WAITING TO SE El WHAT GOVERNOR AL IS GOING TO DO Amazing Tribute In the Hold Gov. Smilli Ha? on Empire Slate Is Faet That Itepuhlieau* Wait KEEPS 'KM ANXIOUS Governor I? Good I'oliti. cian and He Just Ix'lV Them Spent! Their Time I Trying to Figure It Out ?, By ItOtlllltT SM VI.I, it fC?py?l#M. |926. by Th? A*vaa(?) Now York. A lie. 15.?U U an| ? mailnE tribute to ihe hold t;0v ernor Smith lias on the Km pi re | State that the Kt'puhllcuns at *hl*' time are unable to find a man of, real prominent* to take their nomination. Kvcry prospective! candidate is waiting to see what ' Al Smith is going to do. If he J runs for a fourth term they have i no keen desire to oppose him. If Governor Smith had decided not 1 to run. then several good Repub licans would get killed in the rush of the "G. O. P." designation. But Governor Smith, good pol itician that he is. keeps his polit ical opponents on the anxious seat. He i? like President Coolidge, who refuses to be smoked out on the third term proposition. The Pres- ! Idem believes in keeping the boys guessing. He feclg-ihat under the circumstances he has a decided po- 1 lltical and personal advantage which ho Is not disposed to sur render. It Is the same way with , the governor. Of course, it is true that (iov ?nor Smith last fall announced solemnly and "irrevocably" that #.? ''lhro?**ll with public of fice. Ho said that Included "ev erything." But Judge tieorge Ol ?sney, loader of Tammany Hall, has told the whole world that Al Smith is going to be governor again und has added that follow ing his fourth term as chief exe cutive of the biggest state iu iho t nion he will be nominated tor the Presidency. Ah Tammauy and Al Smith are inseparable, the politicians gener ally havo come to believe that i Judge Olvaney knows what lie Is alklng about and that the Kepub Icans are confronted once more rlth the Herculean task of trying *0 knock the governor down. They couldn't do it In 1024 with i the full sweep of the Coolidge j landslide in rtfelr favor and with Young Colonel Theodore Itoose ?elt as i heir candidate. The cum bin, ii inn 0r Coolidge and Koose -Tslt Was thought to be u winner right up to eleetlou day, but (iov ornor Smith breezed in with the York CitJr v?'? almost solidly behind hi in. Republican leader. feel their task of healing the governor is not being made any easier by the religious attacks by MI?ho|, l.c.n ard. of the Met hod Jst Cburrh Of course the good bishop .truck out in both dir.. Hon.. attacking Bmtlh, Democrat. because of Iih Catholic fall h, and Wnd.worth. Republican, because of his espou ??1 of tlie "wet" cause In bis cam Mlgn for reelection to the ('lilt ed state, .scnaio. Hut u,al has not helped matter, very much for me parly leader.. Ooodue.s know, the Job ahead 5ie nmoW"? b".d "nu"*l' best. .. ? k'?der? have been ? .1' '"B "ome method by which Ihey could capture the wet rote, of he c)?e, ?ote. of the rural dl.trlcl. all al ?*n" They have on their hands Senator Wadsworlh m?Si.!""..C,,n,<> ?Ut footed for jnodlCtcatloii and ha. denounced conditions which have arlien under the prohibition era. Senator Wads "r*" "r'n*"' I" the " " Ti 1 . ,mr'e "n for a ihc w* .?ou,d *"m" *ood upstate dry for the gubernatoc nomination, but Senator Wads Worth and other leaders hav? felt mfiL " *rr"n?ements would make the Hepubllcan ticket a hiughlng stock and they have de Zir. Mr", f0O<1 w"" " n,nOlnpt mate for the wet Senator. They f?r~ r"C on "" "'??"?J' that the farmers upstale will vote the Ite pilbllcan ticket .tralalit, ev,.n If It h wet. and that an appeal must cfty 10 *" of the j The whole .Ituailon I. ?ome thln* of a muddle for the IVmo crat. appear to be )u?t about as | hard pressed to jtet a rousinR op for Senator Wad.Worth as Elbe Ite^uhlicans ?r.. to ?... some nr.. to o?|>os. (iovernor Smith a There ha. been talk from time ?b rime that what virtually ^k'.'inted to a deal" had been ^?t.ted Into by friends of tlover ^BSmilh and Senator Wads Woikh. but this ha. been vehe. Jr" and honestly denied. The which ha? arlnen I. a JRtJral one and ha. not been cre iy H has (ot both .Idee in... to how they can deal with Old Time Fiddlers Convention To Be Held Here An ul?l ilmc Fld-ilm" Conven tion will be given hero Krhlajr. September 10. in the High School auditorium under the auspice* of the Kliz.ibcth City Hoys' Hand. All the f lil?ll??ra front North Car olina and Virginia, c^pvelally from the eastern section of North Car olina and Tidewater Virginia, are invited to participate in the con test. A s an Inducement throe sub stantial prizes are to lie offered. These will be announced later in this paper. In the convention only old time music will be played by the fid dlers. Some of the favorite tunes will be Arkansas Traveler, Mississippi Sawyer. Fisher' Horn Pipe and Devil* Dream. Th?sj?lay ers are allowed to pick the selec tions that they wish to play. *aeli one arranging his own numbers. ! In connection with the Fiddlers" i Convention a Charleston content ; will be staged. thus combining the I old and new arts. The Charleston ; contest will be staged so that the younger generation will have a Chalice to show the people the now! art of using their legs an well as j their hands and to defend the charge that the younger genera tion is a lazy one. This, however, does not bar the older followers of this amusement from partici pating. The winners iu the Char leston contest will also be award ed prizes. Those desiring to enter either content must send their names to Leslie Waldorf. Kllzabeth City. The entertainment Is being pro moted by t\ D. Mason of Norfolk, who has pftt on similar entertain ments in both Norfolk aud Suf folk. CITY CONTRACTS TO BE LET SOON Bids for Water Plant and White Way to In* Opened Tuesday Morning Contract for the hlggeat single unit in Elizabeth City's present municipal Improvement program the water purification plant and its "accessor let" ? ig to be let by the City Council, in Joint session With the Utilities Commission, at the Chamber of Commerce Tues day niornng at 10 o'clock. At the same session, bids are to be opened for the proposed [white way here, to be Installed the entire Icnuth of Main street; on lload street from Church street to Illarkwell Memorial Itaptist Church; on Polnde.\ter street from Church to l'olnd? \ter Creek; and [on Water street from the City Market to I'olndexter Creek. In all. 182 standards are to be ercct jed, along with the usual other electrical equipment. In connection with the utility contract, bldx arc to lie received for a water purlflcation plant with a capacity of 2.000.000 Kallons a day; a pumping plant to be oper ated in conjunction with It; a 50. OftO gallon steel "wash" tank; a million gallon water reservoir; and a concrete secondary settling i basin. The Council, of course, reserves the rluht In reject all bids. No estimates of the cost of the proj ects are available^ the city engin eers declining to commit them selves further than to say that the expense Involved will be "leas than half a million dollars." (XJTTOS MAItKKT | New York. Aug. 12. -Cotton fu I lures opened today at the follow ing levels: Oct. 1H 2'J, Dec. If.. 17. Jan. 16.17. March 16.38, May 1 fi.58. N*w York, Aug. 12.--Hpot cot ton closed steady middling 17.70, a decline of 1 points.* Futures, closing hid: Oct. 16.21, Dec. 1ft. 13, Jan 16.16. Mar. 16 31. May 16.T.0 VIRGINIA DARE i DAY'S PROGRAM IS ANNOUNCED Krprroriitativr UniUav (? Warren lo Starve as Offi cial K c pre*c 11 1 a t i ve of North (iamlinu MUSIC, ADDRESSES Hand (loncrrh lo Add (l?l* orfnl Note i?f Harmony to Occasion; .Many Ex|>cet ed to Stay Thru Week I The program for VirKinia Dare j Day. t? bo obsrrvtd on Hoanok" [Island Wednesday, with thousand* pit sent from all parts of the coun try, was announced today by tin* committee In charge- No definite 'hour haa been net f? i r the b? gin "ning of the day* events, due to I some uncertainty as to Junt when j certain of the honor guest* will arrive. It l? planned tentatively, ' however, to open the program at 10 o'clock in the mnrniiiK. with tl?e idea of concluding it hi about , :S : ::0 o'elock in tin- afternoon, i The opening number will he a i concert by th ? Naval lin.-*e Hand, I transported to the Island from Norfolk especially fot the ceb-bra lion. The concert will In* fol lowed with an Invocation by Bish op Thomas C. Darst. of the Kpis ' copal Dioceae of Kant Carolina. Representative l.indsay C. War jren. of the First North Carolina District, who will repreaent the State officially at the ceremouies, J then will introduce Sir Fmiic How ard, the nrltisii ambasHador, and |tbr other notable* present. These are expected to Include tin- two J North Carolina Senators. Form-r 'Governor Cameron Morrison, and many representative** in Congress from North Carolina, Virginia and other Stated. The Hinging of "The Old North State." North Carolina'* anthem. , will bo the next number on the j program. The brat, fourth and i fifth stanza* will be sung by the I assembled throng, and the second and third stanzas as a solo num ber by I)r. Hubert M. Poteat, head I of the Department of l^atln at 'Wake Forest College. Represen tative Warren then will introduce ? I^ord Howard, principal speaker of ithe day. I The ambassador's address will | be preceded by the singing of the 'International Hymn, to the tune !of "America." When lx?rd How ?ard has finished his speech, a sec ond concert will bo given by the I Naval Base Hand, and the formal lexercisoa will be concluded with a benediction by Bishop Jos?>ph Blount Cheshire, president of the Roanoke Colony Memorial Asso ciation. under whoso auspice* Vir ginia Dare Day will bo Observed. | The crowd then will make a pilgrimage to the atar shaped mound where stood Old Fort Ita jlelgh. home of (hi I iOh t Colony, and shrine of these United States. The site of the ancient fortifica tion is only a few hundred yards from the spot where the exercises will be held. Before departing on the return trip to Norfolk late in the after noon. the Naval Baso Baud will give a third concert. Various entertainment events for the remainder of the week are being arranged on the island, con cluding with a farewell program In Manteo. principal town in Dare County, Friday night. Many of the visitors are expoctcd to stay over for Jaunts to Nags He;id. ocean resort near which th'* Wright brothers made the ttrst heavier-than air flights, to dread jed Capo Hatteras. and other, pointa of scenic, historic and rcc ! rcational interest. BMlanlns Sunday, the en t Ira week will he devoted to a county wide celebration in Dare, in honor of Its returning sons and daugh ters. thousands of whom, living in various parts of the country, have been Invited to spend the week with their kin and friends of earl- j Icr years. I'nffl Wednesday, the I (Continued from page t ) j Beware of Black Cats and Ladders Tomorrow - - It's Friday, the 13th Bo ware of black cats tomorrow, j Do not walk under a ladder, and when night falls*, br exceeding careful In the matter of the shoul-j dor over which you look at the moon. Moat Important of all. do f not he the third pcrsn to light your cigarette off one and the name match. Watch your step tomorrow, for It will be Friday, the Thirteenth, when dire calamity Htalks abroad in the laud, hunting eagerly for prey. It la the day of days when that left hind foot of a graveyard rabbit, which you hare cherished . these many month*, may prove moat valuable. Who knowa? j Superstition. handed down through the age* probably from that very day when your prehis toric ancestor climbed down from a tree and began walking on two'* Instead of all fours, has Invested the number 13 with certain very undealrable attrlhutea. The weight of the world's tradition anpports Its reputation for bed luck. Of the seven days in the week. Friday is tht Mack sheep. It It1 credited with being fraught with ail manner <>r potential dliaiMr a day fit for no momentous under taking. and particularly shunned by couplcs about to ombark on the turbulent sea of matrimony. Wed ding* rarely occur on Friday. Ah stated. tomorrow will be Friday, the Thirteenth, when two miahty harbinger* of catastrophc join hand* for a upell. Duly cau tion* folk In Klixahefh City, a? elsewhere throughout the land, will pay proper heed to the warn ing here set forth, and will take none hut Ihe moat necessary chance on that day. Of course, there are people who Inula! that both Friday and Num ber Thirteen are lucky, and that the combination offer* the ultl mum In the matter of happy aus pice*. Rut one must remember there are people who like llmhur ger rhee*e. and that. It takea all kind* of folka to make the popu lation of a planet like this one. Do not be misled by th?m. Other wise. you may live long to repent It ? or fo a m?r no* ?t *U. Bust of Ellen Scripps Wins Prize t* (.'Hiiiilnii Si'ni imi t.?. I ? v kiioun mkii it l.MHi print vflft r?* Ihr I- iri"' Art- u:ill?T> In Sm I It kh Oillf . with hi> Imxt ot Mlf<* Ell**ii UruU'iiiui Hi rl|M?? Tin ItiiMi i- < >in?ii|fi ?*| h'i uriuxuull) Kootl Ilki iu H.t <.-f the ?rll kno?ii t'aliturnlu |>hlliiiilltiu|i|^t Former Ball Stars To Scintillate In Game Friday Stiirri thai scintillated In ball doni in year* pant again will shine 'on the diamond h ??"*? Friday after noon at o'clock, when the 1 ro fcsslonal Men anil Mechanic* will rlaxh hi the new high M-hool l?",k umlcr ausplees "< '>"? ^ IT, City Baseball Awoeiallon. Tin proceed* of lh? pm.' will go to ward meeilnis a "? x'""' $#:.n incurred in Iho operation ol the Kli'abelh < ' 1 1 y club in the Cur olina I '?-it Km' this summer. "Wllit" Wnodlcy. Jr.. slollarr hurl. r of other days. Is enptaln 01 the Professional Men. anil Arthur Padgett. also once a star player. Ik Kuiillnp the (lent inl'i* of tit" M' ehanlcs. lnl?r? lewed at length today, both declared they were ei. tlrely confident of winning the game. I hat the opposing teams were made up of a lot of hopeless dubs. from a baseball standpoint if not otherwise, cle, etc. Among the former players who probably will be seen in the two lineups are Judge P. (!. Sawyer. Dr Kay Husscy. Cliff Sawyer, A. It. Nicholson. M <5. Morrisette. J. H. \Y ilk Ins. Kdward (Srlffln. Il??y lli'ndir.mn, Albert (lard. Leslie Hclanga. Dlllie Fappcodick. Soh jrltor Walter Small, ami Pratt ? Fearing. i Through the fact that the stores 'hero close tomorrow afternoon in 'observance of the usual Friday half holldayH In July and Aimuat. a large attendance at the g^mu la exported. HEARING OF BANK 5 11 IT CONTINUES Anion for ( lollrctiuti of ?2.">,0 Note PrnliHlily Will l?r Kntli'il Todiiy Hearing of evidence In tin- mil of the Carolina Ilanklng & Tr-i-t Company for collection of a nklhs. who orrii|il one-aided account tof the afTalr. the upshot !?? inu ithat Willie was accu-ed In court ?Thursday of having s'apped ? j cross section of Hade* out of llorsklns. lioth Cora and Willie wero chanced with assault. Attorney C. K. Ilalley handled the cases for the State,, in the ah-, notice of Prosecuting Attorney J.1 j Henry I?eMoy. Jr.. who Is sp'-nd . InK a week at N?n? Head. visiTott is i?km<;iitki> WITH TKA II KICK ! "1 have been to many places In ' many slates hut never have I seen a meal served like that for SOc," I*. O. VamllvJer of Franklin. In jdlanii. sa Id after lunchlnc at the Woman's Club tea room here. ["They jiixt Rive the food uway I feel like I'm robbing thein'. One ; dollar for a nival like they servo is dirt cheap." Mr. Vandlvler travels all over 'the t'nltcd States and the Wo man'* Clut) Tea room management I has a right tn feel proud of the compliment paid them. Merchants Warned Of Confidence Man IttiFlnesM folk in this part of the State have been warned to be oil the lookout for a plausible stran- 1 I Iter ulvinic the name of I'. A. Ityan. and put port lug to be identified with K. I. On font de Nemours Ac Company, of Wilmington, l^-la ware Am evidence of standing, he Ik paid to offer articles of In corporation of a proposed (hi Point Ityau I'alnl Company. In Missouri. Ryan Is accused of bavins Riv en worthies* drafts on the lJu I'ont RuilditiK Corporation, and Worth less checks 011 a Wilmington, IHjI MWare. bank. He Ik described a* ' about six feet tall, slender, daik eyes and complexion, black hair, and I* or pretend* to be partially crippled on Ihe left side. drar.gins his left foot ii? h? walks, lie ap paren'ly Is 40 to 50 years old. and generally walks with Ills head down. When last heard from Ityan I* ssld to have b"en dressed In old blue trousers. yellowish shirt, dark gr ay felt bat. with paint spots on clothe* and shoes. He claim* in he from ChlcaftA. and set* forth various buslne** Inten Hons, tiring orders for goods for shipment. The foresolnit warning has been received st the Chamber of Com merce here from Klchard Hylves- ' ler, manner of protection for the du Point Corporation Ryan last ? was reported a* working in south east Ml* ourl, DEMOCRATS ARE GETTING ACTIVE MONTHS AHEAD \* W arm us Though tin* Nt*\t National i loiivetllion Wrrr INnl \ 11 \ Tiuir A* ay W ILL YUM Y SMITH I'rirmU of !Mr \tloo Say They'll Stay ill tin* Kan* Ju-l to DHVat \l ami So the rr?>y (#o?> n> iiwid i. \\vi(i:\? i. IL*|>(l|hl, I'J.'H, ti Ikf | W.tsli itictun. Auk. 1-. Presi dential politics is not (lit* preot cup.it itm of tin Itepuh tiraiiM noviitluyh for the Democrat - ir li-iiilors i It roii i; li. iii i 1 lit* country arc as active a> II tin* iickt N.i lioiial convention wriv a lew months away. Although outwardly tin talk of Candidates ix illl CSSCIlt lal JMI't of I In- dl^clishloiis, I lie real maneu ver* an* Ih'Iiik made with reler I'lui' to i h f aborgat ion of Mi*' two thirds rule. All elements in ih?* party seem to be veering toward the majority mle Idea. Whether this soul Intent will con till tie uuiil convention linn* is ot course i in - possible to nay an candidacies may in itiii'iico opinion, \\ In n ii t* ;i|. parent that sonic one eaudiilate i< ill I III* lead and Is likely to he nominated the desire to hloek a nomination may heroine sD'oiig eiiniiKli to rause t !??? withdrawal ? if support for the majority hallot rule. li< uerally * peak inc.- however, the friends of tlio various candi dates nre HayiiiK now t hey are ttillini: lo tnk?* a chance on the majority rule. It may hi- surpris ing to l hose who do nol follow pol itics closely hut ihi* friend* of Wil liam (J. McAdoo mid (inventor Al Smith are almost as aggressive to day as If tliuro had iieen no con vention Iti 1 !? U # at Madison Square Curd en. There la i IiIk difference, however-? Dm MeAdoo forces are now expressing concern over the apparent growth In ntrenmh of (lovemor Smith. MeAdoo men hay they will may in the race if only io block Smith and so KoeH the ehutter just as it did in l!?24 almost uk Irreconcilable an I he fac - tions were in flic l?caxuu of Na tion* controversy. Tho two things which were heard everywhere in I !i!t were that A I Smith could not |m- nom inated because of his "wet" views and liecaiiNo hi* noinlnat ion would mean the reopening of religious win fare.- Today the swing in sen timetit in Kastern states is count ed us an auct oil Ihe wet question and particularly because a refer endum has been siiggCMted ax a mean it of Democratically disposing ?of the l-aoic. Am far the rellfti'iiiM (lucKtion. Home Democratic l^ad Jers who were not Smith men iu l&JM are beginning lo nay that un til the Dr mocrallc party demon strate* that It has no religions pre JudlreK Jt cannot hope lor unify and that even If Al Smith were not elected, the party eoiild reap the benefit of it* breadth of view point and be In a position in fu ture elections to retain Ihe voles of Die tolerant citizenship of the country. Talk like this lit ho wide, nprcad that It lias provoked some alarm among the followers of oth er candidates who now are discus sing ways and moan* of block Iiik Smith. In 1H21 they were talk ing of how to block McAdoo. All this furnish en another rea son for gonaip about a compromise candidate. *ln Ohio the Democrats think that Alien I'omcreue lit their man. Having won the Sen atorial nominal Ion in a pivotal 'State. Iw ban of couVsc. yet to win the election. If ho does, It H mk , Mired that -he will riguro promi nently In the talk of a compromise candidate. mi\i:i.. Aim IB. All five iiiliM i's who wrn- hii|'ils ? mil li> i In- uivrln ill Hii'l??ii hi tin- liikl Thur*??la> wi'ii' IiiiiiikIii i?i tin* MirlMiv iillte iln.s iiiiii iiIiik. K.imli>l|tli 4 'ulili mii tin* fir?*l man In r?'m-li lln* top of tin* ?llnfl. Ill' ralli'il (o tin* irowi| | ullirli Miilti'il au\l<>u?l> "Ih'IIo j ho>*, I am not h|cK" |{o> .lain*'*, for whom llllle Im?|m* hail hi -I'll hold ii s In* hml Imi-ii ?i*|iaral ar. W .il-on i hi- liiNf man (o ii|i|M-ar. Walton wan In i liilariou* iihnmI. Hi* ealh*d "hIh-m*'n my liorne? I Mailt lo Hili* hint Iioiiii*." 'I'lii* mlm-rx \vi*m* Ki i*i*l. il with rlioer? w Ih ii l hey a|i? |H*anil. A ih'iiM* throng on I In* iiiim* |tro|M*ii> iHi-vxttl forward ami it tt'un iicii'SMiry to ih'lall National (?uard?itii-u to restrain tin* rrowih. The "minor? Mild ? liii inu l In -h* ItiiiK li^il under uninml lli?*> hail nrvi-i- i*ivi*n lip ho|H* of ri'M-iu* nor hail all) one of thi'tii Im i-oini* ilou im-iimI. Tin**. ha I tii in i ti u milter'* lamp- uliirli llu*> hail oui* at tin* I inn* tlu*> wen* nmhlnl lo liavt* light for a long lllin*. l-'in illy ?liirkm*^N fi*ll. A f I i*r thai tliey loNt all t?eni*e of tiiui*. PARTY LEADER TO SPEAK HERE (?. O. I*. Senatorial Noiii i iiart* lo Drlivor Aililrc^ .Monday Niylil ul j Johnson J. llaycs*. ?f Wllkes boru. Republican candidate for thi* Pulled States Senate In I li?* Niivi mher elections. and regarded ?IH OllO of I he rill mil H|M'H k CTH ill ? the State, will deliver an address I at the courthouse here Monday . night nt X o'clock. The general public has been invited to itiieud, regardless of party. .affiliation. ; Mr. Hayes won new oratorical ' laurels in the r front State Itcpub * I lean convention wben. In a debate, with former Senator Marlon Hut-, Icr. lie was credited generally with having completely bested his ad versary, Senator Hutler himself is widely fames as a debater. It Is told of Mr. 1 1 a yes that when h?- started to college, |( ?? was [entirely willioiit funds, and went ' to a friend for aid. The friend inquired how much he needed. | "Well. I Kile** eight dollars will | net- me through." Mr. Hayes Is sirid to have replied, and with that amount began hi* education at the t'nlverslfy of North rarollna. i Within recent years, he has lak j en an active part In the affairs ? of his party. Mr. Hayes Is expected to arrive here Sunday afternoon or Monday .morning. In his address Monday ; night. he promises to diacuss the Issue of the campaign freely, fair ly and vigorously. KI.I/.Mtfltl riTY UIVKN Ml'Af'H IN NKW IWM>kl,KT "North Carolina, the Fifth State . Today." Is the title of a most nt j tractive booklet on the State's i wealth, resources, history and pos sibilities. which has Just been got-' ten out by Iho Slate Department of Conservation and Development J at Halelgh. Wadn II. Phillip* Is dlroctof of the department. Copies lof the booklet have been received 'hero. ? .. Probably the most attractive feature of the booklet Is an rxcap* i t lotm I array of pictures, several of which are of Klicabeth City and 1 the KiirroundlnK territory. (Copies I I of the booklet may be obtained by ] 1 wilting to Mr. Phillips. Jumbled Page Contest Is Continued Until Friday at Eight P. M. The Jumbled Page contort of The Daily Advance ivill be continued until Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Kn rants who have not copies of Tuesday's issue of The Advance, may secure copies of the Jumbled 1'age at The Advance office free of charge! This extension is granted at the request of contest mts who have not completed their answers. Out of 200 entrants in the last Jumbled 1'i'go con .est only four got all of the jumbled lines correct. This ihould encourage contestant* for the 12 prizes offered for the beat answers to the ifdvertisements running in Tuesday's paper. Send your answer in. You still have an excellent :hance to win a prize. BIGGEST STREET PROJECT TO BE BEGUN AT ONCE l^iyiiif; of 41oiu*r?*tr Hum* an \\ i>l (liiirch lo In' Com pliinl Nr\l Wfk, if IMaiis are ( iarrird Out MAIN AND IUIAI) NEXT .Morr Tlian Six Milw of 1 urhiii^ and (itillrring liinlallnl Already; and 16 Mile* of Setter* l^iid IjivInK of ? l""r-lnch concrete 1,1, M nil Weal Church ?treet. from atrect to I'rllchardtown Ko.nl. I? to tx-Kin Monday raorn Un- ami .bmild be finished a week 2;., accordlim to I.. B. Johnaon. ...lulnecr li. charge of the lob. Situtlai conrieti base. are to !>? laid Main and Road street* liniiodlaMy ult. rwurd. to Mr. Johnaon. who I* a of lh?- . huIim 4 i lnu Arm of w. Vf Oltti'ii. Inc.. of Uali'luli- ' The contractors will bruin nt Prhchardiown Uoad ont^ ?* t. .....i ?n ??rk e..t waid. TI..V I w,,{ ??? n,., ltond -Main l>r""Ct "V lowing Mouda> morntnit. b< gtn ?;*K it Holly* I fry. and expect to lli?l?li before tl*o bad weather H?'t? in. On Went Church Hired. brlefca Mr?. to b. laid mi the concrete tmnn. on lload an?l Main ^-cU M phalt I* to Im- Iiaod for l?P liiK Mr. Johnaon dcclaren thai the concrete Haw Itaelf may be luaed aallHfaelorlly by trallta the event there l" any delay In tM itMiihaU aiirfuclnu. explaining that irvcrythlnu must he ahHolutely dry when the hot asphalt I. P0U?d "nTh?- concrete will require !* daya tor KciilnB; hut the ??l'h?lt. when .me laid. Income, ready tor imlfle hm him n? an It cool? off matter of four or ftv? hour.. Therefore, the project of "aBle Incident to th ? P"r"?5JSJ paving program ls * Ll,rat han many liad Imagined. On WMrt Church aired. I he "'""Jf (S I, la he four Inch." thtc?- '"J Main ??'? I1""'1 "troeta. It U l" ?J live Inche, thick, with a three-lM* top.urfaclng of asphalt. vhout ili.OOO linear feet, or than -lx mile" of eon?Jg curbing and tattering haa been Ik ill IIP to til.- preaent. thU com prl.liiK a Utile more than *?" of the total footane contracted WT. Work l? under way on Cedar ,tr.irt. and when lhat ?? ??'?JS": I, l? to proceed on the following atreela. In the order nlv.n I i ii* list |?Br?nnaKe, Dyer in?? j r;:;:: ;;; ff&sgsA Southern avenue. blnK and In two month*, according to cut engineer". (|m|1 nne-h?ll a* ? ? II . . ot water pipe. ??" ? hided In the elty'a Improvement live - laid to < the engineer. report. .mh*ra and thtlr famlllaa Friday *v*tilnjr. August IS. ptaaan bt at th* Chtirch at ? o'clock and truck* or c?ra will h?t provided to taka thoat that bara no ear*, adT ,