Navy Man Loses Life as Car Plunges Into Canal Beside Lonely Highway Tragedy Mysteriously Overtakes Daniel Pailin, Said to be Native of Ireland, Found Pinned in L Water beneath Automobile ? Tragedy mysteriously overtook Daniel I'ailin. re tired .Navy man alMiiit 60 years old, late Monday iiiulit , 011 a highway between (loinjiM'k and Waterlily, in (jir rituelv (louiity, when from :ui unexplained ean-e ilie automobile wliieh lie huh driving plunged into a 20 foot eanal at the side of the road and turned turtle, pinning liim lienealli it, in four or five feet of water. Pailin was alone at tlie + time, mill il is believed that', at least .'it > minutes elapsed ' before the aeeiilent .was! discovered l?y a passerby. I Rescuers quickly removed him from lieueuth the ear. and Dr. W. T. Griggs, of ] Currituck County, exam ined him. lie already had been dead for some lime, according to word from Captain J. 'I". Guard, at Coinjoek, by long distance lelephone. Dr. (iriggs is quoted as' having declared that there I was no water in I'ailinV lungs, indications being that he .might have suffered a' heart attack, and that prob-j lably he was already uncons-l |cious when his automobile left! the road. The body is said to have borne no sign of injury [sufficient to have caused tr KJClerk of tlu> Court Raster Moll. Shawhoro. wan notified shortly! after the lM>dy was diHruverod, ami' promptly empaneled a coroner'* Jury to investigate the death. Tliel fjtiry reported that Pallin came to hlfl Uealli ax tin* result of ail au-| accident. 'allln had lived alone in a boat . Jiouse about a mile from I lie] Scene of In* deuth for eight or ? inlne year*, according to Captain j Guard. 1 1?? In declared to havej been a native of Ireland, but the ?hereabout* of his kin were un known in Currituck. Word of thc| death wan telegraphed to the Navy Department in Washington. and ?rrangemeuls for disposal of the body were deferred pending an ex pected message from authorities there. SAVS AMBASSADOR TO HAVE NO KEI'ORT Paul Smith's. New York. Aug. i lp* ? rre*ldent Coolidg*- docs not ' understand that Ambassador Shef ?eld, American representative in Mexico, will iiave anv direct r< ports to make upon li in return to thin country thin Hummer h? yond 1 those lie ha* already made or would make in ordinary dlscharRt of h is duty. I FOUK S I A I KS TODAY ! VOTK IN I'KIMAKIKS Chicago. Aug. 10. Electors of! four Mate*. Alabama, Ohio, Ar r kanass. and Nebraska. expressed , LUt-iv preference for candidates in; C.i - lay's primary election*. Kb Alabama Ifc-inocrat* chose be | jween five candidal* s who seek I nomination to the Cnlted States Senate neat to be vacated by Oscar: W. rnd< rwood March 4. ill?. Four candidates k gubernn torlal nomination in which good roads ban been made an Issue by all. Kach, however, bard ofren d a diff?r< nt highway plan which has practically made the issue a ref-' crendum. tm BKAi il NOVBL IS TWO-l>A Y ATTRACTION Rex Reach"* thrilling novel of the Alaskan gold rush has finally be?>n brought to the screen. Mr. Reach, author of "Winds of Chance." which Frank Lloyd has produced for First National Pic tures. with a cast Including such famous players as Anna Q Nlls i lun, Viola l?anu. Hen Lyon. Victor . Laslen and others, is regarded t|.? the foremost writer of Alas |* k;?n literature. i "Winds of Chance." is said to Kh|>r?Hrnt the most accurate film pl? of its kind ever attempted. ?Nd was produced by the man who l Mad the famous "The Hea Hawk." Th^ AlWrama Management consid ltH?lf very fortunate in being if t<> offer the movie fans of 'IkatM'h City another such plc |^i4 The Sea Hawk " We are lug this "Winds of Chance" and tomorrow. ? Press l ist r it i\i: ntOM r.i k/uti <:k HMSIIEI) MOM) iY Shawhnro, Any. Hi. - 1 'a villi: Ml llio l:t:inpl'|.il at 10 o'clock Monday nrni'iiiim uIh ii liavinK from Slk-o lowaiil Sliaw Imho Joined ili<> pavinu alr-ady laid nut of Shawlioro at Corner (Sum. TIk* road will !>.? open to IrafTlr not later than August is. arrnrdiiijs. to T. It. Wtlxon, Highway cntiinwr. thus* tlfordiui: nil uulirokeu paved lilghway from Curiituck Court - iioiiHe to Kdenton. COLORED BOYS OF COUNTY TAKE SHORT COURSE Acconipunii-tl I., 'Tr" '> J"''? ? . Miioll. HI. f^lorrd lain, Arc. I sl?rt cn a ? f ... i ll wl"'r" ?> vi?i|,.,| y". w i ' ??'?! ??1 v V' V wcilon ofthc and r.^.h'.l'Tr ",r'i"Kl1 Bui-hum -.ii . . f'"Hhoro Mondav .fi. rn?..n about 4 o'clock I1"- Nhnrt < inn.. inowa.,arK:T 'T'u , r i.r* ?' "?al county. The Merkl.n loolJ thf. I',T. ,fn"" ''""floot-nk rHiHinH r! i ' c"orn?' In poultry and raw 7hny. Unl ,h' '^urw poultry wu h J,*'0ion?lraiion? on poultry wlilrh Inr u< ? d ?,.i#.f. T !"v,n? ??< ? lh? fow,? Utr /"'Ir llcrrcolloit II... -H. . the boy* hail vvH; prfmina^ai "?nn.cil,,., will, afrprnoon the boy* nnrl j.h-ojh1 o4S.5.%',VC?',,l.l,1r1!s J,1;',':"'" c ?,?, 'h,Z,. I *nT?nc?n%-. P*"l?"'?nk parly r?. 'K vl" n"l",*h nn" nrf . . op wn" ?t Kn r.i mL'Jrlp "" "'?tit!tiv f.irm s?-i:tlm?-jit in II c?r?i i?* i > m t .it |>? Molnc-, Iowa. to formulaic tlulr il< niiiinl:> f?-i *i tt it ? .? I r? I Iff !??? il.i'.nn. (.? :o|? i ? rliov. n in tin* juct ur?' arc: front row. I It t-? ri::ln. I -;t 1 l.i t ?t l?ui:n. ovi 'l ?, N?-l?r:i: l ?: V r Tiu.'\. ('I v< Liml, Oliin; Karl C. Smith. I'itlsik> III. IM.nul : t;. ? . ? ? ? t On- r!????, t'aaimi. S?nt|j>. \ iu?|?hon? ?'av?ino. < "sr 11.1 Missouri. Hack row, l**f t to iIcIti. .\. J I I?*l m ! ? rt. S' Minn- \\" I!, i;. San ihI* is. Km ' fii>it?l>urg. Iowa: Ialw:iril Nanlman. N! ul? mi. WIm'oii i . . . \v. I'. l?< ;.iV? r (son, l,a.iin u, l\ai;sa-; M.irK ' W. Woods. Lincoln. N?l?ra>k*?: l**r:;n!; Warn. r. I? ? .V-'.m- I Seven Di" i?ridfre Coihioses i?even people were killed mid a #cor?* more hurt wlim :Ms l?r*?l way ;ii \Vhil?-s\ lll?\ \V? ?*' Virginia. It wan crowded with p-op|r watchliiu ;i r cnniival wln?i tin- cable at on - sM' ltr aiul the floor of the bridge a? rtiown in Hie picture, l ? 1 1 a vertical |??" t>pllllii;; its <>c<-ii| ItOIICHT T. H.MAIjL I t.utrrtflh'.. It?*, ty Iki ) Rod Hank. N. J. Aug. 10. ? All ! of ocean Hide New Jersey. great playground of the Earn Is waiting for the rrark of a rifle in the dark, or in the daylight. to end It* lone suspense. It Ih wait in k for a heavy thud on the ground an a. man-eating leopard, a creeping murderer, In brought to nu end. I Thin roaming leopard, or pan ther. or painter, an the colored folk of the South iihciI to call them. Ih getting on the Jersey nerve*. Jersey In accustomed to a lol of things In Ihe summer time ? sea serpents, whales, mosqui toes ? once reputed to he in the whale class and four year old murder mysteries and dizzy halh-j ins: suits and everything, hut the loosing of a leopard on the popu lance has been just one too many. Ills a leopard that is said to have tasted hlood. too. as one keeper ; who Is just leaving a hospital 1* ready to testify. The beast has been at large for 1 several days. The cry of "tiger,: tigi*r" has soundod through the countryside and the Jersey citizen- 1 ry has become embattled. C'hll- ; dren are held Indoors for miles in every direction of this place, for, it was jn?t outside of lied Hank, at a sort of roadside too. that the auiinal made his escape, shortly after his arrival from Singapore. The zoo Is an Inviting place; in fact there ure signs Inviting every body to come in and have their lunch while looking at the animals. A coupl?> of playful bear cubs In a small cage are placed outside as an Inducement. The zoo is a new *?n terprlse. but It did not count upon Ihe publicity It Is getting today, loosing a leopard Is not a popular pastime ? even In the wilds of Jer sey. The Icopurd bus been sighted on some of the sportiest golf courses in this part of the state lie has visited many farms and fire sides all according to Ihe report. - but there have been few Teal clues which could be followed. Several j Intense hunts have been organi/.ed In vain. So far the leopard has not vis ited any of ihe bathing iieaches. He may have sighted them front afar and been defeated by the gor ?reon? hues and colors of Hie mod ern bathing costume. The loop ard probably has realized it would have to change Its rather tawny completion and Its plain black j spots If It wanted to make any sort : of splash on the Jersey nirand. Ah It could do neither, according to all the tenets of natural history, the big cat his kept to the wood* Continued on pate 4 Smoke Pail Causes Three Wrecks On Cainden Road A h<-avy |>pt ' away the ha?< suffic ient iy in make driving safe. Ail of I hi" three accident* re-j ported were minor humps in which; only a few dollars' in damage re-1 suited. Nohoily was hurt. The Fontaine Trart for tin moil part is of densely overgrown marsh land. It comprises many thousand* | or aires, spread across (he middle of Camden County and well into* Currituck. and is one of ilie 'toiith ern "prong*" of the fireat l>i?nial Swamp. Motorists I ravelins the Shawlmm-Camdeii highways Tue* day reported no difficulty from smoke. Little Ride Nearly Results in Tragedy A "detour" with a borrowed Chrysler roach came near result lug in tragedy Tuesday afternoon for Steduian Fletcher, employed by the Auto Supply *? ViiJcnnix Ing Cftmpony. and Maurice Hricv house, who lives on the \V?< ? vllle Mull way. ahout live mil* from this city Tin rar skill. I< <1 and turned tuilb on a curve on the Newh.nd III liway nhout a mil" from tills city. The two in the aulomohile es caped with a variety of bnii- ?< and minor cuts, though the car it self was dn)iiHi:ei| coniiderahl'. . The young woman owner ot the car had driven to the Nags ll;.d ?mat. mid before leaving for the resort had t. I* phoned the Auto Supply &? Vulcanizing Compam to store the car for her until In i r? turn. The two hoy? went to ret It, and d? clil? d to ride around a bit befor< putting It sway. It has been KUKg> stCil us t?os alble that they had to detour via the Niwlnnd MfthfVey to *:? i to the Auto Supply A Vitleafn/iei: Company's stointfe plac# here. 'on account of the condition ot the city's streets. In any ewnf. as long as Stedman Fletch? r l-> ? m ployi d by the compan>. It should be Jin t ahout th. ? al. si plan in town to store a car, as lie gives positive, emphatic, ion per ? ? m assurance that never again will he take a side trip with a ear bor rowed in that faahlon. REFEREE HOLDS COURT HEARING ON BANK'S NOTE l)ir?'22 tkstimom takkin Taking of lent i m ? > ti y pritci'i'tli'il rapidly Tuesday In a hearing !??? fori- a referee in a suit In which I lac Carolina Hanking Hi Trust Company is seeking lu collect nearly S2.r?,oeu on it nolo signed h.v K. I*. fohoou. J. II. Swain ami others. slock linidcM in I li?> Mi-r chants A- Fanners Hank of Colnm hia. Tyrrell County which wax ab sorhed hy the plaintiff hank in l!?22. Tin* hearing wait opened Monday aflcrnooii. The llulP WAR signed lis Hcriirl* ly fur liabilities of the Merchants A- Fanner* Hank, a* embodied in a n n in in- r of not HH listed as slow and of doubtful value. The tolal liability assumed by the . stock holder^ was with the un d^rsiandlug thai If I hi* Carolina llankiiiK K- Trust Company sue reeded in collecting mure than fSa.OOO. the surplus Woilld lie paid ??%?? r to the stockholders, (in the other hand. I hey were to lie held liable if the bank, afier the ll';c of "due diligence," failed lo colled i he $2r(,000 due it. The hearing Is helng lo-ld be for" W. II. Hodman. Jr.. referee appointed by Judge llenry A. tlrady at the hut term of Superior Court here, and is expected to last throucii tomorrow, and possibly well into Thursday. Through counsel. A.vdlelt and Simpson. Kllxabeth Cily attorney*, the direc tors of I he Merchants and Farmers Itmik (laiirrthc Carolina llankiug t Trust Company failed to use proper diligence In collecting the notes held as collateral. Till* l? denied bv tln> plaintiffs. Tiie rcmander nf tin- note* in question wi re bid in by the Caro llna H.mkluu A- Trust Company at a "public sab* at t ho court lion *?? il(Hir In Columbia on .Inly v for $lf?. The plaintiff bank conleads ? hat the nerurll ie i realized upon in the trnnsactkm have only kept up l h?' Interest on the directors' 126,'lftO lode mid fiilllced ihe principal hy aliout JJ2.00O. The bunk Is represented i?y Thompson A Wilson, kll/abeth Cily law firm, and Solicitor Waller Small, of the Klr?t District . At the lilTie of the merger In 1022, the Columbia hank Is said to have h?-en losing money, nnd for that re-eon the directors were re quired to seejire the doubt ful pa per about which tho present suit lilng? *. Among I hone present at the hearing M flurney I*. Ilood. form ?rljr cnslii' r ?>f the Carolina Itaiik lng * Tru t Company, and origi nator of the Hood System Indus trial Bank' Mr. Hood Is now liv ing la Goldtboro. CURRITUCK SOON WILL BE MOV! Mi SWEETS IN BULK IVmm* Outlook I-' immh: r:i? in^. I'our ^ i? lil I .rave* l#n>v?<*rs Suiiii'* ttlial IV? ?iiiiUlic Si ill i: \!\<;k i ijom s*> io s\ i [ U;irrr! ! liv .Julian Nrw Ihtii; Viinnal la'.\o?lu* til < olorrtl ImiImiT Itrnin l.:i : *. ii?m? bi| ol ? Wail tl'nl.l C *?l I I'll lick | 'oilnlv l'l ??!?:? I?!\ will h> till ? n I'll iir .l:i\ ? litis ? ? i li , nrrotdiir in Klixuli* tli I'iiv proiiuri- hrokeis who k*-? p in do-ii loin it villi (Ik* IT'-rii- i liiiri, nop ,?f Viilh i';ii>? I i i i;i *-i northeast* I'll most rotitit\ Most o( lli.- Cm i'il iM-k ??w?-i-ts ar ? hlllp|M'l| |lllSki:i. I In* lhr? t I ? 1 i t?i* I |i.i ? >:i I' III lliuiktls, ;il. 1 :ili III f I ?-III lo III ;i hari'cl. ?iil? si l?rl*k ?I in.-. ml i? j?*?ii.i|. jiiid litil* *tecU |?T? ?\' l|. I'.i*n.ilh nfTs.11 In t.ln- faior :? I1I1 - in;i r k ? l Intnl. ?l**:il< ?*s In ? :? it -|i? ? 1 1 sin mutually slnul '.'."iji i link rn?|i this \'i*:ir. Tin- ynld i tui'fi'MM at To |n r ?'i lit ttormii I". Julian NVwIicrii. ??it?' ol Mm* I 'i" i*l|ial ilea li is lu ll . and l.lni-iir a tisillv*- of Currituck. xMio'iu'i more potatoi * Were I ? I ; 1 1 1 1 1 - ? 1 than usual. according to Mi. .Si-wit iii. t >1 1 ? 'crop HiifTi'i't-il li?-.i v kl \ from ? ally colli ami ilry w-atlnr. I !?? pri-diets a yli-M of Tl'.iMHl barrels, as rout rnHli-d with n total of clo?? to Mm. 0110 |>a mix last y?ur. Ciii l it in k In 1 hi- only rounty In this pari of tin' Stat*- that pro duc.'S swi'i'l potatoes for mark* I in In rue quaiilltlo*. Tin- rounly Is mainly of ? Mamly lonm tliat In d? clan il to li" exceptionally nilti il lo ||i?> rrnp, nml lis inilil climate. It-nil" red liy lirnail waters *ur roiiiulInK lh?* Currituck pi-niiiMila on litre.- sIiIi-h. t-nalilfft the trow i-rn to ohluln an cnrly yield. Much of llie crop in t?li I |i|??-?] throuuh tin- Carolina Potato K\ change, a co-operative market Itij: oi'Kaiil/al Inn made up of lite prowori themselves. . I (?*:i?l?|iia ? - |i fH of llie exchange an* iiialu t a I ii* il In this city. ft.irh y?a r nt Ihls hi -a won. tin !??? is an 1 \oi1iim of colored labor froia 1 his ami -iiiljoiniiiK riiiinlii'H lo Currituck. attracted hy tin- oppor 1 11 II If V of inakln". fACi-lb-nt wap-s in tin- potato lii-lils. ami in Mm* coopcrav* plants opi-iat* il rlo;< at hanil lor tin- inanufai'ltin- oi po talo harri'ln. Tln-rc hi < mploy liH'iit in lli<- potato 11' I ?Im for th woiiH-n a:< w?'ll as tli?' ini*n. ami for a month or mor??, mil J tln ln-avy slilpimnls havo nasnl. rooks, laundry wonn 11 and Iioii-k maids will In* nt a prrmiiim In-ri . \. I*. IIFTTI'll Tin* condition of N. I' I'arkcr. of this rily, ?hn wan Inkni ??*rioimlv ill oil the Hlruttirr Annie l<. Van Kclvcr Sunday niKhl while on li I -? way from Naps Head, wax tnin-li better today. nccordliiK to lii-4 hrollier. Ira k. I'arker. and mein h?-rs of the family expresKrd ilie hop-' lltat hi? would he recovered i nt irelv In a day or two. Section Is Mobilizing Facilities for Crowds At Dare's Celebration I\ii>e Mi . ! Soiuiini I.ornta Dull', Panama Canal swinimln;: niar. shot lulu t Ti?* wat cr a moment ai'ii i' iliix j?iot ti r? ? was mail*'. Wli'-n .hIh (? i to! Tin* sl?;ickl?-s w?'hl Rime. Wai veterans in Wiill' i" lterd lfnv.|iiial, Washington. wllihssi'd the fful.. c;ai.\ j \hm i*ko> ks costi.y mi: visnois Ciirrihnl; ('ouri liniHi', Aim. 1 . A cl I y gala jaillit In an au tomobile in and around Moyock 4*i mt \V. T. Chilly. of Keiil Vir ginia, a fine of $r?n ?nii rosin af t r a hearing before l>r. J. M. New hern lit riTurilt'r's roiiri here to iliiy. CUlMy xvan found -f; II 11 1 y of having iiiMTalfil an automobile whil?' uml' r Mm- influence of li ?liior. So far as could l>n learned, no damaged resulted from lth al leged joy ridi'. Charged with having *diol Jtl hi* wife. ;ililn? lii> faih-d lo hit licr. J esse Mercer, 'colored. wa? fined $?*?0 :iin| cosIh mid was put under liond of $1 oil in di>i?'r liim from repealing; the experiment. roiiKvp MUtkins oi'i:\ Columbia, S. (!.. Ail?:. 10. T? bacco market* In South Carolina, opened loduv will* j cmmI piicctt and |iriM|?rii n?| lii Will' rfl* Id'M hfuif, ji iif|ii?r'?l nffiir?ly in a lit ? |?> off Km by"# Inland. a mllm from i Ih? wi'in< of iho Knoiip inl - and Ifati'-dy, la d TimMlay mom In h , lhi?*ody. It wan Id* nfi I ll? d nn tin* ahntiMin with whlrh MIrr Ann*' 1 1 Ih Mid to liavo 1mm n killed and h? Wal?'i fl**ld aftrr a (fnarrrl in front of t ho n.dirrinan'n fronf Tin- hody wan dulv \iowed by a [coroner** jury, and prononnerd | to hi- thai of YVat. HiHd, who hadj dlaappcarcd aft'-r tin- fhootlnr.. and had been sought vainly up to liinf. (into, iitif now there im-l jlhow who elaiiu It wn.-n'l; tltri'K | j Wnt* -rflMil iIiik up lln* IkhIv of a ' r.uh-ldr victim. ti in lily 'own clnlhi-H,' and I. 'ft It lyln>; ! I wh'-f-f it wan frail ml. I > i? r.4il?l * I I hut ;i mnii l:illi' l?l ? ? w ll>U off liin IhshI, ill MIIM-'i 111.' m;? It n<-r Iii whl'-h thiit of the body In. ' I li?* boat w .11 blown off. mi Knott*! I -?l:i it el not hii". Infoir lie Ann* II ! ThI' III Rliotjl ill". TIiojm- who nr?' lalklnu Ihli" n?'xt ! to ImpoM^ilih theory iii'iiiit.'iin i *?- 1 riounly Hint Wat* rfbhl, f t til afiv?s i haw thrown 11m- niitlinrlth'H off III4*! (rail nml f< rolnf.: ??i?n' 111 t? ?1 Ho* nthor atip- j ported Individual with any atirh ex- : .-iclltudf* an llo v fitted whnt w;r h'fl of llo- f?.H? nl? vrnilnr. form | In Wulcrfl' Id'fi I ft I flrthinc boat. The ki'-iiI ma joHiv *?f folk who! follow* d Hm W ll.lO ld CHHl' to It*. ilrmiiaHf cHnini 1**1 TUMdljr (Ikvi absolutely no -imk In the theory: that he la Mill alive' | SjMM'ial Strainers lo (larry I lirnii*?<* lo Koanoke Isl and !Nr\t \\ I'i'k, fur Rig Amm??r*ar\ l-'.vnii SKK\ H I. liNCKEASED Many of \ isiior* K\|>ected lo Avail Themselves of IVrrie* from I'nint Har Ih?i* lo Old 1'ort .Mobilisation <>f all water trans portation facilities in Northeaat ern Carolina is under way now, la :* til i? ipal II ? II of I li?* I housatid* from all pans of tin* country who are ? \|m?:.i1 1,1 journey lo Koanoke I -via lid iK Vi ???? !, fur tlltf fi'Htlrlt'll iiiilili'iit in I li> ? 3:t!Mh birthday an ni\i?r-?ar,v ??i Virginia Hare, first child ,ii parent* burn in i li?- t lilted Siaii s. Wednesday. iln I Hiu, will be I In- bit; day. S>tr K-iin> Howard! ambassador from l-'.uglaud to the I it it?*?l SI.Mi'n. ? ill Ih* the principal speaker, ami i|o/. i?> ni oilier offi cials .ire ex peri eil . i in hiding Unit ???I Stairs Seiiaior Simmon* and Overman. Coventor Mclean and Former Ciiveriior Morrison, of Noiih Carolina, an