TUNNEY WINS FROM DEMPSEY WINS BY DECISION AS 10th ROUND ENDS Ringside, Philadelphia, Sept. 23. ? (Join* Tunney. j JjL ihe fighting Marine, tonight officially wan declared ?l winner gf the world's heavyweight boxing title, ut the 1 end of his ten round huttle with Jaek Dempsoy, holder of the championship for the last seven years. Official notification of the referee's decision came * few minutes after the closing round. In that last , clash, as in the round that had preceded it. the chain (lion took severe punishment at the hands of the chal lenger. He was groggy at the finish, though Tiinney's ( evident efforts for a knockout were futile. Tuimey's victory was a triumph of hrain plus hrawu j over hrawu plus the hrute ferocity which had carried Dempscy to the world's title over Jess Willard in 1919, and which had enabled him to hold it against such challengers as Lurpcntier and the mighty l"ir|M>. The outcome of tonight's hattle upset the sporting dope completely. The odds were as high as 3 to I favoring Dempscy when the hattle started, with many j wagers that Tunney would not last four rounds. Tunney took the first round. Dempscy had the bet ter of it in the second, third and fourth. Thenceforth the tide of hattle swung steadily and inexorably ill fa vor of the challenger. Dempscy seemed to have lost | much of his old stamina, and in the closing rounds fought mainly on the defensive. Incidentally, the hattle proved the superiority of the Straight Right, Tunney's favorite hlow, over the Left Hook, on which Dempscy had pinned his hope of vic tory. SPECULATORS TAKE LOSSES Some 2,000 seats were still vacant when the crowd had assembled for the fight. Many speculators were forced to take heavy losses, some of the pasteboards which cost them as high as $27.50 going for as low as $1L fThe attendance was estimated at 132,000. Dempscy weighed in at 190; Tunney at lSa'/i. The blond chal lenger received a tremendous ovation as he entered the ring and walked to the center. A tremendous roar from hack in the crowd heralded the news that Demp sey with his body guard had set out for the ringside. . Tom Reillcy, of Philadelphia, was announced as the referee of the Deinpsey-Tunney fight. Tin- two judges were Frank Brown of Pittsburgh and Mike Bernstein of Wilkes Borre. Tunney started for the ringside at 9:30 o'clock. He was the first to enter the ring. He Wore a blue bathrobe trimmed in red, the gift of the Marines. The challenger was attended hy Jimmy Bron/.on, by his manager, Billy Gibson, and hy Lou Fink, his train er. Tunney after surveying the freshly strewn resin immediately sat down and began smilingly to nod to lieqauintanccs at the ringside. Dempsey and Tunney immediately began the task of wrapping their hands with strips of white cotton bandages. Dempsey personally wrapped his hands, with Jerry supervising it. While this was lacing done, ?plashes of rain began to fall on the canvas. The crowd wa? becoming impatient. And started yelling for the fighters to hurry. Tunney was working more slowly with his tusk than Dempsey. Wilson and Obrien stood in Tunney's cor ner while Ihe bandaging was being done. Jimmy Bron ton represented Tunney in the champion's corner to watch the taping process. Dempsey was the first to Jpct the gloves on. They were securely tied and the ^(firings were then cut close to the wrist. THE FIRST ROUND Round one? Tunney was short with a left and they' clinched in the corner. After the break away they traded punches to the body. Dempsey missed a left and Tunne/ drove a right to the head. Dempsey drove both fists to the body ut close quarters. Dempscy j hooked a left to the head and they clinched. Tunney landed a right to the jaw and missed unother right to the same spot. They clinched. Dempsey hacked away from a right: Dempsey ducked a right to Ihe head. Dempsey crowded into Tunney und got two light lefts to the head. Tunney ducked u right and Dempsey fell Into the ropes. They tradrd rights to the head. Tunney rocked Dempsey with a right to the jaw and was pound ing him furiously to the Imdy at the bell. Round Two? As the round opened, with rain fall ing heavily Tunney ran away with Deinpscy after him. Thcv clinched without dainugc. Dempsey hooked a left to the head und two rights to the ImkIv as Tunney retreated. Dempsey chased and i million.- In the l lilltd State* dis- , ru.su the Miriui.sinu outcome of ? i l)emp*ey-Tunnou Ui? y knew hoforehaud ii was i iHiund to happen that way. And i they arc taking supreme delit-ht in "riibblnK it in" on tin- immense i multitude who fell that the mighty Jack was destined to hold hi# crown a few >ear? Iniiner. at s least. ?? "I to lil you so." That is what the tjny yotMKsleri hear* aflcr his II rst painful e\p? - riim-nt with lire. As ho skids' alonn the pathway nf lift, it h* ? J. come* a steadily recur rim.? n* fraln. liven into the last shad- . ows of the KcttiiiK sun. it is with ^ liim . H>- ran only hope that it is j ??raxed from the speech <>< tin an i f.?'ls. (hi*r thr Mtittlr Itadlo In roiiiiuoti with every oilier roiiiiuunity in the tinted States. Klizaheth City follow* d the tl?ht. round h.v round* over tlo* radio. Within a ii w minutes alter Toiu Heilly,had announced at the rlnn side that the wmhl had a knew heavyweight rhaiiiphin, tin nation knew it. TlirotiKh i he courtesy of M. jVhelhy llurnes*. advatiee hooking a^ent of tlie Alkrauia Theater, a representative of The Dally Ad I Vance was enabled to Tollow the 11k hi, round hy round, dose to jour of the beat equipped receiving , Ipeta in the rfty, and yet enough 'apart from the crowd to lak< note* on it without interruption. Mr. ? JiurKeas had installed a table in the orchestra box. Just under the ' ihuKe loudspeaker, and hen* the newapaperman was stationed un- ' i til the announcer wue word of. [tlie surprising oulrome of that [momentous butth in thr dripping; I rain in tin- bin Sesqul Stadium at ; lMiiladelphla. Likewise at th?- tiuht party put j on in the Krlll room of the Apoih- 1 eeary Shop hy Harrison 6c Mrt'oy ? with the improved At water Kent , receiving net. The Advance was '?(? fered special accommodations arid for a time until Western I'nion heuaii lo funrtion The Advance editor In person sal in on that party, to pirk up such sidelights as lie iiiiclu that would aid h.lm In 1 ha lid 1 i ii l; the Associated Press . round hy round report of the fluht ' as It came in over the wire. ln-|. cld< ntally Western I'liion save The Advance the fastest service J this newspaper has ever ? njoyed \ on anything short or leumd wire, 1 the report of round ten being "ii the llhotyiH* operator's copy hook by 10:30. Finally, up on the third floor of The Advance building John and ? Tom I'eole took In the fight over ! their own small radio receiving J set. and It was this service which , enablerl The Advance lo announce from the window of fin editor's office the outcome of the fight to ; the crowd below within a r? w m in. utes after the derision wiis an* nouured at Hie ringside. Hut ditl the radio kill jln In terest oT tlii* tiylit fun* in the jt?iiy of the IIkIiI? Nut s*i yoit. would notice it. In ract. radio reports si-cnird to whet tin- appetite uf tit lads for the pmit.il word. Ni-ver in tin his tory of this newspaper has -ou-h an fiiucr crowd waited t?i . Ilrst paper oil the press when an ? -M fa wam Ix'in^ printed as was the ca>r la-t niuht. And a.: lor th?- ii? w.- boys. they tairly unhid. <1 tap the extras wlwn th- did be Kin to rtiti. And so avidly did ill.- fails buy, that before ail tile hoys desirinK to xoll extra;* had bei'n Kent forth with tlielr Ilrst supply some of the ilrst boys out Were back for a second supply of pa pi is. It is at a time like that that The Advance realizes most k?enly the value of its investment - in press equipment. With a Speed of 'i.UOO an hour, the web perfect lir* Duplex was souii running ahead ol the Ktreot demand for papers, and as a result, lonu before midnluht th.- press had stopped turning and H'JII papers had been ninth d out to subscrilM rs on the railroad north and south of Kliznheth City. Of course it was then too lule to catch the southbound train, hut what's thai in this day of paved roads? When the southbound mail hail been . weighed in and sacked at the poHtofllce, it was dlspatehed by tlivver Pi H? rtford. where folks on arisint; this uiorn inu found copies of The Advance on tlieir doorstep or in their box post ol!" ice. And on the, return trip from Hertford, Winlull and Cliap anoke subscribers were served with the extra edition. All of Ibis meant lots of work . of ??ourse. Hut The Advance staff and force were happy in It. There Is no such animal as a newspaper man who does not net a tremen dous kick out of seeing his paper beat u 1 1 competition and give the folks news that tin y want wlu n they waul it. co n on chop itKi'oit r ANNOUNCED TODAY Washington. Sept. 23. A cot ton crop of l&.Nin.?UO hales of 5U0 pounds gross welch t 1m indi cated by September !?> condition of the crop which was fil'.fi per cent normal, I he Department of Agriculture announced today. The indicated production lu North Carolina wan placed at 1, ltlV.000 bales. liOltll) S III) IT ?'Somebody notions an* uo ||IU to get no hh I ill ii|e-? l dill Ini; the < oiiiinu encounter." That'* what llol?h> Small mill ycKferd*>, after setting out nln the rlnu e\|?eit?? eouhln't luitc a i bailee. Xow read hIiiiI I III* prime Of UCM>-|Mpei' (lOireKINHIlll'lltN ban to sa> after the flulif. Vou will find ll oil the sjHUf |mue. ; Itoily mid Tunney drove a right to I In- hody. Tunney | landed two light lefts l<> the head. Dcmpscy iniwil 1 , right In the hrnil and caught two lefts on the jaw. Tun-! I licy limded righl tn tile jaw. Dempsey missed a left ] ind rifslit mid Tunney nailed liini with a right to the chill. Tlintiey hooked ri^ht and left to the jaw. l)cin|> ?ey missed a left as they elinehed. Dcm|?scy*s left eye Mils beginning to elose and he uppcared to he very ! tired. Tnniiey |ilaiited a hard right to the jaw and IDeinpsey dropped into his ehair as the round ended. Ilis seeonds worked friuil ieally over him. ^ A1NI? SO rr ENDED Hound I en? I hey shook hands. They exchanged punches to the hody and elinehed in the renter of the ring. I)ein|?sey missed a right to the head. Dempney 1 drove two rights and lefts to the hody and Tunney narked away. Dempsey pursued the rhallenger. pnn- | ?shing him with hody hlows and foreing hint into a corner . Tunney landed two lefts and a right to the chin, staggering Dempsey. Tunney hooked a right to the ehin and they elinehed. Detiipsey'x left eye was closed. Tunney drove tun rights to the head. Tunney staggered llelnpscy with a right to the head, hacking Denipsev into the ropes. Tunney drove a right and eft to the jaw hs Deui|isey, Minded. stcp|>ed in. Dein|> ?ey was groggy as the fight ended. In the preliminaries Monte Miinn, Nebraska heavy weight, scored a one-round knockout on llnghie Dem ent* of New Mexico; while (icorpe (Godfrey, Philadel phia negro, carried off a judge's decision over lioli I .aw- | son, Alahatna negro, in a six round ImiuI. I he "Fight ing I'ool" of New York knocked out Joe Sloessel, for mer New York amateur. In the third round of their Dempsey's Plastic Nose Unable To Hold Its Own Jlingstde. Sesi|Ul Stlfdilllti. I'll Sl ad<-lphla. Sept. -.1. ? Some extra ?klcliKhli (ri>m the' IV'inpsoy-Tun ney f i k It t rt'Vi'alctl tin- fact that . Dempsey** HiH'atlod plasil:- nn? could stand punishment unit swell up 1 ik?- a regular iiose if nercsary. 1 At tin' end of tin- f i?: lit I)i m |we y'K nope nil owed signs of 'lu* terrific punishment it wan subjected to. it being a terribly swuh-n piece *>t" , flesh. ciivcrrd with blood. Dempsey'* morning pr(>di<,tloii thai ho would try to think Tunney: a iiriH'PKs-wrvvr and treat hiiu arnirdlllKl.v. evident ly did not in*-' l ilt to Deui pscy dlirlilK til** fight in asmuch us lu* failed to show any signs of real madness until the' last round of tin* light when ho; realized thai hit ? hainpiotiship was lost unless ho i'tiuld win hy a knot kout. llut tin* physical 1 feieaiis were lucking and Jack had j to !??? roiitcutfd wlili losing his ll-' tie hut getting enough of tlx* purse to n tire in luxury. I)i aipsey's backers toil Ik lit scout I the idoa that he will ask Tunney' for a return engagement. They seem to tiiiuk that Dempstv real- 1 tees he 1* not the fighter he wan when he defended his title iKaiust] Firpo and (jibboitn and that now' lie will he contented to take hi*; place* with Jeffries, Corbet I, I*'itz simmons and other champions of day* gone hy. TUNNEY PUTS UP A MIGHTY FIGHT Ringside. Philadelphia. Sept., , In wrfniinit tin* champion-' j *h I p laurels from Ja>;k Dtinpsey.j j"(!eiie" Tunney gave one of Ihel | most remarkalile displays of fight ing ever seen in any champion- ' *hip Lv ^ir i Hive during l he earlier part of the contest he soon became tin*1 aggr<*sor and had Denipsey at liisj mercy during tho latter, rounds and it wits the consensus of oplu- j ion thut had the fight been to a | finish .Denipsey could not have, lasted two tiiore roundn. (living a wonderful exhibition ( I of footwork, Tunney let Denipsey | pursue him around the ring, this tiring ihe already fast-tiring; Dempsey to some extent. In the last two rounds Tunney worked' hard to get over u "haymaker" j hut Dempsey absorbed the pun-; Ishmeiit stopping the powerful blows of Tunney with his face un til that part of his body was a mass of bruises and cuts at the end of iho fight, while on the oth er hand Tunney emerged without' any disfiguring marks. Dempsey plainly showed that hoi was not I he champion of old days. 1 ; Ills blows were lacking in power, his Judgment of distance was ' bad and he began to tire as early as the second round. Philadelphia tonight 1,-t celebrating as it hasn't celebrurtcd since the signing of i the arm in 1!>1X. Tunney Is champion cif i he world and tonight the byword is Tunney. CF.XTKAIj IIK.II |?I,A\S rUNNVNITY itooTII , Tho Contrul High School Com-, m unity has organized for u Com munity llonth at the Alb?nittrl<' District Fair to lio hold In Kllr.a- 1 beth City October 5, 6. 7. X mid !?. A committee wan uppolutcd to j make plans for tho community ox-' hlblts at a fnoetlllK held Monday | night. 1*. A. I' rite hard. City i Kiiutc Kivo win named an chair- ' man of the committee. Others on j the committee are: Mrs. J, C. Ov- J ? rmaii. Mr and Mrs. G Hi liar- i roll, Mr. and Mm, F. W. l,owr>\ j Jacob Itlddlck. Cecil Jackxon. j James Brlto. Mr. mid Mrn. K. I*. Cart wrljglil. Mr*. Clara Week*, Mr. and Mrs M. M, Sample, Mr. and Mrs. p. I) I v es, Mrs. I> W Mor Kan, from Cltjc Itouto Three; Mr, and Mm. II. F. Sample. W. I, White, Joshua Hmtthiion. Mr. and Mrs. It, F. I*rltchardt W. W. Our- 1 ter from City Itouto Three. COTT<>\ MAKKKT New York. Sept. S3.- Cotton fu- j lure* opene i today at the follow ing level*: Oct. 16&.71. Doe. 1&.R7. Jan. Mareh l?.2??. May i? r,r?. New York. Hopt. 23. Spot cot-j ton closed quiet, middling I a. 1)5. j a. decline of MO poliiiM. Fttlures, I clMlnR bid: Oct. t 4. i:t. I>ee 1 4 AT*. ! Jan. 14 .76. Mar 1 4 .5*7. May lft. Iff. WollkF.lt*' COI\C||, TON Mi NT Th<* Worker#' Council of Itlack well Memorial Sunday School nicelK tonluht at ?i All officer* j In every department of Sunday School Invited. adv. II j KALEIGH PARTY PAYS VISIT TO ELIZABETH CITY !\Yh llnnd of rriciullirvese lorpd 1)^*1 worn (iupital of I In* Slate iind ( iapital of '*l>o??l Provinrri*" visitors lot i; city Concert by Stale College Hand on the Courthouse Green and Brief Sjieechc# Conelude Pn^ram. A new bond ??f a ni It y was forced Thursday between t h<> capital cttjr of I he Slate alld (he capital of the "Northeastern 1'rovlnces." when a delegation of lUli ilalclgh business men paid an hour's visit here In the roiirxf of u lour r. 'P. E. Browne, of the Slate Depart mout of Educa tion. Hpoke hrielly to offer assur ance that llulcigh wus '.'your cap Itol. and your town," and to ex press the hope that a closer bus iness and social relationship might be built up between the two ci ties. The speechiiiaklng program was short, by reuson of the little time allowed In the visitors' itinerary for their slay at each city en route. At 10:^0 o'clock amid much cheering, the Norfolk Southern special pulled out. bearing them towurd Hertford. The delegation was scheduled to arrive in Halelgh at 10:: 30 o'clock Thursday night, after having slopped over briefly during the day at Hertford. Edeiiton, Ply mouth, I'lnetown, Washington, Vuticeboro, New Bern, Dover, Kin ston. Lad range and Goldsboro. On Wednesday's I rip, which ended at Norfolk that night, tfca party stopped at Wilson. Scotland N?ck, Aulaiider, Ahoskle, Suffolk and many Intermediate polata on the Atlantic Coast Dltie, over' which the special train travelled. Hog Calling Contest Will Be Feature Of The Fair A hog csHIng contest for ftr? free baits of "Ballarda Imuran?# Pig Grower" will be a new fu ture at the Albemarle TUVtYlct Fair thjg fall. The fart that hog 'jailing con tents have been featured In th* newspapers throughout the aatloa will mean Ihui the hog culling con lent at the Albemarle Fair will be of Interest to practically every body. Volume will count 50 points la the contest, according to Orofil Falls, Secretary of the Fair. V#' rlely will come lu tor 2& points, enticement 10 points, musical qual ity 10 points and faciei M-r- salon 10 points. The first prize will be thrao bag* of Ballard's Insurance Pig Grow* er valued at $10.r?0. The second prize will be two bans of the same product. Tfc* prize Is given by G. W. Parson* A Sons, wholesale brokers of thin tity. ? nrln-didi-d ni\ round limit ; and Tommy l-oiiffhran, Phil> udrlphiit light heavy who hel|x*d ltfm|pwy train, won the drrlMon from Jiniinir Delaney. one of Tunnfy'i fiparring partners.