"Leased Wire Aitocuitcd Prett Service The Weather f'l ?u?!y ami r?ml?T ?????.5lif and Tburstluy. ihu?ul?,r*hM*? r- *ln- af ternoon or tomuli'. lo fn*?h S??uihw?'M nhlf'ltiK t?> NuMh ?i-si an.I N ?rtfi wiiiils. VOL. XVII. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. WKDNKSDAV KVKMNC. MAY I. 1?<J7. SIX i'ACKS. . NO. 10G. ? EVACUATION IS HASTENING AS Every Mod** of Conveyanee Being lined u? KiickHattTn of Mist?i**ippi I'orm an Inland Sea DELHI CUT OFF Fears fur Safety of *T7ii* Town's Inhabitants Dissi pated and Aid I* Sent There liv Airplane \Vw Orleans. Mn? 4.?(AV) DrvMtatlon of Northeastern I<oui*lana over a stretch of H|> |?ro\lnjatel> l.ooo square mil.* rapidly was henmilnt: complete j today a* the iimmII) racing Mis- | staalppl fort* through Its hnnks at two additional plum* brlwirn 1 Ylcksburg Mt| Natchez. A new jtrniy <?f pefuciH^ nnn ? ( *ent on the March. Increasing j the Ihxih-Ii-kk In the lo around 2.tO.OOO, ami rich ? cotton, sugar cane, fnteklng. ! hwdwend and oil awl mm lamia?j w^re cialmi-d, adding almost hn mravurably to the NiaKUfrliiR J total of profHTt > low*. Murky flood untcn now cov er nf*rh' 13.000 aqnaro uilkw In Ixyutsfkna, Arkanw. ami MK slNaippt ami the picture of dmo. j fculon presented In ap|iallliig. F>nr hundreds of mile* In Ar kannaM ami IxmLslaiia alone the there are only neat rened places not under wnter. I From Arkansas City almost down to VIckxbntK, n stretch of Miore than IOO miles am tin* crow Hie*. fkswf or hack water* are everywhere, tho Mlsstaippl flowing through a great Inkc 1 oat of which faint Hues of Its levee* ma> he y*n. Memphis. Tenn.. May 4.? | a 11? i ?Relief forces raced against the flood In the vast TcnHa* basin of Louisiana today where two miiddv fans of water were slowly swell ing the barkwat<Ts of Mixtfissippi tributaries Into an Inland s?a. Evacuation oi towns, villas?* and farming communities went , forward by every mode of convey-! arfce as the flrst fan dropped down from Southeast Arkansas to join J a new spread of water flowing from the Mississippi. near Mill! ken's Rend. Headquarters of the American! Red Cross, with Reeds of 200,000 refugees to fill, expected 7.000 ad ditional persons from the newt Inundation. It was estimated that 1 more than 20.000 refugee* already were concentrated In I*ouisianu j camps. All night long the steady stream i of fleeing people poured nut of the area where the new wave is advancing. Vlckshurg received ! 1.500 persons from the region about Tailuiah. Delhi. whose nor mal population of 700 persons had ! grown to more than 5.000 yesiei day, saw a new influx ns Illinois Central trains worked throughout the night eoneent rating additional refugees In the tiny village. Delhi I* already cut off from Vicksburg and Monroe both by rail and high way. First fears felt by headquarter* for the safety of those gath* red ' at Delhi were dissipated when it 'M learned that I>elhl In on high round and will not be affected by the new flood. An airplane .was sent yesterday ultli ton feounds of medical supplies and will make another trip. The Red Cross reports the ar rival at Natchez, of 21 carloads of aurf power boats which will be used for combing flooded area* In search of marooned persons. Eighty-two men arrived to man the boats. The crews canw from ' Delaware, New Jersey and other Atlantic Coast states. Meanwhile four large Tft Is ! have been added to the fleet ope? ating In Rod Mwr waters. | strengthening the chain of relief organisations In advance of the floods crest. New Orleans. May 4.?tfAI't The bulging flood tide of the Mix-? alaslppl after carving h new gap in Louisiana levees yesterday wns thrusting viciously today against a weak spot at Villa Clara plan tation. aix miles below St. Joseph. Louisiana, adding to the stream of refugees fleeing before the dflUgl Every parish In Northeastern Louisiana for the flrst two tiers along the river, extending ten par Ishes downstream to the mouth of Red River, had felt the ravag ing grasp of waters which alrendy have covered seven million acres of land and rendered more thati 200.000 homeless. The ten !?oul*lana parishes al-< ^eady covered, either entirely or partially, were Morehouse, Kast and West Csrroll, Ouachita. Itlch Isnd. Madison. Franklin. Tensas. Catahoula. Concordia and Avoy elles Water streaming from four brsachea In Mississippi River lev ees la moving down to Join hack waters from the Red River, whil< flood waters from the Ouachita and the volume released by breaks In Arkanass covered other por- , Hons of the territory. Tallulsh virtually was absn-' dooed aa Ita population, fled to Vlckshurg and Delhi before a lake| r*l??sad by a break in the Missis sippi embankments at near Mil-' liken Rend. Realdents of St. Jo seph and Waterproof spent aj {Continued on p*g? 2> X l iu.es \ mo\ tL HAHUi CONTROL pin jit :y for ii. s. Washington.' May 4.? (AIM A national floml ronirol pol icy to conserve the country's resources and prevent recur rence of the present Mississip pi valley disaster was urged to day b> Walter Parker. New Or leans aconomlBt. before th?* an nual in**etinj; of the United States Chamber of Commerce. "Adequate spillways plus le vee.* will for all time assure th?? S.IU IV of I lie Jow? r haLt JlL ibt T?w?r 51I.-sif.dppl valley." he "aid. "Source stream control through ilie imp of beneficial purptn??*s ill place of waste in destructive floods of interstate drainage, plus levees, will safe guard ill-- upper half of the lower valley a ml at the same time create a monster asset of power" irrigation " aiid" ' navlga lioit. ".Hut before we can pel tlie^e tilings we must have from Congress a national poli cy relating to our water re sources and competent machin ery for ?? miprehenslve planning and for the coordination of th?* work of the many Federal bu r'-inin itod for bringing-Hito eo op* ration th<- Federal (Sovern ment. the states, th?? localities ind busim ss enterprise." Odd Presentiment By A Dying Man Is Fulfilled Tli?' remarkable realization of a presentiment o| ]( man about to die onmc to past* In the death of W. J. Saunders i f Weeksvllle and of his brother. Benjamin I.et White of Tyner, in the hriiic house on the name day yesterday. Mr. White died at 5 o'clock in the morning and Mr. Saunders at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Mr. Saunders had been in fail in c health for sonic time and his f-miHitifin in rurrnt \v.., W < h:nl ht?. come gravely critical. On Satur day, April 2:i. ho said to his wife: "I see two hearses at the Mate and I am afraid that you are not going to have room for two corpses in the same room at the same time." Thinking that his mind was wandering, Mrs. Saunders passed the remark ofT by telling him that he was dreaming. On the following Friday, came Mr. White from his home?in Tyner to visit the Saunders home and to help with nursing the sick man. Mr. White sat up with his brother in-law I'riday night, and toward morning lay down on a couch In the room for a nap. Dropping off to sleep he died without regaining consciousness. When the body of W. J. Saunders was prepared for burial after his death that after noon two corpses lay in their cas kets in the same room. Mr. Saunders was 56 years old. a member of t'nlon Methodist Church, and regarded by his pas tor as one of the mainstays and leading spirits of the congrega tlon. Resides Ills wife, Mrs. Mol Uo White Saunders, he is survived by three sons. Dempsey Saunders, Needier Saunders and W. J. Saun ders. Jr. Surviving also are three daughters, Mrs. Alethia Palmer, Mrs. Orace llerry. and Mrs. Jen nette Kason of Tyrrell County; two sisters, Mrs. John White of Slmonds Creek, and Mrs. Cleve land Simpson of Norfolk; and one brother, J. K. Saunders of Los An geles, California. x The funeral of Mr. Saunders will be conducted at I'nion Church Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with the pastor, Hev. W. F. El liott, assisted by Itev. A. J Park er of Klizabeth City, officiating. The body of Mr. White win be taken for Interment to the old family burying ground in Perqui mans County near Keivldere. MOTHER ANflLCHILD ATTACKED BY NFXtfO Little Rock, Ark.. May 4.? (AP> -Peeling aroused here over the murder of 12-year-old Fioreila McDonald by a young negro was further Intensified today by an at tack upon a white woman and her daughter by a negro with a club as they were riding along a road near the city In a wagon. The mother. Mr*. R. E. Stewart, Is In a hospital suffering from a blow over trie head and a broken arm. The girl. Olennle. 17. was only slightly Injured. The negro fled Into the woods after the at tack when an automobile ap proached. Posses were hastily or ganized to search for him. FAMILY QtARRKL LANDS RKLATIVKH IN TKOt'RLK A family disagreement resulted in the appearance of Seth Kelly and his half brother. Oeorge Fa trick. before Justice of the Peace O. f\ Spencer at South Mills Tues day on chargea preferred by Kel ly's wife. Mrs. Harriet Kelly. Mra. Kelly charged that her husband had threatened to kill her In the course of a family quar rel some two weeks ago. and that Patrick abused her scandalously later, as a result of It. Kelly was put under flOO peace bond, and Patrick was fined $2 and co?t? ?>? a technic*! charge of DIOCESAN MEET UNDER WA?$OW^ MANY PRESENT Inspirational Add rr*? ??? Murk Supprr Given in Honor of Hishop Darst ; Tuesday Niplit PROBLEMS D1SCUSSKP j Business SmsionK and Se rial Services Held Woil nesday; Visitors Coinpli I ineiit City Preliminaries disposed of. th<> ?forty-fourth convention of the Diocese of Rut Carolina, 1'rotes- , lain KiUscopal Church, mwuiic In-: to Its r?>al stride today, with morn- , ? ins and afternoon busimss h"h-' sion. and a apodal night wrvlw1 In Christ Church here. Nearly 150 delegate* and visitors are at tending, including many high in (thc councils of the denomination. Inspirational addresses lookini; .to the advancement of the work cif the church throughout Eastern ;uaronna. the territory embraced' In the diocese, were the order of I the evening at a Kpecial supper < given last night in Christ Church .parish house in honor of the Rt. ?Hev. Thomas C. DrrsTr D. I).. oi . i Wilmiington. the bishop presiding over the diocese. About 60 visit Jlng clergy and laity attended. The supper session opened with ? briefly appropriate addreas or welcome by the Rev. G. F. Hill. : rector of Christ Church here. Ad dreasea were delivered by many or the visitors. Dr. Frank D. Dean, of Wilmington, apeaking on young people's work, which he described J as the insurance policy of the 'church. The high value of personal I work hy laymen in the church was j discussed by George C. Royal), of iGoldsborO, the speaker giving ? mariy illustrations from hla per Isonal experience and obaervation. I The importance of adequate man i power and equipment for the rural work of the church atrcnmil by the Rev. G.F. Cameron, nf ; Washington, who declared that , work was a mighty factor in the advancement of the usefulness of the church. The growing need for Intensive' jwork In the mill communities in the State, resulting form the j steady developemcnt of the tex tllle industry, was emphasized l?v ? John R. Tolar. of Fayetteville. I Hishop Darst mentioned briefly the Importance of not neglecting work in the colored communltiea. J Women's work In the dloceae was discussed by Mrs. Henry J. . MacMillan. of Fayetteville. with a plea for closer co-ordination of the activitlea of the various women's ;departments. Dr. William H. Mil j ton. of Wilmington, cited statis tics on the work of the church an (a whole. He was the speaker at the 11 o'clork service today. After the supper, the Executive 'Council of the diocese met. with 1 Hishop Darst presiding, to work lout a number of details antlcl I patory of the opening of the con tention today. Rearrangement of parishca and missions with a view to more effective work, the better 1 equipping of rural parishes, and the raising of salaries paid the rural clergy, were anions the topics discussed. The first business session of the convention as a whole wa? hi Id today at 10 o'clock, with the men ) meeting in Christ Church, and the | women In the parish house chapel These meetings were devoted j mainly to the appointment of com mlttees and the working-out of details of organization. Luncheon ; whs served at 1 o'clock In the par ish house auditorium, with the j I women of Christ Church an host 1 esses. Huslness sessions from 2:30 to [5 o'clock, and a night service at K o'clock concluded the day's pro gram. Tomorrow's schedule em bodies business meetings at 10 In ? the morning and 2:30 In the af ternoon, and a closing service at 8 o'clock at night. The women will hold annual corporate com munion at 7:30 o'clock In the morning. Flection of officers and aelec-' tlon of next year's convention city are among the principal Items of huslness scheduled for disposal tomorrow afternoon. In the course of the closing business meetings of the convention. From every hand, today were; to be heard expressions of praise of the quiet beauty of this city's residential districts, and of the cordial hospitality accorded the visitors. The latter are being en-j tertalned In the homes of mem hers of the congregations of the various churches, other denomln at Ions Joining fffely with the Episcopalians In playing host to the delegates and others here for the convention. , TRKAM RKR WORTH Wlf.K PROHARI?Y RK RKIMIU RHKI? Ralel*h. May 4?(AP>?W W. 1 Worth, fltat* Treasurer under (Jor ornor RuaeHI. probably will b* r**? ImbursPd I lie llMft defalcation [Of hi* clerk which Worth paid th? , Rtat* more then J5 year* a*o. The iCouncil of Rtat* hen approved th#? I reimbursement. Attorney Oen [eral Brummltt la preparing an eptnion. (tiinili miftiiaiend fo he 1 ^ inirMin ft. Hie Lifeboat Ocean Fliers Will Carry tin- frail in i.-ilat i <?i? uiiirli irariM-.'?t.unnr fl\n* will <l? |?-u.l in ill.- ? v< nt nl I?lan?- lir>.i';?l'\\v Mill :i i?liii.? n i.. till ?.< ;m. T!rfc r.uilc. 41* 11 tn riv'H ? l.i-il'ii.Hit No ('oniiiruni- : iit* n<l W.trr.uil (Hiin r *1 ||i <ih,ii, uh ?>, ,.t.?.?>*.?. \. w Y??i?m I'iiriK-liiuHt u.tx |?i? a . i* i ??! !?> i n-'.\i?iL: i* t? <1 ill ir plum-. ii-' Aim- r i''.ni. mi .i i ? ? Hi lit. Rehabilitation In Flooded Areas Will TakeManv Montlrs Sir Walter I. K:?|.-iul>. M < 4-Conditions in th?. floml mrlrkt'ii area* hi M Arkansas ami Louisiana arc fa more serious than the people ?? North Carolina u- n< rally reTilir and it will lie a matter ??f tnou :> instead of woefcs ln-fore th areas can rehabilitated. mal?? l>r. C. O'll Lautthinchiiiisc, S*:?"? health officer. in announcing i < day that lie had ordered four ?? pettoi state* Board of Hcaffh to i'"?" ? ' Ut once t<> the "'""'.."'m M?n ., tircem rwimst "f / , 1 ri I i. ? f .'r 1 Cross at Memphis. Tul- m ik tol of seven expert* ??'? ?' Board H alt* ha* alrends - |o the flood nr?l. Th. four Inspector* n<.? ?? Ihotr way t? Missls-ipl-' ' ', will ashlst the llt'd * . unit- already -et up there a?- ? A Mcleod of Concord. i repotV.i -vlll. Ml - M.p perhaps tl'e l.arilesl-llll ? > ?? flood ana. J;..'. was In Asln vitle. to Mississippi. M M M. l? . I. ston Salem. I" l"1,rK- M i .i ami It K. It?wl?nd. ninsippl. and ?? r r Cleveland. Mi^l^?P.P? T' t 4 v,.! * men are anion? ?!??' VM, ... lenred sanitary ...f-!--.-1~ 'J* Board "f II"'"" s nssUncil i" work Ink- ?.n ->; " ? of sanitation in lhew I""1'1 ell lora 11' I''' Willi tli" fl'""1 -I'"'1""" ? litK Slend.lv worse, in' "I " ler. mid wlill <11? ' " j',', '. to take an even trial. I loll than lhat >?>'?? R waters, lite sliiti. I- " I' t ntt.ro serious hn.ir.y. a< "t Ilr. l,atiKli'ni!liou*i . ?'' ' plaeed the i ollre res"tii i _ _ licit Crwx. All 1 h'? it a . i i l ? ? rums Irotn th. Slat. I '1"" "'';1 Of ny?len- h.s already '"?*? whipped to W'lnplil*. and n? to follow rapidly. (.! Tho entire medical r>? ? of the 1*. s. Army and ' ? ? . I He Hon It h Heivlre sll" ill ? thrown into th? arr?. t? ?' 1 iter! Crows, espcr'.all> >n an ? to prevent disease. Ilr. I,iu;-hln* house helleves. sine" sunlia'v ? -n dilions will he more difficult a. r the flood waters -l?l.?lde ?l present. Ilr helleves Ilia" th' ' UKec ramps should he t". i f and conducted on the orde- ol Arm v rontoninMil". will u reKtilatlons, anil that all t? I" " should he Innoeiilaled at at' ?" ph'ild. yellow fever and o-h. dls eases likely to follow, at ol.. CIIAKGK MONOPOLY IN MOTION 1'iril l!K> Wilson. May 4- lAI'l t .ni pla.nt was made In Wli-on ? '" |or Court. today diamine ? Hon panic., ? . ?< - l?K a virtual monopoly of I t of dlstrlhilllttK and < XI. * films It, North Carolina ' ' wore filed in lhat off"'t I Paradise, of Wilson, owner of a chain of theaters. HefendatiiH named In th include paramount ; K Corporation; I nlversal Him corporated; I'ath" ^ , .. corpora.cd; Klr-l Nat ?nal h Hires. Incorporated. I<lh rl ?llinlln? Film corporation > rational Kiln, I'.xehanK". rated: Arthur V llromtierz Ai . lions, incorporated. Khi.^r.-t I Film Corporation: Kltrah?n Company; Warner llrotheM i at sac incorporated: anil (loldwyn Mayer l.lstrlhutltis < or poration. r..?1 Colnjock. May I The I, Vann Clrl**? ahotlt a m I' Colnjock. with all contents ?? completely destroyed hy flr? H" tirday nlaht wlih an estimate loss of I2S"". Remarkable Savings Claimed By Present Administration In Street and Other Costs v plau-ohlo ? "ii?|?:u :i ? tivt' figure* wi-rt' ? 11? d by' iti??in )?? r- of ill'* |in?ii'iii rliy ;i<lininls * tr.it ion inlay. isi rofutiuK alJi-o t.oli- nf i-Ximvutfiltl'*' .1 in: .icaiiiM :Ik-iii liy Hiip|Mirt?-rs ??f ??)? |<?.l.*.l.ll?ll III ?lllf ll|? |- ?? ' lit. Ill 11 *| U'lpill I l?Tll<l|l. ? *!*y n-ionl* i|.iilntt 1m? k ? I!?* 1. wbon !Ii<* firm brb'k >in<?is MiTr I.?'ii in i". art* ?|tinti?il in Hit i-??iu|i irison id iimIh on w .??K il'Mii*. I? is i|fcliir?M|. fur iiisl.iiir?\ ih. i , tliU original lu ll K iiuviiiK. i.?' slum-ll by |li ? record* i.i havo < o*t I si i*i i i t -?!'ii.ir vml hi'1 MiiMnir allownnro uf j.',t |i'T; tliuiMaml,. Ilio ciMi i?f ih?' | oriuiiuilly. ilio rorords* di-^Joso thai hrick imvIiik laid in 17' i-?wt'$ Ipur f?|ii:iri? yard. 13n* I.?t fi-r fig nr?* iiulmlinu 1 ?? riiiU p*r ? i|tiar?* yard for asphalt groiit.ini'. Tli- oriKivnl blirk Mrt-i-N hail no smut!iiu. TnU". die Anvltn: oil ilf d'ci'iiily pavid brick *iriVt? I- rlaiincd 'ii -7 routs por 'fN|ii;ir<* ynrd. w)? IN* if flu* ro*Jt ill" xi'*M|ilim |4 dropp< I (or pur !*?????; of oxaot oompari ??n. >hy >.av imr i'l?iiiiM*i| Imtoiiio* 13 routH p- r ?M|iwn- yard. (Ill iHiIh'Mc sid' Wrilk*1. Ill** d f f?r"ii<? ?ih not fori Ii by .nlminl-ir.i 1 I Ion official- Is mil' h ?ri'M?<T. TI?o ! rn-ord* r?-v? .il. it i* doo|: ml thai 1 i sidowalkx |.?ill from I'? I 7 in I" -I, I Im-Insivo. ctiht from SJ io . 7 f? j I pit squaro ynrd. ilio uiajoi i!y Ih?-? 1 liie a' iho bighor f'ssiro. o<i I wnlk* laid Iti l!?2i--?i. It i? ? cliiMiKd. nlidor fir llioro ri^id t|? - ' I Hfimtion-*, ilio ro t ??ii from Sl.fi 5 ii* .>1 i;.1! por Hi|iu?rf? yard-. A markod n diii-tWii hi ?lio rliy' lax rato |? i |r?-i| alJo. In IfH I. Iho rnio wm si.r.7 por SH"? prop orty vnlii>iiloti. !? I\ now 8I.SJ, a d:ii i. I ri-nix I In It'll. Hi. I'tohIa dlrtcloso. arrordiiiK to I In* pr*v nt ndmino ^ if.?Hon. im-p-ia] fund. which ? 'IM'IS all Clt> OpiT.lt iim VXpoillM'H , except tliiiM- of iiic fire opart inoni ?iiiit tin- schools. amount to 76 ?-??lith of th?' vt?i:? I mx rato of $l "?7. At present. tin- levy for ih<> Ren rral fund is -66 ri'iiH, Thus. In r.eucral administrative expi-nsc*.; .i saving ??f 2? cents is claimed. Another different** m favor of the present ad-tnlitistrnlion I-; ? l.iIni4*c| in tln? fart that, tltoilek ili?' tax rati* lias l?i*n reduced ma terially. it luis l?> i-ti found posslhl. this yi?r M'l acido it .wInkiliK lill 'l lit .TlII'l,UIV 1-1 MlP" Ho* brick tnet bonds. auKri'Krtt iiiK for wliSrli no provl- | moii ttli;it''v r had been niaili1 by I |ir?-r?MliiiK administration*. TIichii 1 IioimIs da to lia? k to 1911. In fli?' matter of obtainItit; Jiy- 1 ilriiM'Iccirli' power. tin* present.! iii.v admini-;trat hoi f*H> that mit'di h i- Ivi ii accomplished. a*b|c from the r'timaliH lo tin!nsirial ilevel o|iin?aiu which tin* bringing of mi limi'i-d electrical power hold* a* a poi? nihility. Th?* cont of proilin" ! ir.i; t in rent U iflvcii as lour cent* . ;n-r kilowatt hour Willi the old nut- ! uiripally operated plant bore. Tho i city Ii ii??w buying current at an ! average imi.hI of I..'17 ciits pt-r ItII- ' Jo will r hour, mi the basis of tho present coiiHiiiupr ion, with the hop,, of still fiiriIn-r rednctlon in cow I when tip* (ptnaiiil Increases. I.ast yi nr. it Is Htated. tho op eration of ih? public utilities net - I'll a clear profit of $1?3.m?ll, ami r'hotilil i?*c ???(! that fiKuro this year. Prom-the fact that they a re turniui; in a substantial profit, ni? itiIm r.i of rhi pr?s( lit admltti Ht rat ion are stroimly hopeful that Ibe lax rati.* can |?e held to 11h pres'-ut Hi'ure. and that addition al ht reel pat illk mid oilier im provi'im n's can hi* financed witll '.iit iiicir?Kiii^ llii' tax burden. Rescuers Pressing Forward With Hope Of Reaching Miners Fairmont. W. Vi?.. M.tv t. Hpurrcfl !:>? ih?> lehowlodpo ihai I I minor- of 7'? m?'ii cntomfi*''! wi r" working In ?n ??ofion of the r*|il(<-i? i- wt pj Mllllids of ill'; KvorHt?4vill*? mln?* whon it * wnrfci-il four <tays hko. r?-?oiiorn today |ii'Hk<i| forward In fh?* li??p?* of n?:i< IiIiik thorn. Tin* ?l< ? li toll AtOOtl Mt 21. There whs a faint tli<?' t|??* men ili? ro may havo ;il?l?- lo brattle*? ihitinNflvM In. l?ut r"*ri|o export i> roni'nl<r| ||i*? po*-ihiltfy of th?'lr IihvIiiK ?*cap?d u.th !? Ill >??'. A* tin r?Ki ni? work ?nt?r' ?l the fourth day litem wa* H ? indloa lion Nx I > nii?i( iin Im-Iiii< t tiM ii would oomploto mo f*|itoral Ion of th?- in I no ind I'hmIi* ?Ii?- 7m men Imprisoned mnci' la.it Saturday, j Th?' fir** ravine In the liin'-r ro rr**!'* |?rov**d a stiimlillnK hlo?-k lo jth?? fwiicrs ht>? I li'ihrrt M Lam* hie, ohlef of ?h" Hv?if Viralntn *!??? Iwirfmeiit of mlno*. il'-rldH to seal off the homing sort Ion to j?r?-v*-ri? a itrroril < vpl??v|of| ."fid to ? ?p? ; fllr?- the nc<trill. MRS. SNYIlKIl I I(IK.I) ItllSON (H I ON HIM s\Ys ii. jrim <;ha\ Now York. May I ?A I* ? ? Ihnry Jndd Oray testified t ?da/ thai Mr* Itiifli lirow n Stivdor test ed out on'him t|??' iiik of killing h?*r hii"hari*l To h?-imri? nlofpiiic pow 'd*r? she had were ?tr<mic i>nnti(h. he said. rho made him inke tlum and after watrhln* the effeot de cided th+* w ?nM 1" ? Boothe's Condition Unchanged After An Operation Itonnoke. V;?,, May 1. i.\l?l . Wiifirr I#, Iloot he, younu fanner I from the mountain hninlot of j llaymnkcp Town. eontlnue* to live i following an ppi-rallfin y*?i?i??rdity mikI today Ills condition wan r? | ported |?y the hospital im un i ehang"d. 11?- has gone J!09 bourn j und* r artificial r'^plmildii given .toy hi* friend*. If lie liv?*m through ; noun tomorrow he will have gono . tWO WH'ks. An \ ray picture will taken today, hi* condition permitting. 11 ?f aims are swollen and irri tated heran i rjf constant presmire 'tifrwuary In the unhrokoti pro* of l|?'Xon and It was 1 planned to hiiiid'iR" them. Ill* i chest too l:? sensitive hut there Is no ^welling. Thu operation ?? fi Hoothe was p',rform?,d without Interrupt Ion of the ertforer.I respiration lystcm employed. The hoy I* ntill optimistic, Iff? lias a frilr app*tlt?*. IIUSH rottA<:<o KIN*. OIKS AT \<.i; OK H7 | Itodfan*. Ireland. Mnv I fAI*) Thomax tinllaiclwr. *7. Ireland'* tobacco king and the largest Inde pendent trader In the Itrltish Ides, Idled l,i?i night. Me had factor l?? at Henderson and KUe where In Kentucky and owned American plantation*. MKM. U'MTIN Ill-:AM Min. W. W Austin of llatt?ra* died Tuesday nl*h1 ?t the Bll*a j heth fity Hospital. Decision to Withdraw From Race for Mayor Made by P. C. Cohoon SHOULD WATCH lmli\iiliiul ;? 11< 1 Church ar?? I rp ?l to Vt'a lull fill tic** liy Minister Tll'SllilV llii.ll! ill III. 1'evival ill City llo.-d Methodist Church It* V l(. C. I. CiUiinis iim'iI thr wiiti!* nl Caul, "Watch ye. stand laxi in ? tile fitilll, <| II it lik?" (114 * ii. he I Mniiiju.** liiiiwiiiu ? it. 1i.-s.himi . of] w .in* ill'ii I in-km in rliarai'tor ami Christian i*\p<t ii-nce. whirl! li?* I ?i< cliii'i-il io In* tin* crying ii?'i'il of ili<- church today. "Character." In* said. "is not Iik?? ,i garment. linislud .mil put ;i -iil? with nothing more possible J to Im doiu- iii it. It may urnw or ii may decay. The i|i|i'Mthni Im ? Tiow to riiiiiu' character lo mow ? ami mil lo In- ilistroved Tlii? an-1 : ?? r iii found in tin- foregoing; |e\i "The sentinel in I'll* army. 11n* J police iillici t', tli>- watchman. are ? wjtdieis on iliitv. all neccssary and helpful. Wherever there an-1 inti 11 ??** unit Ii wiill?>, thore is. in'id oi watchfulness The noii I , and its cares and interests. is the' most important i?iirt *?f man. The | world is ihi- fi>rvHiil of tin- moiiI l and not tin- soul tIm; servant of: i In ? world. I "Material llfi* is mrt mi soon In | th*- experience of si chihl. A toy I is introduced In tin- child at an' early nue. it in many months J later before ihe sami' child in In troduced to the N|drltual kingdom of lifi*. Kven alter Incoming a Clirlsllan. with a livltm to make and with dose contact with Ihc material world necessary, liiere is a ureal need for watchfulness on the part of tlii- church worker. "There lire many 'Isms' today. Tlu-ri- In much donhl. These an1 .ill Mill ,i iiia!li'iii'.i' to Coil Watch a man's influence, impressions and m;ititii'r of looking iii the Chris tian life. Many peoplo say that religion Jh all right, hut lliey think It must In kept in the background else tiny may he called a hack number or on old fo^y. Kegard |e?s of what religion may he j called ll Is an altar of the soul on which I lie fires of fioil are kept burning and the brighter the flame tin more Hie individual real izes hi- needs (#nd. One consults' the doctor and I he dentist, why not consult Ihe l.ord Jesus Christ? "A i" non Is no stronger in ' character ami in religious experi ence than hiH wenkest point. Da-, tins entered llahylon hy the river j hoi torn. Joshua entered Canaan j hy a m w route. Cnguarded ways I watch ihein. The devil stands [ readV to hr?-Mk In at your weak est ' point. "The church needs Ihc same I watchfulness thai llenry C(rady made hi* famous character, the in Jund soldier, to use. Looking for 'he return of the st rctchcr-hearcr1 fo. many weary hours he always h?-ld th" hope of gelt ing well. 'If I live till sundown tomorrow I mav net well." he would say. "I jet us watch, hold fan! to the faith, <i it it 11 ii &.*. like men the slim of the age. let us he strong, not in our strength hut with Cnd'M help. That is our need In order to rightly witness for him." Services continue each night andihe pm.TIc |h cnidlally Invited.' BAPTIST WOMEN WIIJ. <;o OUT FOIt MKMBBKS MISSIONARY UNIONS IjOuisvllle. Mny 4. (AP> I" cominemoralion of the 40th until v rsary of Ihe Woman Missionary t'nloii. auxiliary to Ihe Southern liapil.il Convention, Ihe lrnlon In session here today voted to go out after 40,000 new member* in ex isting local Woman's Missionary societies, Increase the number of existing organisations hy 40 per cent-and enlarge Ihe affiliated young people's organizations by 40 per c ut during I f#2h. The I'nioti was orga nixed at Kichmond Va.. during a s? sslon of the Southern llriplist Convention in I hhm. and has held Its annual meeting* ill connection with III" regular convention of the de nomination ever wince. The ri so lution providing for this enlist mint campaign was proposed In the report of ihe special commit tee, mid presented by Its rhnirman Mr*. Carter Wright of floanoke, Ala. To make this goal possible all I'nlons. individual* and circles must sign ihe ruby anniversary pledge, obligating themselves to n m w< d effort In the matter of en listing new members and form ing additional organisations. The anniversary program also calls for the raising of $4,000,000 In cash durinw the year of ll?J*> fur general missionary, education al and hi nevolent work of Sou thern llaptlsts. as represented by the Cooperative I'rogram This will mean $100,000 for each year the l nlon has been III existence. Kach state will be asked lo hs suilie a definite objective III both enllstmrnt and money raising, to assure the goal of 11>2*. Mrs. Wright said. Ill llcallli ami I'o?? I>iIity of Sclback I roni Si Trilli on* < iaiiipai^iiiii^ (rivcil A? 11.ui; \ \s. uirrrrKK Italllr Narrow lo Tho t!i?n <li<!att?*, W illi Sii|?|Hirt<*rM of Both 11 iulil \ Mop* fill of Yirlorj Withdrawal of his rumllihcy for the office ??t mayor in next Tuesday's electImTi was ainmunpcit ? Wt'dmsdiiy liy Former City Coun cilman IV C. <'oliiMiti. Tills, leave* tho rare to Jerome It. Klora and \V. T. Culpepper. Ill making 1 he announcement, Mr. I'oIiihmi MiHii'il I hill ihi? uncer tainly of his- health was his guid ing factor in the matter. 11?? has tieeti utiiter im .lir.il insiiilTHtT fni* many month:? for an int?*a?iIiimI <1 Ih c?r?l?*r. an?l roalizi-il, lie snhl today, that a strenuous w?.k of cam paigning might result m a serious physical hothack. Mr. ('ohoon expressed deep ap preciation for the assistance given iaInt hy his friends in the cam paign. a lid regret that the state of liis health made withdrawal from the race apparently the best course I<?i- him to pursue. He had served on the City Council for many yearn until his change of residence from the Third lo th^ Fourth Ward a few mouths ago necessitated his resiguatInn. Ho had heen elected as a representa tive from the Third Ward. Meanwhile another answer to the much discussed Wmnan's Club questionnaire has comt? in. the latent candidate to reply being Councilman K. .1. Cohoon, run ning for re-election from tho Fourth Ward against L. II. Twi ford, and W. Overman. Mr. Column follmvH t.ii<? gnnnral course adopted hy Councilman J. J. Hughes, alsn peeking re-elec tion. in the Jailer's reply to tho q nest Ionnuiro a few days ago. Like Mr. ilughi*. he declini'H to commit himself definitely, but de clares he favors the projects which tho club Is sponsoring. Candidates are busy in all parts of I lie city. seeking support in Iho election. Their supporters, too, aro exceedingly uctive. All in all. it appears to be about the llvolietit municipal election Kllxabcth City has seen In many years. i>kownin<; hiu\<;s THK DEATH I.I St IN ARKANSAS TO 126 Little Itock. Ark.. May 4.? (AIM---A drowning reported near Kudora yesterday brought tho death list from Hie present floods In Arkansas (o I details of the drowning are lacking. The Stnt<? Department of Health has reported 1H cases of typhoid fever. 10*. case, of measles. r,!? of infiuenxa. ::o malaria, x small pox and seven of p> liagra In tho state. NEW BKlTISIt NOTE SUIUMUSK IN LONDON London. May 4. (Al*)? Full exposition of iIn llritiah view point as regards He* war debts Is iiclleved to be contained in a lengthy Ilrlt:sh nolo which has been dispatched lo the (Jniled States and publication of which Is set for tomorrow morning. News that the note had beorr sent caused surprise In London, us there was m> Intimation of Its ex istence until word was received that Sit IC-'ne Howard, Ilritish ambassador bad delivered It to the American Ktule Deparlment. The note is understood lo bo lhe outcome of tho controversy over the war .debt hetweon the Am erican Secretary of Hie Treasury, Andrew W. Mellon and the British Chancellor or the Chequer, Win ston Churchill. It is thought to be In the nature of a reply to Secretary Melton's viewpoint that Ureal llrltaln Is re reiving more from her continental war debtors than she |* paying annually to tie- I'nlted States un der the Washington debt funding agreement. ' * Recently numbers of letters have appeared In tho Ilritish newspapers challenging Mr. Mel lon's "misrepresent a thins." riCTfTlOX coo|.||>UF. s\VK V r. risii \MI GAM c Raleigh. May 4.?-(API ?Oov? ernors of North Carolina and Vir ginia are Joining other interests In I he two states In petit lonlnc President Cool Id ge for Immediate action to save the fish and same industries of Northeastern North Carolina and Southeastern Vir ginia hy replacing the locks In the Chesapeake and Albemarle Sound to atop the flow of salt water through the canal from the waters of the Chesapeake into the fresh waters of Currituck Sound.

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