SMS MJ . S.'T ' . . REMAIN OS MARKET.-, ; The water courses are yet very hv awl eon.- qtteittly but little produce can bo brought above - tide way.. , . v "'- -. : TriirrKTiSK. :ow Saturday .un, some w brrrel of Turpentine t.vre, deposed uf t 62,23 jh-t barrel for Yellow Pip. and 82,50 per" Vol. for -rrciu Dip. - ' ' Rosik. W bbfs. Xb. 1 Rosin changed hand at Sl,37 per barrel. ' V '."3 Spibit ToaPENTixE. We hear of no roles since SAlurileyejjiJ, a few barrels which was taken at 28 cts. per allon it is very dull, 26 ;ts. offered, but not accepted, that we hear of. ' !' TU.-?Nutie in market that we are apprisrd of. Tirass.-Ona raft was sold at $8 per M., and one, 4nixd rati, ut S8 50 a $12 per M. Shinolbs. None in market that we hear of. Coat. Cargo of Schr. Ann Elizabeth va cils TlllHtld Tlf At fift ni tu-r lmahol oh' BCbsT Supply fair at present, hams getting '" fc"rcev. -, Fu6uk,A fair supply at present of Northern . Floor.. ' H.iy. 50 bales prime Eastern Hay, were Sold at 85 cts. per 100 lbs.', 4nd a'lot of inferior Nor thern Hay, was sold at 70 cts. per 100 lb'. ' FaesH Bkef. There were one or two good Beeves in market yesterday, and some very iudif ferent; the supply at present is but small. Chjck.ns. Scarce, and much wanted. Fbksh Bdttr, la very much wanted ; good . Country Butter, is selling from' 20 to 20 cts. per pound. For other articles see Table. ' Exports of i he week 8. 8. Lumber ending 21 Inst. 934,491 feet. Staves No. 2,700 Shingles No. 248 6G0 Turpentine' 11400 Rosin 10,162 Spirits Turpentine 1,335 bils. and 50 Tar 1,971 brl3. hhds. brlsi bales Pitch 622 Cotton yarn 22 '.' Shoetiug 34 " Waste 20 " Rags 42 " Cotton 22 " Rico 13 Tierces and 20 half Tierces " Pea Nuts ' 10 bush. Hhd. Shooha 600 Rough Rice 4,250 bush. Flour '21 bfls. NEiV YORK MARKET. Ririhrne days preceding. May 31. Cotton. The sales for tis jtivi are 7600 bales at 7i all. Flour. Southern has been in fair demand for the West Indies und home use, bnt the marfcc Closes dull, with some uetiiuo in rn icns; the sal are 3000 bbls. at if 1.431 a 34,62! for common to god brands. Corn. Has been in good mpply and ftir de mand, and the market closes a litilo lower, the sales afo 125 000 busln-ls, clusinj at 50 a 674 cts. for heated, 671 a 6(Ji for mixed "Western, nivl IT for Northerii ronnd and Westornund Southern Out Yellow; White continues mmce a ii i wanted. Naval Storev-fe notice sales ot 3000 bbls North Countyvf urpentine, (embracing ail here) at 83 per 280 lb.; 1700 North County and JVh tulngton Common Rosin, $1.80 a SI -10 delivered; 200 strained Comiuon, $ 10 in ynrd ; 1000 White, 82,76 a SI per 2'80 lb ; 150 North County Tar, 61,871 ; RrtO Spirits Turpentine, 31 a 3lj cents X that atihe lower rate not to be in good or Uor,) 4 a 600 do. 35. part fur exporfc and in retail hut 86 a 37, all csh the stock on hand is small, and part of that Here is helil for higher prices. Rice. Tips market' continues heavy, the de mand being quite limited, both for home use and export. The sales of tlio Week amount to about '600 tcs. at $'2,75 a 3,C0 ah. ' ' PHILADELPHIA MARKET. May 81.' Col ton' The week's sales have been limited to tome 4 a 500 bales, taken in small lots within rpe range of 9 a II cts. for Uplands, and 9t a lJi'Ctl- for Mobile and New Orleans, on tho usual credit. '' ' Flour. 'The homo trade has operated to a small extent at $4,26 a $4,874 for common and good re lailing brands, $4,44 a 4.75 for extra," and $5 a &6pcr bbl. for fttney brands'. Uom. No change, and 8Q a 4U.000 bushels sold, including Penn'a and Southern yellow, at 60 cents. 4 Naval 8tores. Wo nra only ad vlsad of sales of fcbout 160 bbls Silrits turpentine, mostly within the range of 36 a 88 cts. pel" gallon, cash And ime, and 100 bbls. Tar at $1,75 per bbl.', 4 mos. Ras. About 150 balks Sicily sold at &i cts. per lb., on time. ' Rioe. Is stationary w.'lb moderate silcs to the . trado, at 8 a Z ct'. per'Ib, '' BOSTON MARKET. . May 80. Cotton. The market for tho past week has been very quiet, the sales not exceed ing 800 a 1000 bales and confined to the retail trade at 9 a 12 cts. Flour. Sales comprise Alexandria, $4,621 i Genoseo common, $4 62 a $4,75 ; do exlra, " $6 a '$6,25 per bbl ; Michigan, $4 87 a $4 62 do do. Grain. Tin sales of corn lnvc been mostly in lots to the trado at 62 a 63 cts. for yellow flat, CO 61 cts, for high mixed, and 60 cts. per btinhel for Whlt. Oats, best kind, 48 cts, per busheT. Rye, northern, none. Shorts, 40 cts. per double bushel. Rica Sales 150 casks in lots to the trado 8J a 3 cts. per lb. ' Navftl Stores Th transactions in spirits Tur i pontine comprise 200 a 300 bbls. at 88 a 39 c per gall. cash, and demand at the cloge more limited. Rosin Common shipping in good supply with re cent largo receipt Sales at quotations. Tar Beteral hundred bbls. North County and Wilming ton 1 87 a $2 per bbl. Pitch moderate sales 'eontbtrn tt $1 75 per bbl. 6 mos. BALTIMORE MARKET. May 31. .Supply of Corn light, with a fuir do mand. Sulci at 57 a 68 cents for yellow, and 68 a '69 for white. y Rice, 83,12 a 8,87 per 100 lbs, Flour has it' downward tendency sales at $4, 12. 600 barrels. Bacon, shoulders, 7t a 7t; sides, 9; hams, 9 a 11. A MEETING of the CKIsens Is 'requested on Wednesday evening:, the 4th Inst, at the Com. mlssioncra Room, at Ihu ringing of the Town Bell, to malts arrangements lor tho celebration oi the coming 4:h of July. . . v juuh uAvvaun, ni. p. June J. 43 It limk! ixMi mm infe BBLS Llme, to arrive plf" (s'cbonnrr 3o. ' 1 4t0 IL Flniner, Irom Pliilstielphla.' For sale y y ' ' GEO; HARttlSS. . June'S. - ' , 43 3t. The Genuine . .. .. i 4 article of Patent Yoke Seam - Shirts. TS told tv no oliisrhuui in North Carolina, 1 K. L. Hardin? i C. ol RaWsh, and ourselves.' ! wenavejus.i opemu tew liuntto uirect v..i f Manufactory.. Also, Standing Collars, those ply fashionable-article. ' , - SCOTT & BALDVMN.. MfUit St. June! c J- JUST RECEIVEU. 100! BOXES Sardine! ' ' HI) enns fresh Ijbt-r ' " 2 dos. Sptnl'h Otivt ; 100 dot. jars PiellK-, Underwoods t I cliet extra fine tiun Po der Tea i 20 half bbl. Flout - . 1 do, reaat Powdrri, for al low. by , HOWARD & rEDKA j?.- ! I Juno 3. AND BOUNTY LAND AGENCY. THE subscriber hffl opened inthceilyof Wash ington an AGRNCV for the prosecution of all descriptions of claims against the General Govern ment. ' His perfect knowledge of all the Pension Laws, nnd le place Where are deposited all evidence of service nw , ex tunr,' will enable him to establish many cluims which have lon reiiulni'd suspended for wont of proof and proper attention. lie, th' ruiore, oifers to (he public his services, particularly In the following cases, vix ; ' ' Suspended and rejected cluims under all (he Pen sion Laws : ' i Applications for increase of pension, under any of the Pension Laws, whore the pensioners are dissatis fied with their present allowance ; For nil those widows who received, or who are entitled "to receive, the ten years' pension due on the 4tb of March, 1848 i under ihc nets or July 7th, 1833, Mftrclt 3rl, 1813, dnrl June 17th, 1844,' being those who were married before the 1st of January, 179 4 he will undertake to estnblish, under the act ol Febru ary 2d, 1S48, their claims to pensions ff life, com mencing on the 4th of March, 1943, when their pen sions under the foregoing outs terminated. - For ad those widows of revolutionary Officers or soldiers, who were married after l?S.& bo before January 2d, 1800, he will undertake to establish their claims to pensions foF life, commencing on the 4th of March, 1843, under ih nc of July 29, 1S48. ' To all those widows of revolutionary psnsioners, whose claims liavs been rejected or suspended for want of proof of rurvice ; or those whorare1n the receipt of a pensioa under nny of the pension laws, less than that received by thlr husbands under the acts of May 15th, 189. or June 7ih, 1812, he will ensure the same amount per annum, that their hus bands received, frorrt the time the pension is made to commence by the law under which they claimed or hnvo been pensioned. ' BOUNTY LANq, For the surviving, or the widows, or minor children of deceased oflieers and privates, w ho served in thii WAR OP 1812 WITH GREAT BRITAIN; THE MEXICAN WAR ; or in uny of the Indian H'ar, Hnct I79U. Terms moderate, where the claim is esiu'ilijed, othene !se no charge. The subscriber is also appointed Agent for the Dis trict ul Columbia for the British Commercial Life Insurance Company, EstabljsVd in 1 820'," and empowered by act of Parliament, for tiw Insurance of Lives nnd the en dowment of children, in London, New York and Washinotos Citv. CAPITAL M.OOO.OOO. Communications addressed to the subscriber, Washington, L). C, will rocelve prompt nttt-ntion M. THOMPSON, Attorney ani CtnMt Uvr at Law and Cvmmksioncr of Deeds for North a nd South Carolina. P. b. Refer, if nseessary, to thu Heads cf De partments, and to Members of Congress generally. WofhiiTuton, D. U. May 31. 33-2mo. LNGINEEII'S OFFICE, W. & M. R. R. Wilmimotoh, Mav 27th, 1851. QEALKD PROPOSALS, adddresseii to the un O dors-laned, will be received until the 12th of June, for furnisqing tho Cross Tt -e nnd Trestles Timbor reqt.ired on lorty miles of ihc Wilmington and Manchlslcr Rail Road next to the town of VV ilminnton. Proposal wil ho considered for tho delivery of 10.0U9 Cross Ties hji tliu Company's Wharf near'rli'; furry, and ut the Brunswicft River Ferry. ' Also for 30,000 rotish pine or other poles, twenty foerirt length and not less than four no more than t ijrlit Inches In diameter, to bs delivered in equal quantities nt-'Wilminsfion. the Bridiie on Alligator Creek, and the Brunswick River Ferry. A ri'orv;tU.n of twenty-five per cent will be marie until the completion of the contract. Bond and security to.ilie ainotmt of twenty per cent, of value of the contract, will be required. Further inlormu tion can be obtained on application, L. J. FLEMING Alay 29. 12 J. 32. B1C0N. 1 O BHDS of Western iihoulder3 of superior 1 nualitv, iust received, and for sale, by liLUS, RUSitiLL If- CO. May 29. 32. SUMMER GOODS. MPRI-WF.EKLY Supplies from our own manu X factory, uf the best mauiifucluru ond fabrics, at SCOTT & BALDWIN'S ' Gent's, out-filling EstabHihment. ' May 31. 33. FRESH ARRIVALS, Per Schr. Alarie. BBLS. Juse Genesee Flour (fresh ground;) 30 Bags Estra Family " ' 50 200 ls. of best dried Beef; 3 bbls. of that cxtsa Fulton market Beef j I " " " ' The Beef Is n prime article and can't bo beat in this market, at ' r GEO. H. KELLKY'S. May 31. II. & J. copy. 33. SHOULDER BRACES. MARSHAL'S Lnte improved. A new article lust received nl SCOTT & BALDWIN'S, Market St. May 29. ' 32. , MESS PORK. 1 rf BBLS. New, 1200 lbs,1 for sale bv J J t SAVAGE & MEARES. May 29. 32. WILLIAM M. TUNN0, FACTOR, CHARLESTON. S. C. April 2d, liGl. 19 8n-wa.. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. BRUNSWICK COlfNTY. Nath'i.W. Galloway. 1 vs. I Brunswick County Phisibeb W. BaTAN, ) Court, MarchTerm, Exeeutrix of i 1951. Asu sum Bsvan. j TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that 1 Xthe defendent Is a resident of another State, it Is ordered that publication be made for six week In the Wilmington .Commercial, for the said defendent to appear at the next term of this Court, and replevy end plead to issue, or judgment -shall be entered against her, and tho proprry Hunched condemned for the satisfaction, id the PUilntltr debt. Witness, . ' SAMUEL LANODON. . " " " i (r Clerk of said Court. April 13. 15-,e FOR NEW YORK. . 1 ,',TI1E Packet Schr. Chas. Mills. Cr'- Fran 's' ! lI V'' hT de,iP!",;h for ''S01 frc!?M T iai,,,-. hainff utivurpaatrcu cut'-Hiu- . applv i the Cant, on board, or io DeROaSET & BROWN. 43. j June 3. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. Jt Mi n a il . ma ' it r I i.t t tuf. . i. crif vvion,.AiK.'n, iwwier, , WL curry 10( M, ft Lumber, or 1500 bUU, Ka i s-t3ual Suin. Apply 'o . ;.&D.McRAECo. i June i 43 FOR RICHMOND VA, fi?$ VV,tcoit. VV. B.WInee, Mailer, wi bve fe, despaith as above, for light freight or pass-' ntrA, ... . ne. aoDlv to GEO. HARRISS. :,'33. April IJ. 3i. FOR BALTIMORE. CANONS LINE. -1 A. 1 fast nailing Schr. Corinthian, Wa'n- w right, Master. For freight or passage, ap ,ply to J. & D. Me RAF. & Co. May 27.. ' , S. FOR BOSTON. ; THE Bria Maiamoras, Nass, Man'cr, will I er have quick dispatch for the above port. iignt ireigm or passage nppiy iw & D. BlcRAE 4. Co. 81. Mav 27. FOR SALE. A GOOD Schr., live oak frame, seven years old, carries 600 Bbls., in good order and well found, sails well and Is a good sea-boat . ALSO. A SLOOP Nearly new, carries 300 Bbls , draws little water. These yesels will be sold low, and on accommodating teruu. I R, BLOSSOM. 23-tf. mi MASON & SON'S REGULAR LINE OF BALTIMOR K&WILMISI GTON PACK MS ranee above Line of Packets, and run good vessels regu larly through the year', at lowest rates of freight. j The Agents' 'wharf in Wilmington is in a central : part of the town, and immediately Adjoining one of j the Steamboat Company's wharf, therefore making j it desirable to those who have goods for up river. I Shippers will please direct their goods, shipped by "Mason's Lino." j WM. MASON & SON, Agents, I No. 75. Smith's wharf, Baltimore, j ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co., Agents, Wilminsrton, Feb.. 4. ' 7-f i Fayeltevillc Observer, Salisbury Watchman, and j Greensborousjh Patriot copy 4 week, and send bill (9 this office. CANNON'S LINE OF BALTIMORE PACKETS. THE subscriber intends running a . Z. . ..1... i.i.. r n. k regular weeniy line 01 ncucia v tween Wilminffton and Baltimore, consfsting'of six A. I. fast sailing schooners, Corinthian, Susqn Cannon, Virginia Griffith, Palestine, Gazelle, Geo. W. Robinson. Persons purchasing goods in Baltimore, and wish ing them forwarded wilhout delay, will please direct ttiem shipped by this line. Freights taken on this line at New York rates, JOHN Wi CANNON, Agent, Baltimore, Md. J. & D. McRAE, Agents", Wilmington, N. C. Jan. 25, 1351. 133-if. PATENT ICE CREAM FREEZERS. J UST received a lot of this fine Freezer, the best in use. for sals by HOWARD & PEDEN. May 20. 28. RIO COFFfJE. 1 QQ BAGS prime quality, just received, an4 lOO for sale by ADAMS, BROTHEF& Ce. May 13 25-t JUST RECEIVED. PROM NEW ORLEANS Onnfi BUSHELS Corn ; 4,JJJ 330 bbls Whiskey 176 " Flour; 110 " Pork; 11 hhds Western Shoulders; 75 boxes Adamantine Candles, for sale SAVAGE & MEARES. 28. by May 17. FAR 12 R INDUCED TO 830 FROM CHAR LESTON TO SEW VOKK. THE GREAT MAIL ROUTE FROM CHAR LESTON, SO. CA, r F.AVING the wharf at the foot of Laurens Lj m. dailv at 3 n. m. after the arrival of. the" Southern cars, via WILMINGTON nnd WELDON, N.C., PF.TERSBURO, RICH MOW U, to WASH INGTON, BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, and NEW YORK. The public nro respectfully Informed that the etoamcrs of this line, from Charleston to. Wilming ton, are in first rato condition, and aro navigated by well known and experienceo" enmmandera, and the Railroads are in fine order, thereby securing both safety and despatch. A THROUGH TICK. KT having already been In operation, will be con tinued on and after the firsi of Oct. 1849. as a per manent arrangement from Charleston w NeW Vork. Pusvengcrs availing themselvee f thorsof;' will have the opinion to gontinuo without delay through the route or otherwise, .to stop at any of the Inter mediate points, renewing their scats on the line to suit their convenience. By this route travellers may reach New York on the third day during busi ness hours. Baggage will be ticketed on board the Steamer to WelJon, as likewise on the change of enrs, at the Intermediate points from thence to New York. Through Tickets can alone be had from K. WINDOW, Agent ef the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail fixmd Company, at the office of the Company, foot 4u Laurens-sl. to whom please apply. Papers advertising for the company are requested to6opy: ' , ' : ' . May 29: 32.3m. PATENT DRAWERS A NEW Supply, just received, "direct from our XX Ni ew York House at ' SCOTT 4 BALDWIN'S. 33. May 31. .7 1 J iiianaWi Apply w May 8. THE undersigned beg lesve to inrorm i Mthe Shipping public, that they havejX made arranseinents to continue Ihe3cj ! E2L I 1 THE FAMILY SCnOOL. 'IV WARREN' CO", N FAR LITTLETON DEPOT, HITHERTO under the charge of the Rev. W. Hooraa. will be continued, after the present Session, by the Subscriberassisted by Mr. Thomas C. Hoorca. The next Seasjun will commence on the 1 Ttla July, and the vacations will correspond to those of the University. 1 ", Tssxs For Boys entcrlnf nnder 14 ; " 1 S" years and preparing for , College per - I g. Session, ; - , , . t60f.t Forotbere - llOOj 3 " : ' : J. Dtp: HOOPER. Msy 21. 1931. ' 3Lt 3UU. SHIRTS AND COLLARS. A FULL Supply at A SCOTT, A BALDWIN'S. Kay 2J. - ' . 32. CYPRESS SHINGLES. on nnn uROM,ffii by UtUVJV SAVAGE & M FARES. May 29. WESTERN BACON. It 1 f HHDd. prime hoolder fcr sale br i . 8AVAGE MkARH-'i. May 23. : ;;;n, 32. ORANGES AND LEMONS. - AS ibis acason has now' commenced for above Fruit we are reeclvina large weekly Shipments, an.l thajl be pleased. wr supply the (own and country trado at wholesale er retail. WILKINSON &ESLEII. prim " ' W. JUST RECEIVED PER SC1IR. L. P SMITH 2 HMDS, best Porta Rico S'gar 5 bbls. Coffee Crished . At , GEO. H. KELLKY'S. May 27. J. H. & N. C. Telegraph ccmyC 31 BOLOGNA SAUS.1GES & TONGUES. A FINE lot of Balogna hatisaperf, and smoked Tongues, just received and for sale, low by PERRIN & HA.RTSFIKI.D. " May W. ," y 1 - - 30. fake Notice I and Call Hoou ALL persons who a'ro indebted to S. . Hoffman by note or book account, w ill please call tni settle-by the first of June nel, as the old business must te settled. ' . S. HOFFMAN. IS. & II. CQBV, tf.l . . May 1C. ... 24-tf. SUNDRIES. 1 f jT BBLS. Flour assorted brands; 1 J J 25 Boxes soapi 20 - " Starch 30 " Glast 1 25 bbls. cider Vinegar; 20 boxes Candles; , 10 kegs soused Tripe; For sale cheap by ELLIS, RUSSELL cfc (.'0. May 8. .. 23. BILLIARD TABLE FOR SALE. THE Subscriber offers for sale a Bilhord Tabli1 in very complete order, with all the nscessa uxtiires. J.AMOIUIU. May 8. i ,4 23-tf. DAILY EXPECTED. 1 flABBLS Flour of anterior ejuality, for Bakers mi. ELLIS, RUSSELL dy'o May 20. it TOBACCO. BOXES of Superior Brands Tobnrro. PERRIN 4 11 ARTS FIELD. 20 May 24 . f 80. CANDLES. CABOXES Sperm, At'amantine. and Moafd.C'sn t)J dies, for sale by HOWARD & PEDRr. May 10. FLOUR. 150 BBLS- May 29. Super tine, for nle by SAVAGE &. MEAflK.S. 32. CORV, OATS, PELS, DAY &c. O ( ( fi BUSHELS. While Flint seed Cor 4.JUU6000 '. " Mealing 3000 ' Yellow " 800 ' Oats 700 " Cow Pens, now landing ; ALSO, IN STORK. Hay, Oats, Meal, Hommony, Bran, Horse and Cow feed, for sale by ELMS & MITCH EL. March 15. 151. GREAT CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA! ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONbER. DR. J. 8. IIOUGTON'S PEPSIN ! The True Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice ! Prepared from Rennet, or the fourth stomach of the ' Ox, after directions of Baron LiekiJ, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. 8. Houghton, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. This Is a great Natural Remedy for Indigestion, and Dyspepsia, curing after Nature's own Mettt"d, b) Nature's own Agent, tho Gaxtric Juice. Pep4fi is the chief element, or Great Digesting Principle of the Gastric Juico ibe Solvent of the Food, the Purifying, Preserving, nnd Stimululing Agent of the Stomach and Intestines It is extracted from the Digestive Stormreh of the Ox, thus forming an Artlficiul Digestive Fluid, precisely like the nuinril Gaetric Juice, in its Chemical powers, and Aim idl ing a complete and perfect substitute for it. By the aid of tun preparation, I he pains and evils of in digestion and Dyspepsia "are removed just as they Would be by a healthy Stomach, Jt is doing wonders for Dyspeptics, curing cases of debility, emaciation, nervous decHneeed'ltyspepiie 'coftsMmpiioit, gup posed to be on thn verge of the grave. The Scien tific Evidence uiyn which It is based, is in the highest degree ir.rioes end remarkable. - Baron Leiebig, in his celebrated work on Animal Cliemixtry, says : "An Artificial Digestive Fluid, analogous io the Gastric Juioe, may be prepared from the mucous membrane of the stomach of. the Ox, in. which various articles of food, a meat ani eges, will be tofUntd, thangtd, and digttttd, jusi . w the earns manner as they irouU tern tnt human ttoywK" Half teaspoonful of pure Pemih,. infused or dis Ived In water, will digest or disxtilve Fire Pq'uwh nf Roast UteJ in about tite hour out of (ha. )o . ach. Dr. II oughtonr'e Pepsin, is sold by nearly all the dealers in fine ditigf and Popular. Medicine, through nut the United Stales. It is prepared In Powder, and in Fluid form and in Prescription vials Air the use of Physicians. ''. Private. Circulars, for the use of Physicians, may be obtained of Dr Houghton or his Agent, descri bing theV Whole process of preparation and giving the authorities upon which fhe claims- of this ne remedy are based. As It la not a secret remedy, no objection ean be raised against its use by Pbyiiicimis in respectable stanulng and regular practice. Price in Fluid form, One Dollar per bottle. . . , PEPSIN lis ' POWDER. .' "Sent by Nail, Fret 't Poslagt. For convenience' of sending to all parts of the country, the Digestive matter of tho Pepsin, Is put up in the form-of Powder, with direct ions to be dis solved in w ster by the patient. These Powders con tain just the some matter as the bottles, and will be sent by moll, free of postage", for one dollar sent (post paid) to Dr. J. S. Houghton, M. D., Philadcl phia, Pa. . . v.. . Observe this t Every bottle of the genuine Pepsin beats the written signature of J. S. Hough ton, M. D., sole Proprietor, Philadelphia, Pa. (jrSold by ell Druggists and Dealers in Merfl cines. ':,r'- t,yt-"- ' ' "" Sold, wholesale and retail, by A. C. ETANS A BROTHER! W.H. L1PP1TT Co, and C. Pc PREi.Wllininjton, N.rC. MayI3. ' ' 5 ' ' 25-l2me' DAILY EXPECTED. QX BARRELS Kf). 3 MarSerel. f r mis, by ' ' ELLI4, RUSSELL 4-Co tliy'.O 23. ? PIANOS. MRS. ir.WIHTAKERhasthisday received at her Mnsle Raorn, ' two more tt those fine ROSEWOOD PIANOS warratltrf in every panic olar. ."-,., .. v " ' - All those Imrent of Plana wonM ta wrll Id fall soon at her Masle Room on Slarkel Mreet op poKs ihc K(il.f pal Chureh i Alto, Ptano and Guitar Muic conilantly on hsnd. . -.Wilmington, AIy2U. , 23-lme-p. STILL THEY C0MR ANOTHER Inrge lot of superior Imported Ha vrnnhsnd Regalia Cigars, which sdd l enr terse stock now en hsnd, will enable u ii compete with any house In the Mate, call on ' WILKINSON ESLF.R. PtilJ5. 19, NOTICE FRES1Z GROCERIES p, 1 n KF.GN W lay (iaiier , T . . !U25tKOoflceJ -: . . 25hhde. Sugar t " ; 2 bbl. Cruthcri, Powdered, and Granulated; 20 bot Lof Sugar j .. !" -4 ' 10 boxes Uaysinat ' V . 20 csiie fresh Boston Crackers j' 19 bojiee eweet Chocolaic 1 50 bote Soap ; It 0 ? Candles 4. 5s, and 6s ; 23 ' Pearl Starch; 3U0 bng pairy Sal! , ' 30 Imxea Tobacco j 3000 papers fine Smoking Tobacco ; S00 do. JarsTieklee, Catsups, Sauce, &c.j 20 baketssporWrChamp,igne Wine; ' 1C0 reams Wrapping Paper ; ,S0dox. Brooms t ' 6 " Mats, ooried sixes and kinds ; . You will tind oar stuck full and complete in every resyx.ct which we otter very low HOWARD fc PEDFN. May 20. ,1 29. JcaiMiAii Ha.xp Gcaso. ) Ex I'asts. - t IN pursuance uf the decree made in this cease at spring term, 1851, 1 shall ofli r-fur sale at the Court tloimxin Wilmjngton, on Monday of Court ly four;, a tr..ct of land containing about eight hundred acres, beloniflntf tu. Martha Ann Sjiillh, and atljoining the lands of John Moore, Lewis Satunlur arid Jeremiah Hand. Tho above tract will be sold upon a credit of one, two, and three, years (exapi cash l pay costs of iliis petition,) with interest from day of tale. Bondsnd approved seurlety will be required. T. D. MEARES, C. & 51. E. May Mill. . 4. ,- ' 23. , . , , i CSDAil Q'lOVZ MASON BORO' SOUND. jMtTllli pleasant summer retreat is. open for the recaption of Visiters, vfhare the usual civ ilitin will be extended lo all who may favor the Proprietor wiih their Company., K P M'GARY. I 'jff The above pl4ce is for solo. Possession givuu the liisi of January next. For t. ruts apply to , , E. P. M'O. May 20. 23-3m. EMORY & Co. Ha:ik Note, Pxcliauge and Kpecte nrofcers, And General l.otte.'y Venders. For the Maryland SMc Lotteries, No. 154 Pratt Sired. Hultimore. Md. This Office has been eHubli.hed fur mori thnn C5 years, and ia dectJediy the oldest and most success- 20, Prize of 7,5W), sent to RalefghlS.C. " -ful office in America. i 'ikkcx 17 60 74, Carroll CourttyXottsryCkss rJX NO HUK, XO taiX. ! Prixe of 13,000, sent to Indiana, , --i-X , t VVc can say wiih UuU that we have had a most ; Ticket 44 57 72, Ptapso0 lottery; daw ), PriAJ ij,uiiuu uuu suuvt-uiui iuck in uiBiriouiintr i nzea io many oi our customer, as llio lullowing result will show : 2d, 27.. 65, Prixn of tiO.OOO (halftickct sent to N. Y. 17,21, 53, 15,000, whole 10,000, half 8, C. 41,53, GO, , 33, 46, 12, 65, 7X. II. 39. 6'. Penn. 6,000, whole " " Mans, 6,000. half s,ld in Frsd'lt. 4.000, wlide " sent to Carlisle. 2,500. whole " "Michi'n. 31,36,70, Besides many prixes of 500 end 300 dollars sent to various parts ot iljo country, and. now too tedious io mentiop in detail. Tho prlzo R:giter will how lllM l iMa Prinn in liuvn k.,.,,. ......XiA nA the abOVe Pflxes to havp boer) sot,aa marked, and for L'ood Prixes address your Orders to the far-iamf ed House of EMORY & CO., Ho. 151 Pratt street, lialtimore, Maryland. Rich and magnificent! Lotteries for Jane, IHftl. Our numerous correspondents and friends through- ! out the L rilled Stales apu ills Cunadus are presented below with a galaxy of remarkably Splendid Lotte lles for June, (851, Please order e few darys before the Lottery draws, as it enables Tickets to reach their destination before the drawing: lakes place. Orders are Invariably answered and deposited io the Post Office the same day thuy reneli us. The Drawings .forwarded tho day alter the Lottery is drawn. Please direct your orders Cor promp .atten tion and a good - Priao always to the welt known, truly lucky and fuirf.imud nousu of KMOR V i Co., 15 4Prau street Baltimore, Md. Slonfhly Sehsmebr the June LoUcrie for 1551 ' 8IO.OOO. , PATAPSCO INS I'lTU IT. LOl'TERV. - CLASS W2, Tu be drawn in Baltimore, Md , on Monday, June 9, 1851. EMOlt i St CO., Vanders. ' ; SOU K.J1K. 1 prixe of 110,000 tlO.OOO 19 prixe ef 10 d'i 10 do 10 do 10 do 4 'JO do 300 m 100 75 50 3,000 do. . 6,000 2,6.8 6,000 2.000 do do 4o 2,653 2,jO 50 2,2? 0 750 25 Tickets 12,50, shares in proportion. .' . 7 Numbers and 15 drawn Ballots. Certificate of Packages, 26 tv holus, -. -Do d,r 26 Halves, Do do 20 Unurters, 12 00 lli 00 8 So lo' ,000 Delia's. MARVLAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY. CLASS 67. . To bo drawn in Baltimore, Md. EMORY Sl CO. Venders, on Friday, June 13, 151. , 1 prixe of $13,000 Iu.GuO 20 prize of 10) 2 000 16,250 1,625 1,220 1,13d 8 6 10 do "5,00015,000 33 do ,60 til dJ 25 61 do 20 122 00 15 do do 600 2 500 231 2,314 1 1. Shares in proportion. 75 Numbers and 14 Drawn Ballots. Certificates of Paokages 15 Whol; do , di) 2b Haieee, do 40 U'Ktrisrs, f 30 CO 12 5 c- CLVnS I CLUD4 1 CIXBS ( Persons forming theiiisclvee into clubs for the purchase of Tickets can rely wpo having as good n It lection of numbers sent them as if thev ware per sonally present. When Orders are sent without namtnsr any particular Lottery, we always send llmsa-which we connidsr bet frr our customer. "A chib remitting na tiOOwt will sand ccritfl caies of packages for 1.00C '. . t3TA els rcmliiln u $250 W send cerufi Cales of packogejfor fcaOO. " - "A club remitting us 1125 we Will sen 1 etitifi Caltf" nf packagk to Ihe ammmt of Ii50 tJTA elubremitllng u $10 we wM send certifl eaiet of packages to the amount of $200 12TA club remitting as $5u we will send certifi cate of packages to the amount of $ 100 in any lot tery which they may eho.e out of tho many sphin did schemes to be drawn ihls month. F.MURV & CO., 151 Fiatl Strrel, Baltimore Md. mt - : . . . n RFXT1FILD irniSUsT. 1,5 BBLS. Rectified Whukeei S OldRtedoi . N. E, Rum, Rose Gin, and foil essofsmenf of Wines, : PERU1N St IlARTt FIELD. Msy 24. 30. LOOK AT Tills. IsHO E(1XF.S Sweet Orargc. 1 JJ 25 do Freneh kemron : ' 71 it SnpTlr F.leme Fffi 6t) Dmmv Extra fcmyrna Co; 10 Bsgsdo Naples Wslnoiet - i '- F.sskets Sapeiior Olive OilT fmror'ttt end Demestia Sfgsr , Vm sale lw ty ' . niLElNSONeVtLEa. . May27. . , t mt f . T fis0, fisit; OK BIH,S. of No. iM.rterel : 23 do tf N. 3 io, 19 nie pci,$ihr, E. L. B. Wales, from New i oik Apply io 1 " ., t O0.'KARRfSJ. ' JIaeJI. . . ; ' --30. cotton Yarn G BAI.E3. ef Blunt Creek rattor, 1iJ$t thininirr 1 " mum fcheeilna-i ef , GF.O. If. KELLEY'S. Msy 27. J J. I, A.Tf. C. Tcsegrsph eep y. ,27. JUST IN TIJIE! ; rPHE followlnjf srticIfS we have jm't received: X j 3 dot. Milk under shins t r 4 dox. Gause merino " , . ' ' 5 p'nt Drawers c 20 dox. Linen Coets. aeeorieil) r t00 da. Gents, half Hoeet f A -, 60 d'. fine assorted. Shirts, wiih a grrat many other articles, all of which wijl he oUL very, thdup,. Vail soou and get bargains at i - S. dt D. TELLER''' May 15. - 27. O CZ BOXES 6' superior Tohaece. for sale by ZD .4 . , HOWARD PEDEN. April 1 . . 1 1 YI1ISREY, 200 ? BBLS. Rwafird, forests lose by ii vine a ire in ft ,ii ay zy. . i- i. ,.. ; , . I , - 'ftpDIsES..:1,-;'' rjf BOXES. Adamantine for sale low by IVv . - AVAGK fcilKARFS. May 20 ' s ' V. ... - " 3. ' CUE. - f)C BBL. Superior qualUy, jnst lumled from mO Jas., G. King, for sule ty t ADAMS, BROTHER St CO. ' Msy 20. ..-' V" LEWiSSON f .CO. ' - -DAMCERS ANDSI ATRXOTTERT AGENTS, v ' 40 1'i att-Ht. HalUmore Md. .V. W Crncr of FraU n4JWrkk Stmt. ' mttm miniwmwiiM prizes I Will take place in Jon ISSL ' i , Head tusrters for Dlstritnitlou, t at Tnr. old cut ABM'aata ACtact or LEh ISSON CO. V" 't't. AVholmvr sold retemly 'some of the largest Prize ii ever sold, all of which we can show by the fn 4 , cist Drawings as authenticated iact. Ticket 25 63 74, VV'asliirgton Lottery, Clare 17, Capital of 125,000, sent lo Alabama. a4-Ws u T. ; ot i.bW, Sent IO Unto. ; v -fh Ticket 19 42 52. Consolidated Lolterr..1 Class 31. Prixe of $6,000, sent tMw Vorl..' 4 Ticket 8 37 60 Patapseo Lottery. Class 131, Capi tal ft'.tu?3 unf in WilmiiinK.n TM 11 . j Ticket 2d 3249 Grand Consolidated Lottery, Clam 11, capital mu.uw and Tieief shn ttrand t-on; sulidated Lottery, Class 12, Prixe of t3Q0 both or one Package sent lo Jiashvilje. , , The most advantageous oflar ever nrcseutod its ' S'lnha f t ' . V;T In order to rive parties forming1 themMUee ; Intu Qubii a Btlr aad and liberal chance of adventu- ' t ..... .L. ..j c, ' m .. ' ling in our popular anil Celebrated Stmte LoUtrui. wo hate resolved to give them the followlB; great chance, far exceeding any thing ever befoie ollered. For W, sotatto oar address, we will send Certifi cate of puckasesihai lost 1123. 1 ' . t or I2., sent to- our address, w will tend Certifi- -cate of Package thai eost 2C0. . -, , , - r vi w wui auuic, wut vcuti V CI it U OS'S of PiCg9gS that pOS $320. : r -;----;- For 500 sent to our address, we wilt send CertiS c cate of Pailcages that eost $1 tOO. ' lST This Is decidedly the most advantageon of fer yni presented to thn public, and we pope wilt b duly n profit .ted by thsmi VV bea compared .wilts the 1'cnnsof any r.vai Rstabllsnmeni, the advaq,. iaie of sendini your Orders, to ihit Old lUtuKUiud ' fW-eLEvvTSSO. & CO. wilt tetnti'.f si-en -vm at aware we run a Kyrisk ourselves in inaklv thi "ir. r, but from. our niiai good Luck in sJhar " Prixes we are touicnMo run the risk. , , ro.vcText.iTf, i.Trtonrrv axd tkb sraioTcr cov rtoxifce, nro the prinulples on which we foaduci I our business. Address ,'-' v ''" -'H; - ' , L.YLSS0,N & C04 40 Pratt sO' , .; Baltimore, MX ,' PACKAGES! .PACKAGES! I K ,. Thi sdvsniigevf fcurchasinrrTlcket Mr the Z.7 i Package must be obvious io ail 1 he least acquiinin ' ' with the Principles of Lotteries, as they aro com , LOijOipofcd of evtiy; number fkcei lathe wbHf, and .f 7aii j must consequently eontairvr3r' Number drawn- . 600 ' a Package must have the numbers in that draw the ' lO.eoo ; Capital or highest Prize, be tiiey what they rosy,'; 1 he only cirance against yon is :a catch them on one - Ticket, and evfxr iff on mirt that roar chance t still good for one of the lesser Capitals, f aryina a froin W.uf0u!(!iI.i fvVfW??' ' Oo T.acday. Jane 10, 1 '51, - v . : TOWN OF KL AIR LOi ERV, , v ;. ' i.v- - i:iae ra.'-.-."" "i-''i-f.',iv;-.-- a ntV i . cn.i .uui I t.: mn tat ftjvi . 1 ri.'e itci uvv i-. mawv 1, s i.vw 9 . . 1 u mm 1. o ftrvi I in w . 7-.n..i,n! 4 " 200 l - 6.W0 4 Vi : aW sre 6.00J : i; "SOW It l.OOOj 20 ,"?,-f 300 ere VOU 1 8,000 is 1,000 1 39 ''' 'vSpDnjnt 4, ZV PrtSttS IUU SreZ,WV , Tickets. I5.C0. Halvs. ' 250. Qwrfcws, ' Cuiilfieste of Package oi vtnoie i ickeis,; . eo3 ...i-i Do. Do. qo. nan mt: d'. Uuarter d ;v: It $80,785! 4of SOOOOI' SSof 810,00at v,ft Saturday. Juno23, liil: - crliD cbasduwudimteu.''; .. "" CliiM O. ; - . ... - " " a " :. ' ' SCHEME-' , V I Prixe 60,7?$ is 90,16.. 3 Pi! W.0W are M.OJV? : 4 M 20.0JO are 90.000 1 lt ;'. 5.000 are 5000 '"" 200 Prixe I uOOar IM.Vty Tickets, 2Q-I!:ve. $iOUaarter,f J Eighthe. 2. , Certificate of Pkcknge fWhoUfc. x . " $3,20 i Do. do. Halves, 'l ' 63v pf,ti,"Af-ij..''A tlnman..'-:,, ?7 9 $ - Lt. :.:'. dv.4;;,Eih;.";t;r-.a . fJH te'.:';rs. comtitn'.ag H'lmt livsU fri i5j.t -..:' ;t, t; thirty envcl j.pe4 44 to ic' ?U m W stre'tay w Qivtw iheir eunttni ,.Vy f V' ' -VST Infe"1 Drafts sent to eastoraers drawing ,; Ptlses. - " " ' .'". "" ' w '" ' " ' Correspoa4entt who Itse sevtr tried fecir tuck t'. before ated Jfily eoelcrie the mouBt jhey tu Invest In a fetter, and address to ' -f ? ' r i LEtMSSO&Ca,40Praiii : : ' Buhlii.ore, MJ,

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