looted Wire AuocitUed Prett Service The ff rather 4n?*r ;?11> fun 'oir.alr \V? >1 ilay uioxtiy clou*!) Sim' Ii?i <t atitl Soii'h w i:nl VOL. XVII. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. Yl'KSUAY i:\ KNINC. MAY SIXI'AOKS. NO. !?.">. Delegates Arriving] On Eve of Episcopal Diocesan Convention^ S?*j?moii* to In* Prrn'dril by" IlUliop'ft Supper and Meeting <?l Executive Council Tonight HUNDREDS EXPECTED Viaitor* B? in^ Entertained in Home* Throughout the City; Youthful on Hand Early Nearly half of Hip 2???> < I "le gates and visitors expected here fur the fortv-fouVth convention r?f the Diocese of Kast Carolina I'r ? testant Bplscopal Church, to be held tomorrow and Thursday ar rived today, in order to be on I hand In ample time for the flr*.t regular session tomorrow morn ' ing at 10 o'clock. The convention is to be held in ChrhM Church, and the visitors are beiug entertained Jn homes throughout the city. Among the early arrivals were the Rt. Hev. Thomas C. Darat, I). D., of Wilmington. Bishop of the Diocese and chairman "ex officio of the convention; thy Rev. R II. Drane, I).I).. of Kdenton. president of the convention; Ceorge l?. Kl 1 lott. of Wilmington, vice presi dent and general counsel for the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, and chancellor of the convention; tin Rev. W. II Milton. D. D.. of Wil mington. and his daughter. Miss Ann Milton, who is field secretary of the Young People's Service. League; and Mrs. H. D. MacMil lan. of Wilmington, diocesan pres ident of the Woman's Auxiliary. Other diocesan officers arriving today Included the Rev. W. R. Noe, of Wilmington, executive sec retary; and Thomas 1). Mcares, of Wilmington, treasurer. Virtually all the 18 members of the execu tive council of the diocese were on hand, in anticipation of the meet ing of the council to he held to night, preliminary to the conven tion. The council session will be pre ceded by a supper served In Christ ctuurii PiriitB iMUse?auditorium tonight at 6:30 o'clock. In honor of Bishop Darat, invited guests to Include all the clergy present and one lay representative from each v parish and mission in the diocese. The convention will open offi cially tomorrow morning at lo o'clock with a mec.tlng for the men in Christ Church, and the women holdlngeforth in the parish house chapel. The men will represent tin parish while the feminine delega tion will transact the business of the various parochial organiza tions. The meetings tomorrow morning will be devoted mainly to erganization. ' At 11 o'clock tomorrow morn tol:. Bishop Darst will conduct a ?pecial service in the church, with the assistance of others attending the convention, and with a sermon by Ur. Milton, who is declared to be one of the most effective speak ers In the diocese. The general pttpljc has 'been Invited to attend. Ay the clergy attending will be voaterf. "truncheon will ho nerved the dvl ogptnp tomorrow and Thursday af tjunoons mi 1 o'clock in the audl vwluin on I lie second floor of the ? parish house. Rusiness sessions Hwllf held each afternoon from Vi30^to 5 o'clock, with church each night at 8 o'clock. A special confirmation aervlie wll bi? a feature Thursday night. fcJiortlon of officers and selec tion-of time and place for next yeAV? convention are slated for disposal at the Thursday after noon session. For the convenience of the. visitors. a reading. writ In ir and lounging room will he avail able on the second floor of Hie parish house. and accessible hy a stairway from the cloister connect ing the parlnh house witU the main hody of I he church. In ample time to welcome the visiting hundred*, a h?hy daugh ter arrived at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. (',. K. Hill Friday nifht. She weighed eight pounds, and Is lo he christened Carolyn Hard I iik Mill Mr lllll Is rerfo^ of the church, and In ImrncnncljP proud of the lltle girl, his first daughter The program for Ihr sessions of the Woman'* Auxiliary and Paro chial Society of the diocese fol low Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock -Opening hymn. Prayer by the R?v H Q. England, of Farmvllle. Greeting from Christ church Pariah, tendered by Mrs C. W Mellck. Response hy Mrs r/lianoah Ronner. Washington. Roll I rail, officers' reports, and adjourn l Beit al 11 o'clock.for special ?er \vfce In church. Wednesday afternoon at 2 :t0 o'clock -Opening hymn Officers' effort*, and reports front stand lag committee* a ppolni men I <>f new committees. Announcements. Thursday morning at 7:30 o'clock, the women will hold arr ouai corporate communion. after whleh the Dlnhop's Fund will he presented. At 10 o'clock a busi ness aesslon will he held. Includ ing a conference on box work, led fCftnftnvtd on psjt* BOAR!) HELPLESS IN TAX MATTER Slirrill (liiriiiint* Onlcml l? \?lvrrli??e ProiM'rty <>l l)'lin<|iiriit* at Oncc Hit* last of hope were ' vnairlit il from 1'irdy i'as?|u<>tank iConn'.v taxpayer* today, with an | nouiuemeut fr<?ni the Board of [County CommtHKtoner* that they 1 have been advised that they have | no leeway in the mailer of ex- ! .tending the lime in which pay-. Intent of county taxes may l?e I ma 1e. ' Actinic nil the basis of advice from Attorney K. I?\ Aydlett. of .this city, the commissioners late .yesterday authorized Sheriff* Charles Carmine to take Immed liate steps 10 advertise for sale all property on which taxes for the year have not been paid. ; The newspapers will carry ad-1 1-vertiseineiM-*?giving the names of; all delinquent*!, and announcing ihe rale of their belonging* on! the first Monday in Julie. Late lax payers who manage to pay up be- I fore tlie advertisements are pub ! lished will not be required to re mit more than the amount of | 1 their laxes. 1 Others, however, who wait until 1 their namen are duly broadcast j i inusi pay a fee of !Ti rents to rover | the cost of advert tiling. This fee la J fixed by law. and noes directly in-1 to the county fee fund. Inasmuch ! as Sheriff Carmine Is on a straight j salary basis, he will receive none of the proceeds accruing to the] county from this source. l'er?=on? whose property is sold | in June are allowed- s^x-montlis in i which to redeem it. Hedemption | can be accomplished by payment , of the taxes in full, plus 20 per cent of the amount levied oa their j property. Sheriff Carmine and Deputy Sheriff Whltehurst were kept busy j ?4?y sterility?CfCi-ivinw Ian ? payment* from property owner* , who wished to escape the sum- l mary penally of being advertised. | The rush continued today. Deny That Minister To China Has Resigned Washington. May 3.? (AP)? Secretary Kellogg authorized to day a flat denial of reports from Tokyo via London thai American Milliliter John A. MeMurray at Peking had resigned and it wax added at the State Department that there had been no intimation In any official dispatches that Mr. MacMurray was contemplating auch action. Reiterated reports from various foreign sources of disagreement between Mar Murray and the Washington administration on the question of the action to be taken in regard to the Nanking demands were ascribed by some Washing ton officials either |o misunder standing or lack of Information or , to an effort to create the appear ance of difficulties for the Wash ington Government. London. May 3-?<AP>- An Ex change Telegraph dispatch from Tokyo Hays dispatches from Pe king state that John Van A. Mac Murray. American minister to China, has resigned. Tlx dispatch which deals with the relations of the powers trow ing out of their attitude to China, is as follows: "Opinion In Japan Is puzzled by reports from Peking indicating that the I'nlted State* has com? pletoly withdrawn from co-operat ing with the powers in China and will follow sii entirely Independ ent course.. "I^pstches from Peking Mate ^j^^^merlcun Minister MacMur WTy has resigned indicating that he is not In agreement?wlth the policy announced from Washing ton. "The Japanese point out that i America s deciwion drawn America and Japan closer because Japan throughout has been opposed to | aggression or the Imposing of pen alties for the Nanking and Han- | , kow Incident. "The government unequivocally repudiates reports from China of an approachlnit Anglo-Japanese of fensive alliance in China directed ! against Russia ' Shanghai. May 3.?4 A I* I ? A semi-official Japanese messsge from Peking today said that the ministers of the i'nlted State*. Oreat Mrltain. prance, Japsn snd Italy held a conference yesterday regarding a second note to the Hankow government on the sub Ject of the Nanking outraged No agreement was reached, says the message, owing to the fsct thst the I'nlted Statea in opposed to the dispatch of another note at th** preienf time. Blast That Broke Levee T o have JNTe\v Orleans T' n^iiii?' f? (| T.-l. iiImiIii U'lrcK Tho dramatic climax or a dly'n flvht aualiixl II-?Ii.?.:>! r t de*|M>rate effort to wave New Orleans is shown m thi* emarkaH black earth of the Invfr wan allot nearly loo t? ???i in tin- air l?v ti> Im vlnlhle at the tight while part of thi* i-Yaruat?-d lowland eounir; risht. The move wan made in the hope thai tin- outl?-l would ?a flood biifTiofently to nave th<> anxlouti city. isittu*- m| 11? ? MaitVif ,?r I'ovclrii*. l?*?iiiMl;ina, In III** ? lilt* jf'Mal ?\|?l??-ii!ji iliat W |ir|(< il I ? IIimmI liairl?'t\ Til" ??? Ik liltl: t T'l>- liv? I. ;tllllO>l l||> to III*' l"|> III lilt' !??%????. >?II l>- IIohiI'mI Iiv Ilt?* aitilivial rn'va.sH?* ran K?- mtii ai (In I'.-inr nil Nt-w llilmi^ It VIM'S illHl lowt-r !!??? ?T"*sl ??f lie MANY SURPRISES AT SAWYER SALE Preferred Slock PuyiiiR Dividend)* Hegularly, ?' R?-li?w Par ? The unusual spectacle of wveo per cent preferred stock, which Ih payiim quarterly dividend* regu larly. rolling at 65 to 80 wuh pre sented at the courthouse Monday at noon, at a commissioner* sale incident to settlement of the estate of the late M. N. Sawyer, for many years a highly prominent figure in the business, political and relig ious life of the community. The stock in question comprised 110 shares in the Crystal Ice & Coal Corporation, of thin city, which were hid off by Trial Jus tice P. 0. Sawyer, son of the de cedent, for $ K.fi 00. or J HO per share*, and ten shares in the Crys tal Ice & Coal Company of Wash ington. North Carolina, bid in by Graham W. Hell. The latter went for 9350, or $f,5 a share. Other stock sold included 20 shares in the First A- Citieens National Dank, which went In Walter P. Wood, of this city, at $245 per share of $100 par value, or a total of $4,000: ten shares In the VlrKinla-Cnrolina Joint Stock Land Hank. bid in l?y Mil ton l>ove and Trial Justice Sawyer; at $145 a share, or $1,450 for all; and one share In the Southern Trust Company, sold to Mr. Saw yer at $1 55. C. O. Uobinson bid in 350, shares of seven per cent preferred j stock In the Elizabeth City Ho-j siery Mill. a? $3,000. Tin stock has a par value of $10 a share, j Thirty shares In the Standard Manufacturing Company. At par value of $100, b'roticht $1,000. be ing houKht by Trial Justice Saw yer. Hcsldes the slocks. various notes and small property tracta here were sold. These brought a total of 12,463, niaking the aggre gate receipts at the sale $23,318. It Is explained, however, that none of Hie figures are final. In asmuch a* the court order direct ing the sale allows a period of 20 days In which bids may he raised. The sale was conducted by M. B. Sawyer, commissioner. ANOTHER ADDED TO LIST DEAI) M1NEHS Fairmont, W. Vs . May 3.-?! The bodies of six additional vic tims of the K*erettsvllie mine dis aster were located by rescue work ers at noon today, making th?* to tal known dead 24. The rescuer* continued their search for 70 min ers still missing. Fairmont. W Vs.. May 3 (API?'Another name wan added to the death list at .Kverettsvllle mine today when resruers. search ing for 77 entombed men. rame upon the body of a miner In the main drift*. some 3.000 feet bark In the blast swept tunnel*. This brought the known dead to 18. The last v^ttm found w?? a miner, with a belt bnckle marked "M " It was believed h* was one of the section bosses who wa? not with the main body of m?n whn w?fe trapped STEAMER ill l{\EI) SE IR Di l l' ( REEA ? Meaner report* r?*i-?-iv *?l from South MUl;* Tuesils y lul l of ill hurlni: of t!??? Meaun-r Km ma K Homewhcre bt'iKocn !>???? Cr??k, Virginia ami Norfolk MoikIh v N.I ;i> the ?au>o nf tin- firv w.is jvnl able. The -iHamt'r in sahl ?o have been Io.h|.i| with f-riili tor, and 10 have Imvh I. - i :nl from South Mills to Norfolk. ll watt si a It'll I hat Ah". S \ k ? -; temporarily cmiiloyoil ??? ? - ne?r on i ii?* at earner. wa* for. ? il i to jump overboard to t?wa|i? | from the\ fhuii' s. Th" Km in i K . is wiif^ to have ravTV >1 a I rrew of three or four men, ami j lo have Imm'b owned l?y I'hilip i M. Matthews, of South Mills, i TAXPAYERS FIND QUESTIONS HARD Ansi'HMirh Hrp' IVnjicrly OwniTf lo |.i?t Ktirlx ;iimI Avoid l(u?li I Much difficulty i. Im-Iuk ? sj?"r leneed hy taxpayers h?-i ?? i'i .hi lawering certain essential ?iu< -i'?ns j with reference in the IHtiau of ithfir property in the course of 'lie quadrennial revaluation h. infc made this month, member* ??f the {hoard of UtfHcssors here report. [The members of the lacal hoard iarp J. H. Ferebee, Klhci'i It. ISpenre, N. A. Jones' and < K. I Bailey. with Judge J. It. Kek' !i as 'County supervisor. | ? The printed form used in <-o:i I liectldti wiih tin* revaluation. for Instance, hour* a query ns to the names of owners nr adjoining property. Tills occasionally pr??v??* a hard rtut for th?' properly own er to crai-k. in giving in his h?ld Ingl. Other questions .relate ? ? ? 'he size of Hie lot, in front f'-ei: the depth: the sIze of the dwilin in dwellings: tin* date er?cte<|. md the date when the prewnl owner acquired tl?e propel t v. TIkm* are many other questions. loo, hot the foregoing are declined lo h< the ones which properly uwn? i ; r? finding most dlffictTK. The assessors suggest tint much time and troifbie may he *av? d if properly owners will ink" ?.?" Inform ihemaelvfea on tlu.v jus before undertaking lo |i- ? iieir 'holdings. As usual, the aF*c<i<etrH ;ir.- nrar Inx stronglf that evervmr h * early, in orn< i that the nsu il l.??t minute rush may he avoided They will he on doty in the eotn'h auditorium each week-day fri?n !? o'clock In the morning to iV in 'he afternoon through ihe r? m*? r of May. MKS. SNYDKK 11 I I S HO* SI IK I AIM I I) 1 - New York. M ?y !t. ? Al,? Mr*, ft nth Hnydcr ????? t i f ? I today thai when she miw her lover and ro-defi'iidaiti. Henry Judd v heating her hn?haud. she f.ilnt?d and after reviving mad* 110 eflor' tef learn whether lo r hii^iand w;i? d*sd or allv PLYMOUTH MAN HEARD BY MANY I5rv. if. I#. L. hiuanl" \ <iily Komi IVior in Kr>h;il l?? v. I?. (!. I,. Kilwui'ils m I'ly > mouth |?r aclied lii.s iiihi Kt i Mtmi H'i i?vh:.!, hei-im Snn>lM> ,? i Mity if? * i?* .\|i Clniri'li, la I f?'IV it II illlllMllllliv liir \|ll|lf|:i \ jlt l.f i??tl U-1 ? vat lilt) fit vi-Mi Mil lh. Ill- Itf I'. < * 1111:1 iaii as til.- salt .?>: !':<? ?arih. im III lulu of flic world. s?siil a* will)!-.-** for Christ H. iiijiiI. a miomI favornIll* hn|ii?> jsi'li II|ifiii tlmxf wliii heard lilin. I ami I hi- mi t !? ?nL ;i|i|?vurK Irflu la I l??r a rnilfftil IIM-I Mhl\ la ill- KiTlnoii Momlav i>i: lit. I Cliffs'ja nil y w.ik |il?-iui ? if as mi jlriiil In fl??!-?? tln? world, wiili mi !WU?-d III? 'II it I ??I WOIIICII ilK J|)||: ? jam! iln ?_r?i:t ami Hi!iM:im o|>|iur tiinlly- N-n in !h? hand mi Hi* Jdisr||?|. K hy .!? -n, Chrlsl jifi.-r ||i arum* from 11?? ?|< ad anil asr?mh d In tin- (?'alln-i M.m il< serin d in ? Ulnwii.v t ? * I IIIS. ? "Tin-'?!???iIk r?*i*ni*iilw fSnil."* the |ir*'.'?rln i dvrhirid "A'ih Is <|i - '.flan' IIIm ci'ity iiihI majesty; l?ut to man is iiffotd<d honor ami ?Inly anil |iriv? in:- Hie sail of lh ? it Mi |l|< I li ill v Mia I if I mill f o| in |?i |iair a ml ?)?? ,cav; of 9?* !-? 1 I?,hi 'if *Mi?* world. iiiiillti. ail |H'0|il?*s- lulu |ialh* .of limi t' .ii I.- .iiiil peace; .of In-lli- a witnesn Tor .!? us. IH|nal<hit' ami iM-nrim* testimony 'for him "A wiim.'s I-."on ? Hinnitliii: be tween fvo i*fi'ilon?iiii; I'iirtlf's. ami Ills (|||t\ is lo Mil Ml. truth lie ^milMt know ?lial lie i.? l;ii|;i?u ahu'ii. :"iil tii t ii 11 it t ? ? ?. i ChritO fou lly in lh lorliJ tfnlnv i* in purl tin- failure of fiirHii.'Hi *o know Mm i? ?i;lijeri "A\ i- In ar mam rt ltlt NliiH of fh? - I'lmfi-li. 11111 tin Oiuieli Is tin onl oi iii'ttittoii nil t'iiiii i-i -ifell in uiiii? .i I'ii ?.oi| ami ? r.r satiir file world from ite;.iruction hy fiuhtlfit- ?? path to Cod. "Whu' xorr of w!iii"ff!' in- wi? liearltm? What Ih our t's'linony to tlx world mid to our 'family? Our i hlid11 n havi- >? ri: t to our |eHlill|f|fi> \l-'- We || -;it! Itf Ollt oltv? ,Vr? we tl|.< lli:ht of our commit nit v? \fn we lfl\ir?? pis Men known and read of all tin ti hi ? i Inw|t ii'-'-h to thi iti' ""** ? t ? ! Mhi ? h?i lov*d. it *nd ^ ? Hin self l?r us?" Tin- km nion lhrout:h:iul waj? il -fttMrliiMf* d hv -ifiiiin ii!ji.tiaii'.?m? find n.ad*-- a i|eei? Impi' -don ii|ion Miope w'i'i heard If. ???-ivlr??n ron tiini- fliro.n Ii I k' ?? ? i. 11' - IIIIIIllv eiirh <\it|ln:: Willi il ?.'iti- -'Mice I'd liv tin- (lastot. If \. \ J Parker. "The Iiulili'- We|f?i|n-- lit every nervier." Myn Mr I'ai^< ? l?AI I ia<KK\ WINS I'l I l l'/,l '! I'UIZK ilri. May :: i.Vl-i I'aul Mrein. of Harm ii Mount v. mid imifi Kimr at Mn- l"i?lver?tlijr ??f Notth MmriMna. !?< the t'i?7 I'ullt x'i i?ri/. wliii)' > Itu liu' \ in - ni'-rlMili |.:.iv, "In \hi;ihani'K ll-i ,om.".ati'l rM"'IVM fi.niiu Mn n foi. lie w?s liom on a I or in tit'ir I.I Hint: i mi on March IT !*'?! H? leach -? |ihihift'ifdi\ TM-i Ih iho f?t?'t Mm- ?hi? |i*l/? ha i*oim '* M' tiili I.KTTKRS 1111)1 7 MOT 11 F.ICS I) I 1 he i\ rut lisi> i) Tlio-r iMiii-rlne The Advance i-oniesi i.?r iIn* lir.-i letter on ' Wlmi I Tliink of MnilicrS Hay" are i*?*an<ilnii ilielr lr:iris inini rt-inh Tin- Ailvatir offin1 by six oYlm-k Thursday afternoon. May The prize winners Wilt in* air* iiiiiinml In ii Mother's I*?? > ad ver linemen f appearing. in Tin* Advance either Friday or Sal - -irday. Pe t alia of I Ik* miitisi ap peared in la*r Thursday's issue ? ?V The Pally Advance. .Mnilii-r'M Pa> in next Sunday. Coventor Mrl<ciiii ha* IsniipiI a produmatloii asking die peo ple iif North Carolina to i?|j >rrvc the ?lay. What flu vim think of Moth er'* Hay? The eoiiteiil |h npeti any |pi?tl|**r in the Albemarle section. ami the prize* are wattling. _?? . Jrick House Lane Will Be Improved Si? pa to Improve tli*- romlilioii of thi' lane rniininc from the N'-w land Ifiihwav, somt> two tnile* from llila rlty. to the hint or Ir Old llrirk lluune, r<-|Miled io have been Hie abode of the Ijloodthlritty pi i.it* Iliac kbeard some two eentur let* auo. wi-re taken by the l*aa* <|iiotnnk Highway Coin mis; ion Tui-?ila>. rpon representation thai fli?? la lit-, wli jell is about half a mile I'm? Ih in bud eondltlon. largely from heavy toiirli*! Have). ' llie commission authorised Chairman S. C.iNroit. Commi.sxloiiei I'fitch ard and lload Superintendent J K 1'iovo to Inve>t|Irate and offer reritiiiiie ndatiom< at the Jill*'1 niet'tlntr 'I he <-ominU<doii also took under advNern' lit a rci|iient from Super* bitcndcjl H. L. S)?? ? |?. of the f||)f school*. for Imvrnvement of the hiichwa*. from tin rlly limits. on Southern avenue. to the Colored S* Normal School, The rom ml*? inner* i'vpn hhmI ih< ihh Ivch ft* unanimously In fatoi of the lm. ptoveinent *skcr|. hm Informed Mi Sh'rp thai no money wax available for it Individual member of the Coftirfil-sior. VUlerd the hope thai iln Hoard of County ''oinrnlsHlon er* and |h rhapx the City Counell and various civic oft.' animation a here rulrht ink'- ?i"pH to put the road to lb?* wrhoo| In bell' r con dition. 1*1 A Mill I II SCHOOLS CLOSE JI NK llllltl) l'l> mouth. May '1 According itt information received today the i'lviiiouth graded xrliiKiU will clone June with appropriate exercise*, afler a very shcce?xrol year. The preacher of ihe harcalaiir eale ?I'tuion and the person who will addfe?M Nhe graduating clans hat* not - been definitely decided niton Fight to Hold Levees As Mississippi Rolls On Is One of Grim Endurance COUNCIL STAGES RECORD SESSION I il\ I'utlH'O Ho K\a<*tl\ Nothing, Having K\uct l\ Nothing in Do OuU?i >if It.tiiKiuu up a rnni'il fill s|lP? d> ilispalch nl Ihr till-lie's* Ultra n 11. Itin tfry Vniincil ta-?1 nluhi did >\a?-tl\ nothing. f??r 1 .mil ? ufticlenr r*-axon Hint it Willi IIMtllillL' til l|o. *Al'l*lt| iIiiik to Miitui .Mi'CuIn', tlii> session Instill ??xacily Is minute*. Tliere wr. no * |M*(*t h i ?r* a| i la in uiiu-?tr<l session of th?' City Path* ?th. nmil towiii'd the lai?t of tin* Is minutes. Then l?r. J W S?'li?. optoinctri?t nml in in about town. ?;ilk"tl in. a littapoloitet (rally. J'In- oil?' ofrti laI art of I lie Coitll <?11. outside of receivlni: routine re ports and approving tlit- hills, huh to give silent sain t Ion to ,i pro nouncement liy Ma>or McC.ine to tin- effect ili.it henceforth. until fiirthi r iiiiMit, sosion will In-Kin at H o'rlork in-t*ml ??t 7:30. C11 j?Matiiiucr Miles W Kiti'Imm reported briefly that the street* wi ll In lairl> liuoil rondltiuiu.liiiit.| the lirii-k n'-layiUK on IturRess and Slu'paiil street* had been fin ished : and 111:<i wnrk wan under way on 11n- it'-la^iiK of IIcIkIuii blocks nil Shepard. Twenty-eight arrcntrt and the seizure of eight gallon* of liquor ?Iiirink tin* in**iitii were reported* hv Chief of Police llolmcs. Tin- report of Clly Tax Cnllci lor Ceorgc II Wood riled the col lection ??f $1 ?t.2fi2.37 in taxe* in \pill. making a total of 1117. 17f?.f?M for tin- fiscal yi ar. to date. Hoodoo Is Barrier Candidates A loiiidoo lie fore which string in*-n have been known to quail haw .lii-conn* a fat-tor In tin* miiiit-ipal 'election to hi- held li?re next Tuesday. in which the voters are duly to i hoose a mayor and four members of the City Council. I To date, three candidates for1 1 the tnayoridiip and nine aspirant* to seats on tlii* Council have en , tared the lints, making a total of 1 IS. There .ire still other Individ uals here who are kuowu to have a hauk?rlnl- for the- emolument* o| public office as well as for the I IirilI that com*'* to liiru who cam paigus. hut a dread supers! It ion , is in the way. The next candidate who come* o?H will necessarily he lite thir tei-nth In oheslance to tli?- popu lar idea on iIm' .subject of the nunt , b**r Itin- Cullman Company re , eently hus ordered it *trlck*ti sum tnarlly from all sleeping car berths. Ctiles* two or more of the p di? ii-ally ambitious ones win have not yef announced themselves de cide to p'io| their hopes. temporar ily at least..and curnn out together. Ml->e politician* here are forecasl t ii if I huh the field will he left to th** twelve who have entered Hi* ready. Nobody wants to be the "unlucky thirteenth.'' The entrants to date for the | mayor-hip are Jerome M Flora. IV }C. ('oh or in and W. T. Culpepper. Those riitiiiiiik for the f*nir seats oil the Council are |,eslie Arm Mronx. It. Kay Kramer1. J. J. II ugh"*and K J. Cohoon. all seek ItiM re-elect Ion, and I. s Gordon, .1 It Kitchett. c. W. Overman, t; 1 I'riti hard and I. B. Twiford AllANIM>i\ IIIKOKY Ol l?OY ltKIN(, Kill.Kit in AN AITOMOI1II.K Kr?'?l?Tl< ksburic. V* . May :i VAI'i The first theory of lorn I ami aln'e polire mml private dpipiv liven that til it** year old Allwft Maker whm killed hy an automo 011** himI hi* tmily ilit*m thrown into t M ?? ItappahM iinork Klver n**ar li?*re who abandoned today when Coroner John K. ('ole reported thai mii Miito|*y revealed a fra< ttire at the hi<n of rh?* *kiill and no olhfr broken hone*., When thf h?iy'?t hoilv wan found In a m?i<-k on ftl'A tmiik* of thn rlYT *f* -tirtl*** from her# yenterday tho authorl* t|n< thought both lejt < had been broken Mficl < <111< I11<I< '! he had been run down hy an .automobile and hla body dWtUMOtl of ?o mm to avoid proaeruHon. ' CnroiM-i l!ol? r? ported today, however that the,examination of 1h< body l>v It I in and ki'vpihI oth er phv^klan* showed only the frac Hired ?*knil. The hoy'* tight hand wa-4 mlxnltiK hut the coroner nald thi* prohahly ??? due to It hav ing heroine disjointed Mt the wrlxt throuich decomposition. I I.hmI W al. r. >,r<- ;l I hroupli ltr.ik. ri l>> k?><> anil W idin Ih.ii. |',.rrj. Iiirx \orlli nii.l Vl'rul KKHliKKSM.kkiv; K.lii-I Si|iin<lroti I'louglm I'liroiiiili MikIiK Watrrn ?? K<-niov<- |{,?i,|,.?|, from Imiiiilahil I xulaoiN N.-w iiiNmiis, v ;; , \ j., Slirr^mi termination f tin i? i,?i,i i,.,,., III.' rh?rne ?f Hi. .Mississippi ijlv ? r i..r?ii,.. Kr|1|1 , .limine.. In |l,. Vileliez tliiv wlill.' a relief I'loiivh,.,! tln-mmi, n,mi,), water* II, I.'?ld. i,t? II..,,, ,|?. I,,,,,,. I lnw|[l||,| |,.Irish.'S ,?| \,||'|)|. '?ukI'Tii IxMiiMiana. ',vr-r""" Hi- ii.-.i "I-?I??I??I Klv. ,H. M,..a,?|,u: !>r.-arh.? I" tin iinii.,1 i heir invasion, widonlitK their l.-rfji,iry Nnrlliw.r.l a?,| went ward II,,., ?'??nilMK II"?,l fr.,?, ,1,.. Arkali *u?? Kiv.<r. Th.. ie?,.,. ri?i? I,.., Perii'e "11 III.' W..?| l.i,I,h .If ih? Mississippi In r V, . ? "?"*?? worked ?ir??j!I,"HI ll?. i.lul.l rlrai l> liunii'd eiiihankm.-nlH. \t NVw rrlli?I. i a,HO' Ml" "*???-?????? h-raiue. critical i,s ??ui.ri.?.|,r> m.-nMiirwi HIT.. H|H|?.dld I.I slop th.. Ilow over I.1 v...'K. In- nlsls w.-is . \|i.'Vl. iJ b< I? ?.Kn l>,,,til l"?lnr am! lieer Park, ?n lh.- khiii?. territory. withi,, two day*. Willi Hii.iiiA.Ih nr |te rsnns al ready ili lv.'i, fr.?? M?.|r |?,??, Northeastern lanilsiana, the creel was hill appr.ia, Iniii; Viekaburii. ?Many towns In Ciinrordia; Cata houla. Avoyelles an.l neighbor ii?r Kh.s Ulrmul, had been ,|..n,.ri<>af "in In others n il.,,,. .? w ,? "ii pr..l. i ll,?, reside,,|? ilff.-iiys before . "mini 11 | , Y' "I ". II. ,-' I, II Nnl. h. z P>?|?v. headed l.y Kl?,| as fl:,K?l,lp and compose,I .., four C...HI <;??>? r.l pair..) In.,,.,. -.Hl-I I,, ,.?i,il> lliear.-a alr.-a.lv mv. ,| |,v (ll|l|. An rii.'iiilliiK I huiviiii Memphis, T. mi . Mm :| , A " "'"I Iin.'iiillria caravan ,,f P"-i'lc p.. ii re,| mil p, Ill .Northern an,I r. nlr .l I. inIslam* loday fleelliK III" wall ,,r walei> j?W"' |il?K <li.wn ,,,, their |,???a4 | III" MUHls.lppi Uiv. , ami ll? | ,* er valley irllinlari.'K iiinlllniiwl jlh.'lr ranipane HirniiKli nrokeil J nlKPx. Th.. iiopiilaHon of ruriiicea . ainps HW1<II<<1I hourly people cam., on font, m wayoiiK, in aiil.t Iii"lille? nr ? . r. rrl.-.l i? Mf,.,x In rliioil.-.l Ji. ilnns hy relief li'ialu .i.lneiil raleit 1,1 I he ana. III,. uPrt I rn?H aiinuiiiii'.il. The ta<k ,,f ruxhlnK fonrt an,I mh,, ,ippll?K 11axed n?. lai lllil. . ?rEan|. nation. % Twt, icreal re-, ,1. flnxiH' plied ' water* in ih. h.wer Ml^ih..^ III. roinieil II,.. swill.'a rearhe, ,,f he He,I. On,, l,i,a III.,, k trlhniarii'H, or iiultn <?f Hinall skiffs arid mot >r li!?-its iTOHs the flood.*i| fields to (ak>- off any p'THfins inarooiif'd. Vi.-ksl,,irK ref?,e. popnlalliiii ?? midnlKlit w;is i ^tiinni.'d hy f||4. lie,I from, ai Hi. Ilttst top hoiiHimia field Uhlle Uiuijsands. hc'lluB em III,?,| war,were . VHeuia Inn their holm s ami Kollllc to caa ee?lr?,l?? .atup re,??? ' ( ,OHw ?hut many oth.-ry had r. fiiH.'d to have. I'r.'Parati.,.is ?.,.ro -<?' "" wireless nmuili illi.iis i,..,,, siraieKi, ,, ,inlB |M ,l<1 A ''''it' hi,, ii'jriH wljj Mm k Willi those on v.?*. fi?" re*ni. f|.-.WH and will f irrii the rirni tsreaf cotiitnuKIMi-' i^'VTiis": - \.-.?| MIO.OOO.OOO (nr Ki-llrf Wa^hlneion. May J Impressed with tin- dire t?liutit of tliounanda of miifTcrt-rx in iiiH Mix?i?xippi lllv er Hood litt>a mid the grave rrlftlrt cau?ed by fur'her rrunibllnfc of le vee*, President CmilldK'' Man ap pealed 10 the Nation lo InoreaHn to $ I o.niiii.'mmi it* donations for relief work. This in iwin* th?* amount orlfl nally ri-'inwlptl mid mean* th'if the A pier lean public in out dupli ?.!??? iiM performance of ihe pa?t week if Hull PfNldfiCa now fIn iire in to In* reached. The flrft fiiml ban been m!i*hf!y ' over iub ru flfiffl. The conclusion to double It ml appeal wan reached after an extended conference Iwtw^cn lyreii idfni CoiilldK* ii ad Seer Aitfy Hoover, who had JiimI rturned from itf flood *on?\ Aiwired that ten million* would he tin* nildt iii ii in. needed. th^ President njratm ur??-d rltltcnn lo forward contri butions expeditiously to the Red Crw*. "The mIIurtIoii In the MI ?*li?i?lp pi valley." ||r roolldse ?*id. "haw developed Into n Krave' crlstlf af Continued on patei)

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