MAYOR TO TELL WHAT'S RIGHT WITH BESTC1TV llopt'* H>?- \?1> ??' h 'V'.," 1 t.~ I reapon- i" >??" . sure linn 1-. n.-ral 1,1 1 kj!VJ1 ' the m,.. ?i what - "KUl with M? ;. belli I'ir. will make (>.i a : civic spirit. .m?l a r Of clvi! i.rUI.. i? ???* C^.;"l,r"M:.ynr M. <> ?h s,%r;?r;r,y '^.r, . :,?f ^'IniV'au. Hon. ..illy "r re. elve.l >?> Tl.- AJV.. W (lalo IIi?w?-mt. as Ih?' *??ni? ??ir is dolus. . >A v?-rv i?asv nubjecl to \w.i? itliv. ami I' I- ?? numlier will acre.- w.tli lihn ami enter ih?' . wril'o^uth a letter without fi?r I woiildn t liKi* t" ?rpii? >??< 1 ??,?e comll.lon* mat ??? ^.flo town But The Advance I. no a?k.? r?r 1,11.1- -el l III 15 tt|i any 'J'.', h'l . v. rMliiuVs riwlr will. h"' ?b"tlt Vii v. n?, hoar'* *? mttelt about * h if ihntKlil rKr.ii?"<- ..'.i lUK ..( ,.111 l.lesxlno' niltlll ho ?<'ll wort h whll. ??" ??'?T-HK ??' con .....J i"' r-" what'* riKlii wiili any erval Ion ho may care to. ??" only that lie .loo-li'l ini lilt" l?'r,,? ""snort loiters of from wor.l - are preform!. hu? '? 6,... w..r.'. K '!?' lhal lini?.l- " a nil ?>arl on your ? ??wha. ?. .utiiii wi.u" I. "lay ? rl''! \, hnt-? ,h-r "."M ??". Town '|H i lie ..lea ???*--" n-?"l,:i per. Floods Threaten Increase Damage Emporia. Knnsn?, Sept. 1,1,? The Ni'Ob!i? River, ri^liiu n f< ??it 11 ml n half since midnight, today liircalt'iicd t ?r j tm ii ik w terri tory ami I nrrease daniae.e to buildings lu-avy livestock Ions*? ?' caiis< (I .V'Hlorday when fltlOd Will CIS Of ('otlohWOOd. V< nil yjtft. and N? oidm IMvers swept n i^^Bctlon of Southeast* i n KannaM up fl^vnxiinat* ly 25 mil wide and tin loiin. *WToday'H rhu* wok ratc'd l?y cur rents pouring from the Cotton wood Into the Nifinlio. 'i mil's' foiitlo-ast of lirjii'. Tli'- N'okIio wan approaching the reconl of 27 feet recorded In tho tlooil of 1913. Tho ro;;lnu Neosho today cov ered territory from three* to t? n miles wide from a point h? v ial miles wool of lien* to l'nr>?ons.~ ilMinf 1 no mllex southeast. Itnr jinr.ton. I.eroy and other point ; between here and Neosho Fall.-, ? ?? miles southeast of her, report is iii.ti Swjinip Canal, ami ilUrussiixi of i In- prouns* made in constrnc tioti of the part of the Inland : Waterway which passes through North Carolina, an- Ho principal , matters affecting tins section > which are i-x|htI? t! to come up at ih? annual eon ?? lit ion of I he At lantic Deeper Waterways Associu- ? lion in Hichuiotid this week. Tin- convention will open Tues day. and will continue through Friday. In attendance from Kllx abctli City will lit* J. II. '!,<-l{oy, j Sr.. North Carolina vice president ( of the association. and 1!. C. Job. a member of the hoard of direc tors. Mr. Jolt also 1* secretary of the Kll/.aheth City Chamher of Commerce. Messrs. Lcftoy and Job a re ' planning to leuve Tuesday with > the expectation of returning home I tit tile etui of tlo* Week. Although authorized hy Con- I gros* more than a year ago, the Covernment purchase of the Dis- j ma) Swamp Canal lias been d? layed (m1 nd in u transfer of tlie title. | and the straightening out of n i i.umhi r of details ol a terlmical I sort. It is anticipated that the' di al will he completed in the next few month*, anil that the canal will promptly he opened as a toll free waterway. C. A. Cooke, of this city, who j was appointed a delegate to Iho convention hv Coventor McLean, stated Mondav that lie would he1 unalile to attend, having Just re turned from a trip to New York, and Philadelphia. He gave the. pressure of business n? an addl-j tlonal reason for his Inability tor | POHTUMIKSK HISIIOI' HAS COUKT Wi lli IIIM i Charlotte, Sept. III. ? Armed with a restraining order of the rourt forhidiliim police interfer ence "IHkIiI Krverend Itlshop" Omen, Portuguese "fifth healer" toilav prepared to conduct his ser vices here all this week. Despite the hail hy the city ' Saturday which was superseded hy the court order "Itlshop" Crnce' baptised Oil negroes and two whites in the presence of more than 5.H00 persons yesterday. No ? further disorders are apparent since the riot squad was called out to qu? II the mob. m:\v yoKKKK i ii ,i it HV MKXICAIN BANDITS Mexico City. Sept. 13. ? Jacob Itosenthal, retired New York bus- ! inesfl man who came to Mexico as a tourist. In held prisoner hy ban- < dits who attacked an automobile ! party 4(f miles from Mexico City I late yesterday afternoon. I \ %\n?l of Main Hiivril at n lent which wan being put up Monday. Dr. (', M. Harri son of nrcpnsboro is to do the preaching. Prof. and Mrs, It. A. Shsink of folumbu*. Ohio, will have charge of Ihr Hinging. The I* lnvltpf tht* week. found it neces sary to leave for home much soon er than many of them ordinarily would have left, hut little iucon venlcnce was reported as havliiK Imm'Ii caused by the closing. 1'at rous of Chantilly. river re sort in Camden County, about four utlleK from thi* city by the Cam den bridge and highway, fouml it necessary to detour via South Mills to reach there? -a distance ;of nearly 40 miles. Hence, tli?* crowd at tjie Saturday night | square dance there was decidedly smaller than usual. FORGET ME NOT DAY SET APART FuihIm Kcali/ctl St'ptnnhrr 25 Will <;?> to Help of l)i*ul?l lie observed us ' "Forget Me Not Day." lie asked i the citizens to specially observe 'the day and pointed out that what-| ever funds ore roallzed will be de voted to relief work among dl? 'abled veterans. He asked the cit izens to be "liberal." Following is the proclamation: "Mankind suffering from bodily affliction bun commanded xyiupa thy since the down of civilization. Scarcely has there been a race of people so Indifferent that It was not ready to lend a helping hand to the sick and afflicted. With the advance of civilization this' sympathy ban been translated Into practical methods. The custom of profesalonul mourning is fortu nately a relic of the past; the 'Vi sion of Sir Launfal,' which re vealed that ? "The gift without tho giver Is bare.' has been caught by many who have learned that duly In lis highest interpretation does not merely dictate the tossiiiK of a coin but that It Inspires a fellow ship of suffering that finds expres sion In practical measures of re lief. CI.AIM OIH.AMIZVIION NOT GKKMAN OWNKI) j N?*w York. Hi'pl. 13.? -A letter from the Covernment fl !??*? tending to .show tlmt SorlPlle PuIhh'- l'oiir jValeure l>? Mataux wan nyt (?? r jiiiiin owned, wqh read into the featlmony today nt the resumption I of III*' trial of Thomas W. Miller, j former alien property cunlodlan. ami ex-Attorney General Harry ? M . Dailgherty, charged with de franding the Government. William S. Hand, counsel for Miller, offered a lengthy doeti jment. The Government ban elalmed that the Hwinx organiza tion w?? the holding company for two German organizations the Metallharik of Metallexatfafi. Tin* 1 aw?et* of the Metal* Company owned by German* Wax nelzed dor tng the war and sold for $7,000. ooo. which wa* later turned over to the alleged neutral Swiss or ganisation. NORTH CAROLINA S ESQ U I EXHIBIT GETS ATTENTION IVople I'ltUM* hi look. Thru if ii v * l i o ii * \\ ti i<*!i KiTp Tv?t? IVr*on* H i i - \ to Ansurr <11 AIMS AMI IIANNKHS Tlnsr Prorlaiiii low l)?;il!i Kale, (ioiMl Knaiiv, Mod cm School and ( )|i|Mirl unit \ Kir W""., I, s,.n, ? Tl?.. .\ortj, Carolina Exhibit a' thi- S.m?, a| pjijI iKll'Iplli.1 i< XHlliHK |t| |Mart. (|f ?? ? ?rili i aroliiia iiilornutt ion Ihi "Mil 11,.,,. all ,.X|lil(jl a,,,ir<1|||(. |u "uv" J'"" r..|?rn.,l fr.,?, !hi . B ..II.H r.-.i jsM",a, k.." p.r. !' lly Iran*- i.i I.M.k . Inn .1 n.-l. iiu.Mluns as ui li, ami .I'.rr.hrM.'r" ??< " * !' .I.. ? f?i*irliii! "I""" II..- Tar II., | ? I11K lo l>r K. M 11, ....... ' . .. -Uli UlaiU ..I In-all I, I, " j 'J' re.?r?,;l frilI? - Ill* l",;,ih I* '-Vi'iTi^d i,1,? ?;?. .? fun, ks. .-hairV. ??'! nr Whirl, lnj(|,. " N"?h Carolina. T:,-,.. ar.. 'turns a. ui |.|.iur,,, hi,,,*,... Work il.ine li.v ,|,H various ,|?.?ari KSS'; !!" """ ? ' A uf f In? Slate's iii.ltisiHou But ll?. i.rliiilpji Khi(i|i - P'-rfiirm ,? i? :z;zrr "V'"hi,> ?-?? ?n' -r Vh'.?,7r-1.?",V"V*,,r' FS*art35&&. that mailt K l?rf|??r?.(|. so ! from afar: r"-"' llaiillr Kca!>oar<|." Al si2^M,v,i,,)1,1,ur.'',i'i" , h'"' ',"n| lji2i ?? * K?oil roailM -'hool "k-T" ''""'"'ill. I0U1I yearly In ' SS:Ci^T;h'' 1 V??| .mo,,,,, "?? n,"?ir ^iTm "I.?" """ <" ??. ?:??S:;5 AUK KSTK.I > VV IIK.N I All. WAIT ON KIKK AI.AKM (JreohvlHo. Sept. 1.1. Kli'VMi tlrlvor* (if nutotnoltllfs were ar rented hero 1a?t week when tliey f a to pull to tliM curb and wait for five minute* afler hcariiiK the fire nlnrm xound in accordmiee with n city nnllnnnro Which Hi poller have mi iio unroil ih"lr lut ?*n - t low of enforcing nlrli'tly. . fMretn?'n stale that th?*y hav?? been Imilly delayed In .gelt InK '?? fire* on arronnt of contention af ter an alarm. FINANCK MIINIStfcR OF JAPAN IS DKAI) Tokyo. Sept. 13. Klnanc# Min later S. Havanil <1 !???! at f? o'chck tonight. M llayaml becann- a member of the prcneilt cahln? t l;? - ? June. I'revlou* lo thai time he had been mlnlHter of agriculture and commerce. Meet Don William . G. McAdoo! Hwoanljio tho ?lislincui>h?????? U" 'hum, ,;ilT , v ?"'??""'I -X, '" uZ ' ,V'"' " f,'W "II'IH-Il away. Tl?- , J ..r Xiishviitf. "I'XXB i,? I"vksIv?\ ,hl.r,. |,:1V. "'"""?"I'"'" ?? r,.,Miru |l... It,.v. A. II. (.?t|.,w . '?""?-?I ,i ,"1' ?IH !'|. U,,.,.,. M ?.l,l It, v. Mr .*iSV:s:r: ?rs,':r- ;M 7;" 1..1.1 ,,i r,,,,. ' , Mj 1 XV.. ? ""lii.-thiiiK I i . ? , ? " ?"?"??nary ,|i,. f?r "r I'JiHI saw a | U|> in II,.. sarrjs s rj. po??..?i??s 1,1 ? i?? ?i.i/r,?r ? ",,r ">? ?""" llt'lirrv*' f, 1 ? , . , s ..V', '?in Kiibjwi; "|,h (??' ?I II 11,1,1,. ?v,.r I orr:r.jvi: ?? <-011 Km ?r, fur "?,a| """' "'""I ?f V,. K.?, """l mill |||||,.,| j j " " . "??'iM'ttlanr... f"ilh , fnyln* .,i, ?r hnirt. . - ?'*'? .,s, hrtih..i| I,.,. ..I, .1, || ?o?m Mil II,. ?tll|( ; ' n"?l ill.,,, victor, ?? ''nil.., I ? , " -r?.,rr nr "?Mr.. .I,? ^^rh."rr.h j?"7 ? n? - "?l frlr>n,| |?. prtiiMtM, , lr h" "III h. |? y ,? P Th ' ?ih?k- " '"r"- "? r, *IH lh.n t.i,* ,? ? .. J ' n?? Kf>rvircH will ? . ?SS5? REV. MR. WOOD TRIED THIS WEEK I liai Willi [n* tally \\ minding rotiviri of MecklHi hurjt iioniiy. Mr. Woml fatally uoiin.I-d i In* ? i tin in .1 1 1 ?? r and Solicitor \V. K. K\.iii I -s prepared t<> )?r?a**?*nt Ihe I ?!>?? 1(1 I hi* ci and Jury darini; the ??al'ly |ia ?* I of Ihr* term ol raurl. Tin* preacher has declared I hat t li<> killinu V/..J- "aifidi ii'al ' while Vi?*k< u made iwn jttalctiii-iil.i lie lolt- ?ii*.i III. him* i'Miih ralinu VVuoil of anv Idamo in lln- mutter mil Ihe oilier tii I In* effort i hiit i lie preach* ?*r deputy hot in "a fit of aiiKer." V death lied statement U in Ihe i ilstotl.v of roiinty officials wlfii have il'i'liiicil io miik'a it puhlle In advaiit'o of Wood's appearaticc in lourt. Mr Wood l< pastor of thi* I'lil ? versalist I'hiin-h nf K iieUriti and ?wan KHK'iK'd III rmishliTuMc ??'l* tare work amour prisoners in ilial 'My . Hi- ("Ji'iirti-d uittip prisoner* to Stale's I'rhiin and while here w a ? d?jHj:i/.i d lo uo io Smith I'ar ;o|ina and r"iiirti Vlckers. who had ? .. ii|M-d while .-??r vlim a It-n ye;ir ?MiU'Hi'ii for in ii r- Mcl'ln r nii. ? vank<'lixl. *1 he admission wsis made In a sworn Malemenl. In lln alhurd foilfcHflotl nil!- said Mrs. Mrl'ln r Moti told Iter to to a In ad and "do Hi!*" and who would In- will paid.' SHOOTS M I ICMOI! SIX I I.KT IN I IM. I II Wilmington. Sep1 I ' An all i* r.alor mea tiring ahoiit. I* feet In teiifffh way *.hol thi'- week h.v II. I?. i-'ny. of SroltH Mill. vidliirH her*1 -tale. Mr. Kov shol I lie heimt with a rifle. |i w is Maid, "h n h?a slifhted il in h!>< field 1 1 ?? di 'played him !l? his front yard to the (treat > amazement of ptftsvrsby. Proud of Residence In Area Termed Beartown 'die |i. r?|>i. ! I \ ill | ., | |j., ? ,M ?|M|. latlll. Iv ???. W....I u "??"--W. ? I It * vU,.,1 ? lluilill.lf || l.'k ||||> |t. .n,?w:| are (I'll |?ui I irii J.u l v ]?( ? .||?| , t ||,. -MM" ll.tri.ui in ia, i, mat,* ? I I. 'III. II 4 1 1 1 ? ,| . |( fj" j ?i. Mill ii. ix ,iM, ' air. run j. a littl. i? i|,,. "" 11 ah.?|, ,n r,, ih,. -.null. ', , ?a i mi ? ... ||(t. |;i # |u tx A t : il% j ii ? , x,.. .. |( ? ,'1 im.muIi-U ??? Hi. can "I Ih'' I S| i? k It, III ?. Ill I ? l*.?| i|. | ? otnr M.iiuiat 1. 1. .r ||,|,. r j,a j ??I liuviji-.- li?*. it .liunk; ami ni |,at >11- II-. i| iiii?'..ii\ . I.I i, mi. I la l? vim v. ? ?I yaii.MK s,.rts ill Ih. IHIIe alii i. -all, hi Su i. , l.i \ wnli Hi. i in 1 1 \ ?i ins ui,?v,lt j |, lllk. ISolli t in, ili,:, |Kl ?? siNU, l a ?ln*. I. I.> it,. w.,;< which ? ? iilir.-h ? . 1 1 1 s i , | ? i|-,. ?i>-ii:i 1 1 % |?i ? <1 Ii. 1 1 1 ii , | .i i j**s Ilt-ni iiiu i| Ill K kl....!:. 1. stand in ||,,. rn,|l;4t ,#| Mill. III. ||,. was lolil. a? ?> r.-|.,..arl,. (hut I... I,.. I, I i i low n ? I'l.ihillijx I ,],> I,.. I, 1 1, 15..,,.. JoWli." Ill' riiintii. I,r,.,|. ? I wn'(|. Ill Ib.MloWli. ami il | l..?|,,,i: |||,.n. I III 1*1 olid III il ? -Mrs. Maker was l Ii. < |?rj|iri|ial ttilii,'.N> (in il,,. Stale. Sli.' wild |? <1 ? ? t ;? i I n|' llririiliuii n-'s :* I ! . ? l- ;,?? lions and mi. rain*, s. an. I ai?| m ii i ??j that nIi*. I In . \v an asli tin, '|;, i a i hi ill in ih.. course ,i| Hi,, (if 1 1, ,|ls_ :i; i. ?? in. hi. she remark. ,1 |Mr, i -i ii'a II v II... i ii didn't |, j, lnill. I pon his . i u n ; i . 1 1 1 1 i w i i ? r i thai he hail Im'.-u drink in::. ami thai Ii. iiiiulil liav.- iim iI Klinliilv mi|.. i hoai..| lauruai:.. ItrhkliMi*. *a* lined $ I f? ami costs, I h?* , 1 1 i he testimony in dicated sir.inuly. thai ih. s.ihhaih w rail;: I.' lia.l been rauto-.l imliri-ct l> ?iy .arli. r difliculiie.s l.. i tile Iliickhoiise family ami the 1 llak.T children. Charged with I In ? uiiaiitlu riz.-il !!??? or ail automobile II. Ion: nii. 1,1 Oliver .Mrl'li. rsun, motorhus npi-r aior. W'.-hh ami Charles Alexander wi ii- i.-l as. (| ii|Kin payment ??| the court fiwis, Mol'li.-iHon : howiiiK no d isposi t Ion to prox?cut<- them. Kvidcnre in ii,,. rani* frnbd to *h?w thai UVbh \l.\ander had WMldoy.-d l?y Mrl'li.-rHon. and had UKi'il thi' a iitoniubfl.' in <| ii ?*h IIoii 4'jnly Saturday niuhl, hn.r I'Ultliij: Il away in tln> uarauc in whlrh it was ordinarily. At about j o clock Sunday morning in. -in horn of ih. Mi l'h. tmoii f. i m II y wi-r.* awaki-n.-d by Mi,* iioJhi' or a doparlinu oar. and upon inv.sii waliim, round that I Im Jim wan inissinu. Not knowing who had il
  • y imii in, d th.- p. .Ilff. Later tiif offin iH looah'd I Ii?< ?'ar, parked in the vacant lot off Marl in ?ir?i*l. hack or Colonial avenue.- At rs o'clock Sunday looi niiiK. I livy arrested W.-bh ami I harlcs Alexander when the lat ter returned to It. I pon lea rnliiu wlio had liad the car. McI'Ii.thoii titmiif. ;|.-d a dix poKition to drop the raw oiillrt l.v. Woman Cartoonist And Bird-Warbler H e r e Second Day On the Mecond Into lam ily ol' Nation* I* Seen as IVaee lonmlalioii lt> II Win I. \\\ Itl-.M K B? 111# AdmiiCil \V;i:*liiiiut4>li, Sepl. III. ? Al lheu;;h lh< I nil ???! Stal?>s Govern* nn-iil is nut a member of the ol Nations there is uo ea rn|.in; lh>' favorable impression which lias Im-i-ii made here by the ? hi tin- iastic Welcome Kiven Ger many i?> lu r Imaier lot's in for lua II v admit tin: her to a scat of ?'<1 n a I ii > mi ili?* Council ot the League. Klvlit year* have gone by since ill-- ? A i in i.^i i?* ainl (lir feeling here is I bat the world ha;' progressed a piml w In ii it can forget in such a small space ol time the haired* engendered by the war ami when a premier of I'laiirr ran lake llutiralix to lii.s bosom the traditional enemy lor whom in the last fi-w yen is since hostilities ri?a.*-ed then* has been only suspi eion ami illstrusi. Tin* basic d illicit ll.v In solving reparation* was distrust. The ina in problem in disurmlng Eur ope ami reduciiiK the hurdeusome expenditures oT peace-time has been susplchdi. Now with the spirit ol l.ocariio still undimin ished t he nations have welcomed til l many and ? iven huck to her many ol tin privileges which she lost at Versailles. In th?* peace treaty Germany was regarded as a vanquished nation she waa forced to hIl-ii a coulession of guilt as well as an acceptance of for ? i?n supervision in regulating the size of her army and navy. Now Germany sits with the oth er nations a ml can exercise a veto such as she used to have In the family of nations. No big politi cal problem in 10 u rope can be solved without her consent. The Council of the League Is made up of sovereign powers each of whom must agree before any affirmative action can lie taken. And why do (he nations of the world including France uow ac cept Germany lb-cause they ! have seen that the democratic movement in Germany Is sincere and that while love of monarchy may he present as a traditional af^ feci Ion, the- rule of llie people ie lirrnly established agiilnst uu toe* nicy. To hoiih' extent, therefore, the slogan of t !??? wur - to make the world safe for democracy has been realised. For France regards democratic Germany an a safe member of 111*' Coiliirll of tbt League ol Nations. Il is true that Spain has resigned, hut the loss of Spain Im made up for tlo- admission of Germany. Spain Ih not a warlike nation. She it having domestic troubles now and wlo'ii tin* sober slatesmannhlp of Madrid Home day considers the value of being on the inside espe cially when the Mediterranean problems attain to "plague tbe F,uro|ican powers, the neat of Spain will not he vacant. Ah for the United Stale*, the unwillingness to Join tiie l.engut has m v< r been accompanied by any ill will toward the League It self. The Washington Govern ment has wished the League to succeed so far as Furope Is cod , re r lied. To the extent that Furope Is ntahle, Amcrira benefits com inerriall). And besides the better foundation that is tin 1 1 1 for peacp In Fnrope I he more remote m rolne tin* rhanrcM of a world W*T. Oil the whole, therefore, offi cials here can truly rejoice thai the |/>(iL'iie of Nations is no long er a league of victors, lint u fam ily of equals a gathering ?f pow*> erfnl sovereign slates. The United SI ill' . already in Joys some of the lieli' lit"" of the League, having Jolio d in ft! V< I II i 1 1 1 ? ? i national conferences. Also, the United Stales has bound Itself by thirty treaties to refrain from hostilltlee with tliliiy respective nations un til nine months have elapsed ih In I he outbreak of unfriendliness and an impartial investigating commission ban reported. This principle which was embodied In to the league covenant and mod elled after the treaties drawn by William Jennings Itryan when Srcreiary of Slate, assure the world against Aggression by the United States. The admU.'-ion of (Germany Is regarded here as a turning point In tlo print war history of ttt$ world. ( M l TON M IKKI 1 New Yotk, Sept. 13. Cottoi futures opened today at the fob lowini; levels: October 1G.88, De6 remlxr 17nt. January 17.12, .March 1 7. '15, May 1-7. 4G. New York. Sept. 13. Spot Ml* ton closed quiet, middling 18.05, point* imchanfced Futures, clos iug Idtl October 16.1*5. Decem ber 17.14. January 17.22. Febru ary 17 15, March 17.61.