fl 'JB MM PUBLISHED TRI-WEEKLY, BY THOMAS LORING. (DiII(BIlLo:,, -ggSggHll I J .. .?7ZriZ!S2SarB!Urr'mimm--jrllr.r , , ,MW j BT "SW ii'vs.vV;-ii'ft-w;?, w-- dba.- :." :,i ;'::- "'.,Vt -. ,"V-v- 7"" ." ' " JJJLl X1.J-.i1 , lji ! i ii..x.ji ivJOL; 5---N0. 100. ji-w n-H-rw-ii- a w.,r-TT..,,,,,-r,.---..r... .... . f!ftf TRI-WEEHLYCOMJIERC AL f 4, RUfid iVsipAY,' Th'cmdat and Sat f; vtoAr, ttt:3 00 per aonum, payable ia all emu in &b V t u OM A 8 L ORISO, wli.liiurt'iaud Proprietor !' H iBESJASIIJB I. IIOWZE, Associate Editor. V iqrii 'i insertion, $0,50 . i-sqr. months, 61.00 1 V 3 " 5,0U t 6 " , H,D0 1 . " t yoar, 12,00 iqunre. . It' an adveriite ; - ment exceeds ton llno, the price will be in propar -4Hfl delirtm6ntt irfpajf 4b1e at the lime of their ;CWffotytjAyMi'-iWerler will bo made on i-Ko iraqsfonorcntractt for yearly advertising V(wiirbe'permiUH4 Should circamtancee render a haajB In business, or ort unexpected removal neces jiary.j Q.tru dqcordltjj to the published icrms will atl&jptiM-ttf the contractor, for the time he has advertised, " , v: t- th;pr(y.)Ugs:'i)r Annual Advertisers Is strictly ';f ai.fta45.lss make's . i-' limited to their own Immediate bulness und all ad yerilseujentf fotJlte, bnttni 9r other 'person, us well as ol jodvorttsements no( immediately ' fconnocied -jvl'illtjllf Jwrt business, and all excess of advortlsc- , menu n tengin or ptnerwise, peyona me mum on ' BagedrwHi bo ch'argud at the usual raies. ' sis N4i advertisement is IbtSluded In tho contract for f .tbVs1eor$pusbr lands In town orcoua - ,'irj't Of for' the nlo or hire of negroes, whathcr the '"'woijeirtv. is owned by the advertiser or by other nortbhs.' -those oro excluded by tha term " mm announcqmnnt of marriages or deaths will be ttosUfoittasnows, and inserted free of charge; but all additional ' matter, beyond the simple an Mo'uriconi.ht'of the.djathof tho Dorson, will be phftrd'qti the sttine'tornjs as advertisemjtits. XJLh 4dertiseinei'is inserted in the tri-weekly Com- tnei-eW; are entitled to one insertion In the tVukhj ' free of charge. ' .'. 'ffifiP and FANCY PRLXTIXG, executed ' dso jieflot sfy te. . : , , ATflMfTflE COMMEiiClAL. NEW" blt? t MessJs Uaow.t & Dsltosssr. . HQSTOX) KaSDsaicK Kiddir. Ksq. .ClfiNBRAL AQENT, FOR .VARDINQ ftaJ X'oiilissida' Mcrcliiint. TTif;'Ji1eireVfl Infor ulng my Iriends, that I l'l uoreptfed to giveelL ounnossemrustuil tu me "e Bilani nl persj nl atteniion. 1 iiavo u wlian tor Nival Stores,-witn aiOple aoeommJutloiis, Spirii H Ttul-V.rHoa: Xjnslnuients ol A'.ival Swry tor a,Vofshlli'nent j anJ all Kinds of coun fr produce solicited.' Cash adrances mudeoncon iliuiiiaits.' "C ( ' ' ' Apwll3,i850, ,T;.:,:jWlLMBN-'& CO., f;..;-T?6Ak'. dtALtHS IN :'rjCreetlOriaryt'FrIt,Nats, Toys, Fancy Ar-7iHl(;ie.-Pirt'ortt'sry, ToiJacco, Senr, c ZZr'grkpLQSATifyyft HE TAIL, SX'it?? ' MARKET STb'eET; Mir.yW' imi z Vv. iMrosTsa xd oiitaa in STOVES, If AILS, &c, 1c, .,'t. J'ronl street, 3 doors Southof H ;s; Market street., 'W 1 1 M 6 T O N , N. C. -' Wttm(ngronjMay4.l860.f. . " T;r S0UTH.V 1YD & CO.. EnEESS, liLCJlllflS, BUSS, tNO IKO.N All orders la the. llus wUl be punctually at- .. ivK a-a-Vw tended to..';"1'"' ' " CoRNfcif MctBEHv & North Water sts. f.-i WILHI.XOrON, NO. CA.. Mat 40, UN u..M . 27 if. UBiMGE DAVIS. .COMMlSSION MERCHANT, ... . wii,Mi.varo.i, n. c. Sept. 14.-'--.- :. 4J ' ' .. t 79. ! ' WILLIAM; SI. 'UARRISS, -(C 0 M M I S Si t) N ,'I fi R C fl A N T ..a Titlflt attention L'Wen' to or icurlog relehls . i kjjna parenusinuargoesrur f esseis ,iO. d". j'arsley, Ksqf " -'Oi). Johrt tfo. Its. 'VIVUmington.N.C. . IXMirt. H ill trd t tliinllnpirtn iiu.n o....r II i .i. . i. nr r -:-. .tMjwrs. lAdidieii4Co.1lrN.;..lji,w . cr. Jj'Mul Qufner A Sons.Baltlmurf , J' K. A.-JjuJjr AQ.t.PuHodulphU. ' tV;X! 14 Hunter, i Vork ' it ' litln'ing Jt Tufts, Boston ' ' ' . I'. t'ucJ.ubAtfnnebunk : --... . , . n. .. i ... , , , . v. :Jti llth ELLIS k MircnELL's ; mtAIV STOIIE. . VV' C'OaN.Tent, Hty, SJmI, Uommonf. Whssl Iran, , (vDjuss, Uics Klour, Lloris sod Cots' Vwd, Ca j .nal Klour, ttwd Hye, 4o. r" ' -V" M( f, RUie Klosr 4 cin. per ,lb, in loll to still purclissers. Those wgntlng a' Urgs qusntlfy of Douse,' csn be " SllnnlU.I ihill kK .lul- I. ... M Mill ani.li In r r v jyvoiviiiH 11 ni- nan.,- "rr'J ,v 1 ' ' . , , FI.IM A 1(1 i'CHKLl.. l CSspt. . -if GEO. UlUUISS, General Coifliiiision Mcrcliaut, WILMINGTON, N. C. OTRICT nttemion given to" pioeurlng Froijht O and purciiusiog Curoesfor vessuls. Utrea to - R. P. H.ll, Esq., 1 ! O. O. Parsley, Ksq., J. A.Tuylor., Ksq., Wilmington. . J.U.B.!ll.unykKs(., ,f Messrs. liulUnl & ilnntinglon, J Messrs. Tookcr, Smyth A Co., ; N y . " Thoinps.in A Hunter, ) oric. Alcx'r. Ilerron, Jr., I'liila lelphia Mesitrs. WillLiins ,i liuilor, )c ... , nn a r 11. K. Kukor, ICsq . , H' rieston.S. C. Jan. 2. 1350. . f3-tf. HE1UN & SIARTIN General I'd n mission flcrchants, North Wharves, A D E 1 l II I A PHIL ftsFIR TO Messrs Titos. Watsos d&Soss, ) Jni. O. 0 A COSTA, Ksq.. ) Phil'a. Wm. S. Nsttsrrf. Kw., I RoUERT NBILSOM, KS'., ) Messrs. Moses, Tavoh & Oo., i , J. tl. Us.iwbb. 4 Co.,fNcw Vork ' J. & D. McAas, ( W1 . Geo. Habhibs, Kaa. i Wlliptngton. April 5,1850. 9-tfc. MVRTLY & CR0NLY. ' AUCTIONEEHS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENER AL AO E NTS. Wilmlneton.N.O..Oct.3 IRjD. 85if. JOSEPH II. FLANXfJIl, General j 11 ihsi 1:1 ilu'clnnt. " ' iviiirii.vurj.v, sr. c. Oct. 9th, 1349. 87-ly-c. WILLIAM NEFF, WIIOLGSAl.E AND RETAIL DEALER IN SRIPCJIANDLERIf, S ill 1 STORES AND GROCERIES, WILMINGTON, N. C. L)oc."ih 1849 1 . DER0SSET & BROWN. WILMINGTON, N. C. BROWN & OER0SSET. NKW YORK . GKSF.RAL CO MMJSSIOy MlillCHASTS Marel.17 IdSO. . 1-y. G3). U. IvCLLY, COMMISSION MiUCJANT. Nextdj.ir u A. A. V input's, on North' Water sj- will attend to tiie sale of all Hin Is of Country Pro, cloco,.j :il is k ir.i. I'cu, Lal, Itjcoil. Lutd, Ac. 11 nd -viil .itip co.iii uitly on hand a full supply of uroeeries.ikc. References. vVlllos Hull. )f W lyno, J.iri Ia'.l ie, WlliiiinaiJn, V Oarswuy, ' Don. Alx.. Alelt iu. K. 1'. l.n, Vil utntoii, WUcy A. Wulkor, " l)oc. 11, IB 10. 115-ly. ALM1NDER Hirr.IE.VS; isrspucroit of LU.unica and Ti.miLu, VILUl.Vii'J.V, S. C. M;irch 19, 1950. : 1-lf. SAVAGE & MEAilES, O L: LUAL COI II-SSIO V MeitCIIASiTS AND AUCT10XEER3, WILMINGTON, N. C. BOWASD IITltl, OAST'lS MIAIES 1. Muy 2, 1350. LEIGUfON, CUA080URN &. CO., General Counisijn Merchants. WILMINGTON, N.-C. 11, 1649- li:-tf. Dec. CORNELIUS DjPRE. WHOLE SALE AMD RBTAL DEALERS Iff Drugs, Hellcwies, CUe nlcals, Paluis, OH, Dye Slum, uuss, I'orla nery. Cigars, Old Liquors, Fa icy Articles, c., MARKKT STREKT, WILMING rosr, N. c. Pruiriptija oarof ally compounded by expor enced h'tson.. M uch 2d. 1330. 6 MARINE INSURANCE. THK in lrsigaed navliiK received the Agency o the AUGUSTA INSURANCE AND RANKING COKPANY OF AUGUSTA GA, Will Issue Policies on Vaisels. duos. Krelaht Ac at asressiinable rales af Premiums ss any other In stitution of in 1UI1, 1 mihs o'ouairy. The Capitol of this Jo npany ls3J75,000. ii. rriTT. Wilmington, Aug. 18. 1850. 65-ly. . J. C. I ATTA. COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AOKNT, WILMINUTON, N.C. Oct. 10 1849. b7 GEORGE ELLIOT, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND AOKNT TOR TtlEBALUOPriHIIER, LUMBER. . WILMINGTON' N. X3. ;.JD.M8S0. , FOR SALE ; xi.m oFrics of tau comebcul, r IUTE3 OP TRANSPORTATION ON TIIIJ WILMINGTON ttALEIGII , Uvt :.,'nAii. road.' ..4t ..,.r-f 'V-' RATES OFJ FREIGHT ' 4Detwee Wllmlnttou A ChsrlesIon. ' " Revised July , 1849. , Tries IS mf. WILMINGTO. N. C TUESDAY DR. W. E, FREEMAN, nOMWOPXTUW PII YSICIA iV, Front st., one door south Messrs. Poller & Hart. VC. 23. 1S49. , , . , 12fl-ti JOSEPH H. BLOSSOM. Gcncnil Cojjiuiosiod Merchant. WILMINGTON. .N. .C. Cash ndvancL's m iJeon.eiiiniisjrtiiiunnio me, or to my trienas in ievv York. Oct. 23. 93-y ANDERSON & LATIMER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOUTH WAT Kit STREKT. WILMINGTON, N C . Sep 27, I3l9. 82-ly-c LIFE INSURANCE. THR MUTUAL BE.VKKIT LIFE INSU X itANiJIv, continues lb take Risks on Live on fair terms. SURPLUS OVER 1,000,000. 1 JOSEPH it. BLOSSOM, Agent. Oct. 23d, 1819 93 tf. LIFE INSURANCE IN THE NATIONAL LOAN FUND SO CIETY, OF LONDON, AND FIRE INSURANCE IN THE ETNA INSURANCE COM PANY, OF HARTFORD, Conn., on, in tub .IQWAIID INSlKlAVGE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK.' Maybeoflecled by applicutionto UsltOSSET & BROWN. 103 March 17.1850. J. E. T00MER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT. NORTH W iTRrt SiREET WILMINGTON, N. C. Keb.7. 1850. 137-ly. J. & D. McRAE & Co. General Com uksion Mercliants, ' WILMINGTON N. C. Particular attention pal 1 to procuring freights and purcUasi.:g; cargoes tor vessels. JOHN MACSAK, DONALD MACRAE, JOHN W August I, i860. . k. nix. 59. CHARLEi D ELLIS. HESBV P. BUBSELL. ELLIS & RUSSELL, General Coiii:iiisioii Merchants, AM) AGENTS FOR' ' CAPE FEAR STEAM SAW MILL, WILMINGTON, N. C. REFER TO K. P I all, ii i, Pres'l. Branch Bank State, Wil mington. Mi.SSIS. A. C. RoSSIRS Si, Co., ) v Vnrlf I New o., ) N. L. VIcCbsadv 4C K. Lincoln & Co., Philad'a. Charleston, S.C. HsnnoN if M vbtin. William A Uotlir, II. K. Hakes, Esq. 1350. j Jan. 1 122-ly T. C. W0RTU : Commission and Forwarding MERCHXNT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Feb. 19, 1950. 113-12 m. ... i TALLOW APPLY to WM. Jan. 17. WANTED. M. HARRIS Agent. 129. WM. ALLST0N GOURDIN, FACTOR, No. 4 Kasl-llay CUarlcsto l Mouth Carolina. . Ja paiPABEU TO NUI LIBEBAL AOVANCES ON CO'J-IOMSNTS.or RICE. COT TO S, COilN, SUi.R, FLOUR, Gl.AI,HAY,6i.c. RsriasNCES. G.iuaoiN. .I attiiisssen & Co George A. Hoplsv, Charleston S.C. Grccnvillfl S. C. 20-1 y-c. Alonzo l. White, Tasdt .Valkeb, Esq., May Zl, 135J. BARRY, BRYANT & ADAMS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. WILMINGTON, N. C. July 17, 1S60. B2 riufalwiY&W.""" COVIMIMHIOV MERCHANTS. WILMlSGtOS, s. c. i. Hathaway. J. L. Hathawav. Acl. ia. . 91 2000 ACRES OF LAND. THE Subscriber is desirous of imllinir his land, lying within three miles of Raleigh, on both sides of the rood to Psyeiievlllc The soove Is well adapted lo ihe cultivation ol Grain Tobacco or Cotton, is well waterad and healthy, and can be advantageously divided Into three our four tracts, to suit small farmers, or resi dences for persons from the lower country. Note at interests, or Young Negroes will be received in Payment. Persons desirous of toeing the above land will call on the Subscriber, or lo his absence, bis Broth er on lbs Premises. . , OSEPH T. HUNTER. Sept. 29. , 'W6w.w, " CORDAGE. 1 C( COILS Maoills snd Hemp Rope, for sale ivv' H; HUWAKLI A PEDEN Oct. 12.' AsndJ. 90 CIGARS AND BRANDY. HAVANA CifVa in i boxes; UtKJud line Uognse Brsody In and piprs i . Fur sehi by ANDERSON & LATIMER. Oct. , i860, h - . -; v . v, , . 93 t ORANGES! ORANGES ! I ti rifll 1 BARRACO Orangi s, for ante by UtUUO WILKINSON & Co. Oet. 17. 92. MORNING, NOVEMBER 5, 1850. Account 'Books." PAPER & STATIONERY ARTICLES. , -FRANCIS A LqUTQEL;? T7 Maiden Ln, New York. INVITE Merchants. DeuWrs and all who reqnlre articles in tlMr line, to call at 77 Maiden Lane, New 1 ork. We oftlr every variety ol Blank Book, raior onu oiuuiinury, ai vt-ry i.,w prices. Al Wh inamifiicture and Import nil irnods In our lin- we sre enabled lo stll ekieap ai.J oIT Inducements o Duytis. , Uiders lecelve prompt attention. BLA ,K BOOKS. For all kinds of butinrs. Banks, Public Office. County clerks, s ts nt books with Primed headins iur Lodges, DivitOonx and others. Hotel KeiI.:. rs, Time Hooks, Notes, Drafts, Copy Pass and Mciuo- riinuunt uoi Ks COPV YOUR LETTERS ! By ihe use of Fr.tmls' Manifold Letter writer, Lriicrsana coptesnre uritten at the same liinti (he Ink U contained In sheein; n pen never wears out; ioih expeditious and cconumkul; price tl, 2. 2,50 CROTON INK. If you want good black writing Ink use ihe Cro ion t flow! freely from the pen arid reminsils color, alsa Indelilble, tnrmlnenii(1 copying Inks. PAPER & STATIONERY. All sizes and styles of willing Pupernt Millprlcrt Tissue, Colored, Drawing and I'erforsted Paper.En velouts, uoia rens, ioie l'opers, Scrap Hooks, Porifolllos, Caids. Quills. Wax, Waft rs. Mud Pens, Chessmen Wallets, Writing Di'skn.uiid every varl ety of Fancy Stnlloncry. DIARIES FOR 1931, From the full 'Jon siz to the smillest pocket edi tion conialnintr Almnnai: Time and Intcn-fii Ta'.lcs. a space for ineindmnduins for every day in the year. Ac , suitable for business. Professional or Private use. Price 50c 75e, and II. Sent hv Msilfreei Book Binding ex en led in any atvlc. ,, , FRANCIS & L0UTRKL, Manufaciurinic Sintioners, 77 Maiden Lane, N. V. Lewis Fbancis, , Cyijs H. Loptsel, May a. 3l-w4Mf. - LADIES BASKETS. I A OOZ. Travelling Baskets : lUl?", Work Received this day, by Oct. i:. - WILKINSON & Co. 92. MRS. BLANKS, HAS taken the Moms over Mr. DuPai's Apothe cary Store, on the norih side of Market street. where nhe i prepared to lake a number of regular Hoarders, She Invites her country friends, nlso. to call iinon her, as she will always have rooms ready for their service. Tne houe has been thoroughly repaired, and oil ihe rooms are in tine order and well furniohed. Out I. Jour. Si, and send bill to this office. 65 2m BACON. 8IIHD-S. Western Sides; 2 casks " Hanm; 2 " " Shoulders; 10 000 lbs. North Carolina assorted Ilnrr.g, Shoulders ' MUU UlUUl, IUI Nil. UJ Sept. 28. DeROSSET Jt BROWN. 84. CniNA. GLASS AND EARTUENWARE. CfT "0 PACKAGES, just received and opened wLm which makes my ussortinent rompleic;. itS ALEX. MacRAE. Ja. Fi b. 2'". Hli. i A. G. BOWERS & BROTHER, WATCH AVI) CLOCK MAKERS, JKWULLUR, Ac. OfrOSITX THE CHBON1CLE OFKICE, FRONT STREET. WjUflNOTOH, N. C. A.O.H. bavins just reiurnedirouMhe Norih, & wilh a new etoek of ftmS Klecrftit Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Mu.lcal ltoxes. Plated and li ver Ware. Respectfully invite the Ladb s and Gentlemen of llipiiini.'tn, nn l country generally, to examine our stock before making a purcnaso elsewhere, as we Miiltci oursi Ivei that we can nell goods at as low prices ss any oilier establishment South. This stock is ih Ciird one we have received within the last five months which is a proof that a quick sale and small profit, is the best and only way to secure the good will Hnd patronage of ihe citizen j generally. N. B. Every description or Wotches, Clocks. Jewelry, Musical ltoxes. plnted and Sllvor Ware, personally repaired, and in s workmonliks manner, not be surpassed by sny other establishment, snd warranted for one yoar. Feb 14. ' 141. SHIP STORES. TASTERS ofVessels will find ot our Store, Ship 111 Store of every variety, pul up with dcapaich and at low price, also Cordage, Duck, Ship Chan dlery, and all arlicles used by vessel. HOWARD & PEDEN. Pet. 12. A.ondi. 90 GIG "AND BUGGY AXLES T?OR SALE BY r Sep. 3. J. M. ROBINSON, No. 3, Front st. 73 ' FRESH ARRIVALS. CANAL Flourt ' ..... P. O. Suar & Crnshed do. i Adamantine Candles) Lnguyra Coffee j Weidcm Bacon, Sides & Shoulders ; Mess Pork, city inspected , Western 4c N. C. Lard Jnsi rscelvsd and for sale by , t J. HATHAWAY dc SON. SeptA.7. '79. - GUNS. HAVE just received s large sssnrtment of Guns, some very superior, which 1 olTer for sale I heap, st No. 3 Prom at. J. M. ROBINSON. Srpf. 11 4 ... 79. HAY. JOO'f BALES Eastern Hay, for sale by HOWARD fc PEDEN. ueu iz, A A J 4W. v CANDLES. JUST receiving, 20 boxes Adamantine Candle, Tol sale low by . SAVAOK do MEARE3. O i .26.- ., - -SUNDRIES. ; PALS ALKj cruahed Sunsrf Pepper i Sbolj -Cut Nails Glue, Ae. For sale by . ' ANDERSON A LATIMER. Oct. 24, 1850." M - .. .. : - 96 ' BACON BACONS Oi1fri pounds of elccUenl Sides I 4AJJJ s For sale by OKa II, KKLLRV. Ote. 24.:- i CJsndT CAPE FEAR MARIiNE RAILWAY AND SHIP CARPENTERING. ,yB5 5 'I'HKaubwirlbors hovln? now completed liielrMa- I rine Railway, arc prepared to take up , Vessels oi any int. mey pledge uiemselvrs that all woik none oy mem sn,il. elve sniiHfatilon, both ss lo i liarcs and workmanship. Thry huye s fotgt fore omi loynl, wlii, h jijenalle them Id fx'riS.m all work Mitli difpufch. ' ' ; " They ars also preptred to bufld sny sli Vessel, roni s PILOT BOAT np to a sHIIM'srid will wiirrnnt that ili.dr work will coinparofavoi ably with ny done here or cUewhere, and upon as reusonoblo terms. Always on hand a larse stock of Timber. Ar. SAMUEL BEERY 4 SON. KEFCB TO P. K. Dickinson, Deltosset A llrown, Harry, Bryant A Adams, Wilmington, ti, C jcii. i. i;,ivih, I J. A I). Melius, 4 Co. j June27,l850. 45.i2ni.-c OUR MOTTO IS "TO PLEASE," AT THE Wilmington Saddle, Harness, and Trunk i Maiiufactorj-. fPHE sulucribcr respectlully informs the public A tli n t he Ii m recently received additions lo his stock of .Saddle and Humes. Mournings, &e., t e latest iiml mom improved slyle, und Is tonslanily ninnufariurinK. si his store an Market airrrt. rvrv description ot artick in the above fine. Fruni- his experience in ihe businesi. he feels confident thnl he will be able lo uive entlru satlslnctlon to all who HiaV favor hllll U'llh nnll ll h.a nni nn h4 and will coiistaiul), keep s large assortment of ' Coach, Git and Ilrld Ice, Whips, dtc, Gentlrmei.'a tiiulkey llariicss; Lady's HaddlcK, (Saddles, W hips, Mpurs, &.c. &c. lall II of which ha will warrant to be ofthe an La st m iterial and workmanshin has also a larce iisstutmeni of Trunks. Valises, Huddle ami ai iiet llaira. tatrhels. Fancy Trunks, 4c , and ull other articles usually kept in such establishments, oil of which he oilers low lor CAsll.or on short credit to prompt cusio merg. Saddles, Hirness, Trunks, Sledicnl Bags,&c.fcc., made to order. In addition lo the above the subscriber always ke'ps on hand a larpe supply of Hiring Leather, andhus Row. and will k' :p through the season a good assoriuivntof Fly Sictts. All aic Invlird to cnll and examine my Gooils, whether in want or not. as J tak4tassur,lo show ins my assortment to ail who may favor me with a cnll. ' ' Harness and Conch Trimmings sold ot a fair price topersuris buying to nmnufaclnie. Also, VVMi'S ai wholesale. All kinds of RidJng Vehli Irs bought and sold on comoiisslons. JOHN J. CONOLEY. .June 13. , .. 39 FOR SALE. A&TLENDID stationary sieam Engine ol ten horse power, wilh a first rste boiler, all m good order. Apply lo. K.D.HALL. All Town papers copy. Oet- B. -....,, B3 tf. STOVES AND GRATES. JUST RECEIVED A Large Hupply OK SHIP. PARLOR, CHURCH, AND OFFICE STOVES I oflhf BEST and .most approved FATTESNS. wholesale ic retail. ALSO, an assortment of GRATES A FURNACES, Ho'ar. Camphlne, flald, -and Oil Lamps, plain' and Japanned Ware, Bleak ljshe. ColTee Urrs, Uig Rlns. Tea Trays. Walters, Platform and otherHealen and a variety of other arti cles too numerous to men tion. POLLEY & HART. Oci. 10. 69 JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW VORIi 1 GROSS Lublns Extracts Jenny Und ; 1 3dox. " California! 3 " " ' assorted; i gross Snaps ( 1 " Morpehst j " ' ' Creme'd Amande; 6 pair Toilette Pols. Bohemian Glass. 12 fancy Tungents; And a general sosojtmrnt of fsncy articles usually kepi in Ding Stores, fa saje by . . C. DsPRE, Dnigi. Sept. 24. B'l FRESH ARRIVALS. Q'l BOXES prime. Cheese 20 kegs good GoelMn Putter 3i bugs Rio and Lsjuyra Collee 30 Barrels Canal Flour, just received, for sale by' J. HATHAWAY A SON. Ocl.24, 1850. i 95. JUST RECEIVED : OA Boxes Cheert; JU Sba rreh Old Apple Brandy; 12 bales Cedar Fslls Sheeting i 4 barrel North Carolina Lad For sale by T. C. Oct. 24. WORTH.' 93 SASH, BLIND ' AND DOOR AGENCY. : Formerly conducted by Guy C. Jloichkiti. THE public are hereby informed, thai I bave been appoin ed agent for the sale of Window Hah, UlUdaaud Uoors, manufactured by ihe New Ha ven Co . and am pn-pated to fill sllorders In the above line. The qaaliiy of th'wT of the Nkt Haven Co. is well known In this market, .;Bjllders Snd ail persons ia want of the above articles, are requested to send In their orders, and they will he promptly filled. Terms Invariably cash on delivery. . ,.4 , .WM. A; GWYKR. Ctntral igsnl CestSiistien snd .rvardi'sg Ar- rtesJ. - -April 18. j' - . y WHOLE" NO. Turn MCK skouter m MAR' ftOLLOPIJW; ARCH COON y. . In Ihe YaaochiUs, uoar the (own ofSafir lin, in the' good State of Mississippi, thtr- lived, ot no Uistaol date, one Mk-k Sliouier, whoso hanting nhd preiiclilngadvcnfurtl be came fatuous ia nit the Innd.- Besides bci. u grenj pHr hunter, nud hard k beat mi nrsachin.'MicH professed l be -eonsiJem-ble"ot hghter,nnd in a regolar knock-dqw- i nod-drujf-oul row, woe hard to beat. .. . ,'t'j , lo order thut ihe world may not remtiin "t'n ' dnrkness as to his, doings lis litis last behnlf, ' und lenring lerfst there ran y be no one who? cnicrtains lor hinithal p'ticulorly wttrm re gord whkb noimiUes ui Wardsv fcirnwf" have thought it incumbent or on in evidenea . of our Rttucliment (or the 1 '-reverend I. cro. to ? jot dowii mi inciJerit thut liners in o ir mmw ory rrspecting him -betjocaihii it ns a ricSi legacy lo remotest (fine. j:tittrt iinin'r sucli ) Sirtiulhy, we rnay be pardoned fur ii Jioivin ick ip one pf,hfS. rnost stirring adventures, related iu (ii lecUliurllidexfresrfVeyeruoc- i ulnr. I'm one of the peaceblest Wierf.said Mtck. iliat evtr tfotn J q Jjjnd effs, nn' ruthirr llinu ; f gil into $r us 'ftoul (inihii? I'd let ef.'hap H spit on me ; but when tl cmc lo rolbiti' it in, I alwu) in geu'ully kiiiiltr r'ars "up nn' ij .won't sian' it. Bu("llnir some fellers up ini : Ynzoo wltat would ruther, gil intd er scrim- 4 mage than iwt. , An i I'v seen r few Up lhar ; what wur so hungry lof er : figb ' thut Ihry j IlJI nwuy an' go ftJof flrrvihin Ahat the-' hnd to lean op agio er jtyplrfty ta epeI, ' Thut chup' ArcrkpooiyiWue lew in lhat ; line! He was ihe drideit "raiitaokeruu hose-fly. that ever, clum'er trei', U-11 yoti .tt what, c 1 1 liiiun t er.oto mar I wouiunT er r - blei ved it.. I seed hiio one duy iif SalarlJa. trii up from er yas of whiskey' when he hadn't drunk morn'n h!!' of it, and leave t'other half n'n hrtlf ol it. and leave t'other halt a' go an' pilch Iaio tr ptivH'Upatf i a Injiuis, (when be di.ln't rare fr ;, whiel) wolloped t'oth'eri) an' Jamiai!'V n wui'm iher moehMt(",lt:S ' to spile, an 'tAenc two durn tout vh hoih on urn mil'ii tlier mocklisiiis! . - Well, you see, Arch wus miirhfY fonu pt ! Iliem kinder, tricks, an ef h seed er fr Ucf he: Ihottghl he could lamnt "williorll yjo , dangrr -( he tyrjiililn't mnk no bones, bat he'd jest gt '-. np to the chap and makej faaas- nt him ai harry bis leeituga er bit an'eff th' Mler ( r showed spunky-like, he'd let him aloue aar . i; ax him to take er drink ; bt tf he sorter iied.'' to sidle out ol h, Arch would git 1 a mad a '?? ll wrath, nn'sw'ur, an' fdss.aB! r'ar'r an chargi- like er mm at tjf gute-pont; nuA l.'.ihei'.-'; lust (hiig you knpwfd fje'd shuck oft" his coat, . an' when the lefler wnro't Vpeet in .nnthlir', rjy Arch would fetch him tr side-wipe oo- tha 1 head, niid'kuock him into the rolddle ornelt n weeki . ' , i :.ft.'";' You sec I didn't like ihetii ortefr- dnins ' much, me, n.yeIf, I tlidn'C"ao' 1 ull'aye ef . ( ever I got erchafice at Arclt 1'a let rum down ? ir button-hole er two", .11" wiii . eltih Ion higli up in the picturcs enny hotv. arr'sea I,' '-', one day, in er crowd; sex I. tfth.it teller Arch r, l Loony don't mjnd which or rts brratrf' but-'. r tered. 1,11 git hold of Jiirrt one of these days, . -an' I'll make hiro see tesf,VelC''yoy;tce,''5'-4( thar was iwo or three sht'cp-slenlinVhaps v tenin' lo what 1 Bedpan they goeaau' tells" V Arch the fuel chance I got, I Wat "gwirie ' lurrup him. Well, tmt rled hjyn like a3 ftry. j nn' soon ns he hearn It, hehegi'ser euii' like wraih, and sei he, dod roiHlh"at'oIe MickJ1" dhouitr! he perlend to be er preacherl hisO prearhia' ainl nalbin' bt lot'd hoUeiin' no how! So y oti see, theni same' chaps, tfu-y comes tin' telle me, what. Ajfrlj ha'd scd,'nn' I" got mad, toor aoi we .lite drndti! rur-; :' pus in the neighborliood you ever heuru! i ,,: ; I di 'n't see imthin" jf Arch from lliot lima . till nborjt er month. ; Every'iijnd went rfo-yn t Saiarim to buy, enyjhuierb vrrcr of , whirkey, or backer, or suchjike 'lri:ck,fr pri vit use I looked for Arch, and Arch he look-' .' nl Cor me. but somehow or 'tother.'hd never t . crosm'd my jnith. At lasf.Vnc day I sent him ;. word I believed he was tkeer'd of me, and .,-' ihe fust cbam e 1 got J'diukeheslafchout'n V 17m, us saK as ihooiiiigj nncjhc, sunt word back to me that Was a g-.ime Iwo could rjUy at, and when I wanted to try it, be'd see if he couiuii neip me. . ViBi, vei, uniigs went on .that tray Jor er long , lime, und 1 didn't see noiliin' ol, Arrh j if I . is a ni'gm 10 lorgu an anout ntm. , At ta-t, c; 0 duy, when me and two or three other cluij . wan gwiue down to Dig Eluxk River, t gt .' bur hunling 00 t'other side of it, II tho lurudcst cUlterwhuckiog and Doi 1 ihe road behind ua and when I turned round U . see what in the namf ol thunder it wad," C ,,r ; vus Arch an rt Wholn, lot of fellers cummin",.. -Joivn the road, er gelloping full tilt .rilit op " t- un'er guine bar hontiti' too. . , , - " Wlieu Is ed hinV! Wns so tnnd I ilwught I should er bast right wide open! ' I wus bt, , I tell yon, andcx.Ito ntysell,nowMr. Arrfi, I've' got A'tnr ttnd if you don't keep you : skin'd, I'll k ypu till your, bide - won't I shucks. . y . . v., . . Toreckfy,"' Arch he cum up along side. nu.I looked ine right tdum in the face as savau n er meet nxfc! ana. sex he- goodtnoniik'' olo Preach! ffive os to jr pawl j- v. ' ' I " lace thar wus hell in him asv:bij-nfl fr - rut; st pi house, and I 'lemnnej pive n good nshesenljsol looked nt himnt -vagvrouS like, and erg I. look here.! t can yo't have the lace to talk to tmi, l., ,cr . sari'tr' what you sedt '".' i'Why,tex' he, uncle Mie, ii i.r t you icn ir?-.' 6Si ' ' . " -" - -' ": v r ' ' No sp I, an' ef ym sei I begun it, I'lr lar- - rnp you in er iurh of your liltd .c-' ',-" Sex he, von eternal ote cuss, f y0 want to lurrtip me. jvii larrup awsyowstoiasjo t , dnrri jdrnse, and we'll s which ell gil th j i INow. I, I iwcsijo" k "7. , ' " , nvs thought vou) was lust-rata UUkt; I uU 5 - i f.' .1-1- ' ! niiei -i aiMtF,j! ,1a,! a i i ; VJF:j t, 4

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