Love Accuses Highway Body Of Extravagance In Conducting Affairs Chairman of County < jiiu-' mituiiuiMTM Cliarfjrs |{oad, Board railed to S|iemr Money Eeoiiom ieal 1 y scorr oiikIjs ?km\t, Would Have Hard I inn ?^t'iiidiiu: .More Ijirpfnl Set JUDGE NUNN AT CURRITUCK FOR THE FiRST TIME Maknt Pleasing Imprrssiiin ^?mrcb northwardly to Brother*' pKro. a dlntanr" of about Iwo nnlrs. be continued another mile. The board promised to ul\? flic requewt favorable conwid'-iatton In (k# event lUlfleliMit nipikc) wan available for It when other |irl<>r 1 project* had been paid for. MOTHER AND WIFE ARK AIITO VI 'KECK MCT1HS Hickory. H?'pt. 7- - Word whk r? - 1 reived here today from George 1-incast. r of thla city Hiatlnu that his mother whs d? ad and hie wife nut expected to live, uh a reault ol an automobile accident near Klna* ton. TKAPI-X t .N'IO.X MKI-rrs Charlotte. Sept. 7. Sl\ hun dred delegate* aatherert here to day for the opening of the first an oiimI .-"?** Win of the North Carolina Allied Trade* 1'nlon. Itcprexcnta tlt?* from nine organization* art? In attendance. The n? xftlon* will last through Thursday. r?>TTO>f M.IKKKT New York, September 7. Cot-, ton futuris opened fodpy al the following level*: October 17.7s. Kboi I 7 . .I'm iniary IB. 02. H.l'O. >lay 11.43. Tnrk. September 7. Spot gn do"' it quiet mlddllnir IX leaner of 2.? points Future.' hid: October 17.86. Decm? 1 8 0U. January 18 08. March! ?ft, May 18.35. July lg.38. J j tween W. O. Saunders. nlllor of I the Independent. weekly newspa ? per published here, unci Dr. J. H. Hawkins, of Ncw|iiirt News, i marked the opening of a series of ?lectures by the latter at the court house here Monday nlulit. Only | a scattering of people att< nded, but th 0*0 expressed th? ninflvrs to I day ax having been well repaid for their presence. In opening hi* lecture, which Max directed against |h< methods ol I'm (toman Catholic Chiireh, Dr. Hawkins took Extreme excep tion to xtatementfl appearing in lasi week's issue of the Independ ent. In which Mi . Saunders Intl iiirtt? d that lie was here as a rep resentative of the Ku Klux Klaii. Dr, Hawkins branded these inti mations as "an eniphallc lie," do-, daring that he wn* not a member j of the Klan. and wan not working I for It. Mr. Saundcr* had come in at the ripening of the meeting, and at that Juncture arose and told the Kpeak'-r who h> wmm, adding that | Dr. Hawkins* denial "f affiliation with the Klan. in Ills opinion, was the *lronK#>*t evidence that he was >1 Klancinan. "They all deny they ln hini; to it." he added. Dr. Hawkins answered in kind, snd in the course of the argument Air, tfaunderx stripped off his coat 1 as though to fight. The lecturer told hmi that VII the last re coursc of ? cuwald. and piocced fd to ll>t bu own putilhnc qiial A Scientific "Divining Rod" Faker* usnl to loc.ite well* with "divining iifOs." This man. A. J I\ BcftNhr of Omaha. han Kone them onr Iwitor. With In-- "fleet ro-*t Alio bahrnot," whown above. he haa located Nebraska 'it ikict ml well. at i "amp bell, In KrankMn county. The whole town, with a population nf ,"oa. h id contributed $70,000 or nioro to the formation ol a company t? lM?re f?-r oil; Bntaohy s discovery meant* thoy will net their money 1-ack and a whole lot more. _ lie predicts a good future for Nebraska's new "llcld." BRIBE HEARING UNDER WAY NOW Special Panel of 200 Tule*? men railed in Dau^licr ly-!Vliller ilanv New York. Sept. 7.-- -A special panel of H00 talesmen were sum moned to provide a jury toilny for trial of Former Attorney General Hari > M. Daugherty and former Allen Properly Custodian Thomas W. Miller on charge* of accepting 1,000 bribe. ? Cbnunrv to the Federal Court custom of liHvinK prospective Ju rors questioned by tile court, fudge Mack agreed to penult di rect questioning by attorneys, tflth resultant prospect of an en Ire flo> or more being given over o aejection of a jury. FMeral Attorney Emery it. luckner expects presentation of he Qov< riimeut's case will require ibout three weeks, but defense ittorn-ys were unable to say how ong they would require as the d> onse testimony will depend upon vhat the Goventnent offers. Richard Merlon. German cop ier magnate. Is here as star wit less lor the Government and is txpacted to testify as to his parti cipation in the return of $7,000. 100 cash and Liberty Hum! to ilien claimants of stock in the Vmerlrnn Metals Company. ' GIVKN SKW UQeari K. Major has been r? - loved of his Fort KuaUs, Virginia. 'Omniaiul and will assume new du les on September 20. as chief of taft of the fourth Corps ana at itlantu. r. llawkiiiH begun 1 hln lecture. | The visiting lecturer stated in Jan interview Tuesday that ho had j been a member of the Klan ami an active worker for it, but that j he had left the organization In I March, !!?!!!?. because he did ri?*t approve of the method* of its j higher officers. He Maid he still wa* heartily in favor of the prin ciples for wlrtch if stood. Dr. Hawkins ottered credential* showing that he was a member of the Virginia bar, and stated that he wan h former president ' noted from the foregoing paragraphs, and she succeeded in raising Ihe nion ,ey. The 'other two remained in I Jail until she 'returned Tuesday with enouuh money to pay their aggregate fines, Julian Spencer, John Copeland |und Mordecal While, chart:?'d with disorderly conduct In a C*o ? loulal avenue cafe, were fined $?'? land costs each. j Will Stroud, 'accused of ha vim: 'been drunk and disorderly, and ! wllli possession of liquor, was , lined i I a and costs on each count. I Police lent Hied he had a pint of j whisky on his person when lie wan arrcMlHl. 1 Jack Htrniia, churued with as sault. was fin* <1 $20 and cod.'. I The was that In- lift 1 1 had |hii arctiment with Tom Copt-land as the outcome of u crap game on Peartrec Itoad Saturday nigh:. ,and had struck Copland over the ! head with a piece of Iron pipe, Iti flicil 11 k a gash which it requlr* d four atltchcs to clone. j As a M*qu<-I to the crap game, j Al Divers, F.dwnrd and Cralmui ' Moore and Noah Seymour ap peared in court Tueaday morn In.-, and paid lines of 110 and co.ih each Upon submitting: to a chart;' of gamine. Charged with bring drunk. Iamuel Norman, Jerry Johnson and Prank Lllh-y, ail colored, f were fined $.% and co-'ts each. I I Yriiiit W iiiniiii}! ' I KKKHKK t;i\ KN It \ISI". Cilv Matiap-r s? Salary ln | ',,r Month: Orilinaiui- I'aswil J l <. Kotrii't I'arkiiif! Fixing My ?? 'al. ilt SI.'JS. tli?* *?"'? ;?f WiM y ? 1 ? ri.iMii- i*Hy ? MaiUif r V* r? U ? - '?-.'ilirv a im'iitli. anil mmin? :a.-wfi a |.r??|"-?l ?"? ,,M* j?r abiiut in ii-w ???? ?'??? H'iir.1 M?|. ?l Mam Mr?.l 11,1 ''iV' tll-bis ??f lb" ,1,<" 1 ' ? K*"il -.'I,.'"! li.M.'l liil'.l .,'lll?, ..nil 111,- ?i?- Il""1 1L, r.-nl-. Avail, tllix >>ar. ?" ?""? lax was Itxi-ll a I lull' j inr >1 1'.l lal'i'r ami 'sr.,.!.. I s.-lin.'l' 'ill. lax on I.,., mil-l- V. a- i.i.'i * nwu t'l - ' 'Il lam >var? -if | M.n-aii iHIhiiI 'I" ' on I v mint, voir.- I" I"" . I tlial I ' 1 1 v Maliat'-r t-l. I.i*. imlaii I.. rai?..l ?'^a a mmilli. ???? ' l n -fas'1 t" In-' tnnd?* r? t roacliN'1 t'? i Jinn 1. last. Wli' H ll"' t"11"1 In l.. Ii? ai-k"! llial 1 1 in I"' jr. .-.i.lcl mmliiHl It Tin- iu?-i..-. Ibiinu* Hi' ?<>' iiianau-T f >-.iiai> i.i- t.. * "J 7 r. a nioiiin. Tli>- Main sU"'t In- <|l.?-?l'"n w.i- |.n-< Il.llul. 't Btalli by a h i - oiniiiond.ition by I?. K. "I!' ntuiiM ? r in ?h?- ? oI ? . Oliu-n. ?'? rliarist* of t'U> tin u .-.I i- h-r,-. V If, -Ml "II II"' IMHltll !*>??? "1 nl root, " Road anu - b.- cut down I,. iM.finli a "la.w the ?tr- -it I" ??- rlrai|ilit,i"?l "l11 Wlii-n il" qii,-?ti?u i-ani'- I" a ' Voio. Cmmi'llmon Morcan. Urium and i: J Colioon wont on p-rnnl uh lavorlnc Mr. JobnMin'H miiski" 1 1 Ion . wiili Oninoilmon Kram. i . i C Colioon and auan -i "? Maynl Mr' 'all. . inlmltul nl I"" lir.iiuli"' I" II" Wonmnv I ml. in l. l HtiylhlnK'ii I" tl>' l'" s wlirn Hi' V ??"?'' f l" """1"1. , vctonl tin' niolion. A letter from Altornvy ? TliOin|iK?n was i? ad. In whUli ? ' ''? Tlioni|?st?n rPFlK'Cirully drrlimd !? iwrvi' ?n ? mwrial commits ? ??ul? orix?d 1?y thr f'ountil la^l in"""' to invrstlKaU- rliart;v* "I ^r,,n prrkrr.d l>y CHy Mai.ari r l*-r?' I asaltiM I- It- . i.-rlr.l In th. ltnar't "f < "? rini' ?i Srhunl Tritt.l'-, ?. ???ntl. r'.l tin- i' -- Imintlnn. wlilol' w;" arr. |.n-.l. .. . Itotw It II Taylor wa- i-lio ? n inianimoiiHly to .-.irr."! I.l'u. A in th Ion from i?i?i?? rt> ???? vn ?n NorlU Water ?tfi-l. a^kinv. thai II" -lr"l I" M'1'!""* 11 what anil r. pav.-.l I..IW" i M.'l" ??,i Itutx... 'I""1"- niM net "";" "U f?lti.l' Xl"r I "" '- .. mado nliort? r and l??W??r? d and lb aunronrb. s I.- ral^od. whh prom m i d bv Mlorjioy K. !'? \ydb-lt. ri?? Coiinril kiivc Mi-. A \ II axsnr a tire !h?l Unit would be doe- . if ?diffident money was* available from t It** proee??di? of tin- rici-nl Mreet Improvement bond IsMie, Water atreet alao cairn- in for eonidfleralinn in (lie matl< r "f parkins. Mayor MeCaln break In u another "-S lie In favor of pro hibiting purkinu on the cast aide (?f t li?' utreet. hcU'cln Colonial avenue. Ms?twhil?- MattheWH hI ???*?!, and the State highway bridge. The niHlicr of improved dairy* Iiik retrain I ton* here. willi a vi? ?' to anHtirlnu a pure milk xiipply lor Kllzah?th City. wan taken up ihrouuh the reading of a leiter from' H. K. Mlll'-r, of the Stall Hoard of llcallh, irivlnu na#uraiiei that ho would rome here a? liif e.irlhftl opport unity to nurvev lie nil iiallon. and lhat prohnblv I* wouhl he areoinoanh d by \V. I.. ClevenRi r, of tin fbireau of Am tnal Husbandry ai Slate ColP-ve. Itaprwfrnlatlve J Konvon Wll >"?n waa pri*a?'iit. and upon ImIiiu prexi n'? d by lit. /? ?!?? Fi arlit*:. l ily h'-allh Officer. dlfMiaard a ?e rent vMt to ftalelch. in whleh h? went inlo th? lorn I milk nimnlio' with Mr. Miller and others. H" lal' d thai Mr. Miller 'rerouiiu? nd I'd the unidinc and "patten rl*at ion of all milk raid hen-. The Conn ell deferred aetlnti In I bp mailer, pendlnu Mr Miller"* visit City Manager l-Vrohee** report, in Mtifataner. follow-: "Street w?rk. H^rba^i . Iia-di collection* and other aanltary work, and maintenance work on eemeti-rleji have been kepi up. "I'p to September I. It. SI 5 fi?et of storm drain has been laid; 41.429 feet of curb and *'i? tar ha* bfan laid on CbMreh. Ehr Airplane Parachute Is Success Thf l.'itcHt Invention f??r .ihvr.if: ^ the ?*nlirc aiiplrinc .-is well ill . nt Initio wood. Cnlif.. hy ic 1/.11I ; It ? ? thf iMrrirhutp In m-Hun I" H. iwmrptt. I*. H ii>t vv of:* .1:1 The otunt wna flnaiu-ril i.> ,|. ? , t .. Ittti 1 1 |i lilc* ; '?nm?T iMrtirhure to nuiipnrt ? ii n<| |>r< >v < Th?. plrturo nhnwn x'lf. inv?*iiiur of llir devlrf, '??r ili.> ici?i Wim <-omp|ctr- (mi; in ii I ii ol I'lilon M ? -I li'ril j Church 1| will h.- i-<>hdirati?d | wit Ii ati n I l-t!jty nie. til.;. and ;iii in ti'n'HliiiJ? program. Tli?* njcunlUL- will Im? ulvm over! t?? Chili] r<-*u *h I ):i v i-M-rri^ 4 which will In- 1'idhnveil by dinner on thei ground?. Ill tin- llfleri.ooii I 'cp 1 11. -lilt, ahont 2 o'clock llnre will hi- ;i?J ?Inssfy liv 1>:\ W. \ Sthint of Urn - 01 > l'nlv? rrflty. At In 11 r .1 . oiyi.i, ' Or. II. r Spi-nrc (>f I)u'm I ni-< vt'wlly mill rlii' dedication ot lliei Sunday School II. i.ijt tn.' ni In |iv. 1 P. S. I.ove'nf (lie I'iiKi M?tin-r!lsi Church. I !ll/.?ihitli I. I,. ; Ih'I Is al*o planning to pit s.-iil and fp?ak conrci nini: Ii I.- work.) H" Ik l h? ? pti|>i>HttlMi<|< nl of il?' i Himfliiy scIiiioIk ? 1 t Im ? North Car ollna Confers ncr. "A If the former in' nilii'i** of I'n iou Church' an iilvi ri an into i?i in- j vilatlon lo-hc |?r? w? ill a nil the v 11- _ ? ral puhltr cordially Invll'd > ?? coin'' ;iinl sliisi'c With iih In III-! good tliiiiu4'.fur holh . ?iiil audi lioily. " :-iay? |{? v. \\ . T, l'ltipp>, , pnidor. iimhanx. Plr?l, IImhI Cypres . ! I Itroad. -Pearl. I'arpomit:''. Cedar, i l/H'Hst and l>vi r r? ?< U and on. Co- , lonial and lluanoke avenue I "Khrlnuhau* 1 1 ?>t pavin.; lui* ? hern completed. I In c on cm-V hye ?'ii \V? st Church Htri it ha* i-ii com plc-tcd and (hi iuyin^ of niick ' Ihcnon 1 iiliout*:')!) |ier lit rum ! Iilrti1, mhim will h> liijl.h'd HiIh] wc( k. "Th? work of I'kvIiiu South | (toad id reel wii ? h< ynn inv ral day#- ukii, an?l llic ha:*- Man lit- n I complete ?] from the m- 1? r> So Sin card Ktrc-l. TIm* work ol r? - ??Kin . null uml (">nst 1 iii-tin. con ?T'"- gittii t hai? rciH'lu (| ;?luio II to Main MH'-'t. "Pi rut flrc'l. ttro;i(J hlr?< t. Ca-I . Cypiois*. tin t'! and . : ' .? ?l *. all ??f j Colonial avenue* ha ie !??> 11 ? a- | led lii?d at' pia?'i if 1 li< f.Hlv 1 ?r ::rai<-i * i(h ih' j?il??ii '?l catch llHHi'-IS. "Shl|?m? til Kva\? 1 ha.: Ik cti i delayed Iwwum ??> a leu ? ha\ lim sunk under lie loadiu* ?hnl?- 1 hut V; nit- lU'tiniifi d (? i I \ ( ? i l"i: j lh Ik w??k. "In 1 ??????' it I ln? ll??' h-.idiiM I take |dcn-uro In 1?? ? 11 . . thai wr hwvc no. d' flcii hni "i? lli< dlhcr hand w?- have a *'tr|?hi (if $22, ? 7*5.1)0 and l?y a|i;ilvni' il?i?< lo 1h? hmli.ct fni the -|U': ??? ni ll?ral y? ?r ?i' are ? nahlcid to ,?t -?vld?' fi?r all1 of our needs Including the pay- j tnonl of tin- liil? lent im our n rent ly' Inntird nlr< ? I bonds. Ih" In-i t'-rcul on all othM honds and >1 j linking fund of li.000.00 on Ihc | Mosquito Millions Dine Heartily On Island People A l?raml inw host of visitors desci'iuli d upon M anion ami I linaiiokc UIiiimI last wi u i?l not at nil lo 1 Ij? i 1 ' v.? IflMlH I ]|i *K4" hlti'St 1 '< * 1 1 j ? r> Willi lip- uraHfiiiic hospitality iIm.v hp h(K of I wo w< ? k? i Iji lu?*. W.ili-f Swain. ol this i-iioii wit f 1 hi* insuiaiu'i- 1 Imsim ss, tain*' hark Saturday with! a roloifui lah' oT this la lent vhdta-1 Hon; Iff Hrratchiil ri-niinisriiiily ttrl 1. tulk-d. I "i^fixi Wi-dnchilay ' Vt-niiiK," Mr. I Swain (hclaiHl. "million* and mil-, lion* ol' 111 nKf| 11 i t ? i? s tanir 10 Man- 1 ' !????. ami .->|ir?'aj| ail ov??r f Island, j 'They w? r^ I rin 1 time* na thick ax ; ami llir.v Irhd 10 isJ ''vi-rv. I jlioily no. When I todc iiiiiMnd | In- ? ' Mand with a I1011111 and hiiivv, j t licy |o||ow< d III' III (il'Utl'l*, audi I I had to Tilt a hush and l? at tin ni , ??!f tin- all tin- film-. I've never j 1 mi?* li *?o many ihohhuIIoi'*' in mv} ;Jif?-. anrl lln |m?oi?I^ Hi- r?v nay tin y ! I wi n- t !??? worft In :'.U year*. Tbe.v . ! w? i' hiu om-H. and mi oid Ihey h id I <1 uray. And th<\v w? re a.'* j ravenous us libera." Mr. Swain docbnpil tin- marsh ii^oii lh?: t-asd coimt of th' Mlattd 1 | had Inn m il mil all Ihc waV liolsij I \Vafirh?'S<,- to lln hay. ???? which Mniiho Is niliial* d. and niupt have I- drive 11 th* inoi'ij u II oea hofon* thrm'i 1 < 1 the hivhiann. with a ?"?tilli Mind assistlnu 1h? m. Tlicy lit* ?: .? 1 1 v took po-sessl'Oi 'if Ma nti-o. I"? said, ad ,il||.i'. that, I ni once ?li his lil'. lie | v.'.m vlad lo 'I away iron* th? i-l and. N'-WS of till* l??i?Sf|tlll'? vlKllallon , I came ,a? a dKilnct *ifiprlsi to lhfiKi> wlni ait' iid' d the li'iini com- , inu M-hlifHtion on i". islard iii * ti t honds mikI ->1111 ' an :t I n tit in ifit ?tn??' t.iN infp, li i* '|H?e?lh|i In do I his without uslnu ;any ??f tie profits of Oh- utiJilhu." Afi r Mitnr dli?ru;-Hion. ihc Coun cil volt d In forward a lecnmmrn ; dation to the I'tilitle- I'oiunifssdon (that Mo* proposi d whi? ? way h" 'confined I ? ? the hiisim^ dhtrlrl, j as a matter of "economy. H had 1 been planned orlsslnallv for all of j W?'hI Main iitrwt. and for Itoad iHlr^et as far north as lliarkwrll 1 .Memorial Chwrch. CURRITUCK HAS STEPPED INTO HIGHEST GROUP ()nl> Alh.-ii.'.-trh- Comity to Attain I lii- I li-t ini-l ion anil Oik- of I our Comities of Stale w n il \i:\\ iiainoveh In Short l i i ii<- lias Forged \hea.l of l.ini- lo Stand ard ot Schools Ling Kankin^ lliph Currituck. S?-pt. 7. -Tlml Cur rituck ;i 1? Hi* ? ul all the counties Of (In A 1 1?? math liiiK stepped into plac?- in Croup V schools in Nortb ? *;i r< ? 1 1 n.i . a distinction attained bjrj only [<.?ji f.i.iiiM-s hi the entire Stalo. ami at i h?> .saint* lime Is iirvsinu N< w Il.ti.uv> i County A do ? i s?cmid iii Hi. rare foi4 first rank in t li ? ? ;:mup. Willi ail effi ciency i:..|i > an compared with i n N> w Hanover, be 1-aitn known ? [??? i ;? I Lv here Mon* day win ii Mis-.M.uul C. NVwbury, roil niy Sup. i intfiid- nt of Kduca tioii lot- t'iirrit?ii-l.. jir?'fiitod that fa el to tin I loa nl ol laiucntion at i Us S? pi< mix i in* ci in- . ? Tin- only other comities In the Stat'- w inninu plac?* in Croup A by I aitainiiiu an t It'iri* ney lnde\ nf 7 0 j or more \v< r? I'amlico ami Dur-' ham. Willi indie* ?* respectively of !7J.!? and 71. !?. Last year only two counties wen* divert place In' Croup A; namely. New Hanover ami I'amlii'o. Tims Currituck, in taking second place In Croup A on I In* basis oi last year's work, jiorsfd ahead *?i Pamlico. which* I outranked Currituck on the basis J of work d??m- in tin* session of1 J 1 f>2*:-24. If Currituck can main tain litis y.-ar I In* ratio of progress i as compand with oTher counties* of the State set last year. the' I cou niy will tai.- first place among I North Carolina comities In the ef [Ileleney ??f lii r H'liiiolK. ! j How far Cuiriturk has nutdls-' Italic*! lni",isint?i counties in the | AIIm ma l it i.-> imliratrd hy the fact that only two counties In this sec*' lion an' ulvni rating in Croup B. These tw? are Washington and 4ll .? ii K in t tv> uty-fourth place iiiiiouu North Carolina counties, as i in nil i ? ii with Currituck's second | pi a ci*. Camden ranks Ihlrty iiourth. with an elflricnry Index of 5G.X; Cates thirty-fifth. witli effi ciency index o| 5*i.7; Dare flfty j first. with ? fficli ney index of 52.9; ivniuiiuaiiM fifty-third, with effi ciency index of r.2.0; and Tyrrell hi\t let h . with ifiiciincy index of r.o.u. The rnrr-Koinu statistics aa to 1 1 1 1 f educational efficiency of the schools of the State are wet forth In ili? Si-pleinhi-r Issue of School I*"acfi?, published hy tin State DOr I par I no til of Kd neat ion. ' With t In* npcnlnu of Khotts Isl and sf h fir> | this week, the 1026 27 session of I he schools of Cur-* rii nek County well under way with iv iv assurance thai, what ever Curriluek'H rank for efficien cy as compared with other coun lies in the State next year, th? comity's pffiolfncy Index will ron llnue upward. Oiie of the larg est single factors makliiK f?r Kreater efficiency Ihls year i? the : consolidat Ion of the Harbinger. Jarvlshurg -iind I'owells Point Schools .it Powells Point. TSe consolidat lou han the solid sup port of progressive sentiment in all Ihrer communities, according tu Mi.-i- Newbury, and any minors It y opposition Hint may have ex ist ? <1 js rapidly wniiluu. By Bike I> Rowcti, *7. hum returned to hit nnw nt i iulr*burir. 111.. aftar'a lt?| mnthn' Ncyrte tour that carried him lioiiith fv*ry ?tat? f capital. Hint# Ifxif-o ami north Into ("anada^fcffa aa h??*n