i Lea ted Ifire Attocuilrd Prett Service The Weather Partly cloudy tonight. aliKhtly cooler. Wednesday Increasing cloudiness. Southwest wind*. VOL. XVIL FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY. NORTH CAROLINA. TUESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 2, 1927. SIX PAGES. NO. 182 COOLIDGE WILL NOT RUN IN 1928 ? ?? ??? ??? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? ??? h '3 Sheriff's Posse Closes In On Girl's Assaillani : A mw On Fourth Anniversary (As President He Makes Definite Announcement Question of "Tliird Term" Around Which So Much Inlfrml (".entered In An-/ ?wired by (}iief Executive BKEARS SILENCE In Fewest Possible Word* Tells Nation That lie Does Not Seek Another Term ill Office Rapid City, S. D.t Aug. 2. ? (AP)?President Coolidge today4 issued a statement say ing : "I do not choose to run for President in 1928." The statement, which was type-written. jQIL small pieces of paper, was handed out to day by the President, on the fourth anniversary of his be coming Chief Executive of i the United Statos, without1 comment. Mr. Coolldge had asked news paper men to see him at 12 o'clock today. Until a minute or two be fore there wan not the slightest knowledge anions the Preaiden-1 y tlai staff of what would occur at j the conference. ? At the conference, shortly be-1 fore 12 o'clock Mr. Coolldge gent j for his personal stenographer, Ed-1 win (leiser, and dictated the brief { message which was then trans-; crlbed onto small pieces of paper j by typewriter. After the newspaper men had i ?onip Into the room the President ask. .1 them to fll?' past him. He handed each the small slip . of paper with the message. The paper had been folded by him. Newspaper men stopped to ask i him If then* was any comment and Mr. Coolldge replied, "No." The dash for telephones and telegraph wires was begun by the newspaper | men. There were In the room at ' the time Senator Capper, a house 1 guest of the President, Everett [ Sanders and Edward T. Clark, his ?ecretarles; lilanton Winshlp, his military aide, and Dr. James P. i Coupal, his physician. No word was spoken outside | Mr. Coolldge asking If every one was present, and Inquiry of news paper men If there wag anything more to say. It Is safe to say that the President counselled with no one In preparing his startling an nouncement. Those closest to him In his offl Iclal family had taken occasion on this day?the fourth anniversary of Mr. Coolldge's taking'the oath of office?to express the private \ .view that he would not make any % Itatement of his plans for another f term and would accept the nom y I ration If given to him without r expressing himself. It was pointed out later by those same staunch supporters of the President that the door to the i nomination had not been closed by the statement In the event of bis selecion by the convention. Rapid City. 8. I).. Aug I.? (AP)?Calvin Coolldge. today ends four years as President of tb?? United States to which he suc ceeded upon the death of Presi dent Harding. One yfear and seven months re main In the four year term to which Mr. Coolldge was elected as President In the fall of l?24 ? a little more than a year after he first took office. In this period It will be decided i whether he will or can succeed I himself for another elective term of four yeara which would entitle him to the office of President for a longer nerlod than has been { served by any other chief execu ! tlve of the Nation, two regular I term* totalling eight years added to the year and seven months of .Mr. Harding's term completed by him. There has been a unanimity of I opinion among these here with the Prealdents and among Natlon ; political leaders who have come here this summer that Mr. Cool | fdge would not stand In the way 1 of a movement to nominate him at the convention of the Republl can party next June, hot a few of ELUa frlend? h?rn predicted that r he will not be ? eaadldtta ^ It la pointed out br aom. a. loo e?rly for Mr CoolM*. i? make aucta ? decision, go tar aa la kaovn fCoatlaaed aa paia t) PERQUIMANS HAS A LIVELY SESSION; IN FIRST COURT Ten Dinpoftrd of and 832.> in Fine* Iiii|h?h?mI l?y Judge* MrNider of Re rorder's Court LARGE ATTENDANCE Hertford. Auk. 2.?Ten cases disposed of and $325 In fines wan the grist of the new Perquimans County recorder's court, which held It* first session in the county | courthouse here yesterday wlthJj S. MrNider as presiding judge,' with Silas Whedhce as prosecut ing attorney, and with Hilary fl. Wlnslow as clerk, and with very; nearly the entire adult male popu-l lation of Hertford in attendance. I Three negro defendants paid; high for one hog which they were accused of stealing, particularly j as none of them ate any of the! ham. O. C. Jones and Tom Reeves were fined $25 and costs on a; charge of larceny, while Kit Ood-i frey drew a fine In like amount j for receiving stolen property knowing It to have been stolen.' The hog in question was the prop-, erty of Clyde L. Lasslter of Ellaa l?eth City, who has a farm in Per quimans County. Another case In which there was considerable Interest was that In which Ad l.ane and son. Her mit I*ane. were each accused of assault with deadly weapon, It ap pearing that the father had heat en the boy over the head with a pistol and that the boy h*d fired the weapon Into the air In an ef fort to intimidate his father. Ker mlt pleaded gulliy and was fined f50 and costs. The father was let off with a fine of $25 and costs. I^ane the younger is 18 years old. Liquor Is alleged to have been at the bottom of the trouble. Dewey C. Umphlett, on two war rants charging the passing of worthloss checks, was fined $25 and costs In one case and let off on payment of coats in the other. Edgar Foreman, colored, plead ing guilty of operating a motor car while under the Influence of II-[ quor, and also of transporting, and of Illegal possession of liquor, was sentenced to the roads for! nine months with Judgment sum-' nended upon payment of $50 and coats, provided that the defendant! abstain from driving a motor ear In Perquimans County for 12, months. ' Hex Jones was fined $25 and 1 costs on the same charge and de-| nied the right to drive an automo-1 bile In Perquimans County for 121 months, while Herman West, an other defendant on a charge of op erating a motor car while under the influence of liquor, was fined $60 hut had his right to drive a car suspended for only 90 days. Small Boy Breaks Leg In Accident I Wiley Morgan, aged fi, son of C. R. Morgan, manager of the 1 New Carolina Hotel here, j sustained a fracture of the large j bone In the right leg, midway be tween the knee and ankle, yester day afternoon at 3:20 o'clock, I when he was run over by an auto (mobile driven by Pat Williams. (Colored, of Indlantown, Camden County. The accident oceured on North Water street. In front of the store of Ranks A Hughes, and the llttlr fellow was taken to the office of pr. R. L, Krndrlck by Oden Hughes. Dr. Krndrlck set the hone, and the boy was resting fairly comfortably at home late In the afternoon. Police Officer Twlddy, who was standing at the Intersection of Main and Water streets when the accident occurred, and who Invea i t i sated It declared Indications were I hat It was nna voidable. The child ran out Into the atreet from .behind Another cat Into the path of the approaching automobile, he said When rescue*. he t&i mid j way under th# car. LnC,'u 1 COUNCIL DEALS I WITH NUMEROUS CITY PROBLEMS ] Parking Problem, License* | and Regulation*! Govertt j ing Filling Station* l)iw euHHed at length WOOD giVen raise City Tax Collector Granted Salary of S2,l(>0 a Year; Completion of Street Work In Authorized Discussion of various munici pal problems and diitpoRal of a number of relatively minor mai lers marked the regular session of the City Council Monday nl?Iit at which little In the way of busi new of major Importance was transacted. In the way of concrete accom plishment, perhaps the mom Im portant aciH of the Council were the authorization for resurfacing West Fearing street from Dyer to PeraBe, and a decision to finish immediately the brick paving on Cedar street, from Harney to Koad. Motions covering theae Items were passed after brief dis cussion. In conformity with an amend ment to the city charter, passed at the recent General Assembly, the City Fathers voted to raise the salary of City Tax Collector George H. Wood to 12,100 a year, to become effective August 1. Mr. Wood's salary formerly was limit-1 ed by the charter to $1,800 a' | year. I Parking:, licenses and regain-1 Hons governing the entablement of filling stations came In for ex tended discussion during the meeting. Councllmen Kramer, Hughes and Morgan were appoint-! ed members of a committee to look into additional arrangements for free parking for visitors here, j with the expectation that the W. [ T. Culpepper lot, on North Martini street, and probably Home nearby properly would be selected. Theater Out of Luck The matter of a license for the! new Carolina Theater was consid- j <*red at some length, members of the Council evidencing u dlsposi | |tlon to relieve the theater of a, |part of the $100 tax required for j (the remainder of the flncai year' ending August 31. However. City! .Attorney J. n. Leigh held that un der a charter clause prohibiting! (prorating, the Council had no i authority to reduce the tax. even though the new playhouse would I !have to pay a year's license fori ithe privilege of running only! jabout three weeks. The theater is scheduled to open Monday night. AIho, there was desultory dis cussion of the status of the filling station on the property of the Hcd Men, at the Intersection of Co lonial avenue and Koad street. IThls was opened by Councilman Conger, who announced that the property likely would be leased again In the early future, and that I there wan a possibility that anoth-l ?r oil company would take It over. He explained that that would en tail the removal of the present tanks and fixtures and the Instal latlon of new ones. City Attorney I^>|gh pointed to an ordinance passed a few months ago. prohibiting the erection of a1 filling station within 200 feet of any church, and expressed the opinion that that would bar the installation of a new station them ---Just across the street from Csnn Memorial Presbyterian Church. The matter was dropped. Plans for a proposed new bridge across Polodexler Creek, with estimates of the cost were tendered by E. j. Alford.' con struction engineer. Mr. Alford es timated the cost st $.7f>8.72 on the basis of creosoted timber con structlon. and sfeted It would l*> $633 less If the bridge decking was not creosoted. Hteps are un r Z.*y ~ 0,'taln a permit from the War Department for erection of the bridge. Funda for tin con ?t ruction Were act n,Ide from the proceeds of the lam city bond l? ?UP. HI met Work FWilahcl In that general connection. Mayor Jerome n. Flora announced that the oil penetration atreet work here would be completed by noon Tueaday. The announcement wait received without comment. Mayor Flora alao called attention briefly to a requeat from the Kll? abeth City Fire Cnmmlaalon for a leyy of t< centa per 1100 aaaeaard properly valuation. Mating that It repreaentetf an Inrreaae or four "Vh'e poMtblllty of placing much Increaaed llceaaca on chain alarm whoae central headquarter* ire out.tde North Carollaa. and of (CmtlaiM oa page 1) A COURT BEAUTY France Ih n republic, lint it In not iwthout IIh court beauties. Thin ucw portrait of Did! Vliwlo i* proof. I>idi now Ih raU'd ihe outHtundiiiK woman tennis ntnr of Franc<-. Japan Makes Final Effort To Save Conference C.eneva, Aiik. 2?(AP)?Japan ban made a last supreme effort to I ?ave the Tri-l'artlto Naval Con ference. J After failing in their first at i tempt to find any formula which held the portability of giving sat isfaction. Admiral Hnlto and VI* ! count Ishil this morning visited Hugh 8. ftibson, chief American delegate and handed him the text of a compromise project concern ing cruisers. The project In quite provisional In nature, but designed to prevent | the wrcckln* of the conference on I tills outstanding difficulty. Huntsman Reports Remarkable Catch ! There have been mighty hunt | ers who have stalked the savage i lion In his native haunts, and ! brought home the hide of the | beast for the acclaim of the mill Itltude. Hack in the days of the As j syrlan*. they carved the tales of thel? exploits upon tablets of ? stone, to endure through the oen | turles. In more recent years, other hunters, disclplV* of the famed Nimfod. have brought In trophies of the chase. Klephants. Hons, tig ; er?. wild boars and the bull moose of the Canadian wilds- all these I have fallen before their guns. | In common with the rnst of the | world. Klixaheth City has her [skilled huntsmen and trapper*. Not the least of these Is I.. W. Trlppe. of tlie Hpenre-Ilollowell Company. Mr. Trlppe'* exploit Ir [ probably without parallel |o ail Northeastern Carolina. Karly Haturday niahf. he s??t a mouse trap of the t wo-for-a-nirkel j variety in one of the front win | dows of the Hpence-Hollowell store at the Intersection of Water and Fearing street. Cautiously and [quietly, he watched for results. Presently, a young mouse came along and nibbled at the bit of , cheese that served as bait. The i >r*P.T (I Id not spring. A not her ' youthful rodent ramble<| up and Joined In the feast. Zip! went the trap, and both mice were caught I Mr. Trlppe was telling gleefully of | his exploit today. Carolina Theater Opening Deferred For Another Week The opening of tlir $200,000 Carolina Theater, Krhcduliil fori Monday night. Iiaa been poatpon'-il to the following Monday night. AURUDl III. Tlila wn* necerialtated , by the need for additional ilme. 'in inHtalling rubber tile floor mata In Ihi' ulah'H and corrldora of the' handsome n?>w iilayhouKo, acrord-1 Ing to announcement by C. D. I lluckner, manager. Tho entire aectlon In eagerly awaiting the opening of tin- Caro-j Una Theater. count run Ion of] Iwhltli wan begua morn iban a year ago. Varloua delaya have developed from time to time; but Mr, lluckner given strong nsaur ianri> tliat. barring Ihe >>tt?*rly un-j foreneen. It will be ready for th<> | public Monday week. , The management of thr theater 1 la working out thr dHallx of a Inpeclal program for the openlnK I night. and a d? finite announce intent along that line In promised !ln the next few day*. Mr. Huck ner explain* that tliln latent delay mud** MMHllt the cancelling of .arrangement for Monday night, and that In mnaequenre be In bav-1 Ing to arrange the program over, again, prartlrally from the Mart. Many InnovatlonN In lighting,| deroratlonN. flxturen and ventila tion are embodied In Ihe new Car lollna. which haa hern deacrlhed by vlNltorN an by far the moat beautiful theater anywhere In thl*, part of the State. Fireman Injured In Automobile Wreck Oreenaboro. Aiik. 2.?(AP) ? (Captain K W. Ithyne. of Knglne . Company Numter F? of the Char lotte Klre Department, who wan Injured In an automobile wreck which occurred Monday 10 mile* north of here on the Danville road, wnn reported thin morning to be In a aerloua condition It was reported from the hoapl tal here that an u-ray had been taken of h?? aplne but that no fracture wan found. X-raya of bin head and cheat will be taken, lie eomplalna of pain* In hla head and back. Ilia companions la Ihe ? automobile, llarry Uriffin, alao a fireman, and llarry Hpoon, of ' Charlotte, returned to their bomea I with relatlvea y<*terday after I noon FARMERS PICNIC FOR CURRITUCK IN SEPTEMBER Farmer* of Knliri- AI lie uiarlr Sceliim or Stale at l-arjic lnvilril lo Attend Kvenl al I'oiul llarlior AUK. (;KTTIN<; hkahy linmniillro in (lliar^r (if Picnic I'laiuiiiif; Killer tainmcnt anil Instruction Kealurfs for tin* l)uy Currituck. Aug. 2.?A farmer*' picnic for nil Currlturk County.' to whirli farmers of tin pdIIi*1 Albemarle or the Slain at lark** art1 Invited, will be held at Total Harbor on tin Virginia I>ar?* Trail Saturdn>, September it wan announced today liy J. S. Newbern of tho Currituck Agri cultural CommlKnlon. The picnic will be in th<> na ture of a blis Kct-tORetlier day *pon*ored by the Currituck Agri cultural Coiiimlaalon. tin* kround* for which will !?? Wild (joom* I'ark on the property ??f A. S. (SrlggH abutting the Virginia Dare Trail, and both entertainment, amuse-; nunt and instruction will feature the program. All win* will may bring ih? Ir own dinner, but for Ihone who do not wInIi to do this dinner will be hold on the grounds at down-on-the-farm prices. Topic* of ifpfclal Interest to farmer* will be di*cu*hed by the speaker* who are expected to come from the extension bureau, {of the State Department of Agrl-I culture or from the I'rogresHlve! i Farmer. Name* of the apeakere* will lie announced Inter. Itoat racing will be one of the feature* of the day with the silver .cup provided by the Merchants'! Association of Klizaheth City as .the flr*t prise. A program worth | while is assured by the perHonnel i of the variou* committee*. Thorn* constituting Hip rnler tnlnnu-ut committer nre: II. I.. CtIkkr. chairman. W. n. McClan non ami Will Flora. I On the pr?Karm committee arc: I Emory Smith, chairman. T. II. Elliott, and Ml** Itachrl Everett. The grounds committee con-ints of: Smith Harrell, clialrman. i Archie Mldgett. Walton firlggs.1 Clyde ScafT. and Howard Fori*1*. Those In charge of the lioat racing an-: firmly f ? r iuus. chair man. C.raham Snow and Arthur Hampton. Members of the Currituck A?rl cultural Commission in addition to Mr. Newhern are: I). W. Ilagiev and T. II. William*. Waynesville Youths On Dawn-Dusk Trip Murphy. Auk. 2.?(AIM ? II* verslng the schedule of l>. T. Houghton. Old Fort sportsman, who recently succeeded In drlv Ink over highway 10 from More head City to the (Jporxla line Junt heynnd here In a day, two Waynesvllle youths, sponsored by' tho Waynesvllle Chamber of Com merrn left the OeorRla line at ft o'clock thin morning determined to he In M'irehead City at 7:40 p. in., and then !>??:?t Houghton's time. The youths are Curtis I'. Logan, Jr.. and John r. Swift. Jr. Dempsey Objects To Date September 22 Iemps*)r In Chi cago has been definitely shifted from September fifteenth to Sep tember 22, Rllly (llbson; Tunney's manager, sa!d Ho was Informed to day by telephone word from Tex Hlckard. IMI'ltOVIM; It MIDI.V ! Edwin James, son of Mr. and; Mrs. A. (Slibert Jam?*. In reported < rapidly Improving after an upi-ia-1 thin performed at the Elisabeth I City Hospital laM Thursday wrt-k I for the purpoNf* of Irni l henlng bin I lei. Injured In an accident sever al year* ago. Shoots Negro To Death As He Wildly Tries To Flee From His Pursuers s/.Y POUND BEET DISPLAYED HERE The Kreat-grnnddaddy of all the beet family. Insofar on evi dence In hand at present Indi cates, woa escorted lo the of-' flees of Tlie Dally Advance Tuesday morning by Hohert L. (Srimii. of this city. Mr. ? ? rlf fln had JuM weighed the huge vegetable and declared It tipped the brain at six pounds and two ounces. It la i:i Inch ps In circumference. The ureal heet wan prnwn In \ garden cultivated Jointly hy Mr. Crlffin and his father, H. I.. C.rlfTin, on Went Ehrlnghaua street. He atated that It came In for no particular considers-" Hon In the matter of cultiva tion. being Juat one In a fifty foot row. Clings To Life As Police Seeking Assailant I Hickory. Auk. 1.?(AP)?Barl , William* victim of a mysterious 1 attack on the highway near her? yesterday afternoon died In a lo . cal hospital about noon today. lie never completely regained con sciousness after he told police late yesterday that he had been shot ! by a ngro man who wanted to sell I hla some liquor. However, local authorities* are1 Increasing their efforts to arreat 'two white men, one of whom will be charged with the murder of| ' William a. Chief of .Police E. W. Lentz. | wild thin afternoon that he had aecured the number of the auto-l mobile licenae which carried the wounded man away and that the I owner of the car had been re VMled |o h I in by tho Revenue I>e partment In Halelgh. He would not--give out the name, hut aald the man wan well known In Char lotte and wonld doubtlessly he ar rested before night. Hickory, Aug. 2. (AP)?Earl Wllllama, about 30 yeara old was stIII rlluglng to ltf? at a local hospital thla morning while police' of three rountlee searched for hla mysterious assailants. Wllllama laI shot through the liver and hla ab-1 domen la punctured In three pla ces. Just before he was placed on the operating tuble, from which doctora told him he might never return allye, Williams swore to police Investigators that he was shot by an unknown negro who wanted him to buy some whiskey. I Hut members of a railroad section' , gang who are said to have Mil 'the shooting yesterday afternoon declare that Williams was shot byj a white man. The railroad laborers said that while they were working Juat across the Hurke County line, about four miles west of Hickory they saw a car stop on the high way near them. Three men got out. they declared, and an argu ment begun. A pistol fired several time* and one of the three men dropped to the ground, the work ers told police. flefore any one could get to the car they said the two men picked up the third and place(| him In the| car, driving away hurriedly Williams was brought to a lo-1 cal hospital by two men In a car who said they found him on the, side of the road. One of the men ( gaye his name as W. A. Young of' Charlotte. Police said this morning that' they had a strong clue and ex pected to make an arrest any; time. Chief l>?nts said, "I am wailing on a long distance call! from Italelgh and will probably | make the arrest a few minutes af ter It comes through." He would j not divulge the nature of the call. ; N. C. MCA IKS SOUTH IN aij'ix> km.istkations Charlotte, Auk 2. ? (A I* i North Carolina led lh?? Mouth in automobile r?-Klntr?tlorin up to Ju ly 1. 1027, arronllru; to figure* rwp|*i'd In motot clrcki here to There wore 44l,fif.O roglntra tlonn In thU State up to thai p*. rlod, a gain of 49.977 over the prevloua year. the largest la the South, the flgurei showed. | Nprw Shot Twice, Says Re port l{ea<-hiiifc Kniley; Body Brought in Town for I lie Inqurxt CHIME WAS SUNDAY l'ro(jrp?? of I'lwup Impeded By Ituin on Monthly; Ne ! gro lliul Hern Arrested and K-iiipid from OITirera Bailey. Auk. 2.? (AP) ? Sheriff J. S. Griffin's posse today closed i n on Tom Brad-' shaw, negro attacker of a young white girl near here Sunday, and shot him to death as he was trying to flee, It-to reported to newspaper men here. The negro was shot twice. His l>ody was being brought hero for an impicst at 6 o'clock this evening. The posse caught the negro at Toisnot Swamp near here. Nanhvllle. Auk. 2.? (API?R? newed reports that their quarry i riad been sighted early thin morn Ing In tho vicinity of Vlck's Mill. Hpurroil the posse headed by Sheriff J. S. Griffin of Nash Coun ty. In their search today for Tom HrucMiaw. also known as Paul Illedsoe, negro, aliened attacker of a youiik whlto girl near Hail*? last Sunday. The posse was augmented thU morning by fresh groups 0f cm? zents as 4H hours of continuous March Inn told on their physical endurance. The mun-hunt contin ued through the night and morn Inn despite a drlviun rain which made increased difficulties for the searchers. Hloodhounds aro again on tlie trail as tho result of tho report from Vlck's Mill, after they had been withdrawn because of the downpour of yesterday and last night. The neKro was trailed Into a dense section of underbrush which is being combed systemati cally. Sheriff CSrlffin made a flying trip to his office here early to*dgy and added new strength to kla posse, wearied after long hours of tramping and bush-beatinK Gt er a 12-mlle area of detiflely. yqjp ed. and In many places swampy territory as conflicting reports of persons having sighted the negro were received. Feeling amonn the memliori of the posse continued hlnh today. The negro, once in the hands of the law and once In tho target of a fusilade of posse bullets, made his escaped from W. (J itosw?|l, Hailey policeman, and two <5>m panlont, by a ruse while the ditto were rushlnn him away from tho scene of the crime to avoid possi ble mob violence upon orders of Sheriff Orlffin Sunday. , ^.Jj With their prisoner, the threa men left th-! main roud and were headed over a wagon path to the homo of W. T. Strickland, whera It wss planned to hold hits until he could be removed to a plate ?f safe-keeping. Near the Strickland hoius the negro asked lloswell to stop and let him net out and pray. He landed running, took out across a cornfield, and easily out distanced his pursuers. Hlood hounds again placed in his trail but they lost him when he took to a pond. early Monday morning he wan flushed again at MoMnllan'* Lum ber Camp where he was attempt- . Ing to file off the handcuffs. Dep uty Ambrose Lewis, lltinh Junes ] and Dolph Johnston closed'upon him. fired nine shots at him as ha broke for liberty, and failed to brlnn him down. Hloodhounds failed analn to rollow his trail when he crossed a pond. I.1VKI) FIVE DAYS WITII HIIOKKN NECK Klnnton. Auft. 2 Aft?r KiifTfTliiK nvp ilnyn with a broken 11' 1 '? I?1 11 ' .i mi il m Ji> ii Ihru wu from n mule h?. wan riding whllo al work on hi* farm n?nir Or tiioiMlxvlllf. flrwn County, Lloyd Faulkner, 33. dUd in a klnstoa hoRpital late y?at?rday.