. . f - t V Clayton, N. C.- September 18, 1057 THE CLAYTON NEW3 PAGE FIVE rv Baptist Tom Thumb Rites Being Arranged Tha v;p',hyin 3o.v.ce Guild of the Ielb& ?.i CI f.rc'.i will present a Tom Th?y V. Hiding in the school atditorVm oi Thursday M UD . I News N V. X Is i, - Li & i 1 . - j 4 ' i ,.'.'-' ... f '. '.f 5 r . .it -. - -3 r 'y- From The Johnston Comity News Sept. 10, 1931 With President Hoover holding meeting's with bankers, both nat ional and international, in an effort to work out some plan by which foreign countries may be able to purchase cotton from this country to use in the manufacture of goods, and the legislature in both Texas and South Carolina getting ready to "consider" the cotton situation, it is possible that the price of cot ton will advance within a short time. H. V. Marrow, superintendent of the Johnston County schools, an nounced Monday that the Board of Education will meet the latter part of this week to set the open ing date for the fall term. Oct. 7 will probably be the first day of school. An eight month term will be instituted throughout the county except .at some rural schools where the term has been cut to six months. About 33 less teachers will be employed in the county than in 1930. State Highway Patrolman V. Mallard, Smithfiled, has warned farmers who are bringing tobacco to the local market on unlicensed trailers that he will arrest any per sons whose automobiles are not properly licensed. Jil UU uvl w uu IM uu PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS CHURCH Miss Margaret Wet, Pastor Miss Frances Shelby, Assistant SUNDAY Sunday school 10:00 a.m. Mr. Willis Harper, Supt. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Youth Service- 7:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service 7:30 p.m. jfHUBSDAY Prayer Service 7:30 p.m. MT. MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor, A. C. Phipps Sunday 10:00 a. m. Sunday School Leland Poole, Superintendent 11:00 a. m. Worship Service 8:30 p.m. Baptist Training Union 8:00 p.m. Evening worship ser vice Wednesday Ti'dl) p. m. Mid-week Prayer Service TIFPETT'S CHAPEL FREE WILL BAPTIST CHURCH G. C. Joyner, Pastor Sunday 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Kenneth Lee, Superintendent Thursday 11:00 a.m. Worship Service, each first and third Sunday. 6:15 p. m. Free Will Baptist League, each Sunday 7:30 p.m. Worship Service, each first and third Sunday. NORTH CLAYTON christian; church Pastor, Rev. Gale Brady Sunday 9:45 a. m. Sunday School 11:00 a. m. Worship Service - lit . and 3rd Sundays 7:30 p, m. 2nd and 4th Sunday -evenings 7:30 p.: m. Prayer Service ? Thursday, evenings 6:45 n. m. CYF Sunday evenings . - HOCUTT MEMORIAL , BAPTIST CHURCH J. I. Atkins, Pastor Sunday "- , 9 :45 1 a.m. Sunday School joe Phillips, Superintendent ' S:30 pm. Baptist Training ;. .Union , rJ ; 7:30 p.m. Worship Service (Robertson St.) Thursday 7:30 p.m. Prayer Service 1 BETHESDA BAPTIST ; V CHURCH f Willard Baxter, Pastor : ; Sunday - . ; -.. - - . ... 10 a.m. Sunday School - - ; Uoyd Godwin, superintendent The R. H. Ryal s family re-union will be held at Old Hannah Creek church house. The Home Demonstration Agent is planning a farming itinerary for the 11 clubs of the country. With an average price higher than a majority of the Eastern North Carolina markets, Smfth field is selling a great deal less tobacco now than the warehouse men though just before the mar kets open. Some tobacco manufact urers report that they have on nand enough tobacco of the old crop to last four Vears. Whether this is true or not and whether this is mefly an effort to depress the price or not, the fact remains that the price is low. If it is true that there is an enormous surplus on hand, and government reports in dicate that such is true, the tobac co manufacturers are doing a pret ty commendable piece of work of fering to buy tobacco at any price. Jim Ellis, former night police man in Clayton, was appointed chief of police Monday night by the board of city commissioners to fill the position which was vacant due to resignation of former Chief of Police B. A. Smith. L. A. Pollard who had been day policeman was appointed to take CLYDE'S CHAPEL "BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor, A. H- Lanier Sunday 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Titus Painter. Superintendent 11:00 a. tn. Worship Service each first and third Sunday. -6:15 pm. Training Union ? 7:30 p. m. Worship' Service each second and fourth Sunday CHURCH OF GOD A, A. Hannah. Pastor Sunday 9:45 a.m. Sunday school William Walker, superintendent 11:00 a.m. Worship service 7 p.m. Y. P. E. 7::u p.m. Evangelistic service Tuesday 7:15 p.m. Prayer service. EVERETT'S CHAPEL FREE WILL BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor, W. L. Poythress Sunday 9:45 a. m. Sunday School Johnny Underwood, Supt. i .-in 8 m. Worship bervlce 7:00 p. Pneelistie Service Vodnesday 7:30 Mu!wk driver Service FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor, Dr. Eph Whlsenhunt Sunday 9:45 a. m. Sunday Schoo. James Little, Superintendent 11 :00 a. m.: Worship Service 6:25 p, ml Baptist Training Unioi. 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship ' Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting BAPTIST CENTER BAPTIST CHURCH E. W. Howard Minister "fiay x'J. 0 a.m. Sun'hy 5 :hto! Howard Lee, Suprruitondent U ;00 a.m. Worship Service : Wednesday J: 30 p.m. Prayer- Meeting AMEIJ -g TIONAL cii sA2i err RCT - Paster Rev. Gale Brady Sunday School Supt., Leon Stevens 1st and 3rd Sunday ' 9:45 Worship .Service . T; : 10:50 Sunday School T ' ; 2nd and 4th -Sunday. 9:45 Sunday School , " -11:00 Wo whip Service Each Sunday !S Evening , ; - x : , 6:30 Pilgrim. Fellowship Tuesday 1 "" . ;' ' ; 8:00 P. M. 0ojqIt Practice . Wednesday . 8:00 Pv M. Prayer Service ? ':. :ili. pUce at night. By tlioir appointment Monday, he oor.imi ;sioners cut the police force in Clayton from three to two, j?ving the city the salary of one of their officers. A stor ynow going the rounds is to the effect that the talkie pic ture employers of Johnny Mack Brown, former football star of Al abama's Crimson Tide, have em ployed a "speech specialist" from Brooklyn to teach Johnny to talk like a Southerner. And he . hails from Dothan, Ala. Circle Reviews Primer Of Prayer The Carey Newton Circle met Tuesday morning with Mrs. Ru dolph Barnes. Upon arrival the members were served hot cinnamon buns, .cheese straws, hot coffe and salted nuts. Program chairman, Mrs. W. F. Weathers called on Mrs. Dwight Barbour for the scripture and de votional, and Mrs. Sam Anderson reviewed the last chapters from "Primer of Prayer." With Mrs. Hocutt presiding re ports from all committees were given. Concluding the business session the meeting was adjourned with prayer led by Mrs. J. W. Massey. Wesleyan Service Discusses Goals Mrs. Sam Strickland discussed "The Goals for the Quadrehnium, of the Weslyan Service Guild at the regular meeting of the Guild on Monday evening. Sept. 16, in the home of Miss Sarah Richard son with Miss Rena Johnson as associate hostess. Mrs. Strickland's auadrennial theme, "The spirit of Christ for all of Life." . Duriner the business session Miss Virginia' t,ee Saherfield;i presidentf called for reports from the trea surer and the corresponding secre tary and announced the Revival meeting beginning Oct. 20, and a Weslyan Service Guild District meetinsr for Oct. 6 at Edenton Street Church in Raleigh The group then heard the plans for a Tom Thumb wedding and Fashion show which the Guild will present in the school on Thursday evening Oct. 3. JMiss Harrison Js Circle Hostess The Alda Grayson Circle met with Miss Addie Bell Harrison on Tuesday night at 8 o'clock, Sept. 10th. Mrs. McDonald Ellis was in charsre of the program and gave a portion of the book "The Primi tive Primer of Prayer." The hostess served ice cream. nuts and cookies to the 13 mem bers present. CALYART ftlETHOBIST '. ; CHTTRCH iZ ' Pastor. C. H. Donn . Sunday 2.30 p m. Sundpv School 3:30 p. m. Worship Service Thursday 7:30 p. ra. Youth Fellowship METHODIST CHURCH Pastor. C. H. Dunn Sunday j 9:45 a.' m. Sunday School Stanley Peele. Superintendent 11:00 a. m. Worship Service 6:30 p. m. Methodist Youth ,;- Fellowship 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship Wednesday j 7:30 p. m. Mid-week Service PQWAHAT ATC . FREE WHX ;.. BAPTIST CnXTRCT -J Pastor, Cleon Coats , Sunday ' " J " ;2 I 10:00 a. m. Sunday. School -J. .C. Bllnsbn, Buperintendent . -11:00 a. m Worship Service -:Sr first and third Sunday 7:00 p. m. Worship Service each first, and thira Sunday , . i .. - . . ; Ky Mrs. B irt Lowry T'rs. Dr me Pce and children and Mrs. Avon Hill spent the week end in Norfolk visiting Duane 1 Poole and Avon Hill. I -nd Mrs. Danford Raynor of I Raleigh spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walton Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams of Charleston, S. C, spent the week end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Herman McGirt, and son, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc Girt and son of Rowland, spent Sunday with Mrs. Julius B. Lee and family. Mr. and Mrs. An Marshburn, of Garner and son spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Ellis. Mrs. Louise Kellam of Greens boro spent Friday with Mrs. E. W. Howard. Recruiters Meet With Mrs. Tart On Wednesday night at 7:30 p. m. the Hocutt Memorial Recruiters Bible Class held its meeting in the home of Mrs. Bobby Tart. There were 12 members present, 4 visi tors and 5 new members. Eskeridge Jones, president of the class called the meeting to order. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. After a brief business session, Billy Ray Pittman gave a program from Matthew 4:7 - 22. Pittman closed the program with prayer. Mrs. Tart, assisted bv Mrs. H. i j P. Eason, served refreshments to 1 V. 1 4. 1 1 r - r -r-r n. we in Liie xiome 01 .airs. ri. ir. Eason. Card of Thanks I wish to thank the members of the Clayton Fire Department for their prompt response in answer ing the alarm when the dwelling house on my f ar,m caught Jire last Friday morning at 6:30 aim. " vC J. D. Wall. DDD I n MANY COTTON GROWERS KNOW THAT BY EXCESSIVE TRASH AND MOISTURE REMOVAL THEY MAY IMPROVE THE PRICE OF THEIR COTTONr THEY FORGET THAT THE LOSS QFoltWEIGHT OFTEN MORE THAN OFFSETS THE PRICE INCREASE ARE PEE1 ACRE FOR YOUR COTTON INSTEAD OF CENTS PER POUND :.;tjry:SVGEJEE.v SEE US ADOlJT evening, Oct 3. at 7:30 o'clock. In addition to this they will also have many young people modeling cloth es of a "few years ago Already they are looking for the oldest wed ding dresses, evening dresses, "Sunday" dresses, men's suits and men's and ladies hats. For the wedding they are look ing for youngsters. Bethesda Church JHas Home-coming Bethesda Baptist Church will hold its annual Home coming ser vices Sunday, Sept. 22 at the regu lar 11:00 o'clock service hour, with the pastor the Rev. Willard Bax ter, officiating. A hearty welcome has been ex tended to all former pastors, mem bers and to the general public to come and worship with the con gregation of this special day. A picnic-type lunch will be ser ved on the church grounds immed iately following the worship hour. Mrs. Iris Langdon Funeral services were held Sat urday from St. Mary's Grove Free Will Baptist church for Mrs. Iris E. Beasley Langdon, 44, of Clay ton, Rt., who died Thursday in Rex hospital. The Rev. R. W. Allman officiated and burial was in the church cemetery. Surviving are her husband W. Hubert Langdon of Clayton, Rt. 1; three daughters, Mrs. Calbert Johnson of Richmond, Va.t Mrs. Walter B. Wall of Wendell and "Peggy Ann Langdon of the home; six sons Alonzo of Richmond, Per cy Ray. Nathan Lee, Benny Carh J. C. and Kenneth Wayne., Land donr all or the' hoineT ongrand- child: one sister, Mrs. Walter Ste phenson of Four Oaks, Rt. 3; one brother, Reubin Beasley of Garner; her father, Buddy Beasley; two half-sisters, Mrs. Arthus Norris of Clayton and Mrs. Carlie Hargis of Benson, Rt. 1. 7H2 -1057. - FLYIIOimi 1 t ' 4 i (.,