DOLLARS STRETCHED SATURDAY Thirty-Four Firms Will Participate In Event to Make Dollar Go Farther ??* > Hardly in History of Elizabeth City Has / Such Array of Values Been Mar [ shalled as Will Await Out of Town Shopper Who Will Study Ads The Dollar Stretchers liatfoiin Pag* Bright Jewelry Co. ? Leslie Belanga C. B. Ires Co. M. C. Love P. W. Meliek Co Overman & Stevenson Clarence lteid Rucker & Sheely J. W. Shaniionliouse & Standard Pharinaev _ T. W. Williams & Son G. M. Williams Aydlett Hardware Co. Auto & Gas Eng. Wks, L J. Cohoon>& (!o Garrett Hardware Co. Gilbert's ! Mitchell's M. G. Morrisette & Co Quinn Furniture Co. ... T. T. Turner & Co. Ryan Floral Co. C. A. Cooke Lqu!s Selig ....... Spenee-Hollowell Co. ... Apothecary Shop Weeks & Sawyer M. I-cigh Sheep Co. . ? McCnltc & Grice Silverware 5 Roanoke Island figs 7 Aluminum Ware ... 6 Creamery Butter 5 Flour Bins 6 .Free Face Powder... 7 Pure Honey 3 Silk Hosiery 8 , Son Coffee 2/ Jonteel Cream i. ...... Shoes 2 Dresses * 5 Cutlery .7 . ? Free Snubbers 6 Sampson Paint 8 Silverware 8 Dresses 6 Dresses 5 Sugar 2 Iron Bed* 8 .. .Shirts 7 ....Flowers 7 ...Men's & Boys* Wear I ....Silverware 8 ...Repair Parts 8 ..Stationery 2 ... Shirts .U. 8 ...Dresses 3 ..Flat Crepe 3 Hardly in the history of The Advance has thifc newspaper Irouiftit to its readers such an array of bargains as is pre sented in the advertising columns of ttiis newspaper today. And still today's advertise* meiits do not tell the whole story, toyn few firms wfio an nouncecr their stretch-your dollar bargains yesterday are. not advertising today. Thrifty *h^>pcrs are urged to refer to yesterday's issue of The Ad vailce iis well as today's in making up their lists of firms they will wish to visit when in-rthe city on %Saturday or Monday. falling In line with Its adver tisers, . The Advance la doing It* bit to make It worth while for otM bf town readers to visit Elisa beth City on Saturday and Mon day. Not only is this newnpspt r repeating Its half price Hubscrip t4t?'ofTer to out of town subftcflb eiir but sl*o The Advance Is of fering Its out of town reader* who come to Elisabeth City on Satur day and Monday It* ela**ifled col umn free Of charge. Details of w>tn of those offer* will be found ?elsewhere ott this page. W No reader of The Advano should lay this Issue a*lde until every advert laement In it has been at lea*t k la need at. For the con venience of bargain hunters, atretch-your-dollar firms are Hated In the box under the head at the top of this column and their bar gain* are Indexed. Hut aeglancei at the Index I* not enough. The advertisements must .be read In full to appreciate, the values of fered. The number of firms participat ing In the event la particularly ratifying to thta newnpaper. for with each firm offering at least one i thlrty four ilrin* together present sn op- 1 portunlty for dollsr stretching isreiy seen In a ay community. 111! fttarred will be the shopper who can find no opportunity to get to Ejil&iheth CKy on Saturday or Molality, for hardly Will such an- j Other bargain feaat he net In Ella- , alx-tti City within the next six | naoftU ?. * i Boti merchants today are offer- 1 Ing Sea oaabt* goods as low a* half price. Other* offer valuable hoinlla# free to customers fcniH certain specified i>ur-l Otherw make drastic jlti t In Items for which | i .rtleularly good demsnd tint a. , And SO oae might GET THE ADVANCE AT HALF PRICE ON SATURDAY Draining to co-operate with Elisabeth City mmhiuitii in their plan to bring a big' arm) of hurgain hunters to the city Sat unlay, Tbe Advance ha* de ckled to repeat, for this one ilny ami to out of town sub scribers only tbe most liberal subacrlptlon offer, all things considered, that It has ever presented to people of this sec tion. Here It la: Subscribe to Tbe Advance, renew, or extend your subscrip tion on Saturday, Augaat 2S. Stretch-Your-Dollar Day, and The Advance will match every dollar received from you. In other word*, ray a dollar on your subscription and get cred it for two; pay two dollars, and get credit for four; iav five dollar* and get credit for StO. The sky Is tbe limit! Tbe only condition Is that tbe offer Is good only to oat of town subscriber* In tbe 111 counties of the Albemarle, Currituck, Camden, Pasquotank, Antes, Hertford. Ilertte, Wellington, Tyrrell, Dare, Chowan and Per . quintal in. This offer l? not good In Kllxabnth City or out aide of Kllsabeth City In coun ties other than the IS named above. Neither !? It good for any amount leas than one dol lar. You can not bring In AO 1 cents, for Inatunee. and get credit for a dollar. You can not J "end your wlwn i Iptlon by mall. I you mn *t rome to FSHjatudi I Clly or send your sutmrrlptinn , by some one who does come. *o 09 for half a column Hot even then one would And the story bet ter and more definitely told la the Advert liM-menta themselves and It Is to these advertisements thst the attention of he reader is now In vltad. The name of Bright Jewelry Company was laadvertently omit ted from the list of co-operating Arm* Which waa published Thurs day. Firm* co-operating who are not Advert lnInK bargains today are: Hanjflpn * McCoy. Hoi# Supply Store. . Owens Shoe C6. Gallop 4k Toxey Shoe Co. Elizabeth CUy Marble sad Granite Works. NEWTON ROAD CONTROVERSY IS UNSETTLED , Interna in Cum from First j District to be Heard Tuen ! day Overshadowed on Su preme Court Docket ? REHEARING ASKED FOR i And Decision of Supreme j Court on Highway Coin | mission's Petition Is Ex pected Tuesday Sir Walter Hotel. Raleigh, Aug. 27. ? The now far-famed Newton highway controversy is destined again to overshadow the delibera tions of the State Supreme Court, 1 which convenes Tuesday, August (ui. tor its fall term to consider a | docket of 1 4 cases, none of which tare criminal caaes, all of which tare from the First Judicial Dis trict. For of more interest than [any of these 14 cases on the dock I et is the decision which the court will make as to whether or not It II will re-hear the Newton hlghway case. I'etltlon has been filed for 1 some time asking that?the case be re-heard, and the court will have < 30 days in which to make known its final decision. It is expected that an announcement as to j whether it will or will not re-hear the case wll be made within a few days after .the court convenes. ; The State Highway Department, at whose instigation the re-hear ing has been asked, Is most hope ful that its petition will be grant ed, inasmuch as all work on the Newton-Statesvllle Hnk of High way No. 10 is being held ui> pending the 'disposition of the case. The Supreme Court at the last session, made permanent the i Injunction granted against the t construction of the highway over ] the route laid out by the Hlgh iway department, becauae it did not } run through tha center of Newton and "paat tha court house door." The decision was written by Jus tice Brogdon, hut a dissenting opinion was written by Chief Jus tice Stacey. which was also signed by Justice Adams. In the majority opinion by Jus tice Brogden, It wafc held that by i falling to route the proposed link 1 of hlguway "pant the court house , 'door" of Newton, the Highway Commission bad failed to fulfill the spirit of the highway law which specifically ?ald that the main highways "must connect county seats and principal towns" the court holding that the pro posed highway, alnce It merely In tersected the elty limits, dkl not "connect" l^ie county seats, to the extent which the law required. Hence the Injunction previously granted by Judge J. L. Webb, tem porarily restraining the commu nion from starting work on the section of proposed highway in Catawba county, from the Cataw ba river, was made permanent. However, the injunction not on ly halted work on the route from the Catawba river to Newton, but on the route In Iredell county as will, from Btttesvllle to the Ca- , tawba. becauae If the road was not going to be built In Catawba eonnty to connect with the Iredell county ifctlon of the road, there , was no use In building It at all un- 1 til the entire new route could be determined And if the court re fuses to rehear the Mae. much de lay will result, because sn entire ly new route will have to be sur veyed and laid out by the High way department. It has since been explained by the Hlghwsy Department that It was In an elfort to more fully comply with the State Highway act that the northern route was selected Instead of the southern, not only because It was shorter by a number of miles, and would cost fully $400,000 less to construct, but because It connected two more J "principal towna," namely Clare- , meat and Catawba, which at pres ent are entirely marooned from ! the course of the southern and what was formerly bol lived to be ( temporary route. So in view of the maay new de velopments In the case, the High-, way Commission Is particularly anxious that the fluprAne Court will grant the ro-hearlng. confl (Continued from page 4) COW OPPOSES RACE SUICIDE A cow belonging to A1 Har ris. living In the Oallberry sec tion. has Just preeented her owner with twins, according to | word reschlng this city. Both mother sad offspring are re ported dolag nicely. Orowers of cattle In this vl ? elnlty declare It Is exceptional for a cow to he doubly bleet. In the matter of newly arrived de- 1 scendants. but that there are cae*e on record In which they ( have ushered triplets Into the ] world . Let Kansas Beat This One Kaaaaa la aoppoMd to be the Aiflower state. But California boosters '?? ???<1 maybe they're rl?1?t. This shows Mlaa OlMva Kenyon hoMtns a #nHowor Brown, at Hoywards. <5llf. It's IT Inches In ttatfcatsr art* wei*hs 1C pounux. nlno ounces. No Place Lik? Elizabeth City, Mike Mettrey and Family Agree After Two Year Visit to Syria "There** no place like Elizabeth City." Thus chant Mike Mettray, his j wife, and their eight youthful 'son* and daughters. Just hack from a stay of more than two | yearn In Hyria. Mikes native home, iwhence he emigrated to the IJiilt led States Konif 28 years ago. I Comlug tt> Ami' rica as a young later, Mike started nut with a pack on his back. Ho finally drifted Into Kllzaboth City, opened n store of hla own, and prospered. in time, he accumulated considerable savinga, along with a thriving bus iness. j Tho call of the homeland waa strong in Mike's heart, and Krew In Intensity, as the years wore along. Finally he decided to sell out, and returned to his beloved Syria, again to mingle with his kin and old friends In the garden llke plain over whlrh towera Mount Lebanon, whence Solomon brought great cedars for that tem ple whose fame Jias rung through th# centuries. Mike's mother Mary Mettrey, bought out her son's buslne**, and on May 14. 1924, Mike, his wife and aeven little Mettrcya set sail I for the Holy Land. Seven little Mettreys made the trip acros*. but there were eight when Mlk" re turned this week, an additional son and heir having arrived in th" Interim. Aa la all too often the ease, real* Izatton fell far short of anticipa tion when Mike again walked In , the paths which his forefathers j Motorists Flirting With Trouble On West Church Too much eagerness to try out the newly paved sector of West Church completed Ibis' week and now undergoing the necaaaary seasoning process before | being opened to the public. Is | more than apt to bring serious trouble In Its wake, both for the street Itself and for thoee Motor* j Ists, youthful and otherwise. who have shown a disposition to drive their ears oVfcr It, roaardlot* of j tha barricades and "lteep off" ?Igns. Those who. built the afreet de clare that It may be damaged per manently by being driven over be fore It Is ready. They point out also that to use It before It Is op ened Is a violation of tbe law. In an effort to break up tha practice, th. police are asking Jjfcftt West] Church residents who observ-Wu street being thus "mistreat* ara*scn? and Hagdad. fly the exercise of that frugality; which won him his earlier sue-, cess, he hopes to build another thriving business here. I "It was a fine trip," Mike com- 1 mented Friday, with a smile, "hut' It's fine to be home again." . CHAM f!KI< OFFICIALS' SESSION POSTPONED i A nf.?tlnK of commPrHal . c f r p j taries from towns and cities along ! the North Carolina coastal plain, from Elisabeth City to Wilming ton, which had been scheduled to he held in Ooldsboro next Tues day, has been postponed to Wed jnenday, September 15, according i to word reelved at the Chamber of .Commerce here from Walter C. j I Denmark, secretary of the Oolds boro Ohimb Mr. I>enmsrk Mllld Um IttMt Ing after a conference with other iChamber of Com me roe secretaries, I with the Idea of formulating plans*1 [for befter advertising the advan tages of the eastern part,of the j ! State, both from the standpoint of j tourists and of homeseekers. ? While no reason for the postpone ment was given. It Is assumed that It was decided upon because many I of the commercial secretaries In! the section are on their vacations j this month. ninety-four are thought mmwiNKO Na Khali lb ngal. India, Aug. 17 | j ? Ninety four passengers on Meg-| na Itlver ferry boat are be 1 lev 04 to have been drowned when the craft eapsl/ed In midstream and broke In two. One hundred pas sea (?r? were- on board. CAPITAL CITY IS AISO WONDERING ABOUT ITS TREES Automobile Traffic Tbreat ens to W n'ck (iliirf lleau ty of Wutfhiiifgtou I'lilws Airplane* Hu*li lo Hisruc TIIK AXE IS HEARD Street liy Street the Trees I Are Goiti? and Yitdtor* (iaii Kawily See the Great' Difference Made n> KOHF.KT T. HMALL Washington, Aug. 2f. ? The nu-| tomobile, creature of mortern com fort anil convenience in transpor tation, in alowly but mirely devan tut in k Washington. It Is robbing the Capital city of ita orownlnK glory of beauty ? the trees. A recent rather severe and some what choleric critic declared that If a tornado should hit Washing ton and wreck everything except the trees the Capital would have suffered no greut loss. In hia sweeping denunciation of supposed architectural splendors and his an tipathy to the bronze alatuos which dot the landscape In more or less reckless fashion, this critic spared .only the White Mouse, the Lincoln Memorial, the local court house and the Treasury. One or two private atructurea were exempted from the general ?cheme of deatructlon. but ull the other government edifices, coat ing millions of people's dollars, it was argued, should be thrown to the swine. Now It would seem that the au? tomohilo lias Joined forces with the hypercritical destructlonlata of Washington and is threatening to wipe 'out the troes. The auto mobile. of commercial and paaaen ger desiKn, has brought about a traffic congestion in the capital which haa called for the widening of many of the thoroughfares. In thus making way for more vehic ular traffic the sidewalks have had to be narrowed andtthe fringes of trees have had to be sacrificed. These trees have given down town Washington a different as pect from any other city of the country. The trees have lined the business streets und avenues from time Immemorial. Hut street by street they are going and visitors to I he capital, who knew it In Its former splendor can easily note the difference. The ring of the woodsman's axo Is to be heard at last in the near vicinity of the White House for Fifteenth Street, leading north from Pennsylvania Avenue where (he Treasury stands, and Just one block from the Pres ident's homo at what Is sometimes called 1800 Pennsylvania Avenue, has been added to the list of thor oughfares to be widened. Pennsylvania Avenue still Is flanked by towering trees from the Capitol to the Treasury and. for tunately, Is wide enough to acco modate traffic for decades to1 come. It Is hoped* that before Pennsylvania Avenue has to be denuded of Its arboreal trimmings! travel through the air will have been developed sufficiently to re lieve the congestion on the streets. There Is approaching danger of the necessity of widening a great many of the streets In the residen tial sections of the capital as well as downtown. Many of these streets It Is bare ly possible at night for two lines of vehicles to pass, for parking Is almost solid on both sides of the street. Washington permits all night parking In the residential neighborhood and It Is estimated that between 25,000 and 30,000 I cars use the streets as year-round garages. During the winter these cars of the opeu spaces get snowed In occasionally but no great dam age seems to be done. A short time ago there waa a proposal to ban the all-night parking, but the howl which went up could he heard for miles around and both Congress and the local government officials were frightened away from the revo lutionary rale. Washlngtonlans are^tlnglng lo their liberty of the streets If nothing else. They can't vote, but occafflonally they can howl In unison and get action, or prevent It. The resldfliice streets of lhe| capital are very poorly lighted as a rule and on most of them the old 1 time gaa lamps are atlll In vogae. With double lines of parked ve hicles to contend with night driv ing Is anything bnt a safe pastime. For this reason there soon must he a showdown between night parking or general widening of streets from one end of the city to the other with consequent de- ' structlon of all th?- <;lty trees. It' Is a situation which la* groaning real concern amonc the advocates of a still more beaut Ifnl city. ' Traffic regulation In Waahtng toa Is an ?fttremrly difficult prob lam at beat When (ha French ( CLASSIFIED SUCTION MM TIP t ISITOKS IIS CITY SATURDAY X?? satisfied to offer out of town s|io|?|mtv i?i the city Sat urday unit> to rxtfntl their subscriptions to this ih>w?* |M|M*r at half |*rtr?>, Ttie Ad vance kiwi offetK Uh-w Mho|>|M?r? ums ??t Its clAMHlflnl wrtkni free on that da>. Tlw only restriction* arr that there shall b?* only one advertisement five to each |ier mhi an|d) to an> jhtnoii Ihliig in Klluibeth fit). It Lh for out of town sho|?i?et-s in the city and for then* only. Moreover, advertisement* ran not be mih In bv mall or bv e friend. \or can they be received on the street. They must he brotudit to the oil Ice b> the advertbtor In |xt?oii. FAMILY OF 78 ON THIS ISLE (Uiptain Kugfiie Y??omaii I'roliahly Youiige*! Oltl Man in North (Uirnlinu Captain Kimene Yeoman, who 1 ear rial tkt mail from Hurkers Isl and, near lieaufort, to Cape Look out lightship, 30 mllea from Dry i Shoals, la probably the youngest I old man In North Carolina. Stew art M. Rogers, traveling sal'Hiuan for the Stevens Jobbing Company, who has. Just returned from a bus iness trip to that part of the State, brings a highly Interesting ac count of him. According to Mr. Rogerrt, Cap tain Yeoman if 70 years old. ha? ten living children, all of whOM wives or husbands are living, 48 j grandchildren and eight great j grandchildren ? bringing the total I population of the family to 78 per sona! Thero has never been a death in >hn family. -t-- ? When the stranger goes to Markers Island, he will make no mistake In addressing rttont any lone he meets as Mr., Mni. or Miss Yeoman, according to Mr. Rogers, who quote* Captain Yeomen him self as saying that If it wasn't for his family, they couldn't keep n preacher or have a school tin the Island. Captain Yeoinnn has been I married twice, und has eight chil dren from his first marital ven ture, and two from his second. Recently, it Is related. Captain I Yeoman bought a fine looking i rooster from a Heaufort merchant and added him to h Ih flock of poul try. The rooster, however, belled his looks, and It waa suggested to Captain Yeoman that the bird be beheaded and cooked. "Nothing doing," the hale old 'seafarer is declared to have re plied. "He'd no good. 1 won't have anything to do with him. Hive him away, or run*hlm away. I don't want him." MANY ARE INJURKI) IN TROPICAL STORM Hchrlever. I.a.. Aug. 27. ? At least one life and unestlmated property damage was the toll of the tropical hurricane which swept through LaPourche and 'Terrebone I'arlaheN Wednesday night. Kstlmates In some cases placed property damage to the two par ishes at ten million .dollars. One child In Schrlever was drowned when her home waa blown away and blown into a nearby pond. Many persons are Injured throughout the territory S< v. rnl Uvea are reported lost at Hottma. (XM/MtKO YOl'TMH H \K,I> An i-ncourrter In ifhlch each ac cused the other of having been the aggressor, and In which each mod estly admitted that he had been i worsted, resulted In fines for Vfr non Benaley and Fred MrMurran, I colored youth, in recorder'a court j Friday morning. There was evi dence that Vernon had used a knife In the battle, and he was fined lift and costs, nil paid a fine of ffi and costa. They were charged with an affray. COTTON MAKKKT New York. Aug. 17 ? Cotton ftt- 1 in res opened today at the follow-' lng level*; Oct. 17.93, Dec. 1 7 .? 2 , , Jan. 17 94. Mar. ft. 04. May 18,18. New York, Aug. 27. Spot cot- 1 ton closed qnqlct, mlddHng 1 9. OB, I point nnchanged. Futures, clos ing Md: Oct. 17.80, Dec. 17.78,1 Jan. 17,80. Mar. 17 98. May 18.07. j engineer L'Knfant laid out the I city he Imposed a cartwheel . of j oblique avenues upon the general diagram of North and flouth ] streets. These avenues rat thej streets at all aorta of angles and from triangles and circles at the! varloas Intersections. Karh later- j section therefore becomes an ladl- 1 vidua I traffic problem. The fath er of the capital had no vlajoa of f the automohilo when ha made hie laganlona dealga. SHEFFIELD WILL CONTINUE FIGHT FOR AMERICANS American Ambassador to Keturii lo Mexico to Vin> dicate American Govern ment's Position PRIDE IS AT STAKE \ llar Treated Willi Consideration ll> DAVID LAWItKNCB.Ji*i I Washington, Aug. 27. ? Jamu i R. Sheffield, American atubaau* 'dor to Mexico goes back to tK* I Mexican capital In a few week* not I to Htay permanently bnt to cob* llnue with undiminished vigor the Ik Klit he has been making to up hold the legal rights of American Icltlsens. With anxious eyes. Indeed with I real concern, the Mexican authori ties have watched to see whether Sheffield would get the "cold shoulder" as he conferred with the Secretary of State. Mr. Kel logK, or whether he would be sent back lo bin post encouraged to id ahead along the lines he has laid | down In the lust several months, j The conference ha* been held land while a brief ofTlclal state- | S ment wuh Issued, there Is more back of the terse announcement , I from the Secretary of State than j appears on the surface. In the first place, Mr. Kellogg has con ferred at length with President CoolldKe and when Mr. Sheffield urrlved was prepared to dlacuss tot length the policy that is to be puy sued. .--JES , Mr. Sheffield's trip, begun orig inally as a vacation because he 1 s | very much In need of rest, has de veloped Into an Important turning point In American policy toward ; Mexico. I Tfm-s?m grid substance of thaj j situation is thut Mexico has made repeated promises to the America* j Government that the written and ! oral statements mad# to Char|?ts IS. Warren. speclal/fenvojr, to the effect that tin* nuW land and oit j laws would not operate rctroae* ; lively and to the detriment of Am ericans owning property In Mexico would be fdlilllcd. Hut despite lengthy notes and arguments, the? resalts have not been forthcom-* Ing. The big question today Is what* | method can be pursued to per-Jj iMuadp the Mexican- government?', that the United States cannot |n-? definitely afford to huve its pro-* i tests and requests side tracked. Hoth President Coolldge and See jretary Kellogi; have counselled ; patience and have in their Iu*tru4?' lions to Ambussador Sheffield urged that the utmost care be tak- | en to give no offense either to tW' sovereignty or pride of MSxIco* Yet the pride of the American j Citvf rnment in also at stake and if the diplomatic eorr? npondenC* be tween the two countries wers pub lished It would reveal a sad dif j ference- of opinion between the jCalles administration and th*^m* erlcan (Iovernment. a difference indeed which shows at the mo ment little promise of bcingr ree- , onciled. * 4 What then can be done to con- | vlnce Mexico that the view# the United States UovrtnnMf must be with < iiniy|^^H tlon and results, not wordd, de livered to the American Govern* ment? The Mexican government' had an Idea U>at Ambassador Sheffield was a bit too streatMlttt^ | in his argument, that he did not reflect the viewpoint of the I'rest-' dent and Secretary of Stat*. is no question thnt the CaJles. 'ministration doe* not relish thtf ] | insistence which Ambassador Shef field has exhibited and wdbfd tw I Jubilant if he did not com* hack | to his post. This was shown lu the editorials from the Mexican* papers which recently resched ihere. To have permitted Mr, 'field* to let go of his posf hss Indicated from time a desire to do would have construed In Mexico as n w? [lag on the part of the A me, Government and would have' more difficult the work of cessor. And beside* Mr. SI has fought the fight of his snd Is esger to leave his only with s record o( achieved Homgfhlag for the ernment whlcn hss been |?le incessantly for reroKnltlon^f^, Tights from the Mexican ment. The United States Is in an wsrd position alar- h.Tsuse Ku ropes n governments all * psssed on their troubles to Washington Government. mske no strong protests /?f own though their nationals r Ing effected by retroartlv# Just s s sre Amerlcsn citis* ns. dlplomstlc corps in Mexico looks to AmbnNtiador She Initiative snd leadership. . _ < Continued on pa?* 1 ? r. sh*f- : sf ss he to time" |e been weak** ?"US5' Is he One