HKt.ON K.I) I'ASTOK JOYKI L (Continued Irotu pat. 1> , (Continued on p?K?> 2? bulla persona ~?*s for rnuicii .di iCIO ^Ileeeon:. in Salem liaptist CflflVrti an \V. A. Halstead. N. T. Iffclafead. Llovd Hnlst?-nd. S. W Se*n. M W. Scott. J. r, .r. mins#. 4. CI. Ilrown. and ? It M it !?*ii ITvBuud.iv school oftlc i.% an* N. :T.- Halst? a?1. KUp*'rlht?*it>*<*iit: M. Vraeoti. assistant sup* ;*?:.n ndenf; Ml* Iteha st-cnta'v: Wiley n. C-'ipp< rxmith. iii i?.-iiT<*i; llr* Ccraldin* Seo-.t *aip. tint. n primary d* i>.ir'm?*nl; M?>. W. & Berry, superintend* tit junmr ^bjMlment. and Mr.". Frank ^Htebvr. RtitwrliiN'ndi'iH rruillc tioll d,:i,ar,M" nt. ? Women* Missionary Sod. ?y of! ?? ace Mm. J M. Dvrrt fl. pre?? leot; Mr*. J. <1. Hro\vn. vic? -nnn* ? lfr* lltli II. r.? ??r..!.rv Ml. fitaruc iJavi*. treasurer, and Mr*. Mar Scott. program commit tee chairman * Other church officer* are l.lnyd ^?klstead. lr<wirpr. and J. f?. Brown, hr.ildlnu treasurer. 1 The church history and many , IJiten-Ntlni: farts In regard to lis Ur.H, at organization an* set forth la a souvenir bulb flu. <op|e* of #hlch may lie obtain- d at a noni Htfjnlet1 from the pastor. ORDMt i:kstoi:i:i> i\ a ii nn \ ??? *<Oonilnu? d from page I i EHjihe flame*. Oth* r tuiiid* lu_i ? i|brtH. attack* <1 th< I'rilversHy I'ui iiam*-n??llmpu- aod ttec- City Hall. Willi tiinrr Ol less and ?v?*n began niltdnu IlifUrrIo.kI? s to pr? v? nt tioop- In ing brought up. ; .Flcllt illg nlKO took place u?*ar the Opera House. wiiirh |s iiat far ftom some ol the leading hotels. fl ut.l *wllic'l Jli n.| 11 j r _ t'. t ?: (HI ^??DlMlcnt of tin continental Siplop of the London Daily Mall, HH4y toiiMHtr looked tin. , TTlii' wot at h?ttl? hci ' in m to have been fnuwht mound th? t'lt> Hall, nhar serious fightlm: occured In the Lipid* nt* Is: r i ? \\ h- i ? .i< cording to the Socialist*. ?omo body find on the crowd from a window, unundinu one oi th?* i|o m&aMi at Th< tunl thereupon storm* u lb* house and. thnatened to hang a mnn they found in It to a'lump post. II. . 11?i > i\-d by * liant iI> forno?l guard from the {Socialist rankH 'p. 'Tb<i ?Vl?*uns*. dlftturbnroi <1 found air echo in the rem of th< rouatry ar'hicii aaoordltiK to Vii ana advlcea H| confirm* d tlu iu-u> that tin* had KUUK^Mi^d in drivltiK ^^Baob from clt> Into the huhurbt* r.t 7 o'clock ld>rtho ? venina. when a battalion ot infantry with niachinftf.. i-una LtaBft a poultlon before the.J'arlia maot RuildiuK. E,^ FLIi:itK KXPLAIN WHY VjS,(Continued from p?i:< 1 >' baoomi* of.the City of Oakland. t ? Once tbeir fate became known. Ariny pi* " OK eotue to thi'ir aid' aad brouKht them to Wheeler Ffid. ,A* Smith and llrnnte received thie plaudits of all Hawaii they elieh ?ave credit to the other for bringing the plane to laud. Despite thjj fart th?' piano's recelvinj? ap paratiiH hud broken down nliortly after the start, and In -spite of fdfc and apparent discrepancies in ?"k way unerrlnRly. The plane navcr had bean far off it* course Bronte bad been KulldltiK it jy by dead reckoning The Byrd Miracle Wlit u Comnianuer iJicnanl fcl. llyrd visited the maimed war yet , ?inn* In tti*- Invallden In I'arl*. Captain L?*<J?ndre. a crippled war ' ;>viatof who had not walked in nln? yrara. wax ho Inspired that ho iopi (inm '??* whei-l chali arid itrodn to the Tomb of Napoleon, In i ilu-thoapltal ground*. !?0 yards away, and hack. H??re you ?(* him , h. for<- tIn* tomb, with llyrd at the right and Lit utemmt George No : vlltr. of-thr "A merlon V crew. at the Irft. Physician* and" riurj***" ! familiar with Captain !.eflondrr> condition considered the Incident a intrude. Louisiana Has Its Snyder Case The moNi utiociouH crinu1 Louisiana has known In year* was re vealed t > Ih coafwyton <>i Mm. Ada Uonner Lrtowii (left) that nhe conspired with Dr. Thomas Dreher In the murder of her htmhand. j James J. Leboeyf (right. Labocttfi buckshot-ridden body waa slashed with a hunting knife to prevent floating and thrown Into Lake Ivloilrde, near Moriian City, I*oulHlana. An alleged hired aa -HRfln shot tlie liuubmid 10 death. The connplraey crew out of a lovr affair between Mrs.- Leboeuf and Drelier, paralleling the re cent Snyder case. Purple Piped The modern mode of the silk blouse Is cleverly interpreted la ibis one of tucked orchid crept with pipings of purple. I'AHgtOTANK CliLUK 1II SV IN THK Hl'MMEIt I'asquotank County Homo Dem onstration Clubr kept busy in spite of the hot weather. Follow ing Is iirxt week's schedule as an nounced b> Miss Edna Evans. Monday -Newbegun Club meets with Mm. W. T. Harris. Mr. Haskett who watt to give a dem onstration In food preparation will not be able to be there as previous ly announced, but there will be a very Interstlng dmonstratlon on household linens. Tuesday?Salem Club meets with Mrs. Jarvis Scott. Wednesday?Sound Neck " Club mretr. Thursday?Corinth Club meets. Frld%>?Nrwlani! 4-11 Club will met t nt the school building at 8 p. m. Saturday?The curb market will br open as usua!. Don't Ply?Write Glover Cleveland llergdoll says he'd like to fly hack to the Cnlted States. Howevei, Lindbergh says It Is not so easy to fly Irom Eu rope to America as from America t?? Europe Mr. lt< rgdoll prob ably will find flying even harder now than it was ten years ago. . . .Maybe If Mr. Dergdoll would appl> to tlto American I^-^lon con vention this fall he'd find many willing to ?lve him a little more Instruction In the rudiments of flying Congress could strike a special medal for the Intrepid, airman and he could have great fun comparing his badges and ex ploits with Doc Cook. An organization has been: formed In Washington to try to persuade the country to stop kid ding Congress. We're ready to quit ?If Congress is. CARD OF THANK* We wish to thank those who rendered their assistance during the nine** and death of our lit tle son, Robert. Jr., We also wish to thank those who ient flowers and cars. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davenport and Relatives. MARKET REPORT NEW YORK COTTON New York. Jul> ll.-(AF) ?? KeporU ol boll Weevil damage aud unsettled votlh?>i la th? South td vanctfd cotton |>ricM. March ad vanced to 18.85 utid Mu> to 18.98. Slop orden were uncovered ui the**- Dkukh but there wan also heavy realising, which supplied the initial dnniand and caused reac tions 01 8 to 10 points from the beat in early trading. Future* closed Brm, 25 to 3 4 points hlghei. Spot steady; mld llnK 18.30. Futures: High. Lorn. Close. Jau. 19.88 18.66 18.81. Mai. 19.10 18.73 19.02??07 May isTT- 1*17 li.S0&21! July 18.OS 17.84 18.04 Oct. 18.55 18.20 18.60953 Dec. - 18.78 18.46 18.764* 77 Previous cloae: Januar> 18.66; March 18.71; May 18.88; July 17.76; October 18.19; December 18.44. Opening: January 18.48; March 18.85; May 18.90; July 17.92; Oc tobei 18.35; December 18.58. GRAIN MARKET Chicago, July 16? (AP>? Re currence ol uneaslueM over black ruat put the wheat market on th? upgrade today. Hevlvil ol threat ening; ruat reports came from both slder or tin Canadian boundary with aome Manitoba advices tell ing of black ruat on wheat state ments. Wheat cloaed firm on 1-8 cent* to 1 3-4 cents net higher, corn un changed to 6-8 cents off. oats 1-8 to 1-4 to 1-2 down and provisions from 2 cents decline to a rise of 10 cents. ! Wheat No. 1 red 1.43 1-2; No. 1 han' 1.42 3-4; corn No. 3 mixed 99; No. 3 yellow 1.00; oats No. 2 white 49 1-2; No. 3 while 44 1-4 ?46 1-2. Rye not quoted. Hur ley 760 80. Timothy seed 4.60? 5.00. Clover soed 20.00 30.00. Lard 12.72; rlba 12.75; bellies Now that the flood refugees have gone back home, the country Is heaving a sigh oi content. One of the reasons why a flood refu gee's nal troubiea beglm when lie quits being one. McPHfcKSOlV BROS. AUTO SUPPLY CO. ? _J 8KKVICE OX Tlftfcrf XVl) IlATTKRltS. NKIIUtttl.TXU ALIyTRKAl) TIRItR (VnlruUzlutC and IlMUrlim) PltEHT-O-IJTfc HAITKHIM < Sales ami H<nl(c) PHMK 1M1 J{V>r. <olonlnl aW. A Martin SI. I 14JS. Wheat: July?hlKh 1.43 1-1; | low 1.40 7-8; clou* 1.42 7-8 to 1.43. I Corn: July?high .97 1-2; low 1.95 3-4: clone .?7 1-4. COTTON SEED OIL I New York. July 18.? I API ? Cotton ?*-<?<! nil cloa? ?l firm; prim** summer yellow 9.40; prime crude 'H.12 l-2 4i s.25; January 10.10; February 10.10; July 9.45; Aug-* |unt 9 00; September 9 82; Octo ber 10.02; November 9.98; De cember 10.05. Sale* 4.800. j TRfirK MOVEMENT Raleigh. July 1?. ?(API ? ' Carlot shipments by radio tp North Carolina Department of Ag riculture. P?tchM?Arkaniuu 202. Cali fornia 1. GVorgla 123, Illinois 1. North Carolina 81, Oklahoma 20. Houri 4. North Carolina 11. Okla homa 1. Tennessee 4. Virginia South Carolina 47, Tennesnee 9. ? total 484. Unreported fourteenth Arkansas 1. California 6. Georgia >14. North Carolina 3. total 24. I Potatoes? Loukalana 1. Arkan nas 1, California 23. Colorado 1. Delawar? 3. Idaho ??. Kaunas 109, Kentucky 6. Maryland 121. Ml? 1473. Washington 11, total new '775. old 3. unreported fourteenth | California 27. New Mexico 1. Vlr I glnla 17. total 45. Too Late to Classify FOR SALiR?Chevrolet Coach. One j year old. Cheap. C. II. Robinson Co. lttfn WATCH for the Auctlou Sale an nouncement of two valuable truck , farmp in Monday's Advance, lr.n LOST OK STRAYED. English bull dog. wearing collar, answerr. to name Tin Tin. Reward 1f re turned to J. Edward Hughes, 304 Weat Main. Phone 167-J. HI.lHn % NORFOLK MARKET aa reported by -? JAKYIH * PKNTIiHHM to riPK\CK-ltOI.M>WRtX CO. July 12th. 1927. Hens. alive 23C-25C White Spring Chlx. allve_ 25c-28c ICoI'd SprK- Chlx, alive 35c-40c Ehva. dozen -- <4e Uriah potatoes. No. l'a, |:i.25-$3.50 | barrel. Bolter Buy GENERALS now than buy and buy DAVIS TIRE CO. niHTIIIBllTOitN Colonial Avenue ami Martin I'llONE 1A5 POTATOES . 1 Chicago. July 1?.? (API?Po-] itato?a. receipts S3; total U. S. I 'uhlpnients 7 78 car*; trading alow; market weak; Virginia barrel Ir tlah Cobbler* 4.00 0 4.25; Kanaaa and Missouri sacked Irish Cob bler* 2.00 Qt. 15. NEW YORK STOCKS New York. July 16.?(API ? The stock market displayed a Arm ' undertone today despite rather ex , luualve week-end re-adjustments ol speculative account*. Owing to the absence of many lame traders 'business was In relatively small < volume, the day's sales aggregat ing about 650,000 shares. The iclos? was firm. I Ralls again aasumed the lead ershlp oX tbe market with Erie J Common which croaaed 60 to a jn?w fiwir the Individual fea ? ture. Allied Chemical ft Dye 149 lAinerlaan Can 67 6-8 i American Car ft Foundry_100 , American Smelt. ft Kef. ...160 1-2 American Tel. ft Tel. 167 1-8 Anaconda Copper 44 3-4 I Atchison 18G 1-4 [Atlantic Coast Line 198 3-8 Baldwin locomotive 246 | Baltimore ft Ohio 118 1-8 ! Itsriisdull "A" 24 1-4 'Bethlehem Steel 49 7-8 ? Chesapeake ft Ohio 184 3-4 [Chrysler Corp. 4 7 1-2 Coca Cola S 118 1-2 Chile Copper 34 7-8 Colorado Fuel 94 1-2 Consolidated flaa 104 1-4 Krie Railroad 60 3-4 Famous flayers 88 1-2 ; Free port Texas 69 1-2 ? : _ ? Mark Kvery Grave. We will ap preciate tin opjiurtanlt j of bl?t? ding on )our MONUMENT lork. We ran save ><?u money. Elizabeth City Marble and (iranite Work o. t. HiNdurro?!, ivip. NOTICE This is to announce to the public that I have sold my in terest in the T. P. Nash Seed Store to J. B. Ferebee. Effective July 1, I am not responsible for any accounts opened or any transactions ne gotiated by the said J. B. Ferebee. This the first day of July, 1927. (Signed) T. P. Nosh, Sr. General Asphalt General Electric New General Motors ? Great Northern Pfd. Hudson Motor* 83 3-4 ! Inter. Com. Ki|. ; 4* 1-8 I International Nickel ? 6r I Inter. Tel. fc Tel. 14f 3-8 I Kuiimh Clly Southern .67,1-2 | Lehigh Valh-jr 129 Murland Oil ?.? ? 33 l-4t Mid-font. Pet. 30 [Mo.. Kan. 4c Texas 61 1-4 .Montgomery Ward 67 1-8 N. >'. Central 152 3-4 N. Y.. N. H. & Hartford ...... 52 1-2 ;North American 90 1-8 l'ackard Motor Car 35 1-8 Han Amer. Pet. "II" ? 56 1-2 Pennsylvania .. 64 3-4 J Phillips 39 7-8 Radio Corporation 68 1-8 Heading 119 Rep. Iron & Ste^l 66 Reynolds Tobbacco "H" 136 St. L. 4c San Fran. 114 >^ah<iar?< Air M.i.. Sears Roeburk 60 1-8 Slnrlali Con. Oil 16 1-4 Southern Pacific 119 1-2 Standard OH. Cal. 53 3-8 Standard OH. N. J. 37 Standard Oil. N. Y. 30 1-8 Studebaker 51 3-4 Texas Corp. 47 1-8 Texas Gulf Sulphur 66 1-2 ! Tobacco Products 102 [1'nion Parjflc 177 1-2 1'. S. I ml. Alcohol 184 11*. S. Rubber 44 1-4 .L*. S. Steel 126 1-8 f Wabash Railway 75 ' Westlnuhouse KlectTlc ? 82J-8 Willys Overland 17 7-8 Wool worth 149 7-8 Yellow Taxi & Coach . ....... :i0-i-?4 |Vlck Chemical 120 "** Hill S E l< V E SPREDIT Nut Margarin SATISFY YOURSELF IT'S THE BEST SPREAD EVER HAD 25< Per LL. Gold Star Stores 109 S. Pciindrxtrr St. J. W. COX, Mgr. KKFWTIVK OCTOHKIt 81, lU'JO Norfolk Southern 11*11 road ? LIIABKTN CITY, N. 0. U. U:ll m lUMak. nrw Hm?. 0*M*arab ' lh*?foH Ud Iktmnrdliti pointa. Ou I* N? Bar*. It* m ItaMsfa. NM Bm?. OnMil^ iMAft CtarlMl*. rvKlnlttl ftlf AM NwfeUl U4 IMwnrfllX Hflt i* PM NocfoU Md tnl.ra.4UU polnU. P*rt? (W HorfoM M4 tu palau. Cln? i m In? Burtfe IM IT IS NEVER TOO LATE NOR TOO EARLY TO TRY A CLASSIFIED IN TH DAILY ADVANCE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ?E pAILY ADVANCE -I; CLASSIFIED ADS *?h!a atse typo (ft point). <>??? Alt a word eacb lnaertlon, JLbilmum 25 cents, ono time; P mdu week; 16 woids. odlng ads. five ceuta a per week. Twenty fcenta asonth?In advance. $ ie 7b Ita apace and para had ads, BO cents an inch. Copy mast be In the office ftp. m. day before fnaer -tr nrnia DY Til IS RH0T BOOK8 at a cost. Join our circulating' Periodicals. newspapers, i i fountain, randy. cigar*, cljr-' tobacco, shop shine psr |pj N? rvice Ncwn Co. 14 N, Mar , atrSef. Phone 1020. 1ft.18n WJK CRUSH. Or sen River Nil Orape are certainly In, on now. Quench that awful by ordering a crate. J. R. den ft Co. 16-22n FORGET the Excursion toi { Head tomorrow. ftte.imer| |le L. Vansrlver leaves Bur street dock at 8 a. m. Re fclntc arrive* in Kllr.ab<-th City pt |?. in. Two new pianos i id?one a player piano. | chairs bsve been pur< haveri ake rare of the increasing Come and enjoy a beau t boat Tide to the Ocean lay and comfort for all. 1060 for your next car . Chuck's Auto laundry. 1 Rttf'olk Carolina railroad. | I street. 12-lKn ilr? for S?l- 39 TRUCK with Cab and body. Price $95.00. L. II. Per ry Motor Co. 15,1 fin I!?2r* DOINIK Roadftter. clv-up at 922ft.00. 1,. II. Perry Motor Co. 15.16n. Borhrr Shops 60 NEW BARRKR SHOP now open. Kxpert barber* and expert *?r vlce. Under management of II <}. (Hllam. North Martin Htreet. IO-22p. OKT YOU It 11A1 It CUT at least onre a week. You don't have to wait horn. We have export bar ber*. Sanitary Barber Shop. 11-1 On. Bicycle Repairing 45 KKINO m your bicycle or phono graph repair work. Every Job guaranteed to please, p. l')? l.on. 13-!9n. Biirguln Omnlfr 27 WK IIAVK MANY wnixli-rftll and out*tandlng bargain* In our ?tore. You'll Iw delighted with the many money daring value* offered. Ncedham's Notion Wore. 1 d-22n BALK NOW QOINO on? Ladloa' (1 rente* and hat* at greatly re dueed price*. Clothing for mon. Watcher, diamond*. Jewelry, novel! le*. Mu?M A. Glanner. 12-18n. (lain for Hire 41 FIVE MINUTE *ervlre to any part o( the pity. Th* old reliable line of for hire ear*. Johnnie JohnRon. phone 53. I7tfn Finh Cl'AMH. FISH, Ha food* of all kind* that can be bad. We have Ju*t received a fine lot of elanm. Fl*h of all kind* at all timet! For the br*t cull the man who known flnb. Thoma* Crank, Phone* 204-410. 1 4.15.Un Filling Station 2'\ IIAVK TOUR car ??Mini and greased at The Fountain. Stand ard gasoline and motor oils. Tire*. tubes, and accessories. Cold drinks. 12-1811 For Rent 10 SAWYER * MR ADS Store (or rent and residence furnished If dealred at WMkitvillp. Mri. Cath erine Bawyer. 110 Kaat Burgeaa atrwet. Rllxabeth City, N. C. 1 t-9p. FOR RENT?'Two nicely fur nlxhed housekeeping roomv Also one furnished room MiltaWe for ?ne or two gentlemen. 102 E. Church street. lip FOR RENT?Furnished cottage at Nogs Hesd. Apply to C. W. Overman, Rllxabeth City. 14-20n 8T0RR FOR RENT on Poladexter Htreet. next to Auto Bupply * Vulcanising Co. Apply Auto Bupply 6 Vulcanising Co. 14-20n. . FOR HRNT?Mouso on coiner Main and Road Ht recta. In good condition. Modern conveniences. Thone 3?-W. 1M9n Tor S?l? II RARItR!) ROCK8. Red*. RoKllsh Leghorns. 1O0 -$T.75; Heavy Mixed 97.25; Prepaid; 100 per rent live delivery, oxark Farms. Westphulia, Mo. 16p ONE CHRVROI ,KT Coach fo? sale; motor reconditioned; car In good shape. Will well cheap to quick buyer for cash. A. H. Wil liams. <109 B. Road Bt. 11-1 tin REGISTERED DUROCfl for sal* from prise winning stock. My herd won more prison than all the reat of the breeders com bined In age clfcaa. Also won 311 Cup beat boar at the Fair. I have the beat young pigs for sale ever raised. Haul A. tvee, Route Five, Rllxabeth City, N. C. 16-21 n. FOR BALK ?Mouse and lot at 303 Kant Fearing stveet. Liberal tcrma. For price and other par ticulars addreaa Joaeph I*. Hre*n leaf, IV O. Bog 2, Macon, (leorgla. FOR S A Under wood Portable typewriter, la A-l condition. Will soil cheap. Call 3R6. 11-lCa FOR BALE?Baby Carriage, crib and stroller. Phone 879-J. 11-ltn. Grocfrlet THE PLACE TO BUY your gro ceries?frwth WRfliblM and fruits nt nil times. E. It. Mee klns, Phone 74. 14-20n ASK YOUII GROCER for Kin* Flake Flour and Superla Short ening packed In 1 lb cartons, they are good. Guaranteed by W. J. Woodley, Wholesale Orocer. 12-1Hn. Mrs. Jack Wells West Fearing Street Help Wanted?Female 32 WE PAY 11.20 doten, sewln* bungalow aprons at home sparei time; threat (urnlahed; no hat-1 ton boles to make. Send stamp., Hill (larraent Factory, Auburn. N. Y. 16p LADIES?Barn $1? doxen sewing aprons borne; experience unnec cessary; msterials cut. iafttruc-j lions furnished. Addressed ente-' lope briny* particulars. Mlln Garment. 23G Broadway, Bay onne, New Jersey. ftp LADIES?Earn $1S doxen aewlng apron*; absolutely no aelllng; experience unnecessary; mater ials cut. Addressed envelope brings Instruction*. Alpha, 1*2 Main street, Paterson, New Jer sey. Hp liOM LOST -PARROTT, green with yellow head, blue and red under wing. Keward for Information leading to recovery. Phone 7ft*-W. lf-lftn IXMT Man's leather pocket book with gold edges. Liberal re ward If returned to The Advance Office. lltf Ijtiiilry Stnlw It rAMti.f wmiiiNO Rotit M ?ol damp wuk. Mm** work ? ? p.rUltf. AIMatrl* REFrIsHINO?leo cntm a nil drink*. Coot off at our fountain from the hot sum in or heat, with the aid of a refreshing drink or lea cream. Tho I'ark-Mor. 1 3-19n DRINK HBRE and keep cheerful. Fountain drinks, sandwiches. cau dle*. cosmetics. The 8ugar Bowl. I 1 2-18n. Money to Un4 37 ; I.OAM6?ifcvaetlgate oar amall weekly payment plan to finance i your vacation. Tho Industrial Bank. l?-?n Neati 55 DRLIOIOUSLY FRESH and len der meats. In ordering meats 1 h*, ?are tkat you can depend on your! . market. We maintain a prompt i delivery service. Bert Oavls. ! 12-1 In. VUxm to fait 221 A flOOD I'LACK TO BAT?Whare spotless table clothe greet you? where eervfce la uaparalhd where food Is delightfully sea soned and served. Blue Tea Room. 13-19n Ranted 36 Want to WENT -Three unfur nished room a with hath. Write "Furnished Rooms" eare The Ad vance. lS.lfn Rooflnf 12 ANYTHING IN ROOFlNO- Bp prepared tdjr the had summer stortns by havlne a good roof. Call 741 f#r the best service with the heat nutfrlala. Pipkin * Reld ?heet me till Worker* and roofing eoatimett^a 18-lin Hist Eugenia Blsnchard. Hertford. N. C. Sli net anora so MPBCIAI. AA1.R on all Blonda Puaapa h??lnnln| Saturday Th?a? ??! b* Mid. (Ill and aala prlta 11.11; ti ll aal* prlca li.ll; ti ll and ?ala prlta II II; |l.?l uli price 12.9ft. One lot white kid ?tep In, $6.9G nalr price f 1.95. Many other speclhls. Gallop A Toxey 8ho? Co. 15-21n SIIOKK for vacation wear. Newest atyles In summer footwear for la dle*. Come In and them. T. W. Williams A Son. ll-l?n MIsh I*a Gordon Tucker, Hertford. N. C. Tire# 18 8PECIAL PRICE on 3 1-2 cord tires?ff..2G. C. V. Perry. West Main street. 24tfn Wanted 25 WANTRD?Small apartment, fur nished for man and wife, close In. Address "XY2" Care The Ad vance. 1 t-19n WANTRIV-To rent Rood farm containing around 76 acres, for 1928. MuHt have good dwelling and outbuildings. also comfort* able tenant house and conven ient to good school. W. H. Hun ter .Rottte 1. City. 1S-19* WANTED AT ONCK?Clean white" rags, no hooks or buttons. Ad vance Office. tfa Miss Kllss Prltchard. West Fearing Street Notice* 35 strpRRioR court ? warn caiio ina. ! ( aworn roi vrr. JOIIM L SOI'KW Lt'Mi'KH fflMI'AMT. *o?TtiKANT mvrn iimhks com PAItV. ail MMOSM ? IIAM WOUKS ? DISMAI. BWAMI- ll \II.K4>\I? COMPANY. Mi i xiiw statm rionirv * orAtAwrv I-OJJI-AHV. Ml NrfIS I.AWHOM *rx| J V. Nftooar. iradiM M I.AWWIN * NWMWk. NOTfCW Tn til wrw? httlni rlllM IDlM !/?<? Ii? ?mi i?d I. V. Mnnrr* ir*4lM ?? l<* A Dranfe* *M w I'kM NilM ndriitr A ItMNWl CMNOMH. Ihftf Mtr*4r. Iw IM fl) of iSvlr ratMrar* tar MM# Nttk?t? ?*lii)iil N?. It? Ml ?? a ?IIWIHIH: Tnw ind ft* r4 r*m Mil h#rrtr M*W"? OMI ? -?tn M ihrtM kMUmt?S Ml til* mtrwrW CMrt r4 l?md Ihr lllh <tan *4 Hlf. IMT. i*?Mlln? !? MM rrmn; Mm! MHIm to hM m|| ar? m w* mm ahntr; that Um ^^ Ca altos*)! Umumi mK*v praM M MM MaMMIf* mm Wtm ?T ita rtid U?m A Rn ?prrU<? MMIN of MM H ami 4imdm4 * ft* ? t I raw* at land, tlaihrr aad uvuprrtr tortna ?* ?ut In I Ik ronoUim. on fU? In the o!1u? at th? f'ltvfc of lii? Nu^ninr I'oMrt of CanWba <ount> JOIIX L. KOPV.II LrMBKR COMI'ANT. NORTHRANT RIVRn M'ttHRR OMfFAHT. ItirilMOM) I'KDAll WOKKH. DIRMAL RWAMf* RAll.NOAU COMPANY. B* TtlOMI'RON A WILRON. j rnmmm lult.lM.rfqa JfOTlC'K OF HALR Carter a?<l bv Tinur of ft U?mI *t Tnw ?i? mat..! io Uw HndfraWnwl Trunin bt X. T AJ?I Mi f?-ftiiii? (U?r of April I. IMf. ? i*4 l??M Irr^ to HmA U M?r M la t*r aTflra ? Mm HrvMrr ?f Dred. of rmwlMl CauMr AWauM hitln* berft martr la III* Pi)mn* of lh# noUm IhrrrlN '*rttr*4. I .Nail oA ?hf lttk ?Ur of AH PM>. iHf. at II a'ftork Aon* ai IM ONH lln** *?r m l'a>?iMaak I'MI). rffrr to* ial* ? I mIH<' ftftrttaM the HM'X? "?"!"> l? m* In *14 IM of Tnw aa4 IIm?M Ai?i1W< ?l fullMN: TIm?i miala kx^ir laM nil?imrlM aa ?irr*? at wtiai ?ai (omnlf Uraft* . ihwv aoalhawAIr al*a? rod ifniki M. I??< ai I tMaartlr, ** ifcMkrr ?.-o?ar?tli alone %al<t Ihf x.Hrr ft ka alaitfaa kriftf tha ?amr M of laud <vm?r?*d m ul?l T. W. Wll llama tot (W?t tram H. W, Rnn ud wlf<, <UImI H.-|4?n.tvr JTml. )(**?. mil rrdatrrxl IB H.?k U )?(> ?WI In Um> nffhw of Uif nI Dw<|< tJ piiquAiink (Hantr. Aivrt hrltia ?!v? Mm- ii*? lot nt land rn????**| in Iho ?al4 N. T. Avdlrt t br (tor old T. W. WUIkaai. m4 tiff In iM b^annt nm <u>? T>rni? nf th<> M?h?M frtdd-r will hr r* qulra* ?? ?1<t?*lt 1# prr rrtot at ihr tllftr in) |4?4* ML Mir m an *rUlrnr?- of e.??l faith. tha r*?*lr.'T !? hr |?|d ?i?n rMUrrv nf d-*-d lil. AMII n. IMT. J. K IIS YON Wll..'WIN . ? Tru<l? IMUMUll NOTH'K Of-' ADM I \ I STIl AT|7Vn" MMMa WililM ?> A4mMiMrti>i( n4 ih.- 1M? Hrwntillr \vhaln. I iwirta* ?!<<? ta ail ?mMM l?4rlM?4 in hi. tatala I./ rowr forward Makr tnnwtllctr ^lhw??. ftltd lh?m H>m4i Wilkin |? nmflK Imn Ihr dale nf tkt> aalK*. or II wIM hi- pJeadrd In bar at KFT1K whaijcv A An. rrf (lnrtrlll<< Whalt.dtrnH l?al?l and *MH| IhU llir lZlh ilai <4 Julf 1W?. . |uhU.I?.K.kM?1.ll IS. \ FREE Tickets to the Alkrama There Me several name* printed in the Clnasifled columns today. If YOURS is there you are entitled to a FREE Tietwt to the ALKRAMA. You mwt claim your ticket at the Alkrama tomor Main it a daily habit to read the CLASSIFIED ADS. There are many more opportunities for you in addition to an evening's entertainment free. Today At The Alkrama "DEVIL'S GULCH"

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