.yOL. XVI. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY EVEXIXC, SE1TEMBKR 21. l!)2?i. SIX PACKS. NO. 222.; j TWO DIE AS FONCK BEGINS FLIGHT ***** * * * * # * * * * * :;<**** # * * * * * * * erishcd when (he plane started a non-stop flight to Paris this morning. Tile plane iraslifd ill flames. Captain Fonrk and his American alternate pilot, l.ieiilenant Ijwrence W. Curtiii, Icii|kmI elear of jhc flames. Charles W. Calvier, French radio operator, and ^cob IslamolT, ltussian meehanie, were trapped in the sclage when the plane crashed over an embankment at the end of the three-fourths of a mile runway. Smoke rose in black clouds over the plane. Women fainted and cried. The plane weighed more than 28,000 pounds loaded when it attempted to take off. When it reached the end of the runway it leaped into the air and plunged nose down, then burst into flames. It was later ascertained that the two men were -d?ad. FEARING ESTATE r GOES AT AUCTION Home Tract on Itivcrttitle' Ave. Brings $80,661.50; j More Solt eaeh; Mrs. Mae Commander. 2 , lota; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Iximbert. 20 lots: Mrs. Mlttle Fearing ftaum, . 1 lot: E. O. Haunt and C. K. Hall *y, 3 lots Jointly; Mrs. Margaret T. King. 1 lot; X. F. Yacobl. 1 I lot; C. L. Hopkins, of Cre*w? II. 3 I lots; Mrs. Allle Clatk. I lot; J : T West. 4 lots; W. L. IMpkln. ;t c lotn; flrorge W. Ileverl4*e. 7 lots; B F. Prltchard. 4 lota; J. K. Tar fclinkitmi. 1 lot; R. L. Kvann. 1 lot; &fc*d I >;* v id Fearing. 12 I Ota. Tb? property facing Water. Front and Church streets sold Tjiaidav morning brought $17 7ft0 as a' whole, excluding a lot 26 Jflt wide next to Twlddy'a Oro- \ c/ff- which wa? retained as a part do w rr of Mrs. Fearing. Th< 'wBter wax W. T. Love. Sr. Flr?t vfi separately, the lots In this trw# bfough* ? total of $13,150. 1 ELECTHOCITKD FOR MURDER OF LANDLORD Raleigh, sopl. 21.? Jolm Wll-1 limns, negro, of Halifax county, i was electrocuted at State's prison ' here thin morning for the murder of Alex Bradley. on whose farm Williams w:is a tenant. Last min-j ute edorla to halt the execution aiul to secure a reprieve while' further investigation was made,! wore unavailing. and Williams j went to his death without auy up- { peal h.i vim; hcen made to the Su- ' preme Court, which Is moet unus-j u il In canes of firKt degree mur der. At the trial, the State cluitncd that Williams shot Bradley be cause Bradley, had ordered him to stop making liquor on his farm. Williams, in his defence, claimed that he and Bradley and Bradley's son all made liquor,, and that Bradley supplied the materials. He said that he was returning a guiw to Bradley after having complete" a run of liquor, aud that he stum bled when Bradley opened the door, the gun accidentally dis charging. killing Bradley. This version was disproved by the fact' that Bradley was shot twice, oncel over the hip and again over one J eye. "1 Investigated the case thor-, otiKhly even before any requests, wero received." said II. Hoylo Sink. Commissioner of Pardons and Paroles, "and I found no ground whatever upon which clom ency could be extended. These cases are always carefully Investl-' gated, and where ever any grounds for doubt of guilt exist, a reprieve Is recommended." RICHMOND COUNT* COMPLAINS OF TAXES Sir Walter Hotel. Raleigh. Sept. [ 21. ? If his own altitude reflect*! the gener.il attitude of the county at large, there Is little sympathy In IHehmond county for the eight months school term, according to Herbert Parsons of Rockingham. Who was in Raieich Monday. "Per sonally. 1 think we are already spending loo much on the schools | and that the need is for retrench- 1 m"iit rather than expansion. Taxes* are already too hlph. and we need something to lower them Instead of make them higher," said Mr. Parsons. Ho said that there would be a good cotton crop In Richmond rounty. hut that prices were very ( low. Some farmers were begin-' nlng to diversify to some extent, he said, but not enough to free Ihrm of their dependence on cot- 1 Ion. There Is much land on which tobacco could and should he grown, but Is not. as most of the! farmers are cotton farmers and do' not seem able to raise tobacco', profitable, he asld. MANY EXPECTED - AT ROAD SESSION HERE TOMORROW Duiieo lo 1'olloM Bu?ine*s Meeting of Atlantie ( al Highway Knthnsiayls at Country < Unit TO ADVERTISE KOUTE Nearly I4H) Invitation* Mailed to Prospeetivr Vi? itiirn in Virginia and Kuftern Carolina Official* ?f (he South Atlantic . CoaHttf 1 Highway Association, members of the association. and unofficial guests from many l?wm and cities along the route of the great Mori li-to-South motor road through Tidewater Virginia and Eastern North Carolina, will eu seinble at the Elizabeth City Couu- 1 try Club Wednesday morning at ; 11 o'clock for a conference on j plans properly to advertise Ihe ad-' vantage of the section through ! which it passes. For ihe entertainment of .the visitors who remain over, a dam e j will be given at the club \Wdnes- I day night at 8:30 o'clock, to' which all members and their la-| dies have been Invited. This will i constitute the monthly member- > ship entertainment at tho club, : and a large attendance in antlci- ' pated. Refreshments will be served. Officials of the club point out that in affording a pleasant meet ing place for the large highway ! delegation expected here, the country club again la proving it* . worth to Elizabeth City, aside ' from the usual recreational oppor- | tunltles it offers its membership. Privileges of the nine-hole golf j course will be accorded the visi tors. It Is now in excellent condl- j lion, utid many of the city's guests! are expected to make use of it I during the afternoon. Officials who have udvlsed that' jlliey will be here for the highway1 meeting include Frank O. Miller, i or Jacksonville. Florida, nnd Fred ? (Ward, of Brunswick, Georgia, re-' spcctively president and vice pres-! Ident of the South Atlantic Coas- ! tal Highway Association. A large Tidewater Virginia delegation Is | expected, headed by State Sena-' tor John A. Leaner, of Norfolk, ! I president of the Tidewater Auto- I I mobile Association, and Frank <\ j Miller. Norfolk attorney, who will' deliver an address. Nearly 400 Invitations have been mailed to road enthusiasts in Tidewater Virginia and Kaatern ' North Carolina, and In addition 1 to the delegation from the former j State, many visitors from cities, along the North Carolina stretch of the highway arc looked for. Unofficial Information from) State Highway Department sour ces, In effect that the $600,000" Chowan Bridge at Kdcnton will be j completed by next Mh>\ Is re- j celved with much interest here, asj offsetting rumors current for, weeks that the four-mlle-long ? structure would not be finished before 1927. Through elimination of delay occasioned by the wait Imposed by the present ferry aor-1 vices between Kdenton and points! on the opposite shore* of Albe marle Sound, the bridge Is ex-: pected to prove a tremendous fac tor In popularizing the South Al lantlc Coastal Highway Assocla- ! tlon with motor tourists headed to1 or from various coastal points In ; the South. Auto Stolen From Road Man At Sligo Sllgo, Sepl. 21. ? A Ford road ster was stolen last night from the yard of Willis Banks at this placo. the property of Robert 1 Temple of Brunswick County. Vir ginia, who Is engaged Just now in j building shoulders on the Sllgo road by the Roberts Paving Com pany. The car bore a Virginia li cense number 35-400 and wa? equipped with diamond tires on j left front and right rear wheel?. The roadster was a 1924 model. 1 Fifty dollars reward has been of f'-rcd for the return of the car to the owner. The theft of the car was dl* covered by Mr. Temple himself at 6 o'clock this morning. Deputy Sheriff Will Flora of Hhawboio was on the trail of the car by 7 o'clock In Ihe morning. Passing through here shortly sfter noon he expressed hope of getting the car by nightfall. CHARLES CLAVIKH This i:< Iho I'rrncli radio oper ator who villi Jacob IslaiuufT. ItiiHMian imrhauir, nn?t ilratfi" to day when tlio slant Sikorsky S-36 cratthcd ovrr an - madv ar? , rangements for apeclal MiTVlce on tlu* Dempsey-Ttinney light, with a view to Issuing an extra on that night. TIiIm would be in lino with tliln newspaper's, policy in the pa-*!. Tin* suggestion now cornea to The Advance, however, that with the radio in such general uhc, Interest In the printed story would nut reach tiie point to make an extra edition attract I any volume of Hales. [ Is this true? The Advauce has never Issued an extra the sales on which would begin to pay for tlic expense of getting out the paper, but these edi tions have been issued from time to time as a matter of ser vice to Advance readers, and If four or Ave hundred copies were sold, netting the paper say |1L'. 50 and hardly paying telegraph lolls, to say nothing of labor, we have counted our selves well repaid in the sails faction of getting to our read ers first with news in which there was at the moment para mount Interest. Will the spok en word over the radio destroy Interest In the printed news in The Advance? If you want a flght extra. The Advance would appreciate It If you would say so. French Cabinet Is Discussing Plan Briand-Streseman n> pail Hcorr mow it Kit I5M. By TM A#nnt?l Paris, Sept. 21. ? Something like an Intimate Pranco-ftcrman entente seems a possibility as a result of the recent conversations of Poreign Ministers flrland and Htreaemann. While officially nothing definite In known regarding the conciu* alons reached by these, statesmen there Is reason to believe that the bases for a future understanding are somewhat as follows: Prance would make the Rhine land occupation "invisible" iinme* diately, would replace military by civil commissioners and would end the entire occupation next year or even sooner Instead of In Prance would return the Saar territory to Ocrmany In the near future without a plebiscite and Would disinterest itself from the questions of the districts of Kupen and Malmedy. which Germany de sires to, purchase from Bclftltint. Ocrmany in return, would re purchase the Saar coal mine* from Prance and Issue Immediate* ly to the public throughout the world, railway and Industrhtl bonds provided for under th" Dawes plan. Thus Plane presumably woul/l be enabled to restore her finance* without American aid and could reject the Washington debt agree ment as It desire* to do. There are many obstacles In the way of thlr> program. The l'/eneh cabinet will discusa It Tuesday. It In not known how far Premb r Polncare agrees with M. Ilrland There are, moreover, ' serious practical difficulties In the way of Isrfuing the Dawes plan bond" ?* t the present time. Plnally. tier man financial opinion is said to fe?r arousing the hostility of Am erlean banks If It enables Pi are e to save the financial situation without the help of American cradlta. FLORIDA PEOPLE PECAN GROWERS WEREWARNEDBY VISIT ORCHARDS jWEATHER MAN NEAR THIS CITY iitfarrwise . Lo** of Life I W ould Have* Brni (Irriil i rr; Storm VI as I rarnl h> Karlv a* Ttir*da\ CAUTION ADVISK1) SjMM'ial Vi iirniiifis llrnad ca*t to Kvery t lily and Tohii on Florida <.oa*l and Signal* Displayed lly II.WIII I.A\VllK\rK lC??yn?M. I*J.6. R| Thf Adiin'c) Washington. Sept. 21. T!t< |u of Southern Florida wore w.irncd^lti as alarming laiiKUiiK1' as I he weather bun .tu could use that a terrific hurricane wmn up proaching. Official. of tin* bureau [??el confident that their warnings were ut least carried lo the resi dents of Miami Iteacli and that this accounted for the relatively small list of casualties at the titach Itself. The stut? incut was made at the weather bureau that hud not the wurnlUK been heeded the loss of life would have been much great - : er than lias been reported. Just how widely the news of the ap proaching hurricane was broad-! cast iu advance is not yet known,1 but the arrangements usually are to telephone and telegraph nil j in wspapers, city officials, chain*' ? Vers pf commerce and all who .could po&tduly be iutcruhtcd. ii ! U lelt here that ships received the j warning in ample time to Meek shelter. The records of the weather bu-| reau show that I lie path of the storm was traced beginning us early as last Tuesday (nun a point west of I'orto Klco and northeast' of St. Kit is Island. Kvery day' twice a daj* since then the waru-| ings were issued describing the lo-. I eat ion of the center of the storm 'mid stating that it was moving ? I westward. On the morning oft I last Wednesday the weather bu jreau in Its warning described the' storm as having "already attained i considerable Intensity." Caution [ ! was udvisnd for all vessels east of I 'eight degrees. That same night, I namely Wednesday the fifteenth,! the position of the storm center | was given as twenty degrees north! and sixty degrees west. On the? evening Thursday the sixteenth, the weather bureau said the trop ? leal storm has "passed Turks Is*' land moving West and Northwest attended by dangerous shifting gales." Caution was advised I again oil all ver.aelH "bound for (Florida Struits. the Hahainas and adjacent islands." j Hut tlie most spectacular warn ing came last Friday about l0:20 ?a. in., when the hurricane center) 'was described as being uhoul 2". (degrees north, latitude, and 7 4 de gree* _ West longitude "moving' West and Northwest attended by winds of hurricane force uear cen ter." The weather bureau said: "This is a very severe storm. Its center will likely pass near Nassau early tonight. Kvery jirecaution should be taken for destructive | winds Saturday morning." i This was broadcast to every city) 'and town from Jupiter Inlet on the Florldn count to Miami and storm warnings were hoisted. On the evening of Friday the seven teenth' this was changed to hurri cane warnings with the following observation trtim the weather bu reau to all land and sea stations: [ "In view of reports Fast of Mi ami and possibility of close ap-' prosch of hurricane center lo en-' | tire Southeast Florida coast to morrow forenoon. It Is thought In advisable to wait till morning to ! Issue these warning". Kvery pre caution should be taken for North least wind* that may Increase to hurrlmne force." To those who und^rstund th^ nature of weather bureau warn ing* iu every dry. these advices 'meant th.it people should take I shelter In low buildings to avoid | destructive wind* and that ship* should get into safe harbors, it h believed here that m ? many ship look shelter that this deprived land stations of much Information that would have cone by radio as to the velocity of the wind. The barineter it Miami regis tered 27. r. 2 on Saturday morning which is the lowest mercurial rat ing ever reported from a laud sta jtlon. The storm was last report led moving toward Mobile und Pen I sacola with a velocity of 100 miles an hour anil with a harrtmetrb pressure of 29.10. Officials said that as soon as the storm hit the roast line in the vicinity of Mo*, bile It probably would spend Itsj force. Delegation Hcadrtl l?y Sim* rotary W . !N. Kopw of IV tl?ur? Stmlio Mriliud** \\nu- I i*rd TIIKKK IMTS I OKMKI) North and South (liirnlina ami Virginia Soriclio lo !Mrrt Yawou* I'rolilrin*. ( ]?Ho|M'rativ?'ly H< ad>'t pecan crow ers visited this fit > Tuesday In tlo course of l of I'lorida, the death list continued to mount ?teadil>. Oonscrvative estimates placed the drud at 1(H) and tlie injured at .*>.000. The la*t word from I'cnsacola, a fragmentary ra dio message, i*aid the |iro)ierty damage was heavy bat there was no loss of life. Word came from Mobile also that none were killed. ImiI other nearby Alabama towns were not so fortunate. I^iss of life wan reported at hotli Jackson ami lla\ minette. With tin* known death toll in the hnrricanc that swept over I lie lower llnrida eount standing ut 375 to ila> anil (villi tlie injured ft ill cstimatcil at 1,000 .or more anil property damage ut $50,000,000 or more, ill! crest eentererl in what has happened to I'cnsacola on tlie west coast, Mobile, 30 miles farther wcdI, and in relief measures to lirin^ the strieken territory hack lo normal. That the "liaek country" in the Kverxlades will yield a r>t ill larger loll of death Deemed eertain today when an airplane pilot lold the story of settlement^ alon^ llie stream* in the Kverfiludes l>?iii(; levelled. W Ital may have happened in I'eiiHiieola in Dtill n o k now n. No inkling of the damage lias lieeu obtained. Mobile escaped with comparatively small damage, according lo a message received from llie Mobile Reg ister. New Orleans. Sept. 21. ? No lives were lost at Mo-; hile ill llie storm which lashed the coast city yesterday,1 it was reported today at the office of the chief di?-; paclicr of the l.ouisville H Nashville Kailroad here. ? liirmiiigham, Sept. 21. ? Feverish efforts to reach I'cnsaeola by all means brought no results today. Sl|iV men of the Associated I'ress and newspaper reporters were burking the storm iu automobiles hut no word had come out of the silent area. FINAL HKAKI!N<; IS AWAITING AM KXI'KIIT I Sir Walter Hotel. Ilalclgli, Sept.4 21." ? No add it lonul dulu was hii li mit ted to ilio Htite Corporation . (!umini!iMloii yesterday either by! counsel for i lie Western 1'nlon and; I'listal telegraph companies. or t?y . attorneys representing parties audi orguiilxutloii-f oppose il to the' granting of the Increase, although several attorneys on Imlh sides i were present and confer red briefly! with regard to Home of the detail* | In question. Xoiio of these matters wure presented 10 the commission. ' however. The data lor the final hearing lij still being held In abeyance pend i u g the employment of a rate ex pert , as authori/Vd by Governor A. W. Mcl?eau. to make an analysis* of the rale schedules submitted by the telegraph companies and to ex amine the other figures they have submitted, letters have been dl?* patched by the State corporation commission to the Virginia. In diana. New York and Florida cor poration commissions, asking them to recommend un able accountunl or firm of account .mis experienced In ililn kind of work. As soon us replies have been received from th'-se letters, the expert or experts w ill be m-leeted. and a definite date s? t for ? he final hearing. It want announced by W. T. bee, chairman, of the commissi"***. to \tti-;m? riti/.KM?HT Kn route to Anbury Park, New Jersey, to take In th<- lwnip*ey Ttinney prizefight Thursday night as gnosis of A. It. Ilueth. of thai city. Captain John Allen Mldgetl. Captain B. R. iVillance. T. S Meeklnn. \V. K. Raum, IV MM get t apd Sheriff I. l? Farrow, all of Hsre County, paused through Kllxsheth City Tuesday They ex- j pe? t*d to be away about a week. ( I OltMEK SHERIFF OF CAMDEN DIES IN AUTO Currituck. Hept. 21. ? taughlnf and Joking with friends with whom Ik* whs returning Sunk ilny nlnht by aiitomooilc frota Norfolk, J. M. Cartwrlght or JurvlHhiirg, native of Camden ?n4 iii one dim IiIkIi sheriff of that county, suddenly uttered a slab and slumped forward in hln seat unconscious Cnable to rouae him, t hone Willi III iii htfrTled him to Dr. Cowejl of Shawboro, who pro nounced him dead. Death In be lieved to have been dui' to A heart attack. Mr. Cartwrlght loft Jatvishurg for Norfolk Sunday afternoon at about ? o'clock. As the ririfl^ proached New Itridge, abm'ft quarter of h mile from Snowdaa station. about ?> o'clock at night, tlw sudden and swift attartr to* which he succumbed came 6t t.'~ "f I'ollowiiiK examination by, iy. Cowi-ll, tin body wan taken to Mr; Cai'twrlKbt'M home at Jarrfl^jMHNkj to hi- prepared for burial. burial servici was hi Id thla afternoon and Interment made In the old Cartwrlght burying grotnid near Shiluli. Mr. Catiwrigitt In ?urrlved by hia widow, and by two email ehll?? dren. one neven year* of agl MJti the younster only two month* old. lie was ?>0 y?ai* "Id. '-'iirvHrl#^. uImo by former marriage ara three adult son*, J?'Me, ..Nathafl Daniel Cnrtwrisbt. A shipment of terra cotta ta b# lined In construction of the new Sella building, in ihe VlrgtatA l>are Hotel block on Kant Mala and lion will bo resumed after harllit , been delayed threa ateek*. m- card ing to me m be fa of the firm. Tha new building Is to be completed by Nnomhir 1 Ottl. lV IS K.N MUD