. , ... . . ' ..- - i 4 nrr U -iJliiJikLiLl k' iU-iumviiiiiiUGvi; n PUBLISHED TRMYEEKLY, BY .THOMAS LORIN'GV Ji-iiiyii-- .u 1! QC: C---KD: TflS TRMVEEiiLY COMMERCIAL I la published every Tokhimt, Thossdav Bad ,3Xt- paojir, ft W 00 per annuo;, payable la all eases In ''advance Jfcte iv::,''' ' BYTHO.HA8 I-ORlfG, r JJdlwr and Proprlctoi-. . ' . !. JlS JA1US I. liiiYE, AwocJate Editor, coaxEK or fmkt asd market trts, , -Wilmington, n. c. RATES OK ADVERTISING 1 insertion,- M,50 t sqr. i uwmh, 2 " 75 1 1 ? ; ' S' 1,00 I. "' 6 V" : I manlh, 2,501 I V I yoW, ', 1,00 5,00 8,00 12,00 i :; Ton liaM or lew make q'tttr..- U an advertisa' meat ftceaili ten linos, the prtcs:' will be In propor :AtfsdVrlteH enU are pay able t '! time of their mseriwa,.fr. , Contriou with yeaf ly a Ivorlisers, will be ma4e on the trust liberal terrne. No '.tranter of cjrur ict. for yoarfy advertising will be pefiiMited. Shojll circumstance run Jer ctiaoge in biMinesa, or an untpuctid removal nocee s iry, a ch ie according to the published trms will U-i at t!i j 1 il -m of the contractor, for lite lime he lias advertise J. Tiie orivlljio of Ainuil Alvettisers is strictly limited to their own Iminedia'ebuiinesi and all ad vairtise nant.f.)f tlw beneiit of othqr persons, as well n nil advertisements n im nediattily connected ' With fhelr own business, and all excess of advertise, niouts la Iqtijtli or other-viv, beyond the lloiliscn gaied, vill be charged at the usual rales. N0.1vertUement Is inclulad in tho contract for the salo or rent of housas or lands in town orcoun ' try, or for the sala orhlro of negross, whather tho proporty Is o.waod. by the advortisur or. by otuer persons." These are excluded by tho term "tm th.ile business." Tho announcement of marriages or deaths will be considered as news, and inserted free of charge; but all additional matter, beyond the simple an- tho death of the ttcrson, will be chargad on the Sams terms as advertisiraents. All advertUonmnts insoriej in the tri weekly Com menial, ars entitled to one insertion in the Weekly tree of charee. JOB, CARD and FANCY PJNTINO, executed in superior style. AGENTS FOR 'MB CpXERCUL NRV VoitlC: Messrs'. UaowwA DbRosset. IIOSTON: Pa Bt brick Ktoota. Ksq. BUSINESS CARDS, WILLIAM A. GWYEH, GENERAL AGENT, FOUWAUDING and CoaiaJssioa Merchant. fTAKRoleasuroin Informing my Irlends. that I n-nprepired lo (five all bminess entrusted to me olHihnt int person il attention. I have a wharf for Naval Stores, with ample accommodations, Spirit House, mid Warehouse. Consignments of Naval Storee fqr sale or shipment 1 and all kinds of coun try produoe solicited. Cashadvancesjnadeoncon- slgnments. April 18 1850 15 ALEX. MasRAE, Jr. IMPOHTEK OF CHINA, GLASS, AND -EARTHEN-WARK aud whalesalo and retail dealer In all Muds of :W"m Smith Side or Market St., wtt.miNOTON N. C. Nfyve.h)er,9, 185Q. 102. r J, M, ROBINSON, iMroaiaa STOVEi, KAIL, Ac, fcc, jb'ryntitr.eet,3 JoorfSsuthol Market street., WILMINGTON, N. C. WUmlngton.Maj' 4, lo50.; " T SOCTHM IYI) & CO." . roUMKIUI. ' ' A II -orders In the line will bop&uctuaUy at tended to. l!0RER Mt-LBBBY & NoBTH WaTBH (ITS. wi(vii,saroN, no. oa. Mayie, 1880.( ; ' 27 liwrOliA ' ' ' GENERAL ' COMMISIOE MERCHANT WILMINGTON, N. O. STRICT ..aitentf'M tfiven to pncurlng Freights and piirchaslnijCaruo.esfoYvel sell ... , . ilcpsaseicast ' " ' . (. Parsley, Ksrj Oil. dim Mullve. Wilmlngtpn.pj.c. W,Hsre. Hull ml ft Huntington Mill PeolJ, Ksq.; Raloiljh.N'. C. Onsrs. !;I ill, S tc xott J isoDh Utlev. K. j . . FayettevilU,N.C. vMiUMre.-lamuH Corner A ons.Rallimore , 1 1 ,1'lilledoiphla "! JAIlUhury V Sahdford, j "ow ' ut ' Hiindiig ib'Tttfla, Mon , J. V t t'itcouib.KenncbunMIe. ' Jul? I7ih.l8.10. - , 52 tl WILUIVSDN & ESLER. ' CASH DBALERS IS ' "" ' .CiTifaptlenary, Fruit, Nuts, Toys,Fanejrr , ticUs. Psrfumery, Tobacco ecart, c 4 t WHOLBSXLE AND Rfi l AIL,' v f' V- MARKET STREET, ' " , , WltiMINGTON (N. C. Nor 31, 1850'. y'': " ; . 3 v M.tt , " JOSEPH RBtO&SOtf. General Conmlwloa and Forwardliif Merchant. Fromnt porsnnal attention given to Couslgu ... mento ftr sale or Shlpmeiit, . .' JltidtibtraleaiSadeaneti mad en Grruignmtnt to me or n my mtw eritjtuna, iWllmlngton, Jan.30,i851r 135-nf f'-V Milr-sS BUSINESS CARDS, GEO.' 1IARRISS, . - ; (icacral l'ociiu(ssioa Mcrchaat, WILMINGTON, N. C. STRICT attentbra given to pioearing Krelghi andpurchasingCargoesforvessBla. Kersa TO' 'i ' ' E. P. Uail, Esq., ' 1 O. Q. Parsley, Ksq., . ;,. J. A. Taylor, Esq., , Wilmington, J.U.BoUamy, Esq., Messrs. Ballard A Huntington, J Messrs. Tookor, Smyth ACo., N vntv " Thompson & Hunter, J "ew orK Alex r. uerron, jr., riniaieipnia Messrs. WUIiama Butior, M, V. Ua&er, Ksq., ..: Juh.2.135 ; ? JChinestoB,3.C. 123-tf. General CoinSksioa Merchants l- NortU yharreu, 1 II 1 L A D 13 li l' H I A , llr.YKl TO ilesars.THOs. Watsox & Sos, . i.... r it . L' . f Wm. S. Nrilsos, Esu., ' ROsbrt Nsibso.t, Hsn. H . .,... 'I'.., mo 11,. 1 J. H. Usjwbb, A Co.,JNew . -so. HAsaiss.lisq. J Wilmington. April 5,1350. . 9-tlc. MARTIN &!CR0NLY AUCTrONEEIlS, COMMISSION MK11CH ANTS, G E'NE B AL AGENTS. Wiliuin!ton,N.C..Oct.3 1W0. 33if. J0SEPIJ II. FLANNIR, Gcaan Cuari'mb,. tlurc'iant. WlLUINUraNt n. c, ct.'Jih, 1350. ' ' ' 97-ly-c. WILLIAM NEFF, W:t'JLE6AX,E AND EETAIL DEALER tJT SUii CUANULERV, SHIP STORES GROCERIES, CMUEil )' ,)) : C 4 'V HM5S, STREETS WILMINGTON, N. p. Dec. 7th 160 DER0SS & BROWN. WILMINGTON, N. BROWN & DEROSSET. c. NEW YORK. GENERAL-COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Maroiu? iBDt;. i-j m. 11. Telly. COMMISSION MERCHANT. Next door to A. A. v tnuet's, on North Water st wiJl attend to the sale of .ill Itin.ls of Uountrv Pro, duee.suJli as O.jrn, Peas, 'aleal, Bacon, Lard, Ac and .vill ioep c instantly on hand a full supply of Groceries, 4c. ; ....- ' References. WlllesHall.)f Wjyno, John MeRae, Wilmington, W. Caraway, ' Oon. Alx.. Mcltie. '' K. l. A 111, Wilmington, Wiley A. Walker, " Dec. U, 1B50. U5-ly. SAVAGE & MEARES, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND AUCTIONEERS, WILMINGTON, N. C. BOWABO 8AVAOC. OASTON MEABK May i, 1350. 1. LEIGHION, CIJADBOURN & CO., General Cou:nissiau Merchants. Dee. II, pO- llj-tf. CORNELIUS DuPRE. WHOLE 8ALB AND HBTAL DEALEHd IN Drugs, Medicines, ChemtcaU, I'aiuls, Oil, Oye Studs, Glass, Perfumery, Clgara, Old Llquorti, Vaticy Articles, &c ' MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Prisrintlons oareully compounded by exDer cneed persons. ' aiarctt a, isay. MARINE INSURANCE. TIjIK.inJjrsigned having received the Agency 0 the '' AUGUSTA INSURANCE AND BANKING ' itnHPivv iiiMiir.iiuriVi . Wllllssue'.Polleies on Vessels. Uuritos. Vrelaht A ttas reasonable rates of Premiums as any other In stitution of the kind in the Country. Tnd Capitol oflhlauvmpany isjfiuu, Wilmington, Aug. 18.1859. 85-iy". J, C. LATTA. COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AOENT, . . ' ' ' WJLallNGTON.N.C. Ocf.l ISO. 87 :: n-.lt I sV I AVPV GcJieral Cominlssion Merchants, , BALTIMORE, Will rsciies and advanc on Contipnmntt, and pay jurtimlar attention to filing ordtrtjor produce, f c. Refer to Messrs! DiRosstr & Baowv. ! Mareh 13. '"' ' l53-3m p. . WEST k HEWLETT, Auctlonccrs,ConiiuhsloQSIcrcliiiuts , ' ..- sv:-' a AND t : .-v .' GENERAL AGENTS.. ; v . w WILMINCITOX.N C. !HPouor A tttddar '' John- Dswson, u. uavis, 7 . u. rsrsiey,. Barry, Bryant A A.dttras,K. P. Hall, ueorsa narrisst . ' 1 lh a. a . iaA - ' .. r- : Edc4Catw'll.'V Oct.28. iaso '-vy , WILMINGTON; N." C. SATURDAY MOUNING. APIllL' 26, M 85 1 , BUSINESS CARDS. ADAMS, R0TRER & Co. (Late Barry, Bryant A Adams.) COMMISSION M E UCH AN . t W1LM1XOTON, N. C. 1 Jan. 1, IBS), , ; . ,,; .v,- 5 s,l23;ii ANDERSON & LAMER, m COMMISSION MERCHiiNT$, SOOTH WATER STREET. ' 1 -WILMINGTON, N. C. . Sep. 27, 1650. 82-lye.i a . . . i, ; - LIFE INSURANCE. ; i "PHE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE iNSU. J. KANCK, eootinnssto take Risks on l4vef jn fair terms: ' " UHPfcUa. OVER 1,000,000. .,J. Vi JOSEPH a.BLOSSOMi'Aaenr B. T. ELDER k CO. Commission Merchants, CORNER OF PRATT AND COMMERCE , ST.,UALTIMQRE , Agents for the sate of 1'rovlsloiis, and Amerl- can Produce generally. Also, for purcha'ing Ctlffct, Sugttr, Grain f-e. lo or dcr. Refer to ' Messrs. J. St. O. McRas & Co, ) t " DbRossbt &r Bbown, (Wilmington. " ib'AVAai, & Meases, ) ' Feb. 1, 1951. 135-3mos-p. COACH MAKING. UlMQIKiMKlXG ; JDB3ING W RKP.1IRIXC Ilorao-shoeing, 6tc. done with neatness and dispatch : Corner of Third and Princoas Street : opposite Nix ons's Livery Stable. N. S. NEALK. Wmington, N. C-, April 1 1951. U5-if. J. & D. McRAE & Co. General Commission Merchants, WILMINGTON N. C. Particular attention paid to procuring freights and purchasing cargoes, tor vessels. JOHN MACBAE, OUSALO i!ACUAE, JOHM W. K. DIX. August 1, 1850. BU. MILES C0STIN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, yiLMINGTOIS, N. O. REFER TO ' ' E. P.' Hall, Etfq , Pres't Branch Stulc 1 Bank, ' I Thos. H. Wright, Esq., Pres't Bank L Wilming- Cane Fear, . I ton, N. C. O. G Parsley, E30., Pres't Commer-1 clal Bank, Dec. 19. 1850 119-tf. T. C AV0RTII ; Comfn issi on and Forwarding AJERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N, C. Feh. 19, 1851 . 143-12 m WM. ALLST0N GOURDIN, FACTOIis No. 4 East-Bay Charlestuii South Caroliua., IS PREPARED TO MASS LIBERAL AOVANCE8 OH CONSIONMENTe (It RICE, COTTON, CORN, SUGAR, FLOUR, GRAIN, HA V.&c. IlErRBBNCKS. " GoUSDIN, M ATTHIESSEH & Co ) George A. Hoplev, Charleston S. C. Aionzo J. White, ) Tandy Walebr, Esq., - - - - Greenville1 S. C. May2l,185U. 23-ly-c. J. H1T1MWAV & SON. COMMISSION MERCHANT'S. WILMINGTON, N. C. J. Hathaway. J. L. Hathaway., JOcL 15. ' , ; 91V GEO. MYERS, Wholesale and Retail Grocerf keeps co.nstamtlt on hand H7n, Teas, Liquor, Proeiiioni, Wood and Wil bio Ware, Frail, CdTtftctionarih; dc. &e. 80BTH FROWT STBBST, W I L M I N GT O H, N . C . , Nov. 28. ' 109. ' GAUSE & B0WDEN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND .. GENERAL AGENTS. THOS. F. OAVSE. JOHM C. SOVDBN. REFER ENCES. Alexander McRae, President W. & R. R. E. P. Hall, ' " SmteBink.. O. G. Parsley. " Commercial Bauk. John Dawson, Merchant. r.tfeD: MeRae&Co., P. K. Dickinson A CO. ' Dec. 7, 1850. ' " 112.r. ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co. QENBHAJj COMMISSION MERCHANTS " ' WILMINGTON, N. C. " ' OKAS. . ELLIS,' Ht!RV f. RUSSELL, JOS. . RUSSELL. Jn.25v ' ''' 133. TB0S. D. BARRY. Commission Merchant an dShip 'j:::tt:'"i ? Broker, '; ' " WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan. 21, I860. ' '' 131-tf. D.STUART & SON, WHOLESALED ROGERS, COMMISSION, MERCHANTS, V 1 ; y h; iND &-i ' IMPORTERS OF RIO , COFFEE, &c. ::-:; .'JRXCHANGI? PLACR '.'! .? , , . . , , Opposite the Kxchangs Hotel, ' ,r, f .BLTlalOltE. asrta toi,.- ,.t -,:; Messrs. DoTtaMet &, crown, i Mr. a. Roblnaon, . -Jan. 18, H-j:r-5 'i::c '-.... wi ti--.i ;..'. j Wilmlnpton, 3. Li "Kanrlr.nl nnrl Uehanlrfll DinkL Office over Mr. Aoattnen Store, Market St., Jan 30, 135.0. J.&N.aT,,corrr3m. J 135-if. " FOR HENT. - -1 -Si?:5 A conifurtable dwelling boose near the corner of M jrkl ftnd Uttuiuiftrv Ktvi'' M.ii liliaL rented on aeeommodatlnt terms iltt tke lit ot October next. ' Apply at ibis office, ot to v , Feb. 13. ' ; , hi- RECEIVED PER A. J. DeROSSET. RAREt8 coed Mess Pork -, &KJ 10 Kegs prime Qishon Butler i , , ' i 10 Bum Rio Coffee. ; ! ijSngor lil lihds, and barrels, for sale by - W!UJV H4THAWAr&' SON. MJsreh I. - v 149. STOVES AND GRATES. JUST RECEIVED litirge Supply Of SHIP, PARLOR, CHURCH, AND OFFICE STOVES! or the BEST and most approved f ATTER5S. wholesaled, retail. ALSO, art assortment ol URATES A FURNACES, o!ar. Camphlne, Fluid, mid Oil Lamps, plalii and (spanned Ware, Steak Oishea, Coflbe Urna, Itlg. gins. Tea Trays. Walters, Platform and othsr Scales and a variety of other atii rles too numerous to mea lion. POLLEV & HART. 1 89 Oct. JO. DEEDS FOt SALE. WaranteeDeeds, and Deejle for Mortgageorland just printed, In Correctformand forsakat ths Commercial Office. SPORTSMEN, ATTENTION! JUST Received, a larg assottment of Single and Double barrel, Bird, Dock and Deer Guns, of ths finest finish snd latent style, made by those celebra ted makers Chaser & Soss, and others of known celebrity. Guns of all weights' andealibre. also, Powder Flasks, Shot PouoheS, Game Bau, percus sion Caps, and in fact the best? eollceilon of soons- men's eoods ever offered In this market. Genile-1 men pluase call aud examine. POLLEV& HART. Oct 3 86 ' CILLS OF EXCnANGEL V FRESHsnpplyof Bills.nf Exchnnac, an ciu iV gintinipreasion, which willbe sold in hic:. orqiures,or Doundin Hooks,to order, lust received ; and forsaleatTHE COMMERCIAL OFFICE. Jan.2 133. BIL0Fl,ADINGr&c. HOLIO POST BILLS OF LADING boimti - in Books, and sheets.also Letter Sheets with , Jvarictyof mercuntiloblanks, for sale at The Com mercial O0te. ! LIME! LIME!! LIME!!! ftOflBliLS- Llncom.viJIe White Lump; Also vJLv calcined Plaster. Plostcrlnir Hair, and Fire Brick, Hydraulic Cement 1 1000 bbls. Lime tf-o.if orsaleby Contractorsand Bu(Iders Dco.2?, 1849. 119. B. E. PEtS. BAGS just arrived. For sale by MARTlN it CRONLY. 25 Msrch22. . FLOUR. 1 BBES.,49 half bbls , for sale low by 1JU SAVAGE A'MEARES. March 27. 5. ROSIN STfcAINERS. T7ROM I)To. 18 to 00, of 1 sale by ' ' March 29. superior quality, or POLLV & UKRJ. FOR SALE. A Good family Carriage, suitable far a Hack, of ffood and substantial material, wiH be sold or exrtvinjK'd for a licdY ttugjjy. Apply at the Commtrcial qffkt. NEW SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. YirR hays just received the handsomest and most v v beautiful assortment ut tsncy ever was brought te this or anv Ladles aad Gentlemun are invited Dry Giiods thut other msrket. 10 call and ex- amine; ' Country merchants are pirilcufarly Invited. Or- dera will be promptly attended to. -. We also have on haaaa aolemlld .aasortmeot of i Sprlnaand Summer Cloihln?. which we keePn- iroly up stairs. W have them made tip oursolves. and do not wanl to pay profit to others. We are able to sell them cheaper lhaa any House. '" "' S.i D. TKLLER. '- : March 13. 153. ; n. VACCINE ! VACCINE II AFKW Scabs of fresh Vaccina Vires, In be found if Market St.' Peb.,11, '-it . v. '. j' taw V 7 BUSINESS CARD H0BTMttN ADVKRTISEMESTS. nil - iimii mii . ;' '' ..1. ry. '. - x-. t 'aI.$:: ACCOUHL 13U0K5. PAPER 4& STATIONERY APJlCLri ;: t fuis &vLOfuTiiL, :; " . .! ; , - : 77 Mahltu Ltico, NtsYoi!i 1 i - - INVlTEMjrciHknts.Deslraandsli who icqmre arilclej In rheir line,' to caiTat 17 iWufOrt Liune, New YdrkXVf tlr verratiif olBlanK Ifcwk, Vatter and Stationery, at fsrrMtrV. Diis. -Ms w buih uunufaeAira and Imnort nil oouda In our Jin 1 wo nro enabled io sell ehep ami wife ImSueenncis 1 4t arivftle dwrWiajifl lie frciBit'of to buysra. OtdecoeniuMioB. lllgLlti iWM vUifh t .Ut0fl rgf , te c- for all kjnda of twislnse'. B,hki, Pubje Offite, ,i"1' to tl"B re deposed to bo wis 1a County clerks, attstrf boosa wlihN'rlnied htadlnj; 1 i'iori. " ' , . ... forLoajes,DivUionsandotherj, Hotel i'.oaisterf, ' - A noble Jooiting young mart, n (fi feyneat Time Book. Notes, Dniis, Copy fs3 sad ikiucn rtft1e ,,.f efcrilf merit," Was pftrirHa dwn rsodum Bookas LE as ,'" ' ) itmsritrjf rooi, m 11 fit of the mir-it pftssfrin- By iha ues of Fusncls tfanlfrid' UUcr writer, ! p'ainf Nrin under eVno frijhlful meftf il Lriterssnd copiossis wiltten at tbesame time; itio fdiMnw ! 'f J fcJaflMtent waa clcaejly fjj Ink i.eonialnedtiittheewttlieprwnsvsrvreara otiii! luticUiUitl Uitftt seermd t fit a show of boih -xpeuliiousaodwonornlejili prlte.ll, 2. Juxnry m J's tuWfilarid aUperfeapf etotimmt. 90 J - CROTON INK. J 1 No T Ki suid. it w not loo lute oW.iauot If vou want flood bl.iet wriUna-ink il Vro-i 't gone f The house, J,efumi'lor., the 1 ion; ii)w trcdy irom tno pen ana reiamsits i-i!ur, on ; ft frc-iy from the pen and retainsits i-i!ur, nlMlintelllii,t:iirinlneurt4epyinglnfcs. "1st, aniline una enpvineinn PAPER rt l'ATidNi-air All st7.es itnd styles ot wilung i'af st Mtllpnre; 1 I issue, (.oi'.ri , Urnwirg ano i'e.lor iforatcdptiprr.Ha-J velope, Gold i'l un, Note PnjJers, Hero Hooks, I'orlloilios, Cn !s.qiim,wx, aic$. m nw.11 thesrnen, n ...rtrinns Uk a .iUufat j ilie rrrtamly nf ItC, u'M fce ha awaljowr "y0"""'',1;, WrdrM-altsavv that "; ,r" From ibe full sise'10 tht "anwlk'st poeUiedrj ' v'F'rtiTiie wiRfnvor m iWw..Tll.ficW lln ontjiiiii A 1 1 mae Tlmu and Inu-ust Ta lest,! ff.iddfM catmnl he thrft cvef rf,Y. airrery." I a apuce for nimm miniums for evrry d,iy In the vra "V"au 1 ' rroiessiiinai or rriva-c, FRANCIS & I.OOTRKL, M.inuf:eturiii)t Miiillbtisir,. 77 MjuI. ii i;unr,.. V, i.rwiB Fmiscib. Ctii's li. I.oumrt, May .5. oI-u.Lt if. RUBBER GOODS UNION INDIA RUBBER COM P.I.N V, 19 Nassau St , Ne-v Voik. Manifui'lirn arm niv( for sals on faV'aiie!erms the largest stock id "Goodjcar's l'alcut Je4a!lic ItubUcr Ci(?" in A nunc Warranted to slutij all flimuUa :--coa, sistlng of CoaiH, t;loks, I'aaehos, l.t'j siin, P;.r,ts. Cspn, Satr Wcners, BlnnketPinnr. end 'Fable Ci ers, Crumb, Carriage ;ind lloise Cloihs, bailors' and Traviilliii liii', Gold Diggers' Exploring, an I Mil itary Goods, Dlvin? Dresses, Briwt I'umps, Syrin gc:s snd article for Dru;gl) and Stifi'son. F-ngloe and Factory iiusc, Gas Ttiblog, Horse Fenders, Konnp's I'ulent Premium Cow-milker, Machine Belilnp, Dolls, Toy, Life Preservers, Cushions, PU. lows, Beds, Whips, Bridles, Wagon aud Boat Floats. Boats, Knapsacks, Cuoteens, Wmer tanks, Fails, F!re Bucket', Ac. Articles fur llio trade made to Order. Jan. 1G. . 39-3m- SA8II, BLIND... AND DOOR 4 AGENCY, Formerly conducted by Guy C. flotchkitt. rpHE pubilvare hereby informidjhsi 1 bave been X (ippoin'sd egent lor the sale of Window Sash, Blfndaorra Doors, manufactured by the New Ha vrn Co,, and a in pVparcd to fill allorders lo the sbo re line. The imnlity of the wotk of the New Haven Co. Iswrfl Known In this morket. Builder! and all prsunt in want of. the above articles, are requested in send in their orduif, und they will te promptly filled, Terms invariably cash on delivery. WM. A. GWYER. General Agent Commission and i'uricarding Mer- dianl. April 13. PINE OIL! RcJu.tti m 1','icC a ( If PINE OIL! 1 impnvd in- (iuiutin. JJIM Oil. or : ri v ir.dnul.ictore csn n oijratii'.--! e 1 the store of Mtr. I'ollev & Haiit. and wil be furnished to uolomera by my Wsyn ev: : y TucS-d-iy, Thtirday, nd datnrdjy, a' (he 1 :--lu c;t pii'.'e of I-Vrty Cent pur Ballon. Warranted superior to any oilier for sale in xV p.ae. f.( 17. 1850. A. 11. .VANKOKKEI.EN. CAPE FEAIT , . , MARhNE jiAIBWAV ' '" A,0 ' SHIP CutRl E NT Ell TNG. & ; . ' M:' i l-i-.vi,it;.i rPHS subscribers having nwc;uirS itu thciillo - I rlri ne Kail'.vav, are iif.'parel to i.tltc urS 'Vessels! donaly thoBi aitnluive Mtistuur,., both a. jowwhed along the pavement rlati-hin the ehsrgea and workmanship. Tin v havo large tuice ' duood hXJUt closely m bis grip? anil rBa employid, whiih will enable ihcm i perwim all king; JtRw beS of fcfa Wayta Ate" gambling -work.ltl.tlispaieh. . house', whewy williirt thtfaix month pastr.h- ,Tftey are also, pr.-pa red to build toy. sUeeswl.i ,.fl(f been fleeMd af hiaMitir fitnn. a iv l ''f s 1 a u vii n , nnu j i IvAm , IMlrl' 1 ' 11 n t A V I. n.l t'JI wsrroni thai thdrwor!: will eompari fsvomhiy with , any done here ot e:lhere, und upon as reawnable ' terms. Always on hand a larirp stock of T!w'' r. &c.. SAMUFL-BKeTRV & O.N. RarsR to ' P. K. Diclins'in, )" DeKossel & Hniw;, I Barry, BiyaiitJt Adams, :-Hlhi!.i.n;, iv C Ueo. V. . UrfVis, 1 J. 4 D. McSae. S Co.. ) June27.18i0. 43 12rn. JEtVELRY! JEWELRY ! t .our.try. v- ,hi ti;nl. m , 11 d.i,..I in th ahri. tiJ ... " :ZZ;tito ,h r,,, t . i. . .... ..a . ftr.u.. ri.Ali.wf . ... f... ... . Ilia iitttvit"iv " v tf.-v tvoMT.u ...i t.uw- ... lit kii .fnftas inil h.wtLt.r.Bi n. .... J t we M i four be sUs to iSiaa ol the aiffATatahkf ;.St.( Wi jr.ifij:n, M "tt- ? i-i-,...,, j ; ou hali set ¬, duugfttfr., ,ArtJs - & jdiJMMM" I-? ItMi&ofii'd f 'M U , rfoaps, fnpetieicd, fiti" - ' - i. ridiralvereekb-tK tediret, CJnnvf appall , JTJSTeecived, from the Nortji, aawf-j;ll-er.l rMtVi'trwf. 'Ha wHl ;! rrt;.nt ' tent sss'irmipnt of fine Jewelry, Unld and SUver ' V " . j; i,T s j , ,t !, .m fc Watches, Clock, Plated Ware sail statical Bntt,1Vi t-i h - o co. . ( m whlrli we woi:ld call tho ai.tniluo ul Laiies sn f uaatid thaOniaca. "?" J ? c t i"ns of iliniij'.'lon sru sotiuiiiilflir I conractent Haitian i despatvb, at ih Miortcai noiio,vrf dsscilatwn of j Mgr.t, dacgWW.J: na aHUiy . departed, U . ; repsirinj rco.uii!ie todBst sod acdhc'tsly lime.- i tikte of grsat CXfjtemei.t, i ,."a A - . Chronometer Horltonia, p.,pk,; tever, ktpeatw .Kaifaa fco -oll?.-iva; jf - Aei,milU - eIBoxes,jiromptlyandoa wotkmacjiite manctr table, Vwh;b r c4d rjva.r;n;e prcrf. reoa'hed. and wtnram'erl to dsasrbv- ' " " ded Tbetfearj WlTo had etneea him of l& r.-;i.tt EOWKttfl RROTMRrt . J I WHOLE NO. liili ' U "J??Pi-'r 1,1,1 ' faKerwi 11 m 1 . ..: TflE PINAMIIIiOWr ' r ' ' - J THE' OAMBLER'3 PEK1L) T fREd rs , On a cold winter flight, many years go, wlion th fttmotis Croekfbrd mniiiiained hii uH?Ht'ficient gtmwa-hooHv hr the very heart 01 AjODo-m. a ijiho oomesuc scene fraermet- . . 1 i . . . T ' J ? f horsea. tfifr platt. filf lh 'persortaf chifllKf rnoreea. iiir put if. nn mo pereonai emiwn !re covered, saerifiBif (fewored-bat '(hat Jot kel is It ft us. It's a merri h.oht lnt tht vutufe L iiiarHy ncJ2!i."tt)oI ; It. vi j nrr . nioUKr bjl ljoro 14 nooiher ftofti- man .rK ill tin !iu ioiionreu iHie.. truh j il will f, kjiov I ahull )nM.RNllv'R'' cr(aJfl sltftti frtw;r ndy now iliaUSw &. 41 ' it. rikuu'uf'. t ult a Mimoa ' A lovely wemftft entered ilr? drawing-ropm at fhi'norfiPr)f: hut 9t wn pnfe ns fh,wa-ter-lilynnrlijeJilnntly disireiwerf. v 'Alftttl.' airtl fh gentle. wifo," fr bei ri- ihsrirt ACGcma, 'I o-Weary with1 wnichlaj . l.if ou. You i.id not return. inU eighv m upronwd.' 4 po, no I was aetamcj . t The lime ha brcn, AW-erf, when you ! ivou? not fenv yoof wifn to her fonely pil i low not I do not chidd to -Yoa ftavft ciimtf brtelt again safisly, and f ani J Imppyi- You will not go out to-night, AlfreilV 'Ye. s 13 imt sr-llat k, EIouwei-fJf:l''i - tlitf'poor wile beserchujgly; 'do do fiat leave me aoaoon;again.,n'!'--':.; J Elotiise P reapondedlfiii hrjaba'affcrrjy, 'I mutt go again! ThU U my last Visit thfrre.' 'Oh Alfred t What strange inlatnatiotr.' 'Elouise, I nm done with it, front thi night forward,. JBe tny fortune whaiU jmay, I tell you it )s my last vntare-o hefp toe God !' The wife gazeil trpoo.Iicryouthlul hoa Barid'a face, and the atrarjge itMtiiitK lit lip hU loll dark ye forbade Rjfthe chtitfonj aha knew be had resolred por temptitig' fato once wore and O, .how earnesiiy did aho hope and pray tha lhi ngbt really pallia last error f '" - " tt ' " ji 'Who aelt, Eloise whithia etrange bank e r U, that has thus robbtd me of every shiU , ling I ever ponseased whence hesccomea, Or ' where he acquired hie accursed dexterity and cunnihgt 1 k do ty notnor Ja he known fn London. There la a slight of-hand with him he ia a jdgler a devil, Eloise I and I must he even with him, I tell you 1 mutt V A sigh eocaped the sad wi(e'alip'-aiid tht hp.s lien oi.iy reaponte.' -i w , , . .Now. Klowe,' continued the : feestandyap- pr.-mchinu: her. ond placing hi baud about her tuck, i; a sttangtly earnest and:' excifed , iinsnaiT. 'us i fi'ava tot J yoo, atj wqcr all V ivo ilu3$Kw,A. n tin Word, he quirky iriw; " i Irtjni his iivck the ehtferinfi' .di.'tmi;r'l . i w kct. which enraat d her motherV 1 mhi?- , A wild, mad, ricfeiitrg cbrkii wefclro Ituiu the .lutis of Eloixc, k $14 saw i)M "7 preview memento of 'bved ftndJot,, . i ' lifr''iHlir.e'gi)'t, - t fa.l preswitTieuV ' ' f tliae rVjtyf tdr from Jicr po:sf4.- . Den-er lihn h"er dr loji tfm vaftipd ff,R t " the little aocpepffiP lliat Alfred 'woulilvbts " ' driven lo tbie extreme, h ' ik. .Ai-( if O, A It' t'd I riHusband I tl not fob me ct ihul fSieiiitlu;i fttfl Ptcrifd the wife- - 'Do'ffb Tot !ik uiat ireuwrt : Aiireu one moment ' ITiit tin fchj ffm, T.fkrt mnJunL a. fr.iR- . .rf... hr. v. 5.. n... . r J" . As he feu the door ot hu hdttoci aft oil ' man entered 1t He waa intimate Fa it. a ' fttiBily; evldefttty! ibf he found lir Way tit' tonre w thfl. dwiatr-roorsr. '.unanrTur.'rrd. ' .As the BtiansfacefetefvJ.t .oia oJ,e4 ( I',athft fatln-r 1 1 II re J o ta vim ?', t -. 'diiuihierbe 'caita. ' Tin i:t(to"- .-V . ! i 1 Writ ii:H ov.1 I Alice eetfi kf.n j he t tr J " i hi Ka) t( ttie"dv-ft ti'hcrt ha hie tacn'Stei". n. inUt iiKftM hete, l-niihtjl um aa'tafietl, : ht w ill nitke l.f last visit !' 1 - , .' - i . ! I P. ...-! ' A.i IS .. .' k nni aifaii j'JSi jivan wu-t . iu'ise Ju;eHy itfjra5d bf part nl nct3eed tiitaeclf.gf )sr nioth 1 ...i hiMMirt,CK..'..MK.. .t. P'lTri ,u.TrJi, "V''," ; icre, whin ue new waa s.-i,in.a t hjciret cf ;; Cr.l rriiarita -ana, liPf.iC.uIy north : or;s two , ?ftncro cou.jub. s ne , .aiwir suu 'good satricorf, wi:h;a tne preview tt'i ynr r ''.i-VisJ.'. ':- .1