The Weather K.i'r timifcht siiiiI Wnlnwdif, culil'T toniKht: rr?"U"d nro"nl"? ? worhdUVr?i,ah;.ord ??-??? handed down ?t. rday a, C?rn?o" sSBSSSt*BS sfrts&jzj-srsi ttriS'f''' """ ,0?-" h".y ?* ^"??:z:un -"M - drowning has no money, and any money to finance the addlUon.I .??" kxim ttioo" in wi?oM*dhi"ir.i5ey at iho further .... "f their Kond name." K/?HTKK\ < WtOI.IV* m\KM niutJh",'u"Art:" Mv HT'TK ?i, Mar- 22- ?IAOi Three Kastern North Carolina "I" ,jlllrh rp"-nllr. >111 He llquldatm hr the hanhlnn do Of (hp .Sfale Corpora hankl'nT" .* ,h* ,lov?11 The hank* are located at Wanh Ingron. Itelhsven and Craawtll, S^i^0jsss:js site's? wlndu " w|" ?P"llte wlndln* up or arfaira of ih? tt,. '"i'' '""hi", official, ban." Her Great Problem Illlly Well*, pictured here, was In love with Clay Curtis, llut she was fascinated, enslaved, by Dnl Itomainc. Head uhout her prob lem in "Daughters of Midas," The Advance's great new aerial by ,Anne Austin. A thrilling story of love and of the curse that was laid on three girls" lives by money. Turn to Page 3 and start it today. U. S. Unable Make Treaty With Mexico | Washington. Mar. 22.? (AI1) ?An Intimation that the United 'states had been unsuccessful in ef | forts to negotiate a commercial I treaty with Mexico was contained j today in a State Department an nouncement that the smuggling |convention between the two na ! Hons would be terminated on March 28. ! The .department, in whose j hands has rested the long stand lug and delicate situation lnvolv I ing American property right in j Mexh-rr.?honied a TifirmaT state ment explaining that notice of ter mination of the treaty has beeu | served on the Mexican govern ment last night by the American embassy at Mexico City. In the absence of a commercial treaty or other arrangements with [ Mexico to "safeguard American ) commcrce against possible dis ' crimination." the statemont said, ""the American Government did [not deem it advisable to continue (the smuggling convention which ?might In certain contingencies ??hind the United States to eoopara ! Hon for enforcement of laws or decrees relating to tho Importation [of commodities of all sorts Into : another country. The smuggling convention has ? direct hearing on the American [embargo on arms shipments into [ Mexico. Under the convention | even if tho embargo were lifted, the United States wnuld ,he re quired to notify Mexico of Im pending shipments from the Unit ed States of arm* or any other (commodities prescribed from Im portation under Mexican law. j Whether the recent secret cor respondence with Mexico Involved ,a renewed American effort to ne gotiate a commercial treaty with that country to protect Amerhan , owned properly, has not been din {closed: Prince Of Wales I Takes Another Fall I floldenby, Northamptonshire, j KiikIhnd. Mar 22. (AP) Th? /Prince of Wales was thrown from llhls horse today at the first Jump !In the Army point-to-point steeple ^.?hase. but escaped Injury. lie displayed his cool-headed-1 ness hy lying still during the few! I seconds required for the rest of i the field to gallop paSI. As soon as the danger of being Jumped on by another horse was over, he arose, none the worse for , his experience. Ills horse was ;caught after some difficulty. The jPrlnce Intends rldlnr an ? other of"his string. Lady Ppone In the Belvoir hunt point to puint race at (lurrowly, near (Jrsntham, | Thursday. I The Prince's frequent falls (have caused agitation from time 'to time against hit strenuous rid j Ing Nevertheless he continues his Interest In horse* and racing Only last Wednesday he lost Manners cup point-to-point race at the Bicester hunt meeting, rld ; Ing one of his own hunter*. HKARf H FOR MK.X WHO CM VP. WOMAN A HKATINO Raleigh. Mar 21.? I AP) ?Of 1 fleers today continued their search for three Barton's Creek township fsrmers who sre alleged to have beaten Mrs. Fannie Davis. 76. Sheriff Turner's deputies 1 sought Otis Harrison. Sade Itsy and Gaston Jones, who. the wo ! man aleged. visited her home. De ? molished psrt of it and stole her 1 provisions. SAPIRO'S SUIT FAULTY, JUDGE TELLS COUNSEL! Declaration W ill I'rolialih lie Kilrd Wrd ihmLiv .Morning; Com* I'roiniM^ lit- I.oiifz l)rav%n CAMEltUN lU^L'llINSlBLL Alitor Dearborn ImJepen drill Insist* Tliat lie look Knlire K?'H|)oiihil?ilily in Articles l'iil?li?lieiiiofid. of CriiQ?i , IU|ddH. Mli'li. "The declaration as It stand - Is insufficient in many of its al lotatluiiH," said the Judge*. "I suggest to counsel I hat before th case ran go to the Jury it needs to ? be amendihI in several particulars to clarify the Issues mi that lb trial can bring ahout an equitable result." The declaration constant of "I {counts Including 1 11 points and makes 5paragraphs. | TJie first count was lieing taken I up when Kord'a rounsel made itn allegation of insufflci? ncy. ! After Judge Raymond's pri - nouncemeni William Henrj (Jalla 'fcher of Saplro's counsel protested i that it was a late day'for the do fense to bring the matter up. | "Do 1 understand counsel to Intend to Hay that he thinks tin declarations should stand without (amendment?" asked the court. ' "Oh. no. no. no!" replied Callu igher. " Sanford. Mar. 22.? IAI'i The I North Carolina retail Jewelers' convention opened today to con tinue through tomorrow. An automobile rid# lo the peach orchards was offered by May ?r W. H Flits, in welcoming address, to which W K. Chears. .^anford. As isolation pr?slderft responded. Packer's Son a Stock Pens "Hand" 'TOWARD rass . WILSON , Tin* Hum* of 1M% :u?! Wj! !Mii??-i.hi i?ra?lniil?*. 1? In th? MlL'lal rilSi'.IV" ll :? .lL?? Mil (lie |>.,u kir, mid li nt;uttns to loam Uio liiihiui.MK 11Kin iiic bottom .up Wilson I'* *hnw-n hi te wlilt hta burse ii~\" iil"^VTt?tr*~atT-. ->? i'i U?" W:l "it >" im wfc ('lm ;?i;o. ? Veteran Continent Hiker Rescued Fran Poverty Is Victim Of A n to Accident \\a? on W 21 y lo Church lo Offer I laanlv>^iviii^ I'raj r r for Kimln?-? of I ricn?l> W lu ll Struck III Car Now Y'?rk. '1 J. i.M'i Ktri(>ki-n il'iwu liy ait aut.?m Willie nil Ills v ay ro fhlMTil I-. | ? l> dor Thank giving lit prayer fi?r having lit????? from iIm- ?l< rest povrty l?y i ? * I in i i.* -r- who r? memIn? !*? ? 'I Ills fatiii< ;i? a ?t'ws coii tlnent waller, Ivl*'a i d I'.i.v mi WcMuii. y?-??l old ydi-a' I. Ill rlM- nhadow of death f???l i\ ta Hi. Vlnci-ni Hospital At oti?' Ilvn?* :1m iiriiui oT Kd ward l,ay.--?n \V?s?ofi waj Oil ev ery |oiiKii<> liiti hi- exploit.* hid liever lirout'.iii liim ar> < on^ldvr 1'hlA h-V/diiie. Wltli axe ain| poverty i-amc Mi lieus and r??? ii!ly the old man \v?i found sick ami i|pntlini< in a tin ren t flic mon i tutis-lsting only on the rharlty of filcniN wiiu could 111 Afford t?i tdiare with him Ah he Imd imw hei-n a N- w York police ri'iinrlcr, ill*' N? ? w York l're?* ('lull form* d a i'?nr mlttee to rul*o a fund and tIt? r> aponae wan I in mod In c* :u:i| J>iiii;. After nnntrrouK contrihu: ion ?. A/tne Nlrholt . |i|a> Wright and )irndlici t .1 wii'k HKO Srfllli d.iv ? ? 1 aside f .JO.OOO the lot* r* st to t:o to tlt*? ajcd walkj-r a* Joins ?? he Ilvfil. Ycaterdav \V>*lon. alia en tirely recovered and wi:|i 'I n.nikv kIvIiik In bl* hort out fiom his lircrnvlch ViMrtie? |i. I? able to wait* and want* to learn the rh?rWton. NEW BERN GETS CEMENT PLANT MainiiMil h !M:iiiiif:irlnriii^ \rtiliirr Pifiuiicrri l?y .Miil-W ???( I :?* | > i I. < I Kdlfii'h. M.i r '12. t AI * t N'W ?!?? Hi 1...I.1V v. i : ??!?? t? rl :ih III" jilli* for iiKirmiioll? r* iih iiI iiiauu ?*i?H?riti:? |'l:?r?t fii?:?by mid uvi?t*lrrii ' i... il. .1 A Afkur. fort Ihi: ??. MMi ItfHIi. tuM .!'??> A- i| |*r<-i l?* 1111?-H |'ii locating Mit !i a jklrtfi* in K i li-Mi North f'ai*olina. N?*w ll' ln wm ?r*l? iiiinturft have tli?-in i.clvi-s ftK Kri at'v p]<-a-.l ji n - i al I for I Tic .erection ?if a plant to cost atmtit ;W,?0fl,0lll| Willi ;i rltpac-Jly of m miillion an*l n ?|iiarl?'r liarnd* of i ?*mcnt annually. Tit*- m'Bii;iii . r'-pr'^'itiil lv,??* ror?f?-rr?d with Oovi-mor M<'l#can ? /I'Tfliy aliotr N r'h (VirnlinM'N ? ilHtud- ?or.-:ir?| foi'?-|';n ?-;if?ltat. iTIo-y al>? . .i11?mI t ? hi- H<-imau ?JUyson. Kt;ii' iooJokImI, hut Mr ? I'.i. niti. jIi .iii ai tendIn?' l' ? -'outturn Minim; con - f< rom-> |?(H-iitioo ' w r?? ron?i*l?*r'"I n?*;?r ?Itof ky MontiL. Tartioro and VVII ton, wh?ir- 11??-r?? iiii' jiI-'i I liny (| i:i el in menial I il.vM'i? . Georgians Visit Old North State tlJikitfft. Mar 22. ? f AI*? ????%*?? inor-fl? i ? l,:?io??iu T. Itnr?l?* mm hi Htm*.*. v?*r;?l fi"m lion* ?f ill' ?! ??'? I? -If, inrc 'I'lvl*"'!! IIov? rm?r M? l^-im 'ih<*y would utIv#* hor#? ???-! iilKbr fr? go lii"? ii -ttnlv of North c'Mrnllnn Kovernni*'iii:?l w'lioil*, with m vi"? of fi'Mniifti'liim | Uicin f'?r hd'lpiioii !ii ?h?'ir own I ftdli' ;?l thr. JtpitruaHllliK (Ive BOARD TENDERS ! I!OAI> QUESTION TO GRAND JURY . ". 1 ( miiiiIx ( oiiuiii^ioiitTo Rr Invalidation Into \lt?*rulion* in Sunt') I'ifstirc* I\ SI'KCIAL SKSSIUN Nuiimv* of \\ iliir^"* I'n* M'lihil, ami Olltrr Data: I *<11rly I >i?ru<*!*?*laiik Couti " 1 ' 9 1 1 '' 1' 'I"" i'i 111 TiI ly W.IH ri*|iii'sii>il Tne.-* d;.y |?\ tie lloaid ??f County CniN' tili ehauged none of I he figures in <|uestloil. explaining .thai several alterations were made by the surveyor who did the work, and that these were merely in th** nature of corrections of an ; t otln-ly. legitimate character. Not entirely satisfied with Mr.' Ford's explanation, the County ' Commissioners today decided to I present the matter 10 the grawd j Jury. On the Other hand. Chair man S. (J. Scott and members of, t!?f Pasquotank Highway Commls* sl?n. under whom Mr. Ford was employed directly, repeatedly' have expressed entire confidence j in liini and a disposition to accept ? In-, statements relative to the j iii-ms in question. It'.'sldcH presenting the highway, in.111m*, ihe County Commissioners ? ioutiiM-nd'-il the Installation of 'fireproof (Inorn on the vault In the! ??uiirfhousc. uh needful protection) fur rh" t'ouniy recr?rd?. In the course of their gCBslotij preceding tltefr visit to the grand jury room, tip- Commissioners ells -cussed ai length plans fir tha| forthcoming revaluation of prop erly in the County. for tax pur pMKI'M. Transport Speedtng Toward Port With x Many Sick Shu Francisco. Mar. 22. -r 11n and l?on don government*. After a exchange of views | ? api'aLt. there was further nego tiation today. For the" most part ihe dlplo fttiifle efforts are understood to he fit reeled toward satisfying Italy 'withoir bavin* to involve the pood offices of the league of Na i "Iinctl Italy declined (0 acc pi the authority of the council t 1n '{owe In the dispute with ilreeie over the Island of Corpu. Jtut the urgent summoning of ihe trouncli -nil remains a possibility, 'and the powers interested will ngt hmlmir to do this ahould the sfT-j nation show further signs of be lonnnic aggravated. SHANGHAI HAS -fShEWSAfm FOR FOREIGNERS International Settlement I'rotwteil l?y Steel Kin^ ?f Armed Forres Ik Sur rounded l?y Plundering yi HMA KJKCrKD A I'Vw S 11 c e e e <1 e d in Breaking Through But Were Ke)?ul*ed; llrit i?*lm Kill at l/ea^t Twelve Shanghai. China. Mar. 22.? i ai' ? h'iriHK ineir "rirt^fi In tiro air and yelling wildly. a mob of r.lHMI ( lllll.x- I lie rubble of the defeated Northern army ruxliiil Hip thin British cor don guarding ibe Northern area of the international settlement i here at 4 ; 30 o'clock this after noon. A few score succeeded in break 1 in is through in the weakly held alleywayx, but they were quickly rounded up. disarmed and turned bark Into Chinese territory. TlT? ~ main bodv of the invaders were slopped by the llritlsh troops without firing- No llrnish casual ties were- reported. ? _ The attempt to Invade tho set tlement followed a day of Inter ; in It ten t firing between t4u? North jernera and Cantonese guerillas in ! the native Chapel district, j Shanghai's international Rettle imonl, harboring thousand* of for eigners and protected by a steel ! ridk of armed forces today was u 'veritable Isle of safety, surround ?ed by the anxry waves of Chinese i fighting, rapine, looting and ln icendlarism. With tho native sections of the city utterly given over to rioting, plundering and bloodshed In which both tho victorious Canton ese and tho defeated Shantungesw took part, the foreign defender* anxiously paced the iharhed wire boundaries and repelled all at K'mpta nr invasion? Cut off by tho Cantonese army, those remnants of tho Shantun Komo forces liot engaged In looting hIrove to pierce tbe barriers and gain the protection of the foreign fighting men against their eue mi or. Hundreds* of ihem were admit* ted after surrendering their rifles, but others, throwing themselves in appurcnt frenzy upon tile for eign defenders, were repulsed bjr_! foreo of urms. In oils clash a few score aua ceeded In breaking through, but were <|ulckly ejected. Another charge broke when tho Hritish op ened fire, killing nt least 12 and wounding about a score. An armored train, manned toy while Russian*. allied with the ?Shantungese. moved up and down III.' railway to I he north. Its ar tillery belching shot iu every dl rectlon. One shell struck the premise* of the Presbyterian mis sion in tli?? International settle ment. canning much damage hut luckily Injuring no one. Regular troops of the National ist army were approaching tho < ha pel taction of the native city ibis evening-and were expected to occupy It tomorrow. The municipal authorities of {ha internatlontl settlement announce I hey win taitc mops Immediately for the maintenance of essential services In the settlement. Volun teers are Invited to assist. He vera I three pounder and trench mortar shells are reported to have fallen in tbe northern sec tion of the M'tilement but no cas ualties have been reported. It Is understood that the Jap anese disarmed and admitted sev eral hundred more. Cantonese regulars arriving In the Shanghai north region ?je precipitating their foes' efforts to escape into the foreign territory. ? Sniping, fires and looting con tinue in the Chapel quarter whore moi?? composed partly of Shan tungese soldiers, partly of ordi nary criminals and partly of Na tionalist gunmen, hold sway. The streets arc strewn with dead. In numerous cases the rob bers have cut off women's flh K? i to obtain their ring* Kvery place holding tho promise of loot has hern cleaned out, but ? he problem of the criminals la how to get away with their booty. As they lesvc the city they are met with swarms of entering loot eis and bloody fights occur. Numerous innocent people were reported to have been klMod. tieneral 1*1 Surrenders Shanghai. Mar 22 tAIM-^lt^ Is officially announer that Oen* eral P| Shu-Chen. commander of the northern defense forces at Shanghai, has agreed to surren der Ills ispltulatlon ?i? ar ranged yesletday in negotiations with Chang Ksl-8hek. Nationalist Onnrallsslmo. The Kuomlntang. or National ist. flag has been hoisted ovef Oencral PI Shu-Chen's headquar ters. but many thousands of Shan tungese soldiers _ la certain s*e tions this evening were still una ware of th? surrender.