1 Leased Wire Auocialetl Pret? Service The Weather Mostly fair tonlnht and Satur day; moderate ?ou?hwc?t aud ??t wind*. VOL. XVII. FINAL EDITION. Elizabeth city, north Carolina. fuiuay evening, august s. 1927. six pages. no. iss. LAUNCH BIG NEW ROAD PROJECT ? ?? ? ? ? ??? ??? ??? ??? ? ? ? ??? Would Finish Last Link From Manteo to Murphy Organization Is Formed To Sponsor Undertaking pa^r^rel^td-'preslden,.! named chairman of the or ganization committee, with power tJ appoint the members of his '"Tentative plans call for the formation of a central organiza tion to cover Pasquotank. 1 erq - mans. Chowan, Camden. Currlttich and Dare Counties. With tho sue 5e.? Of the Chowan Bridge cam Wlgn of two year, ago before them, the members ot tho P"'1"1' inary organization expr.-?s. themselves last night as confident STZ project could he consum mated In the early future Representative IJndaay C. War .. of the First District, has a i carefully worked out plan there by the proposed road and Bridge, Hnklng the State's ?"'?""""J I domain with the rest of North Carolina, can be financed oy means of a combination of local, Stato and Federal funds, Mr 1 Saunders announced at the meet ins and Is ready to place his Ideas , tho association. "Highway Commissioner i rank JtSgler. who visited tho section Iwo weeks ago. Is convinced that aonoeete Is the'only type of road u, be built along the ten mll's of 'teach to be covered hy the con*. ?ung road Mr. "?^" .tj(t?d; It was learned alao that Mr. K?K Is strongly desirous that a I bridge and causeway of P-;""? nont type be built acroaa Currl i tuck Bound. , ?From the readily seen ltnpor Itanccof the prolect lo both Hta e gnd Nation especially In slew recent action by Congress ?ut''''r" Izlng a suitable memorial to aero "."tics at Kill ncvll Hills men, berx Of tho tentative, organization are confident of receiving the anp nort of the entire Northeastern corner of North Carolina If present plana are carried In I to effect, the entire public In this iirt of the State will be asked to I toll, the association, paying nom Itrial dues, probably a deUar a year. ' to help l'Ut across tho undertak '""liealdes those given temporary r,rr^xrrrwn.if7; Ifohoon. Captain Frank Wjjjjj!; *' EUh Sheep. Roland I. D. Walter Harris. C W. Oalther. | tad W. T. Culpepper. ?ton*, a *>* Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph [Tool, at 1:10 o'clock Friday af noon, a son. Mr. Pool Is a mber of the newt staff of The Duly Advance. OYSTERS TO COME EARLY THIS FALL Season Opens Octolier 1st Instead of 15th, Say* the State Raleigh, Aur. S.?(API? North Carolina tables wilt graced by oystors lf? days earlier thl?? fall than in previous yajrs. the season opening October 1 In stead of the middle of the same montht and extending the same number of days later until April I. says the State Department '?? Conservation , and Development The change !a one of those mu-Je in commerci&l fishing regulat'oua by the board for the benefit of the Industry. Another recently adopted res olution provides that all oysters taken from fishing shoal or ad joining rocks Hhall be culled and oysters with shells measuring less t'.an three Inches In longest diam eter and all shells taken with su^h oysters, shall be returned to the grounds from which they are tak en. Marketing of oysters and shells containing more than ten percenti below the minimum size, is pro-i hi bit ad. Sale of oysters from any public grounds or the State without first reporting to an Inspector and the payment of the legal tax rate up on demand is made unlawful. Taking of escallops is limited by action of the board to three days each week?Mondays. Wednesday* ^nd Fridays between January 1 rnd May 1 of each year, bur the fisheries commissioner i? empow ered to allow the taking of this shellfish on Tuesrlays and Thurs day, at his discretion, during the open season. The commisioner is also empowered to allow the tak ing of escallops on Tuesdays and .Thursdays between June 1 and ^August 1, for "local or home con sumption." A general minimum size liml' of two and one-half inches from ,tlp to tip of spike Is set for soft shell crabs, and shipments of any crabs between October 1 and March 1 of ?he following year li prohibited. However, the rule makes an exception to tho twe and one-half Inch limit rule between March 1 and April 10. during which time two-inch crabs may be nn rketed. It also allow* for the use of one crab float, four by four feet, to each man to April 15 nnd after that date, two crab floats of the same slxe to each man for the pur rose of floating fat crabs only. A summer pound or oher net closed fishing season Is ?c: be tween May 1 and June 20 with the following provisions: That In that part of Albemarle Sound and Its tributaries north of a line drawn from llatt's Island to laurel's Point lighthouse, pound nets used exclusively for taking shad and herring may b?- set until May 10 of each year; that pound nets may bo set near Ocracoke, Portsmouth and Hatteras at any tme except from May 1 to June 10 of each year; that nothing herein con tained shall be construed to apply to pound nets set In the Atlantic Ocean. A rule substituted for old rule provides: It shall be unlawful for any- person, firm or corporation to use in the waters of North Car olina any seine, net or other ap pliance for catching fish having a bar of less than one and one-quar- ] ter Inches or a mesh of less than two and one-half Inches; provid ed that seines having a bar of not b'ss than one and one-righth Inch es may be used for catching mullet from August 15 to November 16; provided further, that It shall not be construed to modify or change any existing law prcscribinx larg er mesh or bar; provided further, that pound nets having not less than one and one-eighth Inch bar before tarring, may be used In all waters of the State where pound nets are allowed by law; provid ed further, that the above does not apply to skim and dip nets. Rule No. 164: It shall be unlaw* ful to fish wire traps In any of the commercial waters of the State not covered by Rule No. m. Ruin No. 165: Where a fyke net Is attached to a pound net lead or heart instead of to a poand, It shaft be const mrd to trp fay fid net flthlng. \ City Manager Back After Six Weeks In Hospital Miles W. Ferebee is back In the city after six weeks' stay In a Suffolk hospital following an auto mobile accident in which he and City Councilman Cobooti were pe-, rlously Injured. The city manager is lookingi natural and says that he is gain*I ing steadily. "I hope to be able to go to work within four weeks," Mr. Ferebee remarked Friday after noon. "The plaster cast will be taken off In two weeks and then I will have to begin walking by using crutches for a while." Mr. Ferebee is at the home of his mother on the corner of East Cypress and Ktherldge streets. H?' was brought here In an ambulant from Suffolk Thursday afternoon. Numerous friends have called to aee him since his arrival. Quick Work Saves Car From Flames Quick work on the part of by standers and prompt response on the part of the (Ire department saved the Huflioa touring oar ot D. Bozo, Raleigh carpenter em ployed In the construction force now at work on the Virginia Dan Hotel. from the flames Friday morning. It was at 10:30 that passcrsby observed smoke pouring from un der the hood of the Hudson parked in front of the hotel on Main street. "Turn on the fire alarm," aaid somebody. "Put H out with aand." said Miles Jennings. One ran to the fire alarm box, and others ran to the hotel to pick up wet sand. The hood was gin gerly lifted and flames at once leaped up almost as high as the windshield. Sand was thrown on the flames; but it was inadequate. More was obtained, and the flame* had been somewhat checked when a fire truck arlved on the scene and quickly extinguished the blaze with chemicals. A short cir cuit in the wiring, burnt ends dis closed. started the fire. Calmly at work Inside the building. Bozo knew nothing of the I fire until It was all over. Fliers Break Record In Endurance Flight i . | Nessau. Germany. Aug. 5. ? (AH)?Cornelius Kdsard and Jo hann Rlsticz brought their Junk ers W-33 plane to earth at 10:13 o'clock this morning after having established a new world endurance flight record of 52 hours and 23 minutes. The former record of 51 hours, 11 minutes. 25 seconds was held by Clarence Chamberlin , and Bert Acosta. WAI.KKR ATTKNDH WORLD EDUCATION CJON FKRHNCK I Chapel Hill. Aug. 6.?N. W. Walker, director of the University Bummer School and I. C. CJrlffln,1 director of Ihe normal division,i left today fo New York, whence they will go to Toronto to attend, the World Conference on Educa tion, August 7 to 12. FL'.NKItAlj W11,1,1 E RAI'M Wanchese, Aug. G.?Funeral' services for Willie Baum, who died Friday afternoon. July 29, at the. Sarah Leigh Hospital of Norfolk i were conducted at the church Sun day afternoon at three o'clock by I his pastor. Reverend Wm. R.| Hardesty and Interment was made1 In the family burial ground. The1 pallbearers were A. J. Daniels, H. C. Smith, Claud Mldgett, Spencer Daniels. Karl Craddock and Wil lie Daniels. Mr. Baum was 54 years of age. He was a member of the Masonic Order and wss burled with Masonic honors. He was recording steward of the Wanchese church and faith ful to all its duties. Mr. Baum Is survived by one sister, Mrs. Will Mann of Norfolk, three brothers, Thomas H. and Jo siah of Wanchese. and Washing ton Baum of Manteo and a host of other relatives and friends. Other relatives attending the falinl bi-sldes his sister and brothers were: Mrs. W. H. Harrl son of Elizabeth City, Mr . and Mrs. Oscar Symons of Elizabeth City and Mrs. Will Morgan of Edenton. Messrs. Willie and Jim my Wright of Jarvlsburg. Tho beautiful floral offerings and the vast number attending the funeral showed the esteem In which the decessed was held. TO* YltTTi CTmfffUfilTy extends sympathy to th? bereaved TO MAKE APPEAL SUPREME COURT BEHALF RADICALS Friends and Supporter* of Sacco-Vanzetti Kedouhle Efforts lo Save Them From Death Sentence WAKDENt GOES AHEAD Makes Preparation for Tri ple Eleelroeution Sche duled lo Take Place at Charleston Thursday Boston. Aug. 5.? (AIM?Indl* ration that an appial lo the I'nit ed States Supremo Court in behalf of Nicola Sacco and liartolomeo Vansettl will b?> made within a short time was given at the head quarters of the Sacco-Vanzetti de fense committee toda>, although no _definlt?. announcement was forthcoming. Mcnibfrc of the committee con ferred with Arthui D. Hill, who entered the case as counsel for the condemned linn yesterday as Wlillaiu Thompsop and Herbert Khrman announced their retire ment. p Cardner~j&ckson. member of the def?>ns? committee, said an ap peal will be taken directly to the Federal Courts. Sacr0 and Vansettl, who are scheduled to be ? lectrocuted next Thursday morning, slept well last night according to attaches of the state prison. They both refused l>r? ;tkfast today but CeleMlno Madelros convicted of another murder and who is in the death house with the two ?ien, ate heartily. Fly refusing breakfast to day. Sacco prolonged his hunger strike Into its twentieth day. While friendr. and supporters of Sacco and Vanzetti today re doubled their efforts to save the two now Internationally known radicals from the electric chair. Warden William Hendry began preparations for the grim duty of a triple execution at the Charles towp prison. Notification was sent to the of ficial executioner to he In readi ness and prison Kuardn began to prepare the chair for Its new oc cupant*'. With Sacco and Vanzetti will go Celcstino Madelros. New It?-d ford youth convicted of another murder but whose I If o has been prolonged through respite in or der that his story "Confessing" Implication in the murder for which ih? Other two mutd die. I might be available to the courts jshould a retrial for them be or |dered. Thii confession wan found worlhloHr by th?* supremo court and Governor Fuller held It to he unworthy of eredenoo. Thin Is how Governor Alvan T. Puller'* decision In the Hacco Vanzettl case echoed around th*1 world Berlin:?Thousand* leather at | Lustgarten. In communist demon-' Rtiytlnn; another larv* meet In i: NwdflM f??r Friday; American Km ha any under special guard. Moacor:?R? -solutions decrying | decision and tendering sympatic to Macro and Vanzettl passea by i workers' organizations. Ruenos Aires:?General strike i believed Imminent; r? porta from Koaarlo aay cab drlvera and mason* on atrlke and that worker* had attacked two business estab llahinenta; mounted police guard American Legation and Consu lates. and American business ea tahllshments London: ? Demount ration ache duled for Hunday at Trafalgar Square after which deputation In to vlall to American Kmbaaay. Tokyo: ? Km bass y guarded while police watching neighbor hood at Hayama where ambaifn dor Macveach In spending hla va cation. Rio Df? Janeiro:--Municipal council adopta resolution protest ing against the execution "In the 'nam" of American culture and civilization." embassy and consu late'] undei guard. Montcvldo:- {'reparations made for general atrlke on Auguat 10th In proteftt against decision: lega tion and consulates and American commercial and Induatrial ea tahlHhment* guarded. * Mexico City: ? American em hasxy and conaulate closely watched by police. Rome: Decision given great prominence In Italian patera. Trlbuna calls decision * "tragic Jest after seven yeara of torture." Pari*: ? ? American embasay guard tripled, but no 4emon?lra tlona attempted. Osloko labor party paper rharrtorlira American court proceedlngr aa scandalous aixl decision a violation of Justice. "Copenhagen: ? Decision pro minently publUhed in all paper*. no public reaction. Nice: ? Forty policemen detailed an guards (or the American con sulate. While In this country; ? WashingtonSpecial guardf patrol State and Justice I>?-pnrt-[ ment llulldlngs; State Depart- j ment notifies all American Kin-1 hassles. legation' and Consulate*1 that final decision ha* been ren dered ao that they may take pre cautlonn against Antl-AmcrJcan act*. Boston:?Special picked guard placed about Governor Fuller's home here and his summer re sidence lit Rye Beach N H.. body guard of on" or more men to ac company Governor at all times: twenty on** stleks of dynamite with caps and fuses found near Taunton-Newbedford hlgbwav Chicago. August f> (AC) General atrlke of labhr organi zation* advocated by international labor defense; name organisation iirger demonstration In Canada and Europe Tampa: -About 1.000 cigar makers g6 r?n strike. New York Several of clty ? larM build in tc? under police guard. Sacco-Vaniett? defense committee appeals for hair day strike next Tuesday; workers (communist? party demand nationwide strike on Ailgust 9; three thousand barbers declare one day strike as protest j against decision; five thousand | workers, many hearing banner*, i attend protest me?.tln? at I'nlom Square ? while speakers denounce) Govtrnor'e action Elaborate Plans For Home Coming Day At Shiloh Church Shiloh, Aug. G.?Elaboratel plans are tin foot for the great Home Coming Day at Shiloh Hap-1 tfot Church to be hold on Wednes day. September 7. i This event marks the two hun-l | dredth anniversary of Shiloh Uap-i 11st Church. I "We hope we'll have the big-; [ geat crowd Camden County has; I ever seen," Itev. W. L. Barr?, pas-! | tor of the Church, said Thursday i night in making the announce-j ment during the revival service at , the church. "We want to feed the folks on that day," the pastor said. "Getl your chickens, your pigs and your cows ready. We're looking for a great time." Proceeding the Home Coming Day a get-together social will be held on Saturduy. September 3.j The men will furnish the cream j and Hit- women will make tlie cake for this event. The place will be announced later. Feud Is Blamed For Failure Of Banks Bishop, Call*., Aug. G?(AIM?j The feud between the city of Losj Angeles and ranchers of the Owns Valley over valuable water rights,! the cause of frequent dynaiuitings of the Los Angeles water system. I today was blamed for the break down of the valley's llnancial /structure, after all Ave of the pounty's banks closed their doors yesterday. "This result has been brought about by the last four years of d?*-. struct!ve work carried on by the city of Los Angeles," was the note posted on the door of each Institu tion to notify depositors of the failures. The banks, according to their last available statements, had total deposits of approximate ly $2,GOO,000. Guarding Rumania Lest Prince Return Iludapeitt. Hungary. Aug. 5. ??j j (AP)?Premier Bratanlo has or dered a double guard at all border | points where former Crown Prince i Carol might attempt to enter the country, according to Bucharest! dispatcher, reaching here, i Opposition parties In Kuinania, 1 while ostensibly manifesting loy- j ?ally to tho new sovereign and thc| i regency, say these dispatcher, ar Itually would welcome any change! In the dynasty that would over-J throw the regime of Premier Bra tiano. HW1MM THK (HAWKI. Dover. Eng., Aug. G.? CAI') i E. H. Temme, English swimmer,) [succeeded today In the first at tempt of the Reason to swim the I English Channel. Taking oft from .Cape (Iris N? 7. at 12:42 o'clock | thin morning, Temme landed two miles west of Dover. Minister Burns To Death Trying To Save The Mail llurke, Vn., Au?. ???(AP) ?Ri*v. John J. SiiiikmIit, lor nu*r Methodist circuit rkl?ar niul |NH>ini?Nii r lion-, nai hurmil (4? deutli early while u(* t4*iii|illnK to nave |Ih> mall In a fin* which I In* J. wan fouml i? hrt from tlu* |mmi office ?air lM-*ld<- a |ut< ki-t of rl*rnil mull. |( hum thouKht Hint In* uhm ovon-omo hy tin* smoke mul hum unable to make Ills i-M-HfM'. Tlu* tualy wiut l>nr mi I nIuiimI In-yoml rard felt it* was unwise to Impose upon the boys. When the pronouncement of the County Commissioners was made to future Rabe Ruths and : Ty Cobbs and Walter Johnsons last Monday afternoon, they im | mediately counselled with C. E. Bailey, young Elizabeth City at jtorney, and Mr. Bailey agreed to intercede for them. At his Instance, the Commissioners gave the boys i a week of grace, expiring Satur day; and when ho approached I members of the Roard of School Trustees, he was assured they would lake care of tho situation. WASHINGTON COUNTY I HOME DEMONSTRATION Plymouth, Aug. 6.??With keen disappointment will the people of Washington County receive tho news, that Miss Emma Grey Moor head, has tendered her resignation as county home demonstration agent, to become effective August 15. Officials have accepted her resignation although a successor has not beeu named yet. Redfern Hops Off For A Final Test Detroit, Mich., Aug. 5.? (AIM ? Paul R. Redfern hopped off from the ford airport at ?:40 u. m. for Rrunswlck, Georgia, in Ills Stlnson-Detrolter monoplane, the 'Tort of Brunswick" which he will attempt to fly to Rio De Ja neiro front the Southern city, the longest non-stop flight on record. Eddie Htlnson, designer of the plane, accompanied Redfern on the lllght to Rrunswlck, the 850 mile non-stop Journey being In the naturo of a final test. PIJCAHISO PROGRAM MARKS WKKKIrd," Lynn Hhuford, 29. a barber In a local shop, dropped to the Poor at 10:45 o'clock this morning and was dead. He leaves a wife, who was a Mtas Weaver, and one sis ter. Mrs. M. L. Sharpe, of Phil adelphia. Mr. Hhuford was cutting th* hair of his brother-in-law, Ralph Weaver, and they were chatting away happily oil the various top ics of the day. There were many moiua person* in Oh* barter -hop at the time and everybody was In good spirits. VIRGINIA DARE EVENT PLANNED FOR AUGUST 18 Koanokr Colony Memorial Association S|>onsors An nual Oremoniul on Site of Fori Kalcifsli PICNIC AltltANGED Ht'prornlalivi' Lindsay Warren Invited to Deliver Address; Steamer Excur sion From Here To keep green the memory of that adventures hand who braved I the unknown perils of the wilder I ness to try to found a new Eng lish empire in America, and who failed tragically In their attempt, appropriate ceremonies will be conducted at Old Fort Raleigh, on Hoanoko Island, on Thursday, August 18. I Tho celebration will be held under ausplcoH of the Koanoko Colony Memorial Association. The Ilev. JR. I). Drain-. D. D.. rector of Old St. Paul's Church, Edenton, for half a century, will preside over tho ceremonies, which will be 'chiefly rellgloiiH in character. Re presentative Lindsay C. Warren, I of Washington, has been Invited I to deliver the address of tho oc j casion. | The ceremonial will begin at 11 I o'clock in tho morning. Dere County's Sunday schools have Joined In a plan to hold a picnic at the old fort (hat day, with din ner served on the grounds, and the hospitality of tho county, a by word throughout the State, wilt bo extended to visitors. Transportation to ltoanoke Is land that day will be available both from Elizabeth City and from Point Harbor, at the lower end of Currituck County. The steamer Annie L. Vansclver, with a capac ity of 600 passengern. will leave here at 7:30 o'clock In the morn ing with an ample margin of time to reaeh tho Island In time for the celebration. A fast new ferry from I*olnt Harbor to the north end of the island will make four round trips during tho day. As every schoolboy knows, Aug ust 18 Is the birthday of Virginia Dare, grandaughter of (lovernor John Whito, of the Lost Colony, and first English child born In what Is now the territorial Unit ed States. Tho fate of the Loet Colony remains shrouded In mys tery to this day. No such extensive celobratlon as that held last Mummer Is con i templated this year. Then, the i week of August IK was observed as Home Coming Week, and sons land daughter of Dare from distant ! parts of the United States gath ered by hundreds, to greet rela I tlves and their friends of other | days. Sir Esme Howard. Hrltlah i ambassador to the Unitod States, | was the principal speaker, and of | flclal guests present included i many State and Nutlonal notable*. Many visitors are oxpocted for Virginia Dare Day this yoar, at tracted by the opportunity to en joy a delightful day's outing In tho nhady grove about Old Fort Kalelgh. hallowed by memories and traditions that Jiark back to the beginning of the United States. In order not to confUct with the plan* of the Itoanokc Colony Me morial Aaaoclatlon. ami h) reason of difficulty encountered In pro viding accommodation* for the thousand* that likely would at tend, arrangement* for a dual ceremonial on Aunust 18 at Kill Devil II 111m have been cancelled. Tentative arrangement* had been made for a dedication of the famed dunes a* a Kite for a Na tional memorial to aviation, with many (Jovernment official! and other* taking part. M. fi. MOHH1HKTTH * CO, MK(.IVH ONK DAY sl'KtlAl/H Tho M. 0. Morrlsette Company, "the big Main Street Furniture Store," will begin a aerie* of one day * pedal*, on Saturday August b. The Npeclal* will ho only on one article and thin one Item on that day will lie *old below co?t and will he a groat opportunity to the buyer. Thane feature* will he offered for two or three tlmea a week, for an Indefinite period. The first special to be offered will be for Saturday Augunt I. To Inaukurate this *erle* of specials Mr. Morrlsette la offering a $175 Chain her lln f)rele*? ga* range for ? 96. Of roume only ono range will be offered at thl* price. "Juet watch The Advance glasaifled an# dlaplay column* for our next biff special," Mr. Morrlsette said ?4?.