' 1 ' ' " l ' ' " . ' 1 HI ' ' ' ' - I Ml I M: 'A Ail : --. '". ' v. - . I 1 i 11 1 I ! : I I .-- I J 1 1 & J 1 i 1111' i 1 , . ,..g!HMaiWaSmSIMBgWyWP"Bag PUBUSIIED TRM7IZIILY, BY TC!U3 1CIU5G. ' irjij-uu'ir.'.'L . VOL. 6NO. 30. WILMINGTON.: N. G. SATURDAY MORNING; MAY 24, 1 851 ; r- WHOLE NO, 793. -1 .It it .-iS I, 1 t V ,. S ; THE TM-WEESLt C03HIEECUL ' It published rrf Tsusav, TatsspAvand Sat iimi, at K 00 per annum, payable ia all earn In v advance " ' . BT THOMAS LORINO, ? - Editor an Proprietor. . y ' ; ItESf JAMIN I UOWZ, AaaocUte Editor. coRNia er raosi and luacct aruiTS, 'HATES 0 ADVEBTMIJfa. tut. I iatntion; f 0,50 1 1 V. moatlu, 4.Q0 i Hi- l, ' .L00 I " ; 8.00 I I month, f J.Mt -.7f l.00 Tea liow or leM ma fqur. ' f,ia adTrtia mtat tseetdi un Uom, lb jpUcawlU ptopor- tloo. . . , ' . ' . i Alt adrartiMinenti r payabfe at th (Tou of ihelr tnitnloD. Coatracti wa yearly ait ertUere, will be made on the moit liberal torme. . . .. . . Mo iraaefor ofontrct for yearly. aderilelng vtll be permlued. SheOld tlroumltaneea reoder a change In baeiaeaaajijiMxpected removal nece aary, a charge eccordlog to the publlehed terme will . beatina opUon of tht ooatraeior, for tha tltno ne " hai advortUed. M ; ' ThV;p;Ue?A)wntAdertliera V atrlctly ll.nltti o their own Immediate basioeai t q4 all ad ertieipati M the benefit of other pereoqt, well i all advertisement not Immediately connected with their own boelnete, and all exoeaa of advent! inanti In Uogib or otherwiao, beyond At umtta en- ' iised. will be ehariod at the ueoal ratee.' No aivertlsement U lnoldd In the contract for the aale or rrat of hoiuei or landa In town or coun try, or for tiw orhlre of npc, whether tba property ,ti wned tfthi adrertteer or by other poraona.'-': Taew are excluded; oj toe wrm maw- 4iaU hutiites$.n i Tf $twpuflcffieiit of.njarrlgeor deatha will be wnfllderednaftewi, and Inserted free of charge; bnt All additional matter, beyond the iltnplo an- flbuncement of the death of the person, will be charred on the Mine termi ai advertisement. AN advettieementi lnterted in the trii weekly Com mercial, are entitled to one InterUon la the Tukly free ol eMttt'Jtm JOB, CAEUaod FANCf PRINTING, executed in auperlor etyle. AGENTS FOR TUB COMERCUL NRW VOttK i Meter. Baowa eV DaReeeaT. BOSTON t FaaoaaicK Kiapaa. Eaq. BUSINESS CARDS. illlllll l,11'1 1 ! I"' 1 I 'I . I l l if 1 1 i l WILLIAM A. GWYER. -GENERAL AGENT, FORWARDING And CoaiLissioii Merchant TTACSplettortl taformlagmy Wendt, that I a. ampr flloint am prepared to five all 0","l-tSrS,duce. euch at Corn. Peat. M eal. Bacon. Lard. Ac. stent anUpwaonaiaiiewMHi. i mhi www iia.ftl o.uio., v "-r 1 : Hmm. auii Warahouta. Contlanmenta of Natal ri o.uio., w.. -r - - i r-- aliorea for eal or thipment t and all klndt of coun try; oroduee aollciiad. Catbadvincetmade on con- Jignmenti. ' April 18 1880. 15 t ALEX. MacRAIVir ,v tMPORTBK OP CHINA, GLASS, klfD EARTHEN- ad whetetal and retail dealer In a41Uu4e of South 8ld of Markf t t, ' Nvabr,9,185Q. : h H. ROBINSON, latfoattH ahic im tw HARDWARE, IRON, STOVES, NAILS, etc, Ac, FoaAiireet, 3 doori Sottiho! Market ttreet., WlLMIHOrON, N. C. Wilfntnffton.Mar4.ia50.- . 12 T. SGUTHM1YD & C0 r.NGlNEBSS, BUCmilDi, BR41I, lJ(D IRON Alt or den la the lino yltt be punctually aU I ., ,,. Ml , . x-.Tj Muueuw. OoftNM Mpt-tdt & North Wate Tt. . . WILXIMOTON, NO. CA. ; WILLIAM M. QISUSS, .,'ir. ' u GCNERALi 1 v -C 0 !I M S C 1 0 Ht H E R c a A M -T " WIL'T U'ON, N. C. vT.IIST tttenuon t proeurint erit Om 1 DarohaelnrCargoetfoivaawla . lUraaaiicMi . ,wr . -v . TJ .li. .'era .'Kao ' . '? 1 :(' Col, John Me Rap., ' .- u WllmlBtp,W.0.1 M)art. uaiiura ituntini toa.i wntri. uaimm ituntingtoa.i Will Peci, Kaq.. Raleigh, Oottrt. Hall, 8a are. Hall.8aoltttiCo..B."..-m-RT r. ) jBcph UUey, Eeq., r $ ' M"-'"'- Jliiaara.Jaiuet Corner A Sone.Raltlmore. ' R. A: Soudar 0(i..Phlladolphla ; Thomptoa A Hunter Jvrk v ,M puubury 8tndford, J r orK Huntlni ATuftt, . moo. :. . , - P. rUcomb,Keun.thupk Jt. Jolt Itth. 1850. 52 tl WILUINSON k ESLER. '(Cf- " ( tlpnarr, Fruit; Nuta, ToyB.Fancy Ar 7 ' ti . .cj. rertumery, tobacco, secars, vc., lW9il?.?AZ AWW K 1 4A., TWABBtT BTaCBT: ' ; WILMINGTON , N. C. NovUM850;.'v yyvf;yf:' ;io.tf; lOsiofal Ca JiKlnha m J ForwarJIn? Kerebiot Prompt personal , attention given to Conalgu " mnta.tar sale pr Shipment, j4lter(4aaiaV m ConiAmit (e ,ng,p; BUSINESS CARDS. ; ? ceo, mRRiss. r General Camkion Uerchmt, WILMINGTON, N. C. 3 QTRICT atunUoa (Wen piociutaf Prtlfhi kj m puicnaaiDg uargMtiorraaMia. 0. 0. Paralar. Eao.. J.A.Taylor.Eeq., VTIIUfta. J. D, Bellamy, q., s- aleaart. BaUard Uantlafton, MeMre.Tooker. Smtfti Co , Mew fork. i n u mi. if Meter. WdliamaeV utlei, Irt.tL, n H. P; Baker, Gm., . "JvwritftoB.C, ANDERSON & LATIMER, COMMISSION MERCHANT8, " SOUTH VVATKK STRKKT. W ILMIUQTON, N C. Sep. 27, 82-1 y-c. LIFE INSURANCE. rHB ItfVTUAt, BEXRFIT UPR IN8U ttANCt. continue! to take Ritka on Uvet jnfalrtermi. SuReLUS OVER l.OOO.OOO. J036)PH R. BLOSSOM, Agent. Dec. 12. m. - 53-tf. MRTIN & CRONLY, 4 UQTIQNE8RS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GNEHaIT AGENTS. WUroIPgton,n,C0t.3 16M. 8if. JOSEPH D. rLANNER, Goat ral Commission Merchant. Wilmington i v. c. 10ct.9ib.mO. 87-lyc WILLIAM NEFF, V30LlESiLb; AND RETAIL DEALER IN SHIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES 4ND GROCERIES, CORNER Of DOCK WATRR STREETS WfLMINQTON, N. C. Dec. 7th 1851 PEROSSET & BROWN. WILMINOTON, N. C. BROWN & DEROSSET. til NEW TORK. GENERAL COMMISSlOHrMERCHANTS. aa l I Oat a eBirCUI g IOBA. --T. GEO. U KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Next door to A. A. WaoneH'-s oa North Wlr at- Itl .ea.M A ah. .r .11 r rA.a.u ujilii in tuiuttif k..i full .uonl of urocenea.Ai:. Refereacaa, WilleeHall.of Wayne, JoltqACeRte, Wilmington, W. faraway, ' Ue. Ala., NcKae. " E. P. Hall, Wilmington, Wiley A. Walker, " Dec. 13. 1880. 116-ly. SAVAGE & M El RES, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AD AUCTIONEERS, WILMINGTON, N. C. DWABD t AVAtB. CAtTOH MBABBB 1. May 2, 1850. LEIGIITON. CHADBOURN & CO,, ! General Con mission Mercha nts. WILMINGTON. N. C Dee. 11, I860; . , UJ-tf. CORNELIUS DaPRE. WBOLE BALK AHaC7AU AEAiJER lit Orugr Medicine, Chemtcala, Falnti, Oil, uye biuqb, uiaat, i-enumery, uigara, uta tjiquor, rucj Arnciet, etc,, MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON N. C. Pretwtptloni carefully compounded br exner enced pertone. Sarebza, itsog. MARINE INSURANCE. THE anderigned tiAviag reoeired th Agencjo AUGUSTA INSURANCE AND BANKING COMPANY OF AUGUSTA OA, -, Wlltlaeae Pollcltt on ttuih. Ctrgot, P,ialg,t 4U at at reatooable rate of Premiunu M aay other An- - rr i?wpi; i1iSnln rf,rWM'WMW,:. nittt w.t4tM ' iftelk 4 aaTi- wlImI$tpn,Aflg. 86-ly, n', vwm J. C. LATTA, C0MMW210M MERCHANT, J AND Glj.fiiB.KAL. AGENT, WILMINGTON. N.C. Oed.l ISM. , 87 HALL & LONE Y, General Coiaalslon Merchants, BALTIMORE. Will rtcttpt apal eektMca m CoMtfma4,a. pop poHiculor oltotoort to filing order for product, if. Reter to Meur. DbRomit Baow. March 13. v.. IB3-3m p. WEST & HEWLETT. AactioneerSjCoBiDtssion Merchants OZNERAL ' AGENTS. . . :. i WILMINGTON. N C. trr to ". , Potter Kidder, J John Dawson. A. W. Davia. .1 . O. O, ParaU. ' ; Barry, BiTiBt(A(lamK. P. Hill, .. v : , Goorgt HansUs y v? Edward Ciptwell. BUSINESS CARDS. ADAMS, BROTHER 4 Co. COMMISSION MERCHAN fc WILMINGTON, N. C. ' COACRIIAELNG.' f G01CI I4K1S8; J0881.1G 1XB KKPl!tlS3 tlaraaafcoelnt. taw witu Mainaaa and Cower wTUrd andJPrlaceea Siteat j oppoilte Njx 1 - "bnai Llverv Subte. i 1 N.S.NfiiAtS.r mimlagtoa, N. a,jApra t t8&. r Geieral Canmhsloa Merchants, t WILMINGTON N. C. . Particular attention paid to proeurtng frdghta aaa purcaaauig cargoca ior Teaaeu. ; jom atacaaa, mualo macbab, jombt w.k. mj. Auguet 1,1860. 69. JUILES COSTIN. COMMISSION ME RCIIA N T , . WILMINGTON, N. C. ' ttrsa to E. P. Hallj Btq., Pret't Branch Stale Bank, . Tboa. H. Wright, Eiq., Preal Bank Wilmlo ton, N. 0. 0. Pareley, Etq., Pret't Commer cial Dank, Dec. 19. 1850 118-tL T. C. WORTH : CowmlssiOD and Forwarding MERCHANT, WILMINGTON,: N. C Feb. 19, 1851. .. 143-12 m. WM. AILSTON G0URD1N, FACTOR, No. 4 Eatt-Bay Charleaton South Carolina, ib raarABBDTO makb liibbal advamci on cowiiawMtirre or RICE, COTTON, CORN, SUGAR, FLOUR, , GRAIN, HA Yk4. RBrratitcBe. , -V'vT' J' QaoiDM. M ATTMBtltM A CO I Gaoaai A..Honir,U L'MMpnA 0, AloksoJ. Whiti, j Tadt WaIUBk, Etq., - - Greenrflle S. C May 21, 1860. ; r 29-9mo J. HATHAWAY & SON. COMJUISSIll H ERCHANT9 WJLMNaTOX,lfC. 3. Hathaway. "" J. L. Hatha wdv. Oct. . sr GEO. MYERS, ; Wholesale and Retail Grocer, EBBFB COMtTAHTLT ON HAND Wine, 7Vo, Liquor; Provitimi, Wood and Wil low War, truu, lntftetumanto, fc. oxc BOOTH rtONT eTBBBT, WILMINGTON, N- C. No. 28. m. CAUSE 4 BOWDEN. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND GENERAL AGENTS. THoa. r. OAtrae. john c. bowdxn. BBraaaNCBS. Alextnder McRae, Preeldent W. dp R.R. E. P. Hall, " State Bank. O. G. Pareley. M Commercial Bank. John Dawaon, Merchant. J. dr. D. McRae Av Co., ' P. K. Dlckinton dt CO. " Dec. 7, 1850. ; ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. i CHAB. D. BLLIt, UBNty f. BVStlU, JOB. I. BCttBlU Jan. 25 1851. . 1?3. , THOS. Dr LUIIBTJi Commission Merchant and Ship ; Broker, WILMINQTQ& y. C. Jan. 21, 186.1- 13lrf- W.G. BROWNE, PORTRAIT AND MINIATURE PAINTER; ' REQUESTS pereone who with w hae Portraitt to vlelt hie Gallery In the ME4e HU, between the hoar of 9 and 0 o'clock. aprii p. , t . -ji; A IRCULAlt W ib undersigned beg leave to Inform the a ss and rentlemen of Wllmlnston and lu vicinity. dlea and rentlemen of Wilmington and Its vicinity, that oar Sprint and Suaamor Stock of Good are bow open for lnepertlon copaUtlng of the latest styles of FANCY DRESS GOODS, directly lip jported from EurOMaa marteta. The treatest a neiy m 9iua, suanra, omDaviwniuB.3, LACES. LINENS, BAREGES, CAMBRICKS, ee. A. Ae.i too numerous to mepyon. Wa do not hesitate la saviar that t eaoal tp ppy other p the aopibem Btarke ln the teleotia. wfl uu fOnce. We would further add, thsl on of our firm Is eoatlnually ia the Earopeaa market, thai enabling oa to have always on hand thelateet faihiona which ma appear. ' WcthKefms rpotaapely qIci s ,cM before pnrehajrg dsewber. WUitepder our emcer 7 hoi ral oatronacs heretofore, and hope yoa 111 continue th sams. - , N. B. OMtlameaB' stock of keadf Made Clo- Apm24. ' :-y:'f, 17. SUPERIOR SCOTCH SNUFF 1nrVfi.LBS.ia f and 3 os. papers, for sale by UUU 7 . . WILKINSON A ESLER. April 29. - If. GARDEN RAEES AND HOES. ! EGG FRYERS, a new article, juatreeelved, a ia atsortmsat, tad for sals cheap, bv ' - r enTRArr pjuntes.- J MAS.34WN. IWKPa&ner, weaTepcf fti'ly Warm u ddteta C WUmtogtot) and the eanwiBdJn eoaatry. that be hat Bermaaeaay loca tad bimMir ia tki Ue, tad will be btper ta ? 1e the patronage of ant lediea or genUemea bo mmj www pfOCBT IUIBIOI UXi ml tfeMH, ftkeewtny aaemtarailwtrbmily. fe flttterg hrmeeu; ftarn bteioaf ueerieaea la the art, thai he will be eeabled ft fife aatitftMiloa. - flit rtomla at n Lrt"! Faraliure EjobUtajMot, Front Street, WUonngtoa, N. C. .AprUi;W8L.'N-;'-'-.. -lf. - STOVES AND CRATES, 4X131 twtmp tiff Sjrppit yfEHIPT PARLOR, ; ANt OFFICi stoves r of the BEST and Tboet approved -i-4ttnir. ' wholetale ft rettli ALSO, an iiiortmeni ol GRATES A FURNACES, Solar, Cimphtnt, Fluid, tndOU Lampa,pltla and Japanned Ware, Steak Diatiea, Coffee Una, Big- ena. Tea Traya, Walter. Utftna and otber Scale an4 a rarloty of other atti clot too numerout to men tion. POLLET HART. 89 Oct.10. DEEDS FOR SALE. WaranteeDeeda, and Deed for Mortgageonland juft printed.ln correct formand feraalett the SPORTSMEN, ATTENTION! JOST Recetoed, targe tttortrnenl of Single Bid Double barrel, Bird, Dock and Deer Gune, of tba nneat nnitn inn latest Btyie, made by those ceiebra tad anker Cbahsb lb Sons, and athars of known celebrity. Goes of all wefehta and calibre, also. Powder Finale. Sboj Poachea, Oamd Bag, percost ton Cap, and la net tba beat police tloa of eport men' rood er offered la thla market. GaniW mpiMalian4 axarain. - ' f OLLEYdb HART. Oct? ' 8j8 BILLS OF LADING, &e. ITtOLIO POST BILLS OF LADING bound In Bookt.tnd heett,also Letter Sheets with harleiT of mercantile blank, lor akai The Com- nureiat ujle. LIME! LIME!! LIME!!! (Cn bbls Llncolnvllle Whit Lump; Also oaicinea flatter, ruetering Hair, and Fire Brick. HydraalieGemejUj 1000 bbl. Lima tf.4fo;taileby J.u. e . B. ayuou. ContractortandBulidsrs. Dec.22, 1860. 119. ROSIN STRAINERS. FROM No. 18 to 100, of tale by a auperlor auaiiiy, for POLLY d HART. March 29. v F05 SALE- A Good faiuwy Carriage, tuiitble far a Hack, of rood sad substantial .material, will be sold or exchanged for Item Uutat. AddIv at the CommtrcialeMct. July!. " - 48. am SPRING 4 SUMMER GOODS. WE hare just received bapdeomest end saoat beantlfiil aiaortmanl at hac Dr Oaoit Ami ever waa brooght to tht or" any other markt, Ladles and Gentlemen are Invited to call and ex amine. ;,. -v .; ' Coantry merchant are particularly invited. Or ders will be promptly attended to. ' We alio have on band a snlendld ssortmentof Spring and Summer Clothing, which w keen en tirely up suir. Wehave them made up oanelvea, and do aot want to pay pront to others. We are able to sell them cheaper tkaQ aay House. m v, a bijtAH,. Match II. 153. HAY. ONE hundred Bales dioarly upectd, by Khr E. 8. PoweH, sad Tor sale by , Ts. 7 GSO. HARRIS8. April 18. 13. CilACREUS. THE f nest lot of Sugar, Soda, Wster, Cap and Butter Crsckera ever In tble market and win b Bma oy pacasge or retail. - very cneasey " ' rwwp Ip AH 4 BLU. 4Rri! M. f 0 TURPENTINE DISTILLERS. PHE subscriber would Inform lh-IXiiflr of m. i vrpeniuu, iai n d now on nnd at htiUoop- A. fikfl. la .Itta M I - . . I sufflclent for the present yea-1 apd that oja jwho War olmlBnillBlaa In Mlflns w.rkr last mmmr mm.v refar upp) being served thla, aa bebae idded greatly w n .wnnvr amnsjeownis ana BavtB senpaoent- nnmimt wnmi ocra, ot WIN B VnaBMf p way should any casks mads by him prot Asd, .bit wlU .Msiwap.iqani, or iiprpn price u sacu casis t alao, from the first of March next, a will deliver them rVee of AaTfL at an nolnt In or arnsnit AViL mlnrtma ; HaMaTka. kta aa.Va .k.u ka .w Jl l.k mhe Imtera A. M., on either head, so that .the work "j w khuwo. n price wm oa u i per iarrej of 40 gallons. Should sny change bemad In tbeae pness, due notice wjll bsftaep (p sbla pspevr - JW'18,'7 ; I23-8m-p. .tow BACON.EIDES.'-,c.:vJ OK HUDS. of Wsstera Sides. For sal by ,1 W v , ; . - ELLIS. RUSSELL CO.4 'a l i- - rvTO& iaSLLt al R9RTRERN- ADVEIITIGIIENTS. fgirAccoMt, Books; PAPER A STATIONERY ARTICLES, Hti' FRANCI3 & LoyrnEV 77 Maiden Lena, New Totk. Urcbaott. Deafen and all wt 1 anlclea la their 11 oa, t call at' 77 Maldea New York. 'We oner every 'arfaty t Black Book, Paper tad Stationery, at vary few 'price. A w bo ib manufacture and Import til raid la ear line wtarttaafe4lol tbasp tod nfcr UdaecBMatt nytra. uraer raeetTe imf"t atieatwft. Far aS kfadd f buelnee,' ttttnitBvL' Ceaaty clerktMCMf feoeka ttftfePrteted kewltagl wwwgea,UJiritwaeanatner. Motel nevtauta, Time kuoli, Nous, a, note, wait, ci. ldAno- COPY YOUR LETTERS I V " By the uee of FrhKirMaalfoid Letter writer, Lttteraaadcopleear written at th sams time; the lnklconulofldlnhit the momvm wear eott bom ipdUloua and oooonical( pries 11,2. 2,60j unu-iun j na if yu want good blaek writing Ink us the Cre loa j flow fr1y from the pen and retain lu color, ats iadsillDle, tannin and copying Inks. PAPER A STATI IONS IRY. AH sites and styles of writing Paper at Mlllprlefj Tissue, Colored.Dra wing and Perforated Papei, En velope, Gold Pen, Mot Papers, Scrap Books, Portfollloa, Csida, Quills, Ws, Wafbr. Steel Pan, Chetemenj Wdltts.Wrltlng Dctkttndsvsry varl ty of Fancy Stationery. ' DIARIES FOR 1861. From the fullCap site to the tutallesf pqeket edl' tlon oomalfljng Aluianae Time and laterest Tabbs, a spec for iMmorandums for every day (a the ysr, Ac, uliabl for business, profestlonai or Private ass. PrkebOe 75c, and tl. Snt oy Milifr. Book Binding ea.cuied In any style. r ttAiwia at LuuiaMi, Manfacturing8tatloi 3Sr. 77 MildfnLan MWIS FSANCIS, Cvaet H. Lotrrasi, May 5. It-Wat-tf. NOTICE EXTRA. WING to th Increased demands of ear Trade J In the following prtlcle we have been Induced Tobacco, Sgar$ and Sooff f til kinde which re tailers and others can select from, si lowest prices. nf LKlNaUN dt baLKK. April 22. 1. SASH, BLIND AND D00H 4GENCY. Formerly conducted by Quv C. Hokkkm THE public are hereby Informed, that I have been aoDolo ed arent for the aale of Window Saab. Blinds and Door, manufactured by the New Ha ven Coj tad $m prepared to fill tl loruere In the above line. The eualify ex th work of the New Haven Co. ia wpll known la this market. Bulkier and ail to send tat their brder,nd tbey will beprumpiiy filled, Terms Invariably cash on delivery. VYM. A. UrVVKK. QtneralAitnt Commlnim and Forwardipg Mtr- chant. April 18. IB PINE OIL! PINE OIL! Rt&iutd in Prut and improved in Quality- PINE OIL of my matvian ae be obtained at the store of Messrs. Pou.v Av Hast, and will be furnished to customers by my Wi on every Tees- dy, Thursday, and Saturday, a! the reduced price of Forty Cent per gallon. Warranted superior to soy other for eals la this place. ucr. 17. wp- A- X WBOKfcKIjFI?. MFE mtt MARINE JJAILVVA If AND SHIP CARPENTERING. THE subscriber haviBBnewcumntRled ihnirlfa L tine Railway, era oreoared to lake no Veaael oi any sue. mey pledge tnrmseivrs that all work done by Ibem shall give satfrftctlonv both as x charge and workmanship. They haves Isrg (pre employed, which will enable them to perform aO wore wiinaiepaicn. They are also prepared to build any size Vessel, from a PILOT BOAT no to a SHIP, and will a hwt sJUAT np to a SHiPt waraat that their work will eompar favoiably with any done here or elsewhere, and upon ft reasonable ierra.-r . Alway on band a large stock of Timber, die. ' - ' SAMUEL BEERY SON nirca to P. K. Dickinson, DeRosset A Brown, .1, ' Barry, Bryant A Adam Wamktgte), N.C, Gso. W. Dsvls, J. A D. McRas.ACo. June 27.1850. . 4.V12nvo. JEWELRY! JEWELRY!! JUST received, from the North, sn elegant end si- tenslvs assortment of fine Jewelry. Gold and 8Uver Watches, Clock, Plated Wars and Merical Bosee. to which w would call lb attention of Ladles and ciiixans of Wilmington and sorroundipg Country. W will eontlna i cell good ia tht above line at price that wU) pot fail 40 tnedt condnHtusc of tb patronage 30 Jbayu jmce(ye.d si we mi com mencemeut a 4iBtoa, sad having new procured p.eeovpefeat assistant, we will In future be able to despatch, at the shortest notice, every description ot repairing requUit te adieu snd aerurately time.-. Chronometer, HorteonuJRiyile.. Lever, JReotat Ing, and Vertical Walcbes. V " ; Jf. B. Clocks, Jewel7, Pf ted Ware, sad Musi esl Aoxes, prqmpily sod in s workmanlike mann WSX BROTHERS (Sign pf, ths Big Wiiwhjt. si, wmiagton, N. Oct. 18865. , ; . ; u.-yr-.-fJ,. : 100-if -. PRINTING INKS. UUTCH1NSQN Cs. ' N9..J3 Sprues street, New .York. Wholesale mouftorer of ih best black , ENGLISH PRINTING INKS. For Sil sad Lithographic PrinrlnsT. and for Fiae look and Job Work, which they warrant u be com. posed of ine purest matetiaM, aed i work easy apesj all ordinary prsa, ---' w , y. ..Ji The combinations la these lake, are sue aa te give a rtchaase tad permtotscy work Mperior t any othsrfnke trow In astv Sold at prkied varylag from 75 eie. t td per lb, put up in etna, and for wsroea weroer, ?t 1 . v. . -;,,., II. eb Co. also mantrfeornra solersd Inks of ever thade sad quellty, varying from f I tottt per lb. March : '.Wakej nul ehM, tki feora to pj, Tlwairbftetajd eooi ., J -t " Bnpnsawiqeaad'itoprayr ; ore you fo to merry play1, 1 Before yajji ro to schopL e Jaeel down ni$yn tb tinAf word ; Altbwttsonpofta) bird, ; Tlrblatlnf oftbceatl awrds, Ths flowers fbat seest lb sir. ..si,. 4-.-: 7.'!U"":; i ; 44 tie. flf.plrt tTa!PrtSs' , AnddwrpeetliHl, WaW batttsd owla btJ to max ' A.M$otlVdaBTditTcs ipufailtgimtQo4. t'' BecaoM pw seed lint, day tad utgllj - To ibleld you uttb bis sra - ' ' TolelpmalwftyBtodorlcbfvV,'t Tp feed your tool and rive it UzU, . I . . And keep you safe Iron bursa. s ' i i m ( : ADVICE TO. PRESSfc; Tbo ronefotJon'of the Veteran Hitcbjalt farewcil add res totbo pobjicf coouiuo a) piece) oi pdrkt to hi brethren of tbo which to o replete wiib tnitb cad soond wi- jjorp, ibti . jri pennotdeny OfTftlfA tm Pleasure of pitqng ft berprf o$r readert: -Da word to ffiV breibretk of ibe pretA. and ! bare tone. They have catted no the veteran of the precratlier Rttebie tn4 all tboae mlabbepltbeu which ietot prfrp Mi miQdfr ir'".tr- tbeia in tbat cbararter Yoa bev a profession, f entle roeo, of ibe bijgbett iaportanc to our fop try; In fact. I d tool tee how great repolkt eaa be lopported vritboot aa iaterntedlaio or 4rao, which phtli. rxiak known Ibe act of their agenio to the people, or the epinloneof the people, to their agent. ; Hot in s tboa nna kyiy the press to of liieatimable tanc to the pebDle. It should, of course! b A profession of bigb honor to. those who offi ciate at it fountain. It wonld certain! f lw one of the most dignified pnrauitf in iocletw if it were eoodneled ki the enirit which btv iu ljnrjoruoce--witb talent, ki"cn dence, t gentiemanly liberality; and wi.b 4lAAnjV . aAr4 AMHAhM(v: mulkllsi m Amm tavvwuvr saai vui wbV -VUtJ l UU one. editor to another. 1 have often asked tho qneation, how an ditore-expet ibe -tespectj" of the world. If they dd not how tome rev SDCt for each other f No rnan Vnnrvm hrttur than: thAfetiffng edftor of the t7foat!ifl &S- I fcaJti, the fMriflCiff, 1h drodgery. v '.th - auenu m pToreswon, avo yet U fi.eccea yot a to overeora thern ail when yoor duty re--' -qjjlreijt. Voa rpqst, therefore, carry I ' your task an indomitable epirit which t it. under 00 ditBcoIir. Yon should fear f but the neglect ofyojjr pjjqee and; i, i re- Kpnj of your own conscience. f on phou!4 ink foryoorselvea, lisieninar. at the eamax line, to every nan who wilf felt jon th truth 1 and wApa f on hare made ud tout . ownopinionAiearrrihern out in the Crtrj ppirit of the iree pres. , p further. Ener gy j npi a aujpcieotly irpp$, Word i Tba , trjje secrej of vees a ererr , ftotmest m tnthprifum. I iroud especially raakj ree- vwriicuu iv yow at curcim uiicniioo IQ your . finances j but in this respect let my f our,? ba a warning,; and oof an pgenple to you. In rpuBinginepe Bflcgeaijon, five you tr.je re- : ooft of a long experience, dear enoult Vv'c eatmpt refru)a C-om a feeling ff adt net Ja nerising lepe art line. Jl i tho , wrarpon b'rf ifinj energy jri any pursuit, of ; ' ife will insi)re suceess, and so it doc s in a I- most evpry Pthff department of human in-"- " duatry but that oi ppwspaner. Yet of all deecnptioD of fgbor, there It poine which can compare in mere drudgery oi mind and band will) fhi)pf the conductor of a public Jn. naJ. TiV Hy Pf ilajf lahorer d,cjycd re-, ' freabment Bleej.o4 i-pieparedwailiL. each rising un to exert with ejiejerfalnc it renewed energies. But tho mmd of a joar- -. nalist to upon .an"eerrial jrtretch. fie t.,i? but hole oppflftiftifty for ihat recreation (ron intercouse wilh menapd booh, which to nee " estary to keen the iatcLlectaaf (buntain full " andireah.; Yet the mere composition ia a v. nothiog compared prjih the reflection, care and judgment which mutt be bestowed upon -eyey Smkf AAe;micb a lib a thitt, we see a vetertonf jyjja proepsjonieft at iheA. ciosjo 01 a longi aper, wim iep woriy good than when be eommtnced Li course. Il thia were a lottery xase it would oojt beso r markaWe a principle 1 but il is notr one out ofmanypimdaf instance. ,1 to raider the bUtory ofactaa than an individaal. ' i Pecuniary obiigau"onatolJitjPnduclQr ,of ffewspaper peep to ait more loeely on ' . opt4"eric than almost aoy other kizi " ' oi debt. Tey will take a paper for year af- , ter year, aod derive all the bene"t and amusrment nhxb the labor aod eutliv aT" itaroqoni ean furntoh, yet thy t.len J teem to tnink that it I perlrcily corwi!ent with honor aqd decency nev. l 10 pay a far thiuf for the consideration they have reeeiv-. " ed. Few persons have any idea Of the er" r- mout expense of large newspaper t.tdl!. V ments. When we take into consjJeraiwn , thot,e,expentes, the email ums whirh com pose the esrzreeate ot newspaper account. 4 1 and the numerous delinquenceeoi subscriber,'. k the wonder to, not that so many oevspaper die. but that any Ure. , - , . v The particular case of Mr. Ritchie to. it to ' - true, aggravated by the desertion, of hi" sr- , ly in we ma ucr 01 tne caotrorl tor toe 1 -ijiic - . . V . .. a ...aa . m " priuung. . u uiey had ttpodv by bint a ne has stood by them, (hbts rnitfit have been a different resell. Whatevet our political differencea, watihnnot but regret that a hie r of (toil should, .meet, wiib audi si requittal.--' !'Y,;V-'rWV.i( JJIwW;.7paWf f"V- 0. HM a,ll WAWMfi ''1JL- , ia Va'