rm rm rmni) mm !M.iLo 3 '4 PUBLISHED TRI-WEEKLY, BY THOMAS LORINC. WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 21, 1850. WHOLE Na 710. I Jim '.'.6 " 5- THE TRI-WEEKLY COMMERCIAL r f I published every TpsBDAr,. Thcbsday ond Sat- ? t'BDAY, at 15 00 per annum, payable In all cases in v',' v editor aud Proprietor. -"BENJAMIN I. IIOVVZG, Associate Editor'. CORNER OP FROfJTjfAND MARKKT STREETS, WILMINGTON, N. C. hiTES OV. ADVERTISING. , I VpHserifaiL. 90,10 1 '-3..'". j. 1-00 1 gqr. 2 months, 81,00 ,6,00 8,00 12,00 1 " 3 0 " 1 year, -Tendlnes or leas mane n square, .If an advertise- meof exceeds' ten lines", the price. wW bs in propor- ftf , " X' V,.':. 1 All advertisements ore- pnyoble at the tlmo of their Vlosenion.' . -, Contract with'yearly, alcrtisers, will be tnaduon the'mosi hberol tarns T -No jtronsforof contracts for yeorly ndyerilslng will to-permitted. 'Should circumstances render a t , change In business, or on unexpecttd removul n.;ces : sry a thqrge according to the published terms will -.b8Bi thejiptlon of the contractor, for the time hi 'yhos advertised 1 :.., VI'. . "I The, privilege of Annual Advertisers is strictly ' limited to their own Immediate business ; and all ad "Vwljeoments fot the benefit of other persons, as well ne all edvertlsements not Immediately connected ,--wlth Ihir own business, and all excess of odvortise- HWnU In length Otherwise, beyond the limiis en 't'floged.'wlll be chargid at the usual rates. tf 2f AH ndvortWuments Inserted in the trl-weekly Com- i'tlWrcwi, are cnlitled.lo one lnscriior Jn the Weekly 1 free oV charg.V" ? fJOJBARaoniFANCV PRINTING, executed 'In euperlor tylo. ,l...r;:' ::-:-..' - ' ;v AGENM FOlt TilE'C0MMi5RClAL -jSt pEWiYOXK Mossrs. BaowM c DsRossit. yOSfOjVi'FaBDatcic Kidusb. Ksq. ''sjafiMm GouitBi.v, '.aTAcroit, , . 2fOi 1 Bit-IHy U irleto sJj.ith Cirollna. fAmTJ M VK LIBEBAL AUVANCS8 OS jjj" , 1 ' CO"-ltOlMT8 ur ...KIOBXJOrPO.V.OJ-lX, SJ.l.VR, FLOUR, ' , ..a.UIt.H.lY.&c. Ilerxitcis. ti usiit 'I ATTHiesses A Cu . Charleston S.C. Groenvillo S. C. 29-ly-c. 5fT'oy Vtt.ia. hsq., -5. -. rJ. WILU1NSDN & CO., i. x - ' CAU DKAL.EI18 IN .Vanfectloiary, Fruit. Nuts Toys, Fancy Ar l"tlctej, Prfaittjry; Tavimo, H:rs, c -4 Wli .3 LB ii L E A V R ti T.i 11, , ,VU v; fiMARKB T STREET, ,nm,..f r r IyjI6.;i830 ;t ! i 1 ' i 27. Hi,'. vil 'lilt ivw.iv.5 IH.Olftl AID DBALSR I N IUt, Ji:';J' ' HVRDWAIUC 3 AT . - 'mL-T . - , . .. m STOA ES, Ji.Ui!, c, ate Front street, 3doors Southof .Market sircct., WILMINGTON, i C. 22 . Vfllnlngt6n ; Mij; 4j 1650. ' MkTJSOlTIIMAYD & CO., rEScnEEKsr iiLACttsannsr bums, .isdahoji 'AU prieri lit the line will be punctually at- 'SUf..'. '."";. v4'V! - CORNEB'MrLBEHV & NORTH WaTEKSTS. ..,.r.-WILMINGTON, NO. CA. .y MfIg, I8 60 6j::CLAT r..' - ' '. 11 COMMISSION -MERCHANT, n-tr:.t AND "UENBItAL- AGEN T, oct;io:i8;43: ,.,i tet b7 , dRGE ELLI0l ORT.lEiMOPrM35j. MJBEU4c .irvVIb.VlINGrON, N. C. Js: 1,1860.'" ni : LT.1 HfiE ' W." DAVIS. OOMAUSSIONAIIJIWUANT, -.v-i' " WILMINGTON , N.C. VtreiririESO'I' WILUIM MMIAiti -:"J,aiiNc:iiAL "fC0MilJS1NiI3aCiIANT M fTafoTfMdtloa 'ilvun tJ V .curing Freights .yJana aurcoasing yaroeaiwi :1 ' tsk-Jjha MoA ,' I Wilmington, N.C M isr.. Billtrd Huntlnyton, ) vWill Pock; Esq Riloltfit, N. C' . vMossrj. 1 rtalLett 4 0., i e..yeitevlllc,N .C. -i ori,JiieC.rnor 4 Sons. Baltimore. .iiry.c;'A'; StiuJar -St 0. ,Phll.delphla. Tfio npsjn 4 tinnier y0rk. v j 'M'illsbury S indforJ, J Hinting & Tufts, Boston. , fitoo nb.lCennebunk tMe. it. ' " UsnRETlNG AND HAMS. "." TlLES liwan Sheeting, of superior usUty, '.' tntiik ,i .tir.. 'nnnnt hiui. B prime article .;iuel recMvod and for n?l by 1 rJ.OWORTH geo. iimniss, General Conimissi'oii Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. STRICT nttemi'in given to piocuring Krelgb1 and purchasing Uargoon for vessels. Urprb to R. P. Hall, Esq., 1 O, C Parsley, Kan., J.A.Tuylor.Esq., Wilmington, , J.O Bollamy, Ks1m I, Messrs. Uall.ud i Huntington, J Messrs. Tojkcr, Smyt!; 0 i iew Vork. " Tho:np4'n & Hunt ;r, ) AlexV. Herron, Jr., IMiila lelphia Mossre. Williams & Butlor, C r,e9ton g. C. H. K. linker, Ksq., i ' Jnn. 2. 1350. 123-tf. HEltTIARTIN General Coniiiisiaii Merchants, 3T 1-3 NortU Wharves, P II I h A U U Ij I H I A , Ret'ER TO Messrs Titos. Watsos.& Sons, ) Jno. C I)acobta, Ksq.. phn, Wji. j. bilsj. Ivsq., RilUKnT NEIL80N, Hsi., ) Mossrs . Modus, Taylor & Oo.,., ., . J. II. l!n.)Wi!R. & Co., l"w ldrik Geo. Harries, Esq. r II IllllllltVII, 9-tfc. April 5.1S50. MAR11N& CR0NLY. AUCTIONEERS, COMMISSION M E i t C H A XT S , GENEIJVL AGENTS. .Vilinington.N.C..Oet. IRi!). 85j:. JOSEPH II FI ANN Ell, General C anlLu iL'rchant VIli)II.Vrj.V, N. Oct. ?ih, 1849. V. 87-ly- WILLIAM NEFF, W.IOLESAI.E ANl) RETAIL DEALER IN SHIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES AND GROCERIES, : ),t.ER ) i) ) j i 4 VI STREETS WILMINGTON, N.C. Dec. 7lh 181.9 DEROSSET & DROWN. WII.MINtil'ON, N. C. BROWN Sl DER0SSET. NKW VORlt. (n'vrp) i. r. tnrsifim MKUCIIASTS .M!Wcl.l7 1850. 1-V. GZl H. liELLY, COIIiliiUN MiuilMAXr. Next d j ir li . A X u i.;fs, oa North Water 8t willaiUM.li. no.ofalUmis of Oauntry 1 ro, duce,M:.t .i J r... I'an, .1 al, Uaeoii. Lard, Ac. and vill ; m.i hi uitiy on nanJ a lull supply oi Grouiiit's, ic. References. WillosHall.of -V iyn .-, J i .Idie, Wilmington, W faraway, Geo. Aix.. M K.e. E 1'. Ii.i, .Vil niiijtoii, Wiley A. WalKer, UoeU,J319. ll3-1'- JOHN A. STANLY, General CjJiJiiinn Merchant, N0.2I V nU'tl .V.VTK.l STREET, WlltUMilOS, S.V. April 1 . 1-50. ay- ALrMlXJit MlilM VS : INSl'llf.rOK of LI! illicit a il .VIL11N il'JS, S. C. ri.uitUR, March 10, 1330. Itf. SAVA(i!:: 1 MiMilES, GENERAL CO tl .ill -iIO.i MERCHANTS AUCTIONEERS, WILMINGTON, N. C. CDW A RD S W Allt. May 2, H."0. QASToN M BARES 1. LElGiirOX,CUAa3DUR. At CO., General Ciu.uiiju McrcSiauts. WILMINGTON, N. C. Dec. 11. 1319- J S.ll. WEST, A U C T I U S E E 11 COMMISSION MERCHANT WILMINGTON, X. O. in i n ,.,lw,inee made on ill e.onsignmeni from mo N.i ill, iron I'ro luce irom me ounuy. l.liiriiu iD, i r. O.noe 1 urs on lau mi, oj.hu nuo. MurketStrnet. AprilS. 1830. b'5f- CJirmiUS Dai' HE WHOLE SALE AMD ItBTAL OEALCltd IN . . ....... nl Ilriii I-Iciib. uiet'cm, ,-in-. lfy! Stum, v.iii", ' , t)ld Lll l'llii, I'Al'i' .ir.lcl51, C MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Pr(S'.rlptlons cinfully co.upounJcd by eiper enced persons. r Mirch 2i ISW. MARINE INSURANCE. "pHK tilirsiinediiayiiiireceivcaiiie a;rniyu AUnUSTA INSHRAVCE NI) BANKING CllrlPVNV OF AUGUSTA G A, Wlllis-me Policies on V.n.eN, Carlos, Freight Ac iht riitea if Proiniinin as anv oilier in The Capitol SllllltiOTl CM m i in 1 in ..." ofthis Jo npany isi7B,000. II. Nl'TT. 66-ly. Wilmington. Aug. 18. 1350. ; BARRY, BRYANT & AD IMS. COMMISSION MERCIAN a 5 - . V WILMINGTON, N. C. July 17, 1830. 63 DR. W. E. FREEMAN, IIOMUiOPATlUC ' PHYSIC IAN, MARKET St., 0 Doors above Front St. Dec. 2 J. 1S19. 120-6 JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. General Commission Merchant. VVIIiMINtiTO.V. N. C. Cash advances nude on consignments to me, oi Ug. to my irtenas in now x ore . Oct. 23. 93 y. ANDERSON TLAfiMER COMMISSION MERC II A N T S SOUTH WATER STREET. WILNtiTON, N . C . Sep. 27, 13 19. 82-ly-c. LiSlNsniAmr THE MUTUAL UEVEF1T LIFE INSU X tWJK, continuesto take Risks on Live, on fuir term. 1 HUHVfjVS OVER l.OOO.OOO. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, Agent. Oct. 23d, 1849. 93-if. AT THE OFFICE OP TUB COMIERCIAL, KATES OF TRANSPORTATION ON TUB WIMINGTOV & KALUIUII BAIL ROAD. RATES OF FREIGHT Ilctweeu Wllmlnistoii & Cltarlcston. Revised July 4, 1S49. Price 25 cents. LIFE INSURANCE IN THE NATIONAL LOAN FUND SO CIETY, OF LONDON, ANU FIRE INSURANCE IN THE ETNA INSURANCE COM PANY, OF HARTFORD, Conn., . . OR, IN TUB il;) .YARD INSJ.I Y.MOE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK. Maybecnectedbyapp.,cor,0KT&BRowN March 17.1850. 1UB J. E. TOOMER, CO M M I Sri 1 0 N MERCHAN T, AND GENERAL AGENT. NORTH W.tTER STREET WillIKUTCM. N. C Feb. 7, 1850. 1 37-1 y . CIIAlUi D CUI9. HBNRVP. RUSSELt. ELLIS & RUSSELL, General tyi.uission ,tJerchauts, ANb AGENTS FOR CAPE FEAR Sl'EAM SAW MILL, WILMINGTON, N. C. REFER TU i I lit i 111 ill -r I till. Pros' l. Urancli Hank Stale, Wil- M-ssis. A. C. Rossirb A. Co., , I New Voik. .N. L. VJcCrbadv i Co " E. Li.NVuitf Co., " tlEHIION i- M rtis. ' N 1LLIM A Bu TLKB, 11. e . UaKkb, Esq. Jan. I. 1630. Philad'tt. Char!'jston,S.C. 122-ly T. C. WORTiI : Commissi on aud Forwarding MERUIIXNT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Feb. 19, 1930. " ,,,3-L2.mi. PAINT! PAlNril JUST re -fived fro ii the UruaiUyn White Load L'o.. lO.iUdios. pare ExtM, aol No. 1. White i ,.,i i nr.r i.i ell it ori-es wirranred lo soil '.Is i Mil) pare V rJirls ground in oil, and I cask Lamp Black, for sale low, oy . C. Di'Prts, Druggist A Chemist, Market st. March 21. " TALLOW WANTED. M. HARRIS Agent. I2'J. APPLY to Jen. 17. WM RILLS OF EXCHANGE. AFRESH supply of Bills "I Exchange, an eles r.iiin .v-iieh will he sold In sheet- cm ilres.or bound in Hook'.to order, just received and for sale at THE COMMERCIAL OKf ILK. J.n !i UJ: niftlJiriON OF COPARTNERSHIP. rUHE Jipirmnrjlupherctoforeexib injj under the IL namean.ltirm .f 4. 'V. A Owyer cxpir.d on tho I )th i.iit. by its own limitation . l lie tjus f.i. . .. . 'I h ..iu.i.l tiv miller of the Part llt'SOU l e " ' l e ncrs. All tiers ins invin.' ei i a .n.- ..... tn ...... .ni il,, in for aniilemenl And nre rci ui'B" t, j . .ii...,rtin,l..hind lo the hrm bv note ir book uc count arerequested to settle the samewh'n bills are presented. Wm A.GWVEB. May 16. 2I SUGARS! SUGARS!! OH BBLS. Crushed Sugar; 10 ClarlUcd Co.Teo Sugir. Fora!e WM. NEFF'- at 117 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTVOF NEW HANOVER. Edwabd B. Dudlbv, ) ts In Equity, Wm D. Cowaw. ) T Ci pursuance of a decretal order msde In ihe nbnvf I case nf ttie Spring term J650 of the Conn .. F.aully for the Connty of New Hanover nfurrs il.l nrttlrii la hh irlvon m the Defendant Willlnin l ('owan lo appear at the next term of the (',"irl'' F.quity for the f'onnty stnriuci1 to oe mno n, Court House In Wilmington on the fifth JJ '" oftor ihe fourth Monday of Sfptemrier, A. D l-t' and thenapd thre lo demur, plead or answe to ih' Complalnsnts'Bltl. or the same; will be taken pro con fetno and heard ts pari. Witness Thom D. Mesrea, Clwk and Mi'er In Kquitv for the County of New Hanover, th'ln; fourth day of September A. D. 1830, ond in the oin year of American Independence, .. THOS. I). MEARF.S, C. & Ml Sepiember S, ISiO. p. dv.U2. ; JUST RECEIVED. On R AGS Coflee, RIo, 3t. Domingo, Laguayrt PJI and Java i Porio itico Sugnr, hhds.and bbls. it CrushH do. Canal Flour, In bbls. snd halves i , Kxir i 'enesee Flour, In bags, 4) and 24 1 lbs. City Muss aind Prime Pork ; Cincinnati Whiskey and American Brandy i , r an uivnr niin, sop,ana Uanaies. For sule low bv SAVAGE MEAR.K. July 16. 62 HAY HAY. 1 PS "1'eg Superior quality, to arrive per Sclir. 1 JU Harrison Price. For sale by - LEIGUTON, CIIADKURN & Co. July 9.': ' 49. CEDAR GROVE. THE Residence ol the late James MeG.iry, Is now oponforlhe reception of company desirous oi visitingtiie Sound. Several permanent bonrder. ;nrtheoason can bs aecoinmodntcd. No compun) will be received on the Sabbath. E. P. McGARY. ApripO. t 20-tf. CRUSHED SUGAR. 7 rpZ BARRELS Curiae Crushed Sugar, assorted CfJ quiillllos (aood); ' B " ' Crushed Just received from the MnnufiicUirv, for snle by J. HATHA WAV, if- SON. July 20. !& 7 JUST RECEIVED, PER 8C1IR. A. i. DeROSSF.T, QPD IZEN assorted Hair Brushes, AsO 5000superior Reg ilia t 'lifar, l doien Conurcf S Wntcr, gross McAllister Oinfnrnt, 3 do D.illey's Pain F.xtrartor, 6 boxes D ivis' Pain Killer. For sale by C. DaPRE, Druggist and Apothecaiv. Juno 25. TO MY FRIENDS AND THE PUB LIC. Hi HE subscriber will bo upon tho wharves In J. Wilmineton the first of Ociolier next, at the so llritaitiin anil cncooraircincnt of his Iricnds to enter upon the business of general. aijeiit for tire sale of nil kinds ol country projiice un cumiiii-nnju j oa follows: Timber Lumber, Slaves, Shingles, Corn. Snirtia Tnrneniinc. Rosin. tc. Also Negroes: hav- i mr h:iit mnerienC' In that business fl liters himself i hut he cao bo of iidvant.igo to thus.' who may sell to or through him, being so well (nnd he hope favorably) known throughout the WiiminL'ton li- n i ricl of country, he gives no particular reference, but merely chalrngcs a trial; lie will have hands of his own In attendance witli lum for thcdispalchof busi ness. h only mid th it he will comment!; under lovo ruble circumstsnees ever having claimed in be m honest ueulei mmi iKiHiful to hi trust, roenonni- i ble for any thin? hr may un.tn,,Ue, in saying this he believes his arquaintancea will surtutn him, snd asks a sli ireol patronage, every efl'oii to please, will be made. J. J. McDlGALf). Aii8U!:21. 69- BACON! BACON!! HHDS.SideB, boneoul. For 'ale by GEO HARRISS. 72 THURSTON'S FOUNTAIN HOTEL ( FoRMCRLV BBLTZHOOVr.s's) Head of LlgUl Hear Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE M1E inerra-ed p-itu rage of ihirlong celablisheC" miie l...r..w nr ''111. I lit i I - o " . f I ...i .r ilil under the nisnize:neni ol and pupular its present Proprietor, bs Inspired him with furtlter merirv and deieruilnaiitn, Hnd no expense or alien- . . .i . i..l.inia u III d ant TfA lionol ni9 or mm ui bhi'iiubbi. ..v . , , .. .... iKm niln.na nf l lu OLNTAIN ' the V I'l.lttl u "pil Ti a.trln ny changes, the rroprietor navinir n;auo. ury r -lavs in introducing some ot the b-st and lafcsr tm-provemems-which, togelhrr with Its central posl ilon.bei.K located in the very h-art of the busines. r .i... iit, nl ni-:ir. the cent re of UaMl- StreoV. and witl In a few mlnaw. wlk gf a.. WW ur i"in ti.tw ' ----- -- --- -- Merchant, the Furirur. the Artitan. as well as the Man of Flewre to make the Foohtai Uotw.UIs home durlnir his mijonrn In Hn''r'"'TJ! r : t TUB LUIIES' DEPARTMFAT, Contalnlne Piivate Parlors, Saloons, Reception o .... ii.ain .ru nr.t eTieriaive suits of jafge and nlry tJh'amhers. fated up in n style and elestaoccthal cannot fill lo give sillsf iction and comton. PosTtasare aimctied inihe" honnlnm.' who mav be reco-nle i bv the Bade'" on 'heir Hnts. nd bi. alwsysln attendance at ihe ditlerent lPo'a atwt Htesmbont Landin2S. who will recelxe Cheeks, tsio charaeof the Bagaaeond eonvev It to ih Hotel. r w..i. ... rn . i ,t II ..TO V 1miTtttm r 11 1 A -3 iiniiw.ui'i .t - Feb. 23, 1850. 115 A CARD. -nuc .....imutl heinir rnnsired, and holdinffa I ..i. .1,,. 1., int.. his services In ImmediKte ..!., u,i,i, ih f;ii. is of the above Hotel, he trusts. otTers a further inducement to his numetous .riendssndseqiiaintancfsof the -Old North SiBie," l wnen iney viaii ijhi.iih'. - , , I - . i !.. will r. .. r.t 1 ' where he assures ine -.r7 nd entertained In a manner thai shall strengthen ii aeqiminisnce and secure for lis Proprietor their 0od-wll. and patronage. w STRINGER. I,of o 1lmingtn. X. C. July 25. 1830. w-2m RYE FLOUR. - 208BLS-FRE8llM.xW.i.. lag. 17 (6 5 J m , "ii ii HBiKwirc i m$ Hlltalllllfe repu.Hion lt h.- in Vne.c?.m"TK I' r.l.ih- . rAoR wehsverer-ived vl.hin he ... . . . k i.. nnii ninor itainniooiiiieni .ouui. CAPE KLIlt MARhNE RAILWAY AUD SHIP CARPENTERING. M. HE subscribers hovlnn now completed ihlr Mn 1 rlna Railway, are ureuared to take up Vcowls of any site. They iy s i by icy pledge themselves ihat all work shut! eWe nlinfaclion, both as l i:HUIi:t miu TCinniiiuiiriiii. . I iil-j nil rv miiki: iiiild . employed, which will enable . them Jo jwrfoim oil work wltii disputed. j warrant that iiuir work will compart fnvoiabiy with my dune lure or elsewhere, and upon as reasonable ,eAKv'.y. on hand a lanre stock of Timber, 4c. ! samuel beery & son. aerra to ' ILTZ 1 ! , ...... ) ..... . l. : . ti,mi h.. I.., r .... "" Barry, Bryant 4 Adams, Wilmington, IM. V. leo. W. D.ivis, J. & D. Mcitne, 4 Co. Junc27, IS.'O. J 4.'.-12in..c ' OUR MOTTO IS "TO PLEASE," AT THE ' Wilmington Saddle, Harness, and Truuit j it Mauulaetory. 'pill', subscriber resprctlully Informs tlie public X that li- li is recently rf.ceiveu aaoiuons w ma stock of Saddle and Harness Mounting, Ac., t"c ; latest and most improved style, nnd is onstanlly uianufaeiuriM.., at his .i.,re on Mark. I t';v!7 description ol article in the above line, from h.s exoeri. nee in the business he feels confident that , he will be able to give entire miisi action io on wno . mav lavor nun wiui a cuii. i " , and will constantly Iti-ep a laro ossortmcnt of Coach, :ls and tTOJlVrtrlille Whips, Sulkey llariic; KtoTJi'K&C-. tieiitlemei, Lady a "-'"-'" 1 I 1 Jatdlea. Whips, Mpurs, &e. SlC; of which he will warrant to be of the w? best m iierlal and workmnnotilp. u has hIho a large nssnrtinenl of Trunks, VbIUim. Saddle and t.arnel liaKH, sairncis. Fancy Trrtnhs, 4c , and all oincr anirii keut In sueh esialilikluncnls, all of which ill other ortif Us usually ViTeS ' low lor (JA Ml, or on snort creau . ; tern nil Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Medical Bass, &c. 4c, fs'ow a y0ung man- full ofanilcipatlOriS V rninad!imonr .o.he above the ...briber always of future happincSS.fuU W ambit Wttdvf ke!p"on hand lae supply of Htrln l.eatWr, : who deli-hted to think Comfortable ondh isnow and will kr jp through the season a good nptj pea8ant home might b fa the society ' cTand examine my Good., of her whom he bad 0;dbo wheiher in want or nit, as 1 tak pie iare In show- he placed implicit COnD(IeOCet ft 1pm ..OW Ine my asiortment to all who may favor mo with a , Jt.rc u nothing will go effectually tOaks)y- call. .. ..... I,;rn hntn Viinrmsilf und while- WOrld-HDO' Harness nnd Coach Trimmings sow ui a iar rico lopora.i... hnylna In mnnlllHCtUtO. Alup, Whips at wholesale. Allllndsof Riding Vchl. les bought ani so Id on commissions. June 13. JOHN J.'CONOLKV. LIGHT! LIGHT ONSUMEKSoi Pine Oil can be nrnished by m VJ man. ever Tuesday, I lliirula v itnil nltlrnnv nnd Saturday .. . ' . . -u.. . i.l (I tl P.tlli.v anil A P.PoileysndA niHo. in mi iiiiiro ti. - , C.Evans and Brother Mlaw s rorner. i A.u.vA-.!.,,,. Nov. 20. niVlV'VUI (KMUn 1 r nm S "nh Cl'"' 1 O.UUU 40,000 c .minon, .infer, ni pric. lor sule. by j. iiiLai" August 3. POWDER AND SHOT. gQQ KSGS Dupont's Powder, asorted, a Ir -sh supply ol Klcc mra rowner. 20 bas Shot well assorted. F r sale by DeROSSET 4 BROWN. W AU1. '.7. bJ A. G. BOWERS & BROTHER, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS, JEWELLERS, &c. OPrilSITB THB CHROWICLB OrflCt, TB05T STREET WllMlNOTOW, N. C. . G. B having just rotutntdirvm tne worm, with si new stock oi E1cb;-ii Jewelry. Wateliea, Clocks, Musical lloxes, ftateu aim wn- cr Ware. Ri-pecllully invite ihe Ladi- send Gentlemen of Wilmington, and country gcnetally. t examine ...ir stock bcw'e mkUe a purenaw elsewhere, ns we flatu-j inmlTci that we can cll (joods st as low tkg nn,A us lit nnri nnirnnflffC N. B. F.very description or Hatrhes, csiiks. i...ir Al...l,.,.l U,,i, . iilated nnd Silver Watc, personally repaired, snd in a o.k...nr.lilje manner, not be surpassed by any other eslabluhnient, and . w.rr.nied for one your. 211 - "... FOR RENT. rriiB s.ore next ,ir to H.,'ward P-den will be 1 rented low umii the isi oi October next. ALSO. 2 very pl-as int offices, (up stairs )in the bulldlra occupied by us. o.tf.r.r M F.i nr. May 2. Jour, ft Aurora copy. 21 CANDY! CANDY!! 600 !' C 'lumon on rjsnq. f a A lAA A. Gnnwe ! c..M. M.nons French, vc. a . fr sair, ..y J. niiiAliisiM " Aucuat 3 60. TAR. B A RRF.LS In g-wd order. lor sleb BARRY. BRYANT 4 ADAMS I . 400 Juiv 30 BACON. LB3. Bacon, received per Rail Road. LARD. 7000 , bbls and kegMus, K0 . .a e ... Aug. 17. DO clue. : : rye BARRELS, just wceicd, warrsnted prloii t U quality, pjjjjjj BRyANT 4 A DAM J. Mar 30. . From th- Portland Trantcriy t; THE VICTIMISED BACHOU. BT ' ALBERT MABtlt'itlvw; 'A f:f ,' i II wa lonely, vety lone!, very' lonel, silting by the lire, (Lough the moon' fcono s wpctljr t trough (be - ca cm 11'' ; tJie coals burned brighily iB lbfigraieViiiA rich carpet covered the floor-rnchef .mm iiniza hw& upon the wriltilAfiofaBV wub" ge ond eatT tbair were dtaposfd around ,u ,nnnl Vl3- -;W nlr.-.;V. I , - I I i . ' Iff OUtwaM nppeuiance 8Dd in Ward WOnb, were piled upon the table, 'or 'dipowd'or'l iel lay at full length at hw ma8ler .feet, yet Tom Harris was lonely ittfp loneljTj ' iT J the fir- ' ffijttg, A volume waa ope A before nvroiindl far full floorl of light fell upon tbrpajbytt K of Tom HarriM reafed worihere, 'win. .'ii i uvu ;,viHivr ui.u'iii' tlllfjr Wf re Itlieniljr gazing av ' There wag certainly a vacancy frp the j ;oom, what waa woree a yacnticin bia hoari. Tom Harris wag a bacheloft'Tbe i mystery is Bolved. No wondetivbe? :V' was , lonely. All bachelor are go,;Tes linowi,- by experience nil are. lonely ery loh(v ly silting by t&eir uresV? .'!y' . 'l ;Af .,.1. .L..J J i worl'ds goods JtCO Itt ft WCU fpred. minai J Je wn not handsome-rSensible Bien, neV- er are-but be was good lookiijr,,llat-i-&i.: o . :. to suy, lliere Was gomethtnir lOtereitjng 10 ; j119 phyglOgnoniy art , lllieillgetlCo ID .. nis eye. loin not an oia oic.neior no vus only twenty five--wbyriunoundcfl by ever thing calculated 10 : .mukeluj . comfortable was he yet avUcnelor?i,Hi8,, characier waa good, and hia rannnerg pleai sing there could be fio.obatf cl:ro'4bla way to matrimonial felictt.UUs Jll' e' f : von into the secret. Tom eomo two yeara'j, II ...... IB-' L - I I L. r)fCViou8 lo this time, bad been obf; jgirls, f fur shame !-ye.-ho really; habeen :?c4 ... .... .... , . ':MtkA t uA t-Iwih! l-i 1 ma-.tor now Ted bv ihat 'divine ' perfection' as be bad formerly thought. It taKea n incfr:frarii his sintur-1, tmd any quantity from bia good ten.uer and peace of mind.';? Yes, Tom had , j oeen Jlliril, miuvkuu iii cjiu jum u " . 1 . 1 . . 1 I. nnA.,l Irt.n.l .tial ,n fK .11. r V. . II- V.J 1 L ..... "" i'13 w v.j.0,. cob-house building, and just as she) wa w, . - . 9mg l0 put on lilt . lagt C0Or-WDerrCVSK ; bu..-u a.l fell to the ground JIow pro-. ivnWin"! Tom wasn't one of. the ..atekiy.H .sciiiiuurital kind, he was a man of spirit, t ,lRh,l'nt 8hedtettrr nt,ebl!irbair-vi There are but very few that Kao. the', girls ; oflcn Chcat themselves in tncircatcuinimiiY, ,.V.nnt thnt. Lut ha was downYlirbl v Tcd, x. j und tried to convince himself .thai' 1 ,- v I never carried anything ( about h ail i w hat made him madder still, he i ' i't .. i tlo it.' What a fool he was to ly? Jl-; 1 a fl;ri, he would never it "; T ' girls are all alike ; I'm flie w.u, ', .. that was the way lorn reaso; . stuck to it for almost two yeans, y ' i tin that made him lonely, very l.idy, sttr tms by the fire. v-v.?i'. . Man u a social animal, say wna . we will, we can't get . long an.be snappy without some iniercouse with the fair, sex, f deceiving ua tbey often are,hWe artj -.no doubt the more fools for it, but thenit - is human nature, and canlbV helped!. Tom., had stuck to his text like .philofiphfr-.' He had eff ctually -banished oil regaid for. tl.e fulue one ; v.ell he might, for she ,,was tn.irrit d now. lie kepi a horse, a dog and flowhng-piece, yes, and abig; waiking biick, and upon these he bestowed H. hts tiff, ction ; he was immenIy fond of. them- ... .1 U U,rA tttam uyrlAnAaf thf- now, i.no.rh hofnm ih VuouroDAev tuat1 is, before he was jilted, he. didn't care a pin for thcia But the humanjieart must, . i .. . ...V. rtM 1.. t f Km .uf mr murll iTp. ' love Huuicviiiug, ivii -wv - i nrnvfid. The most desperate Tillmn, touch 1 I him in the right spot, will meltlhoiighibe - difficulty is to find where that,. spot : but r j, ja gooiewiiere among, hia affeCiiori, nay, .nr.l u-ili rprnler htrrf k'chtll. . - v.- .- .. 1 UIO lOVeO JllS . pew, lit) .u ; j care of them, and ihey.in turn lovedliim, s as much as bruiea nre capable of loving t at least they, appreciate .uia ; .smuiiw , " . ,V ,. i.: Il.ittir.n- t kiii ami iiiprn was k vacancy mvb. Wtli Dwj ttna mis mouo wuu .v...v, k- o liw ihA tirA ' ; . Now, there was in Ihe Tillage, 1 nearly opposite Tom's man'sion,?'i1totinge"'tlt",a all rorered with woo lbineTafid ita ' lilUO garden was lastefullv set off with "Cower nota. Tom loved flowers, 'arid-whtu v-.i . . H ..v- v.VT" ' ,. mote -dangerous 10 ioni- yuu. ... , there wns a graceful, brtgnt-eye i ; oner, of the feminitio gender, that Iivl t i that cottage a. It was 10 Uciobf r,i. , rm-i w flower season waa nfci Mi r. t-jt-ine little trardener was trial Cu' ll rtovt- sions for tho protection of their tcuJ r from the inclemency .'. of iha np; r winter,-a,.Toia.hftd somehow ts. -: 0tS iung 4 . ... ... - r ..- . I pu . - t, r