#PENN\PRINCESS J by?anna qp?CLustin?wneaserv** UBT.IN HKKK TODAY Ver* Cameron, plain but ef- i tic-lent private secretary, con- j sent* to let Jerry Mackiyn, ad- ' v*>riIslns manager for Peach | it loom Cosmetics. transform her Into a beauty through the use uf the company cosmetics. She >?>nsents only after she falls in- . stantly in love with u man who T ignores her. Jerry proposes to use her j photographs in the company's advertising booklets. In trans forming her. the beauty spe cialist copies a picture Jerry finds in his desk. Vera wants to be beautiful so she can spend her vacation at I^ake Mlnneton ku and meet the man she loves, Krhuyler Smythe. At Minnctonka, Schuyler and other guests mlatuke her for the ex-princess. Vivian Crandall. j who, after a divorce In Paris, j has disappeared. Vera's at- { tempts to ronvlnce people of her I true identity fall, and Bhp puts | further coufesMion from her 1 . when she realizes Schuyler Is in | A love with the girl he thinks she T is. ?Nan Fosdlck. who It is rum- j ored Schuyler Is engaged to for ?her money, begs Vee-Vee to | leave the hotel, saying Schuyler ' loved her before Vera came. Nan j and Mrs. Bannister, another | guest, go to the city and Vera j know* thev will notify the Cran dalls. That night, Schuyler and Vera go to the end of the pier i to be alone and Vera determines < to confess to him. He tells | Vera of his love for her. Vera puts off confession and begs him to tell her or his boyhood. ' When he admlte he Is a secre tary, she asks him If he would love her any less if he learned She was a nobody, without money. A bell-boy appears, sum- . monlng Vera to meet two men . w|io await her at the hotel. Schuyler says he will not let them take her away, that she 1 rau?t marry him tonight. NOW OO ON WITH THK HTORY CHAPTER XXVII '"Row can we get away?" Vee-1 Vee's teeth chattered with fear and excitement. "Your car is In the hotel garage, out of commis sion?" "Listen!" he commended sharp )y. "Run along the shore road till you come to that little clump of three birches where I got that J birch bark for you yesterday. Hide among the trees until you aee a car coming. I'll blow a signal on the horn?one long and one short honk. Understand?" "But where will you get the car?" Vee-Vee protested, seizing his arm as he was starting down tJthe steps. J "Steal It and notify the hotel In the morning where they can pick It up," Schuyler retorted grimly. "I'm not going to let anything ?tand in my way. That scoundrel Thurston had my car tampered with, and I'll take his car to get away in if I can find it. He us ually keeps It waltiug at the rear entrance. Now?run along and be sure it's me before you run out into the road. Darling! Kiss me, . fco that I'll know It's real?that we're actally going to be mar-! rled." "No! We?we must hurry!" While she waited In the sheltor1 of the little clump of birches near the lake shore road, her heurt was beating so fast with excitement I that she could not think. She C9uld only pray wordlessly, pray that Schuyler would not repudiate; her as an importer and a love-' thief? A roadate** which she recog-' nl*ed as belonging to Thurston,I the Hotel manager, came suddenly. Ihto view around the curve or thoj road. Vee-Vee crouched behind a tree until the reassuring signal j came?one long hoot or the horn, followed by a short one. She scur-; I rled across the road, and was In' I the car bfeore It had come to aj | fall s?op. r "Got It?Thurston's car! "I Schuyler exulted. "I should have taken a closed car If one had been handy. Fortunately tor me. I Thurston leaves his keys in his Ikfpr. l warned him once that It' danKerou* business, but he i ^nlughed at me. said there were noi thieves at the Mlnnetonka. He'll laugh on the other side or his mouth, until he hears rrom me in the morning. Do him good to; rorry a little," h? added, with a ?Hurt laugh that Jangled on Vee-1 Vee'i overwrought nerve*. . She said nothing, but huddled' lo# In her half of the seat, wrap-j ping the whUe Spanish shawl about her head and shoulders, to' protect the carefully set wave in [ htr copper-colored hair from the menace of the wind. ? I believe we're being fol-l lowed." Schuyler said suddenly.! after a pause during which he had , Increased the speed of the car to 40 miles an hour. "Look over your I shoulder, darling." Vee-Vee obey??i. "There's a carl behind us, but of course they may nbt be following us," she reported, Urylhg to keep panic out of'her itolce. "I'll loie them, whoever they life/' Schuyler promised her ^?Tlie speedometer climbed from, 40 to 45, hung there a moment Ulep wavered drunkenly to 60. Vee-Vee glanced over her should ?r fearfully. a? the mr swung at ? perilous angle In taking the! thru rrom the lake road to the highway "I think we're lost them. If they were following us," she cried ? Schuyler abov* the whistle of BE ?"* the ham of the mo "Where are you taking m asked. . | IT'Ae far ah I can 4rlve before ftlfce o'clock In tfc* morning," 1 icheyler answered "I'll ^ ^ maks Connecticut-easier to get1 E "How ran tee get a way?" Vee-Vee's teeth chattered with fear and exeitemcnt. a marriage -license In that state than in New York State." "Schuyler." aho began. de? Iperatety taking her courage lntol her hand*. I've got something to; tell you- Ploase slow down! I can't talk against the nirine and the wind." "Afraid of me?" She could see hift smile in the light from the tiny electric globe set in the dash board. 1 ? "Yes." she answered, shivering. "Won't you please turn into the first lane that we come to. so that we can talk unobserved? Please. Schuyler! Ic'a vitally Important." "If you're going to a?k me to take you back to that hotel, where .those d? detective* are waiting .to take you home, I can tell you now that I won't do It!" Sehuyler shouted at her. "I love you and you love me. and nothing i* going to come between us again. Do you hear?" "Are you trying to prove that you are a masterful man?" she laughed shakily. "I don't want you to take me back-to-Ohe hotel. 1 want to get aa far away as I can. but flrat I have to tell you? the truth. Then, if you atill want me. I aball be happy to marry you." "Nothing you can tell me can make me change my mind," Schuyler assured her. but he slowed the car to a ban* IB miles an hour, leaning out to search for a' lane turning off the main road. "There's a farmhouse ahead. See the lights?" Vee-Vee pointed to the right. "There must be a pri ?ate road leading to It. Yes. here | U la. Please turn In." "1 fall to soe why we should; waste time in talk, when It Is of | sJch vital importance to gat clear away." Schuyler grumbled mm he obeyed. "See any car down the road?" ?"No." Vee-Vee shook her head. "There'a a car going toward Mtn notonka but none coming from It." "Now what In this terrible truth that you have to tell me?"] Schuyler smiled. a* he cut off the engine. "I believe," he laughed | exultingly, ' that my little prin t-eon Just wants to be kissed. I'll, bet many a girl has been kissed ' In this lane My darling!!' "No." Vee-Vee cried out sharp ly. "Not?yet. Please! Schuyl-| er?" her hand went to her throat | ?"I've tried to tell you so many times, but you wouldn't list ?mi. Tonight, dear. I asked you If you wouldn't be glad If the girl you love came to you as poor a* you are so that you could work toaeth- . er?" "Do you mean." lie Interrupted . her sharply, "that you're let that d? prince get hold of all yourj money? The papers said your; father had protected your money ( when the marriage settlement wa* made?" "Oh. you make It so hard!" she wailed. "1 don't know where to begin or how to convince you." Sho beat upon her breast with a clenched hand?and received the' answer, for the crackle of folded paper came to her faintly. Jerry's; letter! The latter that explained the whole miserable business was tinked away beneath the tight bo- j dice of her evening dross. She pushed aside the folds of the Spanish shawl and groped for the letter. Her fingers felt Icy agaitiftt the warm flesh of her bosom. "Have you some ldldtlc Idea of testing my love by telling me that you are |>oor?" Schuyler demand ed In an odd voice. Then h?* seemed to pull himself together, laughed Indulgently. "Darling. 1 'don't give a d? about your pre-1 ? clou* money. If you've lo?t 4o million dollar* In (our yearn of be- | lug a princess, why. all the better | ?for me. I mean. I ran have thei pleasure of showing you how thC( backbone of America live*!" Ho I laughed again, but ihere !????? rm>d *??} | be I It t It* g?-ntiin?- pletnure behind I "Don't laugh!" *he cried out of her palu. "I haven't been trying to t? tl you that I've lost 40 mil llnn dollars, but?" ? "I knew you were juat trying to teat me," he laug'ied with more assurance. "Hut I don't think you nhow mu. h tru?t of the man who haw loved you for five yeara?" "That'a Juat It!" We-Vet erl? ?l. "You haven't loved ino ft?r five, yeara, for you had never *?,**n me befor? tu your life when I wulk.il into the Mlnnetonku dining room on Sunday. You did not ae?* me at 1'alm Beach?" "Are you trying to tell me tint you think 1 rnadr up a fairy a'ory! to tickle your vanity and to fur-J ther my ?uH with yon?" Schuyler Stuytho demanded vlob ntly. Then, as suddenly as it had liapp?-u?d l?e- ; fore, hi* voice changed, became, low and rich with love: :'Oh. my ? darling! Ikin't let'* quarrel now. Just when I have won you. You may thluk I am a romantic fool J to have cherished a dream all i these five years*, hut you can't 1 quarrel with me for that, even if J you have forgotten that 1 danced with you " "I haven't forgotten, berause I was not there. Schuyler. I have never been in Palm Ilea eh iu my i life. 1 was not married to Prtnco Ivan I'olaxkl?" "Have you gone cmaty?" Schuy-' ler demanded. aetiing her clenched hand* and bending over h?-r. i "Ever hInee Sunday nlsht I've i felt that either I was crazy or that the guest* of the Miunetonku ,were," Vcc-Vee told liiui. "Schuy ler. ilidu't It occur to you that 1 nilKht be telling the truth wh*n I Mid that my mime wan Veru Vic toria Cameron?" It ??? out at last, and the could ?nik back against the cushion* of the car.' sobbinc with relief a* *?>ll a* fear. "What d?? you niHun?*' Schuy ler's hands relaxed. allow?sl her to drag her own hands away. "Is thk another bright scheme to test my love? I've heard that you love dratnath*. lint this i* hardly the lime or the place "Can": >ou believe me?" she shrilled at hint >'i desperation. "I ???!? you I'm :???? \ ivtau Crandall! 1 have never even ???????. her In my life, had scarcely heard of h-r mi it' Siind.4-. wImm ?\?r>'*ti insisted r?n mistaking me for her "1 don't believe it!" Schuyler's voice was suddenly shout mi; in her ear. "I tell you 1 don't believe it! I'm not such a fool as \ou think' It's a great scheme to ditch a mall you ate tired of playing with, but it won't work. I'rlncvss Vivian* J lift using me as a tool to escap< those detectives your purents had put ou your trail! Well. I'm not a ? mail to b?- trifled with! I'll k??p ? you until you'll bo glad to marry ! hi** to b*ve >our precious rtjrttf* i tlou. (To IU* ?'out inu?i|) ' ' "o -Stings Soothed and healed by applying gently visas ? 21 Mxlion Jars UscdYeablv Announcement We will have with um on Monday, August 20 A salesman from .New York City with u Beautiful Line of Diamonds and Mountings So before you go away bring us your old Jewelry to be turned into a beautiful, modern^ artistic piece of jewelry, designed by a master craftsman in the jewelry industry and at a very moderate price. Drop in with these old trinkets Monday and let us tell you just how they may be used in the new design. When you are away you will enjoy the happy anticipa tion of receiving, upon your return, a modern piece of jewelry that will be the delight and admiration of yourself and friends. BRIGHT JEWELRY CO. GILBERT JAMES, Mgr. Mrt'llEKSON BROS. auto supply <:o. Cor. Colonial ,\v. & Martin St. I'lioxi: ion WIIOI.KS.M.K ami 11 ?:? \ 11. AI.WVV.H n plari. rt Tinik.ii with another I TIMKKX Itolirr lli'iiiltiu STilrf r I iTf p' \I.I<-'i"I;i: \i? tucks -She Was Beautiful and Winsome The only woman aboard a hell.ship. And what a motley crow, captained by a brute incarnate with a fiend for a first mate! You'll thrill at the tense, powerful scenes in this sensational drama; "THE BLOOD SHIP" The- Mighli<>Ht of All Sou Dritmux. Minn u Mciil, t Bui Not "The HI 1 Ship." Slir will In- uiidcrway: Hobart Bosworth MONDAY TUESDAY Jacqueline Logan CAROLINA T O I) A Y lloot (.ill-Oil 'With Comeflim N'Etvryihing" "THE TEXAS STREAK' Elizabeth City's Most Elaborate Array of Real Quality Luggage Ideal for College Boys and Girls We invite your attention to the largest display of Luggage ever shown in Elizabeth City. It awaits your attention in our big south show window. We think you'll agree that it's the mast elaborate display of luggage ever shown in Elizabeth City. We invite you to come and see it. The line includes suit cases, hat boxes, week-end bags, hand bags and tnnlES. ' ? ?? SEE OUR BIG WINDOW DISPLAY Quinn Furniture Co. \f7 btilhur quali'y diimmdt net h* significant Traub Orange Blossom mountings Wed ding ring* to match. ^ Louis Selig f ONE DOL-? LA It ami the same shall be dis played at all times on the front of his car. Said Driver's Permit and Li cense Tag*or Plate, shall run Ilka other City Licenses, from Septem ber 1st until :tlst of the follow ing August of each year; Provid ed. that any person living outside (of the two hundred yard limit,- ~ whose business or occupation, keep* him or her permanent)/ within the City nnd who keepa )and drlvcs^iis or her motor ve ; hlcle on the streets of Elizabeth City doing business shall be sub ject to the same rules and regu lations ami lie r> quired to pro cure name Driver's Permit and Li cense Tag as person living In ) Elizabeth City: Provided further, .that the said Auditor shall not Is isue a Driver's Permit to any per I son until he or she has reached tils or li*r Sixteenth birthday and shall bo otherwise qualified and fit to drive iind operate said ve- i hide; Provided further that In case said Auditor In uncertain about the age of the applicant, ha can require him or her to make i oath ?h to ills or her age. *3 Any person violating any pro vision of this ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall upon conviction, pay a fine of FIVE DOLLARS for each offense and any person who drives or op erates such motor driven vehicle, shall h<> guilty of a separate of fense. for each day or part of day, that he or she drives or operatea said vehicle without said Driver's Permit and License Plate, In forcn from and after ratifica tion. Hntifled this If.th day of Aug ust. l'Jil. J II. SNOWDEN, City Clerk. NOTICE! (lily Limine mid Automo bile I'erinit* l)uri All City automobile licenses will be due on .Thursday, September 1st. and to avoid a rush, I shall begin selling same on Wednesday* August 24th. Mlauks for making application for other licenses may be obtained at this office. Automobile Owners are remind ed that they must procure their driving permits and license plates, ion acjitiiiibtr. 1*L ox?before. Ne*_ jpermits may be obtained without ? xh initiation upon presentation of tho old ones, together with fee of ? |1 00 each. v J H. SNOWDEN, City Clerk. NOTICE! The butchers* unci fnh ?talk ill llie Cil) Market will Ite reuleil on Monday, AiikiikI 2^ii