'"J,.!...itiM I i ii ' i "- mi in ' i " mil Minn i n j - in ii rti ;. ,.;v r-- I wioiing-ton; n. c- Thursday morning, april 10,1851. NO. 774, I j,.r 7, 1 . .. , I . Jt 1 I. ""'""WM"P' HI ,!. , U -Jl J.-.. I in 1 J MI-WEEKLY CPHERCIAIV I .Ii publW4 ery ToiiuiAv TiDA and Sat- JNf fVOO per annual payable ia oil cose Id v.ji;t n omas 'm r 1 jrcj; ." ; mm1 .V V HO iYXE, Associate editor. V, $ V l,w 1 l M 6 : 8,00 m8dt eiceeJi Ma Hne, tno clco wilt M ia proper- Ajt JertUo.neatiiri payiblo at tVe 4me of tbolr 0uraet8 wiii) y&uly ivirtiacri, wilt b4 made on Moot jiiwM wmCt--AijVi-f ; Ni) iriusfur 'of 0 jntract fur yearly advertising will ba.periuiuod.' Sliouli circuaHlancea xendcir a cha.ige in business, or ao unexpected Aiit9vaiavce; sary. lictnre according to tbfl published terms will buuin dptijo of Hie cputractor, far the time he Ins advortlied. 1 . ' 1 TiWprivilJjn Atou Advertisers viS8trlcily ILnlted to Mieir own iminediite baMnaasj itW-lUd-vertbe neitM CittMeqefit of other persons, as well oVull advertisements, noi immediately connected with their own business, and all excess of odertlso munts In length or otlwrwlau, beyond the limns en mjed, will be ofiurgtd at the usual rates. No aivertUanxont ia included In the contract for the sale or rout of houses or lands In to wn or.coun try, or for the sale or hire of nogroos, whether the property Irowfiyt, Ijyihe airertiser or by other porsoiu. ; These are excluded oy the tonn "mine diatt business.' . "' 'e,. "', The anousiuen, of njarvUgcs or deaths will e considered as news, and luserted free of charge; but all additlonal-Oiiatter, beyond tho simplo an nouncemeut of thaideath of tho person, -will be cturgud on the sam tentts as advertisiraento., . All udvertisomenu inserted In the tri-weekly Con' net-cto, ore entitled to one insertion -in the Wttkly i'reo of charge. t ' ; JOaVaAClO nd F.C)r PaiMTINQ; executed 1 1 epperior style. - mm- FOR THE -COMMERCIAL. S'BiV .tfeeera. Badw 'DttoaeT. 1 )-lM V i i'ai)sinci KioiMyai'-:''' miUui A. GWVER, ; EN lilt A It Av3BNr,.FORVARDlNa ' V rtiii va aLlsjiija .uercuani. ! I J f IXii kuei.i tiilor.nlnjj my trieads, that I .1 l n )npire4 lo ii all juiiuo oitnwiii to me yftjknt tai ifsrsonlatuntlon. 1 have wharf for Naful atgroa, Wtl umpie .moomiujuuuona, opiru lloje, -aud VeTetoui. Consigninenta of Naval Stores lor sale or shipment ( an t all Hinds of coun try uroduoe auliclied. Ve'1 idvauesinHdeoncoq Bi''innunts. Apnua 1850. ; t y '. ALrJt deHAE, Jr. CAV.1, OtJl, A Cf DjEA R T(IE N a id 'i itlln a 1 1 tW.il! U'?f 1 a'l Muds of - rtj'ith l t) o iLidi half November, ia&u. - 102. JSirioBiNsON;' . "V'lllUnWiBR. IIII1V. RTlWCS; NAILS, Jko., Ac, ; ifrpnt street, 3 doort Souihol i;!,.lfantet street., . WILMfN OTDN, N . C. Wllirilnon.Mav.'l850. ; T. SOUTHMAYD & CO., 1 KSQixEEaiiiicuiniis, Baiss, m im U or.lors l the Hue will be punctually at v teuded'lo. ' ' '' iioamiyiithr & Nobth Water bxs. Mr,Hi'j8W.-:;:: ' ; :tr: WILLIAM M-HARRISS, HJaENERAli'-: f!; COMMISSlOiN MERCHANT 5- WlLMIXaTON, N. C. ' -,! J rilCT iMerrtlon Iven- to procuring freight! Jina inTdhu!ingJirtgoeirqr vesseia 4MraMNMt IW ' ' . ii. tarlBV. Kan a j . 3 Ool. John McRae, ' ' ' V t Wllmingtbn ,N .C. Wossr. Ballard 4 Huntington.) Villi Peek, Ei..ttalelgh-,W. :C. ' . i) i.r. Hull', J iekait Cot Pav-tt-Vlll rN J ;soph Uilelq., l-ayetteviiie lOIessra. James Corner A Sone, Baltimore . ) K. A. Sotider &"!., Philadelphia ; ' t 'ThnpaonA Wunter V(it; Vnrfr -i Aluntlng Sn Tufrtj v tn ' J.A,1. P. rnootub.Eehiwbunk ,Me . -?i Jttlr lTth.1850 - , ;,;v.,-s 6i tl. , WILm$().V& ESLER;- v OABrt DCALERt fl .'1fe C ifsfltlonarTj Fruit, Nuts, Toys, Fancy Ar tlclea. Parfumery. Tobacco: exars, Asc.. . ' . . WHOLESALE AND UK I AIL, t Nov 30,1850: j':!-';i,u..':lIO-tf: ,. ,1 1 1 1 - till JOSEPH ; BLOSSOMS . ' G'dcrit Cjnniwbi ani orwardlof ' Icrchnnf. Prompt p3rso:iad altentlou flven to Couslsu . menta for safe or Blilpmpnt,;',1 , 'A(i(3raleaVoiraitiA TTvi-i e4 ConsignmtnU to . . v-lfc J- ' BUSINESS CIROSi GEO, HARRISSv ' General CoinmLssion "aierebattt " ' WILMINGTON, N. C. ' " QTIIICT attention given to pioooring Ffclglu kj and purcnasingv;aroeaiorresseisv . ' KersB'TO-."-,.-'..-. .7 V.. P. Hall, fif .i i V . , O.QlPardey, tiwt; ? r "lj ' J, A.,Tylor, Esq.,, . v , ;VUtirtojton, J. D.-Bellamy, Esq.,'- -a : .'.Mesera. BaDard tt iittntingion, J r Usisra.TooUcr, !?iuyth &o. iN' V(i.u f " f Thompson A Hunter, l"?w X'lt' 'sAlea'nHerroa, Jr., PhUadfclphiar " ' " ' ' ,KMeaers. Williama Butknr,. rtvi1i. 4 s 123-1?. i.v; .t;t;lefji...li;- - - General disiissiij ii dlerchii tils, " I- North Wharres, PU 1 L A 1) E L P II I A , Rarca to Messrs. Tmos. VVatsos & Sons, J so. 0 UACosTA, h3q.,JPhll. NatLSON, Esq., 1 Robert A'lcltsoH. Ksq. 1) Messrs. Mobes, TAylo'i & Co., ) ,, J; H. Baowaa. A Co.! New Vork (?bo. HAaaias.lisq. Wilmington. April 5.1950. ' ; ; 9-tfc. MARTIN & CR0NLY. AUCTIONEERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERaIT AGENTS. tVilminRton,N.C,.Oct.3 1850. 86tf. JOSEPH II. FLANNER, Gcasra C a alUi" Marc'iiiot. WILMI.VOTOX, X. C. ct. 9th, 1359. ' . yty-lfi?. WILLIAM NEFF, WZIOL&aJfLi iitD RETAIL DEALER IN SHIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES AND GROCERIES, . 0)tVS t Oti" D)J:C & WATER," STREETS WILMINGTON, N. C. Dee.7th I860 , DER0SSET & BROWJSl. BROWN; k DER0SSET, ." 1 NEW YORK. GKSERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. March 17. I960. l-j GfiX II. KELLY, .COMMISSION MERClUNl Next door U A. A. Vinnet'a, on North iVaUr at will attend to the sale of all kinJs of tjountrv Pro, duce, aiuli Oorn, Peas, 'Meal, Bacon, Lard, Ac. and .vill viaj a usually .un nand a full supply of uroceiies.Ac. 1 Referencos. Wlllegrl'aUf .Viyiie, 'ioVntfcftie, Wilmington, W Caraway, ' Gen. Alx.. Afcllue. " K. P. .1 ni, Vil uingtoii, Wiley A. Walker, "s ' Dee. U, 1850. 1 IS-ly- SAFAGE & 5IEARES, ' GEXiiKAL cO . Mission meuciiats auctioneers; WILMINGTON, N. C. CDWABD S4VAOC. May 2, 18150. OASTON MBARE8 1. ... LEIGIITON, CIIAD30URN & CO,, Gcucra! C,i u uI-isIju 3 Merchants. "t. WIIiJIINGTOS, N. C. Di. 11, 1850- u;-tf. CORNELIUS DuPRE. WHOLE 8AH AND RETAU DEAUEfie IN Drugs, Medicines, ChemlcaU, Paints. ' pil, Dye Stufla, Gtas,- Perfumer, -Ctgir, v Old Jbtiuiora, Fancy Articles, &cn MARKCT STREET, WILMINOrOX, N, C. . Pdnriptions uarjfully compouodei by extier i'ictd persons. ' ' ', ?h-'' March 23. 1950.- - 4 :"'- 6 MARINE INSURANCE, ' rjHK trtdersigned havlna received the Agency 0 AUGUMTA INSURANCE AND BANKING COMPANY OP AUGUSTA GA. Will Issue Pollclei on Vessels, Oargos, freight &C atasreaaoaabie rataaor premiums as any other In atltutlonof theklnd in the Country. The Copito 01 inisuoinpany ijo,uuu. . - - .. H. NCTT. WUinlngloB,Aug,,v.,l95p.. 65-ly, v;. S 1 hV-, 1 COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, ; , , , . WILMINGTON, N.C . Oct. t 1860 " ' 87 'M,,J.1IALL4L0NEY,v General Cbinmiloa "Merchants, ' ' BALTIMORE, 1 Will recitvt andfldtance ott Cm$ignmnU, and pay particular attention, u) fitting order Jot produce, f-c. Refer ;o Messrs. DaRoiiai & Baoww. ;'reh:tX, uAt, I53.3.n-p. v;Wi:st& Hewlett; AucUoncerSjCouiniLssIonMercIiants : J4.f GENERAL' ' AGENTS. WiLMlNOTONj c:--Brrta t)-;;,- ; tt'Jyr v' , ; r , . s Potter & Kidder,? J,1 'John Dawson, " V-! Q.-W. OafA'.r,-3 O. a.-. Paralen'. ' i i Barry. Biritnt Auamr,K.p ,F.aP, Hall,. . Edward Cantwell ' .' At. .... IT.I I . L. ; ptSINE&S CARDS. 4 ADAMS, BROTHER & Ccg i ; rl.nta ft irrr Rrvant A Adams.t COMMISSION M E it C H A N V WILMIXGTONN. C. Jan. ANDERSON & LATIMER, COMMlSsroN MERCHANTS, SOU 1 tl AT r.n o I Jtr.e,l , . ' A,,.;::!iIFEmURAiCE.: THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE lNSU KANUE. continues to take Risks en Liven in fair term. SURPLUS OVER, , 1 ,000,000. 1 . , JOSEPU It, BLOSSQM, Agent. Dee. 12. 1S50. . . , ( 3-tf. B. T. ELDER & CO. J Commission Merchants, CORNER OF PRATT AND COMMERCE ST., BALTIMORE. ... Agents for the sale of Provlstens, and Air;eri. can Produce aetierally. Also, for purchasing Coffee, Sugat, Grain r . or- Rcfbb to AlessH. J. A D. McRab & Co , 1 " DsRossbt & Bboww, . V Wilmington. " Savage & MaABis, ) . Feb.!, I851J ' 136-3mos4. COlCII MAKING. Clicn-.UIKING ; JJBBISU AND EEP.U8ISC Ilotse-shoclus, Acc. done with 4ncatuess and " - , v; dispatch,: , Corner of Third and"Princes8 Street: 'opposite Nix- : one's uivery otaoie. N.S. NEALE. Wmington, N. C.April 1 1851. - I45-tf. General CoHnusiaIcrcliaQts, ; WILMINGTON N.C. Particular attention paid to procuring freights and purchasing cargoes tor vessels, JOHN MACBAB, DONALD MACBAB, JOHN W. K. OlX. August 1, 1850. s 59. ii 1 mni'ii I Kill 1 lm win ' ' mmmm- " ' 1 n MILES C0STIN, C OMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMlNGTQJN, N. C ftEFEtt TO. E. P. Hall, Esq, Pres't Branch State Bank, - Trios, H. Wright, Esq., Pres't Bank, Wilming ton, N. 0. Cape t ear, .;". O. G. Parsley, Esq., Pres't Comw mmert V, ciai ujnn, Dec. 19. 1850 115-tf. "' fr'XT' T. C. WORTH i C-ommissrvn and FoTwarJing MERCHANT, , WILMINGTON, N.C. Feb. 19, 1851 . 143-12 m. WM. ALLST0N G0URDIN, , FACTOR, No. 4 East-Hay Charleston South Carolina., IS PSBPABBO TO MABBUBBBAL ADVANOKS ON C0NK10MMENT8 OF RICE, COTTON, COKN, SUGAR, FLOUR, GRAI,N,UAX4c. RarsRtRCBe. Gouboiw, Matthibssbn A Co Geobob A. Hopi.iv, Charleston S.C. AlonzoJ. Whitb, ) Tandv Walkbb, Esq., - - - Greenville S. C. May il, 1850. , . , , ,29-lyC.,M XIIAhlAWAY&SON. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ' . Wilmington, n. c. f: J. tfATHAATs Ji L. Hathaway. !" Oct. 15. - . 91 t;, GEO. MYERS, ; ; Wholesale n'nd Retail Giocerr t.. KEEPS CONSTAWTLV ON HAND ,, lUnei, Teas, Liquor, Proeitinns, Wood and Wit ttw Wart, Fruit, C(rnfeciimariet, tfrc. &o. ; 1, SOUTH FRONT 8TBECT, " , W I L M 1 N G T O N t N . C.. GAUSE & B0WDEN, COMMISSION merchants, : AND ' GENERAL AGENTS. THUS. F. OADSB. JOHN C. BOWDBN. . .BBFEBBNCBS. Alexander McRae, President W. & R. R, E, P. Hall, State Banlr. O. G. Parsley. : " John Dawson, Merchant. J. & D. McRae & Co., " P. K. Dickinson & CO. Dec. 7, 1850. Commercial i ank. 112. i ELUS. RUSSELL & Xo. - GENERAL $OMltflSSlOtf MERCHANTS, - ' i -f WILMINGTON, N, C: - CHAS. D. ELLIS, HENBY P. Jan. 25. '! BOS SELL, JOS. I. BDSSBIL. 133. w TH0S. D. BARRY. Commission Merchant and ip Broker WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan. ii; i950. ; r.v. 131-tf. u. DUSTCART & SON.- I :WIJDLE8ALE GROCERS, , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IMPORTERS OP ! RIO, COFFEE, &c. ' ' ' J 4 EXCHANGE PLACE, ' .-Onnnlm iha Rnhamra Hotnt..' Vf' ; 1 ,L'.T.,J-it;, acraa TOt. BALTIMORE. iEFia to t ? .-i-- .i:;:-H'' .;,.,.", , Messrs. DeRosset ft Brown, ) ) unmi.,n-j , Mr. J. M. Robinson, ' J Wilmington, ' )tn.ttt?f- .." I30.3mpl' .4,.,v.i,; JEUilNESS CARDS. . i-f DR; JAMES E ILJll,1 Surlcal and Mechanical Dentist, i Oaken orer Mr, Axontlne'a gtor,!lirkelSt., : WILMINGTON, N, CH; . AT'--V Jan 30, 185vJ. A N..aT..opy3m..l3$-tlWi FOR RENT. JWL' A comf'Htable d welling hooae near the foraer 1 of arkel aud 'Boundary Streets, can be 1LJLJL rented on aceommoilatlna; terms I ill Hi 11 olUctoboi awttk' Apply at thia efiice, or to -1 Teh. 11 IL REf EIYEOpR A. ;J- DcROSSET. nri'RARRKf.S,ood Mesa Pork f '- 6J 10 letrt prim G when Butler r JO Hags Rio Uotloe.; Sugar In Hhds. and barrels, for sale by i ' J. HATHA WAV & SON. . March I., . ' ' s 149. STOVES AN1. GRATES. , JUST RECEIVED Large Supply orr- ft SHIP, PARLpa, , CHURCH, . AND OFFICE STOVES! of tho BEST, and most approved 9 ATTEBNI'!. ft wholesale & retail- ALSO, on assftrtmet of , GRATES FURNACES, Solar, Oamphiue, fluid; and Oil I lamps, plain and Japanned Ware, Steak ; Dishes, Coffee Urna, nije eliis. Tea Traya. Walters,. Platform and othcriScales and a variety of other aril cles too numerous to men tion. POLLEV A HART. , ,6g Oc.t,0. DEEDS FOR SALE. WaranteeDeeda,and Deeds forMorlgagronland just printed, In corrcctformand forsuleat (ba Commercial OJlee, SPORTSMEN, ATTENTION! JUST Received, ', large assortment of Single and Double barrel, Bird, Duck and Deer Guna, of the finest finish and latest style, made by those celebra ted maker Ciianbb & Scfwi. aftdtothera of known celebrity. Guns of all weight and calibre, also, Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, Game Baga, percus sion Cups, and in fact the best Collection of sports men's goods ever offered in this market. Gentle- raea flvAse call and examine, - .v. . ruLtitt)' ft HART. Oct 3 80 BILLS OF EXCHANGE. AfRRSH supply of Bills ut Exchange, an ele gatif firipressiinr which wlllbe sold in sheets orquires.or bound in Book, to Drdebjust reeelved and for sale at TH K COMMERCIAL OFFICE. Jan.2? 133. BILLS OF LADING, &c. I4OLlO POST BILLS OF LADING boumt in Books, and sheets, also Letter Sheets with ejvarletyof mercantile blanks, for sale at The Com merciat Offiet, , ; , ,! : , r LIME! LIME!! LIME!!! ftnPiBHfL8: Lincorrrv'iile White Lumpi Also U J calcined Plaster, PlaMerlngf Hair, and Fire Brick, Hydraulic Cement j 1000 bbls. Lime de.tforsaleby . , J.C. a- . wuuo. Oontractortand Builders. Dce.22, 1849. . : millenary::: MRS SARAH H. KELLEV has just re turned from HftB North, with a fine and well selected stock of Bonnets, of the latest style, and all that is required in such a line and will be aord on the most favorable terms. BonneU cleaned aad trimmed as usual. Mrcn 18. Mm. (Journal copy lm.) CORN, CORN, CORN. ' v JiaaA, n j wA v V ., BUSHELS prime, momently expected .1 . s-t i r i.:... schr. Courier inrr, irom DBiiiiiiwr, ii satcoy v ., , r J.ftD. McRAE&CO Jan'y 25, 1351 133 " FOR SALE. A Goo! family Carriage, suitable far X Hack, of (rood and aubstantisl material, will be sold or exchanged for a lini uggy Apply at trie (umaurcuil met. ". . '' ' ' 48. Juiya. NEW SPRING -t SUMMER GOODS. WE have just recetvedtht handsomest nnd most beautiful aaaortment of fancy Dry Goods that ever was brought to ' thia or any other markeL Ladles and Gentlemen are Invited io call and ex amini.t x'Hmi ztx: Country merchant are particularly Invited. Or ders will be promptly attended to. ; , , i We also have oh hand a aplendid assortment of Spring and Summer Clothing, which we keep en tirely up atairs. We have them made up osrselvea, and do not want to pay profit to others., V ar able hi sell them cheaper. than any House. X. i S, AD. TELLER.'- Kraroh 13;, ... .....'.. ..) -.153 -. VACCINE! VACCINE!! m A FEW Scobs of fresh Vaccine Vlrnn) to b found XXat Drag and Chemfctll Sto're,"' ' V ; Drag I Market K i.'W H3. N0RTUERN ADVERTISEMENTS. Account 'Books; IliLUUlIL. IIUUIAUA . PAPER & StATlONEItYARTICLES. ? ( FliANCiS;&iU)UTREL,! i' b HTTMaWen Lane, tliritiiWi(f . INVITE AUrcbanta, Ueaafs and all whrt require articles la then line, to call at iT Maiden Lane, New York. W offer avety variety oiUlaok Book, Paper and Stationery, at very-Mv prkrem, As w both manufeeturt anJ Import all good In oar 11 or wn are enabled lowll cheap and offer inducements to bnytrs. Ordera teceWe prompt attention. fbi:, : t: -V3 ' BLA Mfr BOO vt ; For all kind of basin, Banln. Publie Office, Count ck-rka, sets of books with Printed heading for Lodge, Divisions and other. Hotel Uegiau ra, Tim book, Notes, Drafts, Copy. faan and Memo randum Book) '.'". 't'lV'f'rfW'i-'v v the as of Francls'Maiilt ad Letter writer; Lr I tors and copiet ar written at thoaaitie time; the in is coniainea in tnee'f ' I"" uoTerrurj, w 3 both expedttiousnnd economical; -Srle II. 2 : 4 CROTON INK. . , . If you want good black writing Ink use (he Cro toni flows fmily fromilia pen and retains i Is colon all(idclllblc, t;ariitlDeaiideopyincInka. i- - -PAPER A STATION Kit V. ' All sheanditvl-sol Wlt!nit Paper nt MlUprleei Tissue, Colored, Drawing rH Perforated Puprr.Kn velope, Gold Pens. Nr Papf a, bcrap BookX, Porifollioa.A.-fliritullls.WaX, Wafer. Steel ?ent Utiesement waitots, writing ui)k,and every van. ety sirancy ataiionery. 3d :U; i , ? DIARIES FOR 1851, ' ' . ;? From the f oil Can she to the smallest nottet edi (Jon containing Alumnae Time and 1 merest Tatlcs, space for irtt'iiinirtindurr.1 foMvety day la lb year, Ao , iulfHbl for buelnes, EtpfcMlonal or private dee, Prli e50e.?5e. atid-tR Sent h Maiifree. Book rhuflfigex. cuted In any iyfi. FRANCW ft LOUTREL, nutnciunng Stationers, 77 Maiden Lane.N. V. MVII FsANCli, , Cicr H. Lutbv Mayrf. : 31-wAt-if. 1 1 . . '' " . ". '.'I'"', "Jf, RUBBER GOODS UNION IN DI A RUBBER COM PAN V, -19 Naaaaii 8i., Neir Vdrk. ; nldnufuetara and-havs foraalopn fawrebta terms the largest stock of '' ;-, . "Goodyear'! Patent Metallic Robber Goods In America. ' Warranted to stand all climates con, alattng ofCost, Clocks,-Ponchos, Leggins, Panra Capa, Sou' Wester, Blankets, Piano and Table C era, Crumb, Carriage and Horse Cl'ihs, Sailors' and Travelling Bags, Gold Diggers' Exploring, and Mil itary Goods, Diving Dresses, Breast Pomps, Syrin ge and article Wr'UnifffflwafldWrtiiain and Factory Hose, Gas Tubing, Horse Fenders, KnnprVs patent Premium Cow-milker, Machine Belling, Doll. Toys, Lit Preserver, Cush ons, Pil lows, Beds, Whins, Bridles, Wagon and Boat Float, n ..." " ..i, r.,,. IV.. t.il. F'rekftci kka fpt .Jhovtrade made to order. , ' ;... Jan. 16.. 129;3n SASH, BUND AND DOOR AGENCY. Formerly conducted by Guy . Cm ofcAI. THE public are hereby Informed .that 1 have been armoinied offent for the sale of Window Saab, Blinds and Door',mmtrftfrimdby'thrfWew Ha-ven-Co. ,and am prepared to filUllordersIn the above line. The quality of the work of the New Haven Co. le well known In this market. Builder! and all personam want of the above article, ar requested to send in their orders, and they will b promptly filled, Terms Invariably cash on deUmyr ' , it v- -VIM. A. tin I Kit. ' General Agent QommUtion and forwarding Mer chant, i , April 18. . ? . PINE OIL ! PINE OIL! Ttf.jvM In 'Prisi and mmmtd in Quality. PINE OUisfiiyiJnsnufuciure can be,obtained at the store of Mensrs. PoilbtU HabV, and will be furnished to usiomcrs by my Wagon every Tues day, Thurnday, and Saturday, it! the reduced price of Forty Cent- pat gallon.' Warranted superior to any other for sale in this place. ; Y . . ' "mi -,i in ii . j' i. l it" ir MARhNB RAILWAY AKD CARPENTERING. fitSSw. THE suhscribers hovlne nowcomploted their Ms 1 rln Railway, are prepared to take up Vessels of any sue. i feey pledge themaeivr mat ail wort done by . them abull giv aatisfacdon, both aa . charge and workmanship. '(Iiey have large foroe employed, which will enabl theiuto pejfoim 'al) work witlidisDatch. , .; i. ( .u , They are also prepared to build any six Vessel, from a Ftcur buat no to a sum ana win airanitftatriieltMvork will comparfavorably with any done here or elsewhere, anAnponae reasonable terma. - : , Always on hand a lor re stock of Timber, A e. ' SAMUEL BKERV A SON. Rersa to ... , ,; , . .. 4J: P.K. Dickinson, ' Y ' ; Dalloaset A Brown. T f ' ' t Barry. Bryant A Adam,, Wilmingtoa, N.C, ueo. w. uavis, i J. A D. McRas.AC. ' 'Jan27il850.T :-f.'.n' 44-12nva. JEWELRY! JEWELRY!! JUST recelvcdj from the North, an etegant ande. tensive assortment of fine Jewelry," Gold and Sihtf Watches, Clocks, Plated War and Musical Coxts, to which we would call the attention of Ladle and cltiacns' of Wilmington and snrronnding Country. We will eontinae to sell good In the above Un at prices that will not fail to merit the eontinAano. ef the' patronage w have received elnce our com mencement in batiness) and haying- Bow procured a eemoetent assistant, w will in future M)b) 10 despatch, at tho shortest nmlca, every description ol repairing requisite 10 .adiufl and aeeorately lime. Chronometer, Herlzontsl, Doplaj, Lver Repeat njr, and Vertfcaf'Welchea. f, ,,'. Clocks, Jewelry. Plated Ware, aad Musi cal Bex ea, promptly end la a workmanlike manner repalrea, ana warrantee pie oy ,y r : 1 art, ---j, ' T , A. a .BpWWl ft BROTHER v fh!lrt .i t .t.. vZ t-j,icr c. wii,.A m f 1 the least uiuu vi 11,0 if (Mviir r ' . iuiiini:iti., ... t : . . . Nov.-5.S-- ,4-rf.v. U'- ' lbtff v. Lis 1 ,: . 1 L'o.-to., April 4tb. f IlErFUGtJiyjr SLAVE . CASE T ' ' boston. ' In ilia "Lejiatafiire toAfay,;W lAltoitij? w tHionwn prtatjKVrf. V-That the me oi the Rial Hon tard be mntifed to the tiL xen of Maachocti, to hold n oblie tatttt ittg in the alXernoottf to laae int conaiuer jf i ticn te arrest of eiUaeo of Mawsuhuaetta, andf f thepCfnllo rthA. Fi ASia v , , Law, nd t'dpW pfipw I AHegal nicaa ore! (or, ili dcfVnett and protection of cit- , en oQMaWhaMM.w.-tlr. CoahiDj, of , Newbury, fjwke in optwiiioii le 24 et.u'ont -ami rmrpft thai It he laiJ oa the taUo. 1A. eitblof Jlotbory, morrel that J.LiiJ Uie table wa,.Cftrrujd .by 147 jca to JlS ttayavi,;''.''' ' j'-t t' ' - V - ' Thetne'(IhffVlnbfapiHeea to the tit-.1 lorcemettt of ifi Fujriliw Slave UfW. eccordingly Jiejd; 0.iJh CkyBiBdn. ,The . , meeting cafleJ to order by the Rer, Mr. r. Colver. Drvllow war appomtrd Cbir- , maa. Wendell Phillip addreewd the meet, mg, f He epoke) of he Uoort Hoae to chaioir; j end) atkd he hoped the people would eome la rrom the eoaotry in uclt wrid column a to ., block up the lreew. end prevent the lag-, im iVorn being carried off except over tht ir heud; w He rrjoiefed-trmt tjie law" eooJd hot . be execotwt except arilrtr pint ef the tayb-rV net and ibehind -Chain Tbef won't darei . (he nid) to earry. the fugitive oat of,, the. . . Commonwealth i except nnder the convoy o.j the Navy Yard. . He joke of Faneoil rUtill-; neing eloeed to them, and; hoped ihal they . would make the elm of the common reaouni, ' . tohhe derlaratioh that LafW lawV CorMtitofion or no CoMtilntioo, chain, or: T chuinthU law ahall hot be ttihteti.nW; , Blockithe locomotive, leaf op the rail, foty low theJogiiive to the border of the .State, il pona.ibfe, to rescue him. He eouweled -., ery colored moo who had ever felt the ehaine of Southertt oppreiiiory to fill bi pockete ' wiih pitol8f 4c; end a far ae he wa fthla ' lie edtundjby their Idcv The t for them wn at an end. He ttrgcA the nieetltuf to bold Jtafirift readtneve with U the mean at it eommarid. to eodeavor to top.to-inor row the execution ol thia etatae. ' The Gov ernment and Legislature have refund u tho meariaio try- iht Jwoe, attd we. hare the ' right to disobey K and meet the co ioenw cea.' When pne ana taiewneu . . . ort the people mtut take op therein. , . u The meeunir here adjourned to Treraontj Temple, where the Rev. Thro." Parker waa culled op. He said that when he paaecd the, Court House thle nvWDinft , and aV ttei; y chain whkh wieomoaaaed 4L Ji tfnasiMi, L that he wa iv Viena4pud obi in Boetc-n, 4 ender inarlial law, aw! eertarniy not vmcr f theIaof NWiErj(andi. H wked thft mceiinar to pathe h .iolvc, each for himacJ, , k' -il frould forever I ' I &i tnloinooeany- r one WHO OliU HI Uie i rrv-t vr wu)wm w r r -fugitive slave. 4 I am. he aid ready to do it,-, and can see but little difference between - Africejn kidnapper,-end tbe Boetoo aw. - - , per. ThtWate at preeent three kidmtr 1 111 Boeloti', find them out, and point, ftl v a they pa in tbe etfeV-makeU'eDi .w of iBoVMi. IU ouderatood from gooil ao- tt.ority, that they were intending to arret , two more fusntive to-Dig?tL t,He urged thft; , KieCting to orrn thWecI ve into tl ivigtlance - joeotd nfie foodhoondU-::r.;::, ; i. A Scoteymao nametl MCUiure, ocnonncea - n a eowatthatiy man who would allow hi arm to naag louety oy o w un jfitive waa being carried on.- tie . counseue't no violence, he aato,' out eoon, erwaru , cried out 'Liberty , or death ! reaiatancc to tyranta I obedience to God."" ' r - '"'p . - t ne tvev. wr. -yoiver, nea. " wao obnoxioo and inhuman, lhal-.be" V vrouJd traronle it under hi feet t !) went lb aboIuie di8briedirnce".-AHe alw would coun, el no violence, bat lie flsked the trscai- - biy to weet lo-moriew'af the cun House " -i-tn their airength The pert.lo from the - . Burrouudini coontrf would be tUn, nod 11 hj prpeence pporj i(Ch an ;6cca'M)n wa in-.f t oiiuflbjteht 'tvith hi clerical profession, ba . - would' unlivck himself. J He denouticcu tnoao ol hi brother minwlera who liud roorwelcd " 1 obedience to the lugi(ive aluve law a trfiitor to their country and their God J 4 and called ( upon the meeimg to again jjaw the resolution T ' pa3e at Faneuil Hall that 'Conslilui ion or - - no vonetnutioiMaT er ne 'Vd1"" ...It. L rl.a aT. Ilawl.h.iaufl, , kaa'duiiuiniwMH,. . ' AJAer eBaeher-; tnaanimatory epeccbe. x let the meeung adjourned; with the unaenstanu. -inir that thev were to meet at 10 o'clock,: to-. t tterrow around the Court House. ' L..... . J 18 v(-vh i Vera denounced Daniel. 1 1 Webster a a digrax:c-,t5;C9untry--a lain a irallor to the Norlhr which wa re, ceived with mingled hisse and ebeer. ; The number preatt t tii. Temple waa ahont. one thotuandf, 'many of whrjrt weoP the. - -" front euraity.i-y'f t'&?,",'TS''! t Thd BrrHo ie atilr iurroutulcd with chain, and gtnwded by ' large body or po- . Itee. Alicer;i The fugitive la hi a room on 1 1. , third dt0rywhkh ia aecweJ by aix two incJi Iron bolts unon the inaidtu Several military ... eociponiea are at their armoriv, lo reaui .f j " Ibic ncliorf In case ol ,noy Utatarnance oc at,-.- ; tempi n rtweue, ' nmw"i r- baa teen Uken to prevent a aecondShadrai ly ; 9 ocIoct.i-The eity.rcmaine bvan excited tate.' Tha Sqanro around the Court Houie.n s . . . a . . . -B,!.. ' , be fteen rieareu once or iwtcepi in , eollected. bvdetuchmcnUof the city Aya., . arid one or two who refused, to ti were k;- t . ktjn into custody The Square, .however, w again halt full. Sixty reaofute men gnnrl 1 , , the Court itouee upon ino maiue, anu siuu" ; t at te d.liorent watcn-nonaea epoiu. .. alarm.' Nov black are to be .rcr r 'I .t,0ct.2G. 1650 i r p.'.., M - " ' -.V - 1 " t V'-A.e '-4 -' 4 9 5 ! . V i i . ... 11- r '4- -