VOL. XVI. FINAL EDITION. ~ ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TlU'ltSDAY KVKN1NU, SKITKMUKlt 10. 192C. >1X PACKS. NO. 218. Highway Board Offers Program For 20 Miles Of Gravel Road Here ( Pasquotank Commission! Urges People to Express All it nil. Toward New' Construction Projects TO COST May Ask Next Ceneral As sembly to Authorize Bond Issue for Continuation of Feeder Hoails A detailed program for a twenty-mile continuation of the feeder highway system) now beinK built in this coun ty, the added mileage to be paid for out of a prospective quarter of a million dollar bond issue, is offered by the Pasquotank Highway Com mission, subject to the ap proval of the taxpayers. Chairman S. O. Scott and mem bers of the commission urge that the people express themselves I freely on the proposed road sys-l tern, both to the commission and to the county's representatives In the General Assembly. If it meets with general approval, the com mission plans to take steps to have the bond issue passed at the sea alon of the Asembly this winter. j A radical departure from the nine-foot concrete road construc tion adopted In carrying into ef fect the feeder highway program thus far Is contemplated by the road board, in the event the bond Issue is passed. To build twenty miles of concrete road would cost soma $450,000, it Is estimated ? far more than the commission would have to spend. The plan Is to build gravel roads 14 to 16 feet wide, al a cost of about 910,000 a mile. In that way, members of the commission explain, the desired mileage would be obtained from the $250,000 Is Tie contemplated, with a safe lee ay In the matter of funds. The roads suggested under the plan are: A continuation of Body lload to Halls Creek, a distance of 3.6 miles. From the Episcopal Church, at Weeksvlle. to Tallin's Corner, 2.3 miles. From ihe city limits past the State Normal School to the Weeks vllle Highway at Kpworth Metho dist Church, 3.2 miles. A continuation of the Salpm Road from Salem Baptist Church to Kehukee Baptist Church. 2 miles. From Berea Church to Fork Schoolhouse, 3 miles. A continuation of the Blver Road. In Newland township, from Fred Brothers' store to Jones's ?tore, 1 miles; and from Frpd Brothers' storo past Newland High 8chool to the Acorn Hill Road at the John Temple place, miles. From Four Forks to Brothers' Schoolhouso, a continuation of Peartree Road, 1.5 mllet?. A continuation of the Eslip Road from XTnlon Methodist Church to Lister's Corner,. 1.5 miles. Total, 20 miles. Pasquotank County thus far has Issued bonds totalling one million dollars for hardsurfaced highway construction. The first Issue of half a million dollars was passed by the Oeneral Assembly of 1919. and subsequent Issues of $250, 000 earh were authorised In 1921 ^nd 1925 M Early this summer, the Pasquo Vtank Highway Commission passed |^a resolution favoring an addltlon ^0*1 quarter-million bond Issue for ^Toads. but took no definite action, preferring to feel out popular sen timent on the question. t MORKISOH TO HE A SENATE CANDIDATE IN THE YEAH If. 12 Asheville, Hep*. 10. ? Former fk?vernor Morrison will be a -and l?l*te for Democrntlr nomi nation for Ihe t'nlted Stale* Henale In 1?M he announced !*rr today. Mr. Morrison made his MR ?Ottueetnenl so definite as to Isdkste lie will be a candidate ?galnat Senator Overman. Chief among the planka of former governor's platform l? the announcement that he will fight for s new State highway x?nd Issue of forty million dol lars when the next (lenersl As ?em My convenea In January. He itlao declared he would k for the development of Island navigable waterways In F.a?tera frart of State and a wned system of terml and ports on coast at head * BSv tgahle waterway*. i SUNDAY REMAINS UNMARRED IN THE OLD NORTH STATE | Officer of Anti-Bine Lawn! i Association llud Hard I ? . I | Sledding in Aslievillr anil I N?h Bang Ty|H*writer | GAI.K DOESN'T KNOW I Not Familiar Willi Turi ' Iter! Way of Thinking | | iintl lias (pained Kittle ? Proininencr in State Sir Waller Hotel. Kalelgh, Sept. 16. ? Blue laws are destined to re main and Sundays to retain their indiKn hue in North Carolina for many more month*, judging from thn apparent lack of progress i which the Association opposed toj Blue Laws has made recently In t |the S'ate, despite the claim* of 4 Linn A. E. Gale. National Secre- 1 tary-Treasurer of the association.! to the contrary. Several months ago the association set up Stale J I headquarters in Ashevllle and ?broadcast to the world that an In tensive campaign was to be waged | In North Carolina to make Sunday safe for plutocracy and others who could afford to Indulge In Sunday |amusements. and for a time dale furnished Rome highly readlble I propaganda and announced that a Sunday Baseball game would be j played in Ashevllle In order to; furnish a test case, upon which an endeavor would bo made to have ithe North Carolina blue law of 1741 declared unconstitutional. Rut Gale, enthused from his I contact with cosmopolitles In Washington and other eastern ci ties, evidently was not familiar jwith the manner of thinking ofl Scotch Presbyterians and-'Scotch- 1 I Irish Baptists In North Carolina.' .The date of the Sunday baseball game was postponed from time toi time. Gale left Asheville. later' to renppear In Durham. Still no! :actlon. Gale atlll sav* that a teat case Is, j going to be brought In North Car olina, at Rome indefinite date. He' ,told jrour correspondent so last 1 night, after he had been located In j j Durham after about an hour's, search. Inquiry at four or five ofl Ithe leading hotels In Durham re- { 'vealed the fact that he was not, I registered at any of them. Even j jwhen inquiry for him was made at the Y. M. C. A., the aound of j 'his name brought no glimmer of recognition. Finally It was learned from a clerk at a news stand that , he was working for the Durham County Progress, a weekly news paper. And at laRt, seated at an old typrewrlter in the dingy front I office of the small weekly. Linn A. E. Gale, National Secretary Treasurer of the Association op poaed to Blue Laws, was found banging out copy for next weeks edition of the Progress. But Gale, ever resourceful, and ' not to be caught napping, was ' equal to the situation. He ex plained that the association wan ; temporarily marking time In Nprth Carolina, awaiting the re- j turn of Mr. Marx Lewis, the at- < (Continued on page 4) CLARA BOW PLAYS ItOLK OPPOfllTK TOM MIX Clara Bow. who plays the lead ing feminine role In "The Bent j Bad Man," Fox Alms weRtern. | starring Tom Mix, which shows at the Alkrntna Theater today, was born In Brooklyn 20 years ago. (She lives with hef father In pic turesque Laurel Canyon In Holly- | wood. Clara suffered one of th?* saddest blows of her screen ca reer shortly after coming to Cal- ? ifornla. Her mother died while the young actress was portraying a leading role In "Down to the | Sea In Ships." KI'NKRAI, MRU. HAHKKTT The funeral of Mrs. Nannie Has kett. who died Tuesday at the home of her son, George Haakett, 111 North Dyer atreet, after suf fering a heart attack Monday, was conducted Wednesday afternoon at .1:30 o'clock at Berea Church In Perquimans county, by Dr. S. 111. Templeman of this city, and .burial was made In the family j burying ground near New Hope. I There was a large attendance i and many beautiful floral offer ; lugs. The pall bearers were her grandsons: Jerry and Philip Jack son, Clifton, Norman and Edgar Haakett of New Hope, and Lathan Cmphlett of Elisabeth City. Mrs. Haakett la survived by four children; two boya, George and1 Charlie Haakett of thia city; two1 , girls. Mra. Mattle Turner of this city and Mrs. Maud Corpew of 'Hertford; and two step children, j Joe Haakett and Mra. C, W. Umph lett of New Hope; and several' | nieces, nephews and grandchll I drsn. They're All Taking "Poo-ee" Courses Now aautmmm taaa The nation's crack hoc-caller* "started something" when they held their championship contest in Omahn. The Omaha city firemen even quit their checker grime* to learn the pork-persuAding art. Here's Charley llyatt, on* of the flremen, demonstrating thst he can lure a pig Just nine week* old right away from Its milk bottle with his "poo-ee"' crlea. At the upper left Is Mrs. E. C. Warner of Warnersvllle. tyeb., one of the beat of the women oerformers. Bids for New Virginia Dare Hotel to Be Opened Oct. 8; To Be Finished by Summer Bids for construction of the new | half million dollar Virginia Dare j Hotel, Northeastern Carolina's biggest and most pretentious hos telry, will be opened at a meet- j ing of the directors of the Eliza- i beth City Hotel Corporation on Friday/October 8, at 3 o'clock in! the afternoon. Announcement to that effect was made today by C. j O. Robinson, president. Specifications for the hotel have* been placed In the hands of the contractors, Mr. Robinson Btated. commenting that only one Eliza-' beth City bidder was Included, he1 being L. B. Perry, who will com-' pete for contracts for a handsome arcade on the East Main street front of the hotel property, and for a garage on the Polndexter' street frontage, to be operated in' conjunction with the hotel. Jn the event bids are accepted. | construction of the new Virginia Dare should begin about October 15, according to Mr. Robinson, and the hotel probably will be reudy for occupancy by the mid-1 die of next summer. It will tie run by the William Foor Hotel' Operating Company, which ha* a string of hotels In the Carollnas,1 Virginia, and elsewhere along the Atlantic Seaboard. Directors In the hotel corpora tion are urging that nil stockhold ers who have fallen behind on their stock payments take steps j to meet their obligation as prompt- j ly as practicable, since the archl-' tect must be paid' when contract Is' let, and notes for the hotel site are falling due. They expmss the hope that it will not be necessary to bring suit agilnst any delin quents. ns has been done in the case of the Cavalier Hotel, at Vir ginia Bearh. and In other similar] ventures In this part of the coun-' try. Delinquent payment* are' said to iipproximite 113,000. The Virginia Dare Is to be nln?> stories high, with every Important modern feature In hotel construc tion. Many rooms and suites will overlook Pasquotank River, the elevation of the structure assuring an excellent view and an unob structed breeze In summer. In connection with construction of the hotel, an extensive publicity campaign Is to be undertaken to , acquaint the nation of the unriv , ailed recreational facilities of the section, these Including the fin est duck hunting region on tho At lantlc Coast, and excellent fishing grounds. Through the recent com pletion of a 11-foot concrete rosd : from this city to Currituck Court house, on the west shore of Curri tuck Sonnd. sportsmen will he en- i ahled to enjoy the comforts of s i modern hotel, and yet reach the, hunting and fishing grounds by a i 80-mlnute motor ride ? < The situation of Elisabeth City i on the South Atlantic Coastal i Highway, from Wsshlngton, D. C., alorfg the seaboard to Florida, Is! expected also to mske the Virginia Dare a popular stopping point for automobile tourists, bent on pleas \ ant side tripe tq points of scenic < and historic laterst In this vicinity, i1 Smashing Of Straw Hat Leads To An Encounter It'll all well enough lo smash n nlraw hat on September 15, If the victim Isn't too pugnaciously inclined, and if passershy do not take it unduly seriously. Hut sometimes it isn't the best policy to wreck the other fellow's cha peau. even though the aforesaid chapeau has passed the period in which It may be worn appropriate ly. Ernest White. formerly em ployed as bus driver at the Duke Inn, smashed a straw Wednesday afternoon ? It being September 16 by the way ? for Oliver McPher son. who operates a bus line from hero to Norfolk, and elsewhere. Mcpherson took It good naturcdly enough, and the two were tussling in friendly fashion when along came Raymond, or "Snooks" Evans. "Snooks" thought Ernejit and McPherson were "mixing a few" In earnest. Recognizing that the bus operator was much the larg er of the two, he upbraided him but not with any idea other than to serve as peacemaker. Altogether unexpectedly, ac cording to others present. McPher son nailed "Snooks" over the eye for a row of animated sardine rans, and "Snooks." with his dan der up. sailed Into "Mac." Ily ntanders parted them quickly, but not until McPherson also had re ceived a beautiful black eyr as a trophy of the encounter. Ernest also stopped a blow with the side r>f his head, though he was unable io say whence it came, or why. Mayor McCabe came along In Ihe midst of the racket, and as listed In parting the combatants. He is quoted freely as having told McPherson. as a means of restor ing peace, that If he didn't quit righting, he wouldn't let him park Ills buses in front of the Southern Hotel any more. The three participants In the en rounter were kept busy Thursday explaining how It all happened. | OPKNINC I'NOGNAMS CHAUTAUQUA TODAY The opening programs of Eli*-i abeth City's first Itadcllffe f'tifttl* tauqua will be presented at the grammar school auditorium this ftfternoon at 4 o'clock and tonight it 7:30 o'clock. Single admission tickets will t*? ?old for each performance nt 6? rents for adults and 2S cents for rhlldren. so none who have .failed to secure season tickets need stay dome on that account. Clerl'a Swiss Alpine singers and rodlers and a lecture by !>r Ouy Morse Bingham are the features ?f the first day's program. Dr. Bingham's aubject tonight !? The Thlnkar." MEMORY LAPSE COSTS WALSON I TERM IN JAIL Son of Colored Undertaker Sentenced to 30 Day* for KailuiV to Inter the Body of An Infant A llllle lapse of memory In the matter of int* rring ttie body of an infant cost I<esli? Walson. youim 8 on of S. J. Walson. colored un Ulertaker here, a sentence of 30 'dayn in Jnll in recorder'* court I here today, after a hearing In con Jnectlon willi the fludini: of tin* I body Tuesday afternoon in a col lored cemetery on th^-outsklrts- of ? town*. Walson noted an appeal, jand was put under $200 bond for his appearance at tbe November 'term of Superior Court. | Oil the Mtayrll, the youncer Wal son testifi* ty tbar his father told I hint to go to the home of Mar jgaret WIiihIow, colored, mother of the infant, and take the body to ]the cemetery and bury it. said | lie followed Instructions to the point of carrying the body to the cemetery, but wan tumble to find la spade -and shovel. | Walson slated lie thru placed 'the cask* t hack of a tool house at the rear of the burial ground. I Intending to return next ilay and I Inter it. Iiut that he forgot all about it. This occurred on Wed nesday, the eighth, he said. Til'' body remained there until the fol lowing Tuesday afternoon, when Jit was found by a party of col ored people seeking wild fox grapes in the edge of the swamp 'bordering the cemetery. ! "We didn't get tine rent out of I the burial." the wltnetf stated In ; answer to a question by Trial J un it Ice Sawyer; and In passing Judg ment on the case.. Mr. Sawyer 'X | pressed the opinion that If the money had been forthcoming. the I body would not have been forgot ! ten. t On the hasla of evidence that he had acted In good faith In the mat jter. and had been unaware of his | son's dereliction, the elder Walson | was acquitted. PLIGHT TO PARIS IS POSTPONED HY 1.EAK West bury. N. Y.. Sept. l t; The J New York to Pari* flight of Cap itftln Itene Fonck. French ace and three companions was postponed today, perhaps Indefinitely, be i cause of a leak in their biplane's gasoline tank The leak was | found as' they were preparing to (hop off, Tenlallvely the flight was :set again for tomorrow. NINK TEMPORARY MEMBEKS EI.ECTEP flenoa, S?-pt. ifi. Nine nonper manent memh<im of the l,cacuc of ; Nations Council were elected by the Assembly today. They are Poland, Ifelgiuni. Holland, Chile., 'Colombia. Salvador, China, and Chechoslovakia, Mrs. 0. K Wright. 191 Ilyer j street city. Is aerloualy III. Mr. and Mr* Wright moved to this city from Powell* Point ? few weeks ago when Mr. Wright ac cepted a position wlih the Family Shoe Stora here. PRIMARIES ARK NOT SATISFYING TO EITHER SIDE I'roliil.ilion. W orld Citurl. ami Kii Klu\ Hlan Max lliivi- |ti-cn ItrcMl.-il l.ucjil'. 1> Itm N?i ,\ali.?nall> ( IN SM IT(1\ <.?iilr*i? Si-aii, -r,.,| \\ N.ulli a,u| \..i||,. and I.,,'. ral I'aclioiialj,,,, |?|uj?mI llii' I.ai-K>-.| ('an ?<> nwili i.wtiii;\, >; I-K%. B, U, Washington. 1,;. iIhiv is ?>vlil<*iir?> thai ti?. i Kn snional , i, ti inns (itis fall will !*? rouKlii out ,in local raili.r tl.au national Hues. ' Tm .ilny , ?'ia? m Colorado U?"l I l"?W" ,l?. I!, p, ,irt.lll. , ?' 'I. I, b| .,| S. H:i licim. f?: II,.. ih'? u i?w.,'," , Ku Mux Kinn and WlM, ,, , ??? ><??? a,:o i? ? ..I ; Kl'an ?UKl1 *"''?"?? t.f IS,. '-""""'"na ? ?a? a w.t and Nomination ,i?.r,. ls i i "?I"!"" Indicate a victory for S.-tiator llrotissaril. win. was o^S , y " ',r> "or >.I||,I,..S Willi NVw Orleans ami utlii-r |? u?,|?|??a ?i ? |>S I.r pronounced H'i, lucliua .'r'n v l" nil, 1 1? i i ,"ui'1 ,u been m i ' '' ?> l.iuilMlniia vol". Ii ran b,. chalked up as a Incal c?n I" Maryland, vlrl ually tin- sain, all allot, exl-ls. ,.sr, I ?, . ? i,i' " ,lnvulv* ? ?lirr.Tll.K .1. - .IT* *<?"*<<"< Senator Wilier was all, -a, I OH la?t reports auaiiiHt 111# moat ardent nf i|, P wets? ''"?.r-mnlatlve John l|,|||,p u,? if til,' results slum |,| ?|,11W Mr Wi li?r i, whin. r. ii?. rxin iiM w. t Willi: lit till. Republican party ntav J,!' a i ill ii ^ a Democratic s,.?'. slates tllJr)il^i|,|!;??n"h?^r nni Xrr; " nn ,ou '?? No opposition "was n-Klstered Uull!'"1 / ""?"'""llou >.f Senator uull.r in Mtuwacliusetlt. un the 1(6 publican ticket or form? sin ."rti'uo Tl "" ?n "" Sidi. lo no national aiKnlll be attac ii,'. loaricK although tl..- . 1. o.ioii can,. lalKH Uaclf will probably attract whole hi' " r"""lr> ?? " i i ,"'ru'1'"' "f Mr. llutler'K Nat ona,""/-"" "' I'l'l'llcan Coo'ldje. W"" '?'-'""I" Carolina. vlclll run i ff , i -Slnitli In t,?. '"'"""y ??"?'I'" n.anr bi lk or .National lui|iortanci- than till' contnla In olliir slati-s Mr n !'"l,,1"","| a" aloiiK ll?. II" , 'i|>l>oin nt? of ibi' World Coor. His rival for t|?. noinliiallon bad m.. support of and "f" ? !, part ^'lctl",m""n, I'lay.il tliilr Th.- prima rim, Ibcrrforc bnv. fbrUrl??!" """T til III, frii ii.Ih or tot a of H,i- World <-ouri and an lor prohibition II,.. , * ll"v"' ,M, n (onfliriini! d. pi ndlnx on tin. a,rtlonn wb. ro th. cont?-Ktn occurrr-d. < <?TT<?\ XI.MtKKT New York. Hcpl. 1#? f?||?n iiii"r rr'"',". ,mi"y """ 'oiiow ja, ,r 7K ?' ' ij|-' 17 13 ''h Ma? N?, York. Hfpi. !#._ , (.nt. on closed gtiulcl. middling 17.25 ln'J"1,.UnC!",n*''" l-'a'ar.-r ,|,?1 17. M. M"rrh 16 '? M">' Reign Of Terror Grips South Mills As Liquor Traffic Goes On Openly shs(ji i ouinian II H I .</>/. S( N/lll .S m /. hi in 1 7'H llarri?biiru, !??., Si'pl. !?.? riii* Philadelphia Si'<M|iili'i'ii* ? nninl i:\liihilion \?h?n-I;iI ion In i I ? - i t i i-4 I tin- | it-i ? >?' aulhorlt) (?? liohl. or 'i>inIuoI" the ion on Sim* l?)'t under a |M*tlliun of lliu I taiiphin roll nl y court to?lu>. The court In-hl that Sunday ? |MT<it ion of I !i<* r\|>o-ll ion i<* ?\\i?rl(ll> <>iii|U?>> iiii-ni." (lull It In ihiI work or ni*i or -liurlty, ami that aimiMMiM'iilM iiul rwrrul Inn* wiiliiu 1 1 1< ? i-\ m>h|| ion ground n?v clearly In violalloii of l In* art of I7IH. TIiIh ik<( Im tin* HiM'iillnl "blur law," prohibiting worldly iiiium'iiii'iii- on Siimlay. Tin* rourl on | llial Is d?'?'i*ion was nol a ii'llt'clion upon illirrliu* ami officer* of :lic a?NtHiiitioii III determining to operate on Sunday*. I'nli*** ?irp?, nr?* laki'ii Immediately for appeal ami *u perse* lew* Is 'ranted 1 1 1? * c\ posit ion probably | Mill not In- o|m*ii another Sun 1 lay. Road Term Handed Young Negro In Theft Case A term of !> 0 days In Jail, to ho ; worked on the roads. was given I James Copelnnd, colored, In re corder's court Thursday inornlm; I on a charge of having stolen a | |mlr of pants, a coat, and a pair I of golf knickers from tin- home [of Mr. and Mr*. C. O. I told axon, on Mast Main street. Copcland 1 appealed, and wan put under ff?oo bond for the November term of j Superior Court. The noKro had been employed 'for about two years at the ilohin ,'ijon hnnie. Mr. lioblnson tolt> oil Jthe stand that he missed the (clothing recently, and identified .'the pants and cont by a vest of I corresponding material which had j nol been stolen. Police Officer Twlddy told the i court that he found Copcland wearing the pants, anil df Move red the knickers and cont In the lat ter's home. He said the negro ad ! milted having taken them from I I In* Robinson home. I Copeland pleaded not gullly to the charge, but did not take the jtdand. He had no lawyer. IIKITKICK IS HELD ON LARCENY COUNT [man, was held for Superior Court [on a charge of larceny at the clone of a hearing in recorder's court Thursday morning, probable cause j having been found on the basis of evidence tending to show that ho 'had broken Into a Norfolk South |ern freight car here about the mld [dlo of last May. and had stolen a case of clgurs from It. Ills bond was (lied at $r.on. Itallroad detectives testified in i having seen Hettrick approach a | freight car at about 4:30 o'clock Ju I he morning, while they were I on watch in an effort to break up thievery. When ordered to hall, j Hettrick ran, they said, adding that an examination of the car I disclosed that a case of cigars | billed to Hanks & Hughes, in this city, was missing. Iletirlck did not take the stund. ' Dave Morris, colored, submitted lo a rharge of being drunk and disorderly, and was fined 910 and costs. / Albert Iletirlck, young white Treacherous Quicksand Puts Crimp In Plans for Opening Of New Rural High School Quicksand. dreaded fop o'f bulfd pr* In lh(* low roajii country.' In ?p-j rlously Imparl I ii ? construction of the New Central High School, nciir thin city, final unit In the county's major school consolldat Ion pro Krnm. Am a r?*Kii It , the opening of the school. which had been set J tentatively for Monday mornliiR. has been deferred to the following Monday. September 27. with a pos- ! nihility that It may have to he postponed still another week. The achool la complete, nave for a large aeptlc tank essential to sanitary arrangements. For a week, the excavation for the tank lias caved In steadily, due (o th?* treacherous quicksand encount ered. and time and again It has been necessary to re-set the forms and do ov?-r aicalii work already done. County flupcrlntcndent M P JennlnKa, In dlmiKslitR the dim culty thua encountered, staled that apparently the worst of It was past, and that there waa evary probability ibitt the school could Ih? opened Monday morning. It will nerve tho entire central part of the county, taking in Jill t ?? r r l tory not Included In tho Weekw vllle High School District, to the south* and In tho Newlnnd IliKh School I Mnt rlct , to the north. Quicksand also proved n ?erlotia factor In delaying foundation work In connection with co.imt ruction of tho now fl 50.000 Carolina Then* lor, under way In the heart of the downtown buslne*n dhtrlct here. In preparation for the opening of thp New Central School, yester day wan observed an clean-up day there. Many of the school patrons went out with rakes, *hove|? and other Implements to assist In lev elling and grading the ground*, and otherwise to put them Into condition, and much was accom pllnhcd. Next Tuesday ban been net aside to complete the Job, Mr. Jennings stated, adding that an other general appeal to tho pa Irons for asslHtanre would b*? Midi. i ? . - .? (?riierully Known ill ' Jim* di n County Village when New Still U Pul Hp, R??' drill Declare* MO( INSIIlNKltS FEARED Mauv Young Boy# Said to lie Kulannled in Unlawful llu?iiie<*s. Willi Parent* Afraid to Tell The manufacture of liquor - 'in the vicinity of South Mill? I is carried 011 o|ienly, and un der conditions affecting the youth of the community that are little short of appalling, ; according to a resident of the town who was here the other day, and whose name is with held as protection against any engaged in the liquor traffic there who might be disposed to mete out personal ven geance on him. "When a man puts up a new 4 still, it becomes common talk In ) I the village In a day or two." he "commented. "Everybody knowa | who hullt It. where It. la. and tkg |mUo of IIH output. There's no oo ,cret about It. . I "You'd be surprised to know 'bow many young boys are tangled ; lup In the liquor business there/* j [he went on. "The moonshiner? I hire them to work around their | I I stills, and when the boys' father* ! learn about It. they're afraid to say anything because that might I (get their sons Into trouble with ^ko ! 'prohibition forces. . -i*t? IMnin 1'atha lo HtUto ! He declared that often, when out hunting, bo run across plainly ! defined paths that were known to lead to stills ? and that It WU common knowledge also that It .wouldn't be ut all healthy for nnjr one not "In the ring" to go down them. He stated that the better element of folks In South Mill# were much concerned over tlUI j liquor Industry In that vicinity, but that they were afraid to tnko energetic Hlcp^ to break It up. lest j the liquor law*, violators do them 'harm. 1 | ( The breaking- up of occasion^ j ' Ills In the edgo of the (ireat Dljr i mal Swamp near South Mu? J scarcely makes a ripple In the kttM i moonshine Industry there, this ren- i ldent maintained. Terrorl *i? lion Tactics In connection with the story told by (his South Mills ragn. It Is recalled that tactics of terror- i ? izat Ion were employed ? '?W' v months ago against a South MilU barber who had been outspokon A? condemnation of the liquor teal* jflc. He was visited by a delega tion claiming to represent the Klnn, and was warned shnrpiy against further utterance# agnltot I the moonshiners. I Later. It was denied that the | Klan hail anything to do with visitation. Nothing ? ver came of the episode, and though one prom inent South Mills Individual ; threatened to expose those respon sible for the outrage, he took no further steps In the matter. | Whispered tales of wild, drunk en orgies In the depths of the jr. rent Mental Swamp aron?? South Mills occasionally r?*cfc thl# I city, but efforts to reduce thetfi to a solid foundation of fact thus Tar have been unavailing. An Elisabeth City resident, not 'a native of these parts, recently told of a disturbing exper?*a?s i hat befell him In the vicinity of South Mills It occurred before i lie new State road from PMMft , tank County had been complete?) An Eventful Nlghl Hldo ' This man, then a stranger hero, undertook on# night to drive to South Mills, he said, going by why of the old corduroy road whlcn then was the only connection bo t ween the upper parts of the two counties. 1'pon emerging from i the swamp, he took the wrong j road, ami hadn't gone far before Ills car stalled In the sand. _ Several Individuals came up and assisted hint In pulling out, n?4 one of them hopped onto he run ning board to direct him to tne highway A little farther olong i lie road, a gaunt, forbidding kwf| ing fellow stepped out of the bushes into the path of the car. ^ a shotgun In his hands. r,n "It's all right He Just got stuck In the sand." the mysterloue, helping one explained, and the inan with the gun stepped bsek in to the tangled m nder brush. With out a word, in a little while the oar rrnrli*Hl lh? highway. ?n? ulilc <|pp?rt?l. . ... ? You ran Jiint l?t I w?? ml?%v, purllriiUr nol lo lo.t South MI1U slur IM ~-'rn ?b?th cur m?B Mid. In elo?ta? UM : a ; i m?tl

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