mm nnnn TTV VTTTTT -.. i ii - - - - I., ' ........ ...- .. ll j ..,.. .. . - - - - - irfMlh.AluLiuu-Lnj-u-u-ij- -.-inr. l-j --J-IJ u i-iiji i . r - i- 4 " 1 r--.' n - n I. -. -irirn n ijn.n--u - -i - , ' VOL. 6-:NO:i2. - WILMINGTON. i js published ireV Tcoat' Thubsoav and- Sat Vbdat, at 15 00 per annum, payable la all eases In . " r.B T THOMAS t OR W O, ' Editor all Proprietor. ft EJTJAMIJt I, HOVVZCk Associate Editor, It 1 ! FROHT AND AfABKHT stebts., WILMINGTON, N. C. RATES OK ADVERTISING, sqr. 1 insertion, su.oo i sqr. 2 momns, 11,00 5,W 1,00 1 1 .,; 6 8,00 1 " I month. 2,5011 year, ' Tsa lines less makeqqare,,lf as advertise- meat exceeds tea lines, tbe pries will be In propor . J All advertisements fTri payable st ths tiitf their insertion. ' : Contracts, with yearly advertisers, will be made on the matt liberal terms. 4 N trtnlfer1 otcemtracts for yearly advertising will be permitted. Should circumstances 1 render chSnge In business, or an anoxpected removal necesl irary, a charge according to the published terms will be at the option, of the ' contractor, for the time lias advertised. ... J . .1 The privilege, of Annual Advertisers Is strictly Hmlted to their own immediate business; fcuir all ad Vertlsements fot'tfte benefit of other 'persons, us well as all advertisements not immediately ' eoqqeeted with their own bijsihdfty and all excess of advertise ments In length, qr omerwue, oeyona tne umus en atanA. will h chawed at the- usual fates. No advertisement is laclWled in the contract for the sale or root of houses or lands in town or coun try, or for the sale orhjre of negroes, whether the property fa owriod '&? the'advertiser or by other wrsnn TTibSe are excluded b the term rimme- The announcement of marriages or deaths will be considered fcSnews, tnd inserted free of charge; but all aMitional matter, beyond the simple an 'Vouncemenlof te '"deatli of the1 person, will be 'charged -ori'the same terms as advertisements, Aii".ujii.(ionmont lninrinH in th tri-weflk!v Com' mt uiwiwu'Mvii - - --- : ' . mercW,'iire entitled to one insertion in the ifWy frse'of cnargo'. ' ' ' JOB, CARD and ANCy PRINTING, executed n superior style. AGENTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL NRVV YORK: Messrs. BOw:Sf & DiRossit. UOTONi FaiDsaick KtDDaa.JEsq,. ....... WILLIAM i GWitR, r Ij- as s.'..' . . Ww Jm GENERAL AqBNTORAillDINa anil Comsslssloli'' fliercnant Tl If ii uln.iaiird in lnforiiiinirniv lrinds,that I JL inn prepared to give all business entrusted to me aifljldnt in I personal attention. I hove, a wharf for Naval Stores, with ample eecommodatlona.: Spirit House, aud Warehouse. Consignments 01 waval hlDinent 1 and all kinds of coun- trv broducs solicited. Cashadvancesmade on con signments. V April 18 18SQ. IS ALEX. MacRAE, Jr. IMPORTER OV CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN WARE.' and wholesale and retail dealer tu all kinds of .1 FARMING MPLEMENrsSi South Side of Markf tt., WlLMING TQNi c. November, 9. 1860. ' ' 102- J. M. ROBINSON, IMVOSTSa AND DIA LBS IN HARDWARE, IRQ, STOVES, NAILS, c, 4c, jPront street, 3 doors Southof Market street., WILMINGTON, N C. 22 on, Ma 4, I860. T. SOUTHlriAYD & CO., KXQIKEERS, BUCmnUS, BRASS, 1ND IRON 1 Dnnvnuns I ' ruUitucaj. All orders lu the llue will be punctually at tended te. tJORHEH MlTLBERY & NORTH WaTB 8TS. WILMINGTON, NO. CA. May 16,. 18 80. ' ' - 2T WILLI 151 M. HARRISS, GENERA! i COMMISSION MEROHANT WILMINGTON. NJSS. QTRIOT I attention fflypiu to prroeurlng Frelghu ,kanapurcnasinguargossiorves5oi 'i RsrsfKwccst u ' . Q. ParslnV.Ksa 5 Oal. John Mollte, Wilmington ,N.C J Wossrt. Ballard Huntington,) - u MillPal(,Kiq.RaJqlth,N,C. Oossrs. Hall , Beckett Co., h PayeUevlllc,N .C iiseph Vtley,EsqM i ' ' MsrlJlames Corner Sons, Baltimore . U ,l B.ASouderCli.,Phltadulphia tisnnna luits. rt ton ' I IO.P. Plloortih lTflnnnhunk .Me . Julv lTth.lWP 62 tl WILKINSON k ESLER. . . tABH DGALBR8 IH Confectionary Fruit. yts, Toys, fancy Ar ( ticlesv Perfumery, Tpbatjro'. ieara, e f 1 WHOLESALE AND RE I AlLt V r MARKCT STREET, , WILMINGTON, N. C. Nev.30,1860 v .10-tf v JOSEPH R. bxoswi. General' Coanniuioa trad Ferwudlnir Merchant. ' Prompt' personal attetitlou Riven to Consign- nlonts ftr sale or Shipment, . Andtibiral auk adtonce mad i Coiuignmtntt to ' '' "- mtorto mw JVea YorkfrUndt. . Wilat'bftra, ;ft.?0 1881. : : lM-tf 1 7 Cf 1 1 v - .A ... i'k Wllmlngl GEO. HARRISS, Gcaeral Commissioir Merchant, v., WILMINGTON, a . STRICT attention given to piocurlpg Freigln and purchasing Qargosforves,spls. -. KsFaa to " R. P. Hall, Esq., V O. G. Parsley.Ksq., , j J. A. Taylor, Esq., NYimington. J.D. Bellamy, Esq., j , r , . , Messrs. Ballard A Huntington, J Bteasrs.Tqqker, gmyth A Co., N v k 1 Wompson 4 Hunter,' Jwew' Alex'r. Herron, Jr.. Philadelphia Messrs. Williams Butlejr, ihfri.tnn s c H. if, B.ker. E vhrrleston.t. nai. HERON & MARTIN General Commission 'Militants, ' " T la Hortu thar?e', ph il:p.e,lpuia, - Rina to ' j ,. Messrs. Thos. Watson fc Soss, ) 'V. Jsv. C. Dcosta, Esq., J p. . W-. J, NaitsoN, Eq.,Ph,I a Roscht Ncilson, Esq., J Messrs. AIaseb. Tavlob & Co., . , h HBsowta. A Co., New York Gbo. HAkawe.fcsq. WJlraington. Aorll 5.1850. Mfp. MAKTIN & CRONLY. Atf0'fIONERS,i COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL AGENTS'. Wllmln8ton,N.C.,Oct.3 1850. 85tf. JOSEPH H. PLANNER, Genera Cdnnksioa Merchant. 1 WILMIJTGTOX, N. C. ct. 9th, 1850. 87-ly-c. WILLIAM NEFF, wapLBSAtE ANDi RETAC, DEALER IN SHIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES 'AGROCPIES, o:ivf;i oV o fitt & water streets WILMINGTON, N. C. Dec. 7th 1850 DEIIOSSET & BROWN, BROWN k DEkOSSET. ' ' - ' fclEW 'YORK. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. MaMI7 lB6Ut ' .y. mi; ":m. C,i). II. KELLY. COMMISSION MERCUANT. Next door to-AiAi Vunnet's. un North Walor st will attend to the sale of all kinds of Country Pro. duce, sui;ii a Jjrn, Peas.jMeal, Bacon, Lard, ac. and will keep coiut intly on hund a full supply of Groceries, 4c References. Wllles Hsll.of Wayne, - John McRae, WUralngton, W.Carsay, ' Oen. AU-MoRse, , K.P n iil vv iiininatnri w pu waiiAir Deo li. 1850. 115-ly. SAVAGE & MEARES. GEXEKAL CQ.HMW.SIOS. MERCHANTS ' 1 AND AUCTIONEBa? WltAtlNi won, n. c SDWARD StVAOI. OASTON MBABBS 1. ,May2, 1850, .. , .. i. rr LEIGDT0N. CHAD80URN & CO.. Geueal Co.u7Uls.slon Merchants, WILMIJfGTON, N. C. Dec. 11, I860' li:-tf. CORNELIUS DqPRE. WHOLI BALI AND HITAL DEAtERd IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, OH, Dye stuns, uiass, . rerramery, uigars, Old Liquors, Vucy Articles, &c ' ' Jia8f STREET, WlJjMlTf GTON, N, C. Prnsirlptions carefully compounded bv exoer enced persons. MarcaH,.tsau. e MARLNE . INSURANCE. rpHE undersigned having received tha Agencyo. AUGUSTA INSURANCE AND BASING tujirAiti tw AuiiuTA'GA, Will issue Policies on Vessels. Oarsros. Freight An at aa reasonable is tea of Premiums aa any other In stitution or tne kind In the Country, The Cspitol OI misvoiupauy nsJiioLiy . . ; - a. UTT. Wilmington, Aug. 18.1850. 65-ly. J, C. LATTA. COMMISSION MERCHANT. and "General AOENTf v - ' V , WILMINGTON, N.jO. r - . I Citft - ' AS) Oct.l I860. HALL & L0NEY. General Commission Merchants, BALTIMORE, ' Will rtetlvt aid o4tne on Conilgnmtnlt, and pay particular attention (o filing ordtrtfor product, ifc. Refer to Messrs. Dsttossit A Baows. I53-3m-p. WEST & HEWLETT. Auctioneers, Commission Merchants AND GENERAL AGENTS. WILMINGTON, N C. Rrrsa to' ; - ' . Potter Klddsr, -. John Dswson, O., W. Davia, , jQ. 0., .parsley, Barry.BrvantAAaams.E. P George Hsrrlssl Edward Canttvell. Jtf M - f BUSINESS CARDS. ADAMS. BROTHER & Co. ft .... V f.u.f A kAmwnm CQMMISS10 N M E R C HATv & iWlLMINGTON,.N,C. 4 ' Tt TTT C 0 M M I S S I O rf, M E R C H'ArjTS, Sep.27, 1860. i '1 ' 83-lr LIFE INSURANCE. IR JWSOAL ; BENKF: n(JP HANCE, cofltlnuesto take Risks t on Lite SURPLUS OVER I.OOU.OOO. JOSEPH ft. BLOSSOM, Agent. Dec. 12. 1850. 93-tf. B. T. ELDER & CO. Commission Merchants, CORNER JR PA ATT AND QOMMERCE ' Sr.. BALTIMORE. , A scuts for the sale of Provisions, and Ameri can rroauee geuerauy.. Alio, for purduiiing Coffu, Sugar, Grvin fc to or- . aer. Rsrsa to Messrs. J. fe D. McRab & Co., ) 1' DaRoasrr &, Bbowr, Wilmington. ' Savass & Mcabks, ) Esb.J. laL, 136-3mos-p. COACH MAYING. COiCD-MlEINQ ; JODDINQ lD : REPAIRING Hdrte-sfhoelBfoildtc. done with lueatuess and atspaica : . Comer of Third and Princess Street : opposite Nix one's Livery Stable. aN. Si.NEALE. Wmington, N;C April 1 1851. 14-tf. J. & D. MeRAE & Co. General Commission Merchants. WILMINGTON N. C. ' Particular attention paid to procuring freights iaid.. purchasing cargoes tor vessels. OHM MACSABf 'DOMALr SIACflAKi JOll W. K. D1X. August 1,1850. ' rt . 59. MILES COSTIN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. REFER TO ..-. B. P. Hall, Esq., Pres't Branch State Bank, j . ., ,. Tr)Of t.iWriib,t,.Ksq., Pres't Bank Wilminu. f ton, N. C. O. G. Parsley, Esq., Pres't Commer- j ciat uanlt, J Dec. 19. 1850 118-tf. T.C.WORTH; Goran) Issi'oir ahd Forwarding WHIMINGTON, N. C.'. i Feb. 19, 1851. i43-12m. WM. ALLSTON G0URDIN, ' ' FACTOR. No. 4 East-Bay Charleston South Carolina., IS FBBPABBD TO M All LIBIBAL ADVANCES ON . - j6oieisTSOt- ' RlOTft, COTTON, CORN, SUGAR, FLOUR, GRAIN, HAY, Ac. Rbvbbbkcbs. GoUBDIN. M ATTHIBSBCK 4 Co ) Gsobob A. HofLsv, Charleston S. C, Alohso J . Whitb, ) Tawdy Walsiss, Esq., - - - Greenville S. C Mul,f850. 29-ly-c. J. HATHAWAY & SON. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. t J. Hathawat. J. L. Hathaway. Oct. 15. 91 ' .ii inn iff,, GEO. MYERS, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, KISPS CONSTANTLY Of HARD Wvmm, reofcniorsrotlfKm, ,)ffod and WU , , eu Watt, , Fruit, Gortfediownt; 'ic.'fc SOOTH rSONT STSBBT, WILMINGTON, N. . Nov. 28, , ,, . , 109. 1 CAUSE &, BOWDEN. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . . AND GENERAL AGENTS. THUS. F. OA9SB. JOHN c. sowdin, aarasBNCBs. Alexander McRae, President W. A R R. K. P. Hall, O. O. Paraley. " John Dawson, Merchant. State Bank. Commercial Bank. j. oc v. Mcttaeefcuo., " P. K. DickiSri&CO.' Dec. 7, 1850., ,f " 7 ELLIS. RUSSELL & Co. 113. "f T QENEtiALXQMMISSIOti MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. CHAS. D. BLUS, HBNBT t. BtTSSBlL, JOS. B. SCSSSLL. ' an. 25. - 133. TH0S. D, BARRY. Commissia" Merchant andShip ' Broker, WILMINGTON. N. C. Jan. 21, 1850. 131-tf. D.STUART & SON, WltQLEBUit OR0CER8, POMMIES 0JV 'MERCHANTS, x '' AND IMPORTERS OP RIO COFFEE, &c. , ' EXCHANGE PLACE, " Opposite the Exchange Hotel, .' BALTIMORE. aarsB tor : MrrRot;"' lk-- i fo BUSLNESSfARDSL Surgical and Mechanical Dentist. Office. orer'Mr. Aiostlno'e Store, Sbrksit., . WILMINGTON, W. C.TV" : J'n 30, J850. ' J.& N C.T. copy 3nv',l35-tf. , C FOR RENT, ''..V'V-. A comfortabledwelling house near ths corner of Market ecd . Boundary .Strestp, can be , renlsla'aCemmodirni terms till tha 11 bor neit.' 4pply at this Allies, or m '." " ' U.I.HOWZR. , reb. V';;r ; ; k. 1 t.'t k, RECE1TED PER 4- V DeROSSCT. OA BARRELS good Mess Pork ,y ' v XJ 10 lfagi prime Goslicn Uuiter ! 10 Bags RloCorfee . j . ' Sugar la Uhds, and barrels, lor sals by March 1. ..... ., . 8. . -( STOVES AND GRATES, JUST RECEIVED '! ' W. Lar;e Supply or SHIP, PARLOR, . iCHTOQH.,-1 ANDiOFPICE ' STOVES I of ths BEST and , most approved rATTBBSS. wholesale & retail, ( AL8&),. ,, an assortment of GRATES A FURNACES, Solir; Csmphine, Fluid, and Oil Lamps, plain and japanned Ware, Steak Dishes, Coffee Urns, Big Kins, TeaTrays. Walters, Platform Mid other Scales Md; a .variety . of ot her ajti j cles too numerous to men tion. P0LLE7 r4R' . qct. 10, . - rfr DEEDS FOR SALE. ITTaranteeDeeds.snd Deeda for MortvarronlmH W just printed, in correct formand for salcat the CommrcMU Ufflct. -: SPORTSMEN, ATTENTION ! TOST Received. large auortmeflt of Single and Doubje psrreL Bird, puck and Deer Guns, of the ted makers Chancb A Sons, snd others of known celebrity. Guns of sll weights and calibre, also, PnariW FUoba fihm Pku o anu Ml laul llio ueBt COIICCIIOD OI SpOnS- men's goods ever offered In this market. Gentle men please call and examine. .,A. , , .. ' -( POLLEy di HART. ' Oct? " ' 8G BILLS OF EXCHANGE. AfRESH supply of Bills of Exchange, an ele gant impression, which willbe sold in sheets orqutres.or bound in Books, to order, just recelftd andforaaleatTHE COMMERCIAL Of PICK. Jan.2 ' f j ;p 133. BILLS OF LADING, &c. FOLIO POST BILLB OF LADING bound In BnaVa.anil ihiwta Un r.altor ShBtlit svarie)ygfmercantileblanks,forsaleat The Cum- LIME! LIME!! LIME!!! f3iry8BLS. Llncolnvllle White Lumpj Also UUU calcined Plaster, Plastering Hair., and Firs Brick, Hydraulic Cement, I00(fbbls. Lime f-c.sforsaleby , .. J.C.& R.B. wo6t: Contractoreand Builders. Dce.22, 1849. 119. MILLENARY. MRS. SARAH P. KELI.EV has just re turned frdm the North, with a fine and well aepcled stock of Bonnets, df ths Uteststyle. and sll , that is required in such' a fine snd' wiQ be sold on the most favorable terms. ' Bonnets cleaned aad trimmed as usual. Mareq 18. , (Joyrna) c'opy jm.) Mm. corn, corn, Corn. 3 000 BUSHELS prime, momently expected Uvvper schr. Courier, from Baltimore, for sale bv J. AD. McRAEACO. Jan'y 25, J851 133 FOB SALE. , Good family Carriage, suitable for L a Hack, of rood and substsntisl .material, will be sold or exchsnaedfoji i light Udggy. Apply 'at the Commtrcial qffict. T July 9. NEW SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. WE have iuit received the handsomest snd most teautlful assortment of fsncy Dry Goods that ever was brought to this or any other market. Ladies and GsnUemen are invited to call and ex amine. - 7 ' ' ' " Cemntrr merchants are oartlcularlv invited. Or- ders will be promptly attended to. We also have on hand a splendid assortment of Spring and Summer Clothing, which we keep en tirely cd stairs. ,We have them made up ourselves, snd do not want to pay profit to others. We srs able to sell them cheaper than any House. ' S.S.U.TKLLEK. Marcn 13. ' V. ' 1 163. VACCINE! VACCLNE ! ! ' A FEW Scabs of fresh Vaccina Virus, to be found Xi,at C. DsPRE'S, . . . I pfug and Chemical Store, . , Market St. ' Feb. II, .. - ' - 143. ML ofOcfi i rr NORTflERN AD VERTISEMEJjTS. ' AcfcouiittlJooks. PAPER & STATIONERY ARTICLES. " FRANCI3 & XOUTlEU? if ' V.l i'T7Maios Lane, fttw Yott. ' ' INVJTKIlerchaau, Deahrs end alt wh reqnirs articles la their lias, to call at 17 Maiden Laos, Nssr.York. ' Ws oner every variety ol Blank Book, Paper and Stationery, at very low price. At ws bMi manufacture and Import all goods in oUr lijte w are enabled to sell ebeaa and otfer lnducoenis to buyers. Orders rseeiye prompt attention, j.,, . v J B L Aft K BOOKS, ' r For all kinds 61 bttsinesa, Banks, Publia Office, County clerks, sets of book, with Prmrett kaodtng fot Lodges, Uitislaiis sod others. Hotl RegUtcfs, Time hooSs, Noiss, Drafts, Copy Piss and Meme raniaai tfeuka. ?. ,x f . -v " cOPt YOttt LETTRRS ! effrirass of FraoelsJl8nifbHl Letter' writer, Lciiersnd'copiessre written st ths same rime) ths Ink is contained in sheets; the pea never wears outi both expedllloiisand economical pries tl, 2. tfiO and5,Q0. kt'py ' " . - "' , CROTON mtJ If you want good black writing Ink use ths Cro ton ) flows freely from the pen and retains its cotor; alss Indellible, Carmlneand copying Inks. ' PAPER A STATIONER V. All sixes snd styles'of writing Paper at MlllprlcS Tlssp, Colored, Drawing and Perforatrd Paper, En velopes, Gold pens, Note J'apsrs Serspr; Bowk, Poftfollioi, Catds, Uiiills, Wrt, Wafurs. Steel Pehs, Chessmen Wallets.Wrltlng Desksod every vatt sty of Fsncy Stationery. , i , '. -; DIARIES FOR 1351, From thefnllCap sizs to the smallest pocket edi tion containing Almanac Time and interest Tables, 1 space for tnf morandums for every day isr the yar, c , 'suitable for business, Professional or Private ase. PrlceBOe 75c, and SI. Sent bv Mallfre t Book Binding exi euted in any atyle. FRANCIS & LOUTREL, i . Manufacturing Stationers, ' .. ; 77 Maiden Lone.N.S. ; (iBWIS FsANCtS, , M '( : Cvsts II. LOUTSBI, May5. ,. 31-wAt-tf. RUBBER GOODS UNION INDIA RUBBER COMPANY, . . 19 Nassau St., New York. Manufacture and have for sals on favorable lerms ine inrgesi sioca ei "Goodyear's Patent Metallic Rubber Goods" in America. Warranted to stand sll climates : con, listing of Coats, Cloaks, Ponchos Leggins, Pants t'aps. Sou' Wsiters, Blankets,PiaBO and Table Cov ers, Crumb.Carringo und Hotse Cloths, Sailors' snd Travelling Bags, Gold Dlggefi Erplorjnfl;. and Mil tisry Goods, Diving Dresses, Breast Pumps, Syjin ges and articles for Druggists and Surgeons, Engine snd Factory Hose. Gae Tubing, Horse Fenders, Knspp's Patent Premium Cow-milker, Machine Belting, Dolls, Toya, Life Preservers, Cushions, Pil lows, Beds, Whips, Bridles, Wagon snd Boat Floats, Boats, Knapsacks, Csnteens, Wster tanks, Pails, F're Buckets, Ac. Articles for ths trade made to prder. 'fan. 18. 129-3m SASH, BLIND AND DOOR AGENCY. Formerly conducted by Guy C. JJotchkitt. THE public are hereby informed, that 1 have been appointed agent for the sale of Window Sash, HUiiasanaiJoors.manuiaciureaDy tne new m ven Co., and am prepared to nll aliorders in tbe shore line. The quality of the work Of the New Haven Co. is well known in this market. Builders and sll personiYh wknxof the above articles, ars requested to send In their orders, and they will be promptly filled, , Terms invariably caah on delivery. ' V Al . A . UW I fcK. General Astnl CsmmUtion and Forwarding Mer ckant. Aprlliq. 15 PINE OIL! PINE OIL! Redtai in Price and wtnoted i t, Quality. PINE OIL of my manafactors can be obtained at the atore of Messrs:' PoUbt A Hast, and will be furnished to customers by my Wagon every Tues day, Thursday, and Saturday, a, the reduced price of Forty Centa per gallon. Warranted superior te any other for sale In this place, ucr. 17. taou A. H. VANBOKKELEN. CAPE FEAR MABIiNE IUJLWAY SHIP CAR!' ENTERING. TIB subscribers having now completed their Ma rins Railway, are nrensrfd lo take ud Vessels of anV slie. Tbey pledge themselvrs that all work done by them shall give satisfaption , both aa :o charges and workmanship Tliey havea larrforce employed, which will enable them to periomi all work with aispa ten. ;' 'Thev are also nrennred to hnIM anv ! 'Vritl from a PILOT BOAT up to a SHIP' arid will warrant that their work will Cdmpar fa voiably with any done here or elsewhere, and upon aa reasonable terms. Always on hand a ft SAMUEL BEERY 4 SON. Rbfs TO " t V. It. Dickinson, DeRosset A Brown, .1 Barry, Bryant A Adams Wilmington, N.C. Geo. w. Davis, J. D. WcOae.'A Co. June 21860. - 1 5-12m. JEWELRY I JEWELRY!! JUST received, from the North, an elegant and e tensive sssortmenl of fine Jewelry, Gold and 8llver Watches, Clocks, Plated Wars and Musics! Bosoe. to which we would call the attention of Ladles and citizens of Wilmington snd sufroqnulng Country. We will continue to seU goods iri' tbe above line at prices that will not fail to roerif the continuance of the patronage we have received since our com mencement In business, 'arid having now procured a cempetent assistant will in future be able to despatch, at the shortest notice, every description of repairing requisite to adjust and accurately time. Chronometer, Hpriiontal, Duple, Lever, Repeat ing, and Vertical Watches. N. B. .Cfocks, Jewelry, Plated Ware, sud Musi cal Boies, promptly and In a workmanliks manner repaired, and warranted to please by ' A. O. BOWERS A BROTHER , (Slaa sf the) Big Watch) Ft. St., Wilmington, N."r V NOV. Jr..:' S .1 - . 100-t -,'V".i . ..A tm-A& , Trace to thy fond misgivings,' ' These fruitless tears give o'er r ' He sbsence tan divide as, lore, " ,.Ko parting partus moreIt';-r' llevbUlassnd seas tnaf rise between' To mock par baffled will, ."" " ' yh But heart In heart, and soul in foul, , We bide together still. Where'er I go, or fjf or near, " 'i I cannoi be alone : 1 K , 1 ( ' ThjTofce ll ever In mine ear, . , ' Thy Land pressed in my own t '- '''nn.a f.i.t m. . ' 2 J VlliVT ICUI. , i ny woras my oosora laim, . i And heAit Jart,aod soul Is aonl, Ws bMe together UpL ' , , . And when stern Dralh shall vorhU worst,; An4 Q our joys are dome, y fa tjt E'en by the mystery, that unites v , , ; The 4jal and the snit - ' Thbug) one exist la heavenly blisa, One In this world ofill, Yet heart In heart, and soul in soul, . Well bide togethet stilL .- THE WAY TO THE WORKHOUSE, The celebrated comedian, John Reeveav favfi AnsSB aswwrf 4 eSw ein ai!f sal' faMk1ji tM'lfl l-a ! hvh Mvvvstuw wj mi iMii itiuaiv n lU a bottle cf gfn in htjr handr-Prtf I be,j Jppr partlon, this the- piy to the trerkr ouse ?" John Me her look of elerieaF dignity, and pointing a the bottle, gntelf. TDLNGS M THEY ARE, AND THLYGSl ;AS ,TflEYSnoijLD BEs'-ti Few nre ready to ackuowledge thai they are very greaiiy tnuueocea by tbeeebtimcotX! anjl opmionf ofptficts. neyerlhelese, all of trf. ars so influence J, and to a far greater extent iharjt we are willing to admit. ' ; , Men are valued, not for n hat ihtj really3 arti but for what thejf mm to be. r - fl " 1 I Haw often do we see one pan erotiehinar4 land bending to another caose. front Ala supposed wealth, he bae gained influeneei.; and distinction.' Bnt maik how audden. change ensue!. Let tbe true, circumsiancea ; of this matt be kno wn, and ill 'those crouch- ing, cringing, iicKpittlca,' dceert Hb in arj' f i instant. . ' C-, '' ? I"1 i ye once knew an Ignorant, but aelf-opiit- '1 ionated booby, who claimed an acqoaintaoca with various persons, distinguished Jneort- munitv for their wealth and influence t but. aad to relnle, one day, one of those tliatiis guished ones met witii a . reveraa of fortune, am! lo, our fatnoue gentleman, who was for-1 merly ao ptll. acquuinted with the Ttinlurln- nnte, nctonlly forgot him, and could not poe. sibly recall' to mlad that he had ever veeen , And why ahonld this man not forret htaw once wealthy, and well dressed asaocmle 7 if he bad of done so, ha wooid . have t eem recreant to the principles upon which soci in . in this nineteenth , century is baaed, t'j s ; , cicty teache$. and so, to be innonsiatenf, must society act. - Ah,, no matter whether you have ; ' any braina or nciV jdp hot dttn like a lordf , and you will be treated ae each. A 1 It wpuid be doing violence to the present, ' nimareut. conetilulioii of human eocietv. tal stop in the public highway, and grasp tbe a hard hand of the green-jacketed r' echanic,. , , and drop a word of encoorageme t to theer ; hinr in hiadaily toiie. It WBjd'nrlu f pular," because society say so f and if you ga coun- " ter to what , society say and leachea, you) r .' run the risk of ittdtspleasure. , 8o it U. M6t V not valued lor what they ore, but whet thevave, tqvbe. . , .,r This being true, npocrisy ,iecesarily rurs through sdciely, mfluencir: such aa possess Uie desire tor admiratttxj, making 5 ' " such ew!eSvq jia appear what, they are, no. 1 in order, to gain that approbation whiii they ' cou.Id not secure by appearing whOjt they re- 1 ay ' ' ",. . if r , ' COURTEOUS REPLY OF AN Hi Ft ' pel. . v: " l k v An American traveller- being unexpected- . - ly detained at the mole or anarantlne ofO- ; ' ' dessa, wttej very civilly offered hulf of his'- apartments, and a sofa to lie on by a young gngliHhman, who acted as a translator to the 1 mole. After they had formed on intimate , acquaintance, and one evening had retired to rest, the traveller aeked his (Head how ho t ' could endure the blasphemy Wh.hwav- so constantly heard tberei' The young Rtiglisn-. man replied thajt "as" a ,'gerttleniao,.thae i things were diaagreenble : to him.; bnt as to j their being intrinsically wrong. It w nd mat ler of concern to him, as he denied the truth) , Of all revelation, and believed Jesus" Christ . tp bo art imposter." . i .,- . "i , -ti The travcjler. without supposing tfte rc-jL 'mark would be needed exeepC hy courtesy' replied. ."EitherChrfet was on imposter r'- he wns not. II he was an imposter. we have the inconceivable phenornenon of base mnn practiMtng virtue self-denial, charity, for. . gfVeness of injunes, through his whole life in), spite of scrqrging; contumely,' and "even f ru cifixion. . Is it philosophical. to soppoac that i , a bad man wonld take much pnina to tnakej men good ? But if he was not t iib poster, i. then he has told the 'truth, and we .gust ;beH-V''' lieve him r - " v ''.'V r'?' v 1 "is it possible that I have never seen that ; before 1" was the oniy reply (of the young I Erigtishmart "bgltbu argument sun : deep- "-J -into his heart and when the traveller hadi, '; arrived(ft't AJrjandria,' he received a leiteri ' Irom ffhe former skeptic, acknowledgin' hint ;' ;, as the best friend he ever had., eticourago't,; : V' him to he equally faithful to others, and prays? ; i aa f'9 ass a, iw ivive vmwwsi vwii vii 4 .... . .,--'.r . :;

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