Leased H irv Associated Press Serrice VOL. XVIL FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CltY, NORTH CAROLINA. Till liSDAY KVEMXi:. .11 I.Y 28, 1927. SIX PACES. NO. 178. ANGELUS TEMPLE FULL OF DISCORD AS WOMEN TALK ^ ould Be l/radcrn of Keli IJiouH Life Set Horrible Kxatuple Ah They Seek to He Greatest in Kingdom WORDS GALOKK Mrs. Kennedy and Mrt>. McPhei>on Karli Have Their Tale to Tell; Tliey | Say the Oitd* In Near Los Angeles. July 28?(AD ? Aimee Semple Mcpherson. was iskod today by Dr. Gladwyn Nichols, aelf exiled leader of a Urge group of revoltera from Alt glus Temple io reopen her fa mous kidnapping trial and hold It this time before a court composed of members of the temple. Los Angeles, July 28?I API ? The walls of Angelus Temple echoed anew with dltcor! today hh Mrs. Minnie Kennedy, mother J of Aimee Semple McPherson, the pastor warned that " a erisli ??>! near," in the dispute between the, two women leaders. Four alternative futures of "Mother Kennedy were held out j by the committee appointed l?y| her daughter. They offered to per mit Mrs. Kennedy to remain att the temple as "the evangelists? mother." or to permit her to tour the world or visit the Holy Laud at the church's expense. They sug gested that she might carry on r-.-i liglous work in other fields if she liked. In concluslun the commit-^ tee suggested that Mrs. Kennedy j return to her "wealthy hushanl.i W. Whittebcck. who is a well to! do engineer on a big Hudson Itiv er liner." This last, like the three other proposals, struck no favorable, note with Mrs. Kennedy. Although there have been reports from time to time that Mrs. Kennedy had married since her first husband died. The statement by her daugh ter's committee was the first an nouncement that had been made f regarding it. % Mm. Kennedy said she was not < divorced from Whlttebock hut. that she had no intention of mak-j ing her home with him. "The crisis could have been | avoided." said Mrs. Kennedy "when I attempted to hold a con-, ferencc with Mrs. MoPherson." ' She said sbe had called her: daughter on the telephone yes-', I terday only to have the receiver" hung up before she could say a word. The evangelist had a different ? version of the affair. "Mother used language that I could not bear others to hear If they were listening in on our party line." Mrs. McPhcrson said. "I tried to tell her that it would be a ruination for us If her lan guage to her daughter was heard by others. I hung up waited for, five minutes until sbe had cooled off and then called her again." Mrs. Kennedy denied her daughter had called her the sec ond time. "That statement Is untrue." j she declared. "I did not use any but the best language at my com mand and my daughter did not call me again." The row between mother and daughter threatened to involve questions surrounding Mr*. Mc pherson's story of kidnapping. Mrs. Kennedy told reporters how she had defended her daughter I when the evangollst was under I fire In that case declared she had j>?ken blames for the temple pas L" lor and stood shoulder to should r er with her daughter. She denied vehemently a published report that she had doubted the evange list's story. WILKES COUNTY IS TOI'SY TUKVY AND SO IS BANK OF WILKES Wlntton-Salem. July 28.?(AIM j ? Tho announced purpose of So-1 licltor John It. Jone*. to send bill* . of Indictment against seven ! Wilkes County officials has; turned the county affair* Into th?? lime-light of public Interest and rumor* and counter rumorx of m*'tor* in connection with the fi-! nance* of Wilkeg have all hut ov-! ershadowed the broken condition , of th?? Hank of Wilkes, which held I $300,nu0 deposit* or thereabout*, including $105,000 of the coun ty's money. accordlnK to a press report received here from Wilkes-! boro. That the county**- affairs In certain department* are some-: what muddled, the audit now in j process may "how when It la fully completed and turned over to the "proper official*. It Is indicated. Reports in circulation that some of the deputy sheriff* of Wilkes, who wore employed for tax work, had deposited fund* In their witnessed u "dlvlue" irlck P? rformed b> a iiecru c?r re pairer for Ihc benefit ??f the Vice President and at the ex pense to liini of a now hand ?luhroider* d handkerchief. William Watson, tint negro magician. claims that wlit-n hi* was a boy ho had a \ Kion from heaven and that he became en dowed with the power to blow his breath on any nbj?'ct and set it allre. The party was tak t n to tin- office of Clyde Mays. C< ncral superintendent of the IIUiioIh Central Railroad, and Watson cauie forward. H?- asked for a handkerchief and Mr. Dawes let hfui have one with the remark: "Well. I'll never see It again." Wat son. true to Ills promise, blew his breath on It and after a few mysterious puds the handker chief caught lire. Watson re pented the trick several times while the Vice President puffed away at his uiidcrslung pipe. May Make License Plates In State Penitentiary Raleigh. July 28.?(AF)--j Making of automobile license! plates by inmates of S ate Prison >i the vision of George Hon* Pou. He .su4d today that nv.'^rlal for1 the tnakliiK could be pu. haaed; for $28,000, that the prlswuw cjuld make the license*. at four, CP.its a plate, saving the S'.a*e 7-10 1 of a cent on each plain, making1 a material saving oil the average of r.00,000 plate contract.'*-1 for* yearly. Frank Page, State Highway; Commissioner, to-lay endoiced th? proposition ji the prisen superin?| tc.ident. Making of |?i;.tes h-.rig about the seventh Industry undertaken by prisoners. The six prls.-.i Indus trie* last year cleared |V*,OOU. j Honorable Mention For H.G. Bundy In Hog Calling Event Raleigh, July 28. ? (AIM?W. | A. Connell. Jr., of Warren Plains, I Warren County. Is proclaimed the! 1!?2T champion hog-caller of North Carolina In the finals of an [ elimination contest of 41 entries i at the Stall? Farmers' Convention.! J. II. Sprinkle, of Route 7,1 Winston-Salem, who was second ; In the 1926 contest, finished sec ond aLain this year. H. P. Ilrax- j ton. of Snow Count. Alamance . County, was third. Runners up I were H. (J. Ilundy. Klizabeth City. I who was placed third last year; I). M. Kevett. Liberty; and W. F. Lamb. Snow Camp. The contestants, pitting vol-! time, variety, enticement, musical quality and facial expression at the very highest, furnished immense enjoyment for over 1.400 farmers attending the convention and add ed much to the disgust of State College's prize pens of swine. Prizes were $25. $15 and $10 respectively. In the plant Identification con test, Chan. A. Ilallentine, of Wake County, won first place and a sli ver trophy cup. with a 0 6 score out of a possible 100. High seor- i era among the women Included ; Mrs. F. S Walker, Itocklnghain ! County; Mrs. Robert P. Mitchell,] Rockingham; Mrs. H. B. Smith. Rockingham; Mrs. 8. W. Dixon, j Alamance County; and Mrs. J. lr vin Wagoner. fiullford. Bridging Is Begun On 'Floating Road' First sill* were laid Thuriday morning in construction of the ad ditional limber bridgework that will supplant the "floating road" connecting Klirabeth 'Mty with Camden Court IIounh, fIiiih mark* Ing flic beginning of actual bridge construction over the Camden County mora** that d'-fi*- jM-al Will Be Made ' Benton. Ills.. July 2S.?(API ? Charles Ilirger. condemned kodk loader, lias made his last effort to 1 avt?id (In- liaiiKiuau in Die county where he was convicted and Ben- . lenced to death for tin murder ol ! Mayor Joe Adam of West City. II' I llnois. After hearing himself described i by Circuit Judge Miller na a mail who "became Intoxicated with tin- j idea that you were more power- ' ful than all the laws of this alatvj and community." Uirg r. in a last , effort to niaintaiti lit** innocence, | talked for the first time in open court. flinging accusalion* at Art Newman, his former lieut"nan?. The court had finished u ler ture to the condemned man aft?r formally sentencing him to be hanged October 15. "Your position is unique." ? Judge Miller told th" gangster. . "You so far forgot - you raelf as to, do many things and thei. aejt your-J self up superior to tlir> I iw. You 1 surrounded yourself with young men and you were proud of the fact that, when ybu appeared on i the acenc the clarion bl?w to an- i nounce your arrival to your lieu tenants. You became a charac' r I in the community where you lived. The youth of the variou; counties assembled to watch your dexterity with your pistols. "You had a clamor about you that youth*, tried to Imitate; you were a man of many impulses. Some of them were for the best but most of them were otherwise, i Charley Ilirger. the law has over* i taken you but now you must i.nd should realise that you owe some thing to your children. The only! way you can repair your deeds is i by co-operating with the authori ties and assisting them in clear ing up some of the mysteries and crimes of Southern Illinois gang warfare." Listening attentively while the court addressed him. Rlrg ?r began with "I'd like to say a few words." | He denied he was the |?ad<>r of a ? band nf gangsters whim had car ried on unremitting warfare with the rival Sholton gang. "I don't want to go down in I history as a chief." no said. "It was never In my heart to kill any- i bod v." He pointed to a St. I.ouin re- ' porter and said. "There's a l?ian J that came to my bouse Him and J Newman conspired and condemn* d . me to hang." Referring to his former lieu- J tenant Newman. *he gangster de- j clared, "There Is th?* man who Is , responsible for Mrs. Prlc ?? I death." Mrs. Price and her hus- j band. Lory Price, stale highway patrolman were both murdered, it | was charged by Newman, by mem bers of the Rlrger gang. His only recourse will be to the Illinois Supreme Court. Counsel for the condemned man signified that an appeal would be mad< . School Term Opens Here September 12 Th'n Klixaheth City Craded School* will npcn on Monday. September 12, for the term of 19^7-2*. If wan announced today by Calvin H. Twlddy. secretary to the Hoard of Graded School Trua tees, an the outcome of h special meeting of the hoard, called to consider that and other matter*. Mr. Twlddy announced ulm> that Mis* Hall le Harney had t?? ?? n ri elected principal of the grammar school, and that Mis* Pauline Skinner had ben r<- ? l? ct?d Ken tary to the MperlntMidMl. J. A. Jones, formerly of the fac ulty of Tennessee Wesli van Col lege. and recently elected atiper Intendent of the white school*, ha* be? n at work diligently for the la*t few weeks. outlining plana for the year's work and making other prt paratlona for the term. JURY FREES WOMAN OF MURDER CHARGE I Aahevllle. July 2?. -MHrs. Mil (dred Mitchell, graduate nume ac cused of murdering Mr*. Hue K. 'Clay May 1 i In a drunken fight (over a man. walked from the linn combo County court room Thurs day afternoon, a fre* woman. FISKD KOH AHMAI I/r Becausc she trod upon his pet hunlon. either by accident or de sign. Wheeler Smith, colored. nlapp?d Ada Wlnalow, hia especial jglrl frl'-nda. Wedneaday nlRhl. In {conacquence he paid a fln*? of $r. and coats in recorder's court Thursday on a charge of assault. Where the Prince of Wales Will "Rough It" TIm' 1'riinM- o| \V;il?s will turn "ranch linns" aualn soon. ||?? Mill luk?- rliar^)' for a slmrt time nf lii i l.imo-arrc *? 11-11 at IIkIi Kivi-r, \lln rla, in llo ('nii;nliuii ltorki<*M. Ian* i |t]?-ikIi?| plntlns ??? f ?iinAftllantlr ali' ini'' IN MTOMnillll l?i;%ril in, J it i> 2S lAI'if ?Charll** |)ciin>, 21. Mini Hir-li i Arrinvtoii, 17. holli "I MIl-Ii !*??????. I *re oi? trial in K?rny(h Mu|?? rl'?r. courl f'M innnMlaiitthl* i In coiiimt- I Hon with I>i< death of l-'luvlti* J-1 flit>57. of Win*tnn-Snl*. 21, wn* In jured Ri'floimh. Ollii'i ofcnpHni" of flu- two car* wttf not seriously Injured, it mm.* MRt'd. AH i ? n.iit hU^Iu ti.t .-..i Pt tf Jon? K.'of Murlln^vllle Vn , Kin In who fi mm Id If. Iihvi !?? 1 n 1 operating lh#? automobile In which I Bayn?* w?? riding. 1>K4'IJ\F.H \ Mil.I.ION Wflminxtoii, JuJv 2*. (AIM A decline of inoro Hum ?J?r?*u oiiar lorn of m tit 111l??n dollar* in ?!>?? not railway opi rafioir iii'-onic of tlie Atlantic ('oust l. r.? Ituilroud (V?m pany for Ih' month of Jump IhU ye?r a< compared with June Is revealed in a K'rttMiionl Ify.ued today at ih?* companyV of ftoat* here. A d'v-liltc ^f more than ? 'nil lion d"!':l? lit r.iUw.iv operating revenue* for Jun?- l'?-7 ax com pared with the same mori'h of la*t ydr I* also shown. MI.KMP RM ll\ Mi HI > n\ minim m i K(i rriD.n Bwlln, 4mIy ifc i-XV > ? 4'. Hamom Slcmp. former, secretary mi President roolldfc. who i* vi* Hln* In Germany. wm< rc-relv^d hy President Von Hindsnher* today. Youth Is Still Alive With One Vertebra In Neck Broken Klor??tirp, .?>. July 2; ?? A1*> iij" several time.", as h makiiiK ;i fiyelit for his IIf ? phyxir.ian4.ttuy in mont remarkable. Afi?T ho had lain pros'r.r?? in u hospital here for hi* vera I day* fo!l? wIiik li:?rt operation anil r?-m-? v?* ?ev erut plt'cM nf frui'tnmr i. ?i>c to r? lii'vr thv piottHuru on tl.- spinal cord. On tlw day following "In opp?i llon al Ihope lor the y ntV.? ri - rover wan abandoned an I it wan rot thought (hat lit* w .iiIfl llvo II rough Iho fnllowiiiK II** re m aintil In an uucotiHrioii* Htate until two dayH ago when ho hu?I denly rcxainnd consclUKDesH and raisi',1 his right arm to lih head. "Id kImUt may lant for siivral day*," Maid Dr. F. II. M('l llcat-h. N. County ail'horltle* are conduct ing an Investigation Sir*. (Jrnnler ; ha* been notlfii-d and I* on her way here. IIKU (.l(oi l* TO MfcKT M' inherit of die general commit (i-o .?iid of nil Kiil> commltteea mi vaced In pr? paratlonn for lh?- vlxll of tin' Alii'Mcaii Soy lt< .in Amko Hallon Imt? oii Thursday. Auuunt 11. will tniil at the Chamber of Comm farmer in taxation matter*, opposed laii I reclamation, opposed convict labor on farms. New officer!* elected are: I). \V. I la kIcv of Mnyock, Currituck t'oHuly. president: M. L. Adder holt, Lexington, Davidson County, first vice-president; J. T. Alhrlt ton. Calypso, Duplin County, sec ond vice president: J. M Cray. State College, re-elected necrelary treasurer, and F. II. Jeter, Stale College, re-elected publicity inatia K*"l. The iipw officers of the North; Carolina Sialo Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs. meel-i lug In conjunction with the farm convention, elected a I mo In cloning session, are: Mrs. It. A. McCul len, of ('Union, Sampson County,1 president: Mr*. 11 A. Patten, New Hern. Craven County, firm vice president; Mrs. W. T. Whltnctt, of j Whltsett, tiul|ford County, second ' vice pruHldent: Mr*. I). A. MeCor-j mlck McDonald, of llobeson Conn-, ty, recording secretary; and Mrs.1 i Cornelia C. Morris of llalelgh. ro-. 1 elected secretary-! rcasurer. Hen Roost Raiders Now Active Near South Mills Pilferers of deliclouH young chick* of the broiler variety, who have made matter* decidedly un comfortable for poultry fancier* in Pasquotank County In the hint few liiouthH. have tranafcrred ; their activities to the South MIIIh Keel ion of Camden County In the last few days. according to Sher iff Charles Carmine, of Pasqiio tauk, who haa been making dili gent efforts to apprehend them. , Sheriff Carmine stated Thurs day that he had Information that ubout 100 chickens had been stol- ? 'en In upper Camden, and that up to the prenent. all efforts to nab the thieves had been without avail. None loo Hurc but that the rald jers will resume their activities In thia County, large scale poultry :growern have not ceaaed their vi gilant nightly watch over their flocks, according to the sheriff. He, too. In H|icndlnt: many houra each iiIkIiI in a v It: 11 that he believes sooner or later will bring the of fenders to liar. Perhaps the moat Indignant of till the v let I in k of the raiders In .Pasquotank la a poultry ralaer who went out to III* chicken yard on a recent morning to discover, not only that a large number of his choicest Towlx were missing, but that the visitors had left a note IiivItIiik him lo grow another crop of chicks for their benefit next year. Wilson Will Leave State Highway Job T. II. Wilson, resident engineer for the Stale Hluhway Commis sion here for the last five and one half years, baa resigned bis poal tlou Willi the commission, effective August I. lo inter Into partner ship with l?. It. Culpepper and VV 11,. J one*, of his city, in the W. L. I Jones Construction Company. He la regarded aa one of the moat compel< ni highway engineers ever '?tatloncd here. The Jones company at present Is envaged in const ruction act Ivi lli's in connection with the bridge he|n* erected from Itoanoke Isl am! to the North Carolina beach a short distance south of Nskk H"sd Mi. Wllaon announces that he will leave thia city In (he ne*t lew days to serve a? superintend ent of const ruction on that proj ect. It la announced slao that t!?*? offices of Ihe State Highway Com mUnlon* h??r?? will be under Ihe aupcrvlslon of Clyde K. tiregaon. of Ihls city, a ! member of the engineet ina ataff 'for *?vtral years. |Si?t'k 82,.")(MI I hiina^rs, Al Ir^in^ Oprralin^ | alion I la;* I'ailctl lo Livr l'|i to A^rn'iiKMit ' INJUNCTION SOUGHT Defendant* Dialled \\ illi I Having Wrongfully At | I?-an|?t?-?l to Profit Secret ly on Hotel !'iirni*liiiiK* Complaint was filed Thursday i with Ernest L. Sawyer, clerk of Superior Court, la an action in which tin* Klltahetli City kloiel I Corporation, builder* of the new fMiu.ouu Virginia Dare Hotel hern I seeks annulment oi a contract with the William Foor Hotel Op | crating Corporation for operation | of the new J???tel, and a>ks f~.??oo ilamaKcs for alleged (allure to comply with the terms of the ' contract. The defendant company Iuh 30 days iu which lo file au answer to the complaint. The latter alienee that the William Foor Hotel Up | crating Corporation has "com* 1 pletely changed its personnel and management," and lias lost Its as ! sociatlou with William Foor and ! others of it* "then prominent offl : cials," and tliat It has either ; changed Its num<; to the Assoclat I ed Hotels. Inc., or has tried to as *ign die lease for the Virginia Dare Hotel to the latter corpora (ion. In the huU, the plaintiff hotel c<>in puny ask* for proceedings to restrain the Kuor corporation from any action to delay or pre vent tin: assignment of a new lease for the operation of the Vir ginia Dare. The complaint opens with the contention that ihc Klizabeth City Hotel Corporation has met all the terniH of the operating contract incumbent upon it; thai construction of the Irotel hah pre ceded with ail convenient speed and duo diligence, and in accord ance with plans prepared by a competent hotel architect; and that the corporation la able, ready and willing to comply with the terms of the contract. It Is alleged further that Die Poor corporation has failed to ar range for the proper conduct of the hotel, and the timely rental of public spaces in it; and that the defendants "wrongfully made un warranted demands In an effort to profit secretly from the furnish ing of the hotel." It is claimed al so that the operating company failed to provide themselves with the proper finances to meet their part of the contract, and that In various ways they have "Jeop ardized the timely and proper op ening of the hotel." The complaint further contains an allegation that i lidefendant company has fulled to furnish $50,000 bond required by the terms of ih?? contract, hlhringhaua & Hall, attorneys here, are repre senting the Elizabeth City Hotel Corporation III the action. Accompanying tlfe complaint l? a copy of the contract that Is In controversy, In substunce, it em bodies a twenty year lease where by the hotel corporation would re ceive ??*? per Hbnt of Die net pro? reeds from the hotel, and the op erating company in per cent, af ter ? per cent interest had been paid on Urn whole hotel invest ment. It is stipulated that the contract in iy be cancelled upon six month's notice (in the oari of either of the signatory parties. With the Virginia Dare Hotel iu the lant stages of construction, and probably ready to he opened hi six weeks or two months, regret is expressed here over the liveli hood that Its opening may be de layed by the present action. Metn liers of the board of directors de ' clare that every possible step will tie taken to prevent such a delay. SKRVIM;WARRANTS ON DEFENDANTS IN NEDDLEM AN CASE I tale l*1i. July 2S ?W. P. Kdwurd. I'lilted States Deputy Marshal, of llocky Mount, left to day rn serve warrants on the 3# odd Martin County defendants against whom Joseph II. Needle inan, of Philadelphia. Pennsyl vania. Is bringing suit in Federal District Court, Washington, N. C., for 11OO.OOU damages as a result of the 192$ mutilation masked mob rase. Answers must be filed by the defendants within JO days in dis trict court where Xcodleman baa J list filer! his petition for I7&.006 compensatory and 925,660 puni tive damages as result of the mu tilation of nls person, following a charge of attacking a Martin County girl, of which charge Ncedlcmati was later acquitted. There's a lot of difference be tween being one of a million and on* In a million.