THE DAILY ADVANCE, ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. MONDAY EVENING, MAY 7, 1945. PAGE SEVEN r esper Service Thursday or Memorial Day by UDC The D. H. Hill Chapter of the [ PC will hold its annual obser- ance of Southern Memorial Day ’'th a vesper service on the court- °Use lawn Thursday evening at O’clock. The Rev. Alien P. Brantley, pas- °. r of the First Metnodist Church, 'Th deliver the address for the -casion and ’the Elizabeth igh School band will be on 1 present several patriotic Si's anl to accompany the ice in singing. Other special ■ suitable for the service is City hand num- audi- mus- plan- Introduction of the speaker will be made by Mrs. L. L. Winder, Resident of the crapter. The Rev. F. Hill, rector of Christ Church, ^111 pronounce the benediction. Southerners observe memorial ^ay on May 10 because it is the a nniversary of the death of And- rtw (Stonewall) Jackson and be- eausp flowers bloom earlier in the War Mothers Set May 12 as Tag Day The American War Mothers chapter meeting April 30 vdted to observe Saturday, May 12. as tag day^lfor the sale of red and white carnations to raise money for the, Slemorial Home at New River and to assist war veterans and their families. The treasurer reported $10 con tributed to the Red Cross and a balance of $21.46 in the treasury. Mrs. A. L. Pendleton,- president, presided and Mrs. C. B. Morrisettp conducted the devotional. German medals sent to Mrs. Leslie Wald ¬ Social Calendar Monday Rotary Club, 1. Girl Scout Troop No. 2, 3:15. Sea Scout Ship 164, 7:30. First Christian Scout Troop 167, 7:30. Official board meeting of First Methodist Church, 8. First Baptist Y. W. A. with Mrs. Calvin Pritchard, 8. Faithful Workers Class in lad ies parlor of Blackwell Memorial Baptist Church, 8. Charles A. Leonard R. A. pastor’s study, 8. Blackwell Memorial Y. W. with Mrs. Eloise Rogers, North Road street. Write Home at USO, 8:30. Brownie 3:15. Kiwanis Tuesday Scout Troop No. Club, 6:45. in I Hobbsville Juniors Fete \ Seniors at Supper, Movie Hobbsville, May 7 The junior 'class of the Hobbsville High School entertained the seniors at a chicken and fish supper at the Elizabeth City Beach Friday eve ning. It was the party’s first visit to the beach and after a satisfying re past in the dining room dancing was enjoyed on the upstairs floor. ■ Later the group went to Elizabeth I City to the movie, to see Experi ment Perilous. Odd Fellows Encampment The Palula Encampment No. 8 will meet tonight at 7:30 a’clock in the Odd Fellows Hall. Preced ing it a fish fry will be held. Home from Hospital Mrs. Clyde Ambrose and small daughter of Parsonage street ex tended returned home from the Albemarle Hospital Friday after- noon. BOATS YACHTS A. 908 at church, 7. Eastern Star, 8. Achoree Lodge No. 14, I. O. O. F., 8. Informal recreation at USO 8:30. orf as souvenirs by her son Germany were displayed. in Enfield Scout Troop 171, 7:30. Euzelian Class ’in ladies’ parlor, 8. Game tournament night 8:30. at USO Specially blended for SCHENLEY , edewe Complete We’re headquarters for marine supplies in the Albemarle area. You’ll find just what you’re looking for lo repair your bout in our stock. Line of south. Tribute will be paid to all American soldiers who have given bieir lives in war as well as to Confederate 'soldiers who died. Graves of war veterans will be Decorated a s is customary year. Musical Program Tuesday at Weeksville A musical program under direction of Mrs. Margaret H. Wednesday Brownie Scout Troop No. 9, each Kdmlsor Music Chib Elects New Officer:’, Windsor- On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. G L. Mardre was hostess to the Windsor. Music Club with the Lis- m Il- Senior Woman’s Club, 1 First Methodist Scout 3:30. Troop key, director of public school sic in the Weeksville and Central high schools, will be presented at the Weeksville High School Tues day night at 8 o’clock. This program will consist of folk dancing, a rhythm band and songs by students from the first through the seventh grade. Num bers by the high school glee clubs will close the program. Parents and friends are urged attend. to 9 large attendance. It was announced that national Music week will be observed by Ikesentation of the Junior Club Riven by the pupils of Mrs. W. H. "arden at the Grammar School on Tuesday evening' with the Senior Club as special vuests. i-dok weex win oe unserveu ay program will be 1 the Tyrre]1 County Public Lihra- -~r Club at the . during the week of May 6-13, ith the public a ' nnounce d Mrs. LA-inie L. Spruill, Tyrrell to Observe Religious Book Week 153, 7:30. Brotherhood Bansuet at Black- well Memorial Baptist Church, 7:30.' Midweek prayer service at First Baptist Church, 8. Bingo party at USO, 8:30. Thursday Girl Scout Troop No. 6, 3:15. Brownie Scout Troop No. 8, En field Apartments, 3:30. Girl Scout Troop No. 10, Enfield Apartments, 7. City Road Methodist Scout Saturday Open house at Girl Scout House from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Hospitality night at USO, 8:30. Choice ingredients plus distilling skill create this smoother Schenley blended whiskey bottled at the "Peak of Flavor . Blended Whiskey 86 Proof. Sixty per cent Grain Neutral Spirits. Schenley Distillers Corp., New York City ALLEY OOP ALL | HEY, LIKE HECK IT IS. LOOK So Long, Troop 163, 7:30. Rotary Scout Troop 151, 7: WENT AND THERE LDN'T HAVE’ ... BEEN ANY 14 RE nnAiA W .On Friday, a 1 . „ given by the Senior Club at the Grammar School wih the nublic ^Vited. I Columbia, ■ Book Week will be observed by May Religious Betsy Dowdy Chapter, 8. Red Men, 8. Blackwell Memorial Baptist Setty & A^pl^.» ft& lA^u^db Adatib/s^ Fire Extinguishers . . . Shafts . . . Wheels . . . machine parts . . . marine conversions for auto motors . . . anchors . . . full line of supplies and equipment for small boats. SANBEES co. Wholesale and Retail Pearl, Poindexter and Water Sts. Phone 12 Doc! Officers for the next club year ?®re elected as follows: President, ^s. B. E. Grant, vice president, “Il’s, I. T. Smith; secretary, Mrs. 9- L. Mardre; treasurer, Miss Inez. Matthews; junior councilors Jks. J. H. Spruill and Mrs. T. C. Waiter; program committee, Mrs. E. Grant, Mrs. R. L. Coun- Lilian and Mrs. T. C. Lassiter. The club will present a. public Concert the latter part of the ^onth. The hostess and her assistants Served course refreshments. SKIN SUCCESS SOAP and OINTMENT _ICE_ CREAM 6 HICIOU$-SMCOTH-NO Iff CRYSTALS 'NEXPSHSIVI-SURE 10 GE 6000 ENJOY MAKING IT easily in your refrigerator. Mix, whip and freeze evaporated milk, milk, pure sweet cream, sugar, with ANY FLAVOR and follow one of the 20 famous recipes in each 15c package of L0HD0nD€iHiy BRAND librarian, today. Mrs. Spruill said that a steady increase in the number of .book borrowers and the number of | books circulated was noted during the month of April. • Youth Choir rehearsal, 7. Adults at 8. Informal dance at USO at 8:30. Vesper service by D. H. Hill Chapter of UDC, 7. Friday ) Girl Scout Troop No. 5, 3:30. ' Lions Club, 7. First Baptist Y. W. A. banquet Amazing results shown in improving the LOOKS • • • -Ener0«*®y our Body with RICH, RE 0 BLOODS VITALITY! Beautiful woodwork-Shot is easily cleaned-can be se- , cured overnight by enamel ing with BPS GLOSFASf— practically all delay and tie-up is eliminated with this m ° dern synthetic enamel. L N A M L I. Glos fa st CULPEPPER Hardware Co. 114 N. Poindexter Street n S TO DOC WONMUG'S NEW VIEWING 2HMENT TO THE TIME-MACHINE, A WAS SAVED FROM A DINOSAUR AND HIED BACK FROM MOO... BUT LOOK I GOES WITH THIS HITHERTO UN- 3 GADGET ...IT'S UNBELIEVABLE' ^A^HEn! LARD CONVINCED HIMSELF THAT HE HAD A GOOD SINGING VOICE, HE LOST THE TiMiD FRIGHTENED MANNER. THAT MADE GIRLS WANT TO MOTHER HIM---- AND NOW •— Ue USED TO BE A MELLOW FELLOW - BUT NOW HE'S . IN A ONE -MAN RUT SOUNDS LIKE A RUSTY Gate. floor. To \ Balcony To floor.— BALCONY- I WE’RE APPROACHING " - THE TARGET/ BALCONY- FLOOR. TO BALCONY. RAMGE FORTY FEET/ V Wanted i o liny COLR. 1945 BY MCA SERVICE. INC. _ T. M. REG. U. S. PAT. OFF, . _ 1 oKf+em Classified Advertising Announcements Wanted to Kent Wanted ELECTRIC toaster. Call C. H. Cul- FOUNTAIN Mt Vernon Service Station., Magazines, 7-9n Whaley’s I Service Sandwiches lens Whaley’s Shoppe. and Sundry items. 190' WICKER baby carriage. Box 290 Daily Advance. 28tfn | Pnom and Hoard Position Wanted WANTED—All people suffering from kidney trouble or backache to try KIDDO, 97c—Money back guarantee at Albemarle Cut-Rate Drug. J18tfn WAN.TED to rent cottage at Nags MEDIUM size electric refrigera- Lost Head two or four weeks . Give location, description, price. William T. Harming Emporia, Virginia. July: 4-7n tor. Write Box 392, Poultry and Supplies ROOMERS and boarders. Mer preferred. Riverside Grill D30tfr j Photographs CONCRETE Work - sidewalls I driveways, cellars, foundations. 1 For estiftiates call 1221-J. Junes’ and Deans. Asotin Peal Estate. Per Sale STABILIZER Please a>k your grocer 1 J^ifonderry, 835 Howard 5L,San Francisco'S GETTING VALUE out of the food you eat is YOUR No. 1 HEALTH PROBLEM whether you eat 500 or 2,000 pounds yearly. To do this, medical science says, you must have an ade quate supply of natural stomach DIGESTIVE JUICES, and RICH, RED-BLOOD must be present. SSS Tonic may help you get both if this is your trouble, without organic complication or focal infection, as these two important results enable you to make use of the food as Nature intended. Thus you get fresh vitality... pep... do your work better... become a animated ... more attractive! SSS Tonic has helped millions ... you can start drug stores in 10 and 20 oz. sizes. ©S.S.S.Co. R£f|j BUILD STURDY HEALTH and keep STALWART • StEADY • StRONG S.S.S.TONI'C"«^ FRIGIDAIRE top between Eliza beth City and Harbinger by way of short cut. Finder please re turn to R. S. Jordan Co., and re ceive five dollars reward. 7-9p 4, 5, 6, ROOM furnished house. No children. Have references. Box 300 Daily Advance. 3-9p Female Help Wanted WANTED. Loopers and Seamers Elizabeth City Hosiery Mills REDS, ROCKS, WYANDOTTES, LEGHORNS, BRAHMAS, Giants. Assorted, Blood Tested, Breed, Sex. Our Selection. $8.95—100. Shipped C.O.D. Send check or money order for prompt delivery. ASSOCIATED HATCH ERIES, Phila. 3, Penna. SERVICEMEN! — Special priced] photographs. 3 3x5 Silvertone! portraits mounted only $3.50 ] Selection of proofs. No appoint ment necessary. Rembrant Stu- dio, 606 Colonial Ave. Lor Sale A3 tin Seafoods WE are now carrying a good line of Ocean View Sait water fish. I All day delivery. Call Stegars Market. Phone. 1524-W. 408 Par- sonage Street. Rooms 7-12n ROOMERS Wanted. 707 West Church Street. Elizabeth City. l-7p Auto Services SEE us for expert repair on any make of automobile. Armstrong Motor Co. 507-509 N. Water St. A25tfn Skinner Avenue. M7tfi Hatin' Kepairint NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION late settlement, against the LeRoy Markham I hereby give all persons indebted to her es ne forward and make immediate and those holding claims This 21st day of. April, 1945. LoROY MARKHAM Administrator NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the the late Mri. C notice io all pe late to come for Relle 1 UTeby KIVI Indebted Io her es ¬ same irl and make immediate tho^ holding claims o present them for pay- LEADY to fix or buy any radio Parts for sale. Opposite corner from Chevrolet Company. Forbes' Radio and Supply Co. Phone 49. Y D4tfn 1934 FORD coupe, new tires, bat tery and paint. 51-C Enfield Apts, Carolina Street. 7-9p 620 WEST CEDAR STREET. Reception Hall. Large laving an J dining rooms. Hardwood floors Sun Room, kitchen, butler’ pan try. Tile floors. Five bed rooms. Large closets for each. Complete tiled bath. Automatic stoker Fur nace heat. Garage. Laundry room. Beautiful shrubbery. Fruit trees, grape vines. Extra large lot. 100’ by 120’. Best location. Immediate possession, yer. Phone 290. Sav. For Sal- MAPLE - living loom set. 3-pc. Good condition. 33-A Enfield. 7-12p 1940 MODEL Ford Transon trailer. In tion, good tires. F. South Mills, N. C. truck and good condi- N. Williams, 7-12p ONE ladies’, one man’s yellow gold Bulnva wrist watch. Perfect timepieces. Can be seen at Per ry’s Watch Repair Shop, 101 E. Main Street. 4-7n PRACTICALLY new gas stove, heatrola, open face iron and 7 window Screens. 96-J. stove I’hone 3-9n NORTH CAROLINA, Beaufort County —- Approximately 6500 acres ■ timber land. Provident Trust Co. of Philadelphia, Tustee. 4-7n Termite Control ^areweltf cruel world! —I did it because my radio Ousted in the middle oj the new Danny Kaye show!” Lovely New MI ft BORIS RADIATORS boiled out $5,00. Guaranteed job. WE Align front wheels the Bear system. Check often to save tires. meat within twelve months from the of this notice, or it will be pleaded in This the 416,23,30,M7,14 of April, 1945. RELFE, Admr. BED, mattress, springs. 2 pillows, $20. 146-A Enfield Apts. 7-12p FOR your FCX feed and corn, al falfa, timothy and prairie hay, see D. T. Whitehurst, Hertford Highway. Also just received a new shipment of fencing wire and concrete piping. l-14n TERMITEX gives complete ter mite protection. No objectionable odor is encountered. Free consul tation and inspection. Telephone 491-J Termitex Co., P. O. Box 512. AlOttn NICE dining- room suite for sale cheap. City Routt Two, Box 248 on Okisko Road. Mary Davis. / 7-8p Danny Kaye On the Air Friday Nights 10:30 P. M. and his Music Makers SEE us today for tire vulcanizing and tire retreading. We use the Lodi method. WHEN your battery needs a bolost see us. . . we have the 30 to 45 minute charging system. LAST but not least remember Americas’ famous Saw-Tooth tread Siberling tires. . . Sold on No. 1 certificates. McPherson bros. AUTO SUPPLY Help Wanted M21tfn WANTED night watchman. Call 615. l-7n WANTED saleslady over 16. High School education, McLellan’s 28tfn PAINTING inside or outside, spray or brush work also for termite. Phone 1138-W Eulas Pritchard. l-8p MOTHER’S DAY—Hand painted Rose pictures by Cora S. Gallop Wright's Greeting Cards and Printing. £6-m9r CAN get one more new Deice light plant on our quota if in terested. -Call 497 Forbes Radic and Supply Co. A21tfn WEATHERSTRIP: Before weath erstripping write R. C. Vander- berry P. O. Box 342 Ahoskie N. C., for free estimate. Reduced Summer rates now.. Best groov ed in metal. Installed by expert mechanics. 21 years experience. A21-My21p BULLDOG pup. Lester Baker, Belvidere, N. C. 5-7p REFRIGERATOR, practically new, used less than 6 weeks. Call Holly 12-J-1. 5-7p A LOT 50 x 120 ft. Apply Sam L. Sawyer. .Call after 5 p.m. Phone 219-J. ^P FOR Sale—tractor tires and tubes. Many sizes in stock. Hollowell Chevrolet Company, Phone 2151, Hertford, N. C. 3-9n YOUNG RABIES WANTED TOR SALE: Hot Blast Hearter. TOMATO and cabbage plants, on ion sets and all new garden seeds. Scotts Feed and Seed Store. AGtfn Phone 1355-J. 5-lln TOR Sale: 12 inch band saw, 8 inch table saw, inch shaper, 4 inch belt, sander, wood lathe, % inch electric drill, 2 electric motors. R. E. Chappel, Highland Ave. 5-11P FOR Sale complete set of Beauty Parlor equipment, pre-war made of Royalchrome only used two months. J. V. Spencer, Columbia N. C. 5-lln HAY, Timothy and Prairie _Hay for sale. Truck deliveries. Scotts Feed and Seed Stere. McPhersonBros. Beverage, Co. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. Distributors of Pabst Blue Ribbon Beef Brighten up that spoil with a new Mirror. We have a large various shapes and siz- '1.98 •« ’9.95 LOCAL man or woman between the ages of 16 and 40 wanted for attractive permanent posi tion. Good salary,- commissions, vacation with pay, retirement pay and free life insurance. This is a position with real security. MR Farmer- We have lime foi your spraying and dusting. Pric ed right. Dunstan Supply Comp any. A13tfi THE C. C. Beauty Salon is nov located in the Carolina Bldg Phone 1050. Room 406. We ap predate your patronage. A12-tfr W. T. Grant Co. A21tfn MECHANICS and body men wanted. Steady work. GoSd pay. McDowell Motor Co. A19tfn FOR Sale slightly used baby car riage. Good’ condition. Pric, Twenty Five Dollars. Raymond , Armstrong. Columbia, N. C. Cost Forty Dollars. l-7n FOUR inch by 18 feet Boiler tubes. Suitable for drainage at $2.00 each. Foreman-Derrickson EASTERN TYPEWRITER CO. PHONE 1329-1 212 SOUTH WATER ST. We repair and 1 rebuild ail makes of typewriters, adding machines, duplicators, cash registers, and check writing machines. Highest Prices Paid for Used Typewriters. LOCATED NEXT TO SCOTT FEED & SEED STORE Elizabeth City, N. C. . . . to assist in handling local and long distance tel ephone calls. You will be paid while learning. Tele piione operating is essen tial to the war effort. . . . If you are not at pres ent working in some oth er essential industry, but would like to get work which you know will be helping with the war pro gram, come in and talk to us about telephone operat- Norfolk & Carolina Telephone & Telegraph Co. APPLY AT BUSINESS OFFICE Veener Co. Phone 199. 3-9n LOCAL firm with brand new truck needs experienced white driver. Apply Box 145 City A16tfn [Belk-Tyler Company! Elizabeth City's Shopping Center WANTED: Girl toppers and top- I per, learners, for full fashion ! Work. Avalon Hosiery Mill, | Ehringhaus St. 2tfn OPPORTUNITY for Ex-Service men of World War II—In cities and towns of Pasquotank, Gates Camden and Currituck Counties who desire to be connected with a reputable, progressive home company. Pleasant, light work with good salary and future. No experience required. . Will be trained at company’s expense. For interview write Post Office Box 264, Elizabeth City, N. C. M30tfn FINE fishing tackle fly lines and reels. Sporting goods, baseball lines, masks, tennis rackets and balls. Also buying rods and reels. Rogers Sports Shop, Poindexter Street. 2-8p 1939 FORD Coach. Good tires. Cheap for quick sale. Dan Has- are in these savings Albert T. Kramer MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENC Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass, ( NEW FLOORS MADE PER FECT; OLD FLOORS MADE LIKE NEW Clean Smooth Sanitary Beautiful Any floor...old or new...badly worn... Painted, varnished, stained, or unfiD- Ished...oak, maple, pine, birch or any other wood...can now he quickly and economically surfaced to a clear. Ja®s like smoothness. The grain of the ivood • s brought out like new The work in sell, Columbia, N. C. 2-7p SAXOPHONE. Moses Glasser. A23tfn with nil electrically driven floor Hand er...a vacuum fan deposit* nil dirt Io a bag VVe will be very glad to quota prices and explain the method without obligation on We go part whatr : DOFFER Boys or girls and spin ners. Elizabeth City Cotton Mills. J2tfn BUYING WOOL. Top Market Prices. Spot Cash. W. C. Glover. My4tfn WOOD for sale—Pine split for stoves, Hardwood heater size. De livered $14.00 'per cord. Cut in March. Jones and Deans. Phone 1221-J. A20tfn Phone MARTIN’S DECORATING SHOP I’hone 1ZH® 31» H. ItoHO fetid

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