MRS. MEEKINS Deplores lack ! OF MUSIC HERE Call* l'|xm Oilier (lluli Wo- | men anil All Who Arc In iCrMtfd lo U ork W itli lt< t on Nen \ eiitnre ; BESTCITY LAGS Talented Miioician l)e flarfu She I- \*huiiicd of the Record of ller Home tir*.' I. M. Meek ill* was hostess ! on ?*r^lay afternoon ar her home ? on Vf? Main ?ir*-? ? to ih?> music department of tin- WonuinV Club. ! The 'program was iuierestiug and] greatly enjoyed. Mrs. MeokiuH I wad a paper on the "t'alue of Ma gic," which ih" members imiiimi-I ed her to have published. This . wan.followed hy rhe Clubwomau's ' Hymn, with the?words by Mr*. Sal- ! lie &outha)! Cot ten and music' by j Ksrtfclle Aillbott: violin solo, Aloha.! by fcohbie Klllott: plnno solo. I Schubert, by Miss Kv? Walston; I vocal solo. Dreamy, by Mrs. ,1. II . Car(wright.. This department in. | for the beliefi! -nf the community; and-the depart ni'-nt officer* would] be gflad for tlio.-e whom tlrey havir noL'?i;Hn of thos*- who they may not- knowT. to -???- TfUil u*k Airs. Meekins Jor information, as they wish to federate immediately. It would be appreciated If all the member* who helil up their bunds at {he riant club meeting promis ing., to back np aud attend the meetings of the music department, wilhsend their dues to Mrs. M. |{. Griffin, secretary and treasurer of tbo department. Mrs. Meekins' paper on ' The" Value of Music" follows: "We are meeting today to earn CBtty try to complete the move ment start ed in ibe Woman's Club '.last week to reorganize a sii'vess ful '-music dopartment for Kliza betfi City. We uru allowing much wonderful talent and material in our town to go to sinful waste. The eye* of the State are upon us, any I have to hang my head in shame when I am asked what is yotr music club doing for your tofn? I have hail many letters frmn the chairman of the various communities of the State Federa tion of Music Clubs, expressing L surprise ut our seeming neglect of no,vital a factor in the uplift of our community. j'We huve but to look nroutid Us'to realise how utterly we have faQcd to foster a love for real mil sto in the hearts of our people, es pecially Uja young people in whom we' Khoi)ld be so intensely Interest ed, Chautauqua a failure, good concerts ignored, a non-singing nutlllc. can anything be more de pT^ralble?, R has been demon strated many times that only the Jaaxest Jazz and a negro minstrel ,nhbw will attract the rank and Hie of J our eltixenship. Can we not profit by the mistakes of the past? ''If we arc really interested In creating a different atmosphere fo^ our boys and girls we must flint realize that they are looking to>us for Inspiration aud encour agement. Are wo loyally support ing our publir school music teach er In the training of children th?TW.-are we offering prizes or medak for Improvement in the dl|f^QRit phases of musical attain ment ? Do we encourage the I Hoys Baud? "Itijeht h?*r> lei me say that i father* and iuothers cannot over- ' estimate the Importance of urging ? their boy* to iplay in some baud , KncouraKe a buy 10 blow a horn and h** will nut be interested in I le.?ra.!i|i how to Mow a sale. "A*idc from what ?v run do lot stimulate the music u: life of oar young p?opJe, run We IIOl have real joy in mittic*iik. playing and worKlnp together? The next *eu eratlou will Nil rely follow In our footstep* jf ?> prove to them thai Kood luusic is a vital force in our common life. "Dr. Davidson, uf Harvard, said good music 'will out' if you give li . a chance. With *o many things. around us to--tear flown moral fibre. let 11* make one united ef- j fort to prove to our ciitnmunity] ? I:j1?iruod mu*ie?j higher' dejeree of bappiue** than the pop ular ur jazz music uf the present duv. l#et us have music ju*i fori the fun of it. just for the good oft it. ??specially in the homes, and lei I music be 'he harbinger of Rood community. I hope we shall' adopt this creed an to the* art ofi cheer and prosperity In your homei musi''. "I believe ill Its educational power. "I believe In its aesthetic puw-j er "I believe in Its spiritual pow- , (OI NCII, (AI.I.S HALT (Continued from puKe I ? | plants recently had been put up . In Nevr Uern. Washington and ulacwh* r- He tendered a Jetter j from the Farmers l'eanut Com-] Hint in h.dwnt^ii.?wntlliiy?tmlji I that the erection of a storage > plant by the Standard Oil Com-| pany there hud not increased the Insurance rate, and that the com pany had proved to be u good neighbor. A committee recently appointed to investigate similar projects here was delegated -to look Into this one, and report Monday after noon at 1 o'clock. Its members are K. J. Cohoon, chairman, E. M. Davis and Noah Ilright. I pon mention by Councilman Morgan of a defective condition In I paving near the L. E. Skinner .home, on North Koad street, City Manager Fcrebee gave assurance that other sidewalk work was un-i der way, and this would be, reached in the next few days. A motion was passed to pay the Chamber of Commerce |250 for a year's rent on the quarters used by the Council. Thin was a rou tine matter, and was disposed of without discussion. Much consideration was given a final hill of $2,895.25 presented by R. G. Ii?Hsiter & Company for laying concrete curb and gutters here. It was pointed out that the j contract signed by the Lasslter I Company required the company to | remove all trees In the way of its; installation, though as a matter of fact this work was done at the i expense of the city. There was some evidence that J the company had been given to j understand that the city would j remove the trees, even though thei Icontract specified otherwise, and j the whole mutter was brought upj because the Council was Inclined ] |to believe the I^assiter Company waa seeking to evade responsibil ity for certain Items of damage to concrete sidewalks here, resulting from its operations. It was decided finally to hold up payment of the company's final bill pending a careful survey of the sidewalk damage, with the Idea of deducting for that before settlement was made. Dr. C. II. Williams, County health officer, appeared before the Council to request, with some as Parity, that he be allowed a re-1 fund for jitney fan- he incurred by r?-aaon of hi* automobile hav-} Iiik been run into and wrecked - some aix weeks a*" by a city | truck. He pointed nut that the; damage to the car bad been al- ' lowed by the CoubcII; that there waa do cont**utlon a* to the city n liability on that item; and that, t therefore, hi* claim for the Jitney, hire was entirely legitimate. After a little hesitation, during I which they w^re told by Dr. Wll- I liarn* that it "doeun't even require1 IntelllKenrf to dispose of a niat-j ter like that." the memberM of the | Council voted to allow bin claim. graYsayshe DIDN'T DO IT His ft lie Believes ft, Tim, ; So Who Killtil Al Iwrl Snyder? New York. Mar JJ?(AP)? Mr*. Kuth Snyder and Henry Judd Cray, wlxo signed ronfeeslona that they bad murdered Mrs. Snyder's art editor husband. Albert Sny der. in a love and Insurance plot, pleaded not entity in Jamaica magistrate'* court today and were lield without ball for the grand jury. They repudiated their con fesslona. Kaat Orange. N. J.. Mar. 22.? iAP>-?upport from a loyal wife! c-atne today to Henry Judd CJray.i held in connection with the kill-. Ing of Albert Snyder, magazine! editor. ? Mrs. Edith Gray was told of his J ollngM Hfl?IWHlly frday, bwl | continued to profens belief in her husband'* Innocence. "I can't believe It and I won't ? believe It until I hear It from my 1 husband's own Hps," she said. "I i still keep my faith in him." "If he haa done to, his confes sion la untrue." Mra. Oray said. "I have already retained a New York lawyer for my huaband and thing this morning. That la all I cure to aay now." New York, Mar. 22.?(API ? Having confessed to killing a hus band by clubbing and etrangllng, a dapper salesman and a young widow were being held today for murder. An elaborate alibi care- { fully arranged had collapsed. The love oPMrs. Ruth Snyder. 3 2. and Henry Judd Gray, was disclosed as the motive for the killing of the woman's husband. | I AUbert Snyder. 4S, magazine art editor, who was clubbed, chloro formed and stranged In hla mod est home lit Queens Village early Sunday. Gray was arrested in 8y-, raouse yesterday. Gray. married and the father of a 10-year-old daughter, told the i authorities, they aald. that he agreed to the murder plot when Mra. Snyder threatened to reveal (their relations to Mrs. Gray, un less he helped dispone of the art (adltor whose Insurance had been fecently Increased from 110,000 to <25,000. CHABLBH ARMOUR DIKH Kansas City, Mo.. -Mar. 22.? (AP)?<Charle? W. Armour, vice president and director of Armour and Company, packers, died at his home here today. He had been ill alnce a full month ago. after which he developed pneumonia. ( Ol'RTHOlHR IH BIRNKD MoCrory. Ark.. Mar. 22 ? (AP) ? The Woodruff county court house and the greater part of the business district of McCrory were destroyed by fire here lant night and early today with an eatimated (lose of $250,000 . EVANS IS WINNER! IN CHECKER BOUT \\ ill Br Standard Bearer for This C.ily in Even! llerr Frida> Nipht J. C. Kvaitx, of thi* city, fi.-ld j representative of Hit* Modern | W'Kiduim of America. emerged . lam night as standard bearer for Fllzal>eih City in the checker! championship rontest to li?? put <?u at the Ch.ioiiM r of Commerce Frl-1 day nljtlit at 7: ^0 o'clock. A silver1 trophy will he awarded the win-* ner. Mr. Evans defeated Van Saw-] ver and John Williams In Hutces slon last niKht. and then won in thn play-off with l^onnle Sherlock, his closest competitor. Others tak-l Ing part in the contest Included f?. G. Markham. Dr. M. M. Harris and Billie James. At least half a dozen other communities are expected to be represented in the tournament Friday night. The Weekavllle contestant will be Allle Meads.; who won in an Informal checker bout her* several Weeks ago. over several of the strongest local play-, em. Word hag com#1 from Aulan-' der that a strong delegation will be on hand from there, and others ! are expected from Ahoskle and perhaps other points on the fari side of Chowan Kiver. Two Camden County players are J enrolled for the event. They are 1 Mark <hrmdt^-of Camden Court-1 house, and Kdward Wlial? y i.f | Old Trap TmT or more contend-1 era from South Mills are expected also. J. P. Murray, of Movock. rated the strongest checker player In this part of the State, and winner, in tournaments In North Carolina and Virginia, will be on hand but will not compete for the cup. ,since he 1ft In the professional class. As an entertainment fea ture, he will play several names blindfolded. He plays extensive-I ly by mall and by wire. The trophy to he awarded Is on .display In Helig's. this cltv. ( In the Friday night event, tin-, players will draw for opponents, and will play In six-name series., the losers being eliminated each time. In the event of tie?, they will he played off. of course, even though the series rutin over the six-game limit. No entrance or other fees will be charged either participants or spectators. There has been a great acces sion of Interest In the arflHent I game of checkers in this section ?In recent months, and this prompt - led the tournament. Other similar ? events are scheduled tentatively |for later on. with perhaps u grand I tournament to decide the State i tournament. The only require ments In the contest Friday night nre that the players be residents of North Carolina, and that they not he in the professional class. Orphan* Will Give Concert at Hertford I Hertford, Mar. 22.?The con cert class of the Odd Fellows Or iphan Home at Gnldsboro will be |at Hertford on Monday, March ? 28. The concert will he given In 'the auditorium of. (he Hartford I1 Grammar school. The program will consist of songs, readings, quartets, drills land orchestral numbers, and is I expected by those who are famtl llar with the pant performances of I this class In Chi* section to he (well worth while. The public gen I orally In invited MARKET REPORT NEW YORK COTTON ! New York. Mar. 22.? (AIM ?; The cotton market lo*t part of. yesterday's advances in today's trading. May contracts Hold oft to 13.97 or 24 points net lower, j The mid ;ifteruoon market was, several ]"'lnta up from the low-1 est on covering but showed net, declines < i about 12 points on ac tive position*. High. Low. Close. Mar. . M04 13.*2 13.82 May : 4.21 13.93 13.9&096 ' July i 4.40 14.15 14.15*1 Ki Oct. ... I 4.5H 14.30 14.30 Dec. . 14.72 1 4.47 1 4.47 Previous close: March 14.00; , May 11 - I: Jul}?14.:;!'.?Oct oh- r ? 14.57; |>eeem ber 14.73. Open in- March 14.02; May 14.12; July 14.31; October 14.50; December 1 l.??7. NEW ORLEANS COTTON New OileflDB. Mat. 22. -{API ?Reactionary selling Induced by fears of the influence that high prices might have on cotton acre-1 age for the coin ins season re-! versed lite price trend in the col-? ton market today and sent active! months downward to establish, lows 22 to 27 points below the early quotations. Large! exports lor the day brought a ral ly in ?*arly afternoon trading' which regained 11 to 13 points of tho loss. Kxports were 100,848 \ bales. Spot cotton closed ijiii' l, 25 j I'mlnf 11 ii wn i m>li ii 1 ,V U 1 j If UK j middling 12.10; middling 14.00;. good middling 14.'Ja. Receipts 12. 280; stock ??55.22. Futures: High. Low. Close. Mar. 14.25 13.90 13.91 May 14.2* 13 9* 1 3.97 G 98 July 14.3<; 14.12 14.124 13 Oct. 14.45 14.19 14.21 Dec. 14 55 14.30 14.32? 34 Previous close: March 14.24;: May 14.24; July 14.38; October, 14.48; December 14.58. Opening: March 214.25; Mny| 14.20; July 14.33; October 14.41; December 14.4 9. COTTON SEED OIL , New Orleans, Mar. 22.? (Al')l I ? Cotton seed oil closed easy; prime .summer yellow ?.4o"; prime" crndo 7.?2 1 -2 G 7.75; March 8.30; April x.45; May 8.50; June 8.?;0; July K.80; August 8.80; September 8.85; October 8.70. New York. Mar. 22.?(API ? Cotton seed oil closed easy; prime summer yellow 9.40; prime crude 7.50; March 9.40; April 9.28; May 9.31; June 9.40; July 9.47; August 9.55; September 9.51; Oc tober 9.35; Sales 13,700. POTATOES Chic.iKO. Mar. 22.? (APi?Po tatoes receipts 70 cars; on tracks 255; total 1'. S. shipments 611; demand and trading slow; market ,steady; Wisconsin sacked round whiles 1.85ft 2.00: mostly 1.90(g) 1.96; Idaho sacked russets 2.70*9 2.95; mostly 2.80*f 2.90. N GRAIN MARKET Chicago. Mar. 22. ? (API?All deliveries of heat, corn and oats : sold today at u new lo.w price rec .ord for the season. The overturn of prices came with unusual ra Ipidity and found support lacking from buyers. Wheat closed weak. 1 .1-8 to 1 .;-4 cent net lower, corn 1 cent [to 1 7-8<fi'2 cents down, oats 1 3-8 ito 1 5-8 cent off and provisions varying from 7 cents decliiio to 10 ;cents advance. Wheat cash No. 2 rnd 1.30 1-2; No 1 hard 1.35 14. Corn No. 5 mixed 6 3 l-2<fr ?.4. No. 4 yellow 65 91-2; oats No. 2 white 47 1-2 4# 4'*; No. 3 while 4:;ft 45. Rye No. 2, 97 1-4; barley 63'?i Hi; t tin - othv seed 4.75 ft 5.25; clover seed 3I.50H -5.75; lard 12.35; ribs rn.5<l; bellies 10.50. ? LIVESTOCK Chicago. Mar. 22.? (AIM? Hoks 20.000: light hog* fairly ac fiv. ; generally 10 to 15 cent* higher than Monday'!* average; buteht-n* nk>w, about steady; bulk 150 to 2o0 pound 11.70Si 12.00; 210 to 250 pound ll.UiiCrll.7S; 260 to 300 pounds 10.701/11.00; timni ^.n'Wing suns io.u'mj io i;:?. most slaughter pigs 11.60'r* 12.00; heavyweight 10.6011.10; medium 10.75Ci 11.90; light 11.25 ft 12.05; light light 11.25 ? 12.05; packing sows 9.75 ?.? 10.40; slaughter pigs ll.loii 12 00. Cattle 11.000; heavy fed steers and fat cow* steady; lit:ht steers and yearling helferx weak to 15 rents lower; other classes un changed; stock em and feeder:* very scarce; liberal supply of steer run selling 10.00*? 11.50. Sheep 12.000; early trade-to shippers active. 25 to 50 rents higher; packers resisting advance; etioice handy weight lamb? to ship pers upward to 16.25; sheep fully 25 centM higher; choir*- medium weight fat ewes 10.00; feeding and shearing lamb* scarce; nom inally strung to 25 cents blither. NEW YOKK stot:ks New York. Mar. 22. (AIM? Pronounced reactionary price ten dencies again developed in today's stock market. A few venture some pools attempted, at inter vals. to rally the general list by ?bidding up their favorites hut the pressure of offerings become ko large that bullish operations were either restricted or abandoned altogether. Caling of about $30,000,000 in bank loans,- due to the return of income tax checks, for payment, sent the call money rate from 4 to 4 1-2 per cent, the first upturn in several weeks. I The. closing was weak.. Total sales approximated 1.900,000 J shares. New York stocks cloning prices: 'American Can - 46 1-8 American Locomotive 110 American Tel. & Tel. 162 American Tobacco 125 7-8 Atlantic Coast Line 1K2 3-4 ; ttaldwln Locomotive ....... 17H Baltimore & Ohio _ ?112 1-2 HarnMdnll "A" 29 7-H , Ijethleheni Steel 49 1-4 iCanndian Pacific 182 1-2 Chesapeake ? Ohio 159 3-8 (Chrysler Corp. 40 1-2 Coca-Cola ?189 Col. Gas & Electric 8 4 iConsolidated (las 97 1-1 iCorn Products ...... 54 3-8 i Dodge Bros. "A" 21 1-2 ? Erie Railroad 4 3 1-8 |General Motors ..... 174 1-4 , Hudson Motors 20 International Harvester - 152 1-2 i Inter. Tel. & Tel. 129 tKennecott Copper 62 1-2 Marland Oil - 60 1-2 ;MixflOuri. Kan. ? Texas .? 37 1-2 ? Montgomery Ward 66 1-4 New York Central 141 1-8 I Norfolk Sl Western 172 1-2 ' Packard Motor Car 35 3-8 | Pan American Pet. "R" ...... 61 1-2 ! Pennsylvania 58 3-4 'Phillips Petroleum 48 3-4 j Radio Corp ... 51 5-8 I Reynolds Tobacco "R" _._.109 j Seaboard Air Line 32 3-4 ? Sears Roebuck 5 4 1-2 Southern Kailway - ?123 3-4 Standard Oil. Cttl 55 T-S Standard Oil. V J :;T 1*4 Standai V Y. . :: 1 1-S StudrbakT ....?~ -4ft 7-H T*\a? Corp ............... 4K I'mon I'arilic .. lfit; Druu . i?;2::-4 r. S. lud. Alcohol _ 70 1-4 I*. s. itubbcr *?u :;-s I*. K. St*?el l *?'! 11 I'niv, I*I|h- & l(ad. ill STI |IK\ IN I'W KINKS UTKIl \U.IH S ICIOT Annaptilifl, Md.. Mar. 22 iAI'? ?T?-n Johns-Hopkins Mtudents paid fin*-.* of $23.50 apiece today ("i i?arti?'it>a'iuc in a tr?-s<li?u;? u sophoiuore riot here last nluht which caused ap|?als> for aid from the stnte nitttTla. Ileruard llrack. Kfrluu.-ily Injured by a policeman's cIiih. pl?-ad>d Kulltv from Ids hos pital bed. I'hyslriantt said llrack "Uoijtii rwi.^r. * Ull.l. I II.I. oil. TANKS Washington. Mar. 22. <AI'i The Navy Department Iiuh dtcid* ? d to ko ahead with the lining of Too Late to Classify NOW WITH TII MOW AT Kit Vtuick ('omiNiny?I am now in tit" ser vice depart mi'iit of Tidewater Itulek Company. 1 will appre ciate your patron*Re. Tom rule S Maun. 22-2M? AT KASTKItTII)K A puotoirruph of the child or Krown-upH. Most personal of all prwtlnjc*. Have your portrait made ui ample ? time fur Kaster mailing. Call Zofller'it Studio for a xlltiUK. _ lh?- 4.200.00U barrel capacity oiP? lank* at IVarl Harbor. Hawaii, ?; conniructrd by Kdward I.. Doh?*ny.^* ?ut a |?ari ?>t tin* contract umt<r;^ wtiicli li*f leased naval oil rwcfvt' land * in California. .? riiiM?\Ki: i'\i:iM?\Kn whkn Ills \lcriM ItKAI'I'KAKS Fiunkforl. K> .. Mar. 22 ?(Al'? ?.oi??rnor Fields today pardoned <*onlt y D&bn* y. viv**n a life Rt*n t? uc*? by tin- Harlan I'itculi Court, cliarci-d with tli?* murder uf Mary Vlckery. who r? appeared at Wil Uanmburu. Kentucky. Friday. PILE ^SUFFERERS Get this k.indy tub? imiii il- aUttMtoK: . PAZQ OINTMENT MVKk EVERY CRAVE Hlixaliflli City M.irMi- X (franili' ^'orku _L>. T. SlNiil.NTOX. l'rop. i v-n "iiiiim- u ihi:-?1 ? ^ /tJobo I PariiiVsK MPPY FIRESIDE JOHN MARTIUrSobOtt IN CHUBBY WORLD 'I "HE Chubbies love the life the; live * And all the goodness in it, And they are always punctual. Exactly on the minute. They never waste my tiir?e or your* And make us wait or worry. But still they don't get out of breath With needlwM rush and hurry. CLASSIFIEDS PAY THOSE WHO READ THEM AND THOSE WHO HEED THEM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DAILY advance CLASSIFIED ADS ! This else type (R point), on* Mat a word eacti Insertion, minimum 26 cents, oue time; 76 nnta week; IS woida. 8tandlng ads. five ccnts a word -Mr week. Twenty centa par month?in advance. ? White space and ptra vraph?d ads, 60 ceotn an Inch. Copy must be In the office by 4 |. m. day buforo loaer tM, >? ?? AWi"inrf?ifnl? I F-B0N T kohokt ilie new IJ?li market at the foot (?f lirklxe Native oysters. Fish from the nets dally. All kind of sea food. Oysters 60c ft qunrt. Hhell oysters fl.60 bushel. Open dally from 6 a. m.. to 9 p. m. 22-23p WR MAXR whdl. wheat bread ev ery afteraoon, Be s liaf Ask yotir doctor n-bout It. I'V healthv Cfttwrlfflt'4 Ilakery. Fearing St. pfitote ??r,. 19 -2r?n OH* N WW Mock 0? a1M#s have arrived. The prices are lower and the styles are the veay newest creations. W# want yoit to come in and look them oUt. Ooltop tt Toxey 8hoe Co. lTtf*P , IT PAY YOtl to look o?t line of dresses, coata and hats over before buying. Rarl A. Hurdle, successor to Hurdle A t I Parker. 16-22n. TYM8WRITBR SERVICB CO.? Can make your typewriter work llko new. Phone or aee Ocll I Bell at the National Bank. 26tfn I THE AUCTION STORE has ' moved from North Polndexter1 street to 11-13-16 North Water, atreet and will be known as Mor rlsette'a Exchange Store. lOtfn Automobiles for Sale 39 1825 CHEVROLET touring with bumpers. A bargain for $250. L. B. Perry Motor Co. 22,23n Automobiles 2 WE WASH and grease high class f rare, The best automobile laun dry in City. Standard Killing Sta-) Hon. 21-2ftn Barker Shop# 60 OUT YOUR HAIR rat at least OBC# a week. You don't have to wait here. We have expert bar bers. Sanitary Barber Shop. 22-2fta. CAROLINA HOTEL Barber Shop, four barbers, quirk serrlre, watting. 607 East Colonial Ave nue, Jaa. A. Johnson, proprietor. ft fl? 1 Bargain Planter 27 BOYS TWO PANTS SUITS Mighty good on?-s for that sturdy boy. I'rleed from $K 00 to lift.00. C. K. Benton. 21-SCn VISIT US IN OUR~NFTW store al the old Albemarle Bank stand. Our storks are complete with new merrhandlae at new low price*. O. B. West Company. lt-2ta. *Mlsa Isabel Munden, Cedar street. SPRING COATS In sport and dressy styles. Super values. Trills, tweeds, plaids and mix-; tares, featuring newest tailored, beRed and double breasted styles?black and white and oth er color*. Many fur trimmed. Great saving*. G. M Wllliama. 15 Water St., next to Mellck'e. 1622b Bus Service 52 GBORGB WASHINGTON High way bow open. McPheraon Bus Line leasee dally S a. a. via Mo yock. 10:SO and I p. m., via George Waahlnrton Highway. Bus leavea for Edenton and Hertford al 10:10 a. m. and Klectricil 63 WARM WEATHKR la here. See tin about new electrical fixture*! that will relieve household dutleni during the aummer montha. D. Ray Kramer. Sl-S6n | Filling Stations 23 LKT US WASH four ??r. Sorr ! You Filling Station, the home of' Texa? Gae and Lubricating Olle. Corner Road atreet and Colonial! Avenue 17-lSn.i Por R?? 10 THRBK NICB. roomy, comfort-! aM?> upstair* room* Running, water and llghta, Phone 648-W.j STGWK ON NORTH WATKIt atreet now occupied hy Aydlett llardwure Conipanv for rent. Af>-' ply K. F Aydlett, Jr. <2.23.24*. FV RNISIIEI) two connecting light houeek??pln| room*; pea*, range; two bedroom*; rea*on-j able Mra. I. C. Brown, 601 j Pennaylvanla avenue. Phone 108-W. 17 Hp For Sdt II FOR SALE, barpe load of juniper poet*. alx. aeven, and eight feet length. lAmbert Broa. Ine. 2 1 2f>n| KNOINB FOR BALE, practically | new, portable, frlck engine. Flf-, teen hornvpower. Box 137 21 26n BABY CHICKS and hatching eggs from our all trapnested I>*g , horns am] Rods. Chlck:? a* low jih $15.00 per hundred. Tnxey's 1 Poultry Farm, Shlloh, N. C. | 19-2 5n. Mlaa Margaret Davis, Kant Burges* at reel. CUBAN YAM SLIPS for Hale. $1.50 buHhel. Nancy Hall $1-25 bushel. Phone 4 90-J. M. B. IT-HP FOR SALR ?Do you wish to hatch large bodied Barred Rocks chick* either for your own table or market? Than send for one or two netting* of eKgs from my fine flock which camn direct from J. W. Park* & B.?n. 15 PICK*?1 setting. $2.00. Mrs. W. W MldgPtte. Kitty Hawk. N. C. 16-may In. CASH RRCH8TRR ?flood J^TdT tlon. Will sail for $75 less than It coat. Harry O. Paulos, Busy Bee Cafe. 7tfn WOOD ? WOOD ? Wood. Dry pine, good grade hardwood. Phone 445, D C. Perry. 4tfn Croctrin KINO FLAKE, Ask your grocer, for this wonderful flour, plain or HTtf rtKtng !f for any rea?*?t?' your Ifoeer has no King Flake in stock, deal with one who has It. ' Most grocers carry King Flake. I their cuatomera want It. They can got It from W. J. Woodley Wholesale Grocer in any quantity fresh. 21 2fin OI'R SPECIALITIES are prompt delivery of neaftonahle groceries. Just give us a ring. Phon<> 7 4. R. R. Meeklna. 21-3?n I THH SERVICE OROCERY la all \ that Its name implies. Try u* for freah fruits, vegetaibles. sta ple and fancy groceries. A. It Luton. Phone 711. 8onth Road stroet. 17-tlp Help Wanted?Female 32 KXPHRIBNCED SALESLADY ? wanted. One with personality : who can close a *alo in a vo I man'a wear store. NaehmniiH* Hertford. N. C. 22u Help Wauled?Male 33 WOULD LIKE to consign Eliza beth City territory to man thor oughly experienced In Belling marble and granite Monument*. Write uit promptly without obli gation on your part. Other ter ritory also open. IJall O round Monument . itarH Ormmd. maris.19,21,22n Hardware 1^ SPRINO 1R HERE?nud U * elean up and palm up time. Let us furnlah you with paints and oth er elean up neeeiKltlea. HI'S or Sherwin-Willlania PalntR. Cul pepper lldw. Co.. Elisabeth Cliy. Edt-nton. Willlamaton. 21-26-n KCHIIKK 11 ORB for l-2e per foot. Aydlett Hardware CO. 19-2Bn. liOflt LOST. ONE IlLLE-OREY TAN plaid lumberjack. Don't know where I loat It. hut 1 know what 1'in going to ratrh If It doean't show up. I'leaao return to John l't-cle. at Th> Advance offlc? mar 21ff Laundry Service 71 FAMILY WARHINO -Rough dry and damp wa?b. Men's work a apadalty. Aloemarla Laundry Phone 126 tt-tfD Monry to l/nil 37 IAJA/NB- -Investigate our small weekly and mont-hlv payment plan to pay your .axes and oil* ??r pant due Obligation*. The !?. dustrlal flank. 22-2H~i Meat a 55 BUY WHERE the heat ran be had ?for quality and price Heat western beef. Rert Davis. Phono M. 17-2.1i! Millinery 8 WK HAVE SOMK v. ry attractive number* In children's huts. Moth.-in. wp would bv ;;lad to show you. Walker 4c Company. 13-2Gn. Place to Pint WK WILL TIE dullHhtrft to flit ftandwlrhog and urn*!) lunches to he carried outside of the Tea Koom. Blue Tea Itoom. fetflhl and Polndexter Streets. 17-23n Plutnhing 13 PLtTMRINO ? Skilled workman ship, price* very reanonahle. Ser vice aecond to none. C. E. Bar rett. Plumber. Sltfn Hoofing 42 SPRINGTIME IS ROOFING time. Plgur** with us on that roof that gave you trouble during tho| Know. Pipkin & Held. Phone 748. 21-26n Spa Food 66 KRKSU SHIPMENTS dally of, Klih and Oysters for the I>'nten season. Thomas Crank, the Man Who Known Flub. Phone 204 410. 21,22,23n | Shorn 60 YOUR MONEY OOES further when you buy your rIiam from us. Let UN prove It. T. W. Wll llains 41 Son. 2l-2fin Second Hand Furniture 2*) WE BUY AND SELL second hand | furniture, or trade In for new. , Morrlsett*'s Exchange Store. 11-13-15 North Water Street, next to Rank* A Hughes. lOtfn M Inn Loulae Sawyer, Harbinger, N. C. Tailoring 51 THAT EASTEIt SI'IT should h< i ordered now. L?-t us Ink"' your I nipamirc. Wo Invlf?* a coniparl-! hoii of our valucH with lhof?- of- j fcred by otli?*r concern*. W?*'ll IMTP iIm1 vpnlict to you. Itauir* 6 Cox. 21-2611 ffnntwl 25 . WANTK1V MWIdlo uReit m.'.n t> 4u liuhl Wiirk i?n farm prlnrl|?n I. ly f? I it u llvrxtork. Make honn with furni'-r'N family. Rlif.bPiJt City. N. ?\. Ilox 133. 2*lfn < jiniliihilf Cartlx 31 TAKE Til 1*^ mo I hod of announc* iiik that I will be a candidal* for reelection n* alderman from Second Ward, subject to the May election. Your vote ami support will l?e appreciated. 1). It. Kram er. mlStfn CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR?1 hereby announce myself a candi date for Mayor of Elizabeth City, subject to the action of the May election. My platform 1h a prom 1h?? of conservative and business like service to every cltlsen, and fair and impartial treatment of all nilkP.~ To?ttrr beat?of?raf knowledqe anil ability. Your vote aimI support will be appreciated. W. T. Culpepper. ldtfn Miss fJiace Hawyer, Harbin^r. N. C. FREE Tickets to The Alkrama There nre several nnmes prtntcd in the Classified columns today. If YOUKS is there you are entitled to a FREE Tir.k?t to the ALKRAMA. You must (Tiaim your ticket at the Alkrama tonic row. Make it a daily habit to read the CLASSIFIED ADS. There are many more opportunities for yon tn addition to an evenings entertainment free. Today At The Alkrama "THE MAGICIAN"

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