.r ' 11 " J ' y ' ' 1 ilffilE i V' . r , - ' t , .4 ' . V; '. - " '"'.' PUBLISHED THMVEEKLY, BY THOMAS LORING. WILMINGTON. N. G. TUESDAY" MORNING', JANUARY 14. 1851. DL o--.NO. il 2S. WHOLE NO. 737 ft. .M . .1 '!' l pi'ilUiiftl iiirery 'tyUA.Jivao'f and Sat (uauVi ai 3 OQ per aanum, payable in all casus in II Y tllO M A Svl 0 n I N G, ? li.Utr a4 : Proprietor. iia.Vui I.. Vli.ViJl, '.AsMclafc Klitor. . yILMlXGloN1 n. c. , .rl AT US M ? M VHUTlsixti. i i.r-w; -75 i " 3 91.00 5,0U liflO Xt'ii o or ItSJ mike a si) i no. If an advcrtUe iin;nt eitoBodi tun linos, ihJ prico will bo in propor tion. V-.;:'V ; All Btlvert'soinenta aw payable at tho tinw of llioir insertion. ' " " . Contracts with youly sx ivoriiaor, .w'Ube, made on 'the nwsi "liberal terra. . , " No transfer of c mir ets f.c yearly bdvertisin will bo pr'rMU.iA.5,SIittlil circmnitances render a tlu.ige in bttiineM, or an unexpected removal news- .ry, a olure aocordiog pu'bllsltud terms will bei the .jtl in of the &nlh&Mto the time ho has advertised. '.i.'S'M' the prlvllojj of AnnulitAJyertlsers U strictly Vn'iied tn their own i.ninedinte baMness ; and ull ad-verli-eniunts fot the benefi t of oilier perm.ns, as well as all advertisements- not Immediately connected with thoir.own business, and ull excess of advertise ments in length or otherwise, boyon I the limits en jjaged.'wlll t) elt.irjjdrat the us;t .1 rates. Jfo giYrtiornaitt Ulnclndrd in the contraet for the tolo or rent of h-itweH or laiMs m town oi ou.i irv.'op for the d th' rWw! ol mro-s wlii'tner ill1 nrj:wrtr Is o vn.-'l I1 11 vt'.'tist'f nf ly "tliiT .. -. m. ..lidnJ,! 1 IjV tllf terin lL it - ijrs9us. nivv i" - ,liile busiiws." .,,f kir .nitirriii? 's or il -ntln will i nu aunvi.iut; iii'.tv v. a be coiwiacred as n .wi, and luiertod Itve of lmtall adlitional liutUT, bi-yonl III" .sil.li.if an- d.-atli of tll.i .tsoii. iH 1'-' in;tnf -in jilt of tV cliar-jl n the s.im torun .u a tv,-.-, i-om nut. Airadv.nliso nmis lns.Tie.1 in tin- tii "vokly CVn mtrciat, are entitled to one in.eiti .n in the if,Vy frou of e't-irj"1. ma, ja;iu .n.i i-'ancv i',unu,vMcat.-.i in snperior yl'1. T. V V.)l v: Mers. Uhown &. DeII ibset. HtJS 1'tJ : Kukokiiick Kiddbii. l-isq. vi.Lii.rtTttwTi3ii, iiivi:u vt. AtNiM-'oinvAUDiM; and Coinissijii ifflorcluat. f r v c ..i i . -..ro m mfcr m y ,ri ',ld8' 1 'i I ,,, ,,,.ued to give all bu,....; '' 7 . ii -. .it i:i I iiartu N w.l it 'rot, witnaiHple a lint stations, oiini tii i-!. mil V trjiiume C mm 'imtenls ot .Naval i I C . .Si.r..or Bile ioral.iwnt an.l ut. una u. , ....... try ii I.IBJ SOligilCU. vaan... al 'ci uents. April 13 1950. 1" ALEX. l ieitE, Jr. I ill'lHtl'Klt CIILVA, GLASS, A.YJ EARTJILS a.,1 W1il-.ln v; I r-t .IU0J er I,, all kluds ol WILMINGTON, X. C Nove.iiu.-r.y. 1850. Ul J, M. itOlLSSON, INPOITII A ! D OIA 111 IN H.VHDW.VRE, IUOV, STOVES, SAIliS, e., Ac, Fron t street, 3 doors Southol ! Market atrett. i- . WILMINGTON, C. Wilmington, My 4, IdCO. '.; . , TsOUTliIiD &C0,, B511BB,-IJLCMdniI4, BMS.f.lSO IRON FlHJXDERl -:, - ' All orders In tlie line will be puuctually at tended to. C miner Mfi.iiwiv & No.tru Watkii st. May 1(3, 1S5U 27 tfe WILLIAM M. HAltlUSS, COMdllSSION IIERODANT WI L.MINfJTO.N. .N. C." " cir.llCT nttentlon iiivon to ir .curing Freights OdndpurchaslngtJargoesforvesseU Rirismessi S&Srtlfc. iNVilmlngtonVN.C. Mossrs. ll.llard A Huntington. ) Will I'eok, Kt'l. . Raleigh. N. (. Messrs. Uall.H ickett Jt o , ; j.,yol0vllr,N .C. Joseph Utlcy.Ksfj., S ' ossrs. James Corner J Sons. II altimore . u K. A, Jl iulir .V t .Philadelphia. Thompson A I Inntor Ncw York. " PlIlsburyA Sindfnrd.S iluntluaSc Tufts, lloston. J.4. V. Cltcomb.Kennvbunk ,Me. Ju4r Uth.l850.; . 5 tl GEORUB ELLIOT, COMMISSION "MERCHANT, . ' . AND 'AGENT . . . WILMINGTON N. C. V Jsri.lA8B0. s,. X , . WILKINSON & ESLER. r CAHIt OKALBR 9 II .' CiHireotlonary, FroU. Tuts, Toys, Fancy Ar ticle. Perlamery, Tebaceo, Meter. Arj, WHOLESALE ASp RETAIL, . .r mKKT'8TRt:BT, WILMINGTON, No.io,ies. .lo-tf GEO. UAltRlSS, Geuenil Connuissiou Merchant, VILMINai)Nr N. C. CjTRICT aiteniion given to procuring Krclylit O nod purciiaingCargoefarvej. ItErcit TO V.. I'. Hall, Ksq., (). ii Cirnley, Ksq., J. A. Taylor, Ksq., 1 ) Wilmington. J. 1). tiellamy, Ksij., I .Messrs. Ilali.ud A tlnntinston, J .Messrs. Tooker, Smyth Co., yti y0rk. ' Thompson A llniiler, ) Alox'r. llorron, Jr., i'hila .lelphia Messrs. tVilhnnis .i Ujllor, t Uln r csion,.S. 1 2:5-1 r. II. Halter, ICsq . Jan. 1850. illiDS jc MAill'IN Gtiicral l); 11 uissiiiu )Ii!rc!i;i:i(s, .17 l-'i Norttt Vliarvc, 1 il I 1, A i) 1: i. 1' il 1 V , Hkkkr to Messrs. Titos. Watson- A S :;a, Jno. c; I) At MarA, J IMli.a . rt ji. Nkilsin, I'-h... liniiKirr Nkihhs, Ks. , Messrs.. Mosi:s, 'I avloh . t.o., ' J. il. IShowkii. oi Co.. $ New York " J. & U. .MoiUk, ( ..... . ,, ', Wi in n" on IIbj. E 1 aiiii r.s.. j Ai ril ,1-50. 9-tie. M ill UN & CilONLYt AlWTlU.VIilillS, COMMISSION MKIIOU ANTS, Glu.NCItAir A(ETS. VilmiiiKton,N.C..Oet.3 l.L.r0. H5tf. JOSEPJI II. 1 1 ANNEH, tJcilLT.il I UXhl fll. n.:t. mil, :). 97-ly-r. V.VI -)l,K-tAl.K AMI Ri:iAII. KKALICIt IN Silli i;.iAN.)LE.(Y, S iiP Si'OltES AU UitilulitlilS, ) 1 1 )!' ) 1 : c i v v i'.-: i s r.u:i: i'.s WILMINGTON. N. C. Doe. 7th 150 DEH0SSET k BiiOW.N. Wll.MINtJ'ION, N. V. BltOWN & DEiWSSEI. N K W l II K . UK V.'M , '.)MM1SK) MKHCJIA TS Marelii7 150. l-j Uiii)rirkELLY, CO!l.tIISSH)N UEitCiIANT. Next I urti A. A. tVi iiM's,on N rth Water st will .ilte 1 I I ) me sale ut alUin is ot Country 1'ro, ilnee, .i :.i .i J Til, I'e ts, l.-.il, li .cut. l.ard, .ie.. and v.. 1 . . - 1 n. 1 1) l y 0:1 il in J a tall atipjily ol Urov'i :i-. t-e. Ue.e. ..net?. ti!les ii ill. a' .V.yni, .l.in dc.lie, Wilmington, W C.n iwiy. U- n. Alx.. Meilir. i; l. .In. -V 1 1 Wiley A. Walker, " Dec. it, isi:. "3 ly. " ALEVAXDEil . MlTTilE iYS : INXI'il lt)U ol liUMUUR ami TIMllKU, .v'il.Ml.V'irjN,- N. U. M.reh II, 1 350. i l-'f- SAVlTiFi M BARES, (.IjNKltAl. LOMWISSIOV MIJHCH.WTk AND AUCTIONEERS, WILMINGTON. N. C. DWAD S V VOS. ' OA8TJN MEABtS Maya, lSMI J LElUlirON, CIIADBOUUN k CO., Crnnrnl Cl II ttiisii)ll MiTCilll ills. WII.MlNtiTON, N. Dec. 11 18 19 u-tf. CORNELIUS Dal'itE. V' WHOLE BALE AND HE TA L IIBALKRrt IN DnigS Merllcluee Chemicals, Paints, Oil, Dye Sttiflk, OlasA, Porlumeiy, t'iijais, Old Llquora, Faiiry Articles, . ' MARKET s I'll KKT, W 1 ti M I N ti T OS . N. V. Pr is -r i 0 1 i ns oir-jfnlly compounded by expir encrd peismis. M .reh 1-50. h .MARINE INSURANCE. m I rsigne.l living received t lie T Agency 1 AUGUSTA IXSIJHANCI'. AM) HNkIM tlHIl'ANV OF AlKiUrtTA (i A, Will Issue Policies on Vessels, 1 1 ir,'os, Freight Ac st nsreasonnble rates .t Premiunis as any other In stitution of the kin I in the aiuntry. The Capitol of this Company Ib sj75.000. H. N I TT Wilmlnjrton, Aug IS.1S50. 'i& iy. J. C. LIT T 1. COM MISSION ME 11 CIIA V T, AND GKNKItAL AOIiNT, WILMINGTON. N.C. Oct. I 1919- 87 DIRS SHAW'S rASMIOXMILK Ml LIS i: It Y AS I) nil ESS MA K IS U K.N 7 VI HI. IS II ME V7 ' On Heeond Ht. opposite Mr. O i. Parsley's ALWAYS ON HAM) handsome assortment of Cloaks and Man tillas or the latest style. Nov. 19, 1850. IOS-ly-c. WEST & HEWLETT, Auctioneers, Comnilsslou. Merchants :'.- ASD GENERAL AGENTS. WILMINGTON, N C. Rrrss to . . P.ntfir 4 Kidder, John Dswson, t; , O. W. Davis, O. O. Psrsloy,' , BsrTy.BrvanlA Adams.K. P. Hall, ' George Hsrriss, Edvrstd Cantwell. Oet.Ki. . . DR. IV. E. FREEMAN, HOMlEurATillC I'UISICIAN, Front Bt., one door south Messrs. l'olloy & Hart. Uec.3. IS ID. IM-G "iosEPinr iTlossom . 1 ' Geucrul Coui:uisioia Merchants wii,h;t, x. t". 1 Cash advances m i le on consignments to me, oi it my friends in .New Voik. 1 93-yk ; 1350. JOS. B. RUSSELL, i;iai. toi!ii'"tio M,:it :nv r, UhMl SU 7 J., X ('. ANDERSON & LATIMER, COMMISSI!) N M K It C II A N T S SOU I'll W A rKIl S i'llKK I', W I I. I I X i- T O X , N . V . Sep .'7,150. H-My-c. LIFE INSURANCE. PIIK MUTUAL .ii'.NICKI I' LII'K INS! 1 1 1 AN conlin ie- lu Ue nits on i.r. 1: .i t,.ir tcr 1 . suiiiM.rs ov;-!( 1 ,:,!;:. .lOSKI'll 11. liLOo.JM, A : ni lc 12, 1.50. ' " LIFE INSURANCE IN L' II K NATIONAL LOAN I' LND SO. CIETY, OK LONDON, FIRE INSURANCE IN THE .ETNA ISUIlANt;E COM PANY", OK IlAllTKOltl), Caxs., OB, IN THE I ) A7 A It I J ls'JilV'CE COMPANY. OK NEVV YORK. Maybe uilec: ted byapplie.itionio ULilO.S IlT ox i::Mns N. Ii - March 17, ISiV). ,1. E. T00MER. COMMISSION MKUCIIANT, ,1 yj) a 1: s 1: a al AG l: a t. O it i 11 W tTKIt S . UK!, r M ll.IIM, I ON, X I- Feb. 7, 1350. JIL'il'. J. k I). McRAE & Co ucacriil Coiu uSsIoii Merchants, V1LII.C I ON N C. I'arliculnr atU'i.tlmi paid to irn:-nrl!ir frcL'h! and iinrclia-hi' e;'! i;o.'s tor vesfelt,. JOHN M.U KAE. IJ.'NALO M A L 11 A E , JOHN W . K . H .X Aii'.i-l I, 1S50. 5'.'. MlLEi C0STIN, COMMISSI) N M ii II C II A N T WILMINGTON. N. C. itr.fiM to f. r. ii ui, i'.s, U ink, I're.s't Hr.in. h Stale , I Tho:.. II. Wi l,t,.Ki.l., 1'ies'l II ink Wilming ton, N. C 118-tf. (Jape Fear. i O. ii. 1'art.lev, l'l , Pros' t Com.ner- cial li .n",;, j Dec. T. C. WORTH : Commission and Forwarding H.MINGTON, N. f. Feb. I'. l -,u. 1 1,-1 m. MOL 5(),Hv' -l HIIDS. inline sweet ' una M"l'ise. lor salt. J. II A II I A l Ai iV SON. mi Nov. WM. ALLSTO.N (iOURDI.N, FACTO I i, I I'.as'-Hav t'harleslo'i Sooth Carolina., 0. is nice ari.h t HiKt liuku al a ova m i:s ,.s 1 ON-ltJNMI.N IB Ol' RlCr. COTTON. CORN. Sl'il R, FI.OI R, (iil.U S, II V, Ac. R c e n f. n' t r. s . Oueiiius. I itiiissses i Lo (iF.uia.c A. It oi'i-i-v, Alonzo 1 Winn:, Tashv 'V vi.kbs. F.st., - -May Jl , I -5'l. ( 'harl. stoii S . C. (irernvillt 29-1 S. C. V'C J. HATHAWAY & SDN. COMMI-ION MI'.Rl II W IS. WII.MlUTt. .V C Hathaway. J- L. Hathaway J. Oct 15 '.'1 IJE0. MYERS, W'hiiloal.' and Ri'Jail Grocer, Ktl-.M I IN-IVM'V oN- llM Firiff, 7Vi, I-I'"-' V'M--f,.iiM, IF.,. low Hare, Kniit. C-nMi m iri, if. r.ici ii o r tb bbt, W I I, M I N C. 10 N , N.C Nov. 2. Of!' C At IF7- Ul SE COMMISSION BOW DEN, MERCHANTS. AM- UF.Sr.lt !. A'. r: Y7v TIMS r. OACSE. " rticM r.s Alessnder McRno. President W. A R It. K P. Hall, " 'a'c I'1"'" O. O. Parsley, " Coininerei.il II. John Diwson, Merchant, J &, D. Mr Ilea A Co., " P. Ev Dickinson CO. Dec. 7, 1950. nk. PIPES. Gross Clay Pipes, for sale by J. B. 30 Ul'SSF.I.I. It't Nov. 1350. COW PEAS. -,, r fS BUSHF.LS, for ! ' DdlOSSETA BROWN. .N.v. 12 I'M. CEMENT. 4 SUPPt.T of first tntr, eonstsntlv on bantl. nn.l XV for s il- by H. J. L UTTER LOH, Aj'i. 80-if. NEW MILLENERY GOODS. MRS. V, il. I F.I It SON has just received nml is now oneniru', i. xplemlid apsortmuiii of Uoodn, comprising all of the niu;l desirable styles tutted to the season. Also, n l'oo.I its.ortmerit of Trimmings, suitable f r Ladies' Urc.- s in fuel, eveiy variety ol FA.Nl' 1 ClK)OS iisti illy ke I in a store of il.e kind. Mrs. l'eirnon t ike pie mere in atmoiinel? tl.nt she ha en'ii!." d .Mis IIart, of I'niladi .-Iplua, vtlioU fully skilled In all ihe various urts m" Millenety, an.l would he m ry happy In have the Ladles call and ex amine the a. licit", produced by her skill. Mrs. I', returns her ili n.ks in her Iricnds and the public, lor the very IHifr.it patronage heretofore re ceived. . . MRS. V. K. I'lUR.SON, Aiient. OUR MOTTO IS "TO PLEASE," A TIIK ll.tl'IICHS, ilimtigtou sa t uc. and liu.lt .tl.ililil'ael.ny. r "M1F. suhsrri'.cr i. sp. . i;ully int. .i nn t :r put. lie ihathehis reecn;,v .. Kive l ail.tui on" 10 li'.s f-to.-U ol Saddle and 1 1 .1 in s. .M liii.'.uus, Ac, t f I, il. si i ixl ni.l ii.ipr.ned t y ..:i! is on-1 anil) in iiiuf ietuiinf', hi i.itor i Market street, every .inscription ol article in ill above line. From Ills . .pc.ii nee in I lie litii.i- - he fe. l-t eonli lent tllul In will be able to ::ive eniir.. siln:..riion to all who iiihv favor him wiili t til IIHi'.s now on hnnd, and will constantly k... p a large assoitmetit ol .11111 III iwimi it... i; - (narh, ;U' ai d Cn))iriV'c,i' Si.ll.cv llarncss; jCttJiS&r..,;c!.t Lady's Sa.ldies,'aJ.lllJi''l lift, Whln, iMcmeirn dy's Sj.ldics,'ffla.AllJi"l ins, IH1M, ill i s, IX. c. Oe,, all of which he will wirrant t" t. e of ilie m tieat ni iierial.-ni.il workm inship. He m has ali-o a luroe ass .rlnK nl ol Ti unUs, T Valisrs, Sailillc a-nl t aipe llai;s, saifiiix, l'a.M T units, it r , nnd nil oilier article;. iiHually k. pt iii such esiHlili-liiiienis, all of whic h he oilers low lor CASH, or on oiiorl crc.lu to piompl i uslo- luei s. Maddh ,H irn.-stt.T. unk, Medical R.ijs.Ac.Ac, made to urder. i In addiiion to the nhove the M..l.,-i-ri'.e r i.lw.ys .1 1.. I b-li.l ... I t...t,.. ie in on nanil a 1 1 rut: su;. .;v "i -t.t"-, ; andn isnow, and will ! . il.i'o'.i ll.e s.iisun a good 1 .jsw.rllii. nl ol i''l Us. ' All :i-c Invite.! I.i call and exam.n - my i whether in want or n 1'. a I tat;- pie i-mic i m-..w-! my ass nine nt to all who in ' l.ivor me with a call. . 11 irn. and ' ' ich Tiimnmc sold at a le.ir I let I lofM'rsiinshuvin:: to n.amil'.e lnre. lo, Whips ai whoicsalf. AM kin Is of Ri.lin; V.. Iii. s l.oaht mi Isold on "iiii ai-i-i" JOH N J. l.tl.MII.H Juno Iii. I, HON AND LAUD. 1 l V 1 111 S liaeon SI, .... Id' is -MA AM.aid in Kch an 1 l'..rrel- j ist reeeiy md f.r sal, by J, HATHA W W U. .Sept 10. 10 BILLS OF EXCHANGE A FURSH suiiplv of Hills id F.::ih ni;e, ap eie lil In shteo- or aires, or li. and for s. ib a I Jan. Li nmlin lionks.io order. jij.st rerelvtd I ill'.' UOMAII.RCJ l. OFFlOh. 133. JEWELRY ! JEWELRY ! ! fy,... . r .f r f-r C?, JUST reci i v d, from the .North, an . leg-int and ex tensive a sso i urn nl o line J. wiln . (i d I and Silver Watches, Clocks, Plated Uamaed Musical Cure, to which we would call the ai int. on ol l.mlirs ant! citizens of Wilmington ai d ioi..i.ndin I ouiitiy. We will continue to s.-II goods in tin aSovelin. i.t prices that will not fail to meiii the eoniinnance i, iho palionage we have n o ived sim e . ur com menei'iiienl in biisioe-s, and having now proton ii a t'ciii i' n i'1 Hssisiani, w e u ill in f.iiurc be al.h- lu dc-eilt h at 'I.' shorn t notire, ei . ry description o rtp-.it i CI. ma. ing, a. N I i. -i 1 1 1 -1 1 1- lo acjui ..no ai . mint n . - i . i, ll. ri.oiit '!, Duple , Lever, ll.'P' at- 1 . fie il Wairlies. i I 's. Jcwt-lrv, Plated Wore. nn. I M'i-i- . . p... in;. ily and in a wnikmanlike iiiui.oei ; an I '' arrant, tl t" pi' an- by a. ; Bowi us a r.i'.oTlini , aid.) Fi. St., .laiington. N. inn , I C'll I! : r.-paiu (.Si en . .Nov I'M lit l' CVItOMVA MUl'ir 1, in .ilM,-; Iti'tlPiVi ill li K A I ,KH ill, N C T II K i' ihe Is v. -1', inip.iny n is iee:i I il open. 1 1 m i n i nl April, lit i, under ine un ccn.tii ui nit How inj I llliet-i vi. : )r. I'll is. K Johnson, 1'resid. nt, Win Ii. Haywood, Vice President, Ja n. s F. Jord in. Secretary, W.ii. II. Jon. s. Treasurer, I'. r io lt.isl.ee. Attorney, ir. CI,.., I. s K Johnson, )yr,l rrlr,,f Ur U,. . Mckee, i Ljflullllton J Dr ii. I! Haywood. ) J. Ile.sin.iu. (ien'l A jent I'll jo C p.uiv lia.i rcc. ived a i.nit'i Kiv.ng nilvaiu anv. pru il. : I" I in- insured in- r ..n I, S. . lion givi s ihe oe his own life f"t liie 'aer C Tl. e lo i I os,'. , lit! lh hole line ol his u - Ol lilt' , l- t.l Ins en ,,i Nile in.' rcs nl 1 1 i v lid U !. free Irom any eiai r ol lb-' husaand or any ors. Org inicd on purely mutual nrincijiles. lb'- In. uieinliiT- parlieip tie in ihe vnolt ( the pf.ttiti whiel. nred t'lir.'d n tin unit V. Besides, tin nppll- i cant f.r lite, when the annual premium Is ov. r (j JS ! m iv pay one hall in u Note. j All ' I limsfor insurance ai'alnst the Company will be .aid within nin- tv days ,.fier proof of the dcali. . nl ihe paity Is furnished. S, ivtsate insured for one or five -i.ire, nl rate" : which will enab;.- all S ! j y . 1 1 i. to s -cure llil.-elass 1 of propt riy again t ihe pnet rr.iiniv nf I.I. . ! Slave itisiir tnee presents n new u ml Interesting ! fen l ii re in the history "f .North Carolina, wl.uh will provf very important t" the Southern sm'i . The list four months operation of this Company show . n very large amount ol buslncs- - uniri i lian the Dirtctorsexpecle.l to do the first year -having .ilrea ly IshuciI mo thin -'00 Pollcit-s. All f'tiimnuniciii ns on business of ihe Company should be addressed lo JAS. F JOKDA.N'j ii . Secretary. Raleleh, April 1.1550. 8-ll. BILLS OF LADING. &c. OLIO POST BILLS OF LADING bourtrf in Books. and shtx is.also Letter Sheets with I vnrlelynf mercantile blanks, lor sale at The Coat- LIME! LIME!! LIME!!! (500 III'.I.S l.int'olnville White Lump; Alfo .alclncd Plaster, Plasterlrff Hslr. and Fire llrlek. Hydraullr Cement ! 1000 bbls. Lime .f-c . ; f orsalc by " i.e. A R. R.WOOD. C .ntractursaod BuilJere. Dee. ?2.ni9. -119. . ' v . PAPER & STATIONERY ARTICLES. ,f FRANCIS & LOUTKEL, 77 Maiden Lone, Nt w York. INVJTF. M vohants, Uealers ami nil who rcqnire iiriiclrsinthi'lr line, to call at 77 Maiden Lane, New York. V e wfllr every variety ol llluuk Book, t'aper and Siatii.nerv, at very low p.iei s. As we hu, I. in.. nnlaciure and import nil o(.-(!i- in our tin wi-ar unnbled toltchr si d 'tl' liHluucntcnts lubuyxis. Orders isceive pruutui altunliou. . . Ht'AMCBtMK, Fur nil kinds of t.tiMnfM. liank-.. Tnhlli- Office, t.'uiiniy clerks, seisof books will) Crimed lica.lint I,, i I, odes, llikiitionsami otflers. Ilnlel Itr-'ist' r rime Hooks, Notts, Drafts, Uunv I'aij.ind 3It laiithini llook-t. oi'V YOtR LFI'TI- KS : lly the i ' ,i Franrln' Manifold ."':i wrifr. Lt ttcrsau.l ropicsf.' written at th" .iiu i no ; tin: Ink is ci.nt.nn. d in sheets) the pen never wears imi; both expediii .ii.' and cconumica!; piiet Sl, '. J,5n and j,0J. CUOTON INK. If you win.: u .ml black wrningJrik n.c tlit Cm ton ; I'.ow-ire. U Ironi the icn and rt-lsinsits colui; olsn Indeilildi , ' aimiiieiiiid copyins llAs. I'.M'l il ,i STATlO.VKllV. All sizes and I s of w.lllng Paper n MHIpilrei Tissue, l.'oloiet). Ilraw irip and Perforated Pspt" r, I'n velopif. (iold I't in, Noiv I'npot, fccrnp Book.', Ptirtfolllo.-, ( mil fteillf . Wax, Wafers. .Htrel Pvnr, Chsin. ii ; W ilws,Wiitliig Dc sks.nndevcry varl ety ot Fancy siiailonery. HI Alt IKS FOK 1351. From the loir 'an size to the Btlinllest poekrt f ill lion t-.ti i .. 1 1 i io Aluiaiiae Time nml Int. rest Tunics, u sji.n . lor in. uioianduiiis fort very day in lliu y ur, Ac , s .iialee f .r l.iiiness. I'rofchsloreil or I'm ate use. I'u. t 5Ue 75e, and 61. Sei.l by Mollfrec. Hook Hindu. im i filled inuny Biile. I'll A JlS & lX)UTIiri., M an ulan ii rime SI iti tr.ers, 77 Maid, n I.m.t.iN'. Y. l.l.v. IS ( I ... Ma, :5. J A Ml1, I I..O. I I.LL, 31 wit-tf. DEEDS FUR SALE. . I i -If, a nd lien's fur .Mnrinp or land -i ai. .1. in cm 1 1 ( I I n i n u ml I in s.il. a! ilia ; .,. w ira'i in-i IR'TTER AND 1'TKK.INS prime (Jo-btn Ituiier, 5 ) i u t. I.i . -. For t-ale by ANI)i:ilO.S & i.A'l I.MF.R. v I.; 101 .SPOitTSMEN, ATTENTION t , . n large n.sorlinrnt ot Single nncl Bird. Duck and iv, r Ouns of ti, : JI'S'I' lteceive(! Double barrel. ! finest finih nnd latt-i style, loailr by iIuhh celt brs ' led milkers Ciiam:& S. .. and iuIh r ( known ' eeli.diriiv. (inns ot nil wci"!.i i.ii.I lal.l.r". also, ! I'owtb t Fl icks. Shot l'oi.i l,c. O tnif l!.i. pert us--ion Cap .. and in fan ll.e b. si rolbeilon nf fp"". n.iri's o.i , i 1 1 er i If. ri d in ll.i.i inaikit. CJ i nl Ii -.a. n p! . -.: t til and ex.'iiuine. 1'OLI.I.V A HART Ci.i G TO HE NT OR SELL, b . i FROM the I-i of O. i. next, mv store ..n f. 'ft i!,e s Il side of Mark. I street, now octu- ilJlL'i"l bv 'lie Rev. Mr McDniiirl. i ' llus i) Ml' AUKS. A "ply in his absent', lo FD. O MFARFS. S pi. 19. M) tf IN FILL BLAST. I'ur.r.Ma: ion u ueatiif.i:. I ifc I' SCO I'T an-r.ow oli .ring nt ih'ir v ..d .J and (.'nl Yard, lor snle, MM imis Red Adi and I'e.ith Orchard Coal." "2100 l!u.-h. Is Charcoal j I'm do. l.ia. ksinilh's Coal ; l,jltl c.ails ouk, a.hr, ii,. I Mil, in k wood -, cf'0 cords pine , do l- .iiniii. s 'ii.. .Also, lloi, Is sr,d Si.,r, s si.pi.li.d at short no- 1 anv oi.b r (or Coal m iii Irani the Coun- i rv will in. el wiili prompt intention. A pply at U .Ik. r' wh..ri. to J.&U. Mtill Nov. 7. 101-tf. STOVES AND GRATES. jl'S! KKCKIVKD! Large Hupply ol" SHIP PARM'R, ( l!l'l! II. 1 1 f k I ' r M 0 1 S ! uf Ile HF.-ST and :n ..i npprmtJ w hoi. aV A retail an assortment ol UiLC3si ' s-fcr--v..-a- i. ,.i h.c-.7T? C,? TF .1 Ft TIN U'F.X. isiilar. t am'hii e. Klitld. and Oil l,..iiip pUI" and iapainied W ai r. .lt ali llishrv. nircr I rn. HI5 eli ,'leaTrais. Walter. tMatloim and nlhl rScalcs nn.l a van "O'er 011- rl, imi ri.ini' r.jus to rien- tion. POLLf.V L HART. ?3 Oct. 10. 11V1V1VT1 v FRESH c VAN II. Flour: Adamaniine Cnnules; l.nRiiyrn Coffee; . Western llscon. Sides 4" Shnulde rs J , 'Mess Pork, city tnpriedj n Wesiero & N.C. Lard Jnot relTM Sad forsalsbv J HATHAWAY SON. t Sept. 17. 79. FOR SALE. A FIRST rate second hand Rusftsml Harness. ,pplyt0 W.I. JsMITH. or v E.LH.TTEKLOII, Aft. ' Auju't IS. . BV tUNNY BAGS. OUNNY l!se In bsile., fot sWi bv ANDERSON 4 LATIMER. 113 5000 Dee. 7. TI.e January. iiombr (irfc The Letlie Re posiiorj " e onlain nit rat anf tSnti if Ch op Dawm, thVcJebriiiet1 .Metbowt irom wl.kh we txiracl Ut followii" BE tMCAfCA IRCM A AtlT SCt ... 'U 1 For several jtiti Dri Baecora'e tabfra -.. wrrt ei(?rvd q the viiltl Rttlled fron-4 . tichf Virghtln. RnitetVy . aiitl OMo. , Thsj ' hiiitUhijis in 1 (irivutkint 0 Whwh Mwt stifijt rte.l on ilifscireoif, Would havernJsh- ' ' Iqufiiily had to Irnvef (oily rnil da thro' ' i soljtnry I'oreuin, nnd. f:er th t.ti2Uiof ocb '-' ,. jo.iri.ry, d Iiv w h sermon atiigbtty (,TJie ' nmff.s. nl Hint tiinf.we.-escnrctly broken, nd i th. ri- wire iio bridge over the itrfarne, J wl ich. in the winter, Were often ewollen, hy X ruin. Iifjond their hnnke. Bot thi wae bat , .. f.!in:it dbfiiale to Ihp pobU pioneer of llJt , cr. ss. He would forr hl hore darinjjir lor ward, and swim aerosw (he foaming bil lovv. To n soul tike bis, Wt oit, JBVi few v hours of chillintM. mtt9 init4;Wt lO -fa '. uvoidcrl. On one nreasiotv" white iwinrmintf ' n sniull stream in. Kentuckr. which had ben sivuJIr-ri to nn unusnHl htignl by recent rairki. , Ho cin rt .it vvaa o rapid, that he waa loreea - softie two huudrtd yutdd beta ht, foti. -; l iie dull wt.s whiilitig foriouaJj around. Man; uinl. on ciilirr side, the bank wer too ateep ; lo iisceiiil. He aaw liiadanj; r, to( Willi eH sell possession, he cl uiijf firmly lo life faithful , , liorse.niid ilir noble ai.imal, taking a dowo- . w.inl cuiirsc. fii.ully emerged safely froni but' .tnU. VVIiai a contrast doa tbiaprtacot to iiit: Niiiootli and luiurioue life of moat eJar- C) melt of ihe present day f fL-., 'l he country throOgh which Dr. Bascnm'e duly led linn was wild and very , thinly aettl- j , ii. Tin- lortft tn nun wnn jerocioua j u ilJ in nsM. Jl .wna onc followf d aeverat y. ' miles by a Urge panther, which threatened V i a eveiy step tu bound npoa-him, and (roro ': nloeli li.- wita rescued by reaching, jort at I i.io,u.ll, ihe cabbrof aietflerJi. At another time he had gone some diaUnea from the -- a lu. jsc of a frit ud, where he waa atopping, " into ihe Ib-reai; ai4 waa lying quietly peroa , ' ing n hook, and- uiicorocioua 6( all danger, ... .... .1. - I J !:. I.....U f m t.m . ' uiini-r i ill! urnMun'rcauriij vuunu w. m .tv, tvhm he heard tlie voir of a naa eryirtglb ; him hiiiI telling Liiu la lie dill till beared, mi iIih peril of hi life. ' -- ll ' (Quickly gluiiciug hie eye in the direction -'f wlieiuc. the voice proceeded, ho saw hit friend aHIi Lin ride t-leVHted, and poiuting toward i fhe branches of the tree under which hawai j lyinrf. Perli cily mmhW wilh back wood hie, Dr. Bi.acom knew that aerne terrible data! gr was hovering over him, and without th6 ' least perceptible motion of aia body," Mia . . . . . i.tly lumt-d u- gaze upward,, when U sow on i nr. lima oi tn tree, not morCiUMta i tw. my le-1 above him, a majestic pantber, wlii.-tltincj toil iiml jusl ready to leap upon. Inm. 'I hid was a fearful moment! What m i ve is required tu retain liie self potweaaiofl, ; iiml iliiiss.ive hialilel for the least" motion on tin- lorn of Mr. llu scorn, woo Id have baa tciieil ihe. sp-ing of the imnther and aealed i his Lit tr lorrver 1 And iii that lcarfol moment, S wht-ii ilt.nih seemed inevitable, . with aelf cm trol ami. a rrniraoe duly WOoderfoLba i ti s I .erleci! quiet, nil the keen crack of the nil'- iv. is heard, and the ferocious beaaf piere it.l by the unerring aim of the back-woooV in. in, fell iilclena by his aide. j anothib aiacoBTar. I Whi'e on the Circuit of We'stero Virginia, I think ii vvns Bascom stopped, at noon, at a lo): cnlin, recently e reeled by the road aide. " lie sin down, by invitation to dioe wtU the fiuitdy. A lovely little child ' about thiew- oo. which iiuu u rue. c nw insuuva bv il swei l annles and rar beaoiv.': Was) -: ..hying in I runt ol the doort wrtiie Uie lamily were engaged around the homely . re r-ost. win n Nutlileiily a heart-pirrcing cry waa hft.rtl from without.- - V T " My child I my child!" acreamed the Both er ; ami quick a thought, all roabed to ib door. i , w Father of merries ! what a eight waa Iter presented to ihe gate of a doting mother I A legible panther had sprung apod her no wr ry d.i.-linjf. nnd was ascending a tree, bear? 1 1' jf ti e rhil.l in iU mouth. : I lie gun ! quick ! for God's sake, lha nnP I'r.iiiiic.ill) excliiimed the lather, -iff Dr. Lotcimi rushed iMo Ut cabin, and scuioi,' the pin from the, rack, rapidiy r , t u r in tl ; but ulua, it waa lo late 1 lie waa iii. ly in limvlo see Ihe iniioceul, lovely babw lorn to pn c r, in the presence of it frnittif pan nts by the infuriated beast. Com leteA ly unnerved iy i ho appalling eight," il fesjttir. cil several shots Lernr Dr. slasroia wa eaa lileil to bring dotvn the blood thirsty animal. I can never forget thatawful scene,", said Dr. ILiscnni, wbea relating this kieideot tu the writer, some yenr since. . Aad wt4 might he stty so ; for a more deeply affecting IIVMI I S V ' UV W V VI corded in the bfturyof adveniurooa pio una iienrt-rcnainif srene n.is snuom area rc pwneef ,' i. RIS COAT. -,..-. .Tt i. . - , . i,. In the composition of Dr. Bascont lher was no cant or osteotatiou preteoec v II could nevrr be induced to wear the waling dress adopted by clergy men of hi .Churclw ; lie believed that true humility 1a I priucipla of the soul, and doe not consist either in e cetdricity , ofliubit or the eut ol the coat. He always dressed with neatness and' tasre. Thia so much displeased the elder-' brth rvrt," that he was sailed lost formal assoaol by a number of staior clergyman. ARcr lti toHlng to the argomeul uryed agninat tba fashioiiuule cat ol hi gurb, Dr. Buscom dt liberatety arose, polled olThi coat and hang . . , 4 . Sttfwth Fit. t r f ..V ' ' V 4 1 ... 5. Oct. W.

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