< ntc I I.ATION Tl ?l>.\V U.UU1 Copies! VOL. XVI. FINAL EDITION. TI1B WK VriIKH Partly rlouily with iMTjaionul klmwiTH tonight uikI Thursday. Mod?-rut?* wiuili. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, VKDNKSDAY KYKNIMI, MCI ST IS, WJti. SIX l'ACKS. NO. 194. BRINGS MESSAGE FAITH AND HOPE * * * * ************* * z ???*?? ?**?**? Old Fort Raleigh Gay With Flags And Bunting x x Record Crowd on Hand Celebration Anniversary Of Birth of Virginia Dare Binliop Cheshire ami Home] Coining (iomniillop e j* ; conic l)istiii|Kiii*lied Visi tors to the Island CEKKMONIKS BIUEF E * I p n ? i v r Prepara tion* Made for Big r.ro*d of Nutivp Sons and (inesN From Afar II y IIAI.I'H IMHMi I Manteo, Aug. 18 ? The Vir ginia Dare Day program be gan at 1 o'clock this after noon when Sir Esme Howard came ashore escorted by Con-' gressman Lindsay C. Warren and other notables. A tremen dous crowd is here. Uord Howard was saluted by salvos from the Apache and the Pamlico, and cheered lustily. The waters adjacent to the fort were crowded with yachts and other small craft. The crowd jammed about tw speakers' stand as Congressman Warren began his introduction of the British Ambassador and other distinguished men taking part in the exercises of the day. Dozens of small boats and sail idk rraft had anchored off Fort Raleigh early today In advance of the cer-nioi.le? Incident to the ob servance of Virginia Dure Day. With thousands already 011 Roan oke Island fur the event and with steamer, from Kli sabot h City and other points well loaded It was ap parent that a record crowd waa in attendance. Bishop Cheshire announced pre liminary to the program that the exercises would be brief on ac count of the heat. The pavillion at Old I-orl Ra leigh was ay with llags and bunt ing and e\t? naive preparations had been made for the comfort of the crowd. ? ? a All was in readiness for tlio c? l ebratlon today. Til- committee In charge had erected aeata for ,hrf1' hundred uf the vlaltora In Hi'' glad* clow by th" old fort, nnd had liulll a whnrf and walkway up lo Hi- l??IH?n ??"'?' I'1" monlca were lo l"- "? >v lerH about the fori alte had b?'ii| clean. 1 car. folly ?,f ,,.i.l<-rbr,|.lr Sir Kim..' Howard. II" ambaaaador. wan met al hla ahlp. the Coafll .iuard ciltl.T A iihcIio, In the early forenoon today by a del egation from lh.- lloni" < "nilnf. Commlltet- and t lie Hoannke Cm ony Memorial Aaaoclatlon. head ed by Hlahop Joseph mount Cheahlre, president of the rnwncln Hon. Mrs. Hennle (I. WIlManifon. chairman of the committee. S A. tlrllfln and I). V. Meek Inn. accom panied by half a down aaewapaper tnen. . . . The ambassador was brought to the Fort Italelgh wharf aboard the Fisheries Commission yacht, the Atlantic. He waa taken di rectly I" lh" lh" V? '? vtV ? aaed upon th" monument lo Vlr Atnla Dare, marking Hie apot Ki.ere kla ?b?atrjrm< n Brat ??"?? ' E>ok to plant a colony In the N? w | Heralding the celebration, the tSllaabetlian flag and the Mar* and stripe, were tlown from a tall flagpole on the hlgliept Ml I oil Ih'l fort Raleigh reaervatlon lhl? niornlni: at .unrlao. Thla rer ; nionlal waa arranged In IrlbuM t the valoroua Blltabethana who first settled there. I'aaaengera from "Cl' " ateamera and other craft dlaen. barked amid atlrrlng notea ofinar^ Hal niualc by the Hampton Koada Saral Training Station Hand Th" opening Of the formal win announced by the firing of a cannon aboard the Cn.aia.anl cutter I'atnllco. which had brought . large official delegation from Er.C SlShlre prealded ojjr , ,he exerelaev Aa a prelude to the formal program. f'Vrtt' t tndiay 0. Warren, of the urai North Carolina Dlatrlct. aailn* aa, !h.- official apokeaanan for hla g .,. Introduced th- ?la Ming . ? Tit,,, Including many Hlate and gaVonal offlflala. After aeT.ral otuai. 'I numbera. ^ptwntally Warr' made a atlrrln* addreaa nre^ntirig Sir Kame Howard. JTk .lulling of tha "lnternatlon t\rm ' aa typlfyln* I*1" "P i Sfrleti'inaaaa between Z9L An" rlca. formed a tilling H^ro,. .1 for the ambaaaador. ? Event for 'I'heir Respective I'aper* Carting off from her dork at the fool of I VailUK str? et. wheie !?!??? " had been iuoor?-d since early Tuesday afternoon. the t\?ai?t Guard cutter Pamlico set Iot nuse j toward the mouth of the Pasquo tank Rlve.r and steamed ;??.?> at Wednesday inoniiim l??r j itounoke Island where I" beln;, , celebrated the three hundred and thirty-ninth anniversary or the birth of Virginia Dar. with lliit Ish Ambassador Sir Esmc Howard representing his government and making the principal address. Hardly ever lias a vessel sail ing front Elizabeth City had on board no large a party of distin guished passengers. The list in cluded four Congressmen. a for-! Inter Congressman. and Josephus Daniels. Secretary of tlir Navy in I Wood row Wilson's administration. I "Won't you please puUit out to [me Mr. Josephus Daniels." said a I negro standing on the dock as the 1'amlico was casting of- "I've read and hearn so much about him that I have come down here this morning Just to see if 1 can get a good lo?k at him," Unfortunately Mr. Daniels* ad mirer had waited ton long to make the object of his visit known, for the former Secretary of the Navy. who. a moment be fore. had been chatting with friends on the deck, had none In side the cabin or walked around to the other side of the ship. The i I'antlico slowly steamed out of tin* ? harbor and Mr. Daniel* appeared no more as long as faces aboard the ship were distinguishable. "It is always a pleasure to me to visit thH section of North Car olina." said Mr. Daniels before his departure, "and particularly Eliz abeth City. Your town. I think, has a bright future before It and you are getting in line with other progressive and growing cities In North Carolina In your plans for a new and modern hotel. "Your new hotel will provide added conveniences for your trav elling public, but It is hard for me lo believe that It can offer bet ter food than you get at the hotel you have now. The spots I had for breakfast on the morning of my arrival came to the table piping hot and they were fin*. In many of the modern hotels there Is style and there in service to the nth de gree, but the dining room Is so far 1 from the kitchen that the food of ten comes to the table cold." i In commenting on Elizabeth City's assets and advantages, Mr. Daniels did not forget to mention I The Dally Advance, which, be' stated, ban made great progress In the laM few years and now ranks j "among the best afternoon news j papers In the State." "I like particularly the way The Advance handlea and plays up the local new* of Its territory," said Mr. Daniels. The I'amiico had been sche duled to sail at 6 o'clock Wednes day morning, but Tuesday after noon it was decided to hold the vessel for the arrival of the morn ing Norfolk Southern train from the south, bringing Congressman C. Ij. A her net by of the Second Congressional District and John O. Kerr of the Third, and a number of others. Thus It was that she did not get under way on the four hour or five hour run to Roanoke Island until 6:30. Other Congressmen on board besides Representative* Abernethy and Kerr, were Representative l.lndsay Warren of the First North ; Carolina Congressional District, with Mrs. Warren; Representative Homer Is. I .von of the Sixth North Carolina District, with Mr*. Lyon; Representative J. T. Deal of the Second Virginia District; Repre sentative S O. Bland of the First Virginia District; and former Rep resentative John H. Smsll of this District, with Mrs. Smsll. Other passengers on hoard In cluded W. D. Proden. secretary of the Roanoke Colony Memorial As sociation. with Mrs Pruden; lllsh Thomas C. Dsrst of Wilmington,! Iilshop J. B. W. Cook of Green ville. Dr. Robert H. Wright, pres ident of the Teachers' College at Oreenvllle; Judge Francis D Winston of Wlu4a?f. with Mrs Winston; W. H S. Hurgwyn of Jackson. John O. Dawson of Kin# ton. Mrs. C. W. Jlsllak and Miss [ Warren Pays Stirring Tribute to High Valor Of Raleigh's Colonists Acliiif. lts Offirial |{P|lr,.. *?'iilativo of Slali' at ' Itralmn, II,. |?iro,j1M^. ? -- jirst incus. rr.,?d 1 1.. ilit-ti Va" \i .%ln.e?, i *??r. W.tir, ii sen* (I fll> #,r*i>i t in.. "I, II,, a.ldr,,,. follow* ?iii?iioii ri,. ?i,ii.. ; v%z;i ? and Indimiiiai,!,. ?r ,i? . tI lilxinrin ii, III.' lanilli," ,lt lh, ,.,i|onv (] in Irntl, ii,,. birthday of tl?. x',? crlcun |M>op|<>, "['Pon Hi l? llill. Inland. ||?. ?r<1 ot lit I'.iiKlltli set ii,. lr l,. i llielr dwHIiuKx. sowed n? and perform, d II,. I, i.lmloii* ??ll?li? l? ||? Wc.ierii Wurld Ipon Its mil la, K|jl,; , " wh" rr"?' 'I Hi io nud tionn-H ii|h?ii tiii> ii. wiv i||k cov?r??| coDitnoiii. mill n. r. v? . H?r.n ^*1 ",*I rl ~ III.- II I -I i:?, Hull child will, HIW ih, ||B|? ?f 'lay In III,. N, w W orld II,,,. n?. nialnma. ln?s and liuimiai .? ..r r.HKland were lir^t Iran*, and ?lruck their mot, |? Till, colonial,, allhonth I,. attain to ||l(. mother land rise ||? ? , "till hound in her hi- all , I,.' i I '"''Ml",-". rrl.?,l,hl,i ?i,.l Idoml. Tlwy changed their i Ii male, not Ih.'lr aii.cti ?]?, crossed tl,,- ?,.a.. Xo lliTiml ,,r fate "No record liaa conn* down to i I (-out In u cd on pane o "'Hdv IIAHKKI Now York. Aiikuh I*. ? Cotlon rni uri', opened today al 'In. follow In* level.: Oct. IS HH, |,,.r H,; Jan. I C. HO, Mar. 17.10, May 17 27* Wcw York, A, lie. 1 8. ? Hpot c.l - i Ion closed qqnlet, middling |> an advance of lo poi.,1,. Kulur. ? cloKln* bill: Ocl . IC *6, f*.,. |# ,-,' ' Jan 16 .90, Mar. 17. H, May 17 '.; ! Illllle Mellck of Kiirabe,!, Cllv |T il; Flanagan of Cr.-cr, vlll, . j , ) a,r/7' WaahlliKlon. N. I' l '.on ?? i.,rf <' " ll:-:ii;j? c7.1i.1st ?ioi p incIndc* the oniiyfm^nt f th. health commissioner ? cf t)?c? nation. The Institute i* workin;; U]?on vari ous in ans of ilnni? -nii.jf, aoth in its laboratory anil in th? Vld. EFFORT SECURE SCHOOLS BOOKS I AT LOWER PRICE ?Nol \\ illin^i hi l*a\ Til till Ti'IIIH'pm'i*, Slalc llf fi<-ial> Art' Making an ln v ("-ligation i aw \rr <;o\ i ijnoi; No Definite AinioiilH'CiiM liI As lo \\ iial lla* lii't'ii in* ( nil lie Done I HI ? I Mr. Mel ran ICclnrii* Kaleich, Ann. is. Tlii' State ? Depart iiii-tt t of I'M ii rut ??hi i-4 lak iiitf i-vi?ry si ?? p possible so that, nrliool children in North rarnlina will mil have in |m>' :i ????ill inure fur lh?-lr srluMi] lunik* than ch?l <1 r**u in T(*iiiii*shki? ?1i?. Imii iio def inite annoillicemctil as in wind has |i* ???ii i| ? i ii i ? nr ran lie done lo n iiiim|> I lit* ine(|iialiiy of school book price between North Carolina ami Tennessee can In* mad until lii Hoard of Kilitcatloti iiict-ls. w l> ifli cannot take plan- until the , >'? *1 ii 1*11 of Coventor A. \V, Mrl.iaau from Wisconsin. nrnirilliu; to A. T. A 1 1 fii . Stale Hil |M*r ilit on iloiit of Public Instruction. w In ii asked to day an in what progress wan lieiiiK inaili*. It not>n? thai tin* differ i-liri' in I ll?< cost of Ihi- hooks, w Ik ii h varies from one in 17 oeiit.s liiori' in North Carolina than in Tfiuu'ssce, results from a differ ence In tlii* form of en n tract and i he ?iil7? rlnir htitds upon which the lie n ?1\ ^ arc Mold. For instance. In Tennessee. a ? dealer orders mo primers ar 3.ri cents each, or S.'JTi fur Hie lot. It is counted a.*: an outrlKhl sale. ;uid In* sell * the hooks at cents each pins lie- profit nllowii) hy tin- law. In North Carolina the name 1U0 (Contained on pa:,e ii Country Club Reception Will Be Long Remembered linollir* \aral itlavhv in Itriiisli i'.m has ty* /i/f/H'ttrs for l.nnl lion aril* ami Is Ih-lifshlrtl 11 illi I (rant i Jul Kirvr ami (. harming latins A Social event lollg to l?0 re membered whs Ihe inform. li rwi'P* , I iuii ill tit** Country l 'lull Tuesday evening from nine until ale v i>H In honor of distant vlnllorn passing through Kiizabet li City on I heir w?y to tin* Fort ItaleiKli eel*: obratlon. Tin.' ItritMi Ambassador wa* not pri'rti iit. however. ? Ii.nl in h If* exhiidfion before. Miss lllille .Saunders in an ?x !ilbltinu of the Char|'t*iarat Ively few adver tlsfM hIui-i' yesterday relative to their atlitud ? toward participation in the cily-widi' bargain event to ho staged kifl't* oil AiikiixI 1! itlld :to. However. tin* response already mei with justifies the forecast made yesterday of a very geii.r oiik, general and hearty pai'ii<-ipa tion.. t)f the firms approached, only two have given the plan the , colli shoulder These may change their minds when they betler un derstand the scope and purpose of (lie event. A number of firms thai u.oild undoubtedly have pledged their co. operation in the pla-u are nui In i eluded ill the list of firms co-op i eratlng i?? make August .L'S and It" Kli/.nheth City's biggest and best I bargain days been use their adver tising executives are out r?f town i his week and could not he seen. These tire unre and many more are likely to come in later. Firms that wish to participate are urged not to wait to he cntl"d oil, but to tel ephone their names In to The Ad vance office at once, so that they may be Included in the lint of firm* published tomorrow. In the meant line this newspa jht'k off?*r of a |irl*? of five ?l?*llarw for a really fit tint: nam" for tliiw huriMiu il.iv* still Rtuml*. And uro the* firms that liavc already p|r<|jM-il their co-op* ??ration : 1 pii??!? as well as t he merely prac tical. will, and indeed ultimately imiHt. make for a ureal spiritual lehlrth and help iih to that uni versal peace hot Ii at home and abroad for which all men In all countries arc truly Intmlng today." America s great contribution to world pioi;ivn? j; it h human policy 'In IndiiMtry. In the oidnlon of Sir I Ksiiie. "N um her* nf yon r l''!i(lorii In public I il? ? and in ihdiiHiry noctn in Im vi ? i'hhIIxmI hi-for** those In oth?-r con ii tries that the health ;iim1 hii|?|iiiii'M<4 ?f tin men and wa ne n wlm wnik in ymir factories, in your mini s, in your rri-ut atom ?i?- as lecesna ry to t h<- well-being and lo t he HuccrHHful prosecution ??f a hiiHln?'KH ?:i any other part of You Imvfl li-arnt the or hir.h war.es, an It han heea ? ailed, and you have applied It ami nliowrd tin world that It workH. . . . '"I'll.' iii-w in' ;i: . that I think America of loilay If. giving the world Ik that, the lives of men are more than mere r,ood? and that peace anil contentment are more than mere wealth. Of this latter there Im k licit abundance In this r> Kiti try In many quartern that It has become for many of Its poi nen ;orn a cheap and s? rondury po? I ?(?-H'Uofl. "Tfierefore, I look forward to !" ?'lnr A iiKTira spread the guspel of this ii?' w learning In political ? conomy over (In- world and SO usher In an era of wcll-bettljL peace ami Content nueh an neither Ho- extreme doetrllic* of tho Man chester School on tin- one wide nor (hone of Karl Marx on the other t could poHMlhly bring about." Karller in his uddreiin Sir F.mne I had naid that Walter Halelgh wan "the flint of our great empire I builder*, an Cecil fthoden was i probably the lasl." He took Issue with tlo; opinion* set forth hjr a | IliKhop, whom h ? did not name, In Jin article published recently In ih<- Church School Journal, whert^ in the IMnhnp nlated that "In soma wayH the life of Cecil Ithodea la on* of the moit xordid IntBill i hioKruphiea on record." j Kxplaiiiliig that he did not up* 1 hold everything that was done by jthe llrsi empire builder* of any nice, sir Ksnie nevertheless main tained that tin- e- tahlishinent of ' ?*i v lltz* <1 lif?' an a substitute for - uncivilised life watt Justified. Ha in. I 1 1 . in i i.'V> i| r. rll Khodes' i Ideal of a dominant Itrltlah ritl ! win "a wholly mlntaken one, f?F ? t could, tr carried to Its extr?M? ' limits, tnit tiring discord rathtr than pi-ace, pince it wan based not .only on rooiI will uinoag men but I rather on that, in my opinion, I moid fallacious of all modem pr^ jmlses in politico, the general III" perlorlty of the Nordic races." Cotton Srr?l Krport \\ m it nil Inn. A lit 18. Cotfc , *??? d crushed during tha eottc y?*r which ended July SI totali S. 538. 503 ton* as compared wit 4,606,227 ton h the prerlou# yea tho (>n?us Bureau today m Dounctd. A