VOL. XVI. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY EVEN1NO, SEPTEMBER 27, 1926. SIX PACKS. NO. 227 NATIONS KNOW U. S. ATTITUDE . ABOUTCOURT President Coolidge Has Spoken in Order to Pre vent Further Lengthy Iti bate in the Senate TAKE OK LEAVE Americn Wants Her Keser .. various Accepted on Her MJ Own Terms uud That"* - That, Says W riter By DAVII) I.UVIiKM K (C*Mrrl?kt. I??. By Th? AD.irco Washington. Sept. 27. ? The na tions of the world know now thut the United States will not accept the counter reservation* to the World Court protocol suggested I at Geneva. This information was disclosed at the White House and means that the matter will not pven be submitted to the United States Senate for consideration as It la within the prerogative of the Chief Executive to determine whether he will resubmit a treaty or protocol If amendments are of fered by another government or governments. The United States wants Its res ervations accepted without the crossing of a "T" or the dotting of an "I" and if the other govern ments do not wish Amerlcau par ticipation on those terms, the Am erican Government will not be come a member ?f the World Court. This decision was reached by President Coolldge in order to avoid another debt in the S. nate Which would become protracted as to upset the entire legislative pro gram in the December session of Congress. The President feels that the matter has been thoroughly de bated and the Senate knew what it was doiiiK when it wrote the fifth reservation which is the only one the foreign pawsH not accepted as submitted. Mr. Co?l lOge foresees that a big political issue can be made on that fifth reservation with appeals to na tionalism such as characterized .^ths original debate on the League K on Nations covenant. The reser vation Insists that no advisory opinion be rendered by the World Court without the consent of the United States ou any matter which America claims an Interest. No Other government In the World Court poasesses such a veto pow er. The League .members, how ever, agreed to regard the sphere of American Influence as an ex ception when they wiote in the covenant for instance that noth ing therein was to be construed aa affecting regional understand ings "like the Monroe Doctrine." The belief here is now that the word has gone forth from the White House tlicre will be import ant diplomatic exchanges between the loading powers and that If the admission of the United States is really sought then modification* Will be suggested. One formula advanced is that the veto power be given the United States but that If It Is arbitrarily used then tho right of the World Court members to withdraw their ap proval of the reservation will he agreed upon among themselves as permissible. There are other ways by which the American entry can be accom pltahed without disturbing the dignity or equality privileges of the other sovereign nations. It all depends on how anxious foreign powers are to have America as a member. So far as the Coolldge administration Is concerned It will be relieved of a vexing difficulty tiglde the Republican party If ^America does not Anally enter the Wourt. Pfine Persons Dead After Train Crash Bethlehem, Pa., Sept. 27. At lease nine persons were killed and ?6 lajured today when the Bcran tQP? Flyer of the Jersey Central xallro?d ploughed Into ths Lehigh vallsy railroad at the crossover of two roads la this city. The accident occurred within a hundred yards of the new union station. The I>ehlgh limited left Buffalo laat night for New York. The rtyer Is the through train from Blnghamton to Philadelphia. The huge Jersey contral engine straek three cars hack of the l?e high Valley locomotive throw ing a steel coach on Its side. It wa* la this car that all of thoss ltlll?<1 or lajured w ere riding. Rsll rosd men said had the ear been of Wooden construction they believed the klll**d and Injured would have keen far more numerous Bethlehem, Pa , Sept. 27. -- fllx were reported, killed snd 25 Injured when the "I?e F Umltaxl." crick l^hlih Vnl f Railroad train from Uuffalo to * York, was struck by the 'imton flyer of the Central of New Jersey at Crowa r Point In Bethlehem at 6:60 thla mnrnlni ! A Smart Bird - , The chickadee I* a wlw little bird , that cwn'l l?e s'uniped. As so ex |Kiin)i*nt a Pndlic coast* ylvj lover look this thl'Uadee '* n<->* out and I nu^ponilod it from a polv in u net. j Thix picture fhowg tlie courageous mother Mrd feeding her young through the netting. And then the I little bird* vcr .? mi?ri*d to the old Mistrial Is Result As Twelfth Juror | Stands Ground After HO hours of deliberation, a Jury in the cam* of the City of .Elizabeth City against A. L. Ayd ,lett, of this city, involviug con demnation proceeding** in connec tion with the running of Elizabeth street along the route of the drain jftfte canal pa*?t Ute High Sciu>ol, I Anally was (Uncharged by Judge 1 Nnmr in Superior (' >un h"T" late Saturday. aft?-r It hnd U< come ap parent to all that tli*')' could not | agree. I The Jury received the cant* ! shortly before noon Friday. Mr. | Aydlett had asked $1,000 for al i leged damages to his property, the site of the old Free School build i lng, by reason of the cutting of [the street. The city wished to pay him $1, under condemnation proceedings. I "Grapevine telegraph" from the I Jury room Saturday morning I brought the information that ten {of the Jurors wished to give .Mr. jAydlett $200 damages; thnt th" I eleventh was holding out for |9500; and that the twelfth was 'unwilling to allow him anything. Thus matters stood as the day dragged along. Then, according lo this same niysterlouM source of Information, the eleventh Juror struck an agreement with the other ten? a sort of entent cordiale ? and Ihe combined eleven sought to win ov er the twelfth man -the Irrecon cilable of the outfit. AH efforts to that end were without avail. The twelfth Juror i had made up his mind, and that was the end of It. Having ended In a mistrial, the case Ik scheduled to come up for trial again at the j next civil term of Superior Court , here. No Injunction For Beer Referendum Madison. Wis., Sept. 27.- -The 'State Supreme Court today denied the application for an Injunction | to prevent the proposed refer# n- 1 ; dutn on beer at the November 'election In Wisconsin. ROB I MHO N APPOINTED BY OOVKRNOR M< I-KAN Raleigh. Sept 27. ? Governor Mel/can has named the following i delegates to represent North Caro lina at a conference of represents- I tlves of Federal departs and of At- j lantlc and Pacific Coast and Gulf nt at on to consider the subjejet of i coast erosion and protection, the meeting to be held in Asbury. Park, New Jersey, October 14 and! 15: George E. Kidder, mayor of; Wrlghtsvllle Beach; Wade H.I Phillips. Raleigh; Thorndlke Ra vllle, Kalcigh; Carroll B. Spencer. Swan Quarter; Lloyd J. Lawrence. [ Mur frees boro; T. S. White, Hert ford; John H. Small, Washing- 1 ton. D. C., R. L. Gray. Raleigh; I Chan. O. Robinson. Elizabeth City; j Krnest M. Green. New Bern; W. B. t Iliad"*. New Bern; and C. 8. Wal lace, Morehead City. OOTTOJf MARRRT New York, Sept. 27. ? Cotton futures opened today at the fol lowing levels : Oct. 14.10, Dec. 144 *2, J*n. 14.87. March 15.12. May 15.21. New York. 8ept. 25. ? Spot cot ton closed quiet, middling 15.21. a decline of 10 points. Futures, closing bid: Oct. 14. SI, Bee. 14.84, Jan 14.93, March 15 72. May 1M1. FAIR TO PROVIDE THRILLS FOR ALL THROUGH 5 DAYS Virtually Entire District to lie Represented at Great District Exposition to lie Held October 5-9 TUESDAY SCHOOL DAY Special Attractions Ar ranged for Boys intd Girls, Including Knees and Athletic Events With only Dure County to be* heard from, evidence I* in hand 1 already that the count les compris ing the Greater Albemarle Fair' District will have a bigger, better und more complete showing of their farm, garden and home pro ducts at this year's fair than ever ' before. The big district exposl- j tion will be held for five days, be ginning Tuesday, October 5. Mrs. P. \V. Stevens, chairman for Camden County, has sent word that Camden will be repre sented In ample fashiou at the fair. Camden look first prize among tho -counties last your, and Is ex pected to make an even better showing this year. Word already had been received I by the fair management that Cur-' rituck. Perquimans. Gates audi Hyde Cobnties would participate with attractive exhibits this year, as of course will Pasquotank. In which Klizabeth City is situated. County Agent G. W. Falls, of Pas quotank. has wired Dare asking whether that couuty wfll partlcl-. pate, and is eagerly awaiting a re- ; ply. In other years, the Dare ex hibit, largely featuring products of the fishing Industry, has been one of the most attractive shown here, ? j Ah an Incentive to county, I community and individual exhibi tors, local Arms are offering a to' tal of 15 silver cups this year. These will become the property of .The wtnnnii uutrllUt "" Tuesday week, the openlug day, of the fair, is to be School Day. It Is expected that the Elizabeth City J and Pasquotank County schools ' will bo closed for the day. or at least for the afternoon, to enuble j all who wish to attend the fair. I Three prizes of fl??, flO and $5,/ respectively, will be awarded the} schools having the largest percent-; ages of their enrolled pub.'c pre*-: ent at the fair, the enrollment to j be based on the figures for the , preceding day. As special attractions for the ! boys and girls on School l*ay, 1 there will be pony and mule race*, and a number of athletic events In which prizes will be awarded. The Stale and Federal Depart ments of Agriculture will assist In making this year's Greater Albe- ! marie District Fair a success. For the benefit of poultry growers, a daily exhibition of candling and grading eggs will be given by F. W. Kisber. of the Division of Mur kets. A demonstration In blasting Mtumps by use of the new explo sive. pyrotol, will be given by A. T. llolmau, of the State Extension Service. Pyrotol Is furnished far mers by the Federal Department of Agriculture upon payment of freight plus the cost of putting the explosive Into cartridges. It Is de clared to be equal to 40 per cent1 dynamite, the grada generally! used In stump blasting, and can be obtained at about half the cost. With unusual free acts and oth- ' er attractions day and night; a' dally program of racing, conclud- i Ing Saturdays with a 100-mile au-j tomoblle race; nightly fireworks' displays; a big midway; exception- , ally lafge and attractive farm and ' livestock exhibit*; and a compre hensive display of Industrial pro- ' ducts of Northeastern Carolina. It 1 Is forecaat that this year's Great- 1 er Albemarle District Fair will net' a new record In the annals of slm- 1 liar festivals here. Five Are Drowned As Skiff Capsizes Pomeroy, Ohio, Sept. 27. - -Five j excursionists were drowned In the Ohio River noar here early today. iThejr were being ferried across the Ohio River to their tinmen In I'om ?roy after having apent Sunday In Pittsburgh when their skiff cap | tilted. The skiff wan carrying nine pas sengers and the ferryman when It* went down. Five were rescued. Those drowned Included four wo men and a seven montha' old baby. STATE IS ^CONI) IN Af/TO DEATHS Atlanta, Sept. 27 ? Traffic In 41 southern states during the pant week killed *? persons and In jured 235, the survey conducted by The Associated Press shows. Florida and Virginia were tied In the largeat number dead with J eight each and North Carolina was) aa*i wit* i?tm i?nd and II In New High School Opens Today Now (Yci'ml llik'h S<-taooll thirvl mid I?>1 mill in l*n?<|iiotitJik'i? roiiMiliilMlton piitcnim fur nhltc to?li?\ for Hit* fJnn of I02tt*27. 'Hit* mIiinvI <|ir. riinlu In Zurllrr. 1 State Educational Heads \ High In Praise of Work Done by Pasquotank Man ? Siiiicriiilvndfnt of I'uhliq Instruction anil Other Offi cials Felicitate County ;Stiperint anient M. I'. Jen ningx on Com /tlelipn of Merger Program In connection with the comple tion of Pasquotank County's rural white school consolidation pro gram today, with the opening of the Now Central High School on the Hertford Highway, just-out tiide this city, the comments ol leading educators in Iho State are Interesting. With one accord-, the heads of the State Department i>l Education extend praise to Coun ty Superintendent M. P. Jenuinft! and to the County Hoard of Kdti I cation. "I hope you will give Superlfi tendent Jennings credit for having i worked out a splendid system ol rural schools for Pasquotar.V : ilolffy," mtii I?r. -a. T. AlU'w I State Superintendent of Public In struction. "We regard it In thlf * department as one of the most ' promising counties In the State, and tr.y understanding is that with i the erection of this last school house every child In the County will be in reach of a standard high school, which Is an accomplish' ment to lie desired in all tho coun ties In the State. [I "I have watched with great In terest the progressive movement* I in this County since I have been in public office, and 1 a in glad to state that we regard the work ol this County as one of the most hopeful signs In public education in North Carolina." Dr. J. Henry Highsmlth. direc tor of high school education In the State, also expressed himself en thusiastically with reference to Pasquotank's progress In develop ing modern high school* In rccer? years, and as to the part played In that development by Mr. Jen nings. Further felicitations are extend ed by Prof. N. C. Newbold, direc tor of the Division of Negro Edu cation of the Department. Profes sor Newbold said: "I'nder the supervision of Sup erintendent M. I'. JennitiKs. the rural schools of Pasquotank Coun ty have made creditable progress. Closing Chapter Of Joy Ride Written In Police Court On a joy ride extending far Into Sabbath morn, half a dozen resi dents of Newland townnhip pxld tl|o fiddler, no to npeak, In record er's court Monday morning, hav ing been arrested by Officer Har ris In tho downtown section Sun day mornlnK at about -I o'clock. W. ? Kanon, driver of the car In which the sextet w?r?' riding, wan fined $50 and coats on a charge of driving an automobile while under the Influence of II quor. and $25 and costs on a count alleging possennlon and! transportation. Karl Canon, Lu ther Casper. Hersey ISallanco and w. o. cirinin were flped $'? iwl costs each ou a rharge of simple possession. The sixth tmunber of; the party wan too younK for Trial Juatlce Sawyer's tribunal, and wan sent down to Jufenlle Court. \ Officer Harris testified that When he made the arrestn. h?- j found a little over a pint of liquor In the car, alon? with about half a doxen "dead soldiers." Doc White, colored, charged! with failure to Hnt his taxes, wan required to pay the taxes due and the court conts. Kemal Panha has ordered the1 leadlngllndjas of Angora to trans late the Moslem holy book Into Turkish from Its present mixture of Persian and Arabic, ugdertiood ?nly by tie ?4ucate4 flit 'Durhig this period all of the white schools of the county liuve been ? consolidated Into a few well rhew i u eenters, and lurKe modern brick buildings have been constructed to | accommodate all tin* white chll !|dren in the' County. These, build ? f j In gs are properly equipped for the i , elementary grade work, and high r School work. Including Home Keo ?Inomlcs anil Vocational Agrlcul ? I ture. "With good- school building". Jjfood roads, and trucks to trans ? [port the country children to the m schools where needed, it ought to f ( bo possible for me children living ; in the rural districts of I lie Coun ? jtjr'to h?ivo school advantage* '?rrm? ? | parable with those offered by < KUzahcth City. And why shouldn't l j they? They are all Pattquotiuk . | County children. i "Having practically completed 1 ' an admirable school svstr m for 'the white children of the County, i Superintendent Jennings and his ?J County Hoard of Kducatlon will - now d'tubtless Improve the schools (for the colored people as rapidly as possible. i| "The very fine work done by Mr. i Jennings in Pasquotank County is ? recognized not only ut home, but ! also by his colleagues in other parts of the State. As Is prob ably known among his home peo j pie. Superintendent Jennings is ? I president of the Northeastern lils i trlct of the North Carollpa Kduca tlon Association. This district In i eludes about twenty counties, and ? several thousand teachers In the' i public schools. Mr. Jennings had an important part on the program . of the State-Wide Conference on ! Klementary Kducatlon called by jState Superintendent Allen, and , which was held at the State Cl?i vcrsiiy. Chapel Hill. In July. j ?j "The people of Pasquotanli j County, I believe, may confidently ' expec t sound and progressive de- ' J velopment of their public school , system under the leadership of! Superintendent Jennings." VTKKkSVIIJ.K UK, II OI'FICKKS ELECTED [ As an essential preliminary fo j the year's wurk Just beginning, the j Kt udei) t body of Weeksvllle High I School has elected literary and ? class officers, an follows: Literary society: Johnny Held, i president ; llarreil Held, vic e pres ident; Kdltli Mead*. s?*ei ? t:i i y ; Llnahel Lister, treasurer; and i Miss Brown, a member of the , faculty, critic. Membership in the society is not compulsory. Inn a large majority of each class .Joined. Meeting* will he held | each month, and Interesting pro-! grams arc promised. j Senior class: Olivet Brothers, ' president; Kdlth Meads, vice pres ident; Ltnabe) Lister, secretary; Raymond Csrttoflight, treasurer; j Elizabeth Cartwrighl historian; I Harold Prltchard, poet, Kdith Meads, prophet; and Johnny Held, testator. Orders have been placed already for the Senior rings. Junior class: Wlllard Price,' president; Clara Prltchard. vice president; Walter Lowry. secre tary; and Kathryn Morris, treas urer. Sophomore class: llarreil Held, president; Ina Brothers, vlcn pres ident; and Hehle Coppersmith, secret ary-trcasurer. Freahinan class:: Mary Ixmise Morris, president; Clyde Mend*, vice president; and Kdwnrd Eves, Secretary-treasurer. IXIIHT AT ( AMIiKN Camden. Sept. 27. Superior Court opened here this morning1 for a one week mixed term wlth| Judge Homulus A. Nunn of Neve, B?m prMitflni. Fourteenth Day Of Daugherty Trial I New York. Sept. 27. Tin- Gov criinu'iU today bewnn 1 1 ?o fuur : toenth day of the conspiuiry trial [of Harry M. UaiiKh? rty 'iml T!io:ii ,ax W. Mil lor with an a t r ? -m ]?( to trace in tin* former Attoriie> Gen 'eral a further >50 ,000 *? : an al | U'Kfd bride' of $451,000 paid to I hasten the release of til" $7,000. '000 of scix'-d German properties. Vera V. Veall. assistant cashi r j of Midland National Bank. testi ll? d she Ke n | to Otti? K CoiMpiliy. Cleveland hankers. four Slu.OOU ? Liberty Loan Homls bearing, se rin 1 numbers Unit were on tlie four bonds Itichnrd M | The Women's Christ inn Federa tion will meet Tuesday afternoon at four o'eloek at the Y and the devotional exercises will be led by Mrs. J. 'W. Foreman. "People ; have now returned front their va- j est ion it 1m hoped with new inter- | est and dot erminat ion to help win | the towiv for Christ. All Chris- | flan women of all denominations j are Invited to attend these moet Iiikh," says the chairman. THIS CITY 1 1 DIM. STKHkES ILimilH A l.tial hi lias been s:ib mHIh-iI lit larioiis aui'iit I in Kl wilu'lli Ci'? (oiiaitl rv lie I of ?il Mill *lrick-o Smith: iiMri u Ihuitla. .1 1 iliti II. Hill. Jr.. ? iiali in. hi < ill.* I .-fill rhaptcr of the (tMl"i ??i the lvi*tein Star. au?l $.*i hi Mi'?. K;lu- 1 l^i nib. A Hiwk for *."?0 has Irvii mnilc*l nlrca?l) hi I.?hIuv M."?i ?. 101 ks, oi this riii, In hi ih.' i hai hi mini ?ii i he i>it:aiil/ii* lion. As purl iall.i faklin; race i?l lluil, hi?li\htiiat iimiImIim (litiis liilallhiu Kl. hii* an Mounted l>i ('. II. Wood. Ki n . larv. 'I ln*s contribution* will Ih- rHiimwl fn the clmrli.i mud iiulJl^u loial of K~>n has Invti reached. aliil all iibiiv.' that will Ih* forun iVled i<> l-'ltti hlu, Mr. WimnI sinitil 1 1 h|?i i . CITY MERCHANTS MOST FORTUNATE Well Sn |>pl !b'n tears apparently had little or nothing j In do with the outcome of the gc-j lion. The court held that the State lia?l failed to offer convlnc- j lug evidence that Webb, in fact, had disponed of any mortgaged properly. j "The court la not here to en force 'the collection of a debt,", Judge Nunn remark* ?l. comment- j lug that thC action brought against Webb appar ntly wan for j that purpose. Iliiefly, evidence Ihe caff* wn lhat Webb had be n convicted In Camden rjiurt son" five years ag<> In connection with an automobile] accident In which a woman wa* injured, and ha?l been given the, alternative of paying the court toala and $30u to the wotnan, or of ftcrvlng h road term. | Tom llama rd. elderly colored I realdent of Camden, had come | (hop, and that the other had il i*i nt ?*k r?? t ? d frnm exr Irenie senility. Cow-hid Inu that Webb hud nold the ear, and nunpecttntf that h> had Hlmilarly dlipored of the mlna iiiK ice box. flarnard brought tin art Ion which wan heard In Coin den Superior Court thin nmrnlnc, while the urand Jury wh< enaaged In examining wlineaaen with a vle.w to bringing true bill*. None . had hern brought irpTo T2 SO * o'clock. In fact, only a half dox en liicftnaoquenttal criminal c*n? n wcri> slated to b?- brought up; and | the civil end of ttie docket llke wtae wan larking In clemcota of public Interest. CHU SURPRISED LEAGUE NATIONS WITH STATEMENT (ihinrsr Nat ionali&t* in (vi'ncva Believed to Have Nirrutfiird Delegate Into Thi* Action STIDHMS AKIUVING Believed to l>e A?M'inl)ling to Prevent Clin From Mi eakenin^ Ironi the Po sition Mr Has Taken Itv A. It. DUCK K II (Co#?ri|M. H.'J, By Tilt A<1MM| ' Geneva. Sept. 27. ? Chinese na tionalists Jii lit'iicva are believed j l?? have forced Cluio Hsin Chu. Chinese d? legate to the league of Nations Assembly, under threats | of direct consequences to make his unexpected statement ^b^fore the Assembly protesting against the purported acta of three British i merchant ships in steaming full i speed up the Yangtze River, cap sizing Chinese junks, drowning more than luo passengers, offlcors and Mildlt-rn, and causiug heavy loan of goods and silver. Chu alleges Investigation of the incident was Interfered with by a , British cruiser which threatened tin* villagers with guns and aays the Chluese authorities were .obliged to detain the merchant jshljis and discuss the matter with ? the British consul at (.'banking. llefore the case wan ?? 'tiled, Chu claims, a British gunboat opened lire on the Chinese police at Wanhslen, killing 100. This was followed by u cruder attack on Wanhsien in which a thousand homes were destroyed and a thousand persons killed by heavy shell lire. Chinese troops, he said, were forced to return the Are 'ill self defense. I Chao Usui Chu said his state ment was made as a matter of rec ord. Lord Cecil, the llrltlsh dele gate, replied sharply to Chu, stat ing thai his Information was en tirely different. He said ho could 'iHit give an adequate reply - "to tliis very strange course of proce dure" as it had come as u surprise and as the British view "differs entirely from that laid before the Assembly." Chinese nationalists In Geneva are circulating a signed atat? meat by the "Kuomlntung European delegation alleging that the Brit ish are trying to develop a con fu?ed situation in China to pre vent tin Chines.' nationalists from i pursuing their victorious csna ipaign. The llrltlsh are aiding Wu I'l l Ku in order to accomplish political and economic ends, the statement declares, concluding: j"On Hi'ptemhf r G llrltlsh forced bombarded Wanhslen, committing 'an odious crime. If the League 'continues to permit England to do as she wishes the League will be as responsible for the war which in germinating in the Par East. We and future generation are pre pared to give our blood to save our national dignity ami liberty." The Chu statement before the Assembly caused considerable ex citement because it Is believed to be a preliminary to an appeal for League Intervention in China. Chu states that the Canton government requested him to place the matter before the Assembly. Chu then asked Peking for Instructions and was told that he represented all China. Chu stated that he hoped to se? the incident settled amicably but If It was not, he would bring the incident before the Assembly. Fifty Thtnese students, roipll^ from all European capitals, have arrived In Geneva. They are be lieved to have come to prevent Chu from weakening. TEACIIEK WINS SUIT AM) CASH RESIDES sir Walter Hotel. Kalelgh, Sept. 27 Mlw Mlunehe Lewis, 19-year ( old school l^arhpr who last March waa tu-verely Injured when an ir ate father and mother, Mr. and Mm, Horace ferry, "boat her up" because aht? had whipped their child, today If 92,000 richer than ahe wan. ax tin- result of the set tlement ordered t?y the.rourt whea tho ferry '* wero oiueted to pay this ail in to Mlaa I.? win or accept prison t