ii1 ' ' a, .ii t i J i. : . r sfti nrrnn-'mTTrv ni -it n Uil.Q PUBLISHED TRI-WERiy, BY THOMAS LORINCJ. j WILMINGTON. N. C. THURSDAY MORNING, OPfpBER 31, 1850. 1 A V-.' VII0LENp:717. f 4 t .- THE TRIWEEKLY COMMERCIAL published every Tuesdat, Thvbsdav ftokri ,00 peirfoanunj, 'payable la al and Sat all cases in ;pnoMjia:Mj or i ho, -:-tU; -hltyf; laaiwr ana rronriewr, , . '. ' ;: ? -ffitiQIplBi Asiadate Editor, W!H;ii,MJS Otf ADVERTISING. Iqrf l!n1i3rU9nS0,50 j 1 aqr. 2 month, $1,00 6,00 8,00 ii v:l;'V,iV':i.' 1,00 l, r, H month, V . 2,30 1 " 6 ii t year, 12,00 fiwJiiuKai. lejul inakd.i' square. If an odvoi'iise- : ment eiceedt ten lines, the price ' will be in 'propor . 5 All advertuentsnu aro payable ot the time of tlieir :'inertioif:t:f.-;; x ; r 4 Contract! with yoarly alvortUers, will be mado on . we moic uoerai urmt. 'jiNotronBfef'or contracts for yearly advertising W&l bVpei'riiftled. Should circumstances rondor a , jclidngs in business, or an unexpected removal necos ' sa'ry, a cliaro according to the published terms will ' Dl th6 option of 'tlie contactor, for the t(me he , Has advertised.t;;.r vv; ,v iTiliTprlyllee of Annual' Advertisers is strictly llnlte( to their own Immediate business ; and all ad , v rtUamBnW f tho benefit of other persons, as well os all dvertlsemeDM not immedlnhsly connectod ' with. their Own business, and all excess of advertise- wems in longtn or otnerwise, bcyona 1110 timus en- UI.U TJ III VIIUI VV M IIIV U0MUI IHtww ., yt'Nd advortlscment is Included in the contract for th sale or rent of houses or landi in town or coun nmrtmA urlll hA nhtirnnH at thn 11 a it ft I mtoa try, "br for thd sale or hire of nesrocs, whether the ' jrtopertyr owned by the advertiser or by other diaii buriMftX f : V'.-' ' .Jho Announcement of marriages or deaths will be cisidored as news, and inserted free of charge; but all additional matter, beyond the simple uu nounccmont of tho death of the person, will be charged on tho aama terms as advertisements. "All pdvertlsements inserted In the tri-week!y Com tnereW, Are entitled to one Insertion In the Wtddy fret of charge1, s. , f0, CIIlD anil FANCV PRINTING, executed In. superior ii'yle! . , , AGENTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL NKW'VOaiCj Meiers. Baowsr k DbRoisbt.j UOTU.N 1 PaEDMicK Kidder. Ks(J. . v WILLIAM A. GWYEil, GENERAL AGEN1 FORVVARDING and' CbaiaAissloa Merchant. ITAKtlpla iRurd in informing my Irlends, that 1 few prepared J trlve all business entrusted to mc indent nl persa.nl attention. I have a whirl' fur Nl Stores, wii'i ample accommudations, Spirit . Houi aul WdiVltome. Coiisljnuiunts of Naval Stoma for sal or shipment 1 and sll kinds of conn fry produce solicited. Caih advances rr.jdeon corr- iTgamenta. '. ; v 1 ' April 18, 1350.' 15 52JWILRINS0N & CO,, 4 AjX' ? H - OS LBB8 I St CoafctlonryfcWttlt, Huts, T9y. I'aiic y Ar - -tll Parfumory, Tobacco, cirs, c k WHOLESALE A.V) RETAIL, 'A f -.3 ;-. ' . V ' M A It t ET 8XREET, .ar.18.,.1350 27. 'it :f JMROBINSON, ,. f Vi o t a a ''" ofoiALaa in '!' t'.-fA V'-'i-'moniviKP inrtv .STOVES. HAILS, it., Ac, w; : T Front itreet, 3 doors Southof ? Market street.,' JSPV ?',Ns,' V.' W ILMIN QTON, N. fc. ? WllinJngiontMiy,l650. : V v 22 : vT. SOUTHMAYD & CO,, EKISEEttS,' BUClimiaS, BHiSS, A.ND ICON AU enters luthc Uue -will be punctually at- ..,- . ;ifM,'v.teudeU to..: '. Goansa tMfLBBtty fc NoitTft WiTEtt sts. WILMINGTON. NO. CA. - IMsy.10, I860 ?; tf. ' 'UEORGE W. DAVIS. , '.-COMMISSION MERCHANT, , sept, u.vi - 78; WILLIAM ? M. H ARRISS, UtV aENERAL'; .,.t .COMMISSION MERCHANT v.'V s ' . WILMINdTOM. N. C QTtllCT attention given to procuring Freights kana purcnastng cargoes (or vessels. KsrasiKcisi .;' k AO. Parsley, Ksq h , . ' . : ICoK John Ica, :'' : 5 Wllm J.Mir. BallnrdA HarttlnjtoB, .. nlogton.N.C. iHiii fecit, Ma i KiioigniW. , jKaisre. Hall, 40lwtt p.iVinu u r : 5oepit Ptley , F.sq.,s -1 FaysltevHlil .C. s-4r.Jaiues Corner. Sons, Baltimore. . ' K. A. Soudor A (X, Philadelphia. .' Thompson Hunter w ,.' - ' rr Flll.buryAS.ndforMNTVor' JV liitntlng Tufts, Uoston. ' . ' S J.4(J. PiTitcoinb.KennebankjMti' , , Julr I7ihi!8j04.- ; w v, ,.' Ii tf ELLIS & MITCHELL'S r . ORAfH STORE, i .. Kt'' 'i , . pOON, Peas, Hay, Meal, I , J t)oue, Rice Klouf, Uor .k jsM Flour, btei Hy, &o. ' , Ilommony, Wheal Bran, lorseaad Cow Feed, Ca klce Flour 4 fits, oar 10. in lots to stilt Durehssers. ' .TboM wanting a larga'qusDtlty of Douse, can be oppllej cheap by recolvlna list the Mill, spplyto ; ! . , vJ- s -j.fr-- 'ELLIS &IIITQI! 6Lt. ' Sept. It t f v, . i : 82. . GEO. HARRISS, General Commission Alerchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. STRICT attention given to piacuftng Freight and purcnasingCuryoesfur vosseis.' i ' Repeb to K. P. H ill, Knq., 1 O. G Paraley, Ksq., J. A. Tuylor, Ksq., ) Wilmington. J. D. Uellainy, Ksq., Alessis. It illnrtiA Huntington, J Messrs. Tookcr, Smyth & Co., x v . " Thompson A Hunter, ,cw,r't Alnx'r. Herron, Jr., Philadelphia lr1-V'll'''''!''uXlur- Chi rieston.S.C. H. F. linker, ksq., J ' Jan. 2. 1850. 123-tf. HERON & H(4RTIN General Commission Mlcrclumts, 37 1-2 North Wharves, PHILADELPHIA, Rkfcb TO Messrs. Thos. Watson & Sovs, ) Jho. C. Dacosta, Ksq., (..,. Wm. S. Nbiusom, Ri.,iPb" a Robert Nkilsox, Ksq., ) 1 Messrs. Moses, Tavlob & Oo., .. , J. H. Bsowea, & Co.;Now York " J. & D. McRas, .., . (3o. HAfcaias.Ksq. J Wilmington. April 5,1950. 9-irP. MARTIN & CROiUYT AUCTIONEERS, r;oTtf.!SOv MPRntiAvrs A N O I GENERAL AGENTS. .VIlmlngton,N.C.,Oct.3 1841). 85tf. J0SEP1 U. FLANNER, General Cannlssioa ' Ierc'iant. WIIiMINGTJV, H. C. Oct. Sth, 1919. 87-ly-c. WILLIAM NfiFF, W:iOL13SALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN SHIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES AND GROCERIES, 7 R.VER OF i).)3!C A WVrKtl STREETS WILMINGTON, N. C. bec.7ih 1849 DER0SSET & BROWN. y ILMI NQTON, N. C. CROWN & DER0SSET. N?W YORK. 'JBXEUAL COMMISSION SltMCfiAKTS. Marcl 17' 1850. " ' . i l-y. G33. II. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. N'cxtdoor lo X. A. W.mnnt's, on "North Vter st will uttond to tliesulo ot'allkintls of Uountrv Pro, duoo, sueli as C tn, I'e.H, .Meal, Uacon, Curd, Ac., and will ki)c; e i ui uitiy on hand a full supply of Groceries, &c. Refe recces. Wlllcs Hall, if W iyne, Jon MuRae, Wilmington, W Carawuy, ' Oen. AU.. MeRio. " B. P. .1 in, Vil,iiinj;ton, Wiloy A. Walker, " Doc. IJ, 1319. ' U5-ly. ALEXANDER MATTHEWS: INMl'UCTOR of liUMllKR and' TpiUUR, WILMINJI-JN, N. C. 7 Marcl. 19, 1950. 1-tf. SAVAGE & MEARES, gl:i;ral co.hmhsiu.v merchants AUCTlONEEnS, WILM1NGTO.V, N. C. DWASD ItVAOl, Muy 2, 1650. OASTOH MI AllS LEISHT0N, CHAD BOURN k CO., General Conuission Mcrchauts. WII..lIIJiCTUV, NC: Dec. II, 1849- " ' ' ' li;-tf. CORNELIUS DtiPRE. WHOLE 8 A LB AND RKTAL DEALER8 IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, OH, Dye S lull's. Glass, Perfumery, Cigars, Old Liquors, Pkiiey Articles, Ac., MARKKT STREET, WlLMItf GTOX, N. C. Prwrlptlons carefully compounded by eper enced persons. March H 1350 . 6 MARINE INSURANCE. THE inlorsigned liaving received tho Agency o th AUGUSTA INSURANCE AND I1ANKITVG COMPANY OP AUGUSTA GA, Will Issue Policies on VosieU, Carlos, Freight Ac al asreneonuble rates of Premium, as any other In stitution of llv: kin J in tho Country. The Cspltol of this Company Is 1375,000. II . Ni'TT. Wilmington, Aug. 18.1850. 65-ly. J. C. LATTA. COMMlSSfUN MERCHANT. AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N.C. Oct. 10 1849. B7 GEORGE ELLIOT, COMMISSION 'MERCHANT, AND AGENT ?OR Til K SALE OPTI WHEN, LUMBER. WILMINGTON, N. C. .. Jan. 1.1850. FDR SALE AT Tng OFFICE OF' TUrcOIIERCIAL, f RATES OF TRANSPORTATION - ON THD .WILMINGTON it RALEIGH : - : nut. nntn. ' :- ' "RATES OP FREIGHT -k Iietweca Wllinlmlou 4 Charleston. ttovUod July 4, 181J. price 23 eonU. " DR. W. E. FREEMAN in. HOMfEOPA TIIIG I'll YSICIAN, Front it., one door south Messrs. Policy & Hurt. Dec. U. 1949. i 130-6 JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. General Commission Merchant. WILMINGTON, I. C. Cash advances in ide on voislmnents to me, or . u. my filcnd8 In .New York . Oct. S3. ' 93-y. ANDERSON & LATIMER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, , SOUTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N . C . Sep. IT, 1319. . 82-ly-c LIFE INSURANCE. THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSU RANCE, continues to toko Risks on Live? on fair term. . SURPLUS OVER 1 ,UUU,Uifu. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, Agent. Oct. 23d, 1849. f- LIFE INSURANCE IN THE NATIOtfAL-LqA'N'lTUND SO. CIETY, OF LONDON, AMU FIRE INSURANCE IN THE, 4JNA INSURANCE COM PANY, OF If ARTFORD, Conn., oa, in thb HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY, 'OF NEW YORK. Ma y be eflected by application to tXROSSET Sl BROWN. 103 "Murch 17. 1850. J. E. T00MER, COMMISSION AlBUUHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT . NORTH WATER STREET WILMINGTON, N.C. Feb. 7, 1350. 3My- JJi D. McRAE & Co. General Commission Merchants, WILMINGTON N. C. Particular attention paid to procuring freights and urchat cargoes for vessels. JOHS MACBAS, DOH ALB f ACBAB, JOMM W. K. DIX. August 1, 1850. M. CHASLSS D r.lt.18. HSSV P. BUSSBLL. ELLIS RUSSELL, General CoiumisSion Merchants, AND AGENTS FOR CAPE FEK STEAM SAW MILL, WILMINGTON, N. C. REFER TO IC. P.Hall, iCii-, Pres't. Branch Bank State, VVil inlngton. Messrs. A. C. Rossins &. Co., ) j York . N. I.. McCbcadv & Co., ew I' K Lixcow &., 1 Phllad-a. " llEH'IOS if- 11 VBTIX. ) " WaL.L,M4 U"TL"' Charleston, S.C H. F. Bakkr, Ksq. J Jan. 1, 1850. l2-ly T. C y0IJTfl : Commission an'd Forwarding MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Feb. 19. irioO. 143-12 m. TALLOW WANTED. APPLY to Jan. 17. WM. M. HARRIS Agent. 129. WM. ALLST0N G0URDIN, FACTOR, No. 4 East-Uay t liarlestuii auiuth Caroiiua., IS PBEPABBD TO M IKS LISSRAL' AOVANCBS Olf roN.-iiaxMC nts or RICE. COTTON, COitN, SUGAR, FLOUR, GRAIN, HA V, &c. RirsBSNcis. Goosdin, Matthisssis & Co ) GsoaoA. Hoplsv, Charleston S.C. ALONXO J. WlHTS, Tahdv Walicb, Esq., - May 21, 1850. Greenville S. C. 29-ly-c. BARRY, BRYANT & ADAMS. COMMISSION MERCHAN WILMINGTON, N. C. July 17, 1850. 62 J. HATHAWAY & SON. COMMISSION MERCHANT. WILMISOTOX, N. C. - J. Hathawat. J. L. Hathaway. Oet. 15. ' 91 2000 ACRES OF LAND. THE Subscriber is desirous of selling his land, . I) ing within three miles of Raleigh, on both side of the road 10. Fiyettevllle. The above is well adapted to the cultivation of Grain Tobacco or Cotton, Is well watered and healthy, and eon be advantageously divided Into three our four tracts, to'sult small farmers, or -rosi-' dences fur persons from the lower country. Notes at interests, or Voung Negroes will be received In Psyment. Persons desirous of seeing tho above land w!ll call on tho Subscriber, or In his sbsence, his Broth-. Ay bn tb,e Premises. JOSEPH T. HUNTER. Sept. 29. 84 w-w. CORDAGE. COILS Manilla and Hemp Rope, for sals HOWARD, PEDEN. ' Oct. 12. ; A and J. 90 " STILL .COMING,' Per Schr; A. Ve lionet. 1 ' BBL. bst Fulton Market Boef, ' 1 25 best Beef Tot cues, , . : ' 1 ; ' . - 3 qulnuls tint Codfish," v ' , ' 1 6 boxes Tobacco, n '.?) "V B - Adarrlantlne Candles, ' , t colts 1 in. and 1) in. Hope. Low for en "h it ..-.. GEO. H. KKI.f.KY'S. k- Account Books, I PAPER & STATIONERY ARTICLES. 4, FRANCIS VLOUTREL, l 77 Maiden Lane, New York. INVITE Sforohuntsy Dealers and nil who leqnir articles in iIikU line, (o (allot 77 Maiden Lane, New York. We ufcr every variet ot Blank Hook, Paper and Statiunery, at very tow prices. As we both manufacture and inioort all enods in our line we are enabkd to sell cheap oi;J olR r inducemoolt to buyers. Orders receive prompt attention. ' BLAK BOOKS, For all kinds of business, Bunks, Public Office, (Jounty clerks, sets of books with Printed heading for Lodges, Divisions and others. Hotel Retrlstcrs, Time Books, Notes, Drafts, Copy Pass and Memo randum Books. COPY YOUR LETTF,R8 ! By tho use of Francis' Manifold Letter writer, Lrttcrsand copies arc written at the same tlmci the ink is contained in sheets; the pen never wenrs nut; both eipedltious and economical; price II, 2. 2,50 and 5,00. CROTON INK. If you wont good black writing I nk use the Cro ton 1 flows freely from the pon and retains Its color; alselndellible, Carmine ami copying Inks. PAPER & STATIONERY. All sixes and styles of writing Paper at Mlllprlce; Tissue, Colored, Drawing and Perforated Paper, En velopes, Gold Pens, Note Papers, Scrap Books, Portfollios, Cnids, Quills, Wux, Wjfurs. Steel Pens, Chessmen ; Wallets, Writing Desks, and every varl ety of Fancy Stationery. DIARIES FOR 1851, From the full Ono size to the smallest pocket edi tion containing Almanac Time and Interest Tables, a space for memorandums for every day In tho year, Ac, suitable for business, Professional or Private use. Price 50c 75c, nnd SI. bent by fllillfree. Book Binding-ex' cuted in any stylo. ' FRANCIS &, LOUTREL, Manufacturing Sttitionrs, 77 Maidi-n Lane, N.Y. Lewis Fbancis, , , Cvbvs II. Lovtbbl, Mar. 31-wAt-if. LADIES BASKETS. I ( DOZ. Travelling Baskets ; lUl2' Work Received this day, by J. WILKINSON & Co. Oct. 17. . - 92. MRS. BLANKS, HAS taken the Moms over Mr. DuPae's Apothe cary Store, on the north side of Market street, wlttre ahe is prepared 10 take a number of regular Boarders, She Invites her country friends, also, to call upon her, as she will always have rooms ready for their service. The house has been thoroughly repaired, and sll the rooms are In fine order and well furnished. Oct 1. Jour. 61, and aend bill to this ofhee. 65 2m BACON. 8HHDS. Western Sides; ?ctisksv " Home; 2 " " Shoulders; 10 000 lbs. North Carolina assorted Hams, Shoulders had tildes, Cor sale by DsROSSET it BROWN. Sept. 23 . 64. jisTRravm Q DO,, lines A Rowland's Sh vels& Spades; CO 6 " Long handle Shovels ; 5 " Garden Rakes ; 80 " Hoes of vsrious sizes and qualities. ALSO, 4 dozen Ladles Garden Hoes, with medicated handles. said to be a celebrated cure for Dyspepsia snd varions other complaints. leaujting from want ofexircise. It Is believed that if judicious use Is made of them, they will also cure extreme cases of poverty. For sale by ALEX. MacRAE, Jr. Feb. 26. 146. CniNA, GLASS AND EARTHENWARE Off 20 PACKAGES, Just received snd opened, 4 which makes my assortment complete. Vi ALEX. MacRAE, Ji. Teb125. 146. A. G. BOWERS & BROTHER, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, JUWHLLUR. 4tc OfPOSITS THE CHEUNICLE OFFICE, FSONT STSEET. . - WlLMIROTON, N. C. A.G. B. having justretuinedfrom the North, with u new stock of Ulegjiit Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Musical uoxes, fiatcd ana sil ver Ware. Respectfully Invite the Lsdles snd Gentlemen of Wilmington, and country generally, to examine stock before making a purctlasa elsewhere, as wr Mattel ourst lvcs that we can sell goods at as low prices as any other establishment gouth. This stock is the tliird one we hsve received within the last five months which is a proof thst a quick sale and small profit, Is the best snd only wsy 10 secure thegood will nnd patronage of the citlxen.1 generally. N. B. Every description or Wstchr, Clocks. Jewelry, Musical Boxes. plated and Silvor Wart', personally repaired, and In a workmanlike manner, not be surpassed by any other establishment, and warranted for one year." 1 Feb 14. SHIP STORES. MASTERS of Vela will find at our Store, Ship Stores of every variety, put up with despatch snd at low prices, also Cor('aj, puck, 3bip Chan dlcry, and all articles used v vessels. HOWARD & PEDEN. Qgi.?.' A.andJ. 90 GIG AND BUGGY AXLES. F'OR SALE BY m . J..M. ROJNSON, No. 3, Front sL FRESH ARRIVALS. CANAL Floor 1 P. O. Sugsr A Crashed do. 1 Adamantine Candle; Laguyra CofTeej" . Western Bacon, Sides & Shoulders j Msee Pork, city Inspected 1 Western & N.C. Lard. Jnat received and for sale by J. HATHAWAY dt SON. Sept. 17. " 79. . GUNS. IHAjTp just received a , large aseortment of Onus, some vrry mperior, which 1 offer for sale ehesp, at No. 3 Frout st,' J. M. ROBIXSON.; .. : : .. - - 78. Sept. 13, v'; i ': UAY LlAJ . 'r- , ' HOWARD 4b PF.DEN'. :n. 90. 1 CAPE FEAR mariiVe Railway and THE subscribers having now completed their Ma rine Kullwoy,sre pf upaeJ lo take op Vessels of any size. They pledge thMnlyefi that all work done by them shall pive sniUfutilon, boih as lo charges sa.d workmanship. They have s1 large force employed, which vslll eoulile them to perfuiin all work with dlspiiith. They are also prepared to build any size Vessel, from a P1I.OI' liOA r up to a Siiii';, ami will warrnnt tlifat rln-ir work w)IlcopparlAvoiaMy,wiih uny done litre or tlscwliore, nnd upon as ren ;unnble terms. , Always on hand a Inrpe stock of Timber, die. SAMUEL BEERY A SON. Ren a to P. K. Dickinson, DeltosM't A lirown, Barry, Biyunwt Adams, Geo. VV. U;ivis, J. A I). MvRae, A Co. June 27, 1800. j-Wlh.lngiun, .C. 4.-)-nm.-c OUR MOfTO IS "TO PLEASE," AT THE Wilmington saddle. Harness, and Trujk Manufactory. THE subscriber respecttully Informs the public that he h is recently received additions to his stock of Saddle and Harness Mountings, 4c , t e latest snd most Improved style, and Is tonstntly munufHcturing, at his, store on Maik'ttree? every description ot iirticlcin tho ahovo line. From his experience in tnc business,' he feels confident that he will be h blc to five entire saliafnctlon to ull who may fuvoi Uiin with a coll. lie has now on hond, ana will constantly keep a large assortment of Coach, Ills and Mulkcy Iluri'os: 7) Hi Idles, W hips, i Ml - . At . ., i.iiiuimi'ii 1 Idles, Whips, Mdy'e Ha;tdle, H ' Spurs, Ve. eke.. all of which he will warrnnt to be of thefj nshlp. iU V of Trunks, r best ni iieriuls ni,d workma hns il so u InfL'C assortment Valises. Huddle and Cariet Bars, Satchels, Fancy TrunLs, Stt , and all other articles usunliy kept in such I'siahlit-limcnte, oil of which he offers low for CASH, or onstiort credit to prompt custo mers. Snddles, Harness, Trunks, Medical Bags, dtc. dc., made to order. ' ' In addition to the above the subscriber always keeps on bund a large supply of String Leather, and has now. nnd will k':p through the season a good aatortmeiiLof lIv Ni-lts. All are Invited to -call and examine my Ooods, whether In want or not. as 1 take pleasure In show in my assortment to all who may favor mc with a call. Harness and Coach Trimmings sold st sfsfr price lopersone buying to mnnulactuie. Also, Whifs 01 wholesale , All kinds of Riding Vehli les bought snd sold on commissions. JOHN J. CONOLEY. June 13. 39 SHIP NEWS. THE Subscriber having again re-opened his old establishment corner of Water ond Prince f Si one Square above market St.', would Inform Masters of . yeisclain this port and th public generally, tha' he intends 'keeping on hand a stock of the. best quality of Scotch Ruesy and Cotton Duck, which he will sell at New York retail prices. All work in his line done to the satisfaction of his employers or no payment required. Cull and see. Having resolved .not. lu bes;, but lo work, aiidto be cnulded lo du sd. oflifi-s and will furiish saflsof all kinds ti per bolt, for making 1 and the ste.fi si the fullowirg prices : Scotch Duck, No. 2, ll,D0; No. 5. 810.00; Cotton do. No. 2, 22 CIS. per yard; No. 3, 21 els. per yard t Twine 25 cts. per lb., all wairontrd to be ot 1 he best a unlit v. Shin Masters and Consignees am respectfully invited !o examine his stock and also! hi fork, lupairine; done ai low prices, for caah. A Journeyman Sailmakcr wanted, and prices gifar anteed. Please sddreis the subscribel by letter. P. S. Thegen lemsn without s name, that wrote to S in. Harris, Sallmaker, of Washington, N.C. that there was not work for one Loft, In Wilming ton, Is very respectfbfly Informed his letter wen rsnff snd h.id the desired tfftct-- thst of keeping out ion- pelltlon. ROBERT S. MACOMBER. Dsj.4. 111-tf. FOR SALE. A&PLF.NDID stationary steam Engine ot ten horse power, with a first rate boiler, all in good order. Apply lo. E.D.HALL. All Tows -papers sopy. Oct. 8. ; fctf. STOVES ANI GRATES. JU8T RECEIVED Large apply or 8HIP, PARLOR, rilCRCH, AND OFFICE STOVES ! of in BEST snd most spproved fATTSSMS. whoka! i retail, ALSO, an assortment of GRATES A FURNACES, Solar. Camplitne, fluid, snd Oil Lamp, plain and Japanned Ware, tftesk Dishes. Coffee Urus, nig tlns. Tea Trays. Walters, Platform and other kalee and a variwy of other si ti de too numerous to men tloo. fOLLKT ek HART. Oct. 10. JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK, 1 GROSS LuWni Eiiraets Jenny Llnd 1 ; .3 dot. ..." " " California 1 3 " assorted 1 V I gross Soepif. ,1 " Morpebs, '; - t- ,!,, ,r:l " Cremr-d Amende 1 v j r .'; - 6 frnlr Toilette Pots. Bohemian Glass;' - 12 loney T"ngenis . . -" -A ml. a neml sisojimvnt of fancy articles usually kepi In Drug Stores, for sols by i - r l: . - - - Vj, U C. DsPRE, Drvgtsi. ..Sept.. 21. J "n'-'H1" mm J 'H.r.FS.7l- ' fO THE COMMEKCUl " ' r f v. No, Lady, I wfll bow no more, Nor worship at thy shrtue; 7 Nor sigh as I have sighed before. Nor fondly call thee mine. "'' t ' "J , JO No longer need 1 now delay, ;, Tby eonxtaitcy to prove j , i ... ' Hast thou Djit turned thy Vart away, To seek anotm-fiore? " - To seek another lo e, OshaiAef j" f ' I. this 1 wofriaa'a f.iIthT - t ' f A woman's tore T Tna(acred flame, ,f. That brighter glows till death ; , V. Till Jcatb, when aU short months cfTacn ' 'gtich ardent love as tlitae,' t' 8uch hoVt(rWalKf pllgtifcd fiiith, " " forerer tot mine.',", , But Ro, bo happy In thy cjitloo, M' klclr thou at lost baa made I would not ennte then, fUlthlfss one ( ' But maystlboil be betrayed. THE ROUGH CIGYMAX, . 'And where is your present aphcre of Jifior, . Dotionl was the greeting of one old coiU-ge , fciend to another ut an accldetitat rencontre ; alter a sepuratidn of some years j nail sjre? nble. -amliiikely in be perroiineod' ', jf. . fBoth,' wtM Utfl reply f.'find though the ltce tor of Mellbrd Abbaa, lor soch is tny locality", ! would, by lortif , be deemed rough charae-. : . ; ter todinl with, to me he basbeetiinvariublf ' kind. 1 The way in which I soccceded lo thex curacy is in perfect keeping: with his many ; 5 i uiiJ marked peculiarities. ; In order fully to ; rompreliend the calm, peaceful, Kand leltfedt : ; rhiiractcr of a comte'a life , you must know that.in fbnrtren months 1 peenpfed bo Ie' Ihan ihriTtlirTercntciirncirs..VThefIloa V by the sudden death of id ineumbent $ the) 1 tucond by Mr. Hope's succession to tk hotter living ; the fAirrf by ft revocation of a license ; which compelled my convnleaceotincombent ; to return lq residence; and, so situated, h ;- . needed the nsnbtance of ncnra(. I almost ' mnde a vow never to MefcaJourfAWhife?? my plans fir the future were thus completely nimfltlvd. thei fulloviinnr tatb-r VMrhrA. tntAXp I . n . hi r Lii.t An1 nnrhnAAinjf fmm4 t.- Bartlett : ' 'i;,.?'!r LichnYfd; June 1st; My Dcnr Friend, Mr. (Juotlmore, the Rector of Mclford Abbas, hns rr quested ma lo make inquiries 0111005: my c lerictd brethren f for a gentleman who might be difocd lo undertnkethe curacy of his straggling parwtK ' t, Ilia manners are eccentric ; but his heart U ' no stranger to kindly feelings, as the following i t citcumstitrices may serre to .ttstify';V ' His late Curoe, Mr.-Remmiitglott, lafior i thrir connection had lastad-r-and UotJo ever respect harmoniously for some years, waited An him In lnri lilt Mttrvnftiuin . Jr - 'Mr. Quodmoro, 1 find it my duty tokHrt quish the curacy. r ' t ' . ? rr- 1 -On what grounder r fr- My healdi hns been for soma jirne foiling - t niiu wurus nio uiai 1 can no ivoxrer uo tallies to the important truat re nosed io " me. ' I. therefore hasten to replace, it In your honda.' ' . 1 .' -I shall not receive it, 'Indeed, Sir, 1 am serious, and . ' 'Saaraf.' ' - 'You mnirl sco. Sir. that I nm nne final td . " my duty, and thai I had IxJttet retorti home ... . ilotne forsoolld do you tbink that after yod I A L t. 1 ! :' a V WVI V S) SJMW BVUIV M vvss J t HIS 4 1 Sll 9 - humbugging, grumbling, blundering parish,' ' "nnd find yoursell amoi from ovei work, 1 shntl -not do my best to see you.'reaforcd W good'".'' condition? Go to Learning." See DrJeplw son. Give op that eternal toast and water, with which you're like to drinl yourself into . a dropsy, and take as a Chrwiiaa should do, some dcct iit port'-.; My gtol Sir said Remmmgtonj oVercom' by th warmth and earnestness of his. nm tier, 'litis is imposcible for many' ' Don' interrupt vi will iijiTe jny ou a way for once. I've had little enough tf it nf lt Thispoint I will not yield.. Then bonk till for fifty pounds, when ifiat'o another will be forthcoming.; And reti. , i shall not fill Up the curacy till JepL- ,1 , - iiu as tupfran ma inma nun iii7n vaassM its inf - 1 lu-r cures ror lulls ye. Now notu wot J. Go home and collect your traps; and to-r ..-row" morning ot teo my man shuli be at your door in rtuduieM to drive you over to Learaiugtuti., These fuels I teamed , from the sollcrtr',1 ' lips a fewjioors before he died. ' Quadtnor'a kindness was unweuncd. ,, He wulcbd over -V poor RsnmingtoQ alia 'tho tenderness aiul urToclion of a hither over an only child ntrf. t:r. 1 ' 1 . ,j .11 l- . uieuiMi. wiieii 11a huh miiio. n n sii nu.iB. . tie debts, observing, 'he had been a ialihful . curate to him and that no one shoolJ havo cause to reproach bis memory. ouco a man aa this ucserves altcntion.--Lord Ansou's frank enables me totne'htar a ' letter of uilroduclion, which 1 brn'du? -Will lose po time in presenting in pcrstin. " r n " - .' Yours always Inithlirtly r : r y : , T. C. DARTLETTV f - A St N HIS V I U W . WW IHV t - ' ecdote which this letter contained, hi. J itself forcibly upon my memory. - '1 should like . sea this tuan. was my involunUry und hai;' audible conclusion; and in an hour t wuSM! horse back busily exploring my way across tho couutry Co Melford Abbae . By dint ofh cctsaol inquiry and hard ridingJ i al f '' ranched a little, noUry, 'strogglinrf vtJI 1 f with a large pond at one tod snd a .i.n Church with tapering apira at the othrr. rc c the latter was a pretty, while wnshed cotu n;-.. dwcllin.j, covered wiihcieraatw and rvsaii.t . circled by a gardtsn in aamiiaUd brder, i .i friifirant with dots. Tear Uia npiwe, Wi S It. H?-iicr''- . u. '.. ' "v '