Clltt'l 1*1 ION nil KSIlAY -,U4'J Copi?*A Til K WfvVI IIKII I* lit- r . ?m K !i ? ic! S.minlav. ISeu tl?- ? ? in .i ? ?? \V? -t .ami South- | w . ??? w |||. | VOL. XVI. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, ! IIIHAV EVENINti. AlCtST I :i. SIX PACES. NO. 190. Publication of Letters By Culpepper to Gravel Salesman Stirs Comment Irentl of Sliwl Talk lliglt I) I'uvtirulilt- lo til) Man upcr Kfrclwe its Missives , Are Di sniped INTERESTING ItEADINC Ke*p I his Under Your i Hal, Please," First Leller! ? Concludes, Afler Outlin ing the "Deal" Public discussion of recent ! graft charges made hy City I Manager FoivImv against Lu-I ther B. ( 'ulpepper, a local | contractor, and of counter! charges made by Mr. Culpep per, was opened afresh today, after publication in Friday's! edition of the Independent, a I weekly newspaper edited by w. O. Saunders, of fac simile I copies of letters Mr. Culpep per is alleged to have written' W. H. Freeman, a Norfolk gravel salesman. In general, the public I, err Is! disposed in retard the letters as ' tending to support Mr. Per* bee's I accusation*, unci decidedly ills- ; counting .Mr. counter! Slkf.? ??,cllu" *??' taken at the Instance ol the citv K"r,b? hin. -ill C"l|" |,l"'r approach. ,l him Willi an offer ol a "side proi " conditional upon Ills assistance ll"" enrchase a tp. . "tied type of sravel for street 111), provententa here. The letters follow: Uear Mr. Freeman: Huppllinentlni! our Telephone! I "ii versa "on ol a few minute, ago! w, III reference to t;iay Orav.l for I C''y "'*< City. Mr. Kercbre th" City Manager Just came mound to s and advises ilia' jou made li i in a price of si 55 nor "vt ton. delivered. wlHrl, I'l a VVry KOO<l l?r,0 I'll I hlfol" would :o any further witli tl>. laatti r with you for in.- lo KH touch Willi you || iitl see If you I wouldn't allow us 15c per ton commission to be divided h< twe.n I Br other i-Vrebee and myself which ? would be three ways and of course, Mr. herein e couldn't be known in tne proposition and don't lot him' know that ho Is collected atall in I the matt. r. at no lino- in any rnn versalon or Corrospondanrt | i,.?-| you can d.. this without much hup- j rlflcp and an mire if you do this, the deal \wii no through nil (). K. I have a Iso been in touch with the Camden Highway Comm., today ' They an- going to hulld 15 miles of clay gravel roads ami I feel ! ?ure l can Hell your mate rial. We cmild also use liarte; J raii.spnriat ion for delivering (his meterial. We can pit a better! price on this metereal I think t-? ?nd In fact I know *. ran so you I jeo you won't be loosing anything' t>y allowing uh 15c on the cltv I Meterial. lM.-?ne writ.- me at wl,al you wl11 'I" nt once. Keep Hi In under your hut please, can, den will ?..ed about 7 6M tons. Youra vary truly, L II. Cri.l'EI'I'Kll. u. " <? r Is dated iL \ ? r ?"????' in pep and ink on stationery of tlu> W 1 Jones Construction Company the letter head setting forth that H. Culpepper is flccretary-treaaur ?m ?f the company. The s. cond letter, dated May 14. I, typewrit ten on the stationery of the Cul Jjspper Hardware Company, in J^VMrb Mr. Culpepper Is a partner i follows: Wit. W. H. KHEEMAN. Va-Carnlina llldc,, Norfolk. Va. Hear Mr. Freeman ' I be* to acknowledge receipt of' your favor of the I31I1 with ref erence to clay itravel for the oil v of hilza belli city, ami I am verv . ?nrry to advise that I was too late t.. bend off your letter In nlvln:: i| notation lo thi- city on gravel as .ante bad been hirned over to tile Council hy Mr. Kerebce. However, I wish I could have I lioWn of tills earlier as I feel sure w. coulil have gotten a fair mar "?in of iiront mil of this proposl "on. ?nd nobody would have been tie- loner. However, I appreciate very bh lily the 6c per ton that you ; have Included for u? and I assure you anytime we can do for you Will be done with great pleasure. Don't hesitate to rail on iim for I air. favor we can render. With beat whhos, I am. Yours truly, I. II Clfl,PRPPER. With reference to the letters.' Mr. | . rebee declared poaltlvely ,2<,al_,hnl hp n,ad' no mention of ???^rjnel Offer to Mr. Culpepper, Jr. ",,,n,,on It to several nth luals here, and added! . IHWt (ir resented Mr l ^?"?Mohii, to the Council at a! B^Al '? -ting called for a n?.i I. . , rendarlat It a? evidence own eatlmatta on th? cost j A Fishing Cat Policeman Joe UurKe. who pntmln a bttlhlnic h?nh on the outaklrta of FviuwcuIh. KIh , hiiM ii cut lhai ko**m nullity Uurke louwn n bit ut breul in thr a lti*h Kiifukn up to eiil It ? unit In dlv?rw |>umy to catch th? tlah. The cut. which In muiietl Jimmy, In ithown her*- with Huike nnd a fl.ih thut Jimmy hna jual cuuxht. Engineers Finishing Survey for Super | Power Lines Surveys preliminary to the con-' struction of u high tension trains- 1 mission lint* from Suffolk to Win-, fall. 'near H?-rif(ird, and thence eastwurdly to I It in city and wist-; wardly to Hertford ;ind Kdenlon, whereby the Virginia Electric & I'owt-r Company will supply cur rent to Ihe three rltles. probably j will he completed Saturday, ac cording to company engineers. Elizabeth City, Hertford and lid eiiton have contracted to buy pow i r from the company. Assurance has been received l?y the- Chamber of Commerce here | that the branch from Winfall t? this city will be built as quickly, as is praptlcable, and that It prob ahly will be completed a little ahead of the line to Hertford and Bdeuton. The power company will erect ; a sub-station at Winfall. Assur ance is given that the line will be completed, if possible, la time to . take carc of the early fall power "load." I KW AUTOMOmi.KS WITHOUT 1.ICKNSK.S Raleigh, Auk. 13,? There are very few automobiles in the State that do not have the new license plates, according to the reports of inspectors in all sections of the! State to the Department of Rev enue. Commissioner It. A. Dough ton announces. The automobile license division Is now well ; caught up with Its work and only: Ihe last loose ends remain to be taken care of. Most of the work now Is in connection with making corrections In records and I ran*-; fers of cars. Very f?*w arrests have been necessary. WMITTKMORK is II %N?KD Baltimore. Aug. 13.? Richard Reese Whlttemore was hanged this morning for murder of Robert Holtmau, penitentiary guard, 18 months ago. Whlttemore was the head of the now shattered "million dollar crime trust." The body of Whlttemore was claimed a few minutes after pro nounced dead by tils family for funeral services at the home of Ills father. OOTTOW MAIIKM1 New York. Aug. 13.- ? Cotton fu tures opened today at the follow ing leveln: Oct. 16.48, Dec* 16.31. Jan. 16.30, Mar. !6.r?o. May 16 73 New York. Aug, 13. Spot cot ton closed steady, middling 17.80. nn ndvimcp of 10 points. Futures, rln.lnn hid: Ort. IH.SJ. Itw ie.27. Jan. 1?.?0, March 10.4". May 1?.?7. of the material were not out of line. At that time, the Council was) not ready to buy gravel, and noj action was taken on the matter. In an interview on the day the graft charges were published orig inally In full, Mr. Culpepper ad mitted havInK written the first of the two letters to Mr. Freeman. rs quoted above, asserting h# 1 wrote the letter at City Manager j Ferebee's suggestion that they Ba? what they could gat out of It. SOUTH HAS NO RACE PROBLEM SAYS VISITOR L)r. Henry K. Vye of Rhode Island Dcclari's I liat It Is in North Thai Hare Problem Exists SPEAKS TO ItOTAKY Twenty Minute Talk Is Termed by Kotarian Most Thought-Provoking Utterance Heard "The South haa tio race proh 1 ?*in. America'* real race problem in in the North." That is the oplnlou of He v. Dr. Henry K. Vye of Providence, Rhode Island, now supplying the pulpit of the First Baptist Church during the vacatiou ot l?r. Samuel II. Templeinau. who was the speaker of the day at the weekly luncheon of the Elizabeth City Hotary flub at the Southern Hotel Friday. Dr. Vye has a lecture ou "See inc Ourselves us Other* See I's, or au Outsider'* View of the South." which has been iu rather wide de mand. aiitl tie ban given aerlou* thought to the so-called race proo le in of the South. He believes that foreign Immigration in the North presents a far inor-* serious difficulty and that the presence of so large a proportion of foreigners In American life consumes Amer ica's real race problem. The speaker held the close at tention of the members of the Elizabeth t'lty Rotary Club Friday and his 20 minute talk has been the occasion for no little comment, many Hotarlans regarding It as the most- thought-provoking utterance heard by the club this summer. In suhstunce Dr. Vye said: On the spot. Dr. Vye, who preached his last sermons iu the First Baptist pulpit next Sunday, was given a hearty Invitation to speak to the club again next Mum mer. "Thtf United States Ik an exper iment In democracy, a venture in the form of government known as a republic. There has always been a, question as to the future of this nation. Ureal men have been skeptical as to the perman ency of this kind of government. "Carlyle said: 'Bewildered Eu rope struggles not toward the im possible self government of a mul titude by a multitude but toward some possible government by the wisest." "Ktisklu said: 'The Interests of the multitude are always safer 111 the hands of thn highly Intelli gent few than in their own hands.' "Macaula> said: 'The blunders of a democracy cost more ihau it is worth." "There Is predicted the collapse of this republic In forty years. We may not accept this statement us sure prophecy. It is worth consid ering. The Ke?| Hare Problem "Now the great problem Is the race problem. Not that of the negro race. There is no problem connected with the negro In the South. The Southern people un derstand the negro, and the negro knows his place,, and they both get along well together. "But there in a race problem that ought to be clearly under stood by every true American. "Before we can present " this problem we 'need to refresh our minds as to the race that laid the foundation of our nation. Who are we anyhow? An Englishman a Frenchman and an Irishman were talking together as to what they Would like to be If they were not what they were. The English man said:' If I were not an Eng lishman 1 would like to be a Frenchman .' The Frenchman re turned the compliment and said: 'If I were not a Frenchman I would like to be an Englishman.' Then they asked the Irishman what, he would like to, he if he were not an Irishman and he re plied: 'If I were not an Irish man I would be ashamed of my self.' "We need not ever be ashamed of our ancestors, the Anglo-Saxon race, who laid the foundations of this nation. For over fifteen years the Anglo-Haxon race has ex erted a protective Influence upon lives of mankind. About 4 4** A. D.. the Jutes, the Angles and the Saxons, different tribes of the Teu tonic race, began a conquest of Britain. For over four years Bri tain had been a Roman province, but In 410 Rome withdrew her al legiance with Britain. Then the Jutes, the Saxons and the Angh s came in. The new home of this popula tion was hard and severe. Dismal and gloomy forest lay l?? liiml them. The North Sea with Its storms and tempests lay before them. Their life was an ever lasting struggle with natnre. The result was that only the most hardy survived and a race robust and vigorous was produced. The sea exerted a far Influence upon them. In all great English lit erature the music of the sea la Is heard. Fifteen Hundred Years of Progress (oolirtw Kniissar\ in Philippines. HEARING ON BANK SUIT IS FINISHED Mttinta in lWtt iiH-iitary KviilriHT of !>??? r i<le<ll\ "l)pyM Yitrirly Takitm of ti Hllimuiy in a suit in wli i<-li tin- Carolina Hatikinr K Trust Company here is seeking toi collect a noli* Tor $2.r?.00U, alined liy I In* stockholders in tin- Mer chants a: Farmers' Itank, of Cu lunihia. as security for liability :< incurred by tin- hank heforo its merger with the plaintiff instil 11 tlnn in 1!i22, was concluded lale yesterday. The hearinu was h? Id before W. fl. Hodman, Jr.. of War-hin^ion. N. (!., appointed refi ree by JimI; Henry A. <! rally, in Superior Court. The case was opened Mon day afternoon, and in the main 11 consisted in the presentation of vnrioiis records of transactions hinxiiii: about the collcnlon of | notes Klveti as security Tor 4l?i* | $2f?.ooo nhliuation incurred l.v i the stockholders. It was a decid edly "dry" affair for any one not interested directly in the out come. Mr. Hodman 1m Cxpeclcd l? make known his d< cision in (I" case some time in the next few t weeks. Cariiil Tlioni|> ?oi?, oiiiu |>olll ic i i m. s?-nl to tin l'hili|i|iin?'-. I>v I Conlt<li;i? In 31 flr? I tiaiiil survey of i ??v? rn in* 111:1 1 and ??riHmmir mud il inn* tln-r?*, ?t i ? nss?'s Hit- l-'i 1 1 i>i > 1 ? ? in<l< |? n?|t ri.-i movement Willi Mutuii'l Qui-xon, it l? a?lt*r. TMi.- |?irtur?- ? ht?w : Thoiii|iir>n, at the l?-ft . tsliukiiiK lia r.-l with Qihzmi. M.I.K STVIKMKMS I UOM ST VIK TICOOIM'.i: Homrrvilli-. N. 1 !!. : *;? ii Kraurlsou |??? I i<-?* |im]ii\ vvr' 3* r?k ? -?l liy Sfiuilor AI*a:umI< i* Simpson. K|MT<;tl |iri)Hw.<iitor of llv 1 1 ;? 1 1 M ill > fjini' tn olilain bliiti iiK-nts frrtln I l?"ii ry I,. Dirk man. fmnii'i' .N* w J? r^i-> :ial?* iroup-r now in I'niti-d Sluli s disc <|ilin.iry i liar ruck on Alcalra/ Island. I Hi- mail*' lli?' lv?|ii?'Sl I iti iti * di nt?'!y nfl?T liavinu ti?*?*n infornii d illu.i III#' Sail I'laiiriM-o < 'hroiilcli* quoted Dirk man as having ailiuil ? ???! tliat li?* arci-ph-d iiimii' y I ? i iiiHa|i|M>ar ilurinu Do* Hall Mill?? In v* rtiivaliiiii. I|.- Haiti i !*?? War 1 >i'|ij 1 1 ? 1 1 ? * 1 1 ( li;t 1 1 lift* i*'il in ri'liirn iJic-kiiian |?i Ni'W Ji r.-i-y aril ihai In* Mini li| a- k fur surli aclimi ins nn-diuloly. TIIOLSWIIS UJT III I in I'l.OIIOKD illN.NKI.S Ni \v York. A nr? I i! Tlioinmiil: of l.on;- Island roiiinint<rs ,vi*r? rill nil from Hi* ir M.niliaiian Isl 'and officii today l?y Hoodi'd rail road iiiniiils niidor I 'a. si Kivi'r, hI ill clioki-d willi waii-r from lasi nixlil's Hliirm llial look a loll of livrs and dniii:iKi*d |?rojn rly in Now York. Ni*w .!? rsi > , and Soiilli rm Now Knuland. 1 1 II >. I ? I'll III |iK worr lllili/*d In l?u ni|i I'.H.UOII kalliiii.i a tin mil <* from llirpi' of ilo* l.onu Island railroad lnnm-ls. Blind Musician To Play First Methodist Church Livtul in Hlizahclli City I mil 10 Xvurs of litis I'lavcil in ill tlw l.nrtgvr C.itiv* anil livcvivvil lirrnfinilitm in lltv Musical M orht The well known blind pianist 1 Sam Leonard Havls, will have I charge of I he music at the First 'Methodist Church at the Sunday night service. , Here are a few comments from the press upon Mr. Davis as a mu niclau : "Sightless though he la. S.mi Leonard liavis. formerly a v#ud vllle hcudllner until ho heard BW> Sunday prcach and turned to olli er ways. aina/.ed an audience of four thousand people In a piano recital at I he city audilorlum both with Ilia com pia nd ing power a;- ?? technician, and with his w <l< knowledge of mimical form. Tak Ing simple hymnal melodies 1m* ? mhroldered them with fanciful variation and Improvisation. in vented them with, new and unu^ values. playing always with con summate skill and ease, lie w i accorded an Inspiring measure appreciation. Ill* itlaylng was ? -x cedent. and creditable to geiiiU-' Ihot has been alowed to develop without handicap." ? Italeinh Times. "The most striking feature has been seen at the Hippodrome Is Sam Leonard liavis, the blind wizard of the piano. I hi vis* pluym was remarkable. even for one glU ed with sight, and he received ?? real ovation such as hut few ar< accorded, lie played numbers of, difficult technique with an act n racy that Is faultless. lie look like a man, but plays like a supei man." ? Chicago Tribune "Nut slno* Ml?rha Klman played the 'Humor* on IiIh violin, have toe inuxic lover* of Kansas C'lly h:id such a ran* treat an Sam l?eonaril Davl<i, lh<> world'* fainoiM hllnd planKt. gave them at the Orphan in Thaller. A renowned artist IK/Xpcrli'il lo play well. I?u i never has* niin'bocn hore wlm could lake tilinplc inelodie* and do with ih^m what Mr. havls did." Kan Ma* City Star. "Ham Leonard l?av|?. world re nowni'il I?1 Sii?| pianist, played a most brilliant program at the Or P h * ? ii in Theater. and he olea.4od lit* nudl* lire Intineii :<>lv. They were, in fart, carried away hy tho piny ? ?r'n exhibition. Since he Ii.m ap p rod here on previous occasion-*, the InrRp audience sent tip a num ber of rcquotlii at Hip clone of hi* program, which h ?? responded !?:?? cenerniixly Ii wan mo*! Inspir ing lo hf>nr till* celebrated artist again." ? I?os Angelofi Times. Mr. Davf* b an Kll/ahi?th *'lty product. having made h Ih homo here until he wait 16 yearn of a/to. II* I* an honor graduate of the .ttfle Institution for the Hllnd of North Carolina. and completed his musical education at Boston Con servatory lie ha* played III all ih# larger citlew of Atnerhi and has received letters of loom inunda tion and recognition from numer ous outstanding critics in I lie mux ><'ft( worM lie At III hold* III'* 'up won In Chicago in 1!>14 in the World's Championship Context for the moit accum pushed pianist of pofrolAr music. A NEW CAROLINA DEVELOPED t'liOM 01,1) IS THE AIM | ii-l Ollirial I'ampltlfl I l>> Oij:;:iii/.:ili?" I !??it list ill <*?' *?l Norlli I .ni' oliniaii*. ln.iM-|Mirsilr?l \l(\ I I! IISIS ST VI I ?-f,.|| It |.> \nrlli Carolin ian-. Sell li l?? il>'' World" I- Sltiy, :t ll ??l I iu'??' Null Profit i?oo-.lrr* tlr? ii'-luM". Aii I ?> ^ ^ Noil It SI..U- i|. %? |n|?*tl ?'V it. own. p.,.,,1.- li ??in tli- < ???? N-H?i .-tai". I.; III.' ritl?| ?t "I In 1 pamphh t I ?u. d l?y ? l>*' on. nun (inn I'lillitllillei- of Norlli Calolin j,|||-i. | t|l'll|'|Ml|'.?|t <]. Ill l|lll? ?*Sl??tk Willi it - ram|ia?L.n_ l??r fund* I" all vnii:T Ni?iili Carolina 1 41 the Will l?l. Tli. InuiM. t>i i ii i ? ?l in 1 i !? li t Mil" ami ronfoi mini' I" 1 1 ? ? ? Siai"'-' oin* i i'!', r.ivi '; in v?'i? |W'"? ? a not :?l 1 1 1 . ? ? - 1 Im-i prosaic summary of il" l>|,, n:< ;iiid ,??-1 i\ il i ? "I N??illi Cai - (iliuiaiiH, liM'oi |m.i .md. in H'l"'i Hm- in a *. 11 ?l ? i ? ??*! ? d ? impauii tin- ??|i|Mirtiiniii< ?' and I- 'uhii'c.'s ol lli?- .vriat?- llirmi: h n- w.- pap.'i . mai-:i/Hi>'s ami I ? :-?l?* journals "I iiiitional rirtMilalioii. 'I in- i?ii?H |i| h< li. illKl mailed t'1 l.iiiuli ? -*t ? ? ' i? l?i. si |ilal|v.- rili/.' lis in all ??" liims ?il N??rl li Carolina. from ? ? in |ii 1 1 :i ry ni-i.a ii i7.ii l ion load?|uai liis a I -II JcliVrson Siandai ?! Hnildlim. < Ji ????iijIioim. Tin- history nT ill Is yoinit- oj-j-ar l/aiion i. (I '-a 1 1 willi briefly: "l-'or , . i'Vi ra I years progressive I ?iiisii.?,*?** ui> n liav* i In- |iro|M>:;i t i< i it hi Milium Norlli l aiolina to ? ; in* world llirnunh iulvi 1 1 irtlii" Tin- 1*- has li?-? -li a most remarkable 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 V of o|iiiiltiii in favor of suji an iimli rlakln;-. hut not until this y. ar was tin- tinuis hi chrys lulix.'il iniu action. North Cam linian >. Incorporated. Is the devel opment of many d Loiis* ions. se\ ? i-al hi. Mini:* ami murh nur ? |ium|. nrc uiimrv. mcvci.iI li?irnlr--?l iMiHlrcsK ni -n from practically > y ? ry cily ami town in tin- Slit." In just as concis'* a manner flOI'S ill.' pamphlet pM'-W III III" reason fur l In- orniini/atlon'M c\ Istciiri-. It is "a lion piolit hotly lni'oi |Hiralc?l timlcr tl??- laws of North Carolina, a voluntary or a ni /.at mil of t-il i/fiiK, created l" ad\? rt is*- tin natural advs n1a;:? s and resources of all Norlli Caro lina through a rlich-s and display flilv.ilir'lnK i" magazines and newspaper < of National clrculu I ii?ii ; and !?? ;??'* as a im; house for di: s?'in In - itMiuii'h ? 1 1 .-<ii 1 1 1 m: from this advertising t*1 tin- rill" , towns, and commoniii s rn-opointiuK in ll?*- movement.^ li i* designed to lirltui lo North Car ollna more ^nml peoph lo utiliz tin* farm lands: to build adilllional inatiufacturlim ludu tries; lo nttrart an * vi-r incr.-as i if.*, nutnlxr of lioiin- lnill?lcrs, imiri^lM and pl?a:-urc ?>??? k.-ih. , "The Huh- loirponc Is lo promote llic aurii-ulinral. coniim rcial. in do strinl. rcKidcntial and mmhi ?p v?-lo|?im-nl of llii* I'lilli-.* Slal". Tin plans follow: "II U plauncif to enlist Slat. wid?- sup ?Hirl and liiO-nnl in orih r lo - cure an ad?|iiat?* fnml to ndvoi lis. lli. natural M souin-s. inhiin tiijii-s and hiislm-rs np|?'?rlunllH-s or Hi- Stat*-. To accomplish this, fir.n.oou will III- minlicd lor III' llrsl year's o|?er?tions." "T?ll II to N??rt h Carolinian!', u,|| II in 111. Wt.rl.l," ix II"1 "I" I.,,, I l.> il" iirwinlialliMi Iik'IuiI. iI l? I., I. II. ix i.r . "I >?> S.'iiHl.'r* !?'. M!* mi'l ?-"' ^ an iiikI c?v ? Mrlj-nii ?' " ' ' ? r",'v i,l n, ,..rlin<al- "I I l>v I' S. Till' . I"1-'1 I: I. " "??>' ?" I, mi,.: i- <> Kiii?ti-i. 1 ?i?rl"(i' ? . \V. Mminlra II" . *???'' .ma w i' "'i""1"1.!", 1 Till- I.alillihl.'l ?'??? " " ' ,.l ri'?iluli"n? whirl. ?. ??? will <?"' l? ri in rlllwiw. a li""' i in- i . i>iiiliii'iii*iiii-nt I" ?!'' Muli' Ilia il r..|.li? lli. r..|.l<K wit.- shrnnl. I"""' l"?" :,0 ni iIh ?' l?y " .IHiir ? I'OH M \KES SllilV OF VAIUOI S I'ltlSONS Cnh'luh, Auk.,!"- C?or'.;e Hops I 'oil. superintendent of ptlnnli-s h-fi tMilay for Klchiuond. Vir.,l:il?. iSalllmorc and I'liil id. Ii>' in. I ? ? insk*' n study of prixon Indu-iri. s in tin* pri?otM nl those u!a< - . ami if |ioHsihl.' to >!??? m w Id* a to pot into prarlici- In tli' Slate prlioii here. ||f> will ?peml Vj i. ' ? il iy in ? arh of tlico- Idi, muni. mlutl.'s, timl whil.' lie will not-' to.- ui n eral ronditlons and m< Ihods of ad iiiinlid rat Ion. he will d. vot?. most of his attention to Hi" industrial inxlc. Althoiu-h tlo> pris.o. at present l?< manufarturinu nial 1 1 < sscs, mat Ires* covers, shirts, overall* r.ud prison rlothlim, ;?P?o iiod--rw?ar and somi* knit Rieid'. a- Well at rhalr hottnrnK, lion 'if this .vork Is Ih'Iiik done on 'in ?? xt ?-nsl vc sralc. Tin- output. ? ho V" what Is n*??d In the prison, is old through the Koftncr 8aks AK^ncy of Char lottr Plans for Virginia Dare 1 lotel Adopted And Board Asks Bids September 15 SIGNS PREPARED TO Ail) VISITORS Will Direct Way to Park in# Kurluftiirt* and Other Point* of Interest l.arr- %ii-ir t? ?i* Ill*- ?'?niMui??iu*. ? ?I visitor.- ln-r?- mi route in the Vlrrinia I tare olehratlon mi I > ? i.i in >K ? ' t l.iinl W ? -dm tl.i v ah' Ih*III('> prepar. il tmlav lllld' i I It* ?I i i eci i i 'ii nl ?"ii\ Miinui'i i Fer? lli-l*. III. V ill' til lie full ? l?V ?i\ |i i'lt ami alt- to ti< | ?| a t i d oil llo Ni ttlaihl, W.i"?|\ ill- and I 'ainil- ii lo-hwav lh'* llii ' i* 1 1 c i ii c i |?:i I ik.hI (??:i?l hi . Hit" tt.j ?*il \ . W ii Ii ? ii I lii* iii? Ii in ii-< arrow:' Will Im- i?|vi'1i ?i al fun* ? iili'Ht ill tirvalii, ilirii'iur-'. tlo- \i:H-?im io tli* lie. pal kill; |iili-'' . I I lie II. w null la'linol . in the l?a* I'liall i!ia lii.iiol elii'lii:' || c? , .? ii 1 1 In lie i]|.|'K? Willi*- III' > Will 'hlliailv I'll I lie Malnl. Nu mi n will lie | on I lie \Vi ?!v ivllle lil\liWa> . I ii .1 - hi |. Ii a- V\eeK>\llll 1:' MT.ird il il a lait-'or m ii .?? .!? a part oi in-Ill i'in . .in. I ? \.iih.n|, r i i . t klnlW III - W M \ .1 lull llll ||' It A rrah'.'rim i.t hav? li< i ii i-.-m 1 ? ? ? I eil alsn | ??| i|,i> anil in; Ii t |.n lie. |iroli-i-||ii|| fi.|- lli<' V i; M > ? i > ? MIS I'll I'aiUeil ill Hie In II : I'll i n 1 1 . A larrc il? I "at Ion of ii. w pa l"-r hp ii will In- mi hand lor Hn colelii at ion. "lit. laiK**r State i?.i I ii* is will In- i. 1 1 rest ii t i-?l lo -tail in. -ii, as w> II a . various m-w itli eriliW or: .ii.i/al lull!*. Tin* vair ?ianl ol iliejie pr.ihahly will nrii\. Sun <la> . New Traffic Signal Being Installed Opposite Hotel Cily workmen w. r?> tins v Fri day in s( a I Ii ii i- the in u I la fin- roll Irol system whirli is to hi* jjven a :*.u ilay try riu | ;ii dn- Inteis.clion of Miiln ami lfn;u| streets, ns a ' lin-iiH of .'limliia I in: llo- id?jcr||<.u falile "lop" roriier there. Tin* wnrk In li'-inu fii |n rvls.-il In ('mm i- 1 1 ii i.i ii II. Kay Kraimr ami llici ilenially. Mr. Kramer Is t:hinu Ii i ?< - Hervlri-K without |?a.v. Tlii' rout ml rout ii vance has three Iklils. KmI Indicates fnr traffic to stop. Kieen permits If to move iilo-iiil, a ml u yellow, or "caution" lie.lit Hashes on for a few Mi'i'oiillH wlli'll I lie nt llCI'.H nr?' about to chain;*'. Hie Ituhts an* operated automatically from a lit tie univ house attached- to a li'le |ilioiie pole alongside the Alhe marie Pharmacy. Mr. Kramer stated Friday tliat I he device prohahly woiilil In* completely installed ami in woik Inu order hy Monday ult'lii jio.h wlldy In-fore. In the event that It falls In Collie ll |i to spi-clllca t Ioiik, or otherwise 1 1 1 oven unsatisfac tory, it Ih to he returned to llo* Norfolk company which whippet! II here for the trial |tcriod. One litth- matt' r Is hoiherlui; M(> n I if folks In connection with the ii|i|iarnliis. They are wonder Ins: whether tin- hui'.e wriKoiiK us. d In hauliiik |Mitato barrels will no iiii , il ii II safely, or whether xiiiih- i-ii ? t? rprlsiiiK wa>:oit driver will carry ? I off with him, quite uiiliili utloii ally, when Ii* passes hem-ath II. Mr. Kramer thinks the Hi;ht Is lilrh . noimh to lie Mifi from that hazard, il'.laiinr it i? an hir.h iii the arc li^lit thai II Ik ie|daclnr. IIOICAII IIOPKS PKOIIK WILL AltOdSK PKOPLE Falrth Id. Idaho. All v. I Sen alor William 10. Itorali In an ad drniN |?re|iureil for delivery at tin annual I'loticer Ilay celebration at Camas Prairie hi-re today declared that ".dattllhK revelation# as to iex|ien?lltur?';i of money in ihr lions revetfl that "motii y lias entile to he the movlui: powi r In Amer lican polit lew. " tie exprWwcd the wish that the i xposure of "money In |i>illt lew w ill Kiirc.-.-d in arntisloK the peo? pie to tin rial piohh III hefori* us," in pralsiiiv, llo* work of Kcnatoi Jiimm A. lie. il. Democrat, ami his special Inveilli'iiliiu; cominltl'e. Nine Stor> llo?telry Decid* eil I | m 1 1 1 . (Linked by llumUome Vreatle unci by iiiirai;!' ami Stores FACES KOI 1 1< STREETS Directors Irpe Full < (H>p eration of Siiirkholder^ Kxprcosii^ Hope of I'rmnpt I'nymentH l'laiiN fur the Virginia Dure Ha iti. to h. ciiTtpd here at a cost of rliKU* to half a million dollar*, wire approved yesterday at ft , ill* * I inc. of tin- directors of the ] Kit/abet h I'lly Ill-ti l Co i po ration, I). Robinson, president of the (corporation. announced tcday. Js pi ritkraiioii-! ai? to be prepared I ill llti ne\t Ittu weeks, to be placed in Ilit- hands of prospective hiddets willi I In idea of letting nmlrarti for con miction Septem ber ir.. 1 Tin* ii?'W In it 1 1 is io lie nine tforli-s high, tow?rnw; far above (all other structures in Mm busl ? ih-ss district. 'I'll.* upper floors, I on which I In- loo bedrooms uth to be situated, will command an ex I ????lb-ill vi' W of Pasquotank River >in if k southward sweep toward Al I heiuurle Sound, and the cool I l?r? i ?/??.; from the river will prove an added ullrarllon hi summer | time. In disrusaiui; I lit- construction j of ib*: Virginia liare, Mr. Kobin j son stated I bat tlo* officers and directors of Ho* hotel corporation win- workiiiK hard, and entirely without pay. to Inxure the erec-' i lion of n hostelry that would raaei i III i /.a In ih Hity'a future well as I pr< ni io i ll - 11?* ury?-d that the ' f lie futh'Ht extent in Ibe under | taking, and expressed tbe hope l bar ii would ool io- m cinHary (or I In- directore to fake drastic steps ' lo collect llo' stock subscriptions, j a;: lias In -en the raw* III Norfolk and elsewhere that hotels have ' lieen lliianced by -community stock ' sales. There iin- more than 500 ' stockholders in tlo- Virginia Dare j Hoi. I. The n< w hotel is .to be built In tl?i e major construction units. I The hot. I structure proper will be situated at tin1 Intersect lou of Me Moriine and Feurinr. streets, with tin- miiln I'tilranei' on Mc.Morrlutf, Maul. < il lo f h " north by an attratj ' live coffee room. L'll by liU real, and on the south by three ntoree, leach IK'--;, by to feet, and each I havltii' window di- play space Ip I III! hotel lobby, ih Well as on thft 1 street. Aii n rc,*wl? -17 ? feet wide and 1 1111 feet tb'fp will be built from , M ii in street thiouih the heart ftf the st|iiaft- to the lobby, and will I conl a I u several stores on th? I u ton ml floor, riirmouuted by ft j buh'on y around which 14 offlcee I will be iiiHtiilled, with an attrac ? five skylight above all. (hi the Polndexter street -id,, the directors have acquired (lie jenil/e frontage from the MeCfttM Ac tirlec store oil Main street, to i Fearing street. Thla will eoa^ I them to double Hie si/e of the hotel later, if conditions Justify. For i lie present, ibis tract will ba imed as a site for a Karaite 77 tjy tlo fill . to be operated In conjunc tion wlib Ibe hotel, and for three stores on r<flodexicr street* to I'ethi-r with a rilllilg station 39 by 'l V feel at I'olmli xier and Fearing .ireeiM. This unite will represent an investment of to $40. ooo, according lo Mr Robinson, alid should return a revenue of , f .'>,000 a year. Resides ibe stores, lobby and 'coffee shop, the first floor of the .Virginia Hare will bouse a bsrbef shop, situated conveniently on the ' Fearing street aide, with an en ' trance from the street. The lobby I Is to extend through the building to FearltiK street also, but Is to have no entrance there, the direc tors regarding that as unneceeaary in view of the nearness of Ifcft McMorine street entrance. The i telling of the lobby is lo be It feet high, to assure an attractive per* pec I Ive. lis dimensions are to be 2M by 00 feet. ; (Mi the second, or mexxanlnn floor, a spacious assembly room 90 by 27 feel will overlook McMof* ine street Thl? Is to he used for dam-lnt;. conventions, large ban quets and the like, and It will have facilities for direct service from the hotel kitchen. On thill floor also the hotel dining room will be situated. It Is to be 31 by 4 C feet. The upper seven floora of the Virginia Hare will house the guest rooms, which are to be deelgnufej and furnished In keeping with the mo- 1 modern arrangement*. Oft each floor there will be a suit* of three rooms which may be used separately or together, and ftleo three pairs of room* similarly connecting. The suites will over look Pasquotank River, which Is expected to add measurably to [their desirability. TODAY MM) IIII SI IN TIIK CI.ASSII IKII ? to ko to w?> almiil bavin* your mof r<- faired or rIkmiI (c<'I t iii :* ti im*w roof. Clue '< ion 1. Wh? rr to find n furnlslod or u ii f it i ft ?)>:irt nont for lictit hiMiNikri'iiliiK with nil iikmIi'i ii convert Ifnfr*, riaHMiflrHtloii 10. Wh**ri' to Ihi v n j.ood kit ond IihihI count Clari fication II.

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