When "Old Glory" First Took the Air ?'Old Glory." Kokkor monoplane In which Lloyil H?*rtau to llv from New York to Rome, ha?l Just tak? n off for her first twit flluhc at T?'t*?rl?oro, N?-w Jersey, when this photo wan made. Inset are the pilots. Hill at the left Henderson Strike Keeps Hanging On Hettderaou. Auk. 24.? (A)') ? I Btrlkr 'of employes seeking rea-I toratlon of the 1924 wage cut of 12 1-2 per com because they Kay ' the Harriet Cotton Mill owner* have Increased dividends from six to eight per ceih continued today uneventually The mill ownera, maintaining I operation*; show sufficient profit I to Justify going buck to tho prlor to-l&24 Wauc. remained equally set In Ita position. Outside union officials continue' to add to their enrollment of the men, urging them to remain stead fast, 'and promising support to1 tide thoin over I lie atrike, now In Its third week, having started AtlgUSt 4. The South Henderson Mills are idle, tho North Henderson Mills are operating normally. 18 KAttLK WDI T " Winston-Salem. August 24. fv~?(Apl?Jack Pepper. 16 year old fan of Dr. and Mrs. J. K. i, Popper, of this city, has Just won the eagle merit budge. the highest , award that can come to a boy ?cout., after being u scout for moarljr five years. He is tho only scout in Winston-Salem to win this high honor. Jack gslned his right to possess this award hy completing the fol : lowing merit badges while .it camp Lasalter for the past three [ weeks. Pioneering, camping, life saving, cooking, bird study and k swimming. He entered the scouts * onganlratton October 1. 1922. and will.tea a veteran scoot on October 1 of thia year, after f> full years i, service. Storm Off The Coast Fails To Strike Land ; Norfolk, Va.. August 24?(AP) . ?Dosens of ships which spent last . night in Hampton Roads awaiting tho passage of a tropical hurri 1 cane off the coaat today began ' moving out to ana Indications ?' this morning were that the storm had paased without striking land. Tl?i!l"^?* no rain during the nlcbt.ajid the wind, instead of reaching gale force as had been feared, attained u velocity of only ? 28 nallcH an hour according to tho wealher bureau at Cape Henry. ) Tbn-wlnd velocity had dropped to 1 12 jfel]** at 8 o'clock fbls morn ing. Th? weather was fair and cool hut |he Sea was heavy. Indicating ?ll*', a storm of great intensity| had pa ssed off tho roast. Virginia ileach last night re-1 ported the waves breaking higher . than at any othor time this your out (here was no damage A dozen hlg freighters and, : many smaller vessels, after being warned yesterday of the approach-j Ing storm remained In port to [ wait tho passage of the blow. ? \ftL0O IN J.KAI) Jackson. Miss.. August 2?? (AJM Theodore O. Bilbo, of ^Mpkrville. whose political career In Mississippi, has been both suc coas and defeat, appeared on the TarM. * second jprtn as gover nor af the state today. lpMt less than seventy pjeclncts " most of them small out edncts In country dls ho had rolled up a lead a votes over governor I>en nrphree his opponent in a primary yesterday for the Dattpiratli gubernatorial notnlna k tlonj* , ft* latest available . return* precincts of the In atate. gave Bilbo 134.4(5; j Hl?re, . 124.996. NKWrtrnKriio**; mVhTKM THK HTATK CtriTAL l(jCC igh. Auk. 24.? (AIM?An autoauitir telephone system Is to be tjm newest advance on modern lam the 100 year old North ? CarQBia State Capitol Building Tta? new telephones will be In stall*! In all State Depsrti : sayiTJpenry Burke. assistant dl rectJC?f the budget, who estl I ma too. that their use will result In ar annual ssvlng of about a tboffiitd dollars. Their inaiigu* [' fatl?.'will mean a reduction In the ! pretest force of switchboard op Ha! Ha! Laughs the Democratic Donkey! It'* a wife bet the Republican elephant bore the brunt of tbo Joke rnttrd Htntea Senator "Qyiiter" (Hhh* of Virginia ts tolling to two equally prominent Democrat? here?William O, McAdoo (left) and (lovernor Albert Kilobit-,' of Maryland (riKht. bat In hand). They not together nt the Imititute of public affairs at the Unlvemly of VlrKlnia. at Charlotlesvllel. The President Goes for a Gallop I'rmidcnt Coolld|f<\ jrlth hit t? -n-Rallon hat and buckftkln clovva, In Rhwn here on hln farnrltr mount. Mlntletoe, Juat before Martins on a ftillop over the Itlack Hllnl of Houth Dakota The Prraldent rodf to Mt. Hunhniore the othrr itkv for the ceremony inarkinx tha bf Klnnlnu of work n th? JpffprMin-lilnrhln-Roiwpvrtt Memorial, wliirh In to !?? ?-x?thK'I out oi ? .?11\ ? rock by (lotion Horgluni Thin ??* celMnt NEA photo I* one of the rery few aver taken of I'ratldent Cool (duo on horteback. MARKET REPORT NEW YOBK COTTON New York. Auk 24. - WELL CO. Auiniftt 24. 1927 Reported by Jarvis & Fentress T? Mpence- Hoilowell r taking off from Han Franclaco In an effort to rind tha two mlaalai Dole flight plaaaa. eri other* w?ak to a shade lov er; practically, no market oo plus heavi.-r hoga generally steady to ?19 eanta father; top 11.80; heav ier butcher* #1pw. Catlle 10,09.9; f?d yearlinga and weatern gra*a a teem at rung; med ium weight ?'Hi weight fed ateera ateady; afee-atock unchanged; bulla uneveu; lighter klnda weak; ?ealera SO ceil* lower; bulk heavy a tears 1 l.*0. Sheep 22*990; fat lambs open tig alow;- at#ady to atrong with ueaday;jb?Mk.natlve lambs mod trately sorted 13.00013.25; beat eld higher; aheep atrong; better gradeaoUlfUle weights fat n'a tlva ewea 6.00 O7.00. NEW YORK STOCKS New Yorti ,AUK. 24 (API-. The Block BMkrket displayed a firm undertoae *?4*y in -the face of un favorable Irad* news and renewed weaknen* of, tjfce oil aharea. l'oola succeeded iu gifting about a acore apecialtlea to 41 ew high prices, but healtancy developed In U. s. St. .1 common, Oeaeral Motors, and ?owe of the other recent leadera. Trading waa nioderafaely heavy In volume, aRhough little public In texeat waa $f>parent at the leading hoiiaea. ? ?? ? The weeJtljr-ateel trade revlewa report-1 lu% change In ptodpoiion and demaA. wtth prices holding Ulrly WeiS. , ' I), ft. >4ifceK common . ran Into considerable profit taking around 140 but offerlnga generally were well absorbed. Bethlehem which la expected tb reauran dividends within thd^tont few montha at tained another new high record. A Hied CheiPi'* Dye 166 6-8 Amer. Can ,-a?-- CI 3-4 A Bier. Car ft Fdy. 104 3-4 Amor. Loco. ? 112 1-2 Amar. Smelt. ft Refln 170 6-8 ?*? ? ?r?t a Aiaer. Sugar ' - - 91 1-4 Amer. Tel. A Tel 149 1-4 Aatr. Tobago ?! 143 | Amer. Water Wki. 4c El. _105 3-4 Amar. Wool*-a 22 1-2 Anaconda Copper 47 AtchlaOQ >9* Atlantic Coaat Un?* 194 lUldwin Loco. 269 7-1 Bait A Ohio ISO T-# Baroadall "A" 12 3-4 Bethlehem Steel 46 Calif. Pet. *fl l-f Can. Pacific 194 3-4 Cerro D?*pax. 46 1-4 Chesapeake * Ohio 193 3-4 Chi. Mil. Stp. |?fd. 32 5-8 Cblcafo ft N. Went. 91 7-8 Chic. R. I. ft Par 110 3-4 Chile Copper 24 3-4 Chrysler Corp. 69 Coca Col* - 117 1-2 Colo. Fuel - - 77 1-2 Col. Oaa 4k El. 96 Consol. Gas 112 1-2 Cont. Bait. "A" 44 Corn Products - - 64 6-8 Crucible Bteel 91 DodRfl Bros. "A" . ... 109 Dupont Denem ^ nnn Erlo Raj 1 road -J? 41 6-8 Freeport Texas ; 74 7-4 General Asphalt 47 1-2 Geo. Elec. New - 129 General Motors : J39 Great. N. Iron Or* Ctfs.._ 22 Gr?*al Northern Pfd. L_ 99 3-4 Hudson Motor* 86 6-8 IIIIdoIr Central 183 7-4 Int. Com. Eng. ??- 62 1-4 Int. Harvester 19* Int. Mer. Mar. Pfd. 40 1-4 Int. Nickel 46 3-4 Kan City Southern 44 1-4 Kenn. Copper 71 1-4 Mack Truck ? ? Maryland Oil Mld-Cont. Pet. Mo. Kan. * Tex. Mo. Pac. Pfd.' Montgomery Ward N'shIi Motors N. Y. Central N. Y.. N. H. Htfd. Norfolk A Western North Amer. Northern Pacific Packard M. C Fan. Am. Pet. Pennsylvania Phillip* m. ? Plerc* Arrow M. C. Radio Corp. R.-adUi* ? Rep. Iron ? Steel Reynold! Tob. *'B" _ St. Lout* * Son Fran Seaboard Air LiaeV Seara Roebuck ..... Sla. Con. Oil Southern Dairies ' Southern Pacific . Southern Railway Standard OH. Cal. Standard Oil. N. J. Standard Oil, N. Y. Studebaker ? Texas Corp. I Texas Gulf Sulphur] Texaa * Pacific Tobacco Product* I'nlon Pacific i - U. 8. lud Alcohol 77 S-t U. S. Rubber 43 5-t - U. S. Ht*?el 139 1-8 Valr. Pfcm* Rad - St 1-8 Vabaah; Jhllway ? \ \ V?t Mr ^ S3 ' ' WestlnghousM Elec. 84 6-1 * Willys-Overland IT T-t , Wool worth 171 3-8 * Yelow Ta*i ? Coach 31 1-2 MKK<*tt & Myers "B' 118 5-8 I*. Lorillard 41 7-8 Tot Lata ta Classify FOR SALE?Hire a rolrhty low price on a mighty good (arm ?ix mile* south of city. Owner box 184. 24-26a. JVANTED?Three unfurnished room*, close in. Write A. B. C. Care The Advance. RADIO EDITOR THE DAILY ADVANCE I desire to broadcast from Radio Station WKBG some time during the week of August 22 from the 1 Alkrama Theatre. ?.. NAME TYPE OF NUMBER ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. Clip and mail this coupon to Radio Editor, The Daily Advance, Elizabeth City, N. C., who will arrange for your appearance on the air. TELL IT TILL YOU SELL IT IN THE CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DAILY ADVANCE) ;! CLASSIFIED ADS TkU Ma W? (I point), m I Mat a mfr4 wk laaertioo, aatnlmun IS ecnti, on* time; T? miu XI *o??a. ' I j Standing |dl, flro cent* a I ?ror4 ytr w?k. Twenty cent* H* month?in advance. 1" WUU >NM M< "H^H1 WMii HEMSTITCHING ? Bring your work to \ia. '' Work promptly and carefully'aori'f*. Blue Tca Room, cdrner Phlndexter and Fearing streets. 24-S0n GOOD BOOKS wltbln~U*> reach of ^vory one: Join our circulating library and enjoy reading the newest hooka at a very low coat a day. Nfewspapera, magazines; cold drinks, sandwichea, fruits, shoe shine parlor. Servlco Newa Company. 14 N. Martlu Street. Phone 102R BAn ? X jUt Ppntiac Coyp*. "rtah or <*rmi. Th* In ?imtrlai foaf. 20 j?n iv Hoi. 1 lltl CHBVROl.ET Con p. In flnt claaa c?n4M4> Price fm. L. u Parry Motor Co. 14,15n I?I? boi'I'B?with bal loon tins. . In aood nhapa and a bargain tor l>8S.?0 L. B. P?rry Motor OS! 14,J5n J. . - 60 1?1? CH0CVRO1.ET TRUCK? ThoroiiMty overhauled and ne? tiro* 'Mln. lUI.Ot L. B. Perry Motor Co. . 24,25n ? AIR THMMd #y erp*rttarb*r*. Tou:4on'A.t?a?a to wau K*ra tor a chair. Special attention to ladle*. Sanitary Rarber Shop. 19-25n Bargain Counter 27 OLD PAPERS For Sale?at half a cent a pound. Tied In bandies of ten pounds. The Dally Ad vance. Can for Hire 41 FIVE MINUTE service to any part of the city. The old reliable Una of tor hire cars. Johnnie Johnson, phone 53. ltfn For Rent 10 DKSI8AHLE STORE for rent 'in Albemarle Rank Rulldlng. Ap ply W. R. aud E. Coppersmith, Route One, City. 24tfn FOR RENT ? Three furnished rooms sod bath for light house keeping. Apply Mrs. J. P. Whed bee. SI4 Wost Fearing. Phone 690-W. 1*-J4p For Sale ll [OLD PAPERS For Sale?at half a cent a pound. Tied In bundleal of ten pounds. The Dally Ad vance. TENNIS RACQUET tor Weight IS ouncea. !n perfectI condition. Apply John Peeie.j care The Advsn?'e. ai.&tr&l FIQlng Station 23 SERVICE ? Dunlop challenges the world for the title?The World's Greatest Tire ? Car washing and greasing. The foun tain, Jack Raum, manager. Wa ter and Front streets, Phone 976. 2S-S7p Groceries KINO FLAKE flour, ear coming In weekly and Is delivered to the retail grocer fresh. It haa the sweet nutty flavor. If you want the best ask your grocer for King Flake. With but few excep tion^ all grocers handle King Flake. It Is a good seller be cause It Is good. Guaranteed by W. J. Woodley, Wholesale Gro eer. SS-STn S*rrlt? 71 FAMILY WASHINO?Ronfk in "i 4*a? ?Mb. >? ? w?rk ? ?p*?l*Ur. Alb* marl* U?lr> WH til. it-Un ?7 L08T?Brief Cuo and book* Thnradar eomewhere between tbe 8l?t. Normal School anil Mack head BUapoat. Reward If re turned 10 w. N Dougta*. Hert ford. N. 0. BUNCH (JF KEYS lo*t^Ha* po.(office key. Sergeant key. ga rage key and hack kejr to Pord. Kinder plea?c return In Mine An nie fllounl at Advance office. 1?-Sln. Money lo I<-nd 37 INVESTIGATE our convenient weekly and monthly payment plan to finance yonr part d?e ob ligations. Industrial Rank SO-Slt. ss FOR QUALITY MEATS ? Call 3C4. Nothing but the beat cuts of be of in our ahop. M. E. Pap peodlck. 2 3-29n NOW 13 THE time of nice frash vegetable*. Enjoy this opportun ity by ordering them from A. R. Luton, The Service Grocery, S. Road street. We get fresh vege tables every day. 18-t4p FOR SATISFACTION ? E ? e r f ounce of meal in our shop la of tbe higheat grade, strictly freeh, and delightfully taaty. Bert Da vis. Phone 68. 1T-22 n P oft it iona Wasted YOUNG MARRIED MAN deaires position. Willing to work hard on job with good future. Prefer work in Elisabeth City. Addreaa "D. E. F.," care The Advance. 20-2Gn Place to Eat 22 YOU CAN ALWAYS be aitre of perfeot drlnka and service at Tbe Park-Mor. Come in and try one of our dellcloua sandwiches aad cold drlnka. All kloda oX fruits and candles. Curb servlca. 20-tfn. BRING THE FAMILY here for dinner. Nicely prepared food amid pleaaant surroundings. Chicken and potato salad sold by the pound. Tbe Blue Tea Room. 17-23 n THE 8UGAR BOWL?Tho choice place for eeadwlchea, ley-Floe. Fountain Drinks, Boxed s Loose Candlee, Tobaccos of all kinds. Howard Whaley, Prop. 11-23 D so NEW FALL shoes arriving dally, shoes. AH popular priced. T. W La teat styles In ladlea and mlaeea Williams d Son. S2-I7n W?nud WANTED AT ONCS?Cl*f? wfctU rsgs, no hooka or buttoai. Ad venes Office. tfa BOARDERS WANTED at lit North Road street, near Main, 98 per week. 23-29p Legal Noticei 35 NOTICE Halo of Valuable Venae I Property. At Public Auction Br rlrta# of muiml la ? rtaka UoMa.gr ramM,* thr Stw nlwr4 Ksaaurti of T. I\ Ura drrd. Will h? l|' Oh Hrtw or raaarl r*U*d Th* lUa ut Burrr" U-aHhrr vUk all MM, I'Uo* of Hair: Sv?a ?f A?M1 IWT. ?a haii Manx. Ka**im ? T r. MANN. 4m?m4 Rr R R Mam. Ally. UWM.SJ.SS.m^.IS. fOTKRIOR COURT r stork nic ujcrk NORTH CAROLINA M haebaad. An bur T4 UU. Rod* Rraaa and hu-baad. Carroll ?mm. ?Haabvrta MUCHo*. Chlnr laodfrva and hu? baad. i tiarlra Haadnaw. Cotumbua WMu. BraaUy end buUand Budrftalua R?a*J?y. D*r* WtUlMaa aad bmbead. lanaond William. Wilaoa Whltr. UirprH Whit* who la a mImt. Joha LMa?. flrld. ON*aJ. I.tavd (?NenJ. RoW Ouiimham. Waelry Alliaoa. IUlw.nl 1. laaa CarrWlf* IMrt M. K Charrh. Maub. I. R. MThua, Mr*, uu I'arbrr. aad Mianlr. Rem and Ktvaad Tarbrr. who er? alann. Arthur I'arbrr Cafala fatkw IlnadMI I'arbrr, Mr*. I^nntr O'Nral. Infrndaata. rfOTICK To ttlMHi It May (Vmcern TV pafiir. aaavo namtl aad ail ailter P*r1|e* lataroird wlU lab* aoilrr that oa Uu> Xtnd Ur of July. INT. ib? abuvt aaeard patiUonrr. flWd a P??IUoa la ihr offk* of (hr CM ?r Rucrvior court of itmumk Caaaty. N. C.. to bar* Ok* UU* la r?rtala lead* ih*r*4a daarrUnl: la ?1? M by Kaot'i Mead ChannM. oa |hr Ud Iv (ha Alienor Ooraa; as the Waal by U? OW ntorb H?uad. aad oa tb* Houfh by lb* Mnata I liUad Clab and rtbm, rrylaleyad aad ?ta fltard parauaat la Chaidrr M at tbr PnMtr I4fk af IMA and thai mmrmun. baa k**a WaM*. w laraaMa at tR* MTW? af tha lit! af RwiMr ?f NrirmiM. Im Raid MRd la iliaatad la rraltniw Tumm+ip. Caryltw* C'ia. Ik* laada of lb* Cwyttnrb Howpa Rtaotkat chib. I ha AlUatln Orwaa. . ?a* , WbHa aad *