Elizabeth City Is to Tell Quarter Million Motorists Of Its Many Attractions I liambrr of (jiiiimrrcc Sijsns Up for Space in Special Edition of the American Motorist AI-SO IN GlIIDK HOOK American Automobile As ,* sooiation to Broadcast Ad vantages of tin- Atlantic Nioantal lligliHay Contract for publicity which should reach three quarters i?f a million automobile owners in th" United States was signed Saturday by President E. L'. Conger. of the Chamber of Commerce, on behalf of Elizabeth City, through an ar rangement whereby Elisabeth City will have a full page of advertis ing and much supplementary rend ing matter in the October num ber of the American Motorist, of ficial organ of the American Auto mobile Association. The rtty also will be advertised in 100.000 reprints of the special section of the American MotoHst dealing with this part of the coun try. and these reprints will be dis tributed through the association. In addition, there will be reading matter and advertising relating to the city and sectiou in the guide book for the Southeastern States, published by the association, and of which half a million copies have been sold, according to 1). Allen, of. Washington. i> c . Held representative of the big motorists' organisation. The contract was signed after a conference between Mr. Allen and W. H. Evans, of Greensboro, as sistant manager of the Carolina Motor Club, and President Conger snd several members of the board of directors of the Chamber and representative local business men. Elizabeth City Is to receive ail the foregoing publicity for an outlay of $535, of which $3rt0 will be pui4 for the full page advertise ' i|t. and $175 for the publicity in (he guide book. Mr. Conger and the others In t? tested In the project plan to ask th? City Council and Board of County Commissioners, the Kl ^fraiils and Itotary Clubs and other ^organizations to help raise the $535. Messrs. Allen and Evans stated that In every city in I In eastern part of the State In which they had presented the proposi tion, it had been accepted. They gave these cities as Rocky Mount, Wilson, tioldsboro, Wilmington, New Hem, Washington, Williams ton and Edenton, adding that Ed enton already had subseribed three-fourths of the $535 before they left there Friday. Mr. Allen stated that the Octo ber number of the American Mo torist would have * special 1?> page section devoted to the Atlan tic Coastal Highway In its sweep through North Carolina, of Wiileh eight pages would be in reading matter and attraetive illustrations, and elKht panes In advertising. He gave the cireulation of the maga tlne as approximately 130.000. and emphasized Its value from the fact that It was placed directly in the hands of motorists and therefore potential tourist*. Messrs. Allen and Evans ex plained that they were logging this part o/ the Atlantic Coastal High way as they went along, and would finish when they reached Norfolk late Saturday. This log ging consists in obtaining data for strip maps for publication in the association's guide books and else where. and in gathering general road Information of value to tour ists. The remarkable attractions of Northeastern Carolina from a tourist's standpoint were empha sised by both of the visitors from fi four angles of scenic beauty, torlc associations, good roads. ; 1 climatic advantages. They declared motor tourists could trav el through this section in entire' comfort during at least 11 months' In the year, and predicted that thero would be a very lars ? In frer.ae in tourist traffic in the next' year or two, when road and other projects now under way had been completed. Before they left. Messrs. Allen snd Evans were taken over for a glimpse of the Elisabeth City Cuinttf Club. They expressed V<" mselvea as delighted with It. sr>d an confident that It would prove an Important factor In th? f rowth of the city. In discussing advertising, they i dieted that within five years, Klizahcth City would be spending $15,000 In municipal funds an tiiiaily for that purpose, citing the fact that Ashevllle was spending $150 000 this year to fell the World of Its attractions. Font KILLED WHEN IIOILKK KXPMH>KSi Or. ? nwood, 8. C.. Auk. 14. Four persons, one white msn snd thro^Q. wroes. were killed here to f',p explosion of a boiler at fta^planr of the Self Lumber Com > pAr . 8. '.en others were Injured ^P.ltdead are Ernest Jarrett, 1*. ' Hbn 8# f i^rlntendent C. L. Jar David Harris, 2 4. negro Are ?n; and Elltott Walter, 12. Decidedly Unusual Verdict In Case In Court Here | A decidedly unusual judgment was ordered by United Stale Com missioner T. H. Wilson, officiating as trial justice in recorder's court i here today ill the absence of Judge P. C?. Sawyer, in a ca*e In which John Trueblood was charged with assault with a deadly weapon on Tom Munden. Both live in this jelty. Mr. Wilson found Trueblood guilty. and fined him $'>o and costs. stipulating that Ik* pay $lu and costs and that tin* remaining $40 l?e suspended in the nature of -a hoiul for a period of six months, 'conditional on good behavior. Kvldence in the ease was that Trueblood and Munden iiad an al ienation last night at home on ? Beaeh street where Munden is a j roomer. Trueblood daimcd Muu* 'den slabbed him under the left arm with a knife, or similar in strument. Muuden denied that. I and exhibited scratches across his face and a sizeable bruise on the back of his head which lie claimed Were iuflicted by Trueblood. Mr. Wilson's son. Representa tive J. Kenyon Wilson, appeared in the rase as counsel for True blood. and urged that the $10 [?"bond" be taken off his client. < "Do you want to pay the whole j$5o now?" the elder Wilson quer ied. "No. I don't want to go that strong." the younger replied. That I closed the incident. Trial Justice Sawyer is spend jing a short vacation with his fam ily at Virginia Beach. In 'the ab sence of Prosecuting Attorney J i llenry I^Hoy. Jr., who has been j spending a week at Nags Head. ] Attorney C\ K. Bailey represented jibe State in the court session. ; Courtroom spectators gave Act ting Trial Justice Wilson full credit I for showing ijot the slightest dc igree of partiality toward his son i in the action in which the latter was attorney for the defendant. CONVENTION WAS BEST EVER HELD County < .'mumi?*ioiier?> Kealizc Value of Such Meeting* Now Raleigh. Aug. 1 4 - The annual 'convention of the Slate Associa tion of County Commissioners j which Just ended in Morchead jClty was Ihe most beneficial ses sion that has yet been held, accord ing to those from Raleigh who were present at the convention, and ihe county commissioners are 'realizing the value of these meet ings. In fact, so helpful are they ! proving, that at the next annual (convention to be held at Chimney 'Rock next August, not only will the county commissioners be pres ent. but the county auditors, sher iff*. and all other county officers, will meet Jointly with the com missioners. in an effort to learn how to better administer their i county's business. The county commissioners pres I ent at the session from more than 50 counties in the State, showed great interest in all the matters jlaken up before the convention, 'but were especially Interested In ;the report of the Commission on County CJovernment, of which Dr. |K. C. Brooks was chairman, and in which seven present defects In county government were pointed [out and remedies for each suggest j i cd. Although Dr. Brooks told the icommisMloncrn very plainly just where they were to blame, and did not spare them in the least, hi* frankness won instant approval and when Ihe report of the com missioners almost unanimously, ani II was read section by section. | An interesting and Instructive 'address on the workings of the State school equalization fund, and how ii affected the various coun ties. was presented by A. T. Al len. State Superintendent of Pub lb- Instruction, Who showed that the working of Ihe school system was still far from perfect, and who advocated the eight months school term as a step forward. Other ad dresses were mnde by Frank Par ker, Stale Statistician, explaining the value of the farm census, and by Hoy K. Brown, of the State Department of Welfare, on wel fare work in the State and In Ihe rounties. TAX KM ro HONffTAI. Mrs. W. D. Mllbr has r?turn?d after being with her daughter. Mrs. W D. Holjowell at Winfall. who has been very III for some time. Mrs. Hbllowe|| has been taken to Ihe St. Vincent Hospital 'at Norfolk, she was accompanied ; by her father. W. D. Miller, and her husband, W. D. Hollowell, of Winfall. \ ? f? U .? * i I Iron Wbrker Inherits $5, 01)0, 000 1 ?u>> t we?'k John Cooper, his* *lf? h nd their four child" n lividj in a flat over a atore in Kcwan--e, Illinois, wlv-re Cooper worked'] at* an iron worker, lint thiK week ho is worth $5,000.(100. CiNipcr'i grandmother, a wealthy Virginia landowner. died and 1- ft him that amount. The Cooper* an- ahown above; below is tin- llat which they will ttooti leave for a thirty-room mansion in ll??' Sl;? nandoah Val ley. NOSES TURNED CHARLOTTE WAY |{uciii? Motor* Exported to Do Spectacular Stunt* During Sport Kvnil | Raleigh. August 14. ? Four front-wheel drive "baby" racing Imotorn, powerful but until recont ! ly untried product of tho Miller factory in California will bo en tered among (lie competing speed > craft for the race in Charlotte on ! August 23. according to a tele graphic announcement received here today. For year* the'front wheel drive racing car has been considered unsafe and not until Karl Cooper's spectacular success at Salem last month did this type of xpeed boat obtain support. Dave l^ewi*. an iiidoiunitable pilot who has aided materially In the de velopment of the front-wheel drive type, will use his car in the classic here. Lewis has consistently piloted ; his front-wheel mount over the principal track* of the country. He has also suffered some bad spills, but the new devices are develop ing a high speed which has gained the front-wheel mechanism many supporters among the princes of the roaring road. Leon Duray. i the veteran, and Peter Krels are 'bringing brand new mount* of this itype. It Is granted by sport* writers over the country that the new sprint race idea is conducive to j high npecd. What the comblna tlon of new motors and front wheei drive ears may produce in lyet a matter of conjecture. It i* well known here, however, that many Icadinx deniien* of th?- roar in* road have nones turned toward iCharlotte and the sprint* expect ing some very classic driving on the eliptlcal track here. TWO MKN HOLD UP ? AND HOB MAIL TRAIN Rawlins. W.vo., Aug. 14. Two men early today held up and I robbed the mall car of the Union ! Pacific train number five, Chicago to Portland. Oregon, mail and ex 1 press train between Itawiln* and Wainflutter. The loss had not yet been deter- j mined this morning by railway ; authorities. The men boarded the ' train at Rawlins and while it wu* j npecdlrig went entered the mail i coach where at the point of i? vol vers they hound two mail Clerks \ and then rifled several reglMpred letter pouches. Then e vidently by arrangement with confederate-* the semaphore signal at Wamsut ter was changed so that the trAin ' slowed and the two robbers ? Jumped off the tnail coach while the train was moving at 15 mlieg an hour. Wamsutter Is 41 mile* went of Rawlins but the robbery was nol discovered until It ws? noticed that the two mall clerk*, A. J Miller and Jack Madigan. did not dAlltar at Roe* s?rla*a. ? ? ? ! . * BEGIN ON FINAL FEEDER HIGHWAY Qoiistruction force* at work on PuHquotunk Qounty'H "f? d? r road" program'. a u t li o r I z ?? <1 through a bond isKiic pan? d by the last fieneral Asm inlily, ?i i - swinging into tin' !u>t lap of their I ask llils Ik'eek, hating begun til unloading of material for con struction of n concrete lii^liWiiy ; lover the rout'- of tin- lllver Road, to run 2.ti mil> s from tin h riiiimiH of the Newland fliuhway ut New Innd Methodist Church to 11 point In Newland township Just h.yoiid Brothers' ntorc . Const ruction of the River Itoad will require about tiO day*. under normal condition*, according to. County Ktmin< >-r J. It. Ford, who ; HUpelVltdllg the work. This will ? complete tin prcaent "fe? d< r road" program, and already llier-' Ih much discussion of the advis ability of a new hfind home of $250,000 to rarrv the program farther. The Si tumid* Creek and Salem roads. In lower Pasquotank Comi ty. already have been finished, In eluding tin- necensary grading. The Esllp road has been hard sur faced and opened to traffic, and grading on It will have been hn Ished by next Saturday, according to Mr. Ford. Fork. Body and ('carina roads, the remaining three links In the njvtpm, Were completed sometime ago. WEATHER CODY LAUGHS NOW AT FALSE PROPHETS. National Capim! llmto-l 1'tarr in Nalimi I'-Nri-pt IMioruix. \ri/.:?!ia. I'liiirMlay of I li> YY Ml IIK VI I.KSS HAYS I.HIIS IM?lanf?' ami Ama teur l i>rrru>li'r? Mi->f<l It Mam Mil< " 1 !!,"ir dictions I li i- Y i'ar lit liolir.itT T. sm *1.1. <C??yo?hi. fc' "" ' *V.i hlm-lim. A lit. i I 'I'll- I'" 1 in-. ??? >'"11111111 lis* li*'''U lw'" . . .i ..mi. i? -??Hi- tii-1-"'" lull -I' il r?.--llll 1 I' |? ? .an whi.ll w , h i on III >u ?ra?|. (. r 111.. i ., ,| t?? WMl 11.. n.ipl li.il "t IMiih-iiix. Art/" 11.1. \v.i?liliiutim .iu Tliiiri.>l.ir ??' ill, hoili-M tli?' lliil-rl.il" " l?. ,.i I lie (iill.il fliU-- '"I"'" ii.. i.. Hi. Wiaih.-r llnri .M. I ?... Ilir.e il.-ni'..; ii ? "? S;. ii Anloiihi. down in <!??' ? ii. riK-liial sunshine. l.nVI'I'IIIIK'Kl ?|l'|?lir1ll??'lll- ??**'* f ? ii iiit it neee* ary to dlMiii'* Hn-lr ?!. rU ? aH? r u '??> * s,'rv ,r Tblft 1* l.t r ???>!>' due ??? Hi- ??"' |.:.,?v of I In KoVelllinelll Inir.-HI Mill art* lion? <1 ill Ml** * l? ??l?*?i ~ ?,r\" Wuildinns const ru?-leil dui'iiir. I In- war. SoiiU' of these hulhhn"* are I'll mm i' Hijiu card l?oard\at l .ir ami wlii-w llw siimim ' *1?? i.ai down tii"?n iu*-"" "??> h, ,l "V; t. citable own-. *'? many lu'ik an* overcome by ill'' heat '?> " the rest of the *l|n'1' their section anil ihi' roult ??< a Mo|i|iukc ?f govern m "III a I fair- for i hi' time belli!!. . Yd I III* b at ware which I r.ni-InK so in lull I rouble at 1 ??" I in ? i m**ii 1 . anil which oiiKbt i" ni.iK' i v< n Pr?' -idem C ooli.li:.' glad 1 ' 'he i.u up where the nltthtn ???' ? not wn|i|re?edeiilcd by ati> im-atm. Tli. ?.iiili<-r hnri-.i 11 ?ii'l 'in ul v h vs resourceful reenrd* -un show you I here have been many ?toller spell*. Il I" ?? v,,r Uu% ,ot or loo ?'??ld for the weather bu reau io do ibis. but lb- luuiet ol former yearn never Imve the ef ?. fee i << of HiHi'llorutliiK present day Iflnumatanceii. ' Congress acted at lis last ion to replace snmo of llu* uu-iii'' i abb- ? nil undesirable building* which li-ivi- liffli inarrinK ' ???? prl-i of III" tlril loli.il riipil.il -III*1 prnvliiK liiiili lnirili*liii? i ? ? I"""' pari nr Iho mivi riinn'iil p';rmiul" I lull 11 will I"' ? Rli'iil >'l?llv, lufiiri' tin- rtiimrlnii'iitiil Ii" proKram Uns liocti cnrrM tnrwiirii I., a |.olnl wIhti- I In- > Klrurluri ?. Willi II li'iv <"in<-,"" , in lu'llift it. nr' ilit allv flmiir H way with. 5omi.lhl.Ht lilt*? lall.OOO.IMI" noon l? I" !?? Mlifiiili''! I" till* il" Irlct of I'iilumhla l?H imwailaya even thai I."*.- mini i1'"" l1"' to R'i a lol.u wa.v In proviillii Kovi'Dimi'ilt ni'i'it*. Il ls ;l 'i,lf '' i-iintrri.it to t hi rtayn f"l*,,w',,K lirlt ImIi m*i iip.i' In" '?! aahl.iKti ii w hi* ii Ihr I'nlli'il stai. . <;, v''r" nil-tit linrmwiil $2?ll.ti"iii tr..lii lh lilati* of Maryla.nl to bullil ailm.n Utral Ion strurtun-a. Muiiilin'1 I hire bus hoi-n ai-m. M-rliiUH illHFUMilon as to why IU< KiiTcrnmrlil ilep?rini-nl? of " " ItiKton ahonlil not follow int- i' ' IiIiii. Into fairer milliner t.i-lil i-ai'h year. JllHt a" Ihi i oiijil It lltloli I. mp|..i-|.|l to follow Ihi. llnx. Slim.- of tl"' larKi'r for.-lBii i inhii^ ami Ifltatloii. a. . r? lii" il I" WaKhlnRton movr tln-lr i-i.tiri- fm - ,PH |? Miir.li.rn Moinhiiri- ami (Conltnui'd on pn??' ? ? Woman Pilot in Air l our Mrs. Suhjin 1% 1 1 1 lit ?-?? i.i t'iiK'iniiiili i* lli?- only woman |*i I ? in (lit- r??nl l:> Inihiiii'. in will eh l?n i|n/? n roiiimciriiil |i!.?n< s itn- i:i:il.in. :m ? \> nih il ?ti?m ? -nin lit i y tllvlii in provi* tin ir flimli Null I Sir I a In ;?t|. (i liau w IkiHi slf ! it K ? ? - Into (lit1 ovKjiil Willi h?T. Colored Dance Has Sequel in Court Session Here A : '*ll< ill (ItMlirtMIHV ;it ,1 1*4 it - ? ?r?d flat on Sin |i,i rd Jitrtfl lliurMday night, in which ih-n w;ii* Mini" l?-;litiii- (mi iiii larjii* amount of liai'iii <!? ?n ? , ciiuuKt'ii much nt i In* atii ni i??n of ii-ciird* t'l's court Saiuru.il iMiti'iiin:*. with Aeiinc Trial Jii?tlc* T. It. Wilson ? ? 1 1 Mic In iirli. ami Attorney i,'. 10. Ila i Icy m i' viii:; as luoMcufur. lid. Jmii'M, ui'i'iiM'il of utftfiiiilt ?i jm m Willie Kin i* J im| Norman Uiirv v. r< jiiNvlivi'ly, wan found urn i: ii ill v In tlx former ciim', and was Hn- il $11) ii ml comih in flu- lal t? r. Hi- wan Ii ? -Id hIso in <!? lanlt ol I, Mm] for |,i.: ii|?|M a rancc in court Monday uiiitriiti:; in con nection wllh a soisiii-udfil Juda iihiiI ini|ii>sid l?i.*4t h|iriim on a pliar;o ol ciuIm'jcxIi im nt. jmlu ih? lit ha v ill'-; Iwcn prayed upon Iiivmi illation ol I'Vidcm ? that lie had fail' d lu |c|iay |iioii"V Ik Uitc cluii'^Ml witu Im \ I np I'luli :i l rom I) It'. Mnruati a. Cniuiiariv . hi.*. ? m |doy. is. hi liin turn, Noiiiian llarviy wha nlpiin ii to !M) iliiv*? on tip' roads on a charm* or cafryint* con cealed wcii|i'?iik. ami wiic lined $ii and com It; for l?< inu drunk and dis orderly. Il<- a|?|nnlud lo Sii|r-rior (Jouit. and hh^ put iindrl $L'IHi liond. Thll.s Clld'd till- ? |?lr**>?l? of flu- dance. Floyd .Sawyer Muhmilted lo a chart'- of ha vint; failed to display lli<- proper II v It t ^ on IiIh nutoiiio hih . ami was lit ofr iiimhi pay nr ui of tin- court cos in. I ll VICI.K IUINKKK IS IN NKKII laiAUIUAN Allanla, A up. It. A Kuaidlan fo iidinlnlsti r I lie affair* of W. I). Mauley. indicted y<n1eidny hv the Full on County prand jury in con iH'Ctlon wi'h (hi- cloMlnt; of tlii' Farmer* ami Tradi ri? llauk of Al lanla of which In- Im president. wan hoiiuIiI today at the lu-arlut con ducted h< fori Ordinary Thomas it. Jclfrlcx. Allegation* w< rc m:<d<- that flic hunk* r is ui* ni ii I ly iri''ii|?:iriiui> 'I. As 500, (HH) Gallons Of Oil Went Up A rarf photograph of a pr- iU (Irr! Kr**h fl*nirt burnt out or th*- blllowini nn?'int ? ? ?>f smoko. 'driving watcher* bnok from It- !lf?r*!* h?af. JiiM a* thi? r^nifw was ?n*pp'(l. Halt i mo* ? Maryland, flrrmnn w*?r?* helpl****, rtv* wci? t?ur?M. an flani^a ravaged th*? American Oil Company Ktdi?K?* tank*, containing & 0 ft, 000 gallonr \Oimi < iKOLIM II OM l \ IS K I III n /\ 77? II \ U KH K Calvriimi. N. V . .\wa. 1 I. Mm. v.- \. Shufoid u! Kill mon-. Carolina. ?h. d today in a Southampton hospi tal a:: a r.-Milt of tin* laniu 1*1 iml Kiiilroail wrork In r?- l:i*t niuiit . Slit was* |>l ii (Mil it iid ? r tin* WKrkiiur fl v?* hours la-Tun* tx-iiiu If ? ?l l>\ rt'HClir win k< is. Tin- mini Iter of d? ail r< inalinil al siv, liowpvi, tin I! wa? l< arm d that Jauii'H K, Way. ltronkl>n IimsIii??h man. a >U|> lior'i il victim. was mil kill- il. Mr?. Slmforil H iwu cli ll<S r?-n . '.Sforuc, iik<cI llipf. and Doro thy I ?iMil*f. nni> year old, kilhd in lli?' w ?'<??' k. Mrn. Sim ford dl.d without knowing ln-r *hlldr<-ii had h?'?>n killed. H?t ?mshaml is an nltoriii?y of Aslii - \ ill**. North Carolina. SIm- and lu*r rliildmn were ? II tho way to visit tin- lain* I; land rountry home of her nap lit h. HANDLING BALE COTTON CHEAPER Kx|M'M??? DrcrniM-d in I^ikI | I'our Warn, Suyn (iolton (irowrrM* Association italridi. Aiik. H. Tlti' I'xiicnM1 in In* >i?l 1 1 n u h hiilc of cotton Iiiim hecn dccrca*inu mI tidily, #2.4ii Iki vine hern ciii from Ihl.s cox! In j I he Inxl Toil I' yearn, I In- picMiit Mm ml hcliiK only a hale, MC : cording lo tli<! Niatcuicnt of oper. jiitlfiK cxpeiim-a oT tli>' North Car ollna Collon lirowiTR' Asocial Ion, lor tin four-year period ending July ol, I82H. This sin 1 1'iiM' tit hIiowh Unit III*' uVoruKc font of 'handling it hale of cotton In 1H22 wan $v.| | as compared with |J#.i;s ut pri-Koui. Tho IIHKOrltttloil iltHfl HIIIIOIinCI'N iii.it It Iihh reached tin- point : wIiiti- li can borrow money ?h 'cheaply from tin hanks mh from Its no-ill hi-ni. mid lloit It hn>ir re paid lo It k m?'iiibern Iohiin nggre eating Itfiit.CO, from It* 1922 re nerve fund. Thin monoy wmh .loaned lo I li ? - iiKHuciat Ioii by no-ill* brr* during t )i? lit Ht year of II h ? o|M-rt Von. mid represent* one per I font on Hir proceed* of cotton t* in I '.>22. Ilurlnx I ho pant M-HKon Ho- c?t t?>n association haiidh d Hi t.l 7 J hah;- hi a n?'t <<|" rating nn?t hand i Dak ' \|i' iikc of l'i IO.H.VI. Potir ynirit nuo lli<< association handled only l!Sf*.9i2 liali'M at a not coil of $I.I02,&2::< It la *|iolni? d out l?y ili<> officer* <fi the association thai this hIhIi* iii' nt of continued and growing ? conoiny In In sharp contract with the allegation* of ? xcokmIv ? xp"n d It urea which f'-.i'ur'd tin* lo-ar Ing* thai led to Ihr dissolution of Iho Toliaer?, tit iiwi s Cooperative Association. The association is generally Hh|i< at the time of making the dmIc to *rfiir<- h price sufflih nlly iilKivf III'' price at which an out Hide grower .ran *? II hi* cotton to more than pay the operating po?t ; (if $2. OT* h hale. It is explain* d. Tlo handling charge* (if I A . L 9 a hah ran he comp? nsati d for hy a ? rising mark' t. July ( olton Krpnrl Washington. AOir. 1 I. Onlton consumed durlnic July tot ailed 1 | s hale* Of lini and *1.240 ; ImIck of llnfer* eoi*p i red with IS. 504 hale* of lint snd *&.0* I I of llnter* In June thin year, th" Onsim Bureau announced today. RECORDS OK WAR TO BE PUBLISHED ARE INCOMPLETE W ill Im' l>i>ii|?|M>iiititiK lo TIiom- \\ |,? H,.a||y Hop*. 1<> I -ran i W hat W eill on During I lun Time Miu:il W AS ORAL Ami ( "ii-iilrr.ililr of the I 'Urri>|M>ii<li'm'r Wast Per sonal mid Is Not on the OflTieiul Ki-vtiriN ??> IIUIII I.AUIiKM K lCo?..?|. |,?. k. I,. W ""lillltliin. \ut. I I- Drrlllm "I in. Ihi.artin.iu or stain to mak- imbllr mieli (ll.-n ? h>, it**' rnrri-HiHindoiice be it Hi.' l ull.. I Sliiti'M ?nd for Wm ami dur ?. " W ill* 1 1 . 1 I.I l-?-(| t|ll q||C|. Ililll ..I IiiiW I, ||,,.80 r(,c. .ord* really will he. l'"i Hi. mm innormoat wuikliiKs <>t Am. -i Iran diplomacy ii? I J "" |i"lu"H",? iiiat i '? at ?.,ik in shaping Am i.' l"i>ii-> ???!.? wrliit-n In nif ?inianila ol vUilil, , ncw ?i'ciir.'.l l.t II,. depart in. nl rills is imnh .1 1|. 1(1 th), fan Dial I'r. slili'nl Wilson car "" ?' denes wlili ninny ambassadors and mln i" ?"*1 "ml *1' all II, rough ' 1 House ??n many important mailers. Mr. Wilson's letters to the Col ? bearing on the v,> v, r been made IMildic- Imcmuh,. of an objection by j ? Similarly. there i>a>. Ih?.|i rumors current lately that the Milter* of Colonel House's hook h have declined to aurrender oriKlnala or copies of Mr. Wilson's | ! * f,,r UH' ?? W lino ii biog raphic* which are being prepared hy Kay Stannard Maker. So l?>ii ? an this controversy laata het wti'ii Individuals who are lni? i'<Mted In hook publication for ??oiiim, -rc-ial purpoHeM the Depart ment of Slate will Im- without Its complete act of records. Some day. It i* hoped (hat all the Indl vlil.ii.ln to wliom Mr. Wilson wrote on matters of foreign policy will *?e the uni fnlncMN to the histor ian in depositing copiea or orig inal* with the Department of Stale. Thin may take several y**?ra hut not until that haa been done will the official records which arc about to be printed "ory" l,,,,rl1 lo t,lc of his Mr. Wilson wrote some of his co m tn u ii lea l Ion h on hi* own tvoe ! writer. It in supposed that he Kept copies of most of them but I he effort of the WIIhoii family to recover letters now in the pohhb* |mIoii of Colonel House Ih taken as proof that I he war I'realdenl did not retuin copies or some of the most important documents bear ing on American entrance Into the wa r. Much of the diplomacy of tb& war was carried on orally. Many reports of conversations were made in personal letters. The lil.iKtai.il, r? ?r Mr. Wilson hav. virtually ail of these. They were carried away from the White Hoiihi personal IIIoh by Mr. Wilson just as has been the personsl cor respondence of other I'renldenti! There Im iio sharp line between of llrlal and unofficial, executive and P? rsonal correspondence In the White House. In most administrations- the Department of State |H usually the [dominant factor in the making of ' foreign policy. Ilccause Mr. WU j son was really his own Secretary of State most of the lime, the ree ords of the war period largely were mad** by him That Is wfcjr tlx announcement that the fortb ; com in u vol u lie 'H lo he published covering war correspondence will prove a disappointment to those who really hope to learn the no five for action taken In the name Of Die l nlted State* <;0v eminent beginning with I ?? I | and ending ; In I !? 20. TIIK WINSTON-SALEM SKNTINEL IS SOLO Winston Salem, Aug. 14. An nounced^ nt wan made today of lb- sal. of the Twin City Sentinel, afternoon newspaper here, to ? viidie.il' headed by frank E. Canned, Rochester. New York, publisher. The amount of th<> transaction was not named The other part owner* of tin- publleation are W. M. Ch mens, formally of Knox ville. Tm.ii* Hst-r , unit Warren In galls of Kim Ira. N? w York. Mr. Canneit i < principsl owner of net en New York state dallies. nirroji MAitkicr N-w York. Ana It. Cotton fuiiir.K opened today at the fol lowing level; October 1 4.3ft, De eemlier Ifi.-lfi. January 16.65. March 16. ft ft. New York, AiiKilst 14. ? Spot cotton rlos/?d *m let . mlddllnj I* 00 mii advance ,,f 20 points. Fv l ii res. Closing bid: October 14.33, December 16.51. January 16.53. March I6.ftv. May 16.95. J W. Alexander is slightly Im proved after an Illness of two weeks at his home on West Cy flrset.

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