Tin - minD- mm mwmm ('(JBUSIjCp TRI WEEKLY, BV TnOMAS LOItl.NC. "i. Af-'l' ;iyoL:;5-Nd. 69..-. WILMINGTON, N. C. SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 24. 1850. JVHpLE KOt C83; rrn w;- m wmmmm rv tt a tt ; 11 ViiyMMUimU;UALiLlo : i. -.- ,:.. ;;..;. -1 ' ' y 1 ' ' "''. ;y v. '-"'i .-."'"" 3v ' -V-' . ;' ; .... t v . ..., i" i ,.-LL ilr -4-U-J- , a eaagg. ii i et ea mi ii iiwaaitegBwanagMMMaMaWMae Is ptiblUhej eeTywdaii, nufiday and Satar- , v per annual, paycwio jn ait cuac jn uu- i EDItORAriD PHOPmfeTOlir O ft U, ?OHU IS l , ED IT Oil. vVk.n 4tp nif invr!?Tiivn. 1 gqr. I inB6rt(on,7 t0,60 1.1" qr. 2mowhi, 6,00 0 " 8,00 1yoar, 12,00 Rin'll(lu it noa mnlru fl an4M hi If ft n AtifafofaA rfinoqii otou j,iii pifoa, ui iitvo wui m tu vivi- & -All advortlsement are payable it the time of Ihoir uu'.;AyUliuuut wtm youtiy nuvvittocto, win uo iiiuuuuii fr ..L -1 - ...t.u .-..I.. I . ...in i I . n iVtnti most uoerai terrtji,; ,f r'i' No tnyiM f contract for yeai ly advertising will ce pormiueT.' onouiacircumsiances renaer ucnange 84n business or nri unorpecled removal necessary, a j charge ocordlng to (he published terms will be at ' ma uuiiun ui liib cuntruutur. tur tua tunc no uua The privilege of Annual Advertisers lsstrlctly Uni ted t their 'bwn ilinmodlato business j fnilalladver 9(fiiqif(iCtf'0,ini wel1 08 all tdvejftlsemonts no immediately connefilted with thqir Jiwn business"; and U ixces of advertisements la lenjtli or other wisoey and tho limits engaged, wlirW kkrgid l'e usual rnte;;' v r " AI) a jvertlaemeiiu inserted . In. the trl-weekly Cem ,iM'are wtUU f4'y :? f OBCARD and tfAGV PRINTING, eioouted AJ2ETOFQR THE COMMERCIAL : NRW .yORKMeasr.iBaowsT& DiRossit. No. 4 Eut-llay Charleston South Carollua., ' i fSlf AStPTO MAES USSSAU ADVANCKS OK Oj. ",.s AMSialMtNT or .' '' " "" BICE, COTTON, CORN, SUGAR, FLOUR, '.RavsaakfikaA.. i i. .'J' 1. V'-' vt.Got;Bnia,MATTHisiBNACol' ' GopivA.Iopi,a v " Charleston S.C, Tahdv Wauks, Esq., - r ..Msjr2t,.186U. , . Orsenville S. C. 29-ly-c. J.nYILRWSON & CO., -. . .. Cyiifeetlooaryf Prult, Nuts, Toys, Fancy Ar tielef;"PfUmery, Tobacco, Segars, Ac., U WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, A STREET, W, May, 16, 1830, ?7. fo JM; RrtRIVSON. lMrotTSB. AI O Blilll IN j. nnr inn iiiav STOVES, NAILS, Ac, 4c, yvv ; rout s;rxc.r, uoors ooumui m . . . oj n .u . r ri WJLMINQTON, N. C. Jjrilmlnglon-, My 4,18M.' T.lS0UTflMAYD&CO., EXC1SEEBS, BLlCISnUS BBASS, AND IE0M AU 6rdera In the Hue will punctually at- Coirbk: MrLBEtr dc NjOhth Water BTa. -' .V AVILMING'IJPN, NO. CA. ' JiaylB; IWOr.X ., '2Mf. ""! JrC." LATTA. COMMISSION MERCHA NT, i" t. ANO GENERAL AGENT, -,rJ.-v. v .rjf 'WILMINGTON, N.C. GEOUGETELUdTi ' COMMISSION. MERCHANT. -'l '-AND 'AGKNT-': aTHCALEOPrillBlt.'LUMBEttAo ;jfaB:i;i85o,,v.v,i; 12Z V , CE0UGB W. DAVIS, v '"OOMMISSIOCJMERCHANT, . j v ;:- f rr. WILMINGTON, N.C. tt Sc h' 1 f 1 850 -1 ? - v f ' . J iJOMMiSSIONJIERCIIANT CMltCT attention glvan in. procuring Freights K74Sd parcMln cargoes tor, vessels. k : ' X5oL John Mcaaer, . u' ,J ,-. Wilmington, N. C. VWllmlngtonVN.I . Mcurs. Banjirddk Huntington, Will Peck, iq.Rslolgh.N. C Mr. Hall,HokettifcCo IPayettevllle.NtC.-' -j nn i i iiiu aa an t ' eiiraJanit's Cornor Sons, Baltlmor, . ? v K. A. Soudr tt, Co., Philadelphia. jt . UwThmnpson A Hunter J J york"'L Hunting & Tults, uosion. . ..' . ' J.4G. P.Tiicomb.ltennebunkMe.1 .v PlOLASSFJIOLSSES.-r;.. -t rr Htm early crop Csrdwnn . IoIssea tins from lirlii Lllen llavden, the ! dtJuU BOW landing iuiiltf la good, ana In hsnnsoms pcknjes,for sal ii iTif lit'iv hum GEO. IIARRISS, General Comiuissiou Merchant, V1LM1NGT0N, N. C. STRICT aftootfOn given to piocurlng Krolght and purcnaiiing Cargoes for vessels. Rarca to E. P. Hall, Esq.. 1 O. G. PurBley, Esq., J. A. Taylor, hsq., Wilmington. J U. Uclinmy, f.sq., I. , Messrs. Ballard & Huntington, fliBssr. looser, oinym iu,, rivirk " Thompson Hunter,' j'"10"1' ' Alex'r. Ilerron, Jr., Pltiln.lclphla -, Mosors. Williams & Bullor, ) rhl j n II. K. Baker, Esq., j ClW f Jun. '2. 1360. 1'23'tf- HERON & MARTIN r m tf. .1. . rt . General Commission Merchants, 3T i ii i 1-2 North Wharves, LADHLl'HIA RtFia to Messrs Thos. Watson & Sons, ) Jno. O. Dacosta, Esq., i ..., Wm. S. Niilson, Esq., 5 11111 a- ROBEBT NEILSON, I'.Sq., ) ....... i .p. n IUUSSIB. I'luoio, liuvi vu vw., j VnrV J. H liSOWEO. 4 UO., , J. ifc D. McIIab. Geo. Haisiss, Esq April 5,1850. Wilmington, 9-tfc. SARTIN& C It ONLY. AUCTIONEERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL AGENTS. Wilmington, N. C. Oct. 3 18-19. 85 if. JOSEPH II. FLANNER, General C) u u'nsb;i tljrcliaut. WIIjMIXGTO.V, n. c. Oct. 9th, 1819. ' 87-ly-c. WILLIAM NEFF, WriOLESAMJ AND RETAIL DEALER IN SHIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES AND GROCERIES, ) ) t O..' D t-Ti 4 .VVPlii' STRPZKTS WILMINGTON, N. C. Doc. 7th 1849 DER0SSET & BROWN. WILMINGTON, N.C. BROWN & DEROSA, NEW YORK. UESERAL COMll8SIQX MERCHANTS. , :i m ioe1 ' i .. MnrcliU 1850. I -jr. GS). II. KELLY, C0.UH1SSI0N MEltCIIANF. Next door to A. A. Wunnet's, on North Water st- will ationd to tlissaJe of ull kin Js of COunirv Pro, duce,.ich as C irn, l',iO'-'al Uacon, Lurd, AC.. and keo,) intly uu Hand a lull supply oi Groceries, Ac. References. WillosHill.of W iyno, John McLlie, Wilmington, W. Uuraway, ' '' ' Gun. Alx.. McRno. '' li. P. ii ill, vVil ninglon, Wiloy A. Walker, " Dec. 1J, 1849. 115-ly. JOHN A, STANLY, Gensral Commission Merchant, NO. 24 X HITH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N.C. April 4, 135i). 9 ly. ALEXANDER MirrJElVS: INSPECTOR of fcUMUEH and TIMBER, WlLtflNiJl'JN, N. C. March 19, 1359. 1-tf. SAVAGE Si M CARES, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND AUCTIONEERS, WILMINGTON, N C. BOWAIO SAVAOB. May i, 1850 OASTOH MCAISS 1. LEIGH TON, CUADB0URN & CO., General Co :u mission Merchants. WILMINOrON, N. c. Dec. ,1.1, 1849- lll-Jf. S. M. WEST, AUCTIONEER AHO COMMISSION MERCHANT WILMINGTON, N. G. Liberal Cish .id vanoe in iJo on all consignment froiutho North.oron ProJucefrym ike Country. Oce i doors on the NVaart, f oulli ildeof MarkelStrcet. AprII5.l8J0. 6-tf-c. ' , CORNELIUS DaPRE. WHOLB BALE AND KETAL DBALBR8 IN Druira. Msliclnjs. C!ieleaU, Palut. Oil Dytr StuUs, UU, Porfamery, Cljars, Old Liquors, fancy Articles, Ac., U. 'MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Prescriptions carefully compouojed by exper anced peraons. March 23, 1350.: 6 MARINE INSURANCE. THE Lilerstg led having recolved tha Ageocy o th . AUGUSTA insurance: and banking ' COMPANY OP AUGUSTA GA, WlliUaue Policies on Vestela', Cariios, Freight eVe at asro isnabl rates of Premiums aa any oilier In eiliutlonof ihsklnd in the Country. Tha Capitol Of this Company la 376,000. ' .,'. , .... H, NCTT. vWUmlngtoo.Aug. 18.1330.' . 65 ly. i 1 1. . .vJ.nArHAWAY:&SON. . COMMHIOJf MCRtllANTfl.": J.:llATHWA4 - i L." llATAWr. 3Xaruft Ibl9. -w: DR. W. E. FREEMAN in HOMCEOPA TIIW ni YSICIANt MARKET St., C Doors above Front St."; ! Dec. 23. 1849. 120-6 JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. General Commission Merchant.' WILMINGTON, N. C. Cash advances in ido on consignments to me, or to my friends In New York. Oct. 23. ' 93 y. ANDERSON & LATIMER, COMMISSION "H II A1M,T S. ! SOUTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N . C , Sop. 27, 1949. 82-ly e. LIFE INSURANCE THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSU RANGE, co'ntlnues'to take Risks on Liver on fair torin. SURPLUS OVER I,O0t),OOO. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, Agrni. Oct. 23d, 1849. ' ' 93 if. FOR SALE AT THE OFFICE OF TUB COipUCIAL, RATES, OF TRANSPORTATION .ONTIiq lyily.MINGTCjN RALEIGH RAIL ROAD. R4TES OF FREIGHT IJetwceu Wllnaliigton & Charleston. Revised July 4, 1349. Price 25 cents. LIT! INSURANCE IN THE NATIONAL LOAN FUND SO- CJEJTy, qf LONDON, AND FIRE INSURANCE IN THE ETNA INSURANCE COM PANY, OF HARTFORD, Conn., UB,"ii THB TJ.VAIXD IN3UHAN(E COMPANY", OF NEW YORK. Maybccflccted by application to DeROSSETtt BROWN. March 17. 1650. 108 jTTOOMER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT. NORTH W ATER S TREET WILMINGTON, N. C. Feb. 7, 1850. ' ' 137-ly. CHAULEi O ELLIS. IIEVSV P. BUISELL. ELLIS & RUSELL General Comiiiivsion Mo'reliants, AND AGENTS FOR CAPE FEAR STEAM SAW MILL, WILMINqf ON, N." C. REFER TO K. P. Hall, iCj ., Prs't. llranch Bank State, Wil mingion. ' Mvesis. A. C. Rossibb & Co., ) N v t " N. L. McCbkadv b Co., Ncw ork- ." K. Lincoln & Co., ) ,,,., ii i'4r,.., .t. ii . t PMIad a iattiiu y lann, W'lLLIAMi iSt BtfTLfB, li. K.Uakeb, Esq.' ' Jan. 1. 1350. I Charleston, S.C. 122-ly T. C. WORTH : Commission and Forwarding MERCIfXNT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Feb. 19, 1850. 143-12 m. BARRY, BRYANT & ADAMS. COMMISSION MERCHAN WILMINGTON, N. C. Jyly 17, 1850. 52 TO THE LADIES. f HAVE just received a few Ladies' Riding Hats, X of the Sonni h as Hon tor Isjo, a oeauiuui arli cle. For sale by March 23. ...... . i, r i a ii.. a. MITERS, Hatter. 4-if. PAINT! PAINT!! JUST received from the Brooklyn White Lead Co., 10.0 W lbs. pure Extra, on 1 No. I. White Load, which I olHr u sell at prices warranred to suit, ilst iO) lb. piiro Vurdigrls ground In oil, and 1 cask Lamp Black, for sale low, oy rr O. DuPse, Druggist A Chemist, Market t. March 29. 1. TALLOW WANTED. APPLy.tc t. Jan. IT. wa M. HARRIS Agent. ' 129. - BILLS OF EXCHANGE. AFRESH supply of Bills l Exchange, an elci tiotliupresiion, which will be sold In iht-( orqulres.or boimd'ia Book. to order, just reerW.d and for sale at THE COMMERCIAL OFFICE. Jan. 2f .. . T 133. DISS0LUTI0.VOF COPARTNERSHIP. ran H B Copartnership heretofore exls' Ing under the JL name and Hrm of G. & W. A. Gwyer, expired on the lSthihat. by Its ows limitation. Tho busi ness of the firm will be settled bv either of the Part ners. All persons having claims against the firm are requested to pesnt incm for settlement. And all persona Indebted to tha Arm by note or book sc count are requested to settle the eamewhen bills are presenter.. u. uwvkk. Wm. A. GW VER. May 16. , 27. SUGARS ! SUGARS I! BBLS. Crushed Sugar ' ' 10 " Powdered u da. 1 ., . : 20 6 ".. Clarified Coffee Soger. For sale low at . . . WM. NEFrs. ' i .V 147 ' '. r . FLOUR.-, 75 r? BBLS Double Ext r ' Richmond Flour, for milt use. for sals by ' r)BKV95tl.r A ItRlJWfl. 'ALSO.j Pa yet levltl Flour, w rw ' LACE SKINS. A SUPERIOR Tot of lace skins for sale b oV J. M. ROBINS Front Si. Wlliuir.gton N. C. May JUST RECEIVED. " qh 1 AGS Coflce, Rio, St. Domingo, Lagnoyn 0J i nd Java t P rto ICico Sugar, lihds. and bbis. i Cuabed 4 ao' ' " Ci Ml Flour, lb bbls. and halves i . , El u Genesee Flour, In bags, 49 and 241 lbs. Cilj Mess and Prime Pork ; Cia'lnnatl Whiskey and Amrrlcnn Brandy ; VaSZiW Nail, amp and Candles. . U..- .A I. In.-- ... ... r.wiui. ww uy 'tip ' SAVAGE & MEARES. July 16. B2 FRENCH BRANDY. T UST received, a superior nrticlo of Coirnne Bran J dy,ln quart arid eighth pipes, (smnll pnekages to huh cuniumciB. ruic t.iiu uuia. a ocignuiiu miu Shatonetbranas, lor Mieoy i ANDEltSON & LATIMER. Juno 1. 3J BACON! BACON!! T UST received from Wayne otinly, a largo siip- J ply of Bacon, Hams, Sid and Shoulders, some very superior, lor sale in lot to suitiry M ANDERSON ib LATIMER. June If SAND PAPER. TUST Received, a lot of. cunerlor white flint Sand J Pnp.r sulso. Olass P.-mer of extra uiialirV. fureale low.otmy Hnrdwnre Store, In From, three doors soutnoi niiiraeisireui. ' 1 J. M. ROBINSON. April 23. 17 NEW SP'TS TURPTINE BARRELS, OK Inrgosiz'js, and tirst quality workmansh foraale.by J. R. BLOSSOM. March21L 3-lf. LIVERPOOL SACK SALT, t nr Sacks Liverpool, per SchOur.i 1 JKJ Aprll9. Dure, rorsaeby BARRV, BRVANT & ADAMS. II. ) JUST RECEIVED. ( BOXES Adamsnilne Candles, 4s., fis.ond 6a. )J 25 '" Sperm, 20 boxes Tallow Candles, fi.ttont; 600 lbs, assorted Confectlonnrles. Kljs, Raisins, Prunes, Oellys, Dried Apples, Or ange., and Lemons. 20 firkins Goshen Buitor, 20 halt bls. Canal Flour, 15 bbls. best quality do. Very low, for the cash, at GEO. MYER'S. June 8. . ' 6j JUST RECEIVED, PER SCMR. A. 4. DeKOSSF.T, Qft DOZEN asoorted Hair Brushes, tCO 5000'superior Regalia Clears, 12 do.cn Congress Water, gross McAllister's Ointment, do Dallfy's Pain Eziraotor, 6 boxes Davis' Pain Killer. For sale by C. DuPRE, Druggist and Apoihccaiy. unc 25. 41 SPIRIT BARRELS. f PRIME second hand Spirit Barrels, land JLJJ Inu from Brig David Duffel, for Hale by D BROS SET 4 BROWN. uly 13. 51. SMOKING TOBACCO. fit rrr PAPERS of that choice amokiag OVjKjr Tobacco, at 374 ceofs per do;en pnrfcrs. F jjtne 29. For fale by HOWARD & PED F.N. 46. EMPTY BARRELS. cly EMPl'V Spirits Turpentine Barrels, dally tUU expected 1: per Schr. Lumsrtlne and for salu j"; Lotur Bonding. 36-tf. June 6. I SODA WATER t TTITH Bimerlof SvruDS tt VV J. WILKINSON dt Co s 9y 16. 21. DEEDS FOR SALE. WaranteeDeeds.an.l Deeds forMortgsgeonland ium prlnicd.ln conect form and forsaleafrtie Commercial Ojjlct. NAILS. FALL River Nails, assorted, for sulcy DbROSSET Jl BROWN March 16. COD LIVER OIL CANDY. W MR M0Hlr.1l minuHi. Kor snw bv 1? J. WILKINSON A Co June 4. 35. IT PORK. N. V. City Meesj SuftMesst 'ANDERSON A LATIMER. 26. 125rs- Kor sale by Usi II. k , FORK! PORK !1 Of"VB8T-.S.N. V. City Mess, just received and wv ror vale oy kluii ? k.uob.u, T Lord's BuiWInr. April 13. 13. - CIDER AND A DOZEN superior Champagne CUen My 14 " London. Pale Ale. tor ssi, 0 uivu. "I-' ATOi mi I J ANDERSON A LATIMER. mmm hir April II. HAY HAY. rtot quality, la Prlca. Kor sal 1 c( Bales Superior quality, 10 arrive per Bciir. ifv HimMnrriH, rorsaieov LEIQHTON, CHAPHURN eV Co. July 9. 49. : FOR SALE. TTOOSE, Dray sod lIatMsa,alleomi)leteoneon aignnieni ay , ,u.uaii. tUJIE! LIME U LIME! II ; iWBBLS.'LtnoolnvUle White Lumpi Also OUU calcined Plaster; Plastering Hair, and Fire Brick, Hydraulic Comnt 100U bbls. Lime 4e.iferealeby, ;;, f . ' 'Mti4 . . i i ! ' .'.. r,..lr(,rlAr mil BulklpfS.. - "w CANAL Flour.lnbbls.nnd hatfbbls..xrr supert forsiileby ANOER&ON A LATIMER. Way 11. ; 25. BACON k LARD. - HAMS. Sides and Shoulder, received per Rail Roads ' , .I ' Lard. In bbls. l Forssleby ANDERSON A LATIMER. May II. 35. juy; BALES, In store and for sale low, by OU SAVAGE 4 MEAUES. July 19. 62 r JUST RECEIVED. Q Grklns new Goshen Butler, a superior ariiclei J oags Java uoirec, tor sale, d ALEX. UcRAE, Jr. May 4. SUGAR AND COFFEE. A GOOD ankle p. R. Sugar, In hhda. and bbls. .'' , O II II U M .Crushed " In barrels; 12 bags prime Lnguyra Coflee, just received, lor sale, by June 29. j. Hathaway a son. 46 JUST RECEIVED. qn9'aALL kegs prime Goshen Butter, In 20 and OU 25 lb. uackaires. exorosslv for family use. and for sale very low fur cash, at the original family Groery. ulo, mr.no June 20. 42. BUGGY AND SULKY. WE HAVEjusi received from DdnlopACo., 1 Handsome light Buggy I ' ' ' ' 1 RnlliSr Far snl chcao by HOWARD . - i . . A PEDEW. Jvne 29. 46. CAPE FEAR MARINE RAILWAY ABO , SHIP CARPENTERING. nHE subscribers having now completed their Ms I rine Railway, are prepared to lake up Veaaels of any size. They pledge tnemseivra inaitiiwora done by them shall elve aatisfsetion, both as to charges and workmanship. They have a largs force employed, whicn wm enaDie tnemto pcrioim an work with divpaich. ' from a PILOT BO AT.tip to a SHIP and will warrant that their work will cmparfavbiUyjwlth any done here or elsewhere, and upon aa reasonable terms. Alwaya on hand a large stock of Timber, Ac. SAMUEL BEERV A SON Rcrea to P. K. Dickinson, ) Deltosset A Brown, f v, fUrry. Bryant A Adams, Wilmington, H. C. Ueo. w. uavla, i J. A D. McKae, A Co. j June 27, 1850. 45-12ra.-c OUR MOTTO IS "TO PLEASE," AT THE Wilmington saddle, Harness, and Trunk Manufactory. THE subscriber respectfully Informs the public that he hs recently received additions to hla lock of Saddle and Harness Mountlnaa. Ac, the latest and moat improved sly Id, and Is tonslantly manufacturing, at his store on Msrket street, eyenr description of article in the above line. From his experience la the business, he feels confident thai he will be able to give entire eansieciion 10 an wno may favor mm witn a can. tisnsf n on nana, id will constantly keep a large assortment of ' Coach, 0g and CJTrjTjnrldlea, Whips, Sulkey Itarueaat .ttlWin4;', 9e,,t,.iltt,, Lady'a - -- - - vriupa I Vniira Ar. ... all of which he will warrant to bo of the ?0 hMi mnierlala and workmanship. He hna mma a larvi iBaorrmenl of TTUOkf. sea. saddle ana imruc 1 iian, bbhwib. i.inrv Trauka. Ac and all othe7 articles usoallr tebiio such establishments, all of wblcn he offers low for CA51I, or on short credit to prompt custo mers. Saddles. Harness, Trunks, Medical Bags, Ac. Ac., made .to order. 'In addition to the above the anbaerioer always keeps on hand a large supply vf String Leather1, and hs now. and wiU krio through the seasoa a good assortment of irijr Nutta. All are lnvitea to call ana examine my uoons, hetherin wan; or not, aa I take pleasure In show- wl ini g my assortment to an wno may uvor me wun COII. " - Harneaa and Coach Trimmings sold at a lai r prtce, to persona bny lng to manufacture. Also, wnira at vnoiesaie. All kinds of Riding VehUles boughl i and sold on commissions. JOHN J. cuwuliit. JunalJ, FRESn ARRIVALS A T the Faml'y Grocery. Wine and Tea Story n, 25 bags first quality Coflees, Lsguira, Java, ni.,M X Dnmlruro: i bbls. New Orleans -oibsiot j IB halt bbls. Canal Flour I 20 bogs, eighth bbls. verv best quality flour 10 nests flour Buckets 1 20 boi-a Herring 1 t bslfbbls. Fulton Msrket Beef 3 bbls. No. I, MackertU , 3 esses Bay Rum, 50 jara. Nsw Prunes, all low fortheaaaUV u'a' July 13. snEETLNG AND HAMS. r BALKS Rowsn Sheeting, ol superior quality, U 4-4 wide. . . " IfJOOlba. Guuford Coaaty hams, a prima artlcla iust received and for sale by "T.C. WJDRTH is. vipni is. IRON I IRON!! ' ' JUST Rorlvrd.aBaswtmenlof Swaedee.Ane elsa refined, and Enailah Iron, and for aale by J.M. ROBlNSON.athlaHardwaiaandlronStOT In Fronietreet, three doors aoutb of . Market, Wll. mlngton.N.C. ' .May 4. ; - LIGHT ! LIGHT, v CONSUMERS ol Pine Oil esn be famished by a man. every TueJy, Thursday and Satarda alto, at all times at thsBtoresofS P. Poller and C. Evons and Brothsr.ShsWa eomer. ' ' ' A. II. VANHOKKTI.l 4 Nov. s. ; ,--.A. ICS f HE UlTM-jCItt ,, ;; Is Heaven a long way bfT, Mothef 1 1''' ,, ""'t witch through ir ihs '4$ittV To see my Father coming paei'f S'-' T And meat blm on h wySm,ci'JL ? - And when (ha nlgbt eoroea an, 1 stand , - V : Wbera oaea 1 as4 to walvr' To sea him eqmlng fro tha field v 4 4 - And meat blm at ib tajiAi.i";lU .;. . ,"'''"'; -.:-i,-.'..'. .- ... ' V ,? l, ?'t:T':''., .,'ij''" - vTheo I aaedtopntmyfcand la 'bla, ' ;.:J.; :i. : And eared not mora to play 1 r- , f But f never meet blm coming awl ; ' However long I atay;.' . ... wr-.-a.. H 'j . ha ' I i And yoo tall nw bVf In Heaven, and far, ' ' far happiar than we( , ' " And loves as still lbs eamebat haw,' " Dear Mother, can thai be 1 " ' . .... :.' t : ' For be never left as for df, -' To market or to lair 1" ' Bat lbs best of all that father aaw," 7"; : He brought for na to share. " - Hs cared for nothing then but ns- ,t . inava'befreFatbar aay; ' ' - ' r That coming back inada worth bis while SouMtlrnw tOoaway.J! ' ,: ( f Ha used to aay be tiksd our bona) Far better than tbs Had ii He would not changa tl lot lbs besf, l do grandest pac 01 an. And if where its Is now, Mother. '; , -AU Is so good and Air, ' "'-f He would bars emus back ioqg ago, r To take us who hla there. "' t Ha never would be mlastd from Hear, a ; 1 have heard Father say ; - !f How many angels God bu there, TopraJjH ttlghtinddsyV - J l ' "v A ;. Ha never would be missed In Heaven, 1 From aD that blessed throng t r " " And wa oh I wa hats missed him hare, - ' 80 sadly and so long I .. .. .,.,( -2 . Butlfbeeornatolirtchua,thi I would hold bis band sofast) I would not letU go again 'a''' Till all the ff'wae nasi J He'd tell me sj that hebxaeer,., But I would never any A 5 He- dull and kMelf Wa have been, V Since ha went fa away'" f - When von ralMd m Co tb W. MiMrW - And I kissed him oat the check. Hla cheek was pale and very eoid, And hie voWe was few and Weak. . - - f' ,1 And yet I Can remember w'eU '' - va wgi w fm myvw wen, ' .. . ... nut' ' J A. ror ne aau 1 maai oe a oear, bom fin, j And we should meet again I "' AnA nk I Km 1 1 Ium trUA atnM Iruin if' F a I but I bars tried sines (ben Wi " be good through air the 1 ddto wkte'er ou bid me, 0 y,'" vf" l Fa tha aUVa'awavf -1 . ' . To be I have Yet Father stays away! la It becauae GodloVes hla so Y I know that b Hie leva at He takea the good aeray from earthy .. . To live with Him abereM 'r 7, ... -ti -; Oh! that God bad not loved bias eo!. for then he inlght have staid, And kiased ate aa be need at nights, j s uca v m r"ri-,ivf-'1 I. ., , ' " . ' ' ' ' Oh I that he had not been an good, .'r y ' So patient, or so kind I - ' v ' A' .' Oh I had we but been) mors like Jtfo, And not been leA bejtdadt it "WIDOWS' WILES.? ' : ... r 1 ... .. t ' The DaiAkt. ' Ooeofoorfnoatdiatln-'uiah- - v ed raernbers of tha cohpian Art'ui,: the " w: ful!owinr story, which, in our cpLnioa, U real ly n 'good 'ony nd A perfect Jeremy DiJJ!or " aUair. rue floewrenyrj' - About two years ago, I was called ;i to see Mr. , wn appeared w ce, u j re- ll rim il.inif iKnnirh h. iiwd l.ir i nf rooDlhs aflerwartla,' Wheo" he' did sure enoagh. About a week alter the luneral cer emonies hnd been oyer, I paid ' a vkit pnrt ' profeanionaJ, part 'ai ooifoT nxtuleoce : to the widow, and upon asking her bow ahe wna, aha renlied. 'not well at all this BJomin-r, doc tor j 1 had a dream last night which com. pletcfy deelroyedtny're-l, and from the c r.cvU . 01 w uicu t uavw uui ivw 1 'Indeed P said I j 'petnaps it would be well that you inform me' of the" tiature' of the dream, poeeiblr 1 ma ha Me to remedy Uio eteete.,r.V--'-'. i. Oh. it wna a ?etv aillr truoff t yet, r you iniUt, I will tell yoo. Yon know, t Jr, yoo have been attending our Hm.ly T r eer- . ernl years, nd though we have f al l yoa a good deal of money, we mutoweyou a good dearyet,'lW drtnrAed that you called with your bill, ami not tinvmj Hie means a. u.mu biltl Whether ebe has ; Wiren my .u or not. I dq not knowj oui 1 ' Deter drtarned of preeeutii.g it. no to pay It, (aoa, oy tne way, n ems distresses me more thnn anything offlear,!li) I hcenme perf. t Uy TftiicrnWc.!' t Alter fftaf,' says'the doctor, Hrhat tor.i I d.1 but ad vise her hirer to dream again cl tie '! Beter dft ione.JO,, July 13. 'J .vtH0 , 164?, v ,v v sl9.,f" . y . . --iT tM :.A t