Thm Wmather (ifn?*re among the 16 to Mil here aboard the C. A. Larsen. Cherbourg, France, July 13.? 4AP)?Commander Byrd and his three flight comrade* were home ward bound today on the Levla* than due at New York Monday. After three days of sightseeing and acclaim in the Vicinity of Cer-Sur Mer where they made their dramatic landing less than tWo weeks ago Completing their filtH across the ocean, the alr meu departed last night, denae log prevented them from seeing anything of the French coaat line +* the veasel steamed away. A ?'an to have an escort of French |Manea fly over the Leviathan un }il it reached the open sea wus abandoned. Among the first to greet the av iators on ithe ship was Clarence I). Ohamberlln. who preceded them In a transatlantic air voyage, flying from New York to Germany with Charles A. Lovlne. Commander Byrd was accom panied aboard the steamer by J^aptaln L'HospUal. aide of Mar shal Foch. The captain presented Byrd with a pearl stickpin. On Board Steamship Leviathan. J*ly IS?(Ap)?Xhs five Am erlcan air heroes who have flown me Atlantic and are now home ward bound aboard the Leviathan seemed content today to take the background In the life aboard .j /P ?nd11w,th due gallantry per j/ mit the llmeHght to play exclu F Slvely upon the ambitious Frau l Wn Thea Raache. the German '?vlatrlx, who Is also aboard. She is going to the United States, de termined to recross the Atlantic by air and thus be the first woman to make the flight. Commander Byrd and his com panions remained In their state room last night, much to the dis appointment of many passengers, Welding Frauleln Raache. who ?ays she hopes to get inspiration from them. The fog which enveloped the fw "fted before ??"M from Cher TOurf. giving Byrd an opportun ity to r.cr0M his airplane route with clear vision and also giving hm an opportunity for an expres sion <>' regret at what might have peen when the Amerlns was east ward bound over this part of the o^etn. Ht and his companions slept the aleep of exhaustion last ?Ight. but were expected to enter today upon the ship's galtles. t Clarence Chamberlln, was up and about, saying thai he was try lag to forget the role he played aa a transatlantic filer and waa willing that attention should reat Apon Commander Byrd or Fraa Wll Raache. itoRST OF SEASON COTTON BLOSSOM The IIAt cotton blossom of the ->n reported to The Advance jf from Newland Township waa grown by W J. Williams City Route t. "ft Is rather late ta be bringing JksKjw*' '? lsmal Swamp , Canal Into Portsmouth; the other, ; by way of Camden, Shawboro and; : Moyock directly lirto Norfolk over the bridge near Union Station. The George Washington high way Is the shorter of the two routes, but the nine foot paving at i this end of the route and th*> Portsmouth ferry at the other slow up traffic considerably. Many believe that when the sinking sec tion of Highway 34 spanning the Pasquotank River marshes on the ! Camden side, generally termed the I "floating rocd," has been bridged. I the Moyock route will be preferred \ over the George Washington: Highway. This work of bridging ' this sunken road Is now In pro-1 Kress and tends to Impede traffic' over the floating road ev*n more than an ordinarily high tide. POtt'LAR ATHI.KTK. DROWNM Lexington. July 13.?(AP) ? Lowe Davis, popular Churchland High School basketball player, I ;wan drowned yesterday In Ab-| bots Creek, about 16 miles from 1 here, U was learned today. ! Davis was working on construe l tlon of a highway bridge In the High Rock dam district. H* {slipped off s log Into the waters Of jthe creek which wan swollen by re- j cant rains. A swift current carried him under in spite of efforts of Wlflt work, re to save him. The body was recovered four hours! ' later. The youth was a son of Mr. and ; Mrs. D. G. Davis of Aouthtnonth. | I He graduated from Churchlaad High this year and planned to en-i iter Wake Formt College this fall.' fUrUJ III k, at BouthaoM Mtla* Slays Octopus Armed with a pike pole. A. E. Hook, a dive* at Port Townsend. Wash., battle* an octopu* ou the Mfc'0 floor for. aa.iioucrTTrAud. JKoa the fight. The diver wan repair ing a tlsh net when he sighted the devilfish, which was carrying off one uf Ave men who sank with a tugboat a few days before. The flah was cut to ribbons berore the struggle ? was ended and Hook brought the body to the uurface. China His Goal Lieutenant Herbert L. Kindred of I Dallas. Tex.. Chlcago-to-Dallas air I mall pilot, haa entered the Dallas* to Hongkong race for the $25,000 ! offered by W. K. Kasterwood, Jr., j of Dallas. He plana to fly In * I special monoplane now under con struction. which will be equipped ! with two Wright Whirlwind no I tors. Lieutenant Tom Hardin, alao I of Dallaa. Is to bs his comoaulou. iNot an Ad for' ; a Sofa" Factory I Rddla Kahhltta ha* ftftytbr#? (count tbam) curh In hi* p?-rma nrnt wava. and If that lun't tha na tlon'a raoord for a mancullne par manciit wava. than what la It! Kddla laada an orrhaatra at Con nauglittown. Pa. Thay call him Eddla Hair. FARM COLONY FOR WOMEN WILL All) LAW ENFORCEMENT Ralalgh. July 13.? IA f* > -Of ficial* of lha Mat* hoard of char-' Ulan and public walfara ballara that aiiahlahmant of a farm col-' ony for woman offandara agalnat tha law will' a<*rva an ah affactlra Ruhatliutlon for tha praaant rogue of aimpandai) aantancaa. Tha farm colony will provlda a placa to which woman will ha glran adequate madlcal attantlon, InduRtrlaf and moral training. "At praaant many woman ara aarvlng aaatanea* In county JftlU, workhouse*. or connty homaa for tha ag?d and Infirm. Thay ara aur-1 rounded by Idlanaaa. dlaaaaa, low. mantallty and ?rarylhlng that ap , paalt to tha Worat la human na gira." tha aut? board atata DR. VANN WILL PREACH SERMON AT HOME COMING Former Prnidrnl of Mrrc dith (lollrgr Speaker for Friday Morning'* Dedira lory Service ut Salem OTIIKK Sl'FAKK|{S t; 1 Dr. Ed?ard? of Uiow:ui tlollege, Br. Wrick of Portsmouth and Secretary Jol> of Flixalietli City Dr. K. T. Vaun of ItaMeh. f..r B)< r prt'Kitlfnt of Mt-rcdith Col lege. will preacli the d< dlratorv MTniDii at t!??? Iioiu< coming oier to be lipid at Sakm liapdnt Church Friday In calibration of thi- cuniplt'ilun of their rcuiode|? il building, by whteb t? iqom b4v< been added to tin* church ptont. It ?.ix anuoiiuc< d h>- tl?e |ianm. Rev. J. W. Rreh'tt, today. l)r. Vann's M?-rmon will be preach*td*"ar""T1 ovioclr In the morning. Other speaker* will lie lir. W. II. Kdwanla. |> real dent of Chowau College, who will apeak a( 2 o'clock In the afternoon. an?l I)r. J. I*. Welch, pastor of the First Haptlat Church of I'ort* mouth, who will apeak at 2:30; and K. C. Job. aecretary of the KiiuMh CH< CIiuiiiInt of Cop< tuerce. who will apeak at 3 o'clock on the topic "The li? latlonahlp Between I'rban and ftuburhfru Coiutuunitlea." At four o'clock In the aftfr noou a paKfani will be nut on py the Haptliit Young l'< itina'a I "!m of the Klrat baptist i!hurch of Elizabeth City. The Plrat Baptiat Church'a quartet, led by 8. Ji. Scott, will furniali mualc. Dltfner will b?? aerved on the ground* dtfrint; the intermiaalon between 11 and 2 o'clock. DRY FORCES ARE AGAINBUSYHERE Seize SfilU in Newluixl aiul Camden and Cadillac Automobile Federal prohibition agents are exceedingly active In Northeast - em North Carolina again, after a period of comparative quiet. A still of 60 gallons' capacity and 1.000 galons of "beer" were destroyed yesterday morning by Government Agents -Loudon, Hood. King and Griffin, according to an unofficial report received here. The still wax declared to have been in Newland township, this County, and to have been sit uated near HliUon'e Corner. ? -| A Ht111 of 400 gallons' capacity wan seized Monday night In the vicinity of Hurut Mills. Camden County. With it. tifce Federal agents also destroyed 4.&00 gal lons of "beer." according to word received here. On Sunday morning, another still was wrecked in the liurnt Mills seotlon of Camden County, together with ten gallons of whis ky and 1.200 gallons of beer A ?adlllac automobile said to have contained some 300 gallons or liquor was seized by the Fed eral raiding party. Two individ uals giving their nauien as Koy Wilson and Domihlck Morgana, and claiming Norfolk as their home, were arrested. The car is stored now in tho Square Deal <)s* rage, this cltjr, pending the out come of the case against the pale in 4he next term of Federal Court here. Star Pitcher Dail Is Given Credit For Team's Victory Hertford, July 13. -The l*ek < f support of Ilrlun. on the mound lor Hertford, and th-? all tight brand given Dail. pitcher for Sin.ills Cross Heads, accounted for I he overwhelming defeat of Hert ford at the hands of ti e Cross Koaiis team on the lalter's grounds Tuesday, by the score of I J to 1. 1 lie scorn by Inning*: Hertford 001 000 0 1 Cross Koads 12* 102 1 12 Alabama Town To Rebuild After Fire West IHocton. Ala . July in (A!') ? Residents of this town to lay faced the task of 'rebuilding ifter the fire which yesterdsy l>ractlcally destroyed the tHMtoens hertlon and Invaded th - residential lection causing a loss estimated st $600,000. Morn than a score of families were homelesa and th< smoking rules of 26 busineaa houses and 20 residences testftfted to the ?ev astatlag extent of the HMMiH. SUITS AGAINST TWO COMPANIES INFLORIBAJSOOM C.laim* Total Altoul Two .Million Dollar* Auk Hr reivcrsliip of Hollywood Companies WORK WAS IIAI.TKI) (lainix Ar?> for Slrwls anil | Sidewalk* ami lli?* Suit* Allege Breach of (lolitracl for l'aviii? Work l Miami. Ha.. July 13.? ? j Thrw miIIm totalling about 12. in claims. were 111* ?1 yea terda) In I'nlted States District j Courts lirre and in Jacksonville, U> tho Highway Const n et lo.i jConipau). Incorporated, of Ohio, Iasking rcccivfrshliw for two ?om , panies which played major parts | in llii* development of the city of ? Holly wood, famous Florida..boom ! resort. Joki>|)Ii W. Youiik. founder and 'developer of Hollywood, is presl 'di-nt of both companies naned and Is himself named bn defendant iu ;the suits. which are for balance due on sidewalk and street paving .construciion and for prom* lost when contracted construction was oiderod stopped early this y.-ar. The companies for which receivi r ships were asked are the Honie-j jaeekera Itealty Company of Hol lywood and the Hollywood latnd 'and Water Company. At Hollywood It wad stated that ! Mr. Vouur wan in New York and ?would return to Hollywood Tliur*-] day. Hollywood, from a population: of 25.000 little more than two' I year* au'?. has d wind I' d to a scant f?.000 Inhabitants and its wide I boulevards and paved sidewalks In many cases spread through Ihous lands of acrew of unpopulated de velopment planned oriKlnall> as an ideal model community reaort ; [town. The city suffered severely1 'from the hurricane ^rhlch devas tated the eaat coast of Florida last 'September. J Two suit* haaed on claim* total | linn $?:?0.:if,8.14 were filed in tlie 'Miami I)l*trl<^ Court by the Ohio {firm. They asked receiverships for the Homeseekera Itealty Com pany and the conipanlea defend- i ant. | Of the suita filed at Miami, one , I was based on a contract for pav ,111k construction made on the first da\ of July. 1 ?? 2??. The claim iu ' Ibis suit was for 1486.949.K2. The second was on a claim of $143.-! 40ft.32. j At Jacksonville, receivership was asked only for llie Home aeekers Realty Company of Holly wood, Florida, although the suit wan filed against "The Homeseek ers Healiy (Company and Joseph W. Young?" The auIt vnt termed a suit for breach of contract and claimed that the Highway Construction Company of Ohio lost $1.21 fi. 726.70 in profits on construction ordered, by virtue ?>f a stop work order on February 1, 1927. SCHOOL BOARD NAMES OFFICERS ' Election School Principal lo SllCCPPli Olllllm Election of officer* for ihe year and step* lo elect a principal for the Ellaabeth City High School for the term of 1927-2K were tuk en il a meeting of th<> Hoard of Oradcd School Trustee* lant night. Dr. H. W. Oregory wa? reelected chairman of the hoard, and (!alvln II. Twlddy wan re-elected secre j tary. J. C. Sawyer wa* elected vice chairman, to aucceed I>r (' II. William*. who declined re-election by reaaon of the pre*sare of oth er dutlea. | In the matter of electing n prin cipal for the high school, to biic ceed Prof. A. n. Comb", who ban reaigned to accept a position with the HfatA Department of Educa tlon. the board conaldered mim?*r ou? appllcalon and made alterna tive selections contingent upon ac ceptanpe. Prof. J. A. Jones, recently elect ed superintendent of *<-hoola for the coming term. was preaent and took an active part in the dlacus alon over -the choice of a now principal. # ' SMAII-S CROSS KOAOS PLAY HEME THURSDAY The hard hlMIng nine of Hmall* C'roan Itoad* will play Elrabeth City here Thursday afl*rnoofi at five o'clock, it ban been an nounced Hmalla Proa* Road* has alway* had a atrong hatting team. Home of KlliahHh' t'lty fan* will re mem bar how the uluggara from the croaw road* aggregation Nome three years ago knocked one of Klisaheth CMy'a paid pllehera out of the boi who was brought here Itorn a aeral-profemtoaal Virginia UMMt. I Prize Is Bride If T. Mlkl wins his matches here a* a member of the Japanese Davis cup team, he will win (ho heiress of the Osaka Company of Osaka at his bride. He "recently arrived at San KranclHco to Join hia Davis run '"munlntm. Daytime Boa Very new Im the long feathei boa for daytime wunr. Introduced at Loiifctlianip by Gaulou. Dry Officers War Against Liquor As Pal Near Death Kinfltnn, July IS. ? (API ? Wlilh- W. T. LcvIr Federal prohi bition agent, nt111 lay In a local hospital battling death hm the re But of bullet WOUnds received In a f Ik lit with moonah inert* Monday night, Revenue agent*. rein forced from the ranks of Lenoir and Craven County* deputies and Kinxlon polce, today declared un relenting war upon Ihe moonshine element of the Fort MurnwHll nee lion In Craven County. | A half dozen Government op eratives were aided by an many more < lvil officers in scouring the wooded area for alleged liquor law violator* In what la described by Federal men an one of the worn moonshine *ll<|iior manufac turing section* in kantcru North Carolina. No arrests had been reported today. I?ewi* wa : shot in the back af ter he had been disarmed follow ing the capture and arrest of two alleged moonshiners. Virgil Her man. one of the inen arrested. In still In a Ooldeboro hospital un der guard, as Ihe result of bullet wounds sntfered In In* claah with the agents. Ileed Sermon Is In the l/enior County Jail here. 'I w< automobile* in which were loaded 200 gallons of contraband captured af:er a "purchase" rune, and which were eloteii by un known confederate* of the men ar rested. were found a abort din lance from the scene of Ihe bat tle. but Ilia liquor had been re moved. Other liquor manufacturing plants are known to be located In the section, according to Federal Agents, and was declared after the *hootlng of Sunday night will not cca?e until the entire area has been purged of rum activities, Ihry declare. Arthur <). McDuffle, h* ad ot the prohibition forces In Ihia sec tion, I* directing the dry forces ON TRIAL FOK DEATH IAJTHKHAN KMJCATOK Newt ... July (Af*I Joe I'b rce. Hickory Month, on -trial In Catawba County Superior Court thl* morning for the alleged mgrder of llev (I. II. (lerberdlng. I). I) , noted Lutheran religious educator. About tw? months ago l)r. tier-, herding was run down and killed by an automobile at night and a few hours later police arrealed Mr. Pierce who was charged wltfc1 Ihe erlae. PEKING DEMAND i RECALL TROOPS CHINESE ^CITIES J Si* 11 tin Noli* to Ja|>aiid that It had b^en driven ? hardly more than 125 mlle^ since he had lost It. and was ap parently not seriously damaged. There Is no clue as to the iden tity of the person or persons who appropriate*} th