f "Leased Wire Associated Press Service ?! The Weather I'air iinl w.irincr f?mi. hi <|j> nf I?? to m? ??(--?.it- ?liiitti?^ w.mis. VOL. XVII. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY. NOKTH CAROLINA. MONDAY KVKNINC, .MAY 2. 1!>J7. SIX PACKS. NO. 1?? Armies Of Men Fighting Desperately As Flood's Crest Passes Vicksburg Torrents of Water Flowing Through Four Oevawse* Opfiinl l?y River Inun date Oinoordia I'arisli KISING STEADILY Goes lip Tenth of Fool Ov ernight at Viekshurjs, l>ue to Water* Flowing into Mississippi Thru Y uzoo Now Orleans. May 2.? lAIM With lh? flood crejrt of the Mis sissippi moving past Vlcksburg t? j flay armies of moil were fighting ' desperately to raise and strength en the levee* along ll?'' wide front from tin- mouth of the Ited lttver to New Orleans. were record stam en are forecast between May ?? and 18. Meanwhile torrents of wait r flowing through four erevasses opened by the river yesterday. South of Vidalia and opposite Natchet, were completing the in undation of Concordia Parish in East Central Louisiana, with the prospect thai it would subtnergt parts of four adjoining parishes. The flood along the Yazo" . Mississippi also was spreading eastward, but a somewhat impro\ fed situation was reported in South eastern Arkansas with u Kansas river slowl/ falling and the flo ?d waters through three breaks mov ing rapidly over into Northern Louisiana. There was no change In the an nation at New Orleans, the river guafse standin ^stationary at 20. ? iteet. due engineers said to the rapid (low of water through the artiftcti/1 crevasse at Caernavan. ir> miles South. which still was 1>elng widened today Ijy Hie ???' U1 more dynamite. ,y ot;ii?ment issued during tut' luieiiiiuu III nil' Wnilll-r bureau Laid the liver here would clinnne Very little or tall slowly during the i tiext tew days. Before tho Caernar L yon crevasse was created u steady Vise here was predicted. ? The river was rising steadily at k'licksburg. going up four tenths .iif a foot overnight due to the wa Icrs from the Slops break. Nortlr of Greenville, flow; lug hark inlo the Mississippi through the Yazoo. North Carol Inn Helps Raleigh. May 2. t A I' > The State of North Carolina loday rushed two doctors and u sanitary engineer to Memphis. to aid the lied Cross in its flood relief work. Antitoxins were a"? rushed. Authorization of tho aid was the last official act of II- lloyl** Rink, as Pardon Commissioner, acting for (inventor Mrl.ean In his absence from the State In New York City. , t)r Charles O H Laughlngliouse. State health officer, dispatched Doctors It. A. Taylor and I'anl S Carley. auit Sanitary Engineer " 1*, West. They will report in the JKl Ford plant at Memphis, s 'Send 25.000 C ' typhoid "snixod. to.000 dlptberla and tetanus antitoxin to Dr. tiarrison, bltle Hock, and send 25.000 ty phoid mixed to medical officers Hod Cross. Memphis," John Mc Mutlen. United Stales senior sur geon. wired Dr. Laughlngliouse. also asking dlspatoh of the three men Dr. Laughlngliouse com piled under authority from Mr ^ "The aftermath of the flood Is luat beginning." Dr. Laughlng liouse said. -That is the roost ?e rious If less dramatic side Dis ease waits sullenly In the wake of the receding waters. That la the ancle of 1 he situation which all tieutlli officers will have to buttle ?itti. It will be a hitler batlle on both allien." * II.-.I Cross Needs More Washington, May 2. (AP)-J The. Hed Cross Missisnlppl rellel fnfltt reached a total of l-.040.000 today. The first call was for 000.000 but relief agenclea believe much more will be needed.. Contributions of IJ.12B.oo have been made In Kasiern states; II S93.000 In Mlddlestwest and 1418.000 on the Pacific Coast The Teminder Is accounted tor h> Insular and foreign contributions ? nd the lied Cross donations. i Mnn|Nm<>r In Ino .>wl /" N?w Orleans. May 2.? (Al?) ? Iwtlpower bMimo th?> prt'domln 1 ?lit power Unlay a* th?> flood wat Vra of the MlfwlMlppI xwrpt through the lowland* of North <*?at*rn Loulalana toward thf> June tlom of the Red River and the main at ream. The cry for men rranundrd from Delta Point tuiuthward an man brought all hJa effort* into play In the attempt to natrain the awlrl Inf ?ea of muddy water. Already It had burnt through the barrier* four time* In I/OulHana to npn-iid In a fan-al.aped ever widening arc over the lowlanda to meet tli? rlx InH flood of the Rt| Hirer. While men fought deaperately jr ? (Conttuned oiv pag# 1) RE!) CROSS QUOTA MUCH INCREASED Total for Mood Kelicf Dou blet! at Iii*lanre of Secretary Hoover U'.i May 2. --(AIM On recommendations or Secretary Hoover, the American lied Cross today asked th?* people ?f the United Staie* to contribute a niin-' lmuni of Slti.ooo.otio to relieve lilt' Mllfjetiim ill tile Mississippi ltiver timid area. The original Med (!ro<ot appeal was fur $."?.ooo.ooo Therefore, the latent request for aid ii? effect doll Id* s ilit* quotas of t!i?' various H?mI Ci'iiitf chapters throughout tin' country. Still \fii| SIHHI lli lr Alio it i S-oo is still in sight in tho Med Cross campaign here, 11a?* itfv. A. II. Outlaw, Couniv wel fare officer. announced %M?iiilay. Mr. o!iihtw already had forward ed $!M5. l? 10 thf tied Cross for the hid<4?f th?- sufferers, and the contribution:', reported up to noon .Monday theieioiv made a total of about Sl.l."?o collectetl for relief purposes. The city's original Red Cross quota was $S7f?. Under the new appeal doubling the amouift sought, Kliza belli City's quoia will hi* S1.7&0 leaving this city some SH"o to collect. Ila.veluill for Relief Rocky Mount. May 2.?'(API ? llaseball came to the aid of the Mississippi flood sufferers in liocky Moum today as lawyers, hankers and mediants shed their coats and prepared to stage a rliiirit v bull?^111.. hi-UVMC'll till' married men and the single men. Admission pasteboard to the game sponsored by civil organiza tions of the city sold for a dollar each, and all proceeds were to go to the lied CroM flood relief fund. Prior lo the game it was an nounced by William C. Whitehead, local Ited Cross chairman, I lint Rocky Mount had exceeded its quota of/31.n00 and with dona tions continuing to come in and the benefit baseball game on i:?|? this afternoon the sum now in hand expected to he materially In croaseTt. SWEEPING PROBE GRAFT CHARGES Guvi'riior Announces That Rroad Investigation Will Be Marie Raleigh. May 2. -(API?Gov ernor McLean, bark from a month's absenct iu the North and Middle West, said today he would , authorize Attorney General I). G. Itrummitt to conduct a sweeping investigation of graft chants against the State Hoard of Health. The Governor's announcement followed written request from the Attorney General that he be per mitted to conduct u broad Inves tigation, not only of charges of graft In the enforcement of the sanitary privy law. but of charges of "hardship. opprcHHion and ar bitrariness" in the administration iof the law. Mr. Itrununltt was out of town today and not expected back until I Wednesday, but the Governor ar ranged a conference to take place [Immediately upon bis return to outline the Investigation. In announcing that he was authorizing the inquiry. Governor Mclean paid high tribute to the work of the Health Department, which he paid was known not only in the State but throughout the Nation. I The charge* of graft originated In the legislature apropos of a Senate debate on nn amendment to sanitary statutes. Dr. C. O'H. I?aughlnghouse, State health offi cer. demanded an investigation which was ordered by the Gov ernor. ? I No one appeared to press the charges and Mr. Ilrummitt noti fied 4he Governor that he was .without material with which to proceed. This was not satisfac tory to Dr. I*aughinghouse and he suggested that persons alleged to have uttered the graft charges be subpoenaed and cross-examined. His stand was backed by resolu tions of the State Medical Sorlety at Its annual meeting in Durham, asking a full Investigation. MIOHKIK KIWAMS <14 11 l .\ MIS8TWCL AT HKIITPOItn Hertford. May 2. Tho Kiwnnln Club of Ahonklo preaented a very < nt? rtalnlni: mlnntnl revue hrre on taut Friday n?Rht. the pfOCNdl of which wore for I he education of deserving fltudent* at Chowan CAIIeae. CE\ERIL HEALTH CO\DITIf)!\S i.OOl) THKOICIIOUT CITY Health condition* in Eliza beth City havi- Iwyn PXC(>|itioii> ill.V L'OOll t Ill-It** lilSl fcW M?>i ItS. accordinu to Dr. Zenas Peal ing. city health officer, who stated today that there hail been marked abatement in an epidemic* of measles and whooping rough which rated through the lai>- winter months. Dr. I-Varing expressed the opinion thut little more lllnetis from the foregoing closcly af filiated ills might be e\p?-Cted. inasmuch as the epidemic ap parently hatl about spent itself, and with the opening-up of warm spiilm weather. The usual springtime admon ition to screen against house llles was niveil out by Dr. l-Var ing. Tin- city health officer is an inveterate enemy of ibis lit - ftle household pest, blaming it for tin- spread uf a limit it n<1 ?* iif diseases nsu.illy prevalent during tho - warm weather months. He urged also th.it breeding places of the fly In watched carefully, and divest ed uf danger by the application of kerosene, bv cleaning the'ii up. or by adequate screening. Plot To Kidnap Heir Is Checkmated By Chicago Police Chicago. May 2* ' ' 1 ^ .million dollar ccived l>v a convicted iniird i r. planned for execution by one? nf iChlcago's most feared ..Inelu bands and directed at a nlnc-j.nr ?>ld heir to a great fortune, has been checkmated '?>' the ''' . Henry J. (Mldgeti K-rtirk.??. serving a nri.cn term for rob bery wlill'- awaiting a new I'111 lor murder for wlilcl. he once ?un sentenced to be banted. w.a t -nan police say. wli? ?>lott?U tn kidnaping. The intended victim ,?M John Shedd Schweppc. kun of ' Charles H Schweppc a brok< r. and v.randnon of tbe lat?* Jobn " r I ml i""' r"'j ?det.iii of ihe mot. nor wou... the* name all the conspirators. rh million dollars which police he ' |ii? vi1 to have been demand, d for the boy's release was to have Mint in part Into a ureal defense lund ,0Mrs.r"je??ie Mnlhall SattiKrtt. I more recently known i? 1 Fernekes." according to Informa tion in the possession of Chief ol Defectives William o Connor was one or tbe women acll>e In th< plot. Mr. Schweppe Identified a photograph of Mrs. t,, ? .that Of a woman lie bad ?' " 'prowling about the grounds of his 'Lak*? For?*?t estate. -Seven well known gunmen. Were Involved, the pollce sn d a l members of Hie band w"lr",k''J" nancd two cabaret owners rectlil ly ??d finally r",<, nV/nml a reported i ran so in of MANY MEMBERS A1<E AI>UED IN kevival ,lnrx ^3^r^i.br" ; 'KtSSK Church came to a aucceaaful close ^'"nnv-lli'rte new members were .received upon profession in tti church at the morning ?<-rv- as result of the meeting. Ill silles 1 these quite a number came Into 1 the church by letter from other 3S e -s E3??r^r?5 go about their work with renewed |IO"l)r C M. Hawkins, who did the nreachlnft at the aervlcea. won ! many frlends durW his l?? weeks' stay here rot'it MiiuwiMM nvns Wayneavllle. N. C.. May 2. (API?Four buildings and tlieli contents were practically nntl the entire hualneas district ? ibis town was threaten, d by noo.ooo tire which . fho greater portion of a ,,allv 'the east aide of Main street earl> M?The buildings were the Yiile I'ltarniacv; the Wayne.vllle cdS; the Capitol Theater and the | Princess Chain CHlMal ??**? ' ,NJt ItKIl IN noeky Mount. May 2 -ia* ? Victims of two s??d>T ? ;?;: accidents were nursing Inlurtea in Rocky Mount ?.o?pltal? today J. II. Itaynnr. of Durham, r celved a fractured ",,0",d eral fractured rib. and Internal Injuria *b??n Ibc nia 'chine which he was driving turn' ' over on the Wllaon highway. R? norts received here were that h attempted to pa?a |,)Kb Mmt In cutting bark Into tnp niKn w." bis machine got fro his control and turned over. Jlessle Melirlde. negro ii;t^vrhe-*;.rT.? & was riding turned over near bar Ihom*. ARMY AIRMEN BE HONOR GUESTS AT BOLLINC FIELD llomr I roni I out: Joiirii4'\ South on \\ lii< Si Thr\ Bore I\1 l*l?Kti:i' ol (iuo.l W ill from I iiil?>|l Slnlt*> si;<:?:Kssm. ti?i? I^mi^ Day* S|m ill l is in : linl?*r Tropical Sun :ni I <K*cr Siu?H-f!uppc<! Moun tain^ I'a^K Jtilo Hist or) V.*.:shin..to; Muv ? i M' Tb?* Imi:. j<nirn- ?? ? T . rie*. liifil wln? toni. 1111 word ? I \i*i can fri>'ii?l.-!ii|i :? ;i?S nil! i?? Iialtoll* Mllllli ? I' I !??? I. M I . I'.' Il -WM* ??? *?? --<?n4iu I* ?*?-l-m<*: ?l *1" un ollirial Iioiiii roniin- at -I???ll:>i- - Field Iht?? late I il.iv A |?i ? ?t*i siiti r::ll!n i??r i?. i>i??r il Wflcolll' Ml lli> ;?? 111 l?v l*f?? Cni'litliit' ami ??*Ji? ? hi li (io\< in? in ufiii'i.iU iu? !11il? d 11 pr.? pi ci of a iiiii 11 it ti?l* - if <*ii/.?'. .Joining. Willi r>|M* nia'iv.of it twenty or liion (Yntiai aii.I Soui - .American Countries v>1 in ? pr> xxitm gratitude to f!e- lilei ? for a perilous Imii mici IiiI v?<\ ate. in spite i f il: lii'. ? . f I dy. I .on: il:iv!> of fl>i!.-- i:i,iii-r t ? ? ? pica I mil's. ov.-r Minw-capp? I mount lilt: . iin|" OV!<-<! plaint* and Jon^l?*-lik?? fnn hi iiow were III" lory to I In' fljvw. Ak their rcwnul tiny had tin realisation of liavin. carii?U ioi tin* lulled Si airs il* no pn> claiming goodwill. il< sin* for con tinui-d peace relation*, nf ?*i|iiiiltt> for^ind with I In- m?;|i i lleptiblii-. itif tin* South. In tin- load (if tin* '-i.tr Loi-niir Amphibian t'laiiew as llu-y fly Iron. I?angley Field. Va . |u Washiuv ?lon, will Ik- Major Herbert A. I?ar KUt*. who command-d tie* e\p?-di tlon. Tin- rent of tin* |<ersouncl in chides ru|itniiin Arthur II. McDan I? 1 h and Ira ('. Faker mid Lieu tenant* l!tiui:' <*. \Y hili-heud. Charles Mck. Itohinsnii. Muir S Falri-hlld. Jb-rk Thompson a* 'Leonard I>. \V?ddington. Th?*v woro to i' ai ruinii.ii,.- d il?y a i?pccirl military escort of ship* carrying tin- Assistant Sec retary of War Davison and \laj??r 1 General I'atriek, Chief ol tin* Army Air Ser\lce. Meanwhile. at I'.olllnt: Fi? Id. an ? elaborate reception awaited Ho hi. S? cretarles K? Hois'; and I?:? vi ?* of tln? War I>epartm? lit won* to h<* the first to nre? t tln? flyers and ,Immediate))* conduct them to the President's bo*: win rc the nation'!* welcome was to I*** clven. - Only a Hlnt-'lc remembrance nf the 2n.nim tilth' Journey wax ex pected to mar what otlu-rwlae van prophesied to be a notable con : elusion tj> an I in porta ill addition to thi' country's air history the loss ol two of th?- ?.oodwili f!>? rs in a wreck at lluen?*s Aires. HERTFORD SENDS RED CROSS CHECK (>o?l and \\ ill (ii> on lo IJjiIm* Dim Mr Amount Hertford. May - With a quota of for lt?*d Croii r? 1 l* f. Ilrrt ford Ims already Kent rherlt for $400 to I ho American lied Cro.s /or flood relief, arid had rainH up ; to Saturday night $4 5.51 more. (On .Sunday the lotal wan further flwolled hy eontrihut ion* from I lie ' Meihodim ami lluptl:?t fhuri-hi"1, {and tin* total amount HuhHt-rlned hu? now reached approximately $&on. Ilovever. there will bend M up :ln the effort to add lo the contrl ! hutlonn; and with Him annoiiure j ment from Secretary lloover that double the amount originally a -Wed : for will be needed to take ' art* ??f ! rrllef work. Hertford will $?f? hh for a total of $"?? before 'he drive In done. The urKetiry of I ho ple'a for In lp left Utile time for orgaul/a'i'?n and misfortune twle?\ lnterpo-?-d to detract from the mom ntin ? ??f the rnnvaH* for fund". Mm. Charh** Ford Sumner |x ?haliro?u of the lo'-al orx.iuir.uiion. hit; when the call came she had fcfine t'l Charlotte to he with her p.neut* who were ulrk. Thin left .Mr*, J?ouifl Nachman In rharRc, aiwl hot week ithe had to leave town for a Norfolk hospital with h?i ion. Iletiry iN'a^mau. who had l>e? ii ne riou?ly i?t?i i t'll hy a blow fr m a ha*chall hat. I)r*plte the?M> ? ii< -im fttanren. the other* worker*. Mrs C. K. K in*.:. Mrs. K. K IM idy, Mm. Hi.I'll, k Chapp. ll and Mr*. IU>HM?'f ftriiiit have carried ?>n with hlffh murage and will Continue to ftolh-it fund-* until the eiiiertNtii-y ha* been met. CONTINUING SKAKCll H?? <;imnvii.i,k nk<;ko Oxford, May f lAfi Sli< riff' Hunt and d? piitl?? who nt Sat urday nlirhl on the imil of John : |tullork, negro, who nsKniltMl I1 Mr*. I?ella Clay Newton. eame In to Oxford Sunday and ret mai d in a *liort time to rmunie tin- * aich. Diaz Declared To Be Stumbling Block To Peace Managua. Xicavavun. May J tAI'i fnutiniuuci- ??! iln- ??fl??*?? ? ?r miiMTViiiiVf ?-??!? ni Aiiiilto Diaz, it i?> will In- ;; xlit in lit i ii u li'iH-k in t!^' wax ui |M .!???? disci;..-inn* Im*I w ??? ii 11? II i \ I. Siinisnn. r> i*i>xMiliitivi-uf I'uh i?l I.I r<H?lll1^.-. illili ?|. |. u;||. s M il"' llher.il pr? >i<|i'tit. Jii.iii it. Sa rin' 111 it ial deli unli'H, who (-??uc-Ii* *1 !n r,. Friday. ale kimwti In l:.iv? III < n l it i-M liruad iustrue liu'iv as in |M-a?'i- Iitiiik luit it Is 'tatiil Ilia| liny can not euii?ider ih. |in?|uMal ihat Diaz remain In pnwer until ilii' |12s ??!???(inn.-. TYRRELL MAN !S KILLED BY NEGRO W . \N . hi irklnm^i- |)? ;hI us Ii'i'hiiIi oI Acciili-iil War W illiani-hiii I' riilax lirei'iivillfr-. May J I AIM Kparlam Win)l:in.l. in urn anv?ii'(| l?v Martin lOnniy autimririnii in iiiin*i'tion wlili iIn* death nf \\ \V. Itrii'khnusn, of Columbia. was ? ?in mi hniiit today. hi*- ?a*e t?? In* lli*;tri| at tile June |eriu nf Martin t <?.?tit> Superior Court. \\ nnlaiid was am slid lin? re leased late Saturday afleruooii nn ?l? r ?"ihi lintiil following hearing m? a maui.-t rati*** court in Willi mi - ?'??II. liriekhoiist* ili? i| Saturday in a Washington hospital follow ing an automobile collision last i' ..lav nil i In1 Wllliaiiirtlon-Wasli iii?.?ou liicliway. ? oriliim to rcpor;*. Mr. Iir{?*?!? h'lti-i- ami hi.* family were on f heir way to Washington when 'heir r;li was struck by a ear ilriv ??II h> tin nicin. Mr. ami Mi> ltrick house ami thejr small ?-Iiil?l .ill r. o-ivid in ) ii ii *?-< ami were i<:.ilii'i| i i a Wa-diitiKtou hospital fm* treatment. Itricj(hiiu*c died early S'llunlay morning ami his r.main< with taken to his linim ? ? i1 'I ii in lii,i ii?Unroll A rcpnri ffro in Washington this imirniuir wai to tho effort that Mm. Ilrickhouse was still confined iu tin* hospital nuffTiiiK a s???v?to . :?oi k ami sevi-ral hrokcq,rihs. Tim small child lias sufficiently rwov ered to return hotm*. Mr. Itrlck hoijsi- was tin- father of John Itrh kiiolist* uf tills rily. Mr and Mrs. Iliunii Mi Daniel. 407 Oak xlreet. unil Mr. ami Mrs D?-iiii1h Van Horn, s Weal itnruiss i'lriM'i. hitvp returned from Tyrrell Conuly win re mi Sunday lln-y at ti'iuh ii tin* fun era I of W. W. Itrirkhouse, tin* uncle of Mrs. Mc Daniel and Mr. Van limn. who watt killed ill an ailtoiunhili- acci dent mar Williitmxioti Friday. Mis, \V \V. Hi Ickhoiisr is in a Washington hospital us a result nf Ihe accident, anil 1 illl?* Uuth llrick house, four-year-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John llrlck lioiim- of Greenville. had her chin cut off at the name time. According to reports* of the ac cident rea<*hinir here, John llrick hoiiMi' was taklnu his mother and father. Mr. and Mrs W W. Itrirk house. Iiark tTi their home in Tyr rell County afti r a visit to CJreeii vilJo. Near WlllimiiHlon their auto liiohile ua>l struck hy nuntlier car driven i.y ii tn-vro and knocked off tiie road over an cinhaiikui* lit. C h i I (I Health Day ! Is Observed In Perquimans i _ Hertford, May 2. National i Child Health I>:?>- wiik ohmrvrd wlfli appropriate v%ercln?>N In tin* H< mcnfnrjr flchno) audltoiliim iliia afternoon nt half pant .'J o'rlork. Tlio |iiir|ioM> of the exerelaea w;ih lu Inculcate In the mind* of tli?* parent* l? NHonx In tin* proper principle^ and |?r?'ri?iilto l?> ;obn< rvcd In the rare of children durinit Hi'* aumtnei* month* in or |der tlint thoae entering nclmol n? \t ! lull l??- physically III for I'm work ! of the K?'fKl(in. I'arenta who expect to ?-niet their children for llr*t year* work nt'vt Tall v.-'-n' Invited (o poiih' and hrint: their children. AM the parcnt teacher unsocial lona of the county were Invited Jo wml repre wnlitilvi'ii 'to the ( h. which wax *pon?on'd hy the Hertford ? Parent-Teach*. rn' AKHoelntlon. iwKrriiK is \voiihk lloanoke. Va., Mbv 2. <AI'? Official report* todnv from the bedside of Walter ltooth?\ w%o him Hired p,ln?** \prll 21 kf friend* tak In;: III run In pumping air into hi* collapsed lit flu* said "Hf I* WOfM'." ' (J loom pri-vuilt'd In the nick room thl? morning f'-r tip- fluni:" f%r tworse w.i* ohvloux to the worker* v/ho have labored nlahf and day In ke? p llif br?-ntlt of-llf** in fl?e body of the 1 * year-old farmer Iti the ho|?e thai hy some , mlrarl<> of Datum or nclence hi*! iiiiiKu would a^alu bctin tlieir j noimal function*. SEVENTY-SIX IS TOTAL NUMBER MEMBERS GAINED I Iciifonl lla|iti?t? (initio lor* aril 1 iiiIit l.<*a<l??r -?11 i|? of Noh Pii?tor lo Kit nnl Vcliirvcint'iiN roun aki: k\i?h/ki> And Four Morr t!ailtli?liil?k<* .Wait liapt i ? ni lullnu inp K?\i\al in \\ liirli (I.. (?n'avis I- l*n?a?'li?*r ll? it ford, .May J Tin* uia?li4 ?> I' Ml Ml ?f 1(<-I'lfi?ri| l<:i,?ltst I'hlilrll id .ill I?<>nii?)?>?, ;iihI ii?.iiiV hi I- tm ii> ?! auay fioai i li. iIihiis lor liH'k..i?f_. fwiii iSuihliiy i?i.:lii when 4?? fuavt-ris w.-r* li:t|>ii/.?-?l into ilic I ? 111 iilliiwshij) of th? rhurrli, (nlliiwiuu I In* r?*vl\al in Hit rliurch iH'clnniim iwo wtok* a no wiih lir iV I.. (iiravi-H. pas tor hi' TaIwrnarl. |!apti**l Ciiura li. Kali'luli, lining Ili?? pr? .m-IiIiiu A I ill til hi N lii't-n ??-?*??! v?*il r<u baptism niiir<' llu lii>t il.iv til Mm lilt'i'lllIK ii in! in addition In lli>'H?* ifti liav?* nun. lulu llif ?*li*iirli liy It ii. r. ' Sti fruitful a nit ??liii-j is a>t-iil>< ?l mil ilium- to tlo |ir?*M<~liin*.'? ol 4>r. Cn-avi-.s.^tlioiiuli his mihh mi u. rt* pronounced ainoiiu tin* ablest ?-vr| Ill-aril in lit rllorii. Itiil also to tin init nsiv?? work of |>r?*ia lion thou by llu* r.is.o,. lit \. I:, ii. Kt 11 driok. from' tin* linn- hf assumed rharuf of llu- Hunch lail%Niivfin In r T*i*iil>-t wo iin tabors li.nl lifi-n r?Tt lvfi| into llu- d.iircli uu ilt r Ilr. Kfiidrirk's paslnrafr prior to Hit- coining of |lr. (iri'nvtH, makim: a total of additions lo llu* 4hiirrh in sl\ month*. ' "Vi-Klt-nliiy wan oih* oi iIi?> best iIuvh 1 i? vol* liail in ilit- minis!ry." saiil |??*v. Mr. Kt-mliirl this mom int.. his raff wri-ulltt <1 in smil*s. llt-iifnril HaplUt ('liurrh Iium in rurrt-il within Iht* hint f. w yeurs a ?!?* Ill of $47.(MMI in |? nit ?i 11-II li L; Ho rhlirch plant. Thin ih hi has been I't-iliict-U iinihr l?i. Ki'ixltirk'i* pas toral* to appro>iuiMii-ly $:'.ii.?iuo ami a th-tlnlir. Ittisimss plnn wtu ki-rl oiii lo i i lli r lli.it il' lit tin a hmdni-ss Hkt basif. IIKMO NACIIMAN IS IN IIOSI'ITAI Willi M<\<rn.ti{Ki> ski i.i. Hertford, May 2. No Informa tion roil Id he obtained ovr loilK ill Ala lire telephone loilay as lo tli?' condition of Henry Nurhiiian. who Is in SI. Vincent'* Hospital wllh a franured skull as a result of a blow mi the head with a baseball hat received ?ln riiiK praeih-e pre cluding I he baseball gain** between Hertford ami pollock? vilh- last Friday. However. Ills rendition is believed to be s? rions in Hie ex 1r ?*!?!? Hcnrv Nachnian is tlio son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Naclmiatid. II** was lo have graduated at the Per quimans County IIIkIi School in J tine. NKAItlA THOUSAND visrrKD schools Superintendent S l<. Shi'i |i an nounced today llial !i?;7 visits wort* made to tlx* 8<'Iomi| dtiriim Car ? ?ills' Wwk. according to tli?* res ist nil Ion hooks, ? TIk'w* lliiiirt'8 would indicate I hat each sclioolcbild lias some thing Ilk?- tlir?'?'.fourlhn of one par ent. whlcb peril a pH Isn't so had If tin- quality Is all right. i I'rizi'M were offered f"r Mm* room In the (liammar School ami In the > Primary School haviiiK IIm- IhwhI i tiumb?T of vlaltors. Till- rormer w? lit to tin- room of MIkh Nell Moore. He veil til Krade, and Hi*' luMfr to tho room of Mr*. Her bert Morrlwtle. first urnd*'. The nrhool'ii contribution to tin IN (I Cross for relh f of the flood Hiiffcr?'iH ho far has h.?n $'i0 la. Monday inorninu began the lust round of the iiln?* moatliH' battle for learning. and llieHe four w.-ek* will he busy oiii k, for they Include final ? xaminations. preparation for which In already under way. HIIOT *1\> III* \l si; sill-; TIMM'UHT III. \\ VS III sliwn New Il?*rii. May 2 t Al'i Mm. l?con haWMOii Ih at liberty thin afternoon uml* r l.'i.OOO hall. I<<??trie Collin*. win* claims |,il linaton as her home, I* in a local hospital, wlill- II l(. Sntllh. a lo eal harher and a married man. wan vndea.voiIm- to ralto* a fiMMi bond as tlo rewnll of a shoo'tiil'. which on ut red late la*t nl::hi on a home !??>;? i owned hy/l?**on haw son. Mrs. Dawson l amed that a man and a woman wire In tlo- boat, and armed with a revolver ulie went to the dork nearby mid onto Ihc craft Slip op? ned fire, two of tin- hulh'ts striklnu the Collina woman In tin rlMit cheat, ?the third uolnir ant ray. Smith was not hit. The woman was curried to a hospital win re it wa' said today hIio would recover. Mrs l>awnon and Smith were taken to jail. the former being rebas'il on lisiil to day. Ml* l>awsou said she had ?*H|M>ct?*d I?? 4)111 b??r luiflwitil on the bout when she went there. Parking In Center Of Main Street All Oft Now lt?*Kin 11 irai: r i'?mr M>?nda> i?i?? lorlsts parking . .ir- in tin* i?ii liUn ks on K.i?t Mam s:r??ei I wM.ir'iii ami I' liiuli \i? r ^reei* nul l lea*their iT:vver? ami liiiioiixim> in lli<- duly il?"*iu nat?*i| ai?m at ili?* S?uiili side "i isfi.i i. in-Naii ot in Hi* parkim; Mpaee. I*arkitm nn Ili?* -*hle of flu- -llvi'l will 1i?> ill i (fv<'1 fur u tnonili at Imi*!. an.I pn*.sihl> fur two moililis I'lnef of I*.?!????? II ? ? I IlleS .11111 MIIIi imI Olief Holme* hail painters ham at work in :ti,. m;w parking ;ir?a tlii* illumine. niMrkliin anew Mlie spate* for iIn- far*. K??r the pa*t iwo moirlM .ill tnolori?i4 li.iv?? Ih ail i'*??| 11 ir?'?| to park 111 tlii* reii ler of I lie ?i i'ih 1 in flo* two liK?'l. d<*iuiiat< ?l Tin an-a is ehanuid at f.iirlx i.'uular inii rvaU in urdi'i' to in it iu.iii> tin* ilamaKf lo tin- as pli.ilt street sulfating trotn lIn- ml ?It ip from var*. In permitfitiK the i-i'iiior park mi; fur two iiioiitlis ihi* 1.iii?'. in Mti ail 01 1 in* iiMial ::n days. I'lilH llolnii'A staled ilial In- wan im* pi-lli it to leiiKllien I In* linn in or ?|i*r 10 interfere a-* little a* pqssi !?!?? wiili tlo* luiuliiiit of material f?ir roustimiion of tin- new Vir-' uitua Mare Hotel. Tlo* Imlk of ililn Iia 111i 11 k apparently lias lieen finished. Ik- add<d, 111 atinoiiiiemu ? In' i-lian.m* in lln* parking area. Win-it I In* rlialiM' was made last 11 in ? *, it look motorists a day or two 10 hvtMiim* accustomed in ii. Tin* result wart that some patkiil their <urs oil the side of tin* .sire*t ami wiiiii' in I In* center, ami 1 hero wan considerable rou fusion for a short time. Chief, Holmes is hopeful that ?h?-> will he avoided litis I line. FIRE IN DISMAL SWAMP CHECKED Motorists Kiiioimlrr hrn?i' I :iih! Smoke iWur Arlm< kl?'f liMwHwpt ! Inofficial Infor'mat ion obtained 'from tli?> brunch office of lit*' | Iticlimnnri <"? *fl;ir Work* hen-, car IryiiiK on large scute 11tiil??*r opera tion* in tin* tireal Idsnial Swum p. Monday Indicated that tin* tin wliich lias Im'i'h racing in the vi cinity ?if k*"in like l*uke llriini motid for a week has been checked. No estimate as to the damuge resulting from I lie fin* could Ik* liail hero. though it wh.h thought jlo liuve run far into the thousands of dollars. Tin* fin* broke out Tuesday. and wan at Its worst ThurHiluy. ranging over an area of perhaps ten square miles extend ing to flii* Niirili and South of Lake lirummond. Motorist* driving to this city from Portsmouth over ihi* IW't?ru? i Wash Tii k Ion Highway, which par allela tho liistn.il Swamp Canal, re ? porti*d having encountered dense ,Htnoki' and fog In the vicinity of ' ArhucMes Landing. Sunday night. ' ri-iidi ring driving distinctly haz ardous at Iini'*H. However. ilark ,litnh reigned unbroken over tin* ureal wastes of the sw.ini|i to the west of ilu? road, whore the flumes had raped, indicating that the sinoke came from the last * mould 'erltiK embers of the fire. Karly report* that three men had lost their lives in the lire, cut 'rent here and in South Mills, are ledieveil to have been unfounded. No confirmation of them is to be had. A heavy rainstorm Saturday night is thought to have heen the ma ill factor in hailing the destruc tive work i|f tho fire. STRAY SHOT KILLS HOY IN A KOAOSTKK Hradley lleach. N J . May 2. A Hi ray shot was he lie veil by po lice to have caused the death of Arnold Iteiiueii. of llelionrc, yes terdu.v lie was shot while riding in the lap of a girl compunlon in a crowded n/adster III Main street The party of five persons were 1 returning from a dance in liel mare when tin -?bot rang "ill Wil Hum -I l?onig.?n. of llelinare, who was driving. thouKht a tire had blown out. Mary Martin, of Nep lUie . who was holding Hen net i on her lap dl"<overed lilood on h^r mIi ere and Ncreamed that some- j thing had happened to him lie ill'd le fore a hospital rould hi' reached. A bullet Mlileted till* base of lite skull. I Cirri IS N I COM IIVKIMI Ol MII.H, 4()K. KirrMKI.V. Hertford. May 2 Mr and Mr* Cliarlfp V> Im'iIIm'i iiikI ?in, Silas, hnvo rHurio-d from ll^ndrrnon wti'Tf they nttrnd'd Km* funeral of Mr*. .!?>? KlttrHI, dalittlitrr of lh?* lat? ('OMisn'Kxinjin T <1. Skin firr and alt-tor of W. I*. Skinner of nty. Mr. urn) Mr*. \V I\ ?kinii'r of KllzatMth City wrro anionic tlioav ntundlnn the funeral. which wan hold Saturday afternoon at f? 30. * Mr*. KIfr? II died t Friday. Sh?* I* mirvlvod by her htmband and l?y two children, both tcrown. Tom Shinn^r kltrell - and MIhh l#o??y KlttrHI. BOARD SEEKING WAY TO DEFER new Tax order I olinU I .oiiiuii?Miiit'r*? III* pird Mimiliilf l(<'i|iiiriiic liiniit-iliutt- Scllli'iiM'iit ii" ( mini) Slriiigi-nl s\ ri iti> un; n\\ r?llrctiiiii> *2.1. INNI. IN-iik l in Ail ?ii i ii j-l ral it ?l SlirrilT I'uriiiiiir tli-rr Silt mil. ?v w.i- tin- hiiiit'-st ilay III iIi<- IiMi.h ?i|' I'liuiiiy 1 six ri?!l?'C linu* in I'.i-iiiiotank iluiinn I hi' |uI'si'iii a?iiiiiui>H'ii'i??u. probably rh.. Iilie*?*?i in rl?" annals of Uw rmiutv. s it I'M 11 ?f'U.Trli'n ('anniTH'' .iti!i?iiMi. i-il Monday. ?!? ? hiring :i i'?" i.il "l IU'i.immi was* paid o\?-r l? him in iIn- ?'n?irs?? ill ili?' ?l.i,v. Saturday's m mil ta\ paytiiiMitn wi-ri' prompted liv publicity giviMi la-t w? I*!, to i m-w Stuii- liiw re quiring iIt:iI tin- >lnrill advertise fur sali- all properly ?m whkli lux es Had tuit Im-'-ji hi a ill* hy i In' first M?,inlay in May. This appllfs htrlil in tlM? Vii> ami I'lMinty. 1ml tioi to I 1m* i'il y lax !??>>?. w I?i?-11 is separata from that nl" tin- County. Person* owiiiu*: property in Kli/aln'iIi City inii.t pay hoi Ii iiiy and Couitly lax??s. Heretofore. taxpayers luiv?? Ium-ii pi-rmlittMl in iih-i-i tli?4r lax ussi*ssnii'iiiut any time until th? tax limiks for tin- litiK year have Im-i-ii inaili' ready. Tills* ha* allowed iiir?ly ones min-li leeway. Ilia sin in-Ii as tin* new honks usual |y have not lieeu turned over to i lt?* sheriff until >om>-iiuie in the fall Sln-nlt Carmlin told lln- Hoard uf County Commissioners, in -ses sion Mi'iiilay. ihat In- (i ll Iliat tHo new law imposed a derided hard ,<liIp upon many taxpayers, purllf-. ularly upon farmer* ami mer I'.lianiM. ami ri"?-omiin?t?di-?l that a linn' i-xtiUriion in- y, rati led. Th? riiininkpsioiti'l's dinUMsed lii.s hiir Kesltou, Inn delayed artiou pi'iitl 11IL li-ual .ulvi.i' a> to 11 n ? i I' atllll.il I7y in tin* matter. Many limners art* dctiarpd to In* pni to ureal ini-otivi'iiii-nri' hy ill? nrw ruling, which is ??i?iliotjI<*<1 in an ai l passed hy I In- reeeni Gen eral Assembly. ami not made pub lic In-re until ahmii a nionlh uk?. Sprim: truck rrops are nearly ready to miiVi* tn iiial'k?'l. hut thf movement has in?t beRiiu V'. and farmer's finances. item-rally speak inii. art* at pmbahly their lowest I'hli of lln tin- yi-ar. Krom ill.- tart thai lln* mer chants in ihis cily ami hitIIoii de pi* ml tin mi heavily upon Hit? far mers for ihi'ir money. tin* new tax iin-asuf' timls many uf iIiimii cor respondingly einbarassed, It I* sulil Hup" is i xpri'sHMtl on every hand I Inn tin- futility C'omniW siom't'K will flml a way to ki'i'p the rulliiK I operative immt'il lately. With amplo ri'tnimliT. tnoniherw nl tin' hoanl i-M'lainMl. to nqtiln' thi' payiiH'tit ut rouniy laxi-M hy ihi? fit t <*f May m-xi year s\.otlil work fiir li'ss hanlsliip tliiin this year. Iti-v.iln.ll Inn or properly IIii'iiiiuImmi' lln-rouniy heitan .Mon ilay. with .linlKi" J I* l^'itfh. of tin* I'lly. .i-' nullity tiix siipi-rvlHor. Tin* IImiIiiu of taxes will rontlnm* through i ln> nnonli. ITALIAN 1'I.AINK IS (tlNOKK C;i Altl> AS IT AVI AI IS l?K I'INKDO Si w York. May I" (AIM final ded by half a ?/?'>! 11 r tiled I'asrlKii mi ft* voyait" a<rfe<M I ho Atlantic, lh?* unassembled Tmlk of the airplane Santa Marin II. wair here t*n|iiv for ?'*miiiii>?n?l*-r Kran ri'Hfo |>? I'lm do to ? 1111? I? ? 11? III* Hii:lit over four continent*. Tin* iiliiti?- wut especially went from |(oiii?- by I 't?-in I*-i- MuhnoIIiiI ami Im a hInIit ahlp.to the original Santa Marin which *iim dentroyetl ?by ftr? on f{?MMt?'Vi'li Lake. Ari zona l>?* IMiietfo plain to make a te*t\niulit Thufsday ami then In ? \pectrd to dciride on plans for runt inuance to Hi*' Azori'M ami to Home. An tin* lime Approached for Ihe cxin-rtfil take off of the Wright monoplane I *i 11 it in Iilii on II h I'arl* flight, tin- Yankee lion *top tran* Atlantle ItinrH li.ive galm-d a now recruit i" l.'? want Walter Hln ton, who piloti-il tIn- Navy *ea plain NC I acroMM Ihe Atlantic. T)eta II* of hi* venture, oilier than Its backing liy all unnamed syndi cate H'Tf undiHcloned toil&y. Tl>< Wrlulit-III llatira monoplane Columbia mailt *< veral abort teat flight* from Cortina l-'lehl. Iconic Island. ve*t? rrl.ty. Clatence D. Chamlx rlain who will venture the I'.irix hop witli l.loyd W It* it and. look up Will Kokitr, the come dian. for n Mplu Hotter*. who wi pcnuitl' iL to work life control *, rami- dothi from thi> *ky with v broad mill. Expectation* an- thn tlhe Ch.-> berlain-ll* rtaiul flluht wilt h> tempt* d the end of thin week tlMillWAY (IKFICK MO\H> Hertford. May 2.?The ofti (tin State Highway Cnnfmln ' I Hertford ha* been moved tvr nrrr the Mrrtfnrd nankin i puny to the ttrouihton building.

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