.VOL. XVI. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY EVKNlNii. SIM'TK.MIiKR 2. 1926. SIX PACKS. NO. 207 WAYPREPARED FOR TELEPHONE ! y CHEAT BRITAIN Phase* of Husinc** Some times Best. Conducted liv Voice, and Patent lii^liN Arc |{cadju>lcd must iuse eaiu.i Talk al 5 O'clock in the Morning From New York to Get Englishman's Ear in London at I en vT- H) i?.\ vn> i. \u kkm r: IJ 1 Washington. S. |r Tlii* way being <1 i iv the opening f Ion j? dlstaic? ???!? i?!i in.' i^rvi -f ?el wciii <Sr?-at Hrii.iiti a imI the Jnlted Stall*!*'. Thin is I j ? ? true meaning of ilu> eccnt readjustment ol the r? la Ions liciwtrii the American Tel >phone a lul Telegraph Company n <1 the Radio corporation of Am rlcH. Instead of ait allocation of ffort hetuecn these companies or monopoly purposes what has ? ken placc is a redistribution of ?atent rights essential to cach ??f [he two cuiicern* in the further evelopmcnt of their respective Ipeclalties. The subjeei has bc DDie pertinent because it has been eported that I tie Federal trade ommission would soon begin an iquiry into what was tinned a Monopolistic agreement in coll ection with I lie sale of 'the ra fto station WKAK to the liuilio rporatlou of America }*) be op iated with WJZ. Every patent siren lis author a rtain monopoly and in ilie cler ical communication business al jioKt everything depends on pa nt right*. When shortly after ne close of the war, the govern ent observed' thai rival groups ad possession of vital putciit* >nd that scientific progress might je impeded by infringement suits ? agreement was nrgi'd and tin |lly underiuken by tin various om panics holding important pa fents. It was a "give and lake" greemetn and had the full sanc |on of the government authorities l Washington. Its object was not b restrain trade for it involved no filer fere nee in the retail mer chandising of products but simply definlte understanding as to the ,*e of patents. Now as time has shown the A Ul rica u Telephone and Telegraph lompany the wisdom of concen { ?rating ? *n the telephone business Dd as the Itadio Corporal ion of .faierii-a has seen fit to develop its ifrecialty of spark transmission of SeasuKe. a revision of the original latent agreement has been made. In effect . this has made it pos Ible for the Radio Corporation to :o ahead with its plans for the levelopmeir of radio boih Inside nd outside *he Culled States with >ut struggling by law to act hold k patents necessary Tor expansion ?t radio hroadcaxting or message .omnnuiieatiiHi. As for the shlp O-ahor- business. I be rates pre vailing ittiw are relatively <:n Jheap that the American Tele ihone Company can not see Its pvay clear to the establishment of inch a service for vole ? comniuni latlon except at a prohibitive cost, [hough there Is nothing to prevent Hvch a step later on if the ships pit sea can be equipped a? suffi fently low expense to cniine i |wlth la?d at at ions of the Hell sy The message business aero?s Jie Atlantic never was in a better ondition from ihe viewpoint of lompetltioii for there are liol only jnultlpl" cables of the Postal Tele graph and Commercial ('able jCompany and 'lie Western Vnlon JWnd allied cable lines, but Ihe* al |fllost limitless air circuits of the Radio Corporation of America Op erating directly or by relay with virtually every countfy In the flbrtd Hut It Is recognized that there tor some phases of business rein lF?ns which can betler b? conduct ed in conversation and that the found of the voice-In h factor, and to this end the t runs-ocean l< teb phone service Is directed. To date [lit has cost huge sums in experi mentation with nothing in ? h * wav of revenue coming In. After tnativ delays and a good deal of r- d tape a big station has finally been erected in fircat Britain which < hi work with the stations on this [ Bide of the American Telephone ? nd Telegraph Company. To Iran ! m it voice across |o Europe it ha [been. found that the submarine falde would be too expensive. Ra dio offered Ihe best 'and most practicable means, but the hell ajrutem engineers needed certain ps tents held by the Radio Cor poration of America, and so the I transfer came about. It means I an Impetus for the long distance ' telephone service. ' There are of course many oth er difficulties lo be solved for ifittam < the difference in time mean that only about two hour *of the business day In New York [namely ' to II In the mornlnc 'woy^C . nrrenpond to the Issl flamely two to four o'clock Eftldon The Ameflcnn business has b^en educated to do h denl of telephoning at night ha Briton h?* not. And to Price of a Wife A wjfo, in llel^ian Conuo. cost* >on** copper cross. like thb. wcult iim -T's owners*. A real fat wif? , it is* said. nii-ht ciixt two crosscs. Tin* Li. Id hur Miss Mary Deaiu lias in her other liand is worth 27 .(olai* annum South American In dians, iJ.'iU a( tin- I". S. mint mid <mi to expert* of I lie American Numismatic Association. gathered in Washington, I). Defendant Is Kept From Breaking Into Lockup There havoTTern -litany instances on record in which individual.-) have hruk?-n nut of jail.raud many ,11101V in which they would have liked t<> Iihv*' dotir so, (nil could n't; hut Thursday morning's ses sion ol recorder's court a Hoi di d on*1 of the f?-w iiiHtHiiei'K on record here in which a defendant had to ibc restrained from breaking into ! jail. i Charlie Ah xand'-i. young white ^liiin, was charged with h?lnc -drunk and with having nsrd pro fan*- language in |?ta lilit*. He of fered a pit a ol noi KUllty, where in. of course, In* was ? ntircly w it h in his rights. The Stat* then began putting on evid?'ur?-. Ofticer Itoughton taking the stand and testifying. in Niihptnncc, to the verily cir the charges. i it th*'ii became the defendant's turn to he liia'rd,.. it lie wished. ( l'ar? nthetlcally, it may be stated tiiat Alexander |>uid a visit lo Trial Justiee I'. (i. Sawji-r at t !>?> latter's home Wednesday night, in custody of an officer, and Mr. Sawyer had had opportunity to .observe whether lie had been ira hlliinu with loo much freedom . i "Are you koIiiv on that stand and rwear you hadn't had a drink?" Mr. Sawyer demanded. Alexander replied that lie might have had a little wine, or some thing lik? that. "Tin n. young man. I'm going to di? you the favor of keeping you on tie stand.'' the trial justice de clared. "If *you swnir you hadn't been drink in,-:.>froTrH swear to an absolute i i? ? . and I'll have to put you in Jail. You wire just as high as a kit*' when you. went to my house. Ia?-j nluhl." ! Alexaudi i* was let olf with a fine 'of $ 1 1) and costs. SI?\I!N TO WITHDRAW MM >M THK I.KA(;i)K j I'arls. Sept. 2. The news na ? ency tietieva correspondent says Spain' will withdraw from the [league of Nations without awalt | Ihk the decision of the Council re garding her d? maud for a perma nent Council seat. OITicial notification to this ef fect, he adds, will be given tho League within 24 hours., MEKT TO DISCUSS l . S. KESKBV ATKINS Uetteva. Sept. 2. Opinion that the Culled State* should have ihe name rights in the World Court as members of the League of Na tion* Council hut no more was voiicil by many delegates! at to day'* tension of the International conference couvoked to discuss Amrrh-ati reservations to member ship in >he court. got the Knglishman at his office at 10 o'clock in the morning would require a cull on (his side of the Atlantic at five o'clock In the morning. Much of the telephon ing. therefore, would be concen trated at certain hours probably from h lo I I a. m.? on this'slde of the ocean unit from one to four p. pi . in London, all of which, means the hiilldlug of adequate facilities before a service can real* !y hi- offered as practical. Far from being a monopoly in I the general sense of the word, the 'movement Is one of sclent If Ir de velopment by the use of patents granted exclusivity. ECHOES ARE YET HEARD IN REGARD TO BARGAIN DAYS i Host Direct AdvcrlUiii); llr nulls Ever Had, Say# Aii I oilier Merchant of I he Strctoh-Your-l)nllar Event BUSINESS W AS MH)I) l!c?ult? Indicate Thai Ad vance Sul>t?cril>cr> Head This I'aper Carefully and Profit Thoreliy "The hr*t direct result* from newspaper advertising that ??' have ivt'r K*ll" is the language used by J. II. Wilkin* of the Quinn Furniture Company is expressing the satisfaction of his firm in I hi' Stretch- Your-l>ollar Days adver I iniii r and publicity carried l?y Tlx* Advance last week. Thus ilo echoes of the good bu*- ' int'Ks done in Klir.aheth City last Saturday and Monday continue lo filter in 10 Tin* Advance office. A number of tiicrchutitK who have not as yet pur their gratification at i hi* business done in writing have expressed it orally and have said they would write wheu they could cot around to It. I>. T. Singleton. however, of the Klizabet h <'ii>^ jfiranlte and Marble i Works, did not proerastlnate. He' sent the following letter on the morning after the last Strctch - Your- Dollar day: "All hough we did not gel our ail in your "p?? per until the 2x, for your "Stretsh- Your-l?ollar" Salt's campaign; Monday August 30. was the best sales day we have ever [experienced. We sold one mon ument 1 o a ruHiomer in Klizabet h City, with whom we have been 4 trying to bargain for more than a year. Sold another monument to a party from Boston. Massachu setts. anil corner post to murk their lot: and two tombstones for the father and mother of a party who lives in Brooklyn. N. Y. Fin ishing my last Hale at 9:. 10 last nlghl. If the entire month had averaged with yesterday'a Males, it would have lacked only a few hundred dollars ofw eTftlifflinp ftlir salen f??r the year up to this date, and after giving each customer the full 15 per cent discount as adver tised in your paper. Considering the volume of busbies* done, we feel that Stretch-Your-Dollar ad-, 'vertlslng and publicity made Monday an intereating profitable , day for our business. I "We thauk you for your inter est si nd help iu your "Stretch Your-Dollar" campaign. "Yours very respectfully. "Klizahcth City Marble & r, rani to Works. By I>. T. Singleton, Prop. "Aug. 31. 1926." And here is the text of the Quinn letter In full: "Stretch-Your-Dollar Days at Quinn'* proved a success. We sold ubout 12 of the Iron Bed* which was our special big feature. We also sold practically all chairs In the house thai were advertised for 91.35. "This was the best direct re sults from newspaper advertising that we have ever seen. "Your very iruly, I Sept. 1. 1926. ' Quinn Furniture 'Company." , HAVE FOUND GANG OF NATION-WIDE THIEVES Charlotte, Sept. 2.? Postal in - apectors ami poWc? today revealed the arrests of three men whom they believe to be members of a national gang of thieves. I Two of the men are held at Ha I lelgh said he was certain that 'those under arrest were connected with the baud that 62 Inspectors all over the nation have been trac ing for some time. Those held are directly charged with robbery of J. B. Ivcy and Company depart pient stare here recently at which time 18,000 worth of loot was se cured. A woman is also being cought in connection with the operations. ANSWEKS CHARGES OF MRS. MEN. KIT Cleveland. Ohio, Sept. 2 IxiiiIk Mazer of Canton, charged with 1 first degree murder In connection with the slaying of I>on II. M?| b-tt. Canton publisher, today filed an answer In Federal Court to the 1 f 100.000 suit brought by Mrs. Florence Mcllctt of Indlaniipoli*. widow of the slain publisher, agslnst him, Ben Ntidner. Massll Ion. and Patrick McDermontt. Mazer'* answer denied that he had conspired with Budner #Mas slllin ??r -M? nmfcMlt. th? latter now the subjecti of nation wide search. Th" answer represented a denial of every charge. LIEUTENANT REn is BURIED IN MICHIGAN Washington. Sept 2. Lieuten ant CVrua K Bettia, Army aviator, will he burled at Port Huron. Mi chigan, his home city. Decision to have the interment In Michigan was reached at a con- , ference between air officers and tha aviator ? mother today. Youthful Bear Pays Visit To City After Capture by Party Near Forema n Fc inn Raymond /V itrhard. If 'hp If /fix iccountvd for \ early 2.1 Member* of Itmin Family* >// ills S ome "" Insiile Stuff" on the llreed and lis U ays A throe months*' old hear pmv |?ih first visit to ll?f I'usquollJB* County Court Hoiiw \\i?livsd* Hfti-riiuitii. Vomfor'tably .'itscoiie?? hiuisi U i? ? corner ???'*} l" T III safe ill Auditor tUIT 1 r? chard's* iilfi i . and W?'?l in * all \isitois. Hi' ?' colltir chain. In" otherwise ?|.t?uicil f lam-' as '''I l,?l?l'> ? 'I lit- yout li fill III nili ? If* bronchi l" il>- illy '?> ,!',v!l"!r' I'litcliald. jonim lantl'l "I <? |Vrk m -1*1 inn. line. '"J1 U.wn I'rllchnrd ami a ?"'"?? his foni|Miiioi?H ru|itur?-tl tty culi liusdiij iiuirnini; .iftor. till mother boar liml hevii shut out <? a in- in which ah. ami her ri? |, ail MiuullI '? ' ,"r.l3 aril' >- '* Harry overman. a iiu-iiile i <>l Hit Inintiti- parly. climbed ll,;' M ?>??- iu whicn Hi' I"-"' *J'T treed ami wllli a -til l- lotc..d "?? lull III illllll' IV""' 1,11 ' . J lakin^ a l?"t 1,1 ,,>r'' "1 hit the around. Til. hie]' J"1"? did Hill appeal I" "" Jj'M llrtiln al all He hut'. flat "f his hark . ami unharmed. hiliin- In could r""j away. . , . lUyiunml l-i ill-haul ami th. Others M'l "III "II J?1 hum. in II" ??>"> '|lh. ilav uiurniliv. r-lltl.t"'-- ""I ' won.l- bai k "I rS. nit Kami. H ??" * "dock 1 ' do** struck ? I" il trail, and the" within minutes U" .iii.rrjr ?? tirnl TIuim* imrtui|?alin? in *?' hum I- Mr- 'Til' ',???[? hill ll-yoar-nld son. Iv" aril. Harry Overman ami Can n lVO.H 1,1 I'lllk". Dellliwoy MnlTlSl lt' ?r Wceksville. "all Bunnell. -<1 Moriian. Ji>" M?rn'"'- ,L j.?niu?* and Willi" l>aWs.aH_ot_ Chnnue* H<*r Mi"'' As tin- hunter* approarlml the ? tr? e in which the old In ar , jJfH her cub had sought r? iuue, flh* mother bi ar atart.d down l?? ward the Binund. flcfi.rc ; iconr far. alio channel! hei niiml anil climbed bark UP i?'" a ; avlili'iitly havlnit frighten a by tin- mill and do?a. I Mr I'rHrliard declafi. 1'" vmW bear which hebrouslit here ycat.-rduy l? Hi'- Kcnlleai I" ??" ?aw. "Hi- know* mo already, n- > aaid. proudly. "nnil I" I' i"'l>? line around belter than anyi'"d> clac. Take moat cubs Ills .-if. I they'd be juuiliiuK at ymi same UB they wanted to eat you 'il' in Ilia ex|?lielire as a hunter. Mr. l-ritchard malls tlii.1 lie has aceoiinled for nearly -? members of ll" llrtiln family. In cludliiK nine tlila year. Of in nine, six were old hears, and ??' kill, d The other thru 'cubs, and were captured alive. Due ?f them died, and he sold Hie .. h or two to a heal trainer i" Mut ton One of lltese was III. ynimt; It, hill who vlslf 1 ? l.i- ? " V v. -I. ' .lay, and who I'll "?*l " carefully conalriirt.d lltll" <?' for Ilia future home. Mr. I'rltchard tells of u.-my slirrim; expel i.-nca Willi and Inelilenliilly aballera a i; * hishly favored traditlona cnnenii int; them. limn ,\ii- llanoleHMf '.') \ bear la not daimeroua at all. unleaa he is cailKlU ill a lra|i. lirrlarea. "When I Ural start hlintinK them. I'd run from a l>. ai ,l?- minute I saw him. I had l'"'td M. much about them lieliiit J ?'J II, it I soon found out that ??"" you inc. I ? '" at. h. j acared as you are. and will run away. If he baa a rham-i-. ??H a noi much trouble in lie u|> a bear and lake Him out ? Ul", wooda ll"v. aft". jroUVB cau-h I . him in a trap I anally him by a front fool, anil then all vou I"" ? ilia neck, and havi two men " ' It. 11111(1 let tlr.-tti |ireaa down I II ""Then v"? arab his hind wire up his month with a klml "t muxxle. t" keen III." Irom "'" anybody. Why. one llm. ?' milled a 'H at and drove him ?" of Hie woods Just llkc-you a cow. . ....' ? A hear If Juat as eaay l" k'" : an a rabbit. If yon hit him I" llioj rlaht placn and the beat pill!. I" shoot It I in l? In the head If >"" shoot It 1 in under th. foreahoul.P I. ,, some liu tilers do. you won kill him oulrlahl. and he Is apt | to do a lol of diimaae lo vo ir links before he dies. Hut one. >'?". yet some ahol In his brain. Il a all OV?T. Won't l.??ok ?? *?" "A bear ran rllmh a tree Je t like a s'liilrrel. IT yon cori" "I' on him, and he dcrld-s to rlimb hark i" the k round, he wont l'"'k , hi you si all. unless you sl.ak' a bush, or make aortic kind of a noise like that. Then hell l""k rlBhl al you. and you can kt.l ^ ''"??Bears have a lot of alrenitth I" (heir front l-Rs, hut very Utile In j their hind le?. Than o?e rea?-i 69 Badges !_ ^ ^ Ira Wall. 20. assistant scoutmaster of troop M. Buy Scouts, lit l*? Molnrs. In.. If liollrVnl Ik U' Ihn j highest ranking merit seout : in the world. A iwvcnywtr veti-ran scout and an Kmjc1c scout flnfc k<;z. he recently received hn? mth rn?-rlt badge. The national council off'-rn only 72, and no other acoul has earned as many an 69. SA\S WII.I. BMN<; I .lllKL SI I I New York. So ill . Torn Tag gart, hi'ium ralir, |c;ulrr of Indiana', ha* ihrcuii'imd a $I.uwu,immi liliel Mti, j again?t I *oii tiled ay I'age and Company. publisher* of Kdna Krr ber'n novel, "show 4fo.it." unless ihri-e paragraph- referring lo him self and gamliliiiK are deleted from i lie liook. the New Yor,k World says today. More than ISa.uun copies of the novel have been sold. Tile puh llshlug company said they knew nothing of it. on why It is not much trouble to ll?' oil.' lip. win li yo?l ejileh him ill a tra|>. "Once I had a mown' bear I had caught. and kept in a p< u for a while ln'foi'1 | Miltl him. I l ? el that hear ?vny day. ami thought he- was getting I jf in t ? . until I l? - kail (o notice | hat h< would lais* a front paw when I wa* I ?1 l:i j. hitn. ll<* watch* d iiii* liiightx close i?ll tin- time I whs* around him. Then one day. wlo-n thought I wasn't looking, lie look a lerrihle swipe at nie Willi hi<* paw. | dodged liiiu. hut If lie had hit my aim. he would have torn it all lo piece*. "I sold I ha i iN-iir to a .man in New Jersoy, who thought In- could tatm- him. Hvery lime that man Went lo f?'Ci| lillu. I In Im ar would lung?- aualn^i ilie eacc at him. Tin man never told iik- so. hut I km w hy the h?v he talked a 1 1? imnmIn that h*- must have kIhii up hop* of ever laming that le-ai . and uitisi hnve kilhd him. \ Iknr "MjM?'i->" "Olice SI vela I o| us d?ehj'd lo play a trick on one of uiv ml-h hols, whose plus had been hot ti ered *T>> hears. \V? k:.? w lo did n't have a gun, so we w? lit around there oil' night right aft* r hi- had gone to lied, and carried along nome%ii ]>? in watch th run On** of us slipped nr'Mii:il lo I p"ii and grahln d a piv hy lie- hind leg, and of course In- Marl' 'I a<|iieallliu as h>ud as he could. "That imin Jumped up out o| hed, and ran mil In the yard ju-t like he was, cussiim Hie ln-n rs at I he top of hi." vole*. It was a bright moon Ik- hi nl'ht. and h look* d HO lu tiny |h<- gill - couldn't help laughing. II** loarfl Ihent and ran hack In I he hoUt>c, \V?* turned loos*- Hi* pig and w* ut off. "Next day, he stopped Hi*', look Ing mighty. puzxi* d. 'Don't voti know, a In mi grabbed one of my pigs last night.' he said, 'and was about to to oif with him when I cam*' out and scared him away, hut wlii'ti I wi ut out to Ho* pen Mil* inornlnv, I couldn't hnd a single pp.; in tlo- lot thai was acratcheil up. al all. I i\e't un dnriUnd ii "I lauutwd out loud, ahd lie thought I wax crazy. None of u* ev*r told him about the I rick we played on him. and I Riieaa he R ?till wond'iin* ahout It." i B<?s t city Motorist Is Victim ot New Traffic Light I j- diM> :ili I rib"1 atl iii oliyel . . I dellln-ta > ?> > kliT^llllU dl.ili'dlo.il -.?]?? I?i ?* .Illl! 4?-| .?W.I> Willi 1*. I'l ?|1?!? I" Will i.lliKll >1111 (I'lUtl. II Villi II V. AihI >?'! Thru- u.i. s;imii? tvidi-iic< in rt-? order*-, miir. Tliur -day m??i ii iai: thai tin ji?v. trail a- i-oiitml .-filial .it Hi-- im'i r-n t'l.m ,.i M .1 in .>nd Ke.nl si reel* a<-:ilallv li ;i ?l ?loin i : vci'j ilmtfc. willi f 1*?* pl| I ' e of ?' 'Kt.lltllilillU ' lite l.li/a ? ? i ti i .;v i. !'? r. mi I r t . iti lle ii; i sen . : Vi'Ki. li > '1 .,!? ' i . Mi Krii.': ii.ili->l Mu ii rmir: llollie - . ?ii" lest i| lJi.il lie lia-2 |i.is:-^'il ?!? t- > ri?.-- w.'h.n .i ji.ii . ? i : ni'.na.- ?!n ? niiiiyl ? in ii. 1 1 1n-i .i lii.i. i.'i ..li who cunii' .iii>] v.' i ? a ' .i: ; in- i!ir? i t :<ui It wa nning. t]).. I r]|i> -lit! II ]? I : I 1 1 1 1 . Till"' t ill- l ? ?? I' I he w.illietl till *1 1 ?: ? ?!??! .till lie- 1 1 ?? . ; : i a:ul alTe*;ed him I iie M't-niul, win ii it ,i|i|ii',ii'i i| 'hat wari.il. us v\? iv iitefferl jve. .On 'le- 'aim in hi* ovvn hehair. Mi'Kmi!<-> I ?*-? *!'?? .1 thai vvi,.-u lie ianif a ii Miv thi- flrsl t : in ? - . Ii peil o II I el his I'lir .111*1 I ll ?' light . ill ? I'.U " Hi* Weill. The I ll'ef III poijee -topped 111 111 . itll'l lip. ill ioiikiliv out III ili- he nil -? -rveil ih;*: lie- linhi livii w.-. - .i> Jug "Su p " inn ? h.:\e cliaie.i il wi n. I iv;i - no- .-in. ili> .?'treei ." Ii- ? ? iilMllleUteil liulv in ii:?l t'n 1 of the rhtifs warnlitu. !ie 1 1 ? ? i if ii il Thai w-h* a lie i allie link lip Ihe S'Vi'1. lie |ieejv-i| ..li! .iwaiM a ill" lu'-hr. Jllnl ir s.iKI. Ai-ain. in- weiii. A ? 1n-v Coll i i n.ipe w ; i ale el of lilln. I: i out ihlli-il. alld ll?* fullnWeil as ? ? I o ?? i ? | v" behind it .i < hi- . oiilil. <!*i ii ?? Mir. ilia: the !:p!r -i ill lie- ml 'ill' Ii I III |(? keep (.'illllli. Xuaiii. i'l ii f llollie? stepped him: a:ul a;ain. upan loiikiiiv.niil of l?is I'iir, Im ?|lseovei.i| ih, it thi lib.ll! Il.lll SWltrllell -I- li;i|- Ofi hilll . The * hi? | o|'i|i-| him III eoiirl. Trial JllslUe Sawvi i ?? ' MeKill ley l?y Willi lie- Court eost.c. A lit 1 1, imliuiiam ever Hie irlckr the I i " h t had iiliV'il mi Inin In- ap pealed lie i-a.si . wlievi upon Mr. Sawyer, rimarktau thai In mi;:hr as w? ll have . oiaeihiiiu in appeal liniii. iiiipu: t il :i line ?i; $1u ami appenl Immi ill a eh.iiiui of le art. w i I ! 1 1 1 1 ? w lit apjnal. and Mr. S'avvvr took ufi Ihe lite , lettiim the original judy iiii lit ytaml. wh- r?.*h> In only paid tin mint TIiuh it wu* thai M<' K inhy Miduett wmi Ihe diMihtiul honor of iM-ifiL' Hie lilril motorist I r , I'.irc llu court here en a* cliiiK'i1 of *11^ reuardiii:; tin m.ii)dai?r id lie im \v iriillic ilrvicc. <ol.oi;i:i? rot ci.i-: i i\i:i? on I.MMOIIAIJTV i iniiiilvS Charged with immorality. Mil Miller and lto.su I.otiK. both nil ored. were pin ii ml i ? r sum|m<imIi il Hi'llll'lll'I'X of lill days ill Jilkl. KllS pi* ti m i? > it to he In effect for two >?-.? i-- . conrlit ioiiul upon payment of fine' of $ 1 ii ii ml mxtH nirh in recorder'* court Thursday. A second charge of liotl*chi'c:ikiUK preferred against Miller was dropped when it ir'iii'Hi'i'd i hal ?he woman win noi avi-iw to lilv pres ? ii?v fn her lionio. ?I i? 1 1 11 ii Tr in blood. colored, charged with ?l r I v in l* an automo bile Without Hl'IiIh. was required to pay I lie ?os is of the ?oiin ac tion. All three eases were disposed of in recorder'* court Thursday. t tint ?\ MAitKirr New York. Sept. U. t'ottoli fm ii iff opem-d today at lie tol ,!owiiiu I' vein: October I7.7i?. I >? ? - 'ceinhcr 1 7 . 7 f? . January 17. *7. Mareli IK. 12. May IK.:*4j>. New York. Sept. L\ .Spot rot ton closed nubd, middling I 8 . 7 r? . a decline of 1 Ti points. Kill lire*, closing hid: Oct, 17. 'ill. tier-. 1 7 . 7 !? . Jan. I 7.87, MarVh lM.?N. May IK.liii, July IK. Oil. ! Revolt Leader /- V upftrml (l*nru<- Kotidyll*, for moi* f;wk mlii i.'i' i ??! war, who Juki h> th?- mMwuBfiil mti<1 hloodlmH revolution by which j Pr^nMrnt I'tmRioln. ih?* "Or**k Mti?*ollnl,' w?* ov*i ihrnwn. Team Mates I' 11 ' W.lllM-'l".'.!' "h.- l-?,. ?HI .1 v h. 1 1 I ?*.???>? ?l flu ? ki - 1 : ii in . ' II i -u? ?' It ! ? ki-*i Wor, And 1 !.?? s. i:ll iti.it l." jM-r. luii-i ? ??? *n| lu-.L.' .1 tr.iiilllMtl- 1"! I' ? TllC i: i ill *11. V ? II wlv ii a lni? .'I' 1 .?.!? ?ii .iinl I hi yt-.il r i?\? r Ii til.. I II, I II Ml-'.- 1 II I'll MHIII ll?i| lllli.VMJ t>>. Ill I'. Ill M .1 l ixurilo will I" S IJIVV .-.lilnlM. Tyrol! Teachers Meet To Organize I'olninhlu. Si-pi . "rin* irurli - ikf Tvr.-H run ni y lin t Ti < I ii in lti.i Sal unlay moriiitlK. AhuiisI 2N Iilld liM'llllllHtiSi plullr. I ill* Mil' yi'iirV work. Only four iif iHv I I'll cliiTH for !lu> l!n;.27 i ?Tin were W*"imm Mini irl tlir-<i- trriiiR ?l?' la.vi'd un a no ii n! of MiinniH1!* tu'hool. Tin* lii4*i *1 In K was 1 1 |ir> licit liy Miming " Anu-rira." Pray or was offrrod l?> J .1. .lull list on mii| a piaim mi|. i whs ri'iiilcri'il by Mr&. William K. I>rak?\ Super intend'' ut VV. I ?. Co\ out lined 1 lac plans ami uliii-mlvi-s for I In- year's work. i*K|Marinlly sircss iim t In- inipniinin-o of ~inrri'UHtiic tlii* Hl'lui'il al li'mlatir". Mr ifrKi'il I lii* teachers lo lit ?? *n me heller ac quainted willi tin patrons of llirir si'liools tlii'iohy securing their cu njicrii t ion. Tin loi-.il null of i lie North t'ar oltiui l-'duralloiial Association was organized with I'M) percent mein horslilp. William K. brake, prln c ipal of tin- Columbia school, wan ? 1 1 "i* I i.'il president*. Kolicii |4. Hpcu ri-r, of i In ? Pleasant View school, vice-president: \V. J. Wlilii', of i ho Columbia school. serrelsiry-l reas ?urer. .1. S, llowaril. distriet supervisor of roi'iii ional education. explained1 llo- Valilr to. Hn school si lid community of Hie home econom ies ami agriciilt ur.il coiners re-4 it'll I ly established in I ho Colli mlda school. (). ,1. M i ii*- i. agricultural teacher, spoke of I lo in ri-Milt y of having ?l?-f in If r* objective* toward w h ii'li in work. Will in in B. fM'iiko. sugge- li'il various activi ties. lis debating Hiirli<i|pn. literary aii'l Mllilotic orgaiiizul lit lis, whirl) would help lo create a Rood school Hplrll. HAYES & WHITE CHANGES HANDS Mrllrr\, |{?ck I rom SyrJrf, Tuki** Ovrr K?-? tal>li?li?'(l lin-^i ?n*-'- llrn* Tl??' iik rfiini ll?- hit >*l ii "Am of Hh)im K Willi*', on SoiiMi I'olii rt?*xi??r Hlrwii. I'oiKliii'tid for ih? l<i*l \'Z yrars l?y Mr*. < *1 Imi W. llay?*. cf iiii. iiJ ImioIk W'lliioMliiy alt<-rnoori. lh? piiK'lia.Hct . Mik? Al?tfr?v. who ha* Jnsl n ? luriM-ri to l!ll/.alH fh l.'ily wilh hi* family aft'-r n stay of two ywir** In hi* ti??in?< hind of Syria, Tlx ii- w oh in T |ila im iri conduct a hattfajn Hi ore th?r?*. alonu lh< Iiihh 'if ilif mil' hi* ran on N'orth I'olwli \i?-r Hin l li'-fim lo* re turn* <1 to Syria. Mlko Mrllr?\v ntri-ady . Is tfolni; hil s I al Ills II' W hl.md. hill Will hold hU forma I i'im'IiIiik SHtiirduy. wlfli ii huriruln kiiIii iM-klnnlni: at fi o'clock in |h'- luotnlnu. Th< fotin Iii'-m* of liay?-x 4e Wliiti' wa*. ??* t;ildl.?h? <1 14 ,vi-ar? hiIii, and Mrs, llayi'K look ovt-r I to aHlvi- iiialt ttiifno'tit of 11 phorlly ufU'i' t N? ? d'-mh of Ii?t huKiMiid. W'aylftnd ll^y* Till; fttOI'O Ik lo tlo lirarf of ih<- South I'olnd'-xI'T ntaJI itlKlrli'l. wlilrh ha* In cfoaat'd xriMilly In lm porta tier In r?'c*'nt yoarn. lafuHv through tty ncctlon ol h number of attmctiv** n?w ttoifn. BUCK PRIVATE LIKELY CHOICE OF THE LEGION 0|?|Mi?ition Having Devel oped l?i (M'licral l'er*hing, I *?* imI ai I ii in Sh in^ in the 0|>|M??ilc Direetion rr?? V\(\\ VI K LEE lit* Mail- I rom lopfka, k until*, I- I il In lie (?en rral. ImiI lnipatietiee made 1 1 i in Man of Katik* it* coiiKirr r. smai.i, WastiiuiM.in, Sept. opposi tion ha virtu .l. v. i.., .. .i i ii ,ht. plan ??I * I ? ? ? r j 1 1 ?_ C.ihiuI J.i Ii ii J. p??r >innu <?< . in nt.i n?i>- 1- oi (ii,. American V.i"i' '' srcoiid "invasion" "i I.- tin- ii. y. *;i i", ilii>ro has now lN'i-11 III out; lit forward tin- HtiKgea n??n ilia. instead or a. general a '?Url? privat. .si, all Ii. ,?ado the Hull on ul command. ?!? for I ho trip V'1 , i l?-iicl?|s, and to the boulevard* ul J *ji litis |ii'o|iom i| drop f roni th?r ^ highest ra ii l? in ii,,. low. st has rant lit tin- imagination of many l.'Ui..iin;,ii. > :,|M| ^ ij.'int mad. \.- matter of fact ,i" ,"1H k iw-hal.- I.. niuk. (lie race alit adv has I.. . ,, M l. ? t,.,|. j|e 1? I rival.- Thomas Am.iry Lvo, of ?|??l"'ka. Kansas. ,|-. -cubed by his lib-nils as "a maiwlio miuht have ??? . n a 1'iilom l or a k? n.-ral but whose doslr. and z.al to serve his country and whose mi patience at d< .ays niad. hint a man of the tanks.' g im I II. Am. lira n I.c^ioii * Mtlll Z uoiiit; forward with its plaint to . 11 * ?? France next marking the tenth anniver* V?"V i".1 'n,ry into ike W orld War and I In- llrst landing "I Amrrlrmi I loops on Ktiropran ??dl There is. widespread belief in. III. I. moil lhal Hie a llti- A liter. Han .nil hursts ol -tit. past sum mer in France will have dl.-d down and li? < it loiKotten |>y the time vet eirtUi.oi tile Marite and of < lint ??an Thierry^rml? of the?ftr* ? gnu in and II. lleau Woods sail for 1 nr \ tnaji i u m n . The French govcrnnielii wit hit, the last fort niulil has "ll' rated Its desire to~ Jia\. the American donah boys mine irt Franc* for Iheir reunion and have assured leulon officials there never Itud been the slightest IIiik aaainst the men who louitht beside tho J'oIIijh in the last successful stages pf the cdn Hlct on the Western Front. Thfs undoubtedly Is true, for some hundreds of >\ -.lough boys still in I ranee were ask. d t? parade with the J'lenrh veterans as a protest against the Amerieaii debt terms. The prop. is*-. I I 'a ris trip will be tin .shed out at the meet in i; of the legion in I'Jiiladelphia next month." Th. bulmi has . . lahlished the precedent ol promoting Its nation al officers through the various ut'ades to national commander. If either (iem ral I'.-rshliiK or I'rivata I.e. Were selected lor t he French "Invasion" th. precedent would mm to he |i mpotarily se| ardde. I here l.s likely to he oppoHitlon to such move, hut it is art; lied that ir I ^P 'n France is to be mail, on keniim. ntal grounds, thw comiuander lor ihat I rip should be chosen by the sain.* token. Tln je |? a ureal deal of ro iii . nee behind th. m w battle cry: " l.? t a buck private b ad five sec ond A. I). F. i>, France." The I'ersiiini: boom has some powerful men in tin legion behind It. but neenllv In'.N. w York the Per shln-.- ticket in the national con vetilion at Philadelphia wbh de feated. The counter talk for a buck private lias sprung up only within th.- Inst few days, and, ac cording to the fri.'itds of I'rivata I ?*".'? it so happens that there is In 'he b'Klon a "buck" capable Of lilllna the office of iialional con maud, i a man of splendid cxecu live ability. I.. b? ?in witt, Private Thoman Amory Lee |,4 university man. a maduat. ?r Kansas lulverslty snd Of Harvard law school He fought tlirouvh th< war as a private, but uow is a major in the officers' re ""i" l(rivat< l.ees war reeord Is Hotn. thinx or an epic. It stall* on th. Champagne rront In lh? tall of I f? I 7 before America! troops had wheeled into action. M. served III (he Foyer du Holdflt and was more or less a "guest" of the Fr< nch Army, doing nothing much but flyht the (lormans and U'ltinn shot at repeatedly. In Jb. i.ttt. i i , .,r .| muary. 1?lg, lie siun.d enlistment papers In the I r? nch a rt ill* t v In theory be was a iii*> til b. r ??r the famous for ? Ian h i: Ion of Franc, and w an aff i-| ?n.'d to th. attllhry school at r.oitainehleau His orders w **? loru delay* d. hoo ver, and arow inu weary of waltlnu h< secured bis I. 'base 1,1,(1 enlisted in th# I w nty sixth I'nited Stat. s Infant ?ry. a part of the faiuoua F'lrst f>f^ vision which was in action all t hrou fh the war. I,..- was in tha Itrst tlahtlna at Fan^Kny He was In the Mondidler Nov-oiia dofena l\<-. In the second battle of tlta Marne, was Injured at Cantiaajr and wound..! at Holssons. He wan Hl'd for uallantry on the field an* reco III limn ded for the dlstlg Ktiifh. d service cross. I'rlvate l^-e has been prominent in the American legion ever sine# Its orlitln snd was a member ?f th- legion pilgrimage which visit ed France In l!?2l. ?A

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