili'lil ."-'i.ilinli .il Slulr C 'lli-Ri' Mr. Ix i III*- lh.it oil urt iiutil of the ilruiiKh' of ih- |mn wo jimis. many fartm.*r.-> an- finding Ii.it tlu*.v li4?iii?l kiiav i liirli- hay clurim; llio wlnirr. hi many of flu* mixture*, i Is l?<*licic u?od. while many nth I I' KI'IIWITM I?l4l 111 I JC ul'lllf for 1*4*1 II itra/iiiK and tiiruinv uiuler a-, u .oil ImprfivtiiK crit|>. I I v i :t; \ i . i d c;oi:imin MMlAV \T llOMi: ; Tin- funeral of IM Cnnloii. who iii' 'I I'Hijy I :|>i ? iiH'i'ii in - at Si. Viumm'; I !???- i< ? i 1 1 from In ail iroiil>l?', will lir eotid'iit. il iinimr IiiW llfli I noon at I i.'ebirk nt 1 1 1 :< l.ont< on Soul Ii- in nteuin-, Ii- \ . I. Suflnd?-il l.o v?*. i?a.-r i*r <1 I In I *n st M? ??f J'ro* ii|**iM'i'. i:liod? I !:ind, Hii|i|d.v |iinlni' ol ll?e I "lift l?a|itlvt Chuieh in tin- ah s> nri .iij lir. S. 11. T?-lii|di Iii u li , Hill ?'l ISiil'liHi (.'lunch. Tin- p illh- nr. tsi liti .1. 1. Call.1 J. 4 . N- Imiii iii Norfolk, I.. W. MadriP. J. \V lluiiilul|ih, Hilary ( a riw lit/hi mid |i. C. Snwycr. I I ii i iii I will In- niudi in I hi* llolly-> wood (Yui'-l'Ty. Tin- Junior Older will alt'-nd tin* I 'in' Mil in l'-fl their ho in'* on Went ('Ii ur rli #tr??M. with tin ? \|i?-ftiit |on of ri'liirnliiK l.?t?- in S**|iK-mti'T. or win never I h?> lutviny of ihi- AiriM'i h fltiltdii'd. For Canada ThH i? Hit ||<'fir\ In ??!"?! who n wl1 l?> lw n|Nlt>r| |m| II ? |?>nll|nii at, Cll|ii|(tiMr. i-yku> ? imIHI Hi *!?-?. fhw i* i n (?? ?rn lirilinh rulini nikiwtfiK l?? ?? iifl lh?M hwi Ulhw in 1'in ifYi ? ?'unirM LACK OF MONEY MAIN OBSTACLE TO ROAD PLANS Crank Kii^lrr (?m** lie Miinr nt Sl;iti* llinlinav i I'lati* lor \in llnM-lrrn 4 arnliita pkojkcis m;\ ii.wi.n (iuntriirl for I *?i\ i ii^i llit;li wa\ I rimi Hifjo to \ ir ^iiiia l.inr l'rolial>l\ Will llr l.rl Next Month Although Prank Kiigbr. mem lnt mi rlii Stale lli:hway Co mini ?? :.loti iimti tin- l'ir-t district. is in - ? 'll lied l.iv??r,ili|\ tow .n il project* wiil< it l In* concrete m.iil he mm i n Hertford and Kdctitoii. .ni?| tiiHii i'ij many ??iI?.t ??nii-t rnet Ioii nii'.i.' Ui'i *= in wllli li :lii> part of tin* State is iiticrosiod. In- ran innmi p!l-!i lliili- of ib*?t ti ill t* until addi loit-il fund* a ro available lor high W . ? ? < . II- 1 l tl? r lull. The-. in .>!il?i|.itir>', I- Hi". a.- < 'mi lily, probably would in; ii* i this month. Tlio comity has agreed to hud I lit* Stalo Highway I 'ouimlssion sufti l ioiit niniioy lor I lio pro ii'i't , with ilio limb r?taiidlng thai it w ill ho refunded laior from the iirucewl* of a prospective ffitml Ishiic. Mr. Kiiglor 'allowed much iliiter est In I ho proposed widening of i ho Nowlaml 1 1 It: h way, from this ? ily norlhwurilly In the vicinity of Smith Mills, a link In (ho (IcurRi' Washington I Mull way conned int' Kli/.riliclh City nml Norfolk. Tho ? N'owlatnl Highway at present Is payed lo a width of only nliio foot, nml Mr. K iik lor gave assurance than whi'ii titonoy was nvailaldo. it W'l.nld ho k i v on serious cotisldera I ion. Tho highway commissioner also i tendered llto iiifornini Ion Unit con tract fur tin- hard-surfacing tho road from Sligo to Hie Virginia line near Moyock. Currituck Coun ty. was scheduled to hi- IH ill Sep tember. This road will complete Ilio paved highway system I In king Klixahotii City and Norfolk l?y tho easterly route. Mr. Kagler stated also that ll was planned to give the Acorn IIUI Itoad connecting Pasquotank ii ud (iiiti'H Count, leu across the Croat dismal Swamp, an oil treat inetit In the early future. Inn that hurdsiirfat-iiig must he deferred tint II the roud. which wuh complet ed last summer, has had additional time for Mrttllng. In the latter connect Ion. he gave t lie delegation to understand that if I'aMiuntank and Hates would advance the money necessary for paving I hn I road. It prohuhly would he given earlier attention than otherwise. The Kllrahcth City delegation was aiitlmrlxcd to make the trip at the last meeting of the hoard of director* of the Chamber of Com* merce, ii ud besides Mr. Job. It In cluded K C. Conger, president, and W. T. Culpepper and C. O. Kobiuvon. members of the board of directors of the organisation. Those from 1 1 ? rlford Included J. C. Illnnchard. Louis W. Anderson. J. T. Kloof w ooil . Thofmia Nixon. Sr.. and Tliomsn Nixon. Jr. The Kden ton group Included K. It. Conger mid It. CJ. Shacked, editor of the Kdeuton News. MEXICAN CONiaiKSS MAY SOI.VK i>iiohi>:m NriMt Otgr, Ann. 7. Tli. In |i;isse III the struggle between til" ::ovcrnment and the Catholic Church In \1? xlco may be solved Ihiough cnaetment by the re w coll gloss, which COllV'lOV Si pt ' III lier 1. o I religious n gilbitioiis less drastic than those wblcli wi ui Into effect a wi ? k ago. at . least that Is. Hi" view In ld at jiiosi nt in h??ni" circles. t.eglslillion Otl re|lg|?ll|S subjects i< ex pawled to ho one nf tin lirst things taken ii|i by tin- in w con* gi'esa. ?l may result In congres sional reH til ruin Hon of l'i<'sldeni 1 Callow' regiilation in the contest In t we# H tin pres ident nt>d con g|1 *i|? Oil the subject rill ill passngc 'of milder regulations. nius. lam;i>;v is iin i rniviAin it \i;k toi> 1 I'mnkfnrt. Kv? Aug. 7. ? I'rl ' ma i ) I'OItlMtn In i lubt of K? li 'lucky's II C'?ngresalon?l districts j were held today. Ninong the con* . t'si*. Mr*. John W. lamglejr. wife 'o! the former Congresstnan from jlli* tenth district Is opposed by 'A J Kirk for lO'puhllcsn nomln x'lon In th? tenth district / PROSPERITY IS INDICATED AND LOWER FREIGHT lnrrraoi'il Kaniiii|S? of Kail roail* for l-'irr-t Six >lonlh? ?l War llavr I .i-rlaiii Po litical l'.ITi'il> ITS IKH'Kl l l- SIGN !No linnii'tliati' I. 11 I I i n 8 lliil Simply Kncooiv afsi'HH'iil llial l ainivr May Sit IJfltrr linn-* ?it i > \ \ III I..WIIKM'H ii:or*o?ht. IHB. b? Th? Ad???wl W.olllM^loll. AUU. Nl'WS of tlx- increase in earnings of the railroads "l America for the first 1 1 1 * * 1 1 ills ul tins year will? after !?? inu thnrnuuhl> ilip'nU'd, have certain pnliticsil effects. Kind. tin- rail mail allowing la another liulli'iiiloii ??l tin- prosper iiii s copd i t in ii <'i the eonniry. Aa ? such ii will In- ammunition on the .stump for iii?- members of Con unss who arc seeking re -clec I Ion lh in fall ami wlu? "ill attribute thi- economic aiU.ino!' to tin* poli cies ul t Im- piiriy.in power. S* ?'? i n wen not earning a fair re turn on the value of their proper ly. The iinv'.Tiinn lit has fixed what Is a lair return, ihe same being outlined ill tile transporta tion act. Kveit in the favorable Hhowlng . just made public, the railroads ' have not come up to the llgure Bet a-? a "fair r. turn. " When I hey do there Is a division nf profits under what Is known as the "recapture clause" which has been held con st it ut lona I. 1'nlil lie .lay when Ihe earnings of the railroads e\cccd the amount of ihe lair return. Ihe railroad executives Will fight the idea of ? any general reduction In freight rates. They have contended that railroads cannot be judged on the learnings of any one year and that I before adjustments can he made the railroads must have an op portunity to recoup in the year? when earnings were unfavorable and to assure themselves* that the I whole transportation problem has been put on a ^Jable basis. The question of consolidations Is still unsettled. The Cuulidga administration has been hopeful that relief fur the farmer might come through the economies In operating e\ perinea that would follow consolidation of strong and weak loads. Tlii railroads arc borrowing money for equipment ami expan sion at a much lower rale than they did in Ihe years Immediately following tie war but the cost of borrow kni; In still a liluh item of .spin... The Watson Parker Act I* ,Ap. cted to keep strikes and la bor troubles down to the minimum hut Ihe demand for higher will probably not In silenced. Ins railroads have made an excellent nIiowIii;; bul |l?ei? Is no disposi tion In ri In official quartern to re gard that as tin basis for any im mediate change in Ihe freight rats " situation. The Interstate Commerce Com mission cannot order lower rates and p.. v? nl the roads from earn ing what under the law Is fixed as ? "fail return Tin figures are regarded as a hopeful ?lgn of the nil,..* it ml as aliiiplv Ml?' mi ni I lint 111. 'In.v ?- ,ar, I'* I.H.I wli.-n I Ik- f?rii?-r ??" ? lull r fr. lulil ruii- n"*l *'t m?'* out III III' nr..l?l Norlh ii I'm. . . i. >1 Vlrnlnl.i. anil fnrmlllj mi tni|i..rtiint link I" I lie law"? W?I.T??. rirrror MAHKKT New Y..rli.Ail? "? ' "H"" i hi. . mi. mil t" 'I'1.' "? llu* l.v.'.l