ENDLESS ROWS OF PEACH TREES IN THE SANDHILLS Picker* Busily li?*iiioviiiu iioldrn Kr nil and Parking Into Onto and Ba*k<'t> for Shipping BUT NOT <;<)LI> MINK Overproduction CaiiM' il Drop in Prirrs lint the I Quality Is of llir Wry 1 KiiiPfl Tlii* ^ car J Uak-lgh. Auy. Long. almost BppdlrMt rows of thries. in military precision, loadni with itoldcn. lus cious fruit. Picker* busy removing ithe tempting peache-* from the trees, and packing ih? nt into crates and baskets. Motor trucks mak ing frequent trips between the vast orchards and the packing houses or farm houses. livery wtaere, peu? he*. peaches. peaches: Such is hut a glimpse of any num ber of orchards in the Sandhills peach belt of North Carolina. Be ginning with a seasons sh'pment | of but 500 ear loads in 1 !? 2 1 . the Sandhill peach Imluftry has grown until probably l.80? cars will he shipped this season. If it had not been for the April freeze and frosts, the yield would probably havo been well over -.000 cars. There are at prescul more than 000. 000 peach trees in bearing in the Sandhills orchards. However, those people lit the State who have the impression that peach growing is a veritihle gold inine. ari much mistaken, as over production has caused a se vere drop in prices For while the Sandhill growers in 1921 were geting $:i.5o a crate and the buy ers from the North clamored for the fruit at that price, these pri ces do not prevail now, largely be cause of the competition in tieor gla. lu 1021 Georgia produced 7.000 car loads of peaches. Now Georgia ships at least 15.000 car loads and produces even more. The result is that peaches are plentiful tod the crate that formerly sold 'or J3.60 now brings but SI .So or lies*, the average price in the |Saudhills section the past week be ing but a little more than a dollar. lAt this price the growers are ac tually loaning money for a super article. for the Sandhills ketches this year are of the very Blaest quality. ^ North Carolina peach growers lalso get toiisldcrable competition ?from Tennessee and Arkansas. [Where the crop ripens at almost [the same time, though their fruit pees to the middle western mar kets rather than to eastern mar Bats. as do the North Carolina anil peorgia crops. It costs approximately $250 in (haul a car of peaches from the Sandhflls to New York, and the rgln of profit may be only half the cost of the freight. In some years past, however, when peaches |werc much more scarce than now. It was not uncommon for growers to net $1,000 on a single car load of peaches. In an effort to dispose of the fruit this year the Sandhill grow ers are taking advantage of home .ftiarkets wherever possible and pore peaches than ever before are Sting hauled to all parts of the Wtate In motor trucks. This mar lit is only moderately profitable, however The total number of cars shipped up to August 7. was .i trifle more than 1.500. An unus ually large number of peaches that were too ripe for shipping havo had to be destroyed, thus cutting down the shipments, but got the yield. This is the first year that the Crop ((reporting Service of the State and I*. S. Department of Ag riculture has endeavored to really keep track of the commercial peach crop. Last winter a survey the pcach orchards In the State fe made with the result thai orchardists having more tft 100 three. showed an average of IG-7 percent Klberlas. 24. H per cent Belles, #.2 per cent lliley's 8.5 per cent Blaes; with 10.8 per cent in other varieties It was also found that about 25 per cent of the new trees were coming in to bearing this year. After the freeze. It was almost impossible to forecast the crop, yet the Depart m> nt of Agriculture placed an un official estimate of approxlmately 1 .800 cars, and It seems as If this mark will be reached In produc tion. If not in actual shipments. At th< time, this figure was thought to lie entirely too high. It should be recognized that th" production of fruit does not Include the shipments only, but rather the production of all hhI Mhle fruit, whether actually sold !or not. / t Representative* of the State Department nf Agriculture have flflsi 1 the Sandhills section sev ers. me* during the growing sea ?on ?1 were there this week. It pg found that the hot. dry weath er. followed by the rain* late In July resulted In peaches somewhat i smaller han usual, but of good gjli^wiih the fruit ripening In a, tape or ur day period Instead of to Ive as anticipated. Thls| UjjeMftt that the orchardists were ^AjMyrapirtd to handle the cr*>p Quantity of Liquor j Lands Woman In Toils of Law Vic,., oil, denial II, U| j tl, Mutt. nr 1 wti. nrv it ran,,, avail.., I ??,|ltlL_ ! joi I runes Johnson. colored, i? 1 l?.llc" coiirl .Monday ?? or tl,. |.r.,iH??, ,? Tllllillt i I' A. t iji (M,i,,r(.|f?? wiI|| t|(t | r; ??'?"in linn ? ! """ home ?H Walk. r a niulu l.y ciii.f m i i , ,11,. llolmea anil Officer Amler Pla.Ir"" t'""'' "M ?>' arihu. ?lv. ? II,. all. I nail, , "I acivlni; Ua> s ,? jail. ?r .? I;'""; " ?" ?... iitxi cum, ? he chose lalt.T The ..trior,, Indicnl ,1 ii.nt ,|?.v ... Il"' w?n?an ii ml ? *r sur veillance im some tint.- it >wi ' Mat.il II. a. on n"? . Obs, rvt'd a |.o|> I, nt i iM-nv. .1 c.-r. monlously out ot the window. . bottle, they said. |,?n. n,.,rj,l(i indication.-. ?f l,a,i,lt. ""li't'l|"l|,- ly iiiki, ,?,|V than carbonated b-'Veraue. I Ueneral Johnson. colored ;i? hi. I I III; children. was r.siuir. <1 i? a w. ck inward lli.-i, malm, u ante. 111. i, ,|ii|r,.i,?,n i?i,w tressed win, ? Bu?l,..1?|,.d ,,c, <?l four muiit lis on the load." Tlo suspension is to I., in , two year*. L harmed with failure to list }( j . taxes, William Ncwb>. colored, was required to pay tin- tax. > an i court costs. WILLIAM II. BARCO BATTLING FOI{ LI I K William H. Berco. 0f this Coun ty. who suHained a fracture of tin* skull and severe Ian rations of his right leg last Friday a week ago wii?n an oil truck which he was driving was struck l.v H Norfolk >011110 rn yard engine here. Mill jH in a critical condition at St Vin cents Hospital. Norfolk, where he has been under treatment since tin- accident. The injured man'* father. II. R Haico of this city , who returned ast night from a trip to his son's hvdKkl.-, stated that lie had prac tically reKuino<i lull consciousness Jjut that pjrtiully_uir*,iu,ii; this lavorable development. gangmne had set in in the leu Injury. Mr Barco added that the attending surgeons Still held out some hope for his recovery. REPORT COTTON CHOI' 69.8 l?ER CENT NORMAL Wasliintton. Auk. ft. Produc tion ol 1 ",..121.000 hales ?| cotton ? lil." y-iir is Indicated by n?. c,?, altlon of lii'- crop ,,? August i which wax tin. 8 |?i rent of not mal. a.s compared will, i|?- for, - east of I C. 00 bairn mid a condition of 70.7 mi July |,; |||i, year. II,,- I>. 1 j,,, ri in i a i Agricul ture anuotiiic d today. CATHOLIC PROPERTY IS BEING TAKEN OVER Mexico City. Auu. 9.? -All Cath olic Church "annexes" and all Church valuables except actual paces of worship have h??n placed under government seal throughout Mexico until the pres ent controversy between the Mexi can government and the Kon.an Catholic Kpiscopate is settled It wag announced today by the 'De partment or Interior. The Mexican government began taking over these places where church possessions are stored as soon as the government's new re ligions regulations went Into ef fect at midnight, July 3], as soon as it ripened and a.s rapid ly as was needed after It began. ' There was also a tendency to delay | picking t lie peaches until after the! Ceorgla crop was out of the way. The result whs that many of the I Klbertas were over ripe for ship- j Ping in many orchards before ship ping actually began. Losses are no longer being In curred. however, from I he "curcn lio" or worm which attacks peach es. The wormy peach I* now al most history, due to the effective work of the entomologist of the Hinte Department of Agriculture. Nix years ago an much as 7?? per cent of the peaches grown in "omo orchards contained a worm near the need that made them un- 1 fit for sale or shipment, and the! J'Jfi lr? industry was seriously threatened by this worm pent. But ' entomologists were *cnt to the ? .indhills to make a sludy of the situation, under I lie direction ,,f i "I- " w l.elhy. Chief of | he en I t.imnlolty division. The result was I thai the urnwers were taught how! to suppress this Insect |,e?t. The! growers hare since succeeded in! a' "lost completely eradicating this post from their orchards. Howev er. the aggregate cost of fighting i ihls and other insert pc.ts l,y I poison and spraying ih" ireeii. . amounts in approximately t2f.0., "Ill annually The newel p,.,( ,|ls covered In the ?andhllls orchards Is the Oriental moth, and Ii Is not ' >el known just how much of a menace this new moth will become I Taken altogether. North faro Una has one of the best Beach growing sections |? ,h. ?nMr? ' nlled Slates, th,. rrtilt always being of unusually fine quality un'n ????? l? over produc TWO HOYS KILLED #> If TO CK4SII High I'otnt. Auk. W. ? JoMcph York. hk<iI IT, and Itacfoni Mjiiic**, iht' Ninii' ?K?\ wrrv kilhtl utul (Ho oilier* mtIoii?.|? injnriNl licit* early (imIm> when an automobile In nlilcli tl?c> mtp rMinK iTHtlHtl Into anoth er ??r parkcii on the <*u> Vnrk. hkiiI ll?, mill i:v ??it'll Man*'** hiv both In nti A*li<*boro hospital. All of I he boytt an- front ltam*cnr. lie IhIIk of arrliknt liavc no( Ihimi It tf I vet I licit*. NEW PLAYHOUSE WELL UNDERWAY Foundation* for ('aroliiia i Theater I .aid, and Frame work l?> (mi I p Soon Olio hundred tons of structural | steel wlilrh will fonu tin- frumc I work of (lie new Carolina Theater. | now in proci'SK of erection licn>, I will Im in place witliiu tin- next i ten day* or two weeks, and all I will lie in readiness for the brick : work and otlicr construction, uc | cordiuu to |{. I.. IHulM'lt, Jr.. fore* in. in in charm- of tie- w-rk for I tin I*. 1.. Itlaloek Const ruci if,n I Company, eon I ructor*, of Kinstou. When completed, the theater , will have cost $150,000. and will : he decidedly tin- finest playhouse | anywhere in tills part of the State, !' it is declared, comparing favor ably in general design with the new Lowi'K Stale, in Norfolk. | Illuming into a deep stratum of quirk sand early In the work of 1 laying the foundations, tie crew ' on that'phase of the joh were de laved somewhat in finishing It. in I all, 5)3' cubic yards of concrete ! were laid ? enough to build h four i foot sidewalk four inches thick a i third of a mile long. I'nloss there are delays which . cannot hi- foreseen now. the thea I ter should be completed by De cember 1, according to Mr. Bla ' lock, and in rradlueaa to open by 1 the first of the year, or shortly afterward. It in to be operated by the Carolina Theaters Corpora tion. of Asheville, under a 15 year , lease, 'With privilege of renewal. The corporation runs a chain of theaters In North and South Caro lina. COTTON HKKAKS 83.5(1 FOLLOWING KEPOItT New York. Aug. 9. ? Cotton broke approximately 93.50 a hale here today following the announce* ment of the (Jovernment crop fore east which was fully one million and half bales morn than some of the private cKtlmates. Voman's Place Is On the Ocean !Whrn the Southern California Yachting Awwlitlon hol?ls its nnnunl re gatta this numnier, the yacht Wal?nr will |uirtlii|Nitc niHiinnl ??y ? crew of women. 8kl|?per M.irunnt Walxli. ilauchlrr of u fiitiiniiK I'ariflr roust ?hip builder, is shown fitting ?>n a iKw.m. with Sc.iman KM her Kuth in the rlKKlnt;. TWO DISOWN WHEN I AKINC, EAIUA SWIM I'ticrsburK, Any. 9. ? Doctor John Michalko, ilcntihl, and Doc tor W. S. Wixuly, hot h of Hope well. won* drowm d carjy thin I moriiiiiK in tin* swlninikiiv pool of the I >n i>??i?t Chili of Virginia ul City Point. Ted Cl?rk, also of l|u|i>w?*||, 1 nearly lout hi* life in an atti mp< i to KHVe tll?' tWO 1114-11 . Doctor Woody wait drownul whi>n lie Weill to tin- assistance of Michalko, Im'ihk itniblii'il and ini ll?-d under. II.WMUl T<? Sl'KAK Hcv. Vance llavner. now of Hickory, I > n i formerly pastor at iSalcin t'lmrcli. will *p?-ak Wednes day night at ihc Weeksvillc High School. The public Is invited. Mr. IHavncr spnke briefly Sunday night at the evening service at Salem. Strike Of Cleaners and Dyers Wrecked Vacation II omvn II err in Dire Dislrv** II lien Slut/is (Juxrtl uilh Their {garment* in Them; ( hie I acatioiier /(nliiml to HiminruK Suit tnnl lliilliini; To/is By ROBKRT T. HM AM. IM. kr Tin ! Now York. Aug. 9. ? Now York' for the past ton day* Iihh been In the throcH of it moat annoylm atrlke. The cleaner*. dyer* ami neighborhood tailor* have been "out" and their going han JiihI about wriTknl *oine fifty thousand to alxty t housand household*. The neighborhood *hop* Hoard tip with u bang. Nolle?* were ponied hi the window with the bi|C word I "atrlke" In red latter*. Frantle women and a few more or lea* frantic, women have heab-ged the I Khopa In vain. For a time the j crowd* oiitxlde theae small tailor* j Ing and dry cleaning oatahll*h menta *e*embled a run on a bank.; Deaplte their pleading* It ha*' I been ImpoMNlble for the women of I the city to get their gown* or coat* out of the cloaod establish ment*. The anKui*h of aome of the VOHM la described a* *lmpl< terrible. One of the woman watcher at the clo*ed portal* of a broadway establishment aald ahe wm* going on her vacation today ami had nix drc"<*o* In th?* *hop for cleaning and prcaalnx. A hu*lue*H mii it and u hathing com tu me were nil *ho lefl and *ho argued *he couldn't have any sort of vacation on *urh garment*, par ticularly the buHlnenH mii It . 1 1 ?*r bathing costume. *hc admitted, waa rather good. If *ketchy. but ahe feared that even It would pall on her friend* If worn morning noon and night. In mo*t instances the neighbor hood ahop* have explained I hat ? they were forced to cloae becau*o of * strike of cleanera and dyer* , In the who1e*Nle e*tabflahment* or central plant*. Mo*t of New York ml**ing clothes. It wan said, are locked up at the hlg cleaning factories. Thla city long ha* had. the reputation of being well drowned, but the atrlke ha* dis closed that the average New York Ulrl ha* to figure rather cloaely on keeping her watd/ohe pro-entabl#. Thl* *trlke ha* reduced the wear ? Me clothe* of ? ha mefropolla by 1 something like fifty per ci'iil, and during tin- holt oh I ami most humid week of lilT l hcs auminor season. The feminine side of New York regards i he unceremonious im pounding of Its 4-lolllMK II H tile IIIIIHl High-handed miivf organized labor ever has made. Tho vengeance i hoy have vowed k a i n - 1 tho neigh borhood shops promises trouble if ii of bankruptcy for tho future. .Ml of tho volualih' explanation thai I In- fault lies with the "wholesal ers" has no offeet. Tin* women nay I hoy loft tholr riot bos at tho neighborhood shop and expected to get thom bark two days hit it. They an- hold tut; tho noighhnr hood dniliTH strictly roHponslhl". Appoals have boon inado to tjie police hut they have sidestepped as fast as (hey could. So in" are ready to loll the world, however, (hut Hi II hath greater furies than a wo man merely scorned. Deprive her of her "bout" riot lies and you hate started a fury worth while. It In difficult lo learn what the strike Is all about and nobody noom? to oaro. All Now York wants to know is when will If !?? over and when will il? cloth."* lie released from a bondage which Im proved Inhuman in many Install ood. Slimmer Is the heiKhl ?>f the cleaning season fur women's (Car- J motile and It looks as If modern , Machlavclli had devised ?!?'? scheme of Impounding New York's clothes at this particular time ??( your. If the master cleaners ??r the active cleaner* think they have public sentiment on their side tlcy arc very much mistaken Any thing that makes tho average N? w Yorker slay at home on Saturday night tho official oVcning l'*r stepping out makes the avorai" New Yorker madder than the av erage dweller In the average city. Hut deprive a woman of her ward robe at any lime and there i ? blood on the moon. Home Work will be the rule lu New York for a long ilm'? aft?'r Ih* missing garments are' om ?? morn Taken Critically 111 On Vansciver Taken with a sudden uMick he !i**ved in have been due to a kid ic y wcuktn ->s of .*?.'. .Hiding, N. *l\ Parker, of city. !?<?' aim critically iJI last nipht while r? - turning from Xugg ilc.nl on the st earner Annie I#. Vatincivi r, lap sing into uncoiiKriuiiKih-iH.s lor uhoiit an hour. H*' revived coii siderahly shortly lictnri' Mm* arriv al or the boat here, and apparent i> was resting In-tler today. Mi. I'ark?'r*hail none ovt r in rh?' ocean for a swim while at XaK-t Head yesterday. and had carried two heavy suitcases ovt r in Ihe lioal on his n I urn. Several >ears ago. lie iiiiclerweul an operation for l In- removal of on. kidney. and it is believed iliui lie overstrained himself yesterday. . Fin* Chief Jerome Flora Imp la tied iti he mi 1 he VaiiKt'lvt r last iiiKlit. and promptly louk charge of the situation. With Ihe assist* ance of others a hoard Ihe lioat. h succeeded in restoring Mr I'nrker lo consciousness. As the Vaii.-civ* er steunied into ihe harhnr. those ? hoard shoilted to Miles I.. Chirk, aboard his yaeht. thr* Setttt II. and hail Mr. Clark summon a d'ictor. I>r. \\\ A. 1*4*1 ers met ill" hoat at ihi' lior-k, and after working on Mr. I'nrker for hoiiii* lime, had h i in removed to his hornr- on Kh* ringliaiis st reel. Mr. Parker has suffered several similar attacks during recent years. >1A KKIIWISON MUST K.M KH TIIK lU'N-OI I Dallas, Tex., Aug. !?. A tutiofl prinuiry between Attorney <i?neral I ta n Moody a ml tJovernor Mirhim KerKUHnti for i In* Democrat it* C ? n - hermit or in I Humiliation of Texas loomed today us ihe ehief possi hility when the state democratic executive committee m?*i here to caiivuH returns of the .Inly 'J 1 prluiMry. . lit sp ill.-dhle meiuhevs of the commit lee expressed ihe opinion I hat Mrs. Ferguson's" mime would po fin the ticket re gardless of her announcement that ? he would not eiit<*r the runoff. Ml hT MH'1'Olli WIFK Charged "wilh non-support. Can tain I. J. Wiljinms. who ruiiH a email grocery store on ('arsonaue street, was direct# d to puv a week toward lh< Ihlnu i-xpi n?ev nf his wife nfter a louring In re i-order's court Monday morning. It was in evid? iic? thai I lie roupl# had lived apart for s*viai months. Trial Jostle#- Siiwvm siis |M*nd< d Judgment in tin race foi I wo y< a rs. conditional upon p*?,v liieut weekly of lli< amount stated CLASSIHKI) AIIS TKI.I. WIIKKI. -?To i*i*l I?e?t set vice iii ko dak worfc Classification 1. ???To find f ally truly lc? cold WhI' rne lorix at all times. Classification I. ?To find a Variety of hou??-? tor rent, pmlMl>)y Just what vou have |m >*n look tni: for. Classification 10. MURDERERS ARE HUNTED WITH A BRASS BAND NOW I'lililU-il) I- Main I Viitnrr. ? illl llll' I ..IIIHT I. t'.H" S|miI lifflil ami ll"' Inl.T \irw a? < Iim'I \\ ? SI'.KMS TO WORK I'nlilir Srntiiin'iit. al l.faM. Ma> I ?<* Xron-oil unit I ili /rn?lii|> \waki*iiiil In V -.i-l I In- l.a? M oh-.. I It >?<* **??""? New lirun-wtek . N J.. A UK. limning !'???' itiurdi r?T* with a lip,. I i,i 1 1 ? | ;,i!llfi than W'Uli gUlli sc. HI* I" 'he Ui'W ol'dcl In . l iiniuolortv. Thai im-Hmd I hi*iii;t pur-ued liriv in the new ,u \ !??.? ical ion ill ill- >' i,r ",l1 ll.ill Mill* iraucdy unci the prac tice h v\ .ii ml y ?l. :? Hd. ?l i?> tli'' s|hm I..I |ir?.M-*-u?c?r whit i* irvinc t.. ,lo ili? ihiiiK* left undone in lir-t Invent iu.it Urn ami >?? undo lhr things nhiili were done at thai 1 1 tn ? - . \ tri ually lln- "Mini' method of u? 1,-iim* publicity wa ; billowed tor a t Hum al l? a \ kll 1 1??* Investigation hi iiir slayiiiK ?> ',"11 puhll-li.r ..r Hie fauw.ii. Ohio. New* . wlio-e death h;iN been iriUtitiMl in the uudi-rworld of thai hi in - we ??! cm iiuhiftiT.il city. I'ahiicity has been followed In 1hc-? ? ase* hilt ll hai' been ueccs In. ill luro mill "t Canton to aroii.-c public sent inn nt ami to try in keep it ui'ouxcil uiiiil a solution i.i tin important crimes luid been icaehcd. il. II Timkeli. inaiiulaet urer ??? i anion, mailt* a rather m*n??n charge ana hist tin* American pei> p]. . when he averted Hint their in i.-rcsi in ilu* Mwlli tl case jiroitahly w nil 111 flic out because tin* tragedy laeked a sex appeal. "ll ?* "ti Iti ji lli'i'lital crime" he said, "and t hcrefore it will In- difficult to keep public inti'tvii alive. Hut we nt ia - 1 ivy to do t>ur host to the mil." Win ii Ora Slali-r. the < mcln ii.it i deled i?'i- was cui)i:il to.CttJ' i mi to lake charge of Hie Mellett investigation liix picture was |irltit i <1 in all Ilu* |iap? rs. Ili' was Hliown lalklliK lo newnpayi-r re puiiiT -. The hold wlii'i'i' hi' was sio]ipin^ was puhllHlH'd. I'rnrtl ,-ully every preeiiulliiii old tmii' >li'Ut liiiiK was thrown to tin- wind*. Tin* iinderworltl km w who wa? oil I he trail. Kill il wan essi'iitl;^ i hat ihe pulilii* sil*o Khoiild know. To all luleiilK ami pur|?ose> Ihe l ineiiiuail deleellvo win niel al the station liy a hruss hand ilii'l ?oii dlli'H'd a parade up Main aireet. lien- in New HrutifWtrk tin- sit uation is vastly il liferent ami yel t ii?. sum*' tnethoilH are hi'liiK eni pluvi'd. and wilh .-mce*? ulrendy apparent. In the llall Mills en*i\ i he M*x nppi'iil Ih pari leularly st rim k the love affair of the r''" Mmm-iimI reetcir and the pu tty eliolr sillier. I In- elel'liul irlatiKle. or wan ir a i|iiadrani?le ihl.s t kin?*'* There wi-ri' love lemr* In pleniy. ihera was ii i ii 1 1 1 Ji t Ion of the eliolr sliiK<*r liy tin* rliltiiiK of h?*r pn-tiy throat afii-r the htillelK had taken her lifi-. Ihi-re wn? Hie austere wife of ih" philandering dei'Rymeii. Juki as cool and uiiperlurhed today as shi' wiii In Ihe flr.-l hour*. of lint tragedy. IMenty *?f sex app*'?l ?w every hand, htil more Important Hi.It all that in Ihe eharice freely made now that rertaln Jersey au rhnrlth'.< were more than rompla mii: In their Invest (gallon of the i rime, that valuable evldenee lia* disappeared and that virtually ev I I V rule o?f erlmlnal IiivohI Igallon wan v loin I ed or negleoted at a lime when trail* were liol. To work today on Hie elne* wlih'li have grown eohl In ihe four Ionic yeaM the iny?tery Iih* sIiiiii heied it has ?>???'?? neiessary lo pur Kile new method*. I'lllles* pnhll ? ir y once more Iihk been brought In tn aeiloti. The npeilal proM'cu tm 1* tin i Id i tlK up his theory of the crime l?y taking ihe community and the country Into hi* confi dence. There In no necesalty of lining sferetlve alio ill a crime fniir year* old. State Senator Simpson, placed In charge of the new In quiry by fSovernor Moore, is talk ing more pi-rhaps than any prone cnfrir ever engaged In a murder rase. It'll hi* talk I* bearing fruit. New williesvcs are coming forward. They did not volunteer Hie|r testimony In the first In quiry liei-aiinc tliey I' ll l? was not watiieil by the authorities and they diil not care to joihjert them^'lve* I., humiliation Senator Slmpnoii lM'li?'vev. more talk on his part will bring further remili*. A* was tin- case In fanton ll" be lieve* public gent Intent must h" aroused here, a alumbefltig citi zenry must be awakened. The spe clal pro^ccui'?r howevnf. ?a.v.? he I* trying lo be car* ful not t*? preju dice anv one or the prMudl'-e the public netitlment whleh he feel-* muni b?- behind Mm If suen-aa I* to crown his effort*. I'u bile *?'n'lm?:nt I- '-hanging here. When ?h? il' W Inquiry flrnt wan begun I here w?a aom?? renent ment at the rertpenln* of ihe old cane. The puhliH'y ? ?* mlnunder alnoil. It wa* thought to be for the glory of those connected with fh? Investigation. But now tha August Showers As Capricious As In April 'I'll* CilfHj, f til* 11(11 : ll.'tt > I r tin- |i,,..| Mil), W. I> Immii. |,| ,|,|j (jM> u( ? ? i ?'l iim ilnvi o| Tli?* Ail ?Wrh .l.-llv.-IY llii.ll In >*.1111.1. II. Sn. . lllal* Maljulin tl.,,1, hi | t hi. t1l ? uli-li riii.,1 fr... ilHli.iv i?:ul ,:ir, fil l . U.IIIIK ???II I,.,,,, II,..,.,. 'I" " "" "|' iinn.ll i.l l lilll, I (I..II, Null, .Ik. .-'l.i llilll ??| (,(? (|.lHv (r)(i 1 Inn scl,i>- i, ?? ,, u in l , i|?. ilriv. r M.iii.1 i,|. mi, ,.. w??.r |h< nw.l nil l!i.. (rill? KII?,I,..||| ' M> In ., |?. | ii,, I ill J.i.-t l.i l.ir, un i!.,,, Ill"' Will. I illirmilll , ) I - ,1 (I'll ;i 1 1 , 1 I ?' .,- I.I.W ?11 1' nil 111.. ?iij I,, s,n, I li 11 Mil .-.||?|,|.,V, ||? , I'll* nil II ' mil.- l? f?r.. r.M.11,1,. Siinwit, ii 1,1,1ml Hi, |t?n-il(.rv <| ii i ???in-i , .1 will, |ll;i, , ?i.ru.'ki,. ?r nun mill ii:rlv..l al .'m,,,,|. ,, j?s, iV '' ';""k ?l'??'"i Mum III:: III. H I.. l:il/..i|?.,|, I..II...I m;? ?f ran, I, ? i.iir *?> I.. I'mn. r ii ii,.. w.i> in l.li/.ihi (h 4 " i t > . Kali ? In tlx- afternoon. 1h>wi>vi r i\ > I II at KI?.'.|Im III ;.?> < alinl. ii and ( "urril nek t; ?- ii i i.ilh , All imps Saturday iimriiiiu. . v ????Pt in Hi.- inum iliate vlriiii(\ n| >im.w.|. n. |iMik. ,| i|s i| ,h..v MUUltlj; H??\\ | l|-y | .\tu." WAITER KICKED SELF UPSTAIRS Aim.rc.l I, , Hiil, | 11,-1,1,.,! Man ll<- yuil; G,.|* J.,1, "? l'ly|iu|H>r SuliDiiian II \ IIVKV Wl>KI{SO\ ?Cm?i iglil. ?w. ^ |l|# .New \,nh. Aug.. fi K|||jIt. ylr '"?* ailil.-ved till. Imponnlhle. "I What \\ ml ||| |?. ||U|HtMMilt|<' III any oiiii r Kin,] than tlilx. ii.. |,?K k a?-k?'(l hiiiiH.ir upstairs. l,aHt *as a Kuoil waller, rndhy lio |* XV hill liiH friends mil a H y by nlalit " salesman. II all kiih our of I hi- fHrr ii, hi Kmile wanted a nliclit off. it was even on | In* roof where Kmf 1? w..rk.-i| and through the multiple WlllllH Of ||||. Hll'lllll luhh-H flf 111. k if ?-h? ii Km IN. sniffed fm (hi sail alf of I.oiik Island Sound, Confi dent in IiIm liiiniH.-iilal. M|i|?? aranr. and " ronl Tor pant |..-rfoi iii.inr. Kiiillc MKk<-d tin- h.-ad waller for a ii I k h t olf. That dlciiltary. with an ?-yo lo I'-rsonal pa Iron* whom h. wIkIiimI lo |iImih?. t u rn.fi from Kniih- in 'llHKIIMt. "Mulll Off." |,?- HCOffld. Hun- arc no niKlilN off with KU'-sIh hoilinu up from tie- hot MtW'ttf. Go wall on lln- patron with th?? hahi hoad." Knillo lurii'd lo hix tahh- with a hIkIi of r??r?t hut KiimI?m| i fo il imi ihiro with h In untial rom hluallon, Fri nch. llallui, and <;.-r inan. Spa iiIhIi -I I ii n ya rla u hiiiII. . "ilrlriK ni" a orin.i of vlu?-?ar." ??rd?'ii'd iIm> patron. "NoIIiIuk , M'?"sii ur? ank. il Km ili- with hiM pim ll hovt-riiiK ?vi-r |Im> order Ida nk. ??Nothing flue. UrinK It i|iilrk." l-.uiil.' HiKlini Hiid lahor<d down lllKlit after It I u li t of kIjiIih lo tin elKhth floor where repr?H?-d the viii'-Kar eriu-lM. lln mnil.-d a mi in HH hf H.-I I hi' rryntal conlalner he f'/r.' 'J" hut the Muille rhaiiK'd lo a snarl when the lat ter calmly proceeded to <Ioimi> nln hald head with tin* ronti'tilM of tin- cruel. "Keep* tin- filet* off," he voueh xa fi-?l. Km lie MWelled until IiIh dickey iiurjit from Us ronflriimg v.<?. )|!? dash. . I Hi.- napkin from IiIk arm and stamped upon It. "Name o| ti n llioiisand vih- In seilH4" hi* Hhouted, "Is it that I .mill-, waiter in Hio Crlllon of [ails. I hi- Savoy of l/ondon. lit. Hit/, shouhl h'-coine a pfdxMiici of flle*? it un indignity not to h> horillv. I (j uit," MulterlUK. Ill- deNrendiil the rear el'-vator, rescii'-d lii.? illvv- r -.from Us parking space on Ninth Avi-nue and clucking in unlii/in with it* decK-pid in k I ii'- Mtart?-d for hnm<*. and a patron whom he had frei|u?-nlly nerveil Were caught in the sauiM traffic jam In thi Hron*. "Why home so early?" duelled t he datl'1. Kin ill. ex plained "Will. I don t hlaui. you, announced the ollo r. "I believe you can do hi tter, you sold in service and made no- like it. | don't nee why you can't M-ll my ptoduet and make my etlHlomern like It. How would you like to lake your fllwei and travel New KliKland for m-?" "Until d. declared Kmlle. "||y I he way. what do you jm-II?" "Fly paper,' nnaweri-d his new , employer. publicity b hriiiKine resnltn the people are hocomlnx nx'rllcd and ( impatient for the further nensa tlonn they feel will come. i Thin Is tie* crlmlnoloity. Oum -hoen mid dark lantern* have been thrown away. The camera and fhe i?p"1ltaht and the interview are be - I 'IK employed to trai k Hie nlayer* flown. ALL NOT WELL WTTHTHEG.O.P. OUT IOWA WAY IWil?ilitie? of <lo*e Elec tion lor l/Oii? IVrin Sena lor-hip Are |?y No Means In he M iiiimi/i'd okmocka is CAKWUL I lieir Decision Not to Nominate a Man In Op pose Colonel Stewart Seen a* Itil of Strategy H> IMVII) I.AWIth'M'H ILo??0?hl, Hjfc. br Ifc, AiliMncr) Washington. A Ui;. i, All |H not wi ll in |,,*a mill Hi. dream* of harmony in Hi" Republican party Hi- in have not materialized. This circumstance lias a boar-. Jnc on Mi., m-n.-ral political situa "O'l t?r if Iowa Ii.in had flu- cour age to rchiikc Hi. llrookhart fac n 1 l,r '^'publican party um Is apparent m t h. nomination of a staunch supporter <it the Int.- Sen ator Cummins, ,|... luiHHlhllltlea of a ctos.. . i.rtlun Im tii,. |onK tcrm cannot lie minimi/ed. ?>?> i 1! lr'"' ,IIWU Ro l?n?]i?-iit, i-., in. nil.,,, ".'"'11 ?"?' Hi ..r Si nalor < - 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 s wa. mmi v ? >| } Hfiitl ""?II In I riuiMiiJriiitiiiiiK a fi.lliiw. r ..r Hi. ruiumin, widk ?i , '!?."> 1,11 H>" li'rni ?hlcli ?i|| ,.x|i|?. M.,,,. |, t I|( , irI,iiihVr4n,rl M" ,,M Maty of coul,, t|l|| ||||Ve failed to receive run Mi(|?Tation on I ho part of | |n> sponsors of the movement. When tin- regulars felt I ley were ?troiiK enough to d? In the liiHt L?4 hours what they de clined to do when the last conven on was h. Id. it was apparent Mint u change had come. .Ma ny people lo re have nruiied to believe (hat any truce really wan In effect at any lime and that the stories of harmony were well founded. Tim nomination of Col onel Sti wait to succeed Senator Cummin* for the Hhort term la consldi-red proof ihnt there never wan u i ru. reconciliation between i?i" opposing ramps. d.-riMion or the Democrats tin. to nominate a man io oppose olonel Stewart for the short term is looked upon here as a bit of strategy whirh may assist the Meniocrais in advunring the for miiii.h o| Claude I'orter against former s. i.ator llrookhart in the mutest for the joim term which "inn from next Marrh 4. |t is axHiniM-d Hint the Iiroi^khart forces may not hi eonteiit lo let Colonel ? tewurt have Ho- short terra un opposed and that Un y will send an indepeiuli-nt candidate Into tho rare u j|u.y do thia will wldca the hreach ami may produce a re K?nt mi nt against Colonel llrook hart which rould b? reflected In Mo pillim up ?f Republican voles for i jaiide I'orier it will be re* railed thai regular Republican volea casj for the |>. mocratie nominee. Daniel \\\ Stcck, were responsible for i hi' presence of a Democrat in the i nited States Sennfi. Irmn Iowa lor the Ar?t lime in generations. rioni the viewpoint of the ad mi nist ration the nhiii In Iowa pol '? Important. The heart of the corn belt In Iowh The eoun tiy has been cdurated to believe that the renter of the political re volt today aKalnst the Republican parly |K in Iowa. There is no <in< stlonlnK the existence of the revolt and Ita omiiioiia character ho far a.i Itepublican polities Is concerned but the Kastcrn Repub licans would be vlad t.,^?r sny day lhat the regulars in Iowa had not capitulated hut had carried on I he lifcht made by the late Senator ' ?imuilriM. if colonel llrookhart should decide not to oppose Col onel Stewart Tor I lie abort term It Is expected that he may give ss his reason an nnwillinKiiesM to ap pear hs (lo- polillcal persecutor or the bite Senaloi Cummins and that he recognises the hazards 'of arousing sentimental considers? Moris at Hie polls for Mr. Cummins wus reverenred by friend and foe alike. |f Colonel llrookhart does not run. however, no matter what Mm reason the t;HHt will regard It .-?h a surrender on his part of the liKhi auaiiiht the reatilara and they will bejjln in ar^ne that, oven If clerted for the xhort term he will not be mk dangrroun a factor la ihe rutin- an In the paKt. The ad loinlst ration will rent ? nd lhat sen timent |H rhsiiKlng In favor of the reKUlarn and the upshot will be a ron fused interpretation of just where Iowa stanch in Ihe political firmament which. of rourse, { would plea Me the Karti rn leader* whip or Ho- party very much and strengthen their view Mint the revolt of the West should al ways be characterized In quota tion marks. That's whv political >> "peaklnK all In not well inslda or outnlde Of Iowa in the Repub lican scheme of thlriga. r<n ro> MMtKKr New York. Aj*k. 9 Cettoa fa ' "res opened toduy at the follow ing level* Oct. 1 7. .12. I >ec. 17.20, ? Jan.^iTsr. March 17. 4t, May i New Vork. An* J? Hpot cot- J ton cloned steady, midrllinK 18.1?, | a decline of ?h polntn. Kutures i cfoMlns bid. Oct. I ?.70. Dec. Id. 4ft i !! n() j 1 * ' ' ? *?rch 14.03. May

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