NO. 193 BRITISH AMBASSADOR VISITS CITY! * * * * * * * * * * * * # # *? S: +? * $ * 1: ? In Readiness at Roanoke Island for Virginia Dare Day Sir Esme Howard Makes DetourTo The Picture City Wireless Message Received Here at 2 O'clock Tuesday Afternoon That Am bassador's Party Will Slop Here and Committee Meets Apache at Coinjock Sir Ksme Howard, British Ambassador, is the honor I guest of Elizabeth City. The news had been heralded for months Uiat the British Ambassador would make the address of the da> at the Vir ginia Dare celebration at Old I'ort Raleigh 011 Wednesday, August 18, but it was not until 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon that the wireless message was received by Secretary K. C. Job of the Elizabeth City Chamber of Commerce that Lord Howard would detour by Elizabeth City, spend the night here, and be the most disti nguished guest at the social event st the Country Club toniirht. ? The message was received through the Pamlico, sta tioned here to take high offi cials of State to the celebra tion tomorrow, from the .Toast Guard cutter Apache, Jhich was conveying Sir Ksmc Howards' party to Roanoke Island. With Ix>rd Howard is Lieutenant Com ' mander S. S. Yeandle, aide to Commandant F. C. Billard of the Coast Guard. Immediately upon receipt of the message a committee from the Chamber of Com merce left in automobiles to intercept the Apache at Coin jock and bring the distin guished guests to the I'icture City of the l'asquotank. KICK \l<l) LOSING NO TIME ('.LEAKING WAY New York. Aug. 17.? lowing no time In lit** ? Iforl to clear 11m* way for the l?? 'iiipfley-Tunney heavy weight title battle here September 1C Tex Hlckard today marshal!* (I an array of l-gal talent to eonsld er court action that culd romp, t tha state licence committer to in nuo a t ins poriult to the champion. BROTHKR MHH. JAfOt'KH 1)1 RH, FIJIKRAt MOM?Al Charles Clyde Shelton. brother of Mrs. F. tl. Jacocka of this* city died at his home In Norfolk Sat urday. The funeral wan conduct ed Monday afternoon. Mr. Shell on wan In the employ of the Norfolk and Western Hall way. and wan Senior Warden In St. Patera Episcopal Church and toacher In the Sunday School. ft MKKTINO AT IIKIIOHOTH ? fievlval services at ltohoboth Via pt 1st Church, Maple, Currituck County, began Monday night with Dr. H. M. B. Jones of 1'ort Nor folk assisting the pastor. Itev. J. B. Sawyer. Service* will he held each afternoon at 3 and each night at 8 throughout the week. WAITKK *POM*a?? %xl* ... |,KT OFF WITH 9* For using an epithet equivalent to an assault, when 0. W. Meek*, now engaged In installlnr an auto matte sprinkler Are prevention system at the Foremaa-Dcrrlckaon veneering mill, demanded to know why the negro could not brlnn him a glass ?f ice water at once. Alex Felton. coloured waiter at the l)uke Inn. was let off with a fine, of and costs sfter a severe rep rtmshd and waplng and after he had stood in open court and apol o-.itod to Mr. Meeks for the Ian M,Not 'having time to dress for dinner. Mr. Meeks had obtained permission to have his mid day; {Mai served in a porch ?dJ?lnlBR th, kitchen, and It wan in the Stele ? that the Thompson and viol* n I rolorM. fMW< "N*1 ft h?nw Cor Immoral pnrpo*. ?. T. I. I off with tHf ro?l> ?tl?' i k?M? fhl? *?? ,hrlr *?J "J ! ., .1 Ih.l ?>">? ?'"?< ? night In J?H- . . - jonM, colored, for f.ilur. , for UW. w.. lei oft on to?U. I International Ode Will Be Sung At j Dare Festival Mauteo, Aug. 17. ? A ft a turo of . the progiam for the celebration of ? i Virginia Dan- Day here tomorrow,] will lie the sinking of what in' ! known uh flu- "International I Hymn." It will lip peeullai ly a p.- 1 propriute. as for I lie? tirst time thej i ISrlt IhIi Nation will be represented ! 'at the celebration, which will! mark III# three hundred and thlr- j ty-ninth birthday of Virginia Dare, flrnt Kngllsh child to be j | born on American soil. Sir Esme 1 Howard. British ambassador, will! ! make the principal address. [ The anthem Is supposed to rep ; resent the union of America audi England. It in nunc to tin- time' of America which Is also the tuu? [ of nod Save th- ivjog. Follow- 1 1 in*; arc the words of tin* hymn; 1. Two empires by the sea j Two nationn great and free One anthem raise. j One race of ancient fame I Oni- tongne, otic faith we claim,. I One <Jod. Whoso glorious Name ; We love and praise. ; 2. What doedR our fathers wrought. What battles we have fought, Let fame record. Now. v?'iiK*'ful passion, cease Com", victories of peac<>; Nor hate, nor pride's caprice rushealh the sword. 3. Tho deep the sea and wide 'Twlxt realm and realm, its tide Hinds strand to strand. So b?- tile gulf between Urey coasts and' islands green With bonds of peace serene And friendship spann'd. 4. Now. may the Clod above Guard (lie dear lands we love, ? Hoih Fast and West. Ix-t lov<* more fervent grow As peaceful ages go And strength >et stronger grow 11 1 casing and Idist. 'fifty arrested in MEXICAN UPRISING j Mexico City, Aug. 17. ? Some; .10 persons have been taken Into I custody in the Federal district charred with having participated . in a plot of wide ramlAcatlonx for' uprising last Sunday against the] government's religious reviila tlons. Additional arrests have been made In other place*. These in- 1 elude the general of the Federal Army whose name is withheld and who was made prisoner In the state of Moreloa. NO RIGHT INTERFERE IN MEXICAN AFFAIRS Paul Smith's, Aug. 17. ? While the petition of the Knights of Co lumbus asking the United States to Intervene In Mexico to protect Catholic churches In the religious dispute with ('resident Calles was not referred to directly It was re iterated today at th* summer Ex ecutive offices in behalf of Pres ident Cool Id ge that the Washing ton Government has no authority under diplomatic uauage, Interna tional law, or treaty tights, to In terfere In the purely domestic af fair. of IfleaMo. Uiw, DANIELS FIRST TO ARRIVE FOR ROANOKE EVENT Here on Karly Train Tiles day Morning Former See retury of Navy Spends (^iiiet Morniiii: AT Vl'OKK ON SI'KKCII Engagements in Near I'll lure Prevent Aeeeplanee of Invilalion lo Slop Over in City on Krturii I rip First of the distinguished gu?**ls lo arrive in Elizabeth Cllv ?uioui>? lo the Virginia Dare c*-i? biatiuii at Fort Raleigh on Itnanoke I>| and Wedm sduy was Jos. phuu Daniel:*, editor id tin* N'.-wm ami OUft-rviT unit Secretary i ( the Navy in the Wlliuin adtiilnist rj: (ion. Apprised that In* would have lo be here at G o'clock in tin* morn ing in order tu make tin* trip in the Uovernment cutter 1'amllco and with two speaking engau-1 luentfl on bin hands, Mr. Daniels derided that he Would spend Tuih day at work in Elizabeth City. Taking the Norfolk Southern train at Raleigh Monday night, then, he arrived in Elizabeth City early Tuesday morning and kept ho close to bin qua rlern in tile South |ern Hotel that comparatively few people here were apprised of IiIh presence in the city until lie up p*ar<-d iu the hotel dining room at dinner. Mr. Daniels will be a member of the party making the trip to Roanoke Island Wednesday on the Pamlico, returning Wednesday night. The Pamlico is now sche duled to leave here upon arrival of the morning train from Raleigh. Pressed to remain and be Itotary speaker at the Rotary luncheon this week. Mr. I)anlelM Ha Id that It would be his very great pleas ure to do ho but that speaking engagement* In Western North Carolina and Tennensee In the im mediate future would necessitate his return to KalHgh by Thurndny morning. Though Mr. Daniel* will make what might be called a flying trip to Roanoke Inland to attend the celebratlon. Ren Dixon McNeill of tin- News and Observer staff will put it all over hi* chief for speed Mr. McNeill. Mr. Danieln said, was hoping to make arrangements to go bv airplane from Roanoke Isl and to Raleigh immediately upon the close of Wednesday's program and to reach IiIk dentinal ion in time to get liiR complete story of the celebration In Thursday'!* News and Observer. Others besides Mr. Daniels ex pected to make the trip 1o Roan oke Islami on the Pamlico Include former Congressman and Mrs John H. Small, Congressman and Mrs. Llndxay Warren. Congress- j man Homer Lyon, Rishop Jaimn E. W. Cook of Greenville, Judge and Mrs. Francl* D. Winston of Windsor. Ceneral A. J. Rowley of Fort Kragg, President Harry Woodburn Chase of the I'nlversity (Continued on page 4 i These Twins Tennis Queens Pr*-xci)tinu J? t ii' iir Kij/jarrfll twin irnnw t-tuirii|ilom* in -iM l'nlv?TKii>- 'Ai'cuiiMiiH *umnM ! n< ImkiI. Tliey rw<?nlly wun iht- UimiMm til !<? in InXiiMinMil f'lu.v while Ml** JchkIc iiIwi >'ii|?|m-i1 (lit- *inKl?->? crown The twli.ii arc of th?r var-ily hnikvlUill li-um und vury |i?|?ul.i. around t l?e campu*. Beyond Great Natural Barrier Lies Birthplace White Fawn n> k. u. si'mn.i, "" On that Island and ban*." i Ii wan many ami many a year nvo. ! A maiden was bum, whom you all know Hy, tln> name of Virginia Dare. ( Apologia-}? tfi I'm-) Drift with nil- if you will hark to the sixteenth century. TIimiv you will KHi* th?' handsome yoiinu courtier. Sir Walter Kah-luh, , pli-?iliiiK with tin world's ureal* mi i queen, Klizabet h, t<i give him the rlglit to colonize the N? w World. , that again tin* Knt-li -h crown inlfchl he supreme. "I lie beautiful qtleen was so overcome Ii> Ua h-iKh'H charming personality thai IiIh request wax Krunh-il. ! Quietly next led behind the con* lihi-iital shelf of the (In-al Allan 'tic, known then us Ho* (treat It- - yond. lay n small Island, inhabit- d hy the lied Skins. Nolle.- il you Will, these peaceful natives dail iiiK here and I here in their birch .canoes. IJuppv iir-' tlley ill their simple fifths and customs, not rcalizlm; that the p:ile-fac?* would soon supplant them. The summer's breeze brought Raleigh's expedition off lh>' Nnrlh American coast. Daybreak hroiibhl , with il a scent* d odor of t h i:i ' promising strip of land now known ns North Carolina. The plh.l -non round on I ranee through the bar rier and dropped anchor off the north end of this small I land. Careful observations w??re madej anil for two days no sign of hu-J man life was seen. The morning of the third day! a small curium; hunt was aei-n ap proaching Irom tire north, earrv I in', a sturdy Ited Skin, who was Merchants Will Vie In Bargain Offers In New T rade Event This Month And Here'* T1ip Daily Advance Offering I'riir of Kite Dollar* lo Anybody in Alliemarle H im I jin Siih fieiil Filling Name for Itifi 0|i|Mirlmi ily Buying Kvenl <V>-opeeatliift In ail effort In enable raukm of KlliAbeth I'lty itrw?)M|irni make thrJr dollar* ik? <hwble duty for two dnya he fore (he mil of Atiiniflt mill af the utm> lime to give Klluil>rih City merchant* mi o|iportunll j Ui ?l?ow rmilm liow well li pA>? to trade In KllxAbeth , City, The AdvAtirr and the in dependent, with the approval and barking of HecretAry Job of the Kllxabeth < lij Chamber of ] Commerce, are Invltlnic the mrr cHaoLm of KllxAbeth < II) to Join i In m*kkj?? Katurda). AhkiiM ?#?, aimI Monday. AiikunI :I0, the blRitenl barn* In daji In tbr htatory of (he Picture City on tbA l*AAIpM)<A*k. A nutntMT of iwrrhAnt* hAve bf*n Interviewed, And not ime -?en Aa y?4 hA. tailed U> ffKe tkA fkM Ma tfpmvAl. Iwdka r-Tr?Fr-r:',-r ; ih* nml of the IminI imm of tli?? rtt> III Ki'ii piuI. A IM of lli?* rtwtrtiiiiif** |mr< l< i|ial In'/ In Hh- rvrtit will | l?o imiIiKIm <1 in iliU wn?*|?i|N i tomorrow, nml flu* ll*t will t? - mld'il to ft-otii I intf* lo lin?<- n* | it grow* lai*K?*r. It h* Ik >|n< I Ui<U l>> I lie ml off Dm |?iT*rni w?*k It will Inrlmle tin* nnni< nf ??*) iin-rvhuiii In tl??? rltj hIi? brlk-vt-w mi *11 In am>- form ?f ml>ortlv|ou Atwl Iktw wtint vlmll I1w? ho mlW.' f-:ii/.ilx'tli i Mi > Ikir-j Kaln lh?v*? Out of Town Mm|) |im' Ihi)*? Ofifiorf unity lM\i Hi Kllulirtli i'Hfl Tt?e A?liam>' wants n kikmI tiMtir, a? II I * Im>|nsI to make Ihf* Imiu.'i in (!?)< wml-ninmftl hi Ml/ ?ho4ll (It). Ilaw VOtl ft lltlld" lion? If no. M ini It In. Ami If jtra oiler a wimr that f?i Jmlu< <1 better titan on* of (lift lhr? r fnr^rttiW. fh? AI9**?rt< Will (*) >h?mn foe M. . ? ahip ami was fivcn -j i.ay colored hendK. In ord* r in | show hi>< appreciation arid frl? ml |R|?I|? lie HliOVitl off ;i little way ami [netted a canoe of lis n for them. | On I lie fourth day friend* worn I made nf tin liidlann and the Kn?; ; Ibdi flit i: limited over a in w do 1 main. I 'repa rations Kerc mmi I mad*- to leave and I li?* ship-; turin d i hotm-ward- with m the Indiana in affirm liiidiii.un. A colony tviis v.oiiii "tailed liiirli Co aeltle |||,. New World, iiud.r Hi" command of l.'alph I ..i in . |^i in* landed lii.-i I It 1 1?* colony and Hurt ?d the lirni H.-tikni -ni in tin N ? w ? World. Small Inn w? iv Imili .tint I worl. was In mm on tin* b.* mIiIiik. Four of the nailv s formula!. d I In* idea of protection; ho u small ralil n wan hnilt surrounded !? v a pick it fence and moat in lie- form ;of a live pointed alar. Tlilr. wan j iiQiiii'il port itnleji-h after I loir I chief. Sir Walter Itahivh | Tills little l>i nd of tiler* Kiif fered ih'U'Ii In tin* Way of inin^< i. hardship* and Indian iiiMi rrec tluua; ho tin y spiled away on June Mi. 1 f?Hii. with Sir Francis Drake and left Ho- New World at: a In to ; Hie l(> d MklnK. A m- w colony umb r I lie ald? leadership Of John White arri\d on th?' island to lind there only [alienee and derny. Here on A lis lint lx, ir,K7. was liorn the first wlili.. child of llie Kn?:li-h apeak jliiK rate In the New World. dauUt , ter of Kh anor and Ananias Dare, also grand daughter of Captain I John While. Till* was a threat .event in our America. The In diaiis mine from far and near; hrlm-iiiK gifla of all kind- Ainmu i these rani" a xrcat chief, Mauteo. j proclaiming the beautiful little , hlue-eyyd girl their While l awn. ; Man ten and his trihe was very i friendly ' to Hi in wennn rs. espe dully ho after Manli o was ioii vort* (I to Christianity and bap I tiled. Supplies 4oon became necessary, so attains! his will While left Ills I little hand and ?? lurried to Km: , land, I loo- ? to find his country at war with Spain. IIIh Instruct loir' to | he cnlonlat* wer? in ca-e of troubl" and if lliey wer? forced to have, that they carve the place and above ii a croi"*. on a tree. After time y> ais White reached Koanoke Island, there to find up on a tree tin hum- c. It. O. and on a post the word PHOATOW without tin cross. White nlotn lenew I In meaning nf tin hi* xii;n< and decided to i;o to th" lioni? of Maul* n iii the hope of lind I u?: hi ; people then Him hope had to he abandoned since be was on lh? most treacherous roast In the World and ii was a Mot my *? anmt With a nail and heavy Ii art lie turned homeward teavjon bl.? daughter and his loved rolony to an unknown fate. Today ?taud? a memorial to I In memory of Virginia Dam and to Old Fort II ihdKh. marked with the corner stone* In the shape of a five |?oltii*?d Htar. Close by stands a small oak with a metallic plat** attached, bearing: the word | a* it was originally wrltt< n. C!RO ATOAN. Thla historic spot can ' be iweii on the north end of Koan ohe Inland, rent Inn behind lh# great natural barrier which ha* arlaeo. forbidding any further > coming, of ihlpa or th? return of I ttoa Whlt? Pawn. | HAYES MADE HIT BEFORE HiS OWN IN SPEECH HERE, Ki'|ir? ?inl;ili\r Viulii'lii c til ICi'lHiltliriiii- uiiii Srallrr iit?* of I letnorrals llrar* Sriiatnrial Notuiiirr WOMI \ MM) \l'l'ltO\ \l . !N tint lire I Yo|><?rl iottalrl\ I .ai'firr I liatt mi Ucn^iun of Kallir- in l*a?<|ii?iluiik Otunly . Speaking before an uuili?'iii'i> ; fairly represent at ive of tliA ?*??? ' hauled It cpuh}j?-aus of tli<* I'My land County, in which wtTf also a , 11 *1 in i?? r of prominent Democrat*, 1 Johnson J. Hayes tif Wilkeaboro, I I C ?- |Mi li I i<*:i ii candidate for the M'ill 'of l.< c Slater Over man in the I'liilul Slates Si'tliilc. was heard ! villi vast delight by his c onst it u i'HIk at I no courthouse here Moii y >i it*. lit and with a good im lured tolerance by I lemocrat :? seeuro in their knowledge that more than iIm* eloquence of a Kt ranger from Wllfct-s would be required to turn an 'uppr<M-iahle liu 111 iter of Deino ic vol i'H in Pasi|iiotank into tin* Republican column. Those who tfXli lint ?*d open i plej?*?rt? ?tt<*rani'H? ??f th?<* randlduto weru tin- I C ?' |?n It I i< an women present. Ciiarcustnincd to 'mm* their political faitli boldly i championed from tin* platform '?v : 'a speaker unafraid and apparently entirely confident of his ability to lake on all comer* who might - challenge his arguments or hiaj statistics, tlicy heard him with ' Iheir faces wreathed in smile.-; and with many nods of assent and ap proval. Incidentally ii wni ? not-. .?hh' fact that the number of wo men present was proportionately m iic Ii larger than is ordinarily the case on the occasion of a I demo crat ie rally. Taking his cue from the fact that a vote of more than '.mi.imiii for Iteyiiohl.t in tin- late primary 'indicated considerable dtHsut refac tion with 8ein?li?r Overman. Mr. 1 laves made a hid for the support of .ill Denioi ruts who had espoused III" cause of Itcyuolds. arguing that with the powerful Senator SiminoiiH to do anything that a I ??'lilorrnl ic Senator could do for !? Ii Stale. North Carolina would he. more aide to net what she d - 1 served from the Federal (iovern- ; incut with a Kcpiihltcati in Over- j Uihii's place t Icili is the case iiow.i The speaker painted flic times! in which we urr now living as the most prosperous ever experienced hy the country in peuoe time, and a-'.crlhcd this great prosperity to the Itepuhlican party and It* friendly attitude toward basilica*. ' Panning over the constructive | achievement of I he first term of Wondrow Wilson, the speaker do crihcd the depression of 191 1 and fill* lump Of liS9 as of democratic administration of (lov ernmcni and declared that all the prosperity between 1 T? 1 4 and I92A was due to war and as occurring in spite of rather than because of the Simmons-Underwood tariff. As In the off-cited fact that North Carolina is an agricultural ; state, the speaker cited slat Inllc* to the ? ffect thiii three out of every! four dollars of w< with produced | in North Carolina Is created hy Hie' factories or cotne* out of the til ill i s of the State. What helps huxlner*. therefore, he argued, helps North Caroilni. Mr Hayes argued also that the , farmer should favor the tariff al so. and compared the duties on peanuts and soy licans under the Simmons I'tidcrwood tariff and a ? they are today, arguing that Re publican administration means higher prices for farm product<i as Well as hettcr condlMoiis in bu dness and in indu stry. "Whether the Republican doc- , trine of protection is sound polit ical economy or not." Mr Hayes in , effect told hi* hearers, the evi dence H overwhelming that the country as a whole hcliev<n In It. Since you ar*? hound to live un : der a protective tariff anyway.! why not get the protection to which yon are entitled on your own product n "* If you will nd me to the Senate, | am sure that when a Republican President Is In the White flous* I rati come nearer gelling that protection than ? Dejbocrat like Senator Overman. And If we are to judge the future by the pant, A Republican Presl dent la likely to occupy the White House at least four fifths of the Um%." 1 Boanoke Island Awaits Arrival Distinguished Guests This Afternoon BUTLER FORCES GO ANY LENGTH WIN OVER WALSH (!uiii|>uifm Taken ;i* SIioh i ii v: W lait'li W :t\ \\ imi lllou- in Kcpml to Third I unlitl^e I crill stiuim; opponiyi lt> l>\\ ll? I VW IU Srl iiihl. 1'i/b. kfy lltr t Washington. Auk. 17. An iKiiiii.i'iiKMit dial Senator William M. If nt l**r of Mu.iHachirti'iis, 1 1 - publican. ulin Is seeking I' ?? - lion litis autumn Ih Id open a i downtown office for tile liueflt of M:isH.irliu?-IH business men 'and constituents gem-rally In lu (lira I IVi- of tin- extent to which i Ik* { l(< |iul?li< an National rhairman Is I anxious in go to win. Tin* cry lias been started from |on? ??nil of Massachusetts io the oilier already, that unless Mr. llut ler k ly-olrrlm). llieru. .1* scant cliuncc ofMllMrhiijii'lw having a' President of the United Slates for another term. ! Alt Iioiik li Mr. Coolldge, himself, has thus fur refrained from show ing his personal interest In the ? Massachusetts campaign In- Is. aware of wliut the critic will say' i if Massachusetts Hi i-In a Democrat } to the I'nlted States Senate. For mer Senator David Walsh Is ccr- 1 tain to tie ilir Democratic nominee 1 and lie ran way ahead of his tick-! el in I !? - -I when Mr, Coolidgc car- : t it-d the state hy an overwhelming majority. So to add to what might other* i wise In* a simple nil mil ion. the* Republicans realize that they I must ' def? at an extraordinarily ? good campaigner. There Is even at this stage of the game however.' an unusual confidence anions; the Republican leaders. Mr. fool id Re ' has li; en told repeatedly thai Mr llutler Is eortain to win. Meinic aj veteran politician himself lie ha? ? taken this with a grain of salt hut reports reach I iik here Indicate tlipt he feel* that tint butler sit nation lias materially improved in recent months. The argument most commonly' advanced I* that former Senator Walsh drew a largo no tutor of lle puldicun votes in 19U4 and that his victories iu Massachusetts have lie* II largely the r? e-ull of Itepublt can aid. What the. llutler chief- | tans lei w are doing is lnylng u i foundation to prevent the giving of that aid. They are arguing with Republicans that It is really Mr. Coolldge'a political future that I* at *tak<*. The Itoston llerald a | si a uiich Republican paper, has, come out editorially with the chnl j huge to Republicans of Massachu setts to stand hy Mr. Poolidge or! run the risk of losing the only President the Hay Stat" has Imil In the White Mouse fur genera tion*. The Herald states the case very explicitly, namly that Mr I Coolidgc CAnnot he renominated If' his own state repudiates him. The truth is the other candi- I date* for the Presidential nomina tion are watching Massachusetts ' and they will not hesitate in 1 In lug up delegates |o contend that if would be better to respect the | third term tradition assuming, of course, that Massachusetts has poken adversely in the llutlrr- , Walsh campaign. If, on the other hand. Senator llutler wins, the fool idee forces will have their strengthened in seeking delegates for the HHiS.' convention It could then be con tended that the third term of Mr Cool Id re was Itself nil Issue and ' that Massachusetts Iml approved the idea. DUCKS I'KTKKKHI l|(C CAKOI.IINA lltCIIWAY Klchmond. Au?. 17. - (Irvine Immediate construction of the pc t. rsbnrg to North Carolina link of the Atlantic Coastal Highway, J A. Rest. president of the South ern Hetail Mi rcbants' Conference, i ilcclarcd In |m akin K at the Open inr session of the confer* nee Ju re t'Hlay that a barilsut faced load from Petersburg to North Carolina ii ??mld be tieno udously Important i In bringing North Carolina bus! < neaa to Elcbmond. / |, VN m il Received al Munteo I lial loa^l ? ? ii ii r?l duller Apache, Bearing British Amha**ador Approaches WKATIIKK IS PERFECT l*a*t Detail* Arrangements Keceivin^ A 1 1 t-m i??n as Dare (utility W clconifi \ i?ilor* |?\ | lie I hoimand lt> ic \ l.l*?| |M m n, Manteo, Aug. 17.? With hu nd rids of Dare County's returning sons and daughters already here and others arriv* ing steadily, nil is ready for : the celebration tomorrow of Virginia Dare Day at Old Fort Raleigh. The 12-acre grove around the Fort has been cleared, of underbrush, and facilities provided for en tertainment of the thousands i who are, expected. At noon today, word had been |reco|ved I It h ( lh?- Co.wfr <?nnrd mM tei Apache, bringing Sir Cam* Howard, 1 i r 1 1 |h 1 1 ambasitador, and other officials. from WaKhlngtoa, IkhM.jihs.mI ijnai litidge, Virginia, Jil 7 : 0 o'clock and should arrive ? ln r?* ?a 1 1 > In the afternoon. J The cuiicr I'u iiillco pussed here today euroutc in 101 1 aui !>??( h City to hriio: back a larj;e official party t.nimrtow morning. UIhIio|? Jos. p h If lou lit Cheshire, of ltah-ich. in evident of the Roan oke Colony Memorial Awociation which Im MiniiiKorinK the historical ?lil?' 1. 1 ili. c? l?*brutlon, urrlved ycjitcrday and was hiiH> today on final at raiir.i iin-iits for It. Today dawned clear mid cook licic. with a Hit ady hrrexe from Hi.* south w>Ht an harbinger of "i ph-iiHaiii ut ather tomorrow. A Hp?? ' da I w. at Iter for. ne t for Itonnoltl Inland promised thai lln- wcathe# ^ would I#.- slinhtiv overcaat with ' mudeiatc w. .i i.i Muni h WcM wluda* 'I'll. Norlli Carolina 1'tshorlea jl C **>iiiiii i;. < ion lacht Atlantic, hear 'h. lull in* tiii>? rHlilp of the loll. W.IH expected here \ late today, lo remain through the festivities. Hotel and hoarding houaee la Maut. o nil! 1)11. il to capacity and tlf II. mil' Coining cum hi it tea Is axHlxtiiiK many in llnding accom iiiiidaiioiiM in private homea. Hi* thousand visitor: are expected ? hen* tomorrow. Water Plant And White Way Bids Opened Tuesday llidn for tin- construction <tf TTia fltliralion plant for Kltj^fl^H city's Improved water nystem and for the connt ruction of a White Way w. r?i opened Tueaday iu?>rti? 1 liiu with II. Johnson, H-praaeat* 1 In *' the KlixaUlh City tJltllty 1 Coiiiml*xioii. and city Knginecr t>l:*en receiving th< bldn fdfr U>0 cily. , - ? 1 These lildrt arc iH'Ing tabulated I'iduv and will he pc?'?o-nted to a full meeting of the CtllitUs Com? ' mission tonight, at wiilch time the Commission In expected to come , to a decision m to what recotn- J lueiidutlon It xhall make to thfc 'i City Council. loll l?y the City Coua- I ell of the recommendation of the j riltlticn Commission In < xpectett ? nt a special meeting Tuae4 night. KIIKIUK <II\III!N<;KS J <11 \NNI-.I. SWIMMERS j IUhmI 1 1 r 11, (.ermahy, Aug. tr? j t;? rtrud- Hd- 1 1?? today told the i Associated l'r*"** she was pre- 4 pared in tak. on all mala and fe* jj male challenger* in the rhanael 1 awlm for a $20,001) purae before 1 whe start i for the Called State*. etrrro* makkkt New York, Aag, 17. Cotton la* 1 lures opened today at the follow- * line level*: Oct. IIS. 00. Dec. 10.94. '1 Jan IC 95. Mar 17.18. Mar lT.ll. J New York, Aug. 1? Spot eot- j ton rloued qalet, mlddllag IB. 20. j a decllae of U polnta. Koturei. I rloaiag bid: Oct. 16.71, Dee. 14.70 ? Jan. 10.79. Mar. 17.01. May 17.10,

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